Return of the Dragon Knights Part 6

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Art is not mine. They belong to their respective creators.



Zero clapped his hands.

"Let's take a peek at what chaos our dear friend left behind in his wake."

Here, the chaos loving guests smiled widely.


Went the screen.

It has been over a month since (M/N) had fought off Trihexa and Tiamat with Godzilla. Also, bringing back the missing Union students and a former White Fang terrorist.

The shockwave of the battle was still being felt even after a month has passed. The world seemed to be undergoing an unexpected change as part of the aftermath.

"That's for sure."

Sienna Khan sighed.

It was a slap to the face when she learned about what was really going on behind her back. She felt sick after hearing the confessions of her former subordinates.

'I can't believe I let that happened!' She thought to herself.

How could she have been so blind?

Kali and Ghira looked at their old friend with sympathy.

Even they couldn't believe how low the White Fang had gone in their absence.

And let's not get into Sienna 'cleaning methods.' They weren't going to forget the bloodstained headquarters of the White Fang any time soon.

Sienna might believe in 'Might makes Right' but that didn't that her subordinates can go out and commit such atrocities under that slogan!

She wanted equality damnit!

Not more hate and vitriol for the faunus!

(M/N) didn't realize it, but his actions seemed to have spark a fire. One that only grew more and more as he started taking a slightly more active approach to crime.

"It's funny." Frieza spoke up. "The boy doesn't actively go looking for criminals to beat down and yet! He has been more effective in lowering crime than even the heroes!"


Frieza laughed at the pure irony at that.

Someone who preferred to do his own thing and let the 'heroes' deal with the villains. Is actually more effective than the heroes themselves!


"...You're right."

A villain spoke up.

"Kid actually more competent than the actual heroes!"

"...Now that's just sad."


The heroes weren't going to recover from that burn. It burned deeper than Todoroki scar.

Union bullies were crying and screaming like a bunch of bitches.

While he wasn't going to be actively hunting down criminals, if they just so happened to be in his line of vision. They were going to get an ass-kicking like never before.

"Poor villains."

Black Widow shook her head.

She's seen the result of the Dragon Knights (As they were now called) and she was very impressed.

'Never seen a person be twisted into a pretzel without killing them or breaking their bones.'

Not even she could do that.

And she could do a lot of impressive torture techniques.

Of course, the 'heroes' and local law enforcement would try to either A) reprimand him, or B) try to arrest him (This is usually the heroes trying to do that option). Of course, there wasn't much they could do, since technically he is still classified as powerless since the source of his power comes from an animated orb (not counting the fact that he learned magic from Dr. Strange himself. But that's not important right now).

"Is it your job to teach every version of (M/N) magic?"

Stark rhetorically asked.

Remembering that Ignika (M/N) was also taught by the same Stephen Strange that was standing here.

"Why, Tony!" Strange had a look of mock hurt. "I'm hurt that you think I would carelessly throw out magic lessons to every (M/N) I meet!"

"That's a yes."

Batman deadpanned.

As he gave both Dr. Strange AND Dr. Fate the stink eye as they had the nerve to smile cheekily.

Stupid surgeon and stupid mask that possess people.

(Why should we reveal all of our tricks? Besides, they actually can't arrest him with those laws since it only covers the major ones like Quirks, Semblance, Devil Magic, Sacred Gears, Scrolls, Chakra. His powers don't fall in any of those categories).


Prince of Wales spoke up.

"They can try to arrest him, but since he's technically not breaking any laws due to the uniqueness of his powers. They can't really do much."

"Besides, that." Cleveland spoke up. "Most of these 'heroes'."

She spat out.

"Don't seem to have the people best interest at heart."

Here, the heroes flinched.

Yeah, they can see why after watching so many universes why they would think like that.

Doesn't help, for the fame seekers that is, that he is increasing in popularity among the local, the world. And, most importantly, the powerless. To them, he was a symbol of potential. The fact that even though he has gained a new power, he does not rely on it.

"And that's how it should be."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Relying on just your power and being nothing but a one trick pony is a sure fire way to lose everything. Especially if your enemy can use it against you."

Unlike the other 'heroes' he makes sure that he isn't dependent on his powers. Rather, he and his team made sure that if their usual battle styles were rendered useless. They would have a backup combat form that doesn't rely on using their powers as a focal point.


Shirou was intrigued.

'He's got that look in his eyes again.'

Shinji and the others sweatdrop.

That was never a good sign.

The downside, though, is that they are gaining attention.

Both good and bad.

"Of course."

Archer shook his head.

The problem with being a the unwanted attention it brings!

And the fact that you are loved one minute and hated the next!

Something that Harry Potter understood so well at the moment.

Villains tried to entice them to join their side. Trying to use the injustice of the powered society as a method of persuading them.

"That's not gonna work."

Zeke shook his head tiredly.

Gospel laughing at his dad expression.

The villains just sighing at how true that is.

He was not your average anti-hero/vigilante.

You could not tempt him with the usual methods.

Heroes desiring that power and wanting to boost their reputations by gaining their allegiance.


The Shredder roared.

"Pure arrogance to think that they can control a force beyond their inferior capabilities!"

"They certainly are bold; I'll give them that."

Ohma Zi-O scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"Sometimes, I wonder if they are really worth protecting."

Loki coolly said.


It's saying something when Thor cannot defend them.

Unfortunately for them, they were not the type to be easily bought into that kind of thing. They refused to be used as some sort of endorsement for either side.


Wei Yenwu nodded.

"Of course, he's smart!" Lin Kojui aka The Rat King whacked his old friend with his cane. "He wouldn't have made it this far by power alone!"

"I get it!" Yenwu grumbled as he rubbed the sore spot that Lin cane had hit.

Fumizuki giggled as the two banters.

'Some things never change.'

She smiled to herself.

Of course, the power-hungry World Council

"Oh, great!"

Ozpin and several others growled.

"Them again!"

Startling everybody else at how angry they all sounded.

'My hands were tied.'

Ozpin words echoed inside Salem head as she wondered.

Was the World Council a bigger threat than the villains thought?

Tried to get their hands on the Dragoon Spirits for themselves. The thought of possessing power on an epic scale was too tempting for them. And in their eyes, those powers belonged to those that they deemed worthy.


Master Splinter scoffed.

"Those who receive such great power are those who do not seek it!"

(Fools, the Dragon Spirit of the Dragoon choses its master. Even if they did manage to steal them, all they would get is some lame imitation that lacks the power they desire)

However, when they tried to seize the Dragoon stones by force. Sending their agents and some of Union bullies to (M/N) house to intimidate/blackmail him by threatening his family safety.

"They did what?"

Mothra smiled menacingly.

Causing the people around her to move away.

They did not want to be on the receiving end of Buff!Mothra!

The result?


People jumped from that.


And then they jumped even higher from the voice of pure rage.

A woman voice roared out as she blasted the would-be assailants with and blast of energy. Another woman launched some crystals attached to her impaling them.

"Wait..." Ghidorah blinked. "Those blasts of energy look familiar."

"And those crystals!" Orga growled as she remembered them. "They look like the ones that crazy, psycho bitch had!"

"Ugh, impudent worms! Daring to attack our King family all because of their lust for power."


Orga blinked.

"Didn't think that psycho would bow to a human, king or not."

"Remember: alternate universe."

Megalon sighed.

"Things must have happened differently here."

"Oh, right."

Orga sheepishly said.

She forgot about the whole Multiverse thing.

The second woman coldly said, (M/N) knew that certain officials would not take his role in saving the world from the two beasts gratefully. In fact, it would not surprise them if they pulled this stunt.

"Which they did."

RODK Denki and Izumi deadpanned at.

To no one surprise, that's exactly what they did.

"Of course."

Gojo Satoru shook his head.

Apparently, no matter the universe. Things will always be difficult for (M/N).

"Such rude manners!"

Ava growled.

"Some people really don't learn."

Cain sighed.

However, what they underestimated was the connections (M/N) had after his path crossed with Godzilla. Knowing that they would pull this, (M/N) had some of the Kaiju stay at his family home to protect them.

"Know one Kaiju, you know them all."

Madison simply said.

And wasn't that the truth?

And to protect his friends' families as well. Because there was no doubt, they would try to blackmail his friends.

"...Is that why there's been massive Kaiju related incidents nowadays?"

Homura (SK) blinked at that.

"...They take the safety of their families and friends, very seriously."

Serizawa sweatdropped.

Well, excluding Shinachiku and Adam. Because well, Shinachiku relatives are not someone you want to make an enemy of. And Adam has no family left...besides his friends and new girlfriend. But they can protect themselves well enough.


...Well. Unless they wished to face the wrath of some very unhappy other worldly friends/rulers and risk souring ties with them. They didn't try to...or at least not be obvious about it.

Still failed though.

The ones who were chosen to protect his family were perhaps the most unexpected Kaiju that anyone would have expected.

(Queen Ghidorah, Alien/Space Dragon Kaiju. Rival to Godzilla...and one of (M/N) mate, poor guy.)


Ghidorah shouted.


Godzilla also shouted.

How in the world did (M/N) managed to get their counterparts to play nice!?

(Sex, lots and lots of sex.)

"Wait..." Ghidorah eyes observed her counterpart closely. "I...have two more heads?"

It was true.

The Ghidorah shown on the screen had two extra dragon heads attached to her back. Giving the elegant looking woman on screen a more ferocious, powerful being to be feared.

"Yeah." Zero scratched his cheeks. "That's actually a norm for almost all of the Kaiju verses. You guys would be considered more of the anomaly than them."


The Kaiju Girls shouted in pain.

"Hell!" He continued. "In the other universes we're going to see, you have them as well!"


Ghidorah shouted.

'Not fair!' Ghidorah cried tears of despair. 'Why do our counterparts get the cool stuff!?'

"What do they do?" Megalon curiously asked. "I doubt it's just for intimidation."

"Spot on." Mikey said. "They actually have minds of their own and can think together. Giving them an added boost of intelligence!"

!! SAY WHAT!!?

"To bad we can't do the same to you, Mikey." Raph said. "You could use the extra boost!"


"Bronya thinks Idiotka would benefit from this too."

"Shut it, Bratnya!"

(SpaceGodzilla, Godzilla clone/sister. Tends to be the ara ara sort when it comes to (M/N))

"Tch!" Orga scoffed. "Different from the bitch that wreaked havoc on the ship."


Gudao spoke up.

"SpaceGodzilla is not one you want to mess with lightly. She's quite powerful and has been known to give Godzilla a run for her money."

"...No wonder we had trouble trying to keep her contained."

Gigan grumbled.

Remembering how she and Megalon got trapped in crystals when she broke free.

Of course, this revelation had the world turned on its head. It was obvious that he had some form of connection with Godzilla since she had aided him in the fight against the two beasts. But that he also had a bond with her enemies? That was an unexpected turn of events.


Union Issei and the other Union perverts cried tears of blood.

Unable to do anything as they were restrained and had their mouths sealed shut.

Much to everyone relief.

When this made news around the world, it caught the attention of Monarch. The Cryptozoological organization dedicated to understanding the Kaiju and establishing evacuation procedures when the Titans fought, quickly headed to Japan and met with (M/N) and his friends.

"Certainly, didn't waste time." Flash shook his head in amusement. "They moved so fast; you would think they had superspeed as well."

Here, Serizawa and the other members of Monarch actually blushed.

"You must understand." Serizawa spoke up. "For years, we have been advocating to the world that the Kaiju had every right to be here. That to accept that there is another predator higher up on the food chain than us. And that we must learn to co-exist with them unless we invite doom and destruction to our world."

"Trust me when I say, he's right."

Zero crossed his arms.

"There have been worlds where Godzilla has all but annihilated the human race. Simply for the reason of just because."

"Kaiju don't need a reason to justify their actions." Ei explained. "To them, it is simply in their nature."

"To invite danger without caution, is the gamble of fools."

Splinter harshly tapped his cane to the ground.


"We had already intended to meet (M/N) when we first heard about his bond with Godzilla."

Vivienne started speaking.

"When we heard that Godzilla enemies seemed to be in an alliance." Illene took over. "That's when urgency became paramount."

"Never in known history has there ever been a union between a Kaiju and a human."

Emma spoke up.

"It was an opportunity that we couldn't pass up."

"And boy, did we learn a lot!"

Rick Stanton spoke up.

"Whew! Talk about a rollercoaster!"

(M/N) sweatdropped.

He now considered himself lucky that his girls were somewhat normal despite being angels/demons.

He did not think he would survive having an army of Kaiju lovers!

He still is amazed at the fact that his counterparts pelvises were still intact!

Due to the relationship between (M/N) and the Kaiju, Monarch had virtually made (M/N) family and his friends family untouchable. In the sense, that they were protected by Monarch authority concerning the Kaiju and that the Kaiju are willing to communicate with the organization.

And other organizations that were allied to Monarch, or shared similar goals also made it their job to ensure that they were unharmed.

"Made it really difficult for the World Council to try to sink their claws in."

Mark Russell spoke up.

He might not ever forgive Godzilla for his son death. But...he hated the World Council even more than he ever could with Godzilla.

Which would surprise anyone that knew him. But they would also understand as well.



The World Council reaction?


People jumped at that.

"This is unacceptable! How dare they try to take the law into their own hands!"

"Taking the law into their own hands?" Merii raised an eyebrow. "Funny, from my perspective, they are following the law."

"Don't bother." Kaga (AZ) shook her head. "Fools like those, drunk on their own power, will never learn."

Wasn't that the truth?

...Basically that, egotism at its finest.

"...No thoughts." Skadi (Arknights) deadpanned. "Head empty."

...They wish they could have that kind of ability.

Some had the sensation that they were more arrogant than even their most arrogant ones were.

"They refused to return to Union and become 'real' heroes like the rest of their fellow students!"

"After seeing them?" Amiya looked in disgust. "No thanks! I take my chances with the Ursus government."

"Same." "True." "Can't believe I'm actually agreeing to that." "Bruh."

"There's a higher chances of the heaven calling off the exterminations than that happening!"

Husk scoffed.

Another speaks up.

"And the fact that they are flaunting their weapons with no care in the world!"

"Woah! Woah! What!?"

Blaze looked in disbelief.

"Did they seriously just say that?"

"They did."

Thalia shook her head in disbelief.

As did her fellow demigods.

What a bunch of bs!

Yet, another member said.

As the majority of the World Council started losing their heads and raving about the insolence of the new heroes taking the world by storm. The more mature, and less greedy members of the Council shook their heads at their fellow members lack of tact or consideration.

"Well!" QE spoke up. "I'm glad to see that there are some people on the council with a sane mind!"

"Not that it seems to make a difference."

Belfast sighed as she poured some tea into QE cup.

"Thank you, Belfast."

"Anytime, your Majesty."


"If we told you all our secrets." Alfred spoke up. "We'd be out of a job."

...Fine. Keep your secrets.

"Gojira and her fellow Kaiju are NOT weapons!"

Ishirō Serizawa, de facto head of Monarch, coldly spoke up, cutting through the ramblings of a madman.

"Don't know how many times we had to go through with that spiel of the Kaiju being weapons."

Sam Coleman shook his head.

His fellow Monarch coworkers doing the same.

"To bad we can't shoot them without being labeled as terrorists."

Colonel Diane Foster grumbled.

Eyes were seen staring at them.

Just how bad was the World Council!?

'...Let's just say that Qrow would happily be one of Ironwood soldiers...'

Zero sweatdropped.

Was this a meeting, or a bunch of spoiled children throwing a tantrum when things don't go their way?

Ozpin/Serizawa/Ironwood/Tony Stark/Batman: "YES!"

The empathizes on the word was concerning. Especially when it had the same level of impact as Genie 'YES!' in the movie.

"Gojira is a guardian of balance. She, like her fellow Titans, helps keep the world safe by ensuring the balance is always stable."

"One day, they're going to do something so stupid that heads will roll."

Hornet (AZ) muttered to herself.

Sweatdrops could be seen forming on the RODK cast.

That sounded an awful like foreshadowing.

"But of course, like with young (M/N) and his friends, you show no gratitude towards her or anyone who operates by themselves."

"That's for sure."

Harry Potter muttered to himself.

Though their situations were different. He empathizes with the older male. Loved one minute, scorned the next.

He finished, it's barely been five minutes and he was already tired of their bs.

"...As the youth apparently say these days: Bruh."

Snape spoke in his usual, monotone voice.


How did Ozpin survived dealing with them?

"By mixing and drinking an unholy amount of hot chocolate and coffee."

Ozpin deadpanned.


Ginny couldn't help but say.

"Total Bruh."

Lancer sweatdrop.

Speaking of which...

"Are we finally ready to talk about this like adults?" Said man coolly asked.

"What do you think?"

Itachi Uchiha calmly asked.

Obviously, NO.

"You need to control your students Ozpin!"

"And there it is!"

Woz said.

All the while, thinking.

'Man! I'm so glad they don't exist in our world!'

The Resistance might have decided to join forces with Ohma Zi-O just to kill them if they did exist!

"Nope, still in whiny mode." General Ironwood deadpanned.


Winter (Along with several others) spit out what they were drinking because of Ironwood words.


Winter coughed as she tried to get herself under control.

"What?" Ironwood raised an eyebrow. "It's true!"

He didn't get why they were looking at him with such shocked expressions.

"Well, technically they are no longer my students." Ozpin calmly explained. "After all, they all chose to leave of their own free will to pursue their own callings. And sadly, it was to be away from Union Academy for the time being."

"Honestly." Ozpin drink his hot chocolate. "I can't, quite frankly, give a flying fuck about their drama."



Were the shouts of shock at Ozpin profanity.

Since when did Ozpin cursed!?

"This is unacceptable!"

Another council member shouted, slamming his fist onto the desk.

"They should be grateful to have the support of an esteemed and prestigious school like Union Academy is offering them!"

"...Wow." Union Ozpin just stared. "Now that my eyes have finally been opened. I can't believe how much of an idiot I was back then."

"Such disregard to such a glorious offer show that they believe themselves to be better and allowed to do whatever it is they please!"

"From whose perspective does one believe them to better?"

Alastor malicious smile seemed to be begging them to answer him even though it had already happened.

'Technically they are better than most of Union is' Ozpin, Ironwood, Serizawa, and the sane council members thought to themselves.

Sweatdropping at that thought.

The same could be said in the theater.


Except for Bombbitch and Whinersei...and loser mineta. Most of the other perverts/bullies seem to be getting the memo.

...For once.

"Listen" Ironwood spoke up, gaining their attention. "While I have my own doubts and feelings about this situation, they are not running wild nor are they showing themselves to be above the rules. If anything, they are playing by the rules and doing what a hero should be doing."

"And that is?"

A council member questioned with curiosity in her voice.


Vaggie shouted in triumph.

"A sane person is taking the lead!"

"For how long though?"

Rosie frowned.

A shame that Zero won't let her darling town of cannibals be unleashed upon those fools.

"Making sure the civilian population is safe, luring the villains and criminals away from them so they can't use them as hostages or escape into the crowd, being NICE to them, something that a good number of heroes don't do."


Vox just stared.

As did Valentino and Velvette.

"Okay...that's just sad."

Blitzo just stared.

His crew in agreement.

"...Heroes suck."

Frostnova deadpanned.

"The list just keeps going, we could be here all day if I tried to explain."

"You should have."

Loona grumbled.

"Maybe that would have knocked some sense into them."

"Sadly, not likely."

"Still, we should force them to return to Union! That way we can monitor their actions and ensure that they are not a threat!"

Someone else spoke up.

"They're only a threat if you make them."

A Heroic Spirit muttered out loud.

Though, random it was a valid point though.

"They are much like the Kaiju." Serizawa calmly spoke. "They will only be a threat if you make them a threat."

"Leave them alone, and you gain a valuable ally. Continually harass them, and you get an enemy like no other."

"And a good thing they have people like you on their side."

Himeko nodded.

"I don't want to think of the consequences if they had pushed them over the edge."

"Nothing good." Kal'tsit crossed her arms. "That's for sure."

His words caused the room to fall silent. As much as they hated it, they had no choice but to bite their lips and grit their teeth at the situation they were in at the moment.

"...Fine." One of them spit out. "We'll play it your way for now but mark my words they will be rejoining Union one way or another."

"Just like that?"

Shigaraki frowned.

He might hate heroes, but he felt that even they didn't deserve to have to deal with the World Council.

They were more insufferable than even the heroes!

'Hm...maybe we need to change objectives.'

He was pretty sure the world wasn't going to collapse if a majority of the World Council were to suddenly die overnight.

And quite frankly they would probably doing community service for them.

"And to ensure this agreement is fair, they are to hand over the criminal known as Adam Taurus to the council for judgement."

"Saw that coming."

Dabi rolled his eyes.

"They are such idiots."

Piper facepalmed.

"Empasis on the idiots."

Octavia groaned.

"That won't happened." Ozpin coldly stated, he was not going to allow them to ruin anymore innocent lives just to stroke their egos.

"You don't have a choice Headmaster Ozpin." Another council member said, "He has committed countless acts of violence and terrorism throughout the world. All in the name of Equality."

The man spat out, with hate in his voice.

"What an ass!"

Chiave spoke out.

"Truly lacking in proper manners!"

An Emperor Penguin known as Boss shouted out.

"Agreed." "Oh, yeah!" "No doubt about that!"

His posse shouted out in agreement.


"Is that a talking penguin?"

Yo Shindo asked.

"He has changed and is truly remorseful of his actions." Ozpin argued. "Not to mention, he has turned against the White Fang and even helped supply information against his fellow faunus. Those are not the actions of a man that is still bent on hurting others."

"Are you defying us Ozpin?" Was the question being asked. "Unless you have forgotten, Union Academy is supported by the government. We can easily pull our support out and leave your precious academy to rot."


"That-!" RODK Yang leapt up in shock. "That-That-!!"

"That fucking bastard!"

RODK Weiss shouted in anger.

Surprising everyone with her vulgar words.

Before a terrifying realization hit them.

"Is that why there was never any discipline in Union!?"

Yagyu (SK) frowned at that revelation.

"Because the Headmasters weren't allowed to!?"

Here, heads turned towards Ozpin and the others.

"...Now you know."

Was all Ozpin said as he drank from his mug.

Eruptions exploded at that.

"Unbelievable!" "I can't believe it!" "To think that things could have been avoided if they weren't in a chokehold!"

Their sentiments were shared with others.

The World Council could have very well have gotten them all killed if (M/N) had chosen revenge!

The headmasters couldn't take a more forward approach in punishment because they were trapped in a political struggle!

"And no one will help you as Union Academy will be blacklisted."

"They can do that!?"

Many shouted in shock!

"Unfortunately, due to certain requirements when Union was but an idea, they can."

Ozpin and the others frowned.

The council member threatened, attempting to blackmail the head of the Union Headmasters once more with that dangerous truth.

"Fucking assholes."

RODK Gasper growled in anger as his eyes glowed.

"Yes, that is true." Ozpin conceded, causing the council members to smirk.

"But..." Now, some were confused. "Then how were-?"

"But" He continued, causing confusion at the confidence in his voice. "You are not the only sponsors in the world, and there are others who are not afraid of you who will gladly support Union and the changes that should have been implemented a long time ago."


Sukuna raised an eyebrow.

"Who would be able to help them?"

"Huh? And who would dare to help you against our wishes?"


A certain somebody chuckled.

The Council members glared at him.

"It's funny you should ask that."

A voice oozing with confidence and authority spoke up as a group of people entered the room. At the front was

(Tony Stark aka Iron Man)


(Bruce Wayne aka Batman)

"You two!?"

Was the shout of one of the council members at the revelation to two of the most famous people in the world being in the same room as them.

"Oh, yeah!" Tony Stark cheered. "Time to put some idiots with delusions of grandeur in their place! Right, Bruce?"


Batman scoffed.

While inwardly smirking. Oh! He quite enjoyed putting them in their place.

"Yes, indeed. Greeting members of the World Council." Bruce Wayne cordially spoke in his businessman façade. "As you now know, we have taken an interest in Union and have decided to invest our resources into creating a better generation of heroes."

"We will enjoy working with you."

"I'm not going to lie, Bats." The Joker spoke up. "I'm amazed at how well you can put up with these...well can't call them clowns. They ranked more than that."

"The entire circus?"

Harley inputted.

"Eh, probably."

Joker shrugged.

"Yeah, he means go do something actually useful for once like dealing with politics and leave the schooling to its staff."

Tony 'translated' what his fellow Billionaire said.


An egg minion shouted.

"This is ridiculous!" One shouted. "Why don't you playboys go flirt with a stop sign!"

"That was seriously the best they got?"

Lucifer deadpanned.

He could come up with better insults in his sleep!

"At least the stop sign gets more action than you will ever get."


"Oh no, he didn't!"

Cherri Bomb shouted out loud.

"Damn!" Angel Dust whistled. "Burn!"

"Don't think the coldest area in the Underworld could heal that burn."

Hades (PJO)/Hades (KH) both said out loud.

"That's a good one!"

...Train whistle

Steam could be seen blowing from the guys' ears.


Ginny and Luna said.

"What a loser!"

Vox laughed his ass off!

"Besides, this playboy has done more than you ever will. After all, who was it that stop T'Challa from waging war against us because one of you idiots just had to make that kind of comment and arrogance? Insulting his and his fellow Wakandans history?"


"Oh, yeah." RODK Sirzechs winced. "That wasn't a pleasant few months."


"Long story short." Shuri answered. "Assholes being assholes. Prejudiced, arrogant, bringing up CERTAIN SORE subjects that shouldn't have been brought back up."

...They were better off not knowing.

"Certainly, wasn't me, that's for sure."

Silence was all that could be heard. For he spoke the truth.

"And thinking about that particular almost international incident." Bruce cut in, remembering all too well just how close to war they had gotten. The Justice League and the Avengers could not quell the fury that the King of Wakanda felt at the insult, it almost seemed that all was lost until Tony dealt with it by himself.

"What did happen that day, Stark?"

Batman asked, with everyone else leaning in.

"Sorry." Tony shook his head. "But that's between me and T'Challa."

"It's true." Shuri nodded. "Not even Mother and I were privy to their conversation."

The Avengers turned to Pepper who shook her head.

"Sorry." She said. "But not even Rhodey, Happy, and I know."

...Guess that's one mystery that will be kept hidden.

Not as Iron Man, but as Tony Stark.

"Amazing how it takes a powerless." He put emphasis on the word powerless. "Man to do what not even the world of superpowered heroes could do."

That shut them up real good.


T'Challa scoffed.

While war was averted, it still didn't change what was said.

Something Okoye knew quite well as she observed her king.

Whatever happened that day, war was averted, and the King anger cooled.

"You and the rest of the world owe Stark a debt for being the one to stop T'Challa from going on a warpath."

"So, you can either accept this as repaying that debt. Or back down and lose any influence you'll have on the future heroes."

"Obviously." Bruce Banner spoke up. "Keeping some kind of an influence on the future heroes was more important than trying to fight the power."

Bruce Wayne finished, letting out a little bit of the Batman to increase the intimidation factor. He wasn't amused that they had threatened, tried to blackmail, and harassed his employees because (M/N) was their son at their work.

"Really, made me want to commit murder."

Batman admitted.


He's quite the protective one, no?

Well, he did like (M/N) family and got along well with them.

Luckily, Wayne Corp security took care of the agents that the World Council sent to his to his branch in Japan.

...And he might have shown up as Batman and mmaayyybeee threatened them a little for harassing his employees.

"...Is that why the hospitals were filled with beaten government agents?"

RODK All Might sweatdropped.


The silence says it all.

And furthering increasing the size of the sweatdrop.

Now it was the World Council turn to be backed into a corner. If there was anyone that could stand in their way, it would definitely be these two.

After all, the heads of Stark Industries and Wayne Corp. were not to be trifled with. And they were some of the few that would not hesitate to call them out on their hypocorism. It has happened before.

"Trying to fight one is bad enough." Clint shook his head. "Trying to fight two of the world most powerful corporations? You're just asking for trouble."

"Not even Shield is that reckless when dealing with them. And Shield can be quite bold."

"Grr, fine!" It was decided. "We will not pursue this matter anymore for the time being.!"

Was the angered response as the World Council was defeated in this battle of political debate (though the sane and smart ones were just happy that the more greedy members did not get their way for once.)

"That's a relief."

Sparx sighed.

"Wait for it."

Gibson said.

"But mark my words we will be discussing this again in the future."

"There it is."

"Damn it!"

"That's fine by me."

Ozpin ended, the entire chamber standing up and preparing to leave.

"Man, talk about a rollercoaster. Am I right?"

Stark spoke up.

"Isn't that the truth."

Sougo shook his head.

His friends agreeing with him.

"*Chuckle* Your attempts at lighting up the mood never fails Mr. Stark."

"Well, as bad as it is. It does help." Captain Steve Rogers added his two cents.

"AW! You wound me, Cap!" Tony shouted in mock hurt. "I thought you like my jokes!"

"They'll be funny when we get the flying car, your father promised us."

Bucky interjected.

"Look at you Cap." Tony mock taunt "You're finally able to strike a verbal blow."

"Had to learn it sometime."


Artemis (PJO) rolled her eyes in actual amusement.

What? After everything she has seen so far, she's come to accept that decent males were actually more in stock than originally thought.

...And again, contrary to popular belief, she did not hate all males just because she and her hunters were hurt in the past by males. And not everyone that joined her Hunters did so because of a male, some wanted a life more fulfilling than just being an ordinary mortal.

"Alright boys." Natasha Romanov butted in. "We have a lot of work to do, and so little time."

"Agreed" "Yep" "No doubt there."

"Well then" Bruce decided. "Who's up for some lunch?"


"Okay." Prinz Eugen laughed. "That last part was really unexpected."

Several people chuckled at that.

"Well!" Zero smiled. "We'll leave that world for a while and go to a new one!"

But then, his smile turned into a frown.

"But before we do."

Zero waved his hands.


And portals appeared under Union Issei, Union Bakugou, and Union Mineta. As well as some other unrepentant scumbags of Union.



They and the others shouted in shock as the portal opened.

"You fools have tested the limits of my patience for the last time!"

The God yelled as fear filled the Union bullies/perverts eyes.

"But don't worry." He smiled. "I'm sure Tempest, Hatred, Evo, and the others will give you a warm welcome. And don't worry, you'll (Union Bakugou/Issei/Mineta to be specific) still be able to see what is happening. After all, I can't let you be free of the mental anguish of how (M/N) is your better in every sense of the word."



Their screams faded as they fell through the portal.


The portals closed.


His sad harem screamed at his disappearance.


Union Xenovia screamed.



They screamed as they were blasted back.

*Tap! Tap!*

Zero tapped his arm.

"What to do. What to do?"

He said out loud.

Before he finally settled on doing that.

While he abhor those kinds of things...maybe he should allow it just this once so that they can learn the consequences of blind loyalty?

'If there's anything left of their minds to learn once they land there.'

Zero chuckled darkly.

"I have a more fitting punishment for you guys."


Portals opened all over them.

"While I abhor using this kind of punishment, only for the worst (and even then I'm hesitant to do so), perhaps you will find true love with your captors."


They screamed as they realized they were about to be thrown into hentai situations.


Their screams fell on deaf ears as they were consumed by the portal and taken to their new homes for all eternity.

A small tiny smidge of regret on Zero face for having to subject them to that fate.


The portals closed and disappeared.


Zero growled.

"I despise using that kind of punishment because of the implications of where I sent them." He snarled. "But I can't ignore their blind foolishness anymore!"

"Let that fool suffer in agony and despair as he watches his 'beloved harem' be taken by real monstrous brutes."

Excluding his family and friends, everyone in the audience shivered at his cold aura.

Even psychopathic villains like the Joker were terrified and afraid.

It didn't take a genius to know where he had sent them to.

...And the possible fates of the rest of Union bullies/perverts/egotistic fools.

Even the residents of heaven and hell quivered in fear.


His cold aura faded as his expression changed.

As though he hadn't just sent them to their dooms.

"On with the show!"


Have a good day/night!

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