Return of the Dragon Knights Part 5

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Made a cameo for the hell of it at the end.

Guest stars in the Cameo: Other Author Gods

I don't own the art or video. They belong to their respective creators.


"Well, now."

Zero blinked as he stared at the sight before him.

Union Issei and the dunderheads were all beaten so horribly that words couldn't describe them.

'Must have said something stupid...AGAIN.'

Zero sighed.

He had decided to actually not start the next viewing and instead let them take a short break and mingle about and eat, while he went out to get food for himself.

His wives and the others having done the same thing and getting food from their favorite places.

"I'm not going to ask."

No doubt they deserved it.

"Where have you been?"

Silence calmly asked the host.

"We've been waiting here for several hours already." She continued. "And we've also been having to deal with these dimwits and their stupid boasting."

"Not fun."

"Eh." The god shrugged. "Went out to Space In-N-Out."


"Sorry." Nightwing just looked at him. "But did you just say, 'SPACE In-N-Out?"


Zero popped out as he finished the rest of his Pink Lemonade.


"Don't ask." Zero just said. "Even to us Gods, it doesn't make sense how the hell they expended from earth and into the Multiverse."


"...Are there any other restaurants in space?"

Kadoc asked.

"But of course!" Ei smugly replied. "We got Space Taco Bell, Space Denny, Space Chuckie Cheeses, Space Fazbear."

Space what now?"

"Space McDonalds." She continued. "Where it is infinitely better than earth Mcdonald. With better quality and actual working ice cream machines."


"There's even Space Bars that other Gods have set up in the Multiverse."

Zero took over.

"One of our favorites is Tempest Milkshake Shack and Bar. Man makes killer milkshakes."

'Both figuratively and literally.'

Zero and the others thought to themselves.

Tempest gets a little too passionate about his milkshakes.

...Too the point that he somehow created a living milkshake monster that killed.

"...Anything else, you want to throw at us?"

Raynare deadpan.

"Ever been to Space Mexico?" Frieza asked.

"...Forget I asked."


"And you, (M/N) (L/N), have proven yourself worthy to be our master and our potential mate."

"May he rest in pieces."

(M/N) prayed for his counterpart.

"For he definitely ain't going to be in one piece."

Several people nodded at that.

"...Does that mean we're going to have monster size grandkids then?"

Ava blinked.

Cain shrugged.

Those words kept repeating inside everyone's heads as they slowly sunk in.

The result: Total chaos

"Here we go again."

"What!?" "The hell?" "Of all the" "Why does the loser get the hot chicks?" "Not possible!"

"Is that the only thing they can say?"

Kiana sighed.

"What do you think?"

Momo shook her head.

"Considering how THEY."

Vaggie pointed to Union.

"Have been acting ever since we were brought here. Yeah, that is probably the only thing they can say."

Union bastards were insulted.

"Oi, you bastard!"

Bakugou shouted, her eyes bulging with anger looking like they were going to pop out as she and Yang angrily walked up to him.

"How the hell have you not died from high blood pressure?"

Nova asked Katsumi.

"I ask myself that every day."

Bombergirl honestly said.


"Not only do you steal my glory, but you steal my spoils of war!?"


Union Bakugou shouted.

"How dare-!?"



"Shut up!"

She shouted, pointing to the two Beasts as she did so.

"Oh please" (M/N) calmly responded as the shock wore off. "They chose to pledge their loyalty to me. I never stole or force them to do anything."

"If it's their kink, that's a different story."

Hawkeye said.

"Then it should be-"


"No comment from the peanut gallery!"

RODK Koneko slammed her elbow into Issei cranium.

Cracking it badly.

'Not like I could' He thought to himself. Even if the situation was and he was an asshole like most of Union was, he doubted that they would have still done the same thing. He attracted them for reasons he didn't know.

"Yep!" Gudako clapped her hands together. "Do you honestly think that a normal human could so easily force them to obey him?"


"Gudao, Ritsuka, the Cypters, and I don't count, moron."

Gudako shut down a bully attempt at making a point.

"They can leave if they choose to."



The response only seems to piss them off even more.

"Why can't you just do everyone a favor and just stay in the background like you belong!?" Yang shouted.

"Because he's the main character!"

RODK Eri shouted.


"Eri, we've talked about this." Overhaul sighed. "We are not in a fanfic being written by a bored dude. We are living beings."

"Are you sure?"

Eri prodded.


Zero sweatdropped.


Anguirus looked at them confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Yeah!" "That's right!" "Give us those hot babes!"

"Give them to me!!"

Union Issei cried as he was now even more pathetic with how ugly jealousy was making look like.

"I need them for my harem!"




"...You have a harem?"

Rodan blinked as she stared at the so-called harem.

"I thought they were just your hypemen."

"I am the hype!"

He screamed.


"Don't steal my line!"

Vegeta blasted him with a ki blast.

"Why don't you just die already!?"

The bullies shouted in agreement. Pissing off the good side of Union Academy.


Percy shook his head.

"You would think they would be at least somewhat grateful that he stopped two world ending threats from killing them all!"

"Such jerks!"

"Fucking assholes!"

"So uncivilized."

Obi-Wan shook his head.

'Argh! I've had it with them!" Ozpin thought to himself.

People jumped as they read Ozpin thoughts.

And were startled at how different he was when no one was around.

'Perhaps I should take drastic measures in dealing with them.'

"I did."

Ozpin answered the unspoken question.

He was too old for this shit, and he'll be damned if he let some upstart punks ruin whatever sanity he has left!

He honestly could not understand how they could be so cruel, so callous with people – especially powerless people.

"Why, why?" Ozpin shook his head. "Where did I go wrong?"

"I ask myself that so many times, Headmaster Ozpin."

Master Splinter shook his head in more fondness than despair.

Ignoring Raphael chasing Michelangelo in the background because of Mikey stealing the last slice of pizza from Raph.

And honestly, they showed no signs of improving their attitudes in the time (M/N) left. If anything, it was even worse than before.

Here, RODK Union winced at that.

Knowing full well how true it was.

It was a miracle that they eventually managed to get their heads out of their asses and wake up to reality.

'I should have taken the option of dealing with stupid lawyers then letting (M/N) go. He was the only one who could keep them in line.'

"And isn't that sad."

Tony just shook his head.

"For it to go so bad that he would rather fight lawyers than deal with them."


'These brats' Hanzo, Asuka Grandfather shook his head disappointedly, 'They really got too big for their britches with all the praise they have gotten for their powers. Never actually making an effort to deserve that praise.'

'I'm just glad that Asuka and her friends did not fall into that kind of crowd.'

"Grandpa/sir/Hanzo sama."

The SK cast just looked at the retired Shinobi.

They never knew about his concerns.

Hell, not even his wife knew either!

He would never forgive himself if that had happened.

Ironwood and Winter Schnee stared sadly at the scene before them. They knew from Ozpin reports about what was really going on in Union and what Weiss omitted from her letters to her dear sister.

"It was very disappointing, that's for sure."

Winter shook her head.

Her Union counterpart was also disappointed.

How could her sister be that cruel?


Union Winter thought to herself.

How could her sister have been that cruel?

Union Weiss could feel the disappointment radiating off her sister and flinched.

Because now that she actually started thinking about it.

...Why did she bully him and others? Why did she started acting like her father and treating those beneath them like trash?

'To think that these are the future of heroes society.' Ironwood shook his head; he would admit to being arrogant and thinking that Atlas technology was one of the best in the world. But even he knew there was a fine line of being capable and being stupid.

"Indeed." RODK Ironwood shook his head. "I won't deny that one of Atlas main goals is to prove that our technology is one of the best. But even I know that there is always another country with better technology."

The Winglies were proof of that.

He privately thought.

Who knew such terrifying beings could still exist!

Winter sighed, staring sadly at her beloved sister. She couldn't believe how much she had changed since she went to Union. And not for the better it seems.

'She's become even worse than Father!'

Here, both versions of Weiss flinched at that comparison.

RODK Weiss knew that she had been turning into someone even worse than Jacques Schnee. Despite her attempts to never follow in his path.

For Union Weiss, it really did hit home.

She really was becoming just like her father.

"I must say." Union Winter frowned. "The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree here."

Union Weiss flinched at that.

Was the thought running through her mind. And the irony in that statement: Jacques Schnee was actually, for some reason, trying to change for the better. Sure, he still had the mindset of a businessman, not caring for anything but profit. But he was now trying to improve working conditions for his employees.

(There will be an explanation as to why Jacques is different in this story)

And something told Winter that this wasn't a publicity stunt to improve the Company image. He was genuinely trying to change.



Union Blake and Union Faunus all shouted out in disbelief.

Union Blake might now be trying to change but there were some things that she would still have trouble accepting.

This one being the top one on her list!

Jacques Schnee...being a better person?

What form of power is this!?

'Well, considering some of (M/N) patients.' Zero thought to himself. 'I'm not surprised.'

Why, she didn't know. But was she going to stop it?


The Avengers and the Justice League were disappointed at the reactions and words that were being thrown out to not just (M/N), but to his group – especially Adam.

'These are the Heroes expected to take our place in protecting the world once we're gone?'

Batman thought to himself, this was why he preferred to stay in Gotham. He might have to fight the local superpowered villains, but they at least respect him and take him on seriously.

"Don't see why." Union Issei grumbled. "He's just a guy in a suit. Nothing special."

Other Union bullies agreed with him on that.


And were all smacked for it.


Shredder yelled as he stomped on Union Issei nuts.

Completely surprised that he had any.


Union Issei let out a high pitched screech as his nuts were crushed.


His hanger ons screamed in horror as their 'beloved' was being 'unjustly' beaten up!

...Everyone else believed it to be justified.

Outside of Gotham and America, other heroes treated him and his fellow nonpowered heroes as a joke. Regardless of how many fights he's won, or how he had forced Darkseid to call off his invasion with just his brains. He was given a good work but leave it to the 'real heroes' next time gesture.

"Can't believe they still refused to accept that he is far more capable and terrifying then a superpowered hero."

Superman grumbled under his breath.

The Justice League and the Avengers in complete agreement with him.

The world put too much stock on heroes with powers.

Bunch of assholes.

Even with diplomatic talks they preferred to speak to Superman or Wonder Woman over him. Much to the League irritation at the very intentional snub.


Wonder Woman muttered under her breath.

"They are plain out lucky that the Justice League does not retaliate despite having every reason to."

Amanda Waller frowned.

After all, she knew quite well that if they had wanted to, the Justice League could have taken steps to bring down Project Cadmus for going out of bound.

And despite hers and others like her concerns, they knew that the Justice League, like the Avengers, are people you should never disrespect.

'Still though, to think that Nikos and Artemisia kid would be the one to save our asses.'


Some looked confused at that.

"You know his parents?"

Lorem blinked.

"But of course."

Batman smirked.

Batman thought impressed.

"Batman, impressed?"

Someone said.

"The world must be ending...again."

Batman twitched as his 'friends' agreed with that statement.

(His parents work for the Wayne Corp. office in Japan)

"Oh." Lorem said. "That explains it."


A blast of energy shook everyone into silence, as Iron Man hovered above them.

Face plate removed to reveal an annoyed, and unhappy Tony Stark.

"Alright you little wannabe heroes (angry bullies squawks) I think instead of screaming nonsense into his ears, you should be thanking him for saving your ungrateful asses."

Tony said, completely fed up with their attitudes. Sure, he had an ego, but he also can back it up.

"True." "For sure."

Tony friends nodded in agreement.

Unlike these nitwits.

"That's for sure."

Nick Fury nodded.

For all the headaches and drama that Stark liked to give. Nobody could deny that he helped lift people spirits up.

And he was a good example of someone cleaning up his act and working for the good of all.



Was the expected reaction from those that were not there.

Bakugou roared at him.

"Your just some loser in a fancy suit, take it off and you're as powerless as the next loser!"

"At least he has the brains!"

"Yeah, back off!"

Sun shouted,

"Why don't you go back to making terrorist weapons!"


People were in shock at what Sun had said.

"I can't believe he fucking went there!"

(M/N) shouted in shock.

THAT was a sore point for the billionaire. After all, it was his careless attitude over who bought his weapons that had taken the lives of countless individuals.

Including certain people in the room.


Wanda unintentionally blasted several glass items from her loss of control over her emotions.

Pietro putting a comforting hand on his sister.

Knowing that, THAT had brought back unpleasant memories of when they were younger and the death of their parents.

Another shouted (I need to find more bullies, since I more or less removed the usual ones)

More derogatory shouts were thrown at him. Said target stared unimpressed at the insults.

The Avengers on the other hand, well they looked ready to kill them (even Captain America) for their disrespect and egotism.

"You know it's bad when even Captain America is ready to kill."

Peter Parker said.

His friends nodding their heads in agreement.

Wanda and Pietro were ready to eviscerate the asshole who made the weapons comment, flashback to a Stark missile in their house hitting them with a vengeance.

"Wait, what?"

Enterprise blinked at that.

Turning their heads over to Zero.

Who sighed.

"Stark wasn't always Iron Man." He started. "Due to having a...hard upbringing shall we say? He was rather frivolous. He didn't really care where the weapons he developed went as they just made him money. And he didn't know about his once close friend underhanded dealings."

Tony flinched as he remembered Obadiah Stane and his blatant betrayal.

"One of those dealings involved sending a Stark missile to Sokovia. Where it hit Pietro and Wanda home. Their parents died, but they survived. And set off on a path of revenge against Tony, because they believed that he intentionally sent that missile himself. When it was from one of his buyers that sent that missile to Sokovia."


"Things happen, they made up, for the most part, and now they are helping Tony in his quest to fix the damage his negligence had cost."

"While also going to school."


Legendary Godzilla roar:


Many with sensitive hearing screamed in pain!


The Queen of the Monsters commanded.

"You have shown why Humanity can't be trusted to be left to their own devices. Had it not been for (M/N) convincing me that not all of Humanity was lost."

"Trust me." Zero spoke up. "When he told her how much the world had changed. She almost called up the Kaiju and nearly went on a rampage."

"...Thank you, (M/N)."

Mark simply said.

Angry Kaiju were not something anyone wanted to deal with.

"You better thank him. He's the sacrifice."

Vegeta deadpanned.


"Oh, for the love of!!"

Mothra yelled.

"Look on the bright side!"

Zero said.

"At least he's not a kid here!"

"...You got lucky this time, Goji."

Mothra growled.

Poor Gojira. Having to suffer the consequences of her alternate counterpart's actions.

"I would have destroyed you all for your horrendous crimes."

That shut them up good.

"They can't be that bad!"

Union Issei scoffed.

"I bet I can take them on with just a finger!"

"You're right, Issei!"

His dumber than rocks harem shouted in agreement.



"Shut up."

Zeus growled.

It was amazing that he was able to exercise this much patience. Normally, he would have killed whatever was annoying him without a second thought.

But they wouldn't die unless their host allowed it to. And Zeus didn't feel like dying just because he blasted them every time they opened their mouths.

...Which was a lot.


"Grrr, you bastard!" Yang shouted as she got into her combat stance, Bakugou doing the same.


Geiz deadpanned.

"He fought against two super powerful beings, and they think they can beat him?"

"Some people."

Admiral Hipper sighed.

"Why can't you just stop interfering!"

But before they could attack.

*Clang, Bang*

They were suddenly holding their heads in pain as Cardin had hit them over the head with a shovel.

"Was wondering where he went."

Someone commented.

"...The Bronya would like to know why he has a shovel."

Bronya said.

"To bury the bodies!"

Nifty cackled.

"Are you hoes done yet?" Cardin sarcastically asked, shovel resting against his shoulder.


"PFT! HOES?!" Lorem shouted. "That's a good one!"

People laughed at that jab.

"With their outfits, no wonder."

Artemis deadpanned.

Oof. They felt that.

"What the fuck!? Where did you get that shovel, you extra?!"


A random person said.

Bakugou shouted,

"My mace broke, so I needed a weapon to use. This was lying around so I thought I used it."

"Why a shovel though?"

"But why a shovel?" Yang angrily questioned.

"It was either that or a toilet plunger that was near it. Take your pick." He deadpanned, shutting the two up with that.

"...Yeah." Naofumi deadpanned. "That'll do it."

No one wanted to be hit with a toilet plunger.

You don't where that has been, or what germs it had that make you seriously sick if you wound up kissing it.

Just the thought of having contact with a plunger that's been who knows where was enough to make some people sick at the thought of it!

Turning around, he smiled "Long time no see, (M/N). Glad to see you're doing well."

Smiling, (M/N) simply crossed his arms. "Indeed, it has, Cardin."

"...Who knew that nice Cardin really did exist."

Union Velvet muttered under her breath.

"It's possible that he's hiding it."

RODK Coco said, confusing Union Velvet.

"What do you mean?"

She asked.

Coco chuckled as did Fox and Yatsu.

RODK Velvet muttered under her breath angrily at that.

"...You think this has something to do with your counterpart yelling that she's not a masochist?"

Union Coco asked her teammate.

"Why would I be considered a masochist, though?"

Union Velvet was confused.



Several people shouted in surprise at that.

"And so." Ozpin spoke up. "The final member has been found."

A bright, golden light suddenly emitted from (M/N) as a Golden Stone flew from him and into a startled Cardin hand.

"Wha-!?" He said, as the light got brighter.

"Well, looks like we found the final member." Adam said, crossing his arms at that.

"About time." Kagome said.

"(M/N), what's going on? Final member to what?"

Cardin questioned,

"A long, long time ago, before even semblances were a thing (hinting to Ozpin that this was before even his time) there were people who were chosen to wield the Power of the Dragons."

"These people were known as 'Dragoons/Dragon Knights'."

"The power to rule dragons?"

Some of the more power-hungry people looked interested at that.

Especially Union Issei who felt that he deserved that power after unjustly losing Ddraig.

'If I had that power, I'd be unstoppable!' The ignorant buffoon thought to himself. 'And when I become the strongest, all the world boobs will be mine!'

He made his creepy face again at the thought of gaining his future harem.

(M/N) explained, "Of course, to be one you have to be chosen by the Dragon Spirit residing in those stones."


Union Issei and the other bullies shouted in despair at the end of their dreams.

It just wasn't fair!

"Good, Evil doesn't matter so long as the ideals are the same."

"So, it's neutral in a sense."

Yen Sid hummed.

"Only those that are chosen can wield them to their true extent."

"This could work out better than I thought."

He added, confusing those outside his group.

"I'm still not planning on returning to Union Academy, and I don't think my friends are either. Since Cardin is now a part of my group due to being chosen to become a Dragoon, he can be the liaison for us."

"Even though he has a power, he still doesn't want to come back?"

Union Jaune blinked in confusion.


He asked.

"It's because nothing will change if he comes back." Bucky Barnes spoke up. "Or to be more exact. If he came back, people would start trying to be buddy-buddy with him. Especially those that had bullied him because they want to be on the winning side."

Ah, that makes sense.

(M/N) might not have any desire to seek revenge or to destroy Union Academy.

But that doesn't mean that he has forgotten how some of them had treated him in the past for not possessing a power.

"WHAT!?" Were the various responses from that statement.

He refuses to return? And the others don't want to either?

"Sorry" Lucy shrugged apologetically, "I feel that my training would be stifled if I went back. You can catch me at my apartment or at Fairy Tail though."

"She barely has time for us!"

Natsumi and Happy cried!

"Well if you would stop eating all her food then she would stop avoiding you, flame brain."

Gray deadpanned.

"You want to go ice stripper!?"

Natsumi yelled as she and Gray butted heads.






"Will you two idiots SHUT UP!!"

Erza yelled as she smashed their heads together.

Knocking them out for the count.

"Why would I want to return to a school that has a bunch of hypocrites in it?" Kagome acidly said, "Besides, I'm not stupid I know those stupid pervs will try to flirt with me or attempt sexual assault when I say no."

"I would rather not have to many murder charges on my record."

"That was a good thing."

"Our stay was meant to be temporary, and we weren't supposed to remain on this world for long." Kairi explained her reason, "Obviously, that has changed but unfortunately, thanks to certain people. Union Academy is not a place I want to be at for the moment."

"Not with how it was back then."

Riku shook his head.

"There's a reason that only Grandfather a select few know of me." Shinachiku coldly said, staring at his father. "Originally, it was because I didn't want to cause unnecessary tensions with the families you have built up. But when I learned just how you treated (M/N), I was disgusted to have your blood – the blood of a hypocrite- running through my veins."

"He was very unhappy with you."

Minato sighed.

Naruto flinched at that.

"And that's not getting into how you show your affections to my half-siblings."

Naruto looked like he was slapped at that statement.

Hinata, Sakura, and Sasuke said nothing. What could they say anyways? It was obvious that he wasn't happy with his father at the moment.

"I honestly thought any child of Naruto would be like him." Sasuke added. "Happy, annoying, and forgiving."

"Even with Boruto acting like he did, he was a lot like his father than he realized."

"I am?"

Boruto looked surprised.

"Your father was a pain in the ass."

Kakshi happily said.

"Like you were any better!?"

Naruto and Sakura shouted at him. With Sasuke giving him a look saying: 'Look who's talking. The king of pain in the asses'

"How can you treat him like that?" Shinachiku referred to (M/N), "You know what it's like to be ostracized for something out of your control. Yet, your only response is: "Hey, I know let's just apologize, it makes everything better," Are you an idiot?"


Tonks winced at that.

Even though he did deserve it, that still had to hurt. Being on the receiving end of a tongue lashing was never pleasant.

Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki and the rest of their generation stared in shock at how the venerated Seventh Hokage was being talked down by his secret son.

"It was scary."

Boruto admitted.

"He certainly had no fear."

Kawaki added.

"He spoke what was on his mind."

Sarada gulped.

'So cool!' Bolt thought to himself, completely shocked at how his older half-brother was laying the beatdown on their deadbeat dad.

"Which was surprising." Mitsuki said. "Would have thought he was going to feel threatened with Shinachiku presence."


Shiver, "Shinachiku is rather scary, isn't he?" Sarada said, impressed and a little scared at her half-brother courage.

"Did you see his eyes?"

Sarada defended herself as she got looks from her fellow classmates.

"Those were not the eyes of someone you wanted to mess around with."

...That was true.

Shinachiku eyes held a storm in them that threatened to destroy all that was in his path should it be unleashed.


"No answer? Guess even you don't know yourself."

Shinachiku sighed, "When you realize the errors of your way, that's when we can talk. I'll talk to my siblings and their friends, but I don't want to talk with you until you fix the mess you made."

"Honestly." Gaara sighed. "When I told him the truth, I never expected him to have such a negative reaction to his origins."

"Goes to show just how people can change over the years."

Naruto flinched at that.

"I may have gain control over my powers" This time Satoshi spoke, energy crackling as he made a fist. "But my own ideas of justice put me very much at odds with how society sees justice. I'm more of an anti-Hero than a hero or villain. I won't hesitate to get the job done, regardless of the dangers it possesses. Or what it takes."

"Yeah." Silver sweatdropped at his cousin words. "Definitely more on the grey end of the spectrum."

Remembering his handy work when dealing with criminal scum.

...Then, again. Those particular villains were involved in some of the worst kinds of trades that one could be in.

So...they deserved it.

"Plus, I'd rather not put those I care for in danger. But you'll see me around."

He smirked,

"I think my reasons are obvious." Adam deadpan, he was a former terrorist after all. "And due to certain misguided idiots, I think my time in Union will be pointless."

Union bullies/perverts/heroes: "MISGUIDED!?"

"Misguided!?" Blake, The Misguided Queen, shouted out, "It's because of you that the White Fang has taken such a horrible path!"

"Uh-oh..." Zero and the others suddenly remembered something that was going to be said next.

"What?" Chiharu asked. "What's wrong?"

"...Let's just say." Scaramouche nervously chuckled. "That you're about to find out some of the White Fang...unpleasant tastes."


"You misled them and now you refuse to accept that they are misguided because of you!"

"Oh, shut up you stupid cat!" Adam snarled, "I'll admit that I was a terrible person back then, but even then, I still had morals!"

"Adam? Morals!?"

Union Sun and the others scoffed.

While their RODK counterparts stayed quiet.

"You say they are misguided, but I never told or encourage them to rape people."



'3.' Zero thought to himself. '2, 1...'



"They did what!?"

Himeko and Theresa (HI3) jumped out of their seats.


Sirius and the others shouted.

"How deplorable!"

Raiden Mei and Snape angrily said.

"No!" Union Blake shouted, horror in her voice. "It-It can't be true! He's lying!"

Could her father former organization really have fallen that far after he was succeeded by Sienna Khan!?

"Wrong, Blake." Union Adam coldly spoke up. "My counterpart is telling the truth. How can I be sure of this? Well...take a guess."


"N-NO!" Union Blake shouted. "Your lying! Please you have to be! My father organization couldn't possibly!!"

"Search your feelings."

Darth Vader spoke up.

"You know it to be true!"


That statement alone had, not just her but everyone else, reeling back at that information.

"Surprise?" A malicious smile found its way on his face, "Rape is one of the things I do not tolerate nor allow in my division. Anyone caught committing the act usually faced death by my blade. We desire equality after all."

"Indeed." Adam nodded seriously. "That was NOT the way to equality."

"THAT is not equality, that is proving the humans are right about us being animals."

"You-You're Lying!" Blake vehemently denied, not wanting to believe her father former organization would sink that low, "You are just saying that to shake my faith in my father old organization!"

"Man!" Kiana shook her head. "That was you back then? You really underwent a 180° personality change!"

RODK Blake just sighed.

It still hurt to think about what the White Fang had done in their so-called pursuit of justice and equality.

"And I thought we were cruel."

Mephisto whispered to Faust who nodded his head.

(Sound familiar to anybody?)

"I have no reason to lie about that." Adam coolly said, "And you forget one important thing: Sienna Khan is the one running the show, not me. Knowing her though, she most likely doesn't know what they get up to. So long as they produce results, she probably unaware of what the lower rank White Fang members are doing."

Turning his back, he began to walk away.

"Oh, one more thing" He stopped, turning to face her. "I know to you it probably means nothing or just another lie to your delusional mind. But I am truly sorry for how I treated you back then."

"He meant it, just so you know."

Izumi spoke up before Union Blake could open her mouth to ask.

With that said, he continued walking. Leaving a destroyed Blake Belladonna behind to be comforted by her friends.

Union Blake world was shattered.

Which sadly was necessary to help her let go of her own hate, prejudice and distorted reality and face the real reality.

"There is no way to convince you is there?"

"If there was, we just don't know it."

Midnight shook her head.

"Seduce him with your boobs?"

Present Mic suggested.



"...*WHACK!* *WHAM!*"


Present Mic shouted as he experienced a violent pain on his head.


Midnight shouted.

"Just because the boy attracts females like bears to honey doesn't mean he's banging every hot female he sees!"

"He's NOT THAT horny!!"

Ozpin simply said.

Shaking his head, (M/N) spoke: "No, as much as I enjoyed my time there. Union Academy is no longer the place where I need to be. I must forge my own destiny, and I know at the moment Union is not a part of it."

"Well, there goes another bright star."

Alastor laughed.

"Shame" Issei said, "It's just not the same without you."

"Yep" "Uh-huh" "So sad"

Were his friends' agreements.

"Heh, sorry guys" (M/N) amended, "But with these new additions."

Pointing to Tiamat and Trihexa

"I don't think I would be able to stop them, along with Godzilla, from destroying Union because of the arrogant peacocks like those dimwits."

"Not even (M/N) can stop her when she's pissed."

Raynare explained.

"And due to her possessive nature with (M/N)...let's just say that Union is VERY lucky that (M/N) doesn't give a damn about them."

"Considering he doesn't even give them a second thought."

RODK Issei shrugged.

"I'm surprised he even remembers the Academy exists."

"Probably because we're there."

RODK Asia pointed out.

"True." "Yeah, no doubt about that." "Can't argue with that."

He ended pointing at the bullies who turned red at the insult.

"You damn nobody!"

Juane finally lost it.

"Why do you get to have all the hot chicks to yourself!?"


"What the hell, man!?" Union Jaune shouted at his counterpart. "What on earth is your damn problem!?"

Union Jaune just truly couldn't understand how a counterpart of him could be such a brat!

"Why are you so hostile with him? What did he do that was so bad that you're treating him like a pest?"

"..." Juane didn't want to say it, but he had grown enough from that time. "I was jealous."


Union Jaune looked at him as did several others.

RODK Jaune sighed.

"He and I, we were somewhat the same with our standings. Only, he never let it get to me and actually did something about his limits. While I just fell into the background not even bothering to train. Just letting fairy tales and thinking that I can be a white knight in shining armor without realizing what it took to get there."

"But I was so ignorant and envious of him that I didn't want to accept my own faults and lashed out on him. It didn't help how he managed to change so many people that were bullies."

"I can't believe I'm actually saying this." Union Jaune sighed. "But man, you're a bigger idiot than I am."

"And I'm glad that I got dragged into this. Now I know what NOT to do."

"Yeah!" "Share" "Ladies, ditch him for a real man."

"Hah!" Caenis laughed. "That's a good one!"

"They wouldn't know how to be a real man if it came up and bit them in the ass!"

Lute scoffed.

"Stupid kids." Carmilla shook her head. "Just like those idiots over there."

She pointed to Union bullies who were offended by that.

Snorting, Trihexa spoke: A weakling like you? A real man? HAH! That is such an absurd notion that I almost choked on my mirth."

"I almost choked on mine!"

"Your powers are so weak and pathetic that you couldn't even lay a scratch on Tiamat or myself. Only the real heroes and heroes in training were able to deal some damage to us."

"Even if that wasn't a lot."

"If it wasn't for Tiamat Lahmus, the Masters of Chaldea would have eventually defeated us. Of course, after much of the city was destroyed.

"(M/N) was able to amass a powerful force to deal with the Lahmus, while he and the Queen of the Monsters dealt with Tiamat and myself."

"He has proven, beyond a doubt, that he is worthy of our powers."

"He needed that stupid armor, and the Red Dragon Emperor Boosting abilities to win!" Juane countered, "He didn't win by himself!"

"For the record." RODK Issei spoke up, before his Union version and the other idiots could. "He didn't need my help."

"What are you talking about!?" Union Issei looked at him in disbelief. "Of course he needed your help! And look how he repaid you! By stealing your harem!"

"Oh, my Diavolo!" RODK Issei groaned. "It's not about the harem! It always been one of my goals to fight alongside him! It was just hard because he was powerless, and they didn't want to unintentionally send him off to his death!"

"Me giving him a boost was just my way of fighting together with him, regardless of how much I could actually do."

"Actually, he still could have won without the boosting enhancement."

Godzilla interrupted, "I've fought him when he accidentally woke me up. While he couldn't defeat me, his strength was not to be underestimated. Regardless of his human/Dragoon state."

"Which is why I have chosen him to be my mate."


"Stupid bitch!"

Union Bakugou shouted.

"How dare-!?"


Bakugou was turned into Icesugou!

"Thank you, Yumi!"

Gudako shouted in relief.

"He was getting on my last nerve."

The ice based shinobi sighed.

Came the shouts of shock and jealousy (Bullies side of course), of that revelation.

Groaning, (M/N) rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

'She just had to say that didn't she?'

"Will never stop being funny."

The RODK cast chuckled.

Chuckling, Ragnarök said: "Get use to it, you attracted her attention and deemed you worthy to be her mate. This is the life for dragons of great power, doomed to have many mates for the rest of their lives."

'...Shut up.'

He mentally deadpan, as the Divine Dragon laughed.

'I don't know whether to be jealous (M/N) getting a harem faster than I am.' Issei thought to himself. 'Or to laugh my ass off at his funny as hell dilemma."


Many people yelled that part out.

"That's the idea."

"I'd say both, but more on the laughing part."

Ddraig added his two cents in.

'Yeah, your right. This is way too good to be jealous about. My only regret is not having popcorn to eat while watching this trainwreck of a romantic comedy happening.'

"Be glad, (M/N) isn't here." Erza spoke up. "Otherwise, you would be already dead."

"Eh." RODK Issei shrugged. "I would have thrown my dumbass counterpart right at him."


The silenced version screamed in shock!

'...Why do I have the sudden desire to punch Issei right now?'

(M/N) thought to himself, before shaking his head.

"Best buds there."

RODK Kirishima chuckled.

"Always knowing that they need to beat up their bros."

"Satoshi" He spoke to the Ultimate Life Form, "We should get going."

Nodding his head, Satoshi pulled out from his pockets.

The Red and Purple Chaos Emeralds.

"What are those?"

Yuki asked, curious about them.

"Powerful jewels that could spell the end of the world if all seven are gathered together and are in the hands of evil."

Was all that was said.


They remembered when Black Doom tried to take over the world.

(Yeah. He's going to eventually make an appearance in my book...when I finally get a stupid idea for it)

And how they were almost doomed when he manipulated Satoshi to collect the Seven Chaos Emeralds for him.

To bad for Black Doom that he was so arrogant that he never thought that Gerald Robotnik would secretly install safeguards for when he returned.

"Catch you guys on the flipside."

(M/N) smirked, as Satoshi said.


A bright light envelope the surrounding area and when it cleared down.

(M/N) and his group was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did they go anyways?"

Pepe wondered.

-Location: (M/N) house-

"Oh. That makes sense."

"With (M/N)." Dom spoke up. "It always does."

After all, (M/N) was very close to his siblings.

"Are you sure this is the best place?"

Kagome asked her leader, who nodded his head.

"I've been away from my family for too long."

With that said, he knocked on the door.


"Don't even say it."

Stan Lee warned Angel Dust who was about to open his mouth.

AD closed it.

He didn't know why, but he felt it was disrespectful to disobey him.

Which was weird for the Italian mobster considering his childhood.

The voice of his sister Adele spoke out.

Opening the door, she stopped shocked at the unexpected visitor.

"Hey little sister, long time no see huh?"

"Really?" Poison Ivy chuckled. "That's all he's going to say?"

Was the teen response.

"Big brother!"

She shouted as she hugged him.

Of course, her shout attracted the rest of the family. Causing them to run to the front door.


Came the shout of Macarios and their parents as they dogpiled him in a hug.

"Ohh!" RODK Yang winced. "That's gotta hurt!"

"Gah! Nice to see you too, now get off me!"

(M/N) shouted, as he tried to get his family off of him.

His friends laughing in the background, not being of any help as they witnessed their fearless leader trapped in hugs.

"And we'll take a break there."

Zero smiled.

"We're going to do one more showing of this world, then we're going to a new Godzilla universe."


"It's going to be an interesting one, that's for sure."

Ivan Ooze chuckled.

"So!" Nahida smiled. "Later gator!"


Or how the two Ei(s) get their respective husbands' attention.

-Beach scene-

"For crying out loud!"

Zero grumbled as he healed Tempest.


"How the fuck did you get sunburnt this bad!?"

He growled as the camera pans to a badly sunburned Tempest.

"I don't know!" Tempest shouted. "Not my fault that your stupid sun has apparently different properties than other Suns!"

"How does that even work!?"

"Fuck you that's how!"

"I will not hesitate to turn you into a girl and take you up on that offer!"

Zero threatened.

"Okay! Okay!"

Tempest was not all that eager to know what it was like to have sex as a girl!

"How embarrassing." The God muttered under his breath. "I was once the Red Devil, one of the most terrifying beings in the megaverses and yet my junior can threaten me with no effort!"

"Then stop dying!" Zero growled. "I'm not a save point that you can just resurrect yourself at."

"Seriously, Ignika (M/N) about ready to charge for his 'bring the dead back to life' service because you guys keep dying from being so reckless!"

"Also. Don't forget that unlike most of the Bionicle race, I possess many powers like the Makuta do! So, yeah! I can threaten you without much fear!"

"Well, sorry!" Tempest grumbled. "You know how bad it is!"

"The Regime and other organizations are bent on controlling the multiverses!"

"Doesn't mean you should keep on dying." Zero retorted. "Stop giving your family grief! I understand from your therapy sessions with Aku, how fucked up your life was. But you shouldn't continue to recklessly throw it away now that you have loved ones and people who will miss you!"

"I KNOW!" Tempest shouted. "I know..."




"Look, Tempest." Zero shook his head. "I can't even begin to imagine what you had gone through, nor will I pretend to. What you went through, no one should have."

"Just...try not to be so reckless all the time."

"No promises."

The older god said.

"Fair enough."

Zero sighed as he finished healing him.

Sitting down on his own beach towel, Zero took a look at the beach scene in front of him.

They had brought several casts from their respective Multiverse to the Island of Mata Nui that Zero had personally created as a beach resort. A high tech beach resort that didn't really changed much beside advanced buildings, malls, and restaurants.

Several people they could see where Croc Hero: Luke just lying on the sand in a flat position.

His head looking upward as a (M/N) from one of Zero universes was just looking at him.

To be exact. Power Rangers (M/N) was looking at him with a bored expression, while his Kaiju son, Minilla. Was happily wigging in his father arms as he tried to touch Luke face.

Confusing the Crocodile Hero with how at ease they were with him.

(Hey, he deals with Kaiju/demons/alien overlords on a daily basis. Has a Kaiju for a son. A humanoid croc isn't really something that shakes him easily.)

Demo could be seen with his girlfriend happily chatting away. Happy for once to have a bit of a vacation.

...Even if Zero had to literally drag them away from their universe.

Will and Echo were building sandcastles with Wyatt. For once, not losing him again.

'Guess Ignika (M/N) was able to get them to have a way to track the kid.'

Zero thought to himself.

For some reason, Wyatt and the other baby gods had a strange fixation with Ignika (M/N) hair. Especially when he uses his powers to quickly grow it out.

But that didn't mean he enjoyed playing babysitter.

The other (M/N)s can have that job. He wasn't even from their Multiverse anyways!

Spyro (Y/N) from Demo Multiverse was busy running away from a horny Cynder.

'Of course.'

Zero sweatdropped.

Ignika (M/N) was standing near the water as his family played around.

Yet also instructing Finn (From Evertale. Need to get the motivation to write more chapters for that) on his swordsmanship.

Omni (Y/N) from Will Multiverse was busy being dogpiled by his girls. While his friends watched.

'They better not break his heart again.' Zero frowned, remembering that certain girls in Omni (Y/N) harem had hurt him badly in the past.

Comix and Artemis were happily relaxing under an umbrella.

Bino was throwing hands at Jair who thought it would be funny to launch a surprise attack.

Jose was mixing some spicy drinks for certain bullies to suffer from.

Other Author Gods were busy having the time of their lives.

No surprise.

Zero rarely let other interdimensional beings into his universe. Hell! Most of the time, they stumbled into his universe by accident!

And of course, news inevitably spread fast of his universe existence.

Thus, bringing him back to seeing some familiar faces...that didn't remember him.

'No surprise there.' Zero thought to himself. 'I erased those memories because of how embarrassing our first meeting went.'

It wasn't bad to be clear, but let's just say that it was extremely embarrassing for him in the end.



Tempest voice shook him out of his thoughts.

Causing the Bionicle Deity to turn his attention to the Red Devil.

"Have we...met before?"

Tempest frowned.

Why couldn't he shake the feeling they had already met?


Zero said.

"Really?" Tempest raised an eyebrow. "Because you hesitated."

"You don't want to know." Zero said. "All I'll say is wound up being super embarrassing."

'NOW I have to know!'

Tempest was curious as to why he was being evasive on the subject.

"Tell me."

Tempest tried to use his most authoritative tone he could muster.


Only for Zero to shoot him down.

"Does nothing scare you?"

Tempest just asked.

He barely flinched when he witnessed one of Tempest berserk states, not something most people could say.

"...Have you forgotten who my father is?"

Zero pointed out to

(Doom Slayer)

Who was busy flirting with his wife, AKA Zero mom.


Who was playfully flirting back.

"His ideas of father-son bonding is to throw me straight into Hell and fight off demons from the Multiverse realms and ripping and tearing them to pieces."

"And throwing me into other universes."

"But worse of all, is his ultimate power."

"Not Rip and Tear?"

Tempest asked in surprise.

What else could be his ultimate power?


Zero ominously answered.


That sent a chill down his spine.

The idea of THE DOOM SLAYER laying out dad jokes was a horror that scared him more than Vergil laying out the dad jokes with Nero.

Though Tempest could understand considering his own family.

"Let's just say the trauma is real."

Zero deadpanned.


Tempest shook his head.

"Hey." He suddenly realized. "Where the heck is our Ei(s)?"

THAT...was a good question.

"Ei said she wanted to do something with your Ei."

Zero hummed.

"Don't know what though."

That may or may not be good.

"What do you think they are pl-?"

Ei: "Zero"

Ei (68): "Tempest, dear!"

Speak of the devil and they shall appear!

"Oh, there you ARE?!"

Zero and Tempest shouted in shock as their respective wives showed them their outfits.




The two Electro Archons seductively purred.

"What do you think?"


The two Gods couldn't hold it in anymore and had massive nosebleeds.


Hitting the wall and knocking themselves out.

Ei (68) just giggled while Ei just smiled and shook her head.

"Think we went to far?" Ei asked her counterpart.


Ei (68) shook her head.

"We need to go even farther."

Laughing the two grab their respective husbands and just laid in the shade. Feeling the warm breeze as the two just talked and laughed about their husbands' silliest moments.


Not sure where I was going with that Omake, but I felt like making one.

So, we had guest cameos in the omake.

Have a good day/night!

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