Small Interlude

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Next chapter.

Don't own the art/gif/video. They belong to their respective creators.

Also, lore for the Hazbin Hotel (M/N).

And if I ever get around to making that Hazbin Hotel fic I've been wanting to make but kept holding it off.

I'm so glad I did, now that season 1 had finally come out after waiting for quite a while for it to.



Zero shouted out as everyone got seated having come back from their break.

"This next world is going to be familiar to a certain group."


Many were wondering what he was talking about.

"...But." Here he had a pained expression. "Before we got started..."




The Bullies/perverts of Unionverse fell to the ground.

"...We have to bring them back."



"Greeeeaaat!" "Do we have to?" "Ugh! I was just enjoying the peace and quiet!" "Lovely."


Bakushit, Losersei, Yang, and the rest of the dumbasses shouted in anger.


"SHUT UP!!!!"

Zero voice shook the theater from the force of his shout.

"Be lucky I brought you guys back at all!"

He snarled.

"Actually, I was going to keep you dead..."

"But death is too good for the likes of you! Your suffering should be permanent!"

"Fuck you asshole!"

Bakucunt screamed, eyes popping as usual.

"Give back Ddraig!" Shitsei shouted. "He belongs to me!"


His 'harem,' and I use that word loosely, shouted in agreement.


Union Rias, Kiba, Gasper, and Rossweisse facepalmed at their 'friends' stupidity.


Zero deadpanned.

"Why should I?"


The idiots roared as they tried to attack the God.

Keyword: Try


They were blasted by a barrage of curse energy, magic, ki blasts, gunfire, Kaiju attacks, and so much more.

Once the assault halted and the dust cleared. The bullies had more holes in their bodies than a certain imp.

"Fools." Albel sighed. "You can't even classify as food for the maggots."

"If there is a word to describe you lot, I don't know what."


Sophia simply said.

"Good one." "Agreed." "Sounds right to me." "Uh-huh."


Zero voice took on a dark, ominous tone that sent shivers even to the hardened and most psychotic of people.

As Zero towered over them, menacingly.

"You think you have the authority to tell a God what to do?"

"Of course, we do!" They shouted. "Gods are nothing more than steppingstones for our greatness!"

"Especially the smoking, hot goddesses!" Shitsei shouted. "They are nothing than my personal cumdumps!"


Hum! Crackle! Fwish! Whir! Roar! Crash!

The Gods in the room...were very, very, VERY angry.


Zeus roared with fury!

"I thought I was bad!" He continued, glowering at the arrogant pest that dared to make such disgusting comments towards both his wife and fellow Gods. "But you, your actions are an abomination of the highest order!"

"I agree, brother."

Hades calm yet deadly voice spoke up.

"People like to think of me as the Devil of Greek Mythology. But not even I would dare to commit such an act.

"Hmph!" Poseidon scoffed. "Makes father very pleasant."

Various shouts of agreement could be heard as the bullies were sweating. Realizing that they had finally taken things too far.


An enormous explosion took place as they blasted down to not even atoms as they were shredded and annihilated out of existence.

"Who the everloving fuck are these guys?"

Adam just stared, very disturbed. Which disturbed him that he was disturbed.

Not even a minute and he already hated them far more than he could ever hate the demons of hell.

"I think they are the counterparts of those bastards of Union back home and the fake hell and heaven."

Lute growled.

"Such disgusting and uncivilized behavior."

Zestial held a deep frown.

"No class."

Vox scoffed.


Came the sound of Zero unleashing a storm of death upon them once they recovered and regenerated.

Killing them all over again.

"Insolent fools!" Zero snarled. "It's becoming clear to me that you assholes are beyond redemption!"

"Keep this up and I'll show you a hell that you've never thought possible!"

"Fuck you asshole!"

Union Ashido shouted.


Union Mineta agreed.

"Just wait until we get back! Then we'll come back for the hot babes and make you feel our wrath!"


The Hazbin timeline just spit out whatever they were drinking.

Were these idiots serious!?

"...Maybe we should keep the fake heaven and hell."

Charlie suggested.


Emily agreed, trembling at certain individuals' disgusting auras.

"Let the fake versions have them while the worthy ones come to the real heaven and hell."

Lucifer just stared in disgust.

And they thought he was bad?

'How the hell did Father creations become so fucked up?!'

He thought to himself.

Blaming Adam was too easy and seriously a pathetic attempt to easily shift blame.

These guys were definitely not creations of God! They were something else.


A growl grabbed the Hazbin casts attention as they turned to see (M/N).

Who wore a look of pure hate and anger as he glared at the assholes that were the reason he was sent to hell.

Admittedly, he was too immersed in his counterpart insane adventure to fully process that some of his bullies were here in the theater, though different.

But now that he sees some of the more crueler counterparts his anger was rising.

It actually was kind of scary seeing the normally calm male ready to kill. His hands turning into demonic claws as his human form took a more demonic appearance.

But before he could strike.

"...Wrath, you say?"

Zero voice grabbed everyone attention as he looked at them.

Before laughing a psychotic laugh that sent chills to even the most hardened villains and Heroes.


Zero laughed like a maniac at that pathetic threat.

A terrifying seeping out of him as his emotions started going out of control.

The theater shaking from his intense aura.


Ares said.

Which basically summed up everyone thoughts.

"You think you know of Wrath? Of Anger? Of RAGE!?"

Zero 'asked' as he continued laughing.

Zero psychotic episode continued, scaring even those like Alastor, Tyrian, and the Joker from his outburst.


Not even the Vees or the angels dared to speak!

"FOOLS!" He finished laughing. "You know nothing. NOTHING of those emotions!"

"Not until you lose all that you hold dear! When the final link to your sanity has been severed and you have nothing left to lose!"

Zero laughed as he fell into his memories.

Memories of a man that he knew quite well that could be considered to an incarnation of anger, rage, wrath.

Not to him, but to his enemies!

A man that is his father!



We can see a young Zero running from one fugly as hell demon.

*Whir! BOOM!*

Only for the monster to be destroyed, as his father tore a new hole where the demon head was.

(Doom Slayer.)

(Why do you think Ares-the ARES: God of War- trembled at Zero Rage?)

"Come on BOY!"

Doom Slayer shouted.

"You can't win if you don't fight!"

"Fuck you DAD!"

Zero screamed as he grabbed a miniature version of the Crucible from his inventory space and sliced an imp in two.

"NO, NO!" Doom Slayer shouted. "Not like that."


Roaring, he grabbed an imp and ripped it into two!

"You must rip and tear them with your bare hands to become a man!"

Doom Slayer 'encouraged' his son.

Who flipped his middle finger at him.


"Good!" Doom Slayer smiled proudly. "You're beginning to embrace your inner 'Doom Slayer' my BOI!"

"You hang out with Uncle Kratos too much!"

Zero shouted.

'Now I know how Atreus feels!'

He thought to himself, remembering how Kratos always called his son 'Boi!'

Honestly, you'd think his first name is Boi!, while his last name is Atreus!

"Why mom thought it was a good idea for you to take me to Hell for father-son bonding is beyond me!"

Zero screamed as he blasted a demon with light.

The demon:


"You are the craziest son of a bitch to ever exist!"

"Hey!" Doom Slayer shouted. Placing a hand on his heart in mock hurt. "Your mother loves this crazy son of a bitch! You should hear her when I pound her into the bedsheets!"

"Oh, GODS NO!" Zero covered his ears. "I don't want to hear about that!"

No one wanted to hear about their parents sex lives!!

"OH, DOOM SLAYER!" His father continued. "POUND ME WITH YOUR BIG FR-!"


A female voice shouted from somewhere.


As Doom Slayer was blasted into oblivion!

When the dust cleared, Doom Slayer face could be seen as he let out a puff of smoke from his mouth.


"Ouch!" He said as a super massive rock slammed into him.

Breaking into pieces due to the Doom Slayer very thick skull.

Noticing a note on the rock, he read it:

Don't traumatize our son, Stupid sexy brute!


Doom Slayer said.

"Fine." Doom Slayer grumbled.

Grabbing Zero, he shouted.

"Now come my son! Let us bring fear into these demons!"


-Flashback Ends!-

"...You really don't know anything of true anger."

Zero shook his head.

Seemingly having calm down from his unexpected outburst.

(Zero: For a little bit of reference. Doom Slayer wound up in the Bionicle verse after Hayden stupidly banished him away. Met my mom, banged her, and had me. Oh, and Daisy soul was always with Doom Slayer and mom noticed that. So, she created a biomechanical body for Daisy and implanted her soul into the body. One of the reasons dad fell in love with mom. Now Daisy is a walking tank full of weapons that should not be humanly possible to put away in her body)

"Now then!" He spoke. "It's time."

"Time, I showed you what your original future would have been if I hadn't pulled into this world."

He coldly told Unionverse.


They did not know why, but they had a bad feeling about this.

"But first!" His smile brightened. "Let's bring in some more guests!"


The Kaiju Girls shouted in shock.

"Are you crazy!?"

Asuka shouted.



With a snap of his fingers, portals opened up.




(Helluva Boss)


(Jujutsu Kaisen)

(Yuki Itadori - genderbent Yuji Itadori-)

"Who the!?" "What the!?" "What gives!?"

"Blitzo dear!"

A certain owl crooned.

"How nice to see you again!"

"Oh great!" Blitzo grumbled. "Did you seriously had to bring Stolas here!?"

"And the 'O' is silent asshole!"

"Oh, come on Blitzy." The Goetia squawked! "I know you love me!"

"Fuck off!"

Blitzo shouted.

"After you!"

Stolas cooed.

"By the stars above!"

Zero groaned, getting their attention.

"Can you guys save it for when we're not around?!"


Blitzo said.

"...Um." Yuki Itadori interrupted. "May we ask what's going on?"

She was just getting ready for her date!

"Right!" Zero realized. "Where are my manners?"

"Out the door after our first meeting."

Ei whispered to herself.

"Very funny, Ei."

Zero growled.

"I am lightcero/Light Zero, Zero for short, and I am essentially a God of the Multiverse."



"I see."

Gojo Satoru blinked behind his blindfold.

"This is quite an interesting phenomenon."

He admitted.

"I'll say!" Nobara Kugisaki shouted. "I mean, it shouldn't be this unbelievable considering the world we live in. But man, this is crazy!"

"Indeed." Megumi Fushiguro nodded his head. "But why did you bring us here?"

"Look around." Zero simply said. "Don't some of these people look familiar?"

Blinking, the JJK cast looked around the theater.

Only for their eyes to narrow at Union.

"WHAT are THEY doing here!?"

Yuki snarled, glaring at them with hate.

"Wretched scumbags!" Megumi growled.

"Ugh!" Nobara complained. "I can feel the air contaminated by their disgusting stench!"

"Hey!" Shitsei shouted. "How dare you say that to your future harem king!?"

"You should be nice to me!"

"Why should we be nice to you?!" Yuki shouted, markings appearing on her face startling them. "After everything you and those shitheads did to (M/N)!?"



They screamed.

"You know him!?" "How does the loser know a hot chick like her!?" "How!?"

"How the fuck do you know about that loser!?"

Bakuhoe shouted.

"How do I know him!?" Yuki shouted back. "He's my boyfriend you dumbass cockfucker!"

(I was going to put motherfucker. But we all know Union Bakugou gets no bitches)

That silenced the bullies as their pea sized brains tried to process what she just said.




They screamed.

"NOOOO!!! That bastard stealing my harem!" "Unfair!" "Why does he get the chicks!?" "Why would you want a powerless loser like him as your boyfriend!?"

"Break up with him!"

Union Xenovia ordered.

"He's obviously not a decent partner to produce strong children!"

"...The fuck?"

Lilith and Lute said in complete bewilderment.

The hell was this bitch talking about?

"Yeah!" Union Yang shouted. "What could that loser possibly possess that makes him boyfriend material worthy!?"

"Besides being a real man in every department, especially down there?" Yuki sarcastically said, shutting them down with no effort.


"He's a caring guy. Aggressive at times but makes the sex (cue choking gasps and sobbing ugly idiots) so fucking good!"

"They fucked already?"

Cain whispered to his wife.

"Does that mean we'll get grandchildren soon?"

Ava pondered.

"Plus, he has muscles!" Yuki smirked. "Something that you guys don't have!"



One of Sir Pentious Egg Minions shouted.

Suddenly a sign that said 'LOSER' could be seen pointing at the Union bullies.

"Also, he doesn't seem to put off with me shamelessly staring at his body when he's exercising shirtless." Yuki purred. "Mama likes!"

"On that we agree idiot."

Sukuna begrudgingly agreed, startling a majority of the room.

"What was that!?"

Kiana Kaslana shouted, not having expected that.

"Oh, that's Sukuna" Gojo waved them off. "No need to worry about her."

'My other counterpart has JJK in it?'

(M/N) blinked.

Because that was a show back on his world!

"I swear!" Sukuna snarled. "If it wasn't for being stuck in this idiot body, I would have killed you all already!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

Maki Zenin deadpanned.

"Try again later."


Toge Inumaki agreed.


"His curse energy power is imbued in his speech."

Panda explained.

"You know the phrase 'Words have power?' that's him. His words can literally hurt you."

"Example: Punch yourself in the face. And you will do just that. Kill yourself. And you just will."


"...This is like when Zero explained about Yuko."

RODK Weiss hummed.

"To minimize unintentional accidents." Gojo took over. "He shortens his words to food and the like."


"What is Cursed Energy?"

Union Serafell timidly asked.

"We don't really have much information about it, no matter how hard we tried to get them to cooperate."

"No surprised there."

Gojo snorted.

"The higher ups are filled with a bunch of old hard headed fossils!"

"But in this case, they're right."

(M/N) deadpanned.


Getting their attention.


"Shut up!!"

(M/N) roared at Union.

"I am (M/N) BUT I am not the (M/N) you know!"

The teen snarled.

"But like my counterpart I do have a grudge against you fucking bastards for the hell I went through back when I was alive!"



JJK shouted in shock while Union was cheering.

"No thanks to those assholes!"

He snarled pointing at Union.


He said a little loudly getting the girl's attention.


The Hell Princess said a little too loudly.

"You once asked me how someone like me could be in hell."

He said.


"That's true." Charlie nodded. "You didn't carry the traits that would have deemed you a sinner and be sent to hell."

"Which is strange."

Vaggie admitted.

"Yeah, what's the story there handsome?"

Angel Dust asked.

"According to St. Peter. You should have been sent to Heaven if you had died at your current age."

Lute said.


(M/N) was quiet for a moment.


Before letting out a loud sigh.

"The idiots I know from back home were cocky, arrogant, full of themselves, suffered great delusions of grandeur and held themselves on a station that they weren't worthy of."


Union idiots shouted.




Only for Ivan Ooze to shut their mouths shut.

"They were power hungry and obsessed with stealing more power than they deserve." (M/N) continued as though he wasn't interrupted. "One day, they somehow found an ancient ritual that would grant them their greatest desires."

"And guess what the requirement was?"


"A sacrifice?!"

Charlie shouted in shock.

Hands to her mouth as she started getting a clear picture.

Lucifer frowns.

"Those still exist?" He wasn't amused. "I thought we got rid of them decades ago! They were too dangerous to be allowed to exist."

"I guess you missed a few."

(M/N) shrugged as he continued.

"Anyways, since they hated me, and Union staff were quite useless in doing anything right."


Union Glynda shouted.


"Shut your mouth, you fucking bitch!"

Ava violently smacked the teacher in the face. Causing her to fall to the ground in shock!

"You wouldn't be in this situation if you had actually done your job as a teacher!"




Cain voice, deep, commanding and aggressive ordered the arrogant woman.

Inflicting painful Curse energy upon her, startling the JJK group.

"I never knew Mr. (L/N) had Curse energy!"

Yuki said in shock!


The others said as Gojo blinked behind his blindfold.

Why hadn't (M/N) ever mention this?

"They decided to get rid of the 'stain' on Union honor." (M/N) continued. "They sacrificed me to go to hell just so they could get more power and fame."

"And I bet it worked!!"

Union Issei gloated.

"I must have gotten all the babes including your smoking hot mother!"

He cackled like a loser.


Zero laughed.




Union Issei and Bakugou screamed in anger!

"Our counterparts did what the ritual instructed!"

Bakugou screamed.

"How could it have failed if the loser was sacrificed!?"

"Because of one element you poor naïve fools never took into account."

Palpatine shook his head.

"And that was the fact that you had caught GOD's attention when you activated the ritual!!"



They screamed.

"God's alive!?" "How can that be!?" "You liar!!" "WAAH!!"

They were in complete denial.

"Yes." Ei said. "He died in a way you did not expect but that was a mere ruse. He still lives in that universe, and he is less than pleased with your counterparts' actions."

"When your counterparts activated that ritual, he certainly took noticed since demons had newer ways to create contracts and rituals were so last century."

"So true."

Lilith nodded.

"So, the fact that ritual was being used when they all thought they were destroyed, was more than enough to grab his attention."

"And what he saw...displeased him."

Ei coldly said.

Causing some to tremble while others like Union Asia/Xenovia/Irina were in complete denial that God didn't approve of their actions.

"He read their hearts and saw their desires and was utterly disgusted by what he saw. There was no way he was going to allow this to happen. Not on his watch."

"But since the ritual was already happening." Amagi took over. "He decided to grant them their wish..."

"...But not in the way they believed they deserved."



Bakugou screamed in anger!

While the others screamed in shock!

"You got your lovers."

Amagi smirked.

"But they were all sweaty men who made you their bitch and old women."

She tauntingly smiled at Union Issei direction.



Union Issei cried!!

His harem!! Not his harem!!

"And the others desires were not what they wanted."

Theresa smirked.

"Those fools should have listen to the saying: 'Be careful what you wish for.'"

"That's their problem!"

Grim shouted.

"Like I told those brats. Wishes have consequences and always backfires on them!"


"...Is that a talking skeleton with a Jamaican accent?"

Nobara blinked.

"That's an alternate version of the Grim Reaper."

Batgirl said.




"Basically, God gave what they truly wanted to (M/N) while all they got was bad luck and horrible love lives."

"Tch! They deserve it!"

Cherri Bomb scoffed.

"But why was (M/N) still sent to hell?"

Pentious asked.

If God had helped him then why was he still in Hell?

"Oh, that?"

Zero said.

"That's because God sent him to help Charlie with her plan to redeem sinners."


"He WHAT!?!?"

Heaven and Hell shouted in shock!

None more than (M/N), Charlie, Lucifer, Sera, Adam, and Lute.

"Why would he do that?!"

Vaggie asked.

"Because he believes in Charlie project."

Zero said.


"He...believes in my project...?"

That was shocking.

To everyone.

No one had any words to describe what they were feeling. The big man himself taking an invested interest in Charlie redemption plan?

Not even Alastor could say anything to that.

"He figured you could use some help moving things along."

Zero said.

"...By sending us an incubus?"

Charlie couldn't help but ask.

"Don't get me wrong, I find it a turn on whenever he makes me weak in the eyes with his intoxicating aura. But, why an incubus?"

"For the lolz."

Was the answer she got.

"...Of course."

Lucifer groaned.

Of course, dad would do that.

He had a mischievous side after all.

"What about me!?"

Sad little Issei cried.

"I'm a dragon! You should be attracted to me!!"

"Shut up!"

RODK Issei violently slapped his bitchass counterpart.


Union Issei cried at the disrespect.

"I said shut up!"


"You waste of space!"

Union Issei cried.

"But to answer your question." RODK Issei said. "Your aura is so weak and pathetic that a human has a stronger aura than you."

Cue more crying from Union Issei as his sad little harem comforted the baby.

"But that's not the only thing (M/N) came with."

Zero smirked.

Before snapping his fingers and releasing the seal God placed on (M/N). Revealing his true form.



"Such power!" "What is this!?" "This feels...HOLY!?"


(M/N) was cut off as a bright light engulfed him!


As angel wings were on his back in addition to his demonic wings.



People screamed in shock at the new appearance (M/N) had.

"(M/N) isn't just an Incubus."

Zero smirked.

"He's both an Incubus AND an Angel!"

"An angelic incubus so to speak."


Jaws dropped to the floor at what they were seeing.



Union Issei cried.

"My harem! My harem!!"

"Oh, shut the fuck up you limp noodle cuck!"

Adam shouted as he got all up in Union Issei face.

"For goodness sakes you are such an embarrassment!!"

He screamed.

"How could a fucktard like you ever came into being!?"

"They say God makes no mistakes."

Lute said.

"So, who the hell made you?"



Union Bakugou and several screamed.


They screamed as they lunged at her.

"...No YOU!!"

She held up a card.

"UNO, bitch!"


The Union fools were instantly defeated.


"Back to the point at hand."

Zero deadpanned.

"Yes. This version of (M/N) is both an angel and an incubus. Courtesy of God, Himself."

"Got a problem? Deal with it."


"But getting back to the original topic at hand."

Shirou spoke up.

"Oh! Right."

Zero and the others said.

"Cursed energy." Zero began. "Is a volatile form of power. It is born from negative emotions like grief and anger. Ironically, since these types of emotions are so prevalent in society. Almost everyone has cursed energy."


'Does that mean we can possibly use it to bolster our armies!?'

Union Ironwood thought to himself. Pondering the possibilities.

"However." Zero continued, ignoring his thoughts. "There is still a catch: For a person to be able to use Cursed Energy, their emotions have to be higher than the average person."

"Otherwise, you will just be a normal person as usual."

'...Of course.' Union Ironwood mentally deadpanned to himself.

Should have known it was too easy.

"It can come in many forms and possess many abilities unique to each person."

Nahida spoke up.

"There are some that are exceptional, beyond the norm. Gojo Satoru here."

She pointed at said man who just smiled and waved.

'Why does he remind me of Present Mic?'

Aizawa shivered.

'Why does he remind us of Kakashi san/Kakashi-sensei/Rokudaime sama?'

The Naruto cast thought to themselves.

"Is considered to be the strongest Jujutsu user of the modern world."

"That's right!"

Gojo smiled.

"...Well." Nahida sweatdrop. "Depending on what happens here. That may or may not be true later on in the future."


Here Gojo eyes widened a bit in curiosity.

"There's someone who could beat my Infinity?"

"That's what this next viewing is all about."

Scaramouche said.

"This is the original future that was going to happen if we didn't pull you guys into here."

"Dear?" Amagi smiled. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Huh, oh!" Zero realized. "I forgot!"

Waving his hand, Yuki began glowing.

"Wha/What the!?"

Both Yuki and Sukuna voices could be heard as they were split into two.

(Ryomen Sukuna. Middle one or the one on the right. Personally, I go for the middle one.)


The Queen of Curses shouted.

"Now that I'm free there is nothing to stand in my way!"

"Now die-ggh!!"

Sukuna choked as Darth Vader held her in a vice-like grip through the Force.

'How does he shift forms so quickly?'

The Jedi thought to themselves.

They didn't even see switched from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader.

"Do not mistaken your Cursed Energy as the ultimate power." He breathed. "For all is insignificant before the Force."

'The Force?'

The JJK group and the rest of Hell group thought to themselves.

That was new.

"D-Damn you!"

Sukuna growled as she was powerless before the Dark Lord of the Sith.

"...And that's why Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains of all time."

Hermione Granger simply said.

"Indeed." "Wise words." "Yep!"

"Come now, Lady Sukuna."

Theresa (Arknights) simply smiled at the dangerous being.

"Surely, you must be curious as to what will happen in your future."

"I assure you; it will be quite the mindblowing experience."

"Hmph!" Sukuna managed to get out. "Fine!"

"Okay, Lord Vader if you will?"

"As you wish, Lady Theresa."

Darth Vader simply said as he released the Queen of Curses from his hold.

"Sooooo" Yuki blinked. "What's going to happen in the future?"

"(M/N) being completely done with the world."

Palpatine answered.

"The world will soon realize that it was never the villains, evil shinobis, the Supernatural, Grimms, hell even most of the cursed spirits were never the true threat."

"No, the true threat was of one who decided to open the eyes of the blind to the truth that had pervaded their society ever since the rise of 'Heroes.'"

Here, Palpatine spat out the last word.

"Of course." Ivan Ooze smirked. "It wasn't just the heroes that suffered his wrath. Villains too, had the misfortune of facing his fury."

"And not many came back from that."

"If memory serves, you turkeys lost quite a lot of loved ones. Ironic since you guys don't seem to love anyone but yourselves."


The bullies shouted.

"I'm going to kill him!"

Union Yang roared, her eyes red.

"Way ahead of you sister!"

Union Ruby shouted in agreement.

"Time to make that loser pay!"

Union Kacchan and Shitsei shouted.

Growling at their stupidity.

Some moved to silence them.



Only for the bullies/idiots to choke on their own blood as their throats were slit open.

On the floor were scattered shurikens.


Union Blake rasped out.

"What fools are these?"

A cold, chilling voice spoke out of nowhere.

(Almost forgot to put these guys in)

"So weak and barely clinging to life?"


The owner of the voice disappeared so fast that not even the ninjas could track him!

"That they can actually call themselves heroes!?"

The voice suddenly appeared behind the bullies, revealing.

(The Shredder, 2003 version)

"Who are you!?"

Union Sun growled as he got out his weapon.


The Shredder said nothing as he glared at them, unimpressed.

*BAM! Thud! Slash!*


The bullies screamed in pain as they were brutally beaten by the powerful villain.


Shredder roared, as he pummeled them to the ground.




The Shredder roared as he taught them a lesson in pain!

"Talk about brutal!"

Ares whistled, impressed at the mortal brutality.

Chiro and the Monkey team shuddered at the brutality of the newcomer.

He was like Skeleton King but on a whole other level!!

Just as Shredder was going to smash a Union bully head.

"Shredder! That is enough!"

A new voice, laced with wisdom, shouted as a new figure walked out of the shadows.


(Master Splinter, 2003 version)

"I understand that they are truly revolting and undeserving of the life they have."

Splinter spoke to his frenemy.

"But if you continue, we will be stuck here all day without watching our soaps!"

(Yeah, he calls the viewings soaps. After all, they are full of drama and the like. Just like tv shows)

"I don't know Master Splinter."


Raphael, 'Raph' for short, spoke up.

"This might be the first time I want Chrome dome to continue a fight."


"Yeah!" Michelangelo, 'Mikey', agreed. "Shred-head has the right idea for once!"


"Be that as it may." Leonardo, 'Leo' spoke up. "We won't get much done if we let Shredder enjoy his fun."


"Eh." Donatello, 'Don, Donny' said. "I don't know, lets me enjoy taking apart and studying multiversal technology in peace. Cause man! These guys are annoying!"

"Regardless." Splinter spoke up. "The whole purpose of bringing them here is to show them that all actions have consequences."

"No matter how entertaining it is, my sons."

Cue spittake from the audience.

"The true purpose is to for them to change their ways! Both heroes and villains. And hopefully give them a brighter future."

"Do you understand, my sons?"

"Yes, Master Splinter."

The teenage mutant ninja turtles conceded.

Everyone blinked at the giant mutant rat and the four talking turtles.

"...Cousin of yours Lin?"

Wei Yenwu asked his old friend in a genuine tone.



Wei Yenwu shouted as he rubbed his head in pain.

"Do you think you wouldn't know if he is?" Lin Kojiu, the Rat King of Lungman Underground, rhetorically said. "I'll admit I'm surprised to see him, never thought I'd meet someone like me. But no, remember ALTERNATE UNIVERSES."


"All right, Shredder." Ei spoke up. "You can stop now, we need to get to showing them their future."

"Very well."

Shredder, Ch'rell, agreed.

"These fools already got their punishment for now."

"Thank you, Shredder."

Zero smiled.

"Now then..."

Only for his smile to turn sinister.

"What do you know of Ryomen Sukuna?"


Have a good day/night!

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