Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 7

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Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 7

Throughout this chapter are going to be my top three favorite soundtracks from MNOG.

Don't own the art/videos, they belong to their respective creators.


"Well." Zero said. "We're at the endgame now for this lostbelt."

"This should be good."

Skullshatter spoke up.

Zero smirked, but only said.

"So, let's get this show on the road!"

-Location: Atlas Tree-

Clang! Clash! Boom!

Several people jumped at that.

"It's already started!?"

Inuyasha shouted, caught off guard from the noises.

"Apparently so."

Kikyo stared stoically at the screen.

"Let's hope they succeed."

Kaeda frowned.

Were the sounds of swords clashing and explosions erupting everywhere.

"Damn it!" Tahu cursed, as he swiftly unleashed a series of sword strikes against the Crypter.


Wodime spoke out loud, curious as to how his counterpart would be able to counteract this threat before him.

Wodime responding in kind, using his cane to counterattack the Toa Nuva of Fire sword dance.

(If you're wondering why he is able to keep up, it is because he is in his Lostbelt and that gives him a tremendous boost. Considering that he defeated Zeus with his meteor attack, regardless if Zeus was overconfident in his victory, he's a harder challenge then even the Greek Pantheon, besides Chaos, was)


Endeavor admitted.

Startling many people because they didn't realize he was there!

"For a noble, he's not too shabby in a fight."

...Endeavor giving compliments with no ulterior motives was kind of scary.

"But I'm curious as to how he's able to hold his own against multiple threats."

He asked, looking at Zero.

"His Lostbelt is unique to him." Zero began explaining. "He can draw upon the ancient magic and use it to empower himself. Making him capable of fighting off against even Heroic Spirits."

"The Toa Nuva too would be hard pressed in defeating him."

"But that's not all, is it?"

Vaggie questioned.

She saw just how powerful the Toa are, even with Wodime little power up he would be hard pressed to defeat them.

"The reason this battle is being draw out is because of their previous fights, right?"

"Well," Zero smirked. "I can see why (M/N) likes you so much. Beautiful, smart, and no nonsense; one of his types."

"His words not mine."


"Wha!?" Vaggie shouted, her face turning red at the unknown compliment the demon had for her. "Th-That BAKA!"

Vaggie screamed in embarrassment, not caring that she shouted the Japanese word for 'Idiot' instead of the Spanish word.


(M/N) blushed as he was called out.

"Oh?" Charlie tilted her head at the mention of (M/N) types. "What's one of the other ones?"

(M/N) sweated as he frantically waved his hands quietly saying: "NO! NO!"

Smirking, Zero said: "Adorable cinnamon roll Princess of Hell that is too cute for her own good."


'Curse you, ZERO!!'

(M/N) mentally screamed in his head.

He was so fucked and he meant that literally.

"Cinnamon roll!?" Charlie blushed. "I'm not cute! I'm the Daughter of Lucifer and Lilith! I can kill you if I want to!"

(M/N) had to resist 'awwing' at her adorable expression.

He had no intention of Charlie going through with her promise to actually kill him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, BonBon."

Angel Dust laughed, along with Cherri Bomb.

The denizens of Heaven and Hell just stared, some laughing like Pentious.

Meanwhile, with the parents.

"Hmmm, Lilith dear?"

Lucifer said, having the courage to finally talk to his ex.

"Yes, Lucifer?"

Lilith awkwardly smiled. Trying her best not to make things tense between them.

"I'm stuck between allowing this to happen and giving him the whole 'you hurt my daughter, I'll break your kneecaps' speech or telling him to stay away."

Kind of a moot point since apparently, they've been in a relationship without anyone knowing. He only knew she was dating Vaggie because of meeting them at the hotel.

But he didn't know she had two lovers.

"What do you think?"

"Hmmm, hard to say Lucifer." Lilith smiled, suppressing the urge to laugh at her daughter and her daughter's girlfriend's funny dilemma. "It does make for an amusing tv show though."

Even though she was extremely surprised at how well her daughter and Vaggie got along well with (M/N).

Last she heard, Vaggie wasn't interested in men. But hey, that was through the grapevine and not really accurate information. Especially since she hadn't really met the girl yet.

(I've been looking around and from my knowledge it seems that Charlie met Vaggie sometime after Lilith disappeared. Cause it seems like Lucifer didn't know Charlie was dating Vaggie in the show unless his awkwardness was making him screw up his words when interacting with his daughter)

"What about you, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)?"

The Succubus asked (M/N) parents who were trying not to laugh at the hilarity of the situation before them.

"As long as they make him happy, I don't mind if they have that kind of relationship."

Cain crossed his arms, smiling as he shook his head.

"And besides, he's a big boy. He can make his own decisions."

"Can't help but feel pity for him though." Ava smiled. "Must be tough to have the daughter of Lucifer himself after you."


The parents laughed at the chaos being unfurled.

Especially as Charlie and Vaggie angrily hit (M/N) chest in a futile attempt to hurt him. The two of them pouting adorably.

...Nifty and Emily secretly snapping some photos for their photo albums.

"I knew this wasn't going to be easy but come on!" Musashi complained, as she tried to sneak a pincer attack with Lewa Nuva.

Only for Wodime to speedily dodge the attack. Nearly causing the two to almost hit each other.


Several people winced at the near head on collision.

"That's gotta hurt."

Angel Dust said.

"Ya think?"

His sister, Molly, sarcastically asked.

"Why do you have to be so mean, dear sister?!"

Angel dramatically posed.

"Drama queen."

Molly deadpanned.

"You know it, sister."

Angel chuckled.

Bam! Clang!

Using the Mask of Speed, Pohatu engages the Crypter in a one-on-one fight. His hands and feet against his magic and cane.

"So, utilizing speed to catch him off guard."

Antauri analyzed.

"If brute force doesn't work, then the next best thing is to catch him off guard."

Tesla said, a frown on her face at how evenly matched the two were.

"But it seems that our dear mage here is a lot more versatile than the average noble."

"Mmph!" Wodime grunted, as he used his magic to enhance his body condition. His weapon barely reflecting the Toa Nuva of Stone powerful assault.

"Well..." RODK Nezu sipped his drink. "This is becoming more and more interesting."


AZ Nagato nodded.

"I must admit, this is probably one of the most fun battles I've ever had!" Pohatu complimented the human.

Wodime smiled, "I thank you for the compliment warrior. I must admit that despite being in the most critical stage of my plan I find myself enjoying this battle."

"Are all men battle hungry maniacs?"

Zuikaku deadpanned.

"This coming from the girl who's constantly challenging Enterprise to fights every time she sees her?"

Shokaku deadpanned.

"Big sister!"

The Shipgirl shouted in embarrassment.

"...She's not wrong."

Enterprise deadpanned as did other shipgirls.

Even those from her faction.


With that said, he unleashed a flurry of magical meteors at the Proper Human History group. Causing them to scatter and be on the offensive.

"Not those meteors again!"


Romulus=Quirinus shouted, activating Throne of Quirinus as he flew straight through the barrage of meteors.

Once he reached Wodime, he struck true with his fists.

"Gah!" Wodime shouted, his body aching from that attack.


A Roman demigod shouted.

"Not even he is immune to the Divine Founder power!"


"Urk!" The crypter grunted, as he withstood the barrage of laser beams striking him.

"Stupid hack!"

Shigaraki grumbled.

"Stupid Lostbelt."

"GGRRAAARRRRR!" Heracles roared, as he slammed his great sword at him.

"Get HIM!!"


The ground exploded as Kirschtaria narrowly avoided becoming a stain splattered speck of blood on the walls.

"Damn it!"

Katsumi swore.


Minato hummed.

Gaining a bit of distance, Kirschtaria began glowing as he flew up into the sky.

"Stars. Cosmos. Gods. Animus. Antrum. Unbirth. Anima. Animusphere."

"The power of the stars-the cosmos, huh?"

Sirius Black crossed his arms at that.

It was an interesting thing to see, I mean come on! His family members names were based on the constellations for Hecate sakes!

Wodime began chanting, causing the Chaldeans' eyes to widen.

"Here we go again."

Ritsuka groaned.

His senior was having a little too much with throwing his damn meteors.

"Shit! He's going to unleash his trump card!" Gudako shouted as Wodime stretched his arm towards them.

"Here we go again!"

Rituska twitched.

Damn you, Wodime for giving him PTSD!

"Grand Order Anima Animusphere!"

Wodime finished, as he unleashed his noble phantasm, so to speak, right down at them.

"Is throwing celestial bodies at people normal?"

Shirou deadpanned as he turned to the expert.

"Wha-!? Don't look at me!"

Rin Tohsaka shouted.


Archer, Ritsuka, Gudao, and Gudako all deadpanned.

Remembering some of the weirdest moves that certain Heroic Spirits had in their arsenal.

"Mash!" Gudao shouted.

"Right senpai!" Mash got into action as she activated her own noble phantasm. The shield standing strong against the wrath of the heavens.

"...Where can I get a shield like that?"

Harry Potter deadpanned.


Otto deadpanned.

"Why eBay?"

Green Monkey (GM for short) Otto asked.

"You find a lot of weird stuff on eBay."

Was all the human said.

"Hmm, I see." Kopaka Nuva calmly analyzed, "So, this is what she meant back then."



Athena asked.

(Just realized that I may or may not have made a pun with her)


"Alright, listen up, you sad sacks."

Caenis harsh voice rang out.

"I can feel the love."

Lorem deadpanned.

"Screw you!"

"I think you prefer (M/N) the one to do the screwing."


Steam could be seen coming out of Caenis ears.

"...Well, I mean she is hot."

The (M/N) in the room sheepishly said.

"(M/N)!" "EXCUSE ME!?"

Charlie, Vaggie and Caenis all shouted.


(M/N) shouted, confused on their reactions.

"Can you blame me?! She's hot, sexy, and can kill for just slightly pissing her off!"

"Just like Vaggie!"



Vaggie proceeded to strange the incubus out of embarrassment!


(M/N) choked out as he laughed.

Charlie and the others sweatdropped while Caenis blushed.

One hell of a praise but hey! It actually works.

"As you know our agreement for a temporary alliance is now over since Zeus is finally dead."

"So, that means we are now enemies."

"I'm surprised you didn't fight them right there."

Tonks said.

"I had a far more important matter I had to deal with."

Caenis growled.

Still pissed that clown bastard got away.

A silence fell upon the group as they stared at the Lancer class servant.

"Right" Mash quietly said, "At the end of it all, you're still-"

"Yep!" Caenis said proudly, "I'm still that smug, pompous airhead's servant. Always have been."

"What an interesting relationship you guys have."

Aphrodite blinked at that.

"What?" Caenis said. "Don't go to deep into it."

"So, what is your goal now?' Gali Nuva calmly asked.

"Try to take over the world!"



Boruto shouted as Sarada hit him on the head.


Kawaki and Mitsuki shook their heads in exasperation.

"...Well, I mean there is always that."

Blitzo just shrugged.

"Of course you would think that."

Moxxie deadpanned.

"Well, I won't just go straight to him now."

Caenis admitted.

"Honestly, I can imagine that smug bastard waiting for you at the Tree of Emptiness with that damn smile on his face."

"That stupid smile."

The Lancer servant groaned.

Said man smiling that smile.

"Stop smiling!!"

"Besides, *clinck*, that bastard is still alive and kicking. So, I'm going to make sure that he stays dead once and for all."


Many FGO members said.

(They are not going to like what he has in store for them later)

"Only seen on this tv and that man really pisses me off."

Sovetskaya Belorussiya growled.

"You and me both."

Reyna agreed.

That man pissed her off more than that nutjob Octavian.

Caenis spoke with certainty as she walked off.

"Oh, and word of advice; be prepared to use your full strength against him as he won't be holding back when fighting you."

"That's for sure."

Ritsuka shuddered.

"Well, you did save Humanity from Incineration."

Kadoc (FGO) said.

"It only makes sense that he takes you seriously, as you are deserving of respect."

"...I suppose."

He said uneasily.

-Flashback Ends-

"You know."

Shinji suddenly spoke up.

"We're technically watching a movie on past events like they are flashbacks."

"...So, are we watching flashbacks within a flashback when that happens?"


"What the hell goes through your mind, Matou?"

RODK Riser deadpanned.

Great! Now he's got us thinking about it!

Several people thought to themselves.

"She certainly wasn't kidding."

Onua Nuva stated, as everyone got back on their feet.

"I must admit, as fun as this was, it is now time."

Here, everyone's expression turned serious.

None more than the FGO group.

With that said, Atlas started glowing blinding everyone for moment.

"What's going on?"

Anguirus shivered.

Whatever was happening, she did not like it.

Her fellow Kaiju seem to be of the same wavelength.

"Seems like Wodime has finally began to enact the final phase of his plan."

Master Roshi hummed.

"W-What's happening!?"

Tahu shouted as Atlas (Magellan) began emitting waves of light from its presence.

"He's activated his plan!" Holmes shouted, as everyone realized that they were too late to stop Wodime from enacting his plan.

"So, everybody becomes a superhuman?"

Wodime tilted his head in curiosity.

While it would never become a reality back in their world (he wasn't crazy to try it with (M/N) and the others capable of kicking his ass. And besides, his trust in Proper Human History was slowly becoming restored) he was interested to see what would have happened.


FGO Mash said.

"Of course."

Ace (Arknights) groaned.

"There always has to be some sort of catch."

"When isn't there?"

Bucky Barnes deadpanned.


Takanuva made a sound as he realized that there was something or someone inside the Tree of Emptiness.

"Great!" RODK Weiss stared. "Now what?"

"Who's that inside the tree?"

Everyone leaned in for a closer look.

"Who the hell would be inside a tree?"

Husk questioned.

"Besides you, spider freak."

He quickly shut down Angel Dust without a glance.

"You're no fun."

Angel pouted.

"Now's not the time for sexual innuendos."

Freed deadpanned.


He questioned the Crypter, causing everyone to stare at him.

"While I owe my life to the Foreign God for resurrecting me. I would have never handed over the Earth to the Foreign God."



Came the shout of Limbo, as he looked worse for wear during his bout with Caenis.

"...We just had to say the same thing as that creepy clown."

PJO Artemis grumbled.

"He's as stubborn as a cockroach."

Evergreen grumbled.

What did it take for that bastard to die?!

"In truth, I had summoned three servants: Caenis, Dioscuri, and the titan known as Atlas."

"He summoned Atlas!?"

The PJO group shouted in disbelief that a mere human managed to summon the Titan that held the Sky.

"How can a human be capable of such feats!?"

Zeus shocked voice boomed in the theater.

"How is history able to be played out without the interference of Gods?"

Zero asked rhetorically.


He's got them there!

The Greek Gods shut up because there was no way to win that argument.

Kirschtaria admitted,

"After going over my plan with him he agreed to help me."


Calypso hummed, shocked that any version of her father would be willing to aid a human.

"Not all versions of the Greek Gods are assholes, you know?"

Karin sweatdropped.

"Our friends over there are a prime example, even if their Hades was trying to take the worlds with his friends."

The Uzumaki pointed to the Disney/Kingdom Hearts versions of the Greek Gods.

"...I still can't believe they are actually real in another universe."

Thalia deadpanned.

Her Disney dad was too bright and happy!

"...Help me create a new Age of Gods on this world, thereby preventing the Foreign God descent."

"I get the feeling that the Gods of the Earth would rather work with humans than let some outsider invade their world."

Hermione deadpanned.

Here, the Gods and divine scowled.

Like hell they were letting some upstart brat take away their home!

He finished,

"You...you" Limbo growled, "This is a breach of contract Wodime!"

"Reminds me of handyman whenever things don't go his way."

Dabi smugly said.


"Wrong" Wodime smugly said, "The agreement was that I, or my fellow Crypters, grow the Tree of Emptiness to completion. I and the Foreign God never agreed to what was going to emerge from it."

"And this is why you should always be specific with your words."

PJO Chiron told his campers.

"Otherwise, you may find your own plans being used against you."

"As I mentioned before."

Zero crossed his arms.

"Words have power."

"He discovered a loophole and used it to his advantage." Quirinus observed.


RODK Ironwood chuckled.

"Gotta love them."

"When they're not being used against you."

"Look at the tree!" Macarios shouted, "Something is happening."

It was true, the tree halos turned from blue to red as Atlas took control of the tree.

"I see."

Bulma realized.

"The color changes are significant in the status of the tree."

"The halos are red!" Limbo shouted, "Not good, the Foreign God can't descend like this!"

"Well, that's a relief!"

Some said, though only to comfort themselves.

After all, the FGO group has already experienced this and already knows the outcome of this fight.

...And judging by their expressions, it wasn't good.

"Wait for it."

Batman said.

Years of experience telling him that it wasn't over yet.

"How can you betray your master!?"

"What an idiot."

Hermione shook her head.

"He only worked for this 'God' because they saved him and his fellow Cypters. He never swore loyalty to them!"

"Indeed, Ms. Granger."

Snape crossed his arms, glaring at the screen.

"There is a difference between being allies and swearing loyalty."

He should know, after all isn't that what his life is now?

Loyalty, allegiance, allies?

When will it all end?

"Fool" Kirschtaria Wodime coldly said, "I may owe my life to the Foreign God for resurrecting me. But I never swore obedience. The true reason I agreed to returning is because I always believed in humanity progression and if turning my back on Proper Human History would benefit that growth then so be it."

"You believe in Humanity growth, yet not their history?"

RODK Grayfia was confused at the human reasoning.

"Human history has been filled with strife and death."

Wodime explained.

"And even now, history controls us. People don't learn, don't open their hearts, will not hesitate to sacrifice their children for their own, selfish goals."

That last part shook them up.

Up til now, he spoke with all the elegance of an aristocrat.

Whatever happened in his past left a mark that wasn't so easily erased.

FGO Rin and Sakura flinched at that.

Remembering a certain event in their past.

"It worked perfectly with my plan to expel the god and their lot."

"Man!" RODK Issei turned to Wodime. "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"You will be fine, Issei." Wodime waved him off. "Your counterpart...not so much."

"...Please don't remind me that we're going to have to deal with that idiot group again."

Issei deadpanned.

Because sadly, they needed their punching bags.

Let's just hope that some have learned their lessons now.

His stare grew colder.

"Don't think I've seen that expression on him before."

RODK Kadoc blinked.

"Suffice to say, Limbo: I always despised you, the way you manipulated others for your own sick pleasure, the destruction you left, your pathetic egotistic self."

"He's not going easy on him."

Senran Kagura Mirai blinked.

"Well, considering from what little we know of him."

SK Haruka spoke.

"I'd say it's well earned at this point."


Several people shuddered as they moved away from the mad scientist/shinobi.

"Shut up and die you traitor!" Limbo roared as he attempted to kill him.

"Again." Cinder shook her head this time. "He wasn't even a follower, just something that was repaying his debt."

"It's their fault that they never thought to bind him more tightly to the contract."

Union Cinder sighed.

And they were the idiots?

*Slash, Whoosh*

"Hey bastard, you still got me to deal with!" Caenis yelled as she struck her lance at him.

"Slippery bastard should just stay still and die."

Bronya and Hikage monotone voices rang out.

Several people agreeing with them.

Caenis growling in agreement. Annoyed that the clown kept getting away from her.

"Just like General Grievous."

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka groaned.


Said cyborg yelled.

"If I hadn't been nerfed and turned into a wuss, then things would have been different!!"



"What is he talking about?"

Sabine asked.

"Why are you asking me?"

Lucia Skywalker (fem Luke just to remind you) shrugged.

"GGGRRRRR" Limbo growled, as he and Caenis left for another battlefield.

"...What a wuss."

RODK Ruby deadpanned.

"You're telling me."

Cocolia deadpanned.

"So, what happens now?" Adele questioned.

"Lunch time?"

Goku asked.



"You just ate Goku!"

Chichi shouted.

"Food that could last an entire army for years!"

"But I'm still hungry!"

*Whack! Whack! Whack!*

This time his friends joined in, hitting him on the head.

"...Does he have a blackhole for a stomach?"

Welt Yang asked.

"Sometimes, I think he does."

Bulma deadpanned.

How the hell those damn Saiyans could eat so much she'll never know.

'I'm starting to wonder if Frieza destroyed both the Saiyans and their planet because the food bill was astronomically high.'

Bulma thought to herself.

"With the Foreign God unable to descend, that means we've won!"

Mash said.

"How naïve I was." FGO Mash shook her head. "To think it was that easy."

"HHmm, if only it was that simple right Kirschtaria?" Holmes spoke.

"Of course, the world greatest detective would pick up the clue."

Moriarty shook his head.

Holmes just smiled.

"Stop smiling, you smug bastard."

"Indeed Sage" Kirschtaria confirmed, "It is not over."


"Why not though?"

Mash asked, "Didn't you say you were saving humanity?"

"People really need to pick up the key differences."

Ei put her hands on her hips.

Enacting the disappointed meme scene.

"Yes, humanity as in humans not history."


Percy whistled.

"People really hate history, huh?"

He nudged Annabeth in the side, who gave him a deadpanned look.

"Shut up or I'll shank you."

"Such hurtful words!"

Wodime coolly explained, "I find the history of Proper Human to be lacking, insufficient thus I will usher in a new history far more beneficial to humans then what Proper history could give!"

"But who decided that though?"

Himeko said.

"Humans are prone to making mistakes, that is why history is taught. So that we never repeat those mistakes again."

"It's not our fault that history repeats itself when certain people threaten to undo everything we have done."


Alastor laughed his two cents in.

"Why bother making a perfect world, when you can look back and laugh at the major screwups left by humans!? Why, it's one of the greatest entertainments of the world! Watching everyone writhed in agony as they climb up so high, only to fall down so hard as they wallow in their despair!"

The Radio Demon maniacal laughter terrified a majority of the room.

Only for those like Joker and Toga to laugh along as well.

Atlas started glowing brightly as strange waves of energy began flowing from it.

"Now witness, as the world begins anew!"

"With the power of the Fifth Element – True Ether!"

"True magic!?"

Rin and the others shouted in shock.

Watching as the tree began to initiate the final step.

With those words spoken, Atlas released it power across the world.

All over the world, the effects could be felt as people notice a change in their bodies.

"Such power..."

RODK Izumi shivered.

RODK Denki stared in amazement and fear of the cunning man plan.

The denizens of heaven and hell were actually shivering at how much potential and power humans actually had.


"Hm? Curious." Wodime observed, "Your bodies should be undergoing the transformation as well, yet it has not."


Many stared in confusion at that.

He concluded by observing the humans of the group. Realizing that for some reason, they weren't being affected.

"They're not being affected?"

Daybit tilted his head at that.

"Why though?"

"...(M/N)" Gudako realized, "What he did back then, it far greater than whatever Atlas can provide!"

"The Mask of Life?"

"So, because he bathed us in the Mask of Life energy. Our magic circuits are already improved to the highest quality ever."

"Such power."

Rin shivered.

To be able to upgrade a person's magical circuit to the highest level possible.

That would have many mages salivating at the mouth and trying to obtain it for themselves.

...Ignorant or conceited to think they can use such power.

Shinji wondered if there was a way for him to be given magical circuits.

While Shirou wondered if he could get his magical circuits upgraded.

Gudao spoke, realizing what this meant.

"I see," Wodime said, "No matter, it changes nothing the world will change for the better."

"Okay." RODK Emerald shook her head. "Now that is being conceited."

"At least it's tempered."

Mercury pointed out.


"He can back it up."

Nejire added in.

"Unlike Cinder here."

She pointed to said woman.


Cinder shouted at the insult.

"How can you be so sure?" Onua countered, "It is human nature to think, to feel, to wage conflict."

"That is true."

RODK Ozpin nodded his head.

"It is human nature to feel, to think, to wage war and cause harm on others, to be different."

"What does he hope to achieve with this plan?"

The Toa Nuva of Earth coolly stated, "So long as there is individual thinking, so too will there be war. By doing this you are basically giving free reign to participate in countless wars for the Earth."

"So awesome!"

RODK/Union Toga shouted in happiness.

"I am aware" Wodime admitted, "But, with a longer lifespan, they will realize the foolishness of war. And eventually all wars will cease, and humanity will break free of the old cycle and reach the new cycle."

"...Something tells me the opposite will happen." RODK Shoto deadpanned. "I know for sure; I wouldn't want to be near someone I hated for an extremely long time."

Many nodded their heads at that.

"Ugh! How boring!"

The Toga(s), Joker, and several villains that thrived on chaos shouted.

Like hell they would be grateful to be stuck with their worst enemies!

Angel Dust looked like he would rather die again than be stuck with certain scumbags.

As did others.

Stuck with somebody you hate with every being in your bones?

Hell no!

"Now prepare yourselves for the evolution of humanity and the farewell of Proper Human History."

"Oh, boy." Zeke rubbed his head. "Not good."

As Atlas continued pumping True Ether into the atmosphere, something suddenly changed.



The Tree of Emptiness started burning!

"What the hell!?"

"Burn Baby!"



"Zip it, Axel!"

Roxas and Xion yelled, being the ones that had hit him.

Wincing said man did so.


And a bisected hole appeared in Atlas following the flames.


"What the hell?!" "Why is Atlas attacked!?"

"What is going on here!?"

Godzilla shouted.

"I don't think that was planned."

Mothra frowned.

"What!?" Wodime shouted in shock at the unforeseen attack.

"He didn't see that one coming."

Pietro said in a snarky tone at that.

Causing Wanda to smack him on the shoulder.

Before quickly slamming his cane against –


Beryl Gut, another member of the Crypters

"...Why am I not surprised that you would try to backstab me?"

Wodime deadpanned to the nutjob of the group.

"Because I'm a psycho."

Beryl unapologetically said.

Thalia glared at him.

'Yeah, I knew I couldn't trust someone with the same name as my mom!'

Especially the bad vibes he gave off!

"Damn!" He said, "And here I thought your guard was down low enough for me to hit. You got eyes on the back of your head or something?"

The Crypters suddenly started looking at the back of said man head.





Scaramouche shook his head, as the Crypters rubbed the goosebumps that had appeared on their heads after Wodime hit them with his cane.

Everyone else just sweatdropped at that.

"Same can be said to you Beryl." Wodime countered, "I would have thought you would have been more cautious when making this kind of attack. Especially with Chaldea and their allies still kicking."

"You know how impatient I am."

Beryl shook his head, wincing at the imaginary pain.

"Man, do you really have to be a downer?" Beryl complained, "Can't even give me an opportunity to surprise you."

"It's not my birthday."

Wodime deadpanned.

"Wrong, I was surprised. For what reason do you have to betray me, Beryl?"

"Good question."

Salem said.

"Because being a God is boring."

Said man in the room said.


Several Gods shouted at that.

"Well it's true!"

Wodime asked,

"You have never once spoken up about my actions, so why now? If you had allowed the plan to continue, you would have been a god and free from the Foreign God control."

"Sign me up!"

Leo Valdez shouted.




"Ahh, I knew it." Beryl said, "You still don't get me, do you?"

"I don't think anyone will."

RODK Yu deadpanned.

"Hell, even I don't get him myself and I am him!"

Beryl Gut shook his head.

"AANnnddd, on a sidenote: Why were you so afraid of my Lostbelt, the Britain Lostbelt?" Beryl questioned, "I know I've never mentioned anything about what was happening, yet you were always serious when mentioning it."

"Because Britain is the incarnation of all evil."

RODK Koneko deadpanned.


Many British related people shouted.

Their annoyance only growing at the nods of approval from everybody else.

"Sorry, but it's true."

"Because anything that has to do with Britain only ends in tragedy. It is a curse that will swallow up the world in eternal misery."


SK Yumi flinched.

"I don't think my Ice can cool that burn."

"Same here."

Frostnova agreed.

FSN Saber Artoria grumbled at how much shade was being thrown at her homeland.

The other British related people in the room just muttered to themselves, annoyed.

Well, Dumbledore and several others didn't disagree.

They saw the point he was making.

Wodime calmly explained.

"Ouch, well I suppose I should let in on the reason I actually came to your Lostbelt then."


They did not have a good feeling about that.

"I sense a high level of douchebag radiating from him."

Zestial sipped his tea.

Beryl evilly explained: "See, I royally fucked up with the Fae folk,"


The Artorias shivered at that.

They did not know why, but that word was bringing a bad, foreboding feeling to them.

"...Of all the mystical creatures in existence...he had to piss the Fae off!?"

Rin tried not to rip her hair out.

"And now there out for my blood. It's so bad that if I were to speak a little louder like "Hey! Here...I..am," then"


Came the response at that.

"My counterpart sure has guts!"

Beryl stared in amazement at his other self-recklessness.

The FGO cast shaking at the ever drawing near introduction of the Foreign God.


Shinji screamed.

"Your counterpart insane!!"

"What's the difference!?"

Beryl asked, causing people to sweatdropped.

No wonder he wasn't put off by this...

He was crazy too!!

Wodime eyes suddenly widened in shock,

"Adele! Macarios! Mash! Gudao! Gudako!"

"Hey, you got it!" Beryl smiled, "Well, it was nice knowing you."

"Crazy ass sadist."

SK Homura muttered to herself, as she and the others watched the screen with bated breath.

Certain nutjobs snickered.

He said, in a malicious, sadistic tone.

As high in the sky,


(2:30 – 2:40)

"Huh!? Isn't that –" Rhongomyniad!"


RODK Chaldea and servants, FSN Saber, and the Knights of the Round Table shouted in shock.

That was Lancer Artoria move!

Gudao and Gudako shouted in fear as the holy light was heading directly towards them.

"Everyone! We need to escape!" Holmes shouted, urgency in his voice.

"Escape? Impossible!"

The Flash shouted.

"Even with Pohatu Mask of Speed, I'll wager that his exhaustion from the previous fights will make it hard to escape from that!"

'But the sheer heat from this distance makes it impossible!'

"And there's that!"

"...I wonder how hot it is compared to mine?"

Talulah pondered.

Ch'en gave her sister a 'WTF is wrong with you' look.

Can't she see this is serious!?

He thought to himself, 'There's no way we can escape!'

"They can't do anything at all!?"

Kiana shouted in shock.

Not seeing Zero and the rest of his group looking at each other with a knowing stare.

She had no idea the irony in that sentence.

'GGrrr! I'll have to use the Vahi again.' Tahu thought to himself, he saw no other choice for everyone to escape.

"Would he be able to do it so soon?"

FSN Archer asked.

The suspense was killing him.

"It would be a repeat of the first time he used it." Zero spoke. "But they would be able to get out before that happened."

"Well, that's good."

Gudako sighed with a breath of relief.

"At least they'll get out safely."

Good thing they had poker faces, otherwise they would have spoiled the surprise.

But before he could activate the Mask of Time.



"Now what!?"

RODK Yang growled.

Massive dark portals appeared, sucking in the attack into all the open portals.

"They're huge!"

Someone said.



Angel Dust rubbed his head.


Vaggie deadpanned.

And in front of them stood,

(Kiana Kaslana, Herrscher of the Void)

(Imagine that in the theater, on the screen that it suddenly zooms in on her and shows her name and title. Like in Genshin Impact when the Harbingers show up or in their boss fights)


Kiana and the rest of the HI3 group stared in shock at what looks like an older version of her.

What was going on here?!

And why did the other Kiana give them scary vibes!?

After her portals had separated and absorbed the attacks,


(1:37 - 4:10. Basically, like this video, only she combined the portals into one and sent the blast back to the Britain Lostbelt, stronger than before)


Was the surprised shout of Chaldea and Wodime as Kiana merged the portals into one and sent it flying back to the other Lostbelt.


Many in the audience shouted in shock.

"H-How is this possible!?"

Kiana shouted.

"Those eyes."

Himeko stared in worry as she rested her gaze on the older Kiana compass like eyes.


"A Herrscher."

Theresa Apocalypse glared at the screen.

"I'm-!?" "She's-!?" "How!?"

"Hmph!" Herrscher of the Void (HoTV) scoffed, "To think you would use such a pathetic tactic, when things don't go your way."

"All right, STOP!"

(Hammer time!)

Kiana shouted, completely frazzled at what had just happened.

"Why is there an older version of me as a Herrscher!?"


"A what now?"

(M/N) blinked.

"Beats me."

Husk said.

"Because in your world." Ei spoke up. "That is your eventual future."


The HI3 was shocked at that.

Even Bronya normally emotionless face was contorted into shock.

"...And WHAT do you mean by that?"

Theresa and Himeko asked. Concerned for their niece/student.

"Do you think it is a coincidence that you guys were brought here?"

Arknights Theresa spoke up.

"...Uh, yes?"

Kiana said.

Theresa sweatdropped before shaking her head.

"No, there was a good reason Zero brought you guys here."

"Your futures." Amagi took over. "Are intertwined with this (M/N)."

"After all, he did fall into your world when he left the Bionicle Universe. What you are seeing now, is the outcome of that visit."

"YOUR FUTURE itself, is what you are viewing."

THAT caused them to shake in shock.

They weren't just watching the multiverse; they were also getting a sneak peek at their own future!

"Wait!" Kiana shouted, "But what about Mei-senpai!?"

She wasn't stupid, contrary to popular belief, she remembered them mentioning that she was his wife.

'But...Mei-senpai is the one my heart belongs to!'


"She's still alive, don't worry."

Scaramouche spoke up.

"You just end up falling in love with (M/N)."


Mei calmly asked.

While she was happy that she didn't have to endure Kiana love hugs constantly in the future. She knew full well how attached she was to her.

How the heck did (M/N) manage to win her heart?

Something the (M/N) in the room was wondering because NOW he finally realized who they were.

'The gang from the HI3 game!'

He thought to himself.

He was shocked because his counterpart somehow managed to charm Kiana who was infatuated with Raiden Mei.


Here Scaramouche trailed off, not wanting to say exactly what happened.

"What did subject Idiotka do?"

Bronya asked.

"Oi! I'm not an idiot!"

Kiana shouted.


(M/N) thought to himself.

Remembering certain choices you could select from the dialogue.

"Your grades say otherwise."


"Oh, for crying out loud!" Ivan Ooze grumbled. "He stole your first kiss kid!"

"...He what!?"

Kiana shouted, her face turning red at that.

(M/N) doing the same thing.

How the hell did his counterpart do that?!

"How did-"

"The mission you guys were about to go on."

Zero crossed his arms, smirking at them.

"That was when he fell into your world."

"Of course, he didn't exactly meet you guys right then and there. It was a little more into the fight."

He clarified.

"Basically, Kiana reckless fighting damaged a building nearby where he was on. Causing it to fall, and him with it."

"Of course."

Theresa shook her head at her niece's recklessness.

'So, my counterpart arrival was set at the beginning of the game.'

(M/N) thought.

But how the hell did he steal Kiana first kiss?

"Right onto a startled Kiana who didn't have time to dodge despite his shouting at her to move."

...(M/N) now had the answer and he wasn't surprised.

'Of course, Kiana would somehow screw herself over.'

The incubus thought to himself.


Piccolo facepalmed himself.

"Why can't anyone dodge?"

Zero and several others laughed at that, before he continued.

"When he got his bearings back, he realized he was kissing her."



Himeko and TeriTeri yelled.


Kiana screamed, covering her face in embarrassment at the unromantic way she lost her first kiss.

"I can never get married after such an embarrassing moment!"

'...Did you just forget that you are married to (M/N) in the future?'

Was the thought running through the theater.

(M/N) sweatdropped.

A little dramatic just because she and his counterpart kissed.

"What happened next?"

Himeko asked, amusement in her tone at her student funny predicament.

"Kiana calling him a 'pervert,' 'deviant,' 'Stupid seducing ikeman' 'The Devil' 'How dare you steal my first kiss' 'And how dare your lips feel so good against mine' 'Oh...and my favorite one: How dare you have a godly body!'"

(And that son is how I met your mother)

"Because she accidentally felt him up when trying to get him off her."

(M/N) just sweatdropped.

'...She reminds me more and more of Vaggie.'

Vaggie felt like skewering (M/N) for some reason.

Palpatine snickered evilly, the poor girl's mental breakdown bringing pure amusement for him.


Kiana screamed so loud that she shattered glasses all over the place.

"The Fat Lady could take some lessons from her."

Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione.

Who nodded their heads in agreement.

"You trying to kill us?"

Ginny gave them a flat look.

"It's bad enough watching her trying to sing so loud to break glass. I don't want to lose my hearing if she actually took lessons and learned."

"I think I might end up in Azkaban if you guys hired a professional to teach her."

Neville admitted.

"Because I would have used the Unforgivables on you."

"That was probably one of the only times Black did a public service to us all."

Snape deadpanned.

No wonder Gryffindors were so reckless and naught but a lick of self preservation in them. Having to hear the Fat Lady sing most likely sent them over the edge.

Sirius sweatdropped.

Remembering ONE of the reasons why he went ballistic and attacked the Fat Lady.

"Eventually." Darth Vader spoke up. "After joining St. Freya, because he aided them in their mission and was able to take down the Honkai Beasts, they get together after life shattering revelations and having a kid to boot."


This time, the HI3 cast screamed once more.

"I have a child!?"

"Idiotka has a child?!"

"I'm an aunt!?"

"My niece is luckier than me!?"

"My student has a child and I'm still single!?"

"Yep!" Nahida giggled. "A boy named Adam."

(Let's see how many people get it)

"And NO. Not an alternate version of that Adam."

She added pointing to crazy Adam who was sipping a drink as he watched this drama unfold.

"Wait." Kal'tsit suddenly said. "But wouldn't knowing their future cause some sort of paradox?"

That causes all chatter to die down from that.

"If they know their future, wouldn't the events that should happen be altered in ways that might change the flow of time itself?"

That caused several people to think about that.

Flash, Reverse Flash, and Batman frowned at that.

After all, they were the only ones that knew what happened when Flash tried to prevent his mother death.

"It will branch off to a specific timeline." Zero admit. "But it won't affect this timeline. For it has already happened."

"If you wish for more information, I'm sure our resident geniuses and magicians can help you there."

"...She looks like a Siren."

Enterprise frowned as she stared at the Kiana on the screen.

The white hair she was born with. But her eyes...


It reminded her of the Sirens, though this one was much colder and deadlier.

"Now that you mention it." Belfast noted. "She does."

The Shipgirls began murmuring and talking to themselves.

"She's not."

Zero interrupted them.

"Honkai and the Sirens are two entirely different things altogether. They have no connection to each other and therefore are not related."


Was all that was said, as the screen resumed.

"What did you hope to gain by using such a lame ass trick?"

"Man!" Kiana exclaimed. "I'm such an ice queen!"

"More of one than Weiss."

Ruby snarked.


"GGRR!" Beryl snarled; he had intended for Kirschtaria to take the attack so he could backstab him...literally.

"What are you, a dog?"

Cu asked, well aware of the irony of that sentence.


But now,

"Damn you interfering bitch for ruining the element of surprise!" He yelled, as he ran at Wodime quickly preparing his knife to stab the startled mage.

"Now, he's just throwing caution out the window."

Android 17 deadpanned.

"Well, he's lost the element of surprise."

Tonks said.

"So, no surprise there."

*Thrust, Crack*

"Gah!" Beryl coughed, as Pohatu used the Kakami Nuva to intercept him and kicked him harshly in the gut.

"Ohh, that's gotta hurt."

Cherri Bomb winced.

"He deserves it."

Lute says.

"...Sad thing is...I don't disagree with you."

"Damn you for ruining my fun."

"It wasn't fun in the first place."

Chiharu deadpanned.

"It's simply a matter of perspective."

Beryl smirked.

Growling, he tried to strike Wodime once again.

"He just doesn't give up."

Cliff shook his head.

"And people say I'm a psycho."

Mephisto deadpanned.


Only for Caenis to intervene.

"Finally killed that bastard?"

Albel asked.

"I wish." Caenis growled. "The one I fought was just a Shikigami!"


Inuyasha grumbled.

What was with villains and using body puppets?!

"Not so fast bastard!"

She shouted, "First you gotta get past me."

Before anyone else could say anything, a new voice broke in.

"Now, now you two. Stop, the battle is over Chaldea and their allies have won."

Here, the FSN casts stiffened.

They knew that voice!

Said the voice of,

(Rasputin/Kirei Kotomine)


Kotomine said in interest.

"How curious, I'm a Heroic Spirit?"

"Technically your dead body is being possessed by one."

Zero explained.

"But knowing how much of a twisted psychopath you are, I wouldn't put it past your spirit/soul to twist the Heroic Spirit to your liking as you take back control of your body."


The twisted smile on his face sent shivers down the heroes' spines.

Yeah...they wouldn't past him either.

"Good day everyone, I apologize for the lack of proper manners."

The fake priest said.

"You and manners don't belong in the same sentence fake priest."

Rin growled.

"Same can be said to you, my devil of a student."

Kotomine bit back.

"Now onto business, Beryl mind telling me where you stand on this?"

"On top of a crate in shark infested waters."

Arknights Faust deadpanned.

"Sounds about right."

RODK Irinia deadpanned.

Beryl Gut: 🗿

He questioned,

"As we've seen Kirschtaria had no intention of allowing the Foreign God to descend, so he is a traitor to our cause and will be dealt shortly.

"Is that even possible with the Toa and (M/N) wife?"

Goku tilted his head.

"Doubt it."

Krillan said.

"Considering how powerful Herrschers are."

Kevin Kaslana scoffed.

"I doubt this Foreign God and its disciples will be able to be that much of a threat."

If the strongest human of the HI3 verse says it. Then it must be true.

But you attempted to kill him, so can we take that as confirmation you will still continue to work for us?"

"...Is he being serious?"

Beryl deadpanned.

"I'm pretty sure he's been listening so he should know I have no intention of doing anything for them."

"Pretty sure he knows, sugar."

Velvette said as she scrolled through something on her phone.

"He's just making sure."

"Hmph!" Beryl responded, "I have no desire to be a king, or God, some superhuman like Kirschtaria was planning to do. I'm a simple guy that wants to have a good time."

"Slaughtering and causing mayhem, my good friend?"

Alastor raised an eye.

"You know it!"

Beryl confirmed.

The Joker laughed.

The Crypters groaned.

Great. There's more of them.


Here, he narrowed his eyes.

"I have to wonder if your Foreign God is all that strong. If we compare, I think my Lostbelt king is stronger.

"Is she really?"

FSN Artoria frowned.

She couldn't help but feel uneasy about the Britain Lostbelt King.

'Why can't I shake the feeling I know who it is?'

Zero resisted the urge to sigh.

That Lostbelt was kind of anticlimactic in terms of dealing with the Lostbelt King.

(No seriously, I was disappointed and pissed off that we didn't actually get to fight the real Morgan and just her clones. And then our victory was stolen by whatshername little scheme to agitate the fairies against her and kill her)


(...It also made me feel no remorse in destroying that Lostbelt. Good riddance!!)

(The other Lostbelts I felt sadness. But the Sixth. I felt annoyance, anger, and exhaustion with how long the damn Lostbelt took)

"I see," Rasputin said, "So, I can assume that means you and the Britain Lostbelt stands oppose to us then?"

"Of course," Beryl responded, "She said I could what I want on her behalf. Also, the Rhongomyniad we just saw was made by Her Majesty just for the Foreign God."

"And yet." PJO Artemis spoke up. "It was easily blocked and sent back at them."

The power of the Herrscher of the Void is not something to take lightly."

Zero warned.

"After all, only (M/N) has been able to handle her when she went berserk."

"...What do you mean?"

Kiana asked uneasily.

I mean, it was her future they were talking about!


Zero was silent for a second, before speaking.

"Let's just say that during your time in St. Freya, you learned of some terrifying truths about your family and yourself. It made you start to lose faith in the world and sent you down on a path of despair. Eventually it grew so big that when the Herrscher core inside you awoken, you tried to destroy the world in your anger."

"Mei was able to stall you, even managing to snap some sense into you before you continued rampaging."

"You almost killed her, just so you know."


Himeko covered her mouth in shock.

Her students trying to kill each other!

"Thankfully, the memories of your time spent together in St. Freya was able to create inner conflict that enable you to resist Sirin influence. Enough time for (M/N) to show up and defeat you."


Mei asked.

"The Herrscher of the Void core."

"...Let's just say she had a bad life and leave it at that."

Otto remained stoic.

"Though...Kiana" Zero said, getting the young girl attention. "I should warn you that Sirin and your mother Cecilia have a history of sorts."

Kiana started at that.

"And that history also ties into your father disappearing at times."


"Um? Excuse me?"

Unicorn voice spoke out.

"What's a Herrscher and why is it so dangerous?"



Zero rather not say anything about it, due to certain idiots shall we say?

(He still doesn't trust the reminder of Union, even if him killing their students seem to slap some sense of reality into them)

...But now everyone's attention was on them.



Suddenly the theater turned into a classroom with Himeko Murata standing in front of a board.

"Herrschers." She began. "There is still not much known about them, what we do is terrifying enough though."

"To understand the Herrschers, you must understand the crisis our world faces: The Honkai."


Several people shuddered at the last word, they did not know why but they felt uneasy after that.

"No one knows exactly where it came from or why, but it's been theorized that Honkai can be considered as a form of natural selection. Ensuring that only the strong can survive in a world ravaged by them."

...They did not know what to say about that. It felt wrong, even some of the crazed villains felt it was wrong. Then again...it might be that they would be targeted as well.

"It comes in many forms." Himeko continued her lecture. "One is Honkai Radiation/Sickness: a fatal disease that is 100% fatal unless you can receive the cure. And the cure itself is super expensive because of the ingredients needed for it."


"Then there is the more common form of Honkai: Honkai beasts. Entities that serve the Honkai and seek to destroy humanity. They are usually identified with white armor and glowing pink highlights. And they do not come in one form, no they have MANY different forms. It all depends on the level of power they possess."

The Kingdom Hearts group were getting Heartless vibes from that.

"Then, we have the Herrschers."

Here, her expression turned serious.

"Herrschers are when the Honkai attempts to convert certain individuals and if successful they become hosts to the Honkai cores implanted in them. It has been theorized that they are envoys or apostle of the Honkai and draw upon the negative emotions of their hosts. They are far more dangerous than the Honkai, because they have a higher capacity to think, and potential to withstand enormous Honkai energy in their bodies. If the attempts are successful, they can cause massive damage on an unprecedented scale that makes nuclear bombs look like child play."


Rick Stanton voiced out what most people thought.

"Indeed." Himeko nodded. "They have been known to destroy whole continents just by erupting. If their core which is the base of their entire existence isn't neutralized when the host is destroyed, then they can simply find a new host."

"Thankfully though." Himeko let out a small smile. "Not all Herrschers desire to destroy humanity. It is possible for the host to overcome the Herrscher influence and use their powers for the benefit of mankind."

"Mei is one such person."


Many turned their heads towards Raiden Mei, who met their gaze with a leveled, unfazed stare.

"There is more."

Zero spoke up, returning the room back into the theater.

"But we'll get to that later."

(Information came from the Honkai Impact 3rd Wiki.)

"Though I should add this: You think Siren, Villains, Infected, Grimm, Reunion are bad? They got nothing on the Herrschers."


'...I would love to be crushed by their thighs though.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Because damn! Some of those Herrschers were too sexy and hot for their own good! And he always wondered how it would feel to his head be squished between somebody legs.


He was sixteen for crying out loud! He had urges/fantasies/kinks whatever you would call them!

Being an incubus didn't really help either. He might not be a conventional incubus. But he certainly did have an increased sex drive that he somehow manages to suppress a majority of the time.

...Though he should probably make sure it was not Elysia.

Gorgeous that woman is, but she gave high level of Ara Ara energy.

Same went for Aponia and Eden.

He would not survive that level of sexiness!

And like hell was he going to say anything about thighs out loud!

He knew a certain Latina milf would definitely take him up on that and thigh squish him!

The girls would definitely clobbered him out of jealousy.

He likes his life and his body intact!!

...He still did not get why she wanted him to be her daughters new stepdad.

(I'm just going go out on a limb and say that Carmilla husband is either dead or divorced. Or that they haven't revealed him yet)

"You talk big for someone who has much to lose" The Grand Lancer spoke up, "After all, the Rhongomyniad was reflected back to Britain so I'm pretty sure it is in a bad state now."

"That's for sure."

Lartoria crossed her arms.

She knew full well how powerful Rhongomyniad was.

As did Chaldea.

"Maybe so, but the history in that Lostbelt will ensure Her Majesty is ready regardless of this setback."

"...I don't like the sound of that.

RODK Kirishima uneasily said.

"Trust me."

Zero deadpanned.

"The Sixth Lostbelt is one of the most fucked up realities that can ever exist."

"And that's saying something."


Well...at least the FGO group had some inkling of how bad it was going to be.

...Which didn't help calm their nerves.

Beryl confidently said.

"Understood" Rasputin said, "Very well, you may live your sad, pathetic life for however long you have it."

"That's a little too nice coming from you, fake priest."

Rin said.

The priest smile turned downright scary, "AS AN ENEMY OF THE FOREIGN GOD THAT IS."

"...There it is."

Rin said, unfazed and not surprised at the sadistic nature of the fake priest.


A shiver went down his spine at that statement.

"Oh, Koyanskaya get me out of here!" He shouted, "I don't know why, but I need to leave now before it's too late."

Out of nowhere came,


"That foxy bitch!"

FGO Goredolf shouted.

Causing everyone to jump at that.

What the hell did this fox woman do to get him this mad?

"Well now, I was wondering when you call on me." She cockily said, "Very well, one way trip to the Britain Lostbelt is. Toodles!"


She shouted, as she warped the two of them out of there.

"God damn it!" Saji yelled. "Would have been nice to just kill him right then and there!"

"So, she made her move. Oh well, it was destined to happened." Rasputin said unconcerned.

The ground began rumbling, as the Tree of Emptiness bisected entrance began glowing.

"That's...not good."

Hestia stared, worried about what was going to happen.

"Now Rejoice! For the Foreign God has arrived."

"So." Olga Marie glared. "We finally get to meet the so called God."

The FGO cast shifted uncomfortably at that.

'She's not going to like who shows in the next five seconds.'

Ritsuka gulped.


She asked, weirded out by the FGO group expressions.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


"If we cannot use the Tree of Emptiness as the God vessel, then we shall simply use a different one."


"They had a backup plan for that?!"

Ping Hai (Azur Lane) shouted in shock.


Zero popped out.

"And let me tell you: it's going to be shocking."

Why did that sound ominous as fuck?

An evil, ominous light shone down on them as a figure slowly descended.

"What is this intense aura!?" Takanuva shouted, gripping his weapon tightly as he and his fellow Toa prepare for battle.

"This spirit origin!" Mash shouted, "There's no doubt about it, this is the final Horn-the final Beast Crown-of the Seven Evils of Humanity."

"The Beast that Announces the End!"

"Beast VII!"

"The Final Beast!?"

RODK Chaldea shouted in shock.

They already had to deal with Goetia and Tiamat.

Now they have to deal with the Seventh!?


Sounds could be heard from the massive dome of energy.

"Commencing advent"

A bright light exploded as Beast VII broke free.


"HeheHAHAHaha!" A female voice broke out in victory.


RODK Chaldea eyes widened.

'That voice!'

Once the light died down out came

(Beast VII)

"What the fuck!?" "Eh!?" It's me!?" "What the hell is going on!?"

"OI! God!"

Olga Marie shouted, glaring at Zero.

"What is going on here!? Why is my face on that thing!?"

The rest of the RODK Universe was also in agreement.

"Because for some reason, you are the most compatible being for the Foreign God."

Zero simply explained.

"Don't ask me why, probably the world way of giving back karma for the Foreign God impudence."


"At last, I have been set free my disciples!"

The Beast of Humanity spoke, her joyous face turned into a frown as she stared below her.

"So, this is Earth. I expected more after hearing how much trouble it gave to my kin."

"How underwhelming."

"...She didn't get my intelligence." Olga Marie deadpanned. "Otherwise, she would have realized the dangers of underestimating your foes."

"I mean, come on! I could conquer this tiny insignificant planet in a year!"

"Eh, debatable."

Many heroes said.

I mean, Ritsuka world was more or less normal compared to theirs. Yet, he managed to save Humanity from Incineration. And he was a novice when all hell broke loose in his world!

Her face glowed in self-assured victory.

(You sure about that?)

Everyone stared in shock at the being before them.

"...Why do I feel the urge to suddenly kill you guys?"

Olga-Marie deadpanned.

Many people whistled nonchalantly at that,


'...She's so damn tiny!' Gudao thought to himself.




Olga-Marie started shooting at Gudako with a vengeance!

"EEEEEK!!" Gudako comically cried. "SORRY!!"

People sweatdropped.

"Huh? Why am I suddenly getting annoyed for? Is it this planet indigenous life-forms that's the cause for it?"

"...Wow." FGO Kadoc said. "Even on the same wavelength about their height."

"Die! You emo bastard!"

Olga-Marie now directed her fury onto him.



Kadoc shouted in terror.

"...Wait a minute" She realized, "What happened to my body!? It's supposed to be from a Tree of Emptiness! Why is it so tiny?"

"To make it fun size."

Several people deadpanned.


Olga-Marie shouted, face red in embarrassment about her height.

'Why couldn't I be taller!?'

She thought to herself.

'I know your pain, my dear friend.'

HI3 Theresa stared sympathetically to her fellow short person.

Being short was such a pain.

'Especially when people keep thinking I'm a child!'

Theresa cried.

Why was life unfair to her!?

Unknown to her, other people were thinking the same thing.

"Uh, Senpais I know the situation is dire." Mash said, "But, I can't help but be confused. That's a Beast born from the ToE, and yet."

"That would be weird for anybody."

RODK Mash shook her head, still not believing what the heck had just happened.

"Yes," Wodime said, "There can be doubt about it. That person is-"

"Ugh, forget it." The Beast groaned, "Disciple, status report."

"I'd feel bad."

Sirius spoke up.

"But this 'God' deserved it."

"Sadly, we were betrayed by not just one but two Crypters" Rasputin spoke, "Seyfert was used to burn Magellan thereby destroying the vessel you were meant to descend in."

"This has limited your Authority."

"Considering how powerful she is." Ritsuka deadpanned. "I'm scared to know just how powerful she really is without her Authority limited."

...That was not a thought anybody wanted to entertain.

"Oh, well." The Foreign God said, "At the very least I will have something to look forward too as I conquer this world."

"Well, I'll give her that."

RODK Azazel spoke up.

"She sure knows how to look on the bright side."

"Even if said 'bright side' is possibly our death?"

Adam Taurus raised an eyebrow.


"Psst, hey bro." Gudako whispered, "What's wrong with director midget? Why is she acting like this?"


Olga-Marie shouted as she glared at the Last two Masters.

"What did you just call me you gacha obsessed freak!?"

"Who are you calling gacho obsessed pipsqueak!?"



"Calm down you two!"

Gudao got in between the two.

"Beats me," Gudao admits, "It still makes her look cute though, despite being small."

"Was that a compliment or an insult!?"


"Oh, God damn it!"


The Foreign God blinked, "Why do I suddenly feel like killing the redhead master of Chaldea and claiming the black haired master all to myself?"




Gudao could be seen moving a good distance away from the Director.

"Oh, come on!" Olga-Marie shouted. "I'm not going to do 'that' to you! What kind of person do you take me for!?"

"A sexually frustrated bombshell?"

Gudao asked.


A train whistle sound could be heard as Olga-Marie ears turned red and started steaming.

While the Crypters just stared in amusement at the normally unflappable director's actions.

But keeping their mouths shut because they don't want to die.

Shaking her head, she looked down once more.

"Hah!" She laughed, "Pure foolishness that you think one Grand Servant will be enough for me!"

"Bitch!" "How rude!" "That's the Divine Founder you are talking to!"

The Roman Demigods shouted.

While their Greek counterparts weren't as vocal, they glared at the Beast arrogance.

She mocked, Quirinus said nothing as he stared stone-faced at the Beast.

"Anyways, even though this Lostbelt isn't enough to satisfy my real form. It's enough for this body."



"Shut it Angel!"


A hungry look appeared on her face.

"...Although" She frowned, "Having insects like you running around really is ruining my appetite."


"You are one to talk insect."

HoTV coldly snapped back.


"You are a plague, a nuisance at best. Don't flaunt power that you are severally lacking in child."

"Oh, snap!"

Leo Valdez and Percy Jackson gasped.

"Oh, no she didn't!"

Souji (Senran Kagura) sassily shouted.

Kiana coolly replied.

"YOU!" The Beast roared in anger at that. "How dare you disrespect a God!"

"...She could kill you with barely any effort."

Zero, Ei, the HI3 group, and (M/N) deadpanned.

After all, Herrscher of the Void is one of the strongest Herrschers around.

And this is Alien God would have trouble fighting against the weakest Herrschers around.

And let's not get into what Welt Yang can do as the Herrscher of Reason.

(And I don't think they want to meet the Final Herrscher: Herrscher of the End)

"You're not the only God around here child."

"Hmph!" She will deal with her later, for now she had other interests that demanded her attention at the moment.


Came several people facepalming themselves.

"This is the threat we have to worry about in the future?"

RODK Sion deadpanned.

"This beast is an idiot and doesn't even bother using the vessel knowledge to her benefit."

"Gudao, Gudako" She addressed the Masters, "Why do you not bow down to me? Why do you not show the proper respect that is given to a God?"

"'God' riggggghhhtt." Natsumi drawled out. "The day you're a god is the day Acnologia is actually my dad and I'm the result of a secret love affair."

Notice the sarcasm.




The Todoroki's (Yes, even Endeavor and Dabi), as well as Zeref, all said in a deadpan voice, and expression.


Both Shoto(s) rubbed their heads where a growing goosebump was making itself obvious.


Sasuke deadpanned.

"Uuuhhh, well that's because," Gudako trailed off, unsure.

"How do you respond to seeing someone you know?"

Gudako asked, not wanting an answer.

"What the fuck are you even doing Olga Marie!?" Gudao just got up and said it.

"There's a time and place for being an egotistic maniac, but now's not the time!"

Gudao shouted, getting nods at that.


Blinking, the Foreign God could only process what they were saying to her.

"What are you talking about Earthlings?"

"That you still me 5 bucks."

Gudao deadpanned.

"And you'll never get it back!"

Confused at their ramblings.

...They're mad, that must have been it.

"Mad is quite relative and broad my good friend!"

Joker laughed.

"You would know."

Red Robin deadpanned.

"Hmph, stop blabbing and accept your fate!" She shouted, "I have come to right the wrongs of this planet and eradicate its evils!"

"What evils?"

Sheffield asked.

"Her evils?"

She declared,

"As the ultimate ruler, I will remake this planet into my image and become its' sovereign. Yes, Earth Sovereign:"

"U-Olga Marie!"


You hear that?

That was the sound of people falling down anime style at the declaration of her name.


Olga-Marie shouted.

"This idiot using my body has not taste in villainous names!"

"How distasteful."

Zestial shook his head.

"This is your biggest threat so far?"

Itachi just shook his head in disbelief.

"Careful now."

Zero said.

"She's a lot more dangerous than you would think."

"...I don't want to know."

Einstein said.


"First you say you aren't, now you say you are."

"Make up your damn mind woman!"

Gudao shouted in annoyance as U-Olga Marie started powering up.

"What a loving relationship you two have!"

Harley Quinn sighed.

Causing the two to blush and look at her like she was crazy.

...The irony.

"Now, despair as I consume this Lostbelt and everything in it!"

"Even your Disciples!?"

Gudako shouted,

"Now that I have a body of my own, their usefulness has been completed. Now, BEGONE!"

"...Wow." Salem said. "And I thought I was bad."

"To sacrifice your own pawns without a second thought. This bitch is evil through and through."

'But you would do the same.'

Several people thought to themselves.

As she said that, an enormous gravitational field appeared sucking everything in.


"It's sucking us in!" Lewa shouted, as they tried to stay steady.

"Rasputin, is this what you want?" Kopaka asked the Disciple.

"If it is her wish, then so be it." Rasputin stoically said, "My only regret is not being able to serve her more."

"...I can see why he is using you as a host."

Rin deadpanned.

"You both were made for each other."

Heracles could be seen holding Macarios and Adele, preventing them from being sucked up into space.

Quirinus holding Gudao and Gudako as he fought against the gravitational pull.

"Such power..."

Many shivered at the heavy pressure they could feel from the blackhole pull.

Kiana stared stoically, before moving her right arm to the side. Power welling up, before she suddenly stopped as she felt an unexpected presence.


RODK Irina blinked.

"Why did she stop?"

"That's strange."

Naofumi noted.

'No choice' Tahu thought to himself 'I'll have to use the Vahi now.'

"Yes, please!"

"Hmph. Not to going to resist Earthlings?" U-Olga Marie said, before smiling "Oh, wait. Of course you can't, after all no mortal being can fight against a god!"


Queen Caesar retorted.

"HA! Why did I ever think you could even with a Grand Servant you're still powerless!"

"Are all Beasts this arrogant?"

Kushina asked.

"Well...99% at the moment would be yes."

Gudako scratched her cheek.

"As it is, Tiamat is probably the only one who is not a villain in the sense of the word."

...No surprise there.

Laughing, she continued her speech: "There is no way for you to win, Earthlings! Just give in to your pathetic selves and surrender your lives to me!"

"I'll pass." Gudao rejected. "I think I would have to be afraid for my life if you have...'deeper' designs on me."

"For the last time, I'm not going to do that to you!"

"After all, there is no one in this universe capable of defeating – "

"Oh, shut up."


That voice!


A new voice interrupted Beast VII monologue startling everyone.

"I swear, do you villains just love hearing yourselves talk? Blah, blah, blah man just shut up already."


RODK Issei deadpanned.

"That's (M/N) all right. Don't think I know someone with balls as big as his to backsass a megalomaniac nutjob like her."


"You don't count."

He shot down Percy Jackson.

"You have powers, the (M/N) we know didn't for a good amount of his life. And even with powers, he preferred to fight with just his sword. He even headbutt Godzilla in the face just because she nearly crushed him to death with her hugs."

'...My counterpart is weird.'

Godzilla and (M/N) thought to themselves.


"In all seriousness."

RODK Denki crossed his arms.

"Why do villains like to brag so much about their plans? All they're doing is giving us time to kick their sorry asses back to the sewer they crawled out of."


The villains shouted, insulted that he used such a phrase.

They did not come crawling out of the sewers, thank you very much!

"So," The voice continued. "This is the Final Beast? Beast VII? Not really impressed. Especially for someone who bears the name of Lucifer, the Great Satan!"


The Supernatural and the Hazbin Hotel groups shouted at that.

"I'm the Final Beast of Humanity?"

Lucifer was stunned, never in his wildest dreams did he expect that kind of role. Sure, humans always believed him to be the beginning of the end, but he had Hell to run and ducks to make. He didn't have time to be bringing upon disaster onto the human world.

Besides, the humans did that well enough without his help.

"Well." Lilith spoke. "That was unexpected."

"Can't say I'm surprised really." Cain shook his head. "He is the Devil, wouldn't put it past an alternate version of himself bringing about the end of the world."


Lucifer just smiled, rubbing his Apple Cane.

"Though I can't say I'm impressed as well. For someone who's supposed to be me, she sure falls short of first impression."

"Was that a jab about my height!?"


Was all she could say before,

"Galaxia Blast of life!"

A powerful sword beam imbued with the elemental power of Life slashed right into her.


Many screamed.

"Such power!"

FGO Sion stared in amazement at the screen.

"He did more damage than Wodime did!"

"AAHHHH!?" U-Olga Marie screamed in pain, as the strike badly wounded her. Exploding, her body was left bleeding rapidly as she barely could lift herself up.


Gudako winced.

"That's got to hurt!"

"Hah...hah" Her pained breathing combined with her frightened expression said it all. Without a word, she disappeared in a flash of light.

"Must have been a shock."

Red Robin stared.

"After all, she was convinced that mere mortals could not lay even a scratch on her, and yet one not only did. But inflicted a blow so powerful that she felt fear."

"Truly, (M/N) is a force of nature not to be messed with.

This action dissipated the blackhole and returned gravity to normal as a figure landed on the ground.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course, he would say that?"

RODK Rias deadpanned.

"Wouldn't be him, if he didn't."

Miyabi (SK) simply said.


Came the response of (M/N), the Toa of Life, smirking at them.


Everyone shouted as Adele and Macarios grabbed him in a bear hug.

"Gack! Come on you two!" (M/N) choked, as the two only tightened their grips on him.

"What's with everyone and giving death hugs?"

RODK Mash shook her head in confusion.

"Partly because they're happy they're alive. And partly because they want to kill them for scaring them."

Anakin said.

"...Makes sense."

"Well, can you blame them?" Musashi said, "We all thought you were dead."

Fu Hua shook her head.

"Something tells me he is way to stubborn to die so easily."

"So did I" He admitted, "But, I'm back and we need to get going."

"This place isn't going to last much longer."

True to form the Great Shrine was starting its descent into the city below now that the Cronus Crown was deactivated.


Cyborg said.

"It's always fun to run for your life from a collapsing ship thousands of feet in the air."


Nifty asked.



"But where can we go?" Europa asked.

"I say Disneyland."

Dark Shadow suggested.



"Dark Shadow, shut up."

Tokoyami deadpanned.

Beep, Beep

Came the sound of the communicator.

"Is this thing on? Good."

"Testing: 1, 2, 3."

Director Goredolf voice rang through it.

"Normally this would be the time I would congratulate you. But first we need to get you out of there!"

"Well at least you're prioritizing the important part."

Ava sighed.

He shouted.

"We need a clear area that we can pick you up at!"

"The alter!" Europa shouted, "The battle against lord Zeus has left it completely open. We can meet there."

"Very well, Captain Nemo?"

"It should take about 15 minutes to reach the Alter."

"That's not enough time!"

Harry Potter shouted.

At the speed the Shrine was going, they would probably be dead!

The heroic spirit.

"Good, now listen do not do anything unnecessary or reckless! Wait until we get there okay!"

"Why bother, when you know they're going to do it anyways?"

RODK Goredolf asked his counterpart.

"Gives me some peace of mind."

FGO Goredolf just said.

"You can count on us Director!" Holmes reassured the man.

"No...I don't think I can trust you guys that easily to believe you."


"Good, we will meet you the- HOLD ON! Isn't that (M/N)!? I thought he was-!"

Da Vinci cut the communications so that time wasn't wasted.

"For someone who basically said no lollygagging, you sure are one to do so."

Sirius shook his head.

"Oh, bug off!"

"All right, you heard the man lets go go go!" Musashi shouted as everyone headed to the alter.

"Run like Sonic you bitches!"

-Sometime later-

"How much farther ahead!?" Gudao shouted,

"As far as your little legs can take you."

Loki deadpanned.

"Well, if you remember I can get us there in no time." Pohatu deadpan, causing everyone to stop at that.

That feeling, when you forget about something obvious.

"Oh, yeah that's true." Gudako rubbed her head.

"The bigger problem is when the Storm Barrier will get here." Holmes worried, "Even if we use the Toa powers, we might end up falling from the sky or becoming a stain on the ship if we miscalculated."

"Pleasant." Overhaul shuddered.

Everybody stopped at a loss at what they must do.

"...I can use the last of power to safely transport you to the Storm Barrier." Europa spoke.

"...But it's not enough, is it?"

Ritsuka sighed.

He hated it. He hated being forced to leave Adele and Macarios back at the Shrine.

...But he knew. He knew that it was essential that he survived to bring back Proper Human History.

It's why those that were aware of their pseudo existence always encouraged him to never look back.

'For them, I will make sure their sacrifices/deaths were not in vain.'

Ritsuka blue eyes hardened in resolve.

Ignorant of the fact that several people had been observing him.

'He carries a heavy burden on his shoulders.'

Athena noted.

Everyone smiled at that.

"But" She continued, "I'm afraid I don't have enough magical energy to get everyone off here."

"So, some of us must stay behind."

"Of course."

Many of the FGO group sighed at that.

Silence fell upon the group as the temple continued falling to pieces.

"So, this is we depart for now." (M/N) spoke, getting everyone's attention.


Kiana shouted in shock.

Surprised that the boy who won her heart (in the future) was refusing to leave.

"The man is tired."

RODK Ironwood said.

"Let him rest his feet. He deserves it after a long journey."

The two Ozpin nodded at that.

They knew full well how exhausting a long journey was.

"Brother, you can't mean?" Gali Nuva said.

"Yes, I will remain here and meet with you guys later."

"How can he say that with a smile on his face?!"

Vaggie shouted.

She couldn't understand (and probably never understand) how (M/N) could be at peace with what he just said.

'Isn't he afraid that they will die?'

"Because that's just how he is."

Cain and Ava spoke simultaneously.

"He might not be our actually son, just an alternate version."

Cain said.

"But he is just like our (M/N)." Ava smiled. "And I couldn't be more prouder of him."

(M/N) smiled.

Though it left his face as the others gave him a look.

A look that said:


He likes his rear intact and in one piece!


"Don't worry." Macarios spoke "We actually have a better chance of making it to the ground before you do."

"Macarios wait!" Gudako said.

"It's okay" Adele gently spoke, "We knew one way or another that this might happen. Just let us enjoy this moment."

"...I see." Ritsuka sighed. "They knew, far before we waged war on them. That they wouldn't be coming out alive."

It hurt him for sure. But he just couldn't help but make connections with residents of the Lostbelts.

It was just who he was.

'But in the end. It also helps to push me forward and do what I must.'

He also thought.

For the sake of those that believe in him. And for those whose lives he had a part in playing in undoing. He must continue to move forward.

For their sakes.

"Just the three of us."



Sniff, tears began falling from their eyes.

"You guys" Gudao cried,

"Hey now" Macarios smiled, "You guys are the Masters of Proper Human History now, aren't you?"

"Indeed, we are."

Ritsuka, Gudao, and Gudako nodded their heads.

"So, that means you must keep your chins up and move forward."

"I'm truly surprised that they can smile with their possible deaths looming over."

Alastor smiled.

'Seems like (M/N) really is an interesting character, no matter what life he lives.'

'Him and his siblings.'



Gudako shouted.

"What did they find shocking about that?"

Gudao and Gudako suddenly had a flashback to the first Lostbelt.


"So, keep fighting!"

'That voice!'

Ritsuka eyes widened.

A slowly dying Patxi shouted.

"What the heck!?"

"A werewolf!?"

"Damn, he's hot!"


"Now's not the time Angel."

"He's not wrong."


"WHAT!? It's true!!"

"I knew he was sus somehow."

"Stay out of this, Valentino!!"

"Who is he?"

Kal'tsit interrupted before Angel tried to kill his boss for butting in on something that didn't concern him, asked curiously.

"Patxi." Zero began. "A former resident of Chaldea first lostbelt mission – The Russian Lostbelt. Here, history took a different turn when Ivan the Terrible merged humans and beasts into one. Creating a race of wolf like creatures known as the Yaga."

"The Yaga believed in the term: 'Survival of the Fittest,' fitting for an eternal winter that the first lostbelt was."

"So...basically a furry fantasy come to life?"

RODK Mineta asked.

"That about sums it right."

Mikoto nodded.


"Keep fighting for that pathetic, weak world of yours! Prove to us why your history was the one chosen over ours!"

"Our history is messed up."

RODK Sirzechs shook his head.

"But it is the history that was chosen to progress human civilization."

"And never forget, that if you falter, if you give up because it's too hard that I will never forgive you!"

"Man!" Gudao whistled. "I knew Patxi could be harsh, but this version of him is made out of stern stuff!"

"I will never forgive you giving me hope for that beautiful sky and future!"


A word that inspired so many people and gave them the strength to continue on in a world as wretched as theirs.


"Fight and never give up."

Boruto murmured to himself.

Shinachiku once told him that.

Sora and the Kingdom Hearts gang nodded at that.

Understanding Patxi version of encouragement.

-Flashback Ends-

"This isn't goodbye" (M/N) said,

"Only a promise to meet again."

"Even if it takes him another lifetime journey." Mirage spoke up. "He would make good on his promises."

"Still going to kill him for being so damn reckless."

Maria Traydor grumbled.

"Same." "Yeah." "We can agree on that."

"Oh, before I forget."

Walking to Kirschtaria, he placed his hand on his chest and imbued his body with the Power of Life.

"...Did he also...?"


Zero confirmed.

"The wounds that you sustained in your youth, no thanks to your bastard father, were healed as well."

"You're no longer handicapped by your injuries."

"I see."


What were they talking about?

"*Gasp*," He said in shock, as he felt his body heal and power flowing through his veins. "You"

"Now, you can live your life freely."




Was all he said, as the Divine Consort teleported everyone away.

"Fly far far away Chaldeans." Macarios spoke as he stared at the rapidly fading orb. "Wow, you're impressive Queen Europa, I can't see them anymore."

"What's with (M/N) and his siblings singing in poems?"

Roger shook his head.

"Their Greeks." PJO Nico deadpanned. "It's in their blood."



"You think that's weird?"

(M/N) spoke up.

"You should come visit our heaven and hell. Everyone is practically obsessed with singing."


"He's not wrong."

Rosie and Mimzy giggled.

"I'm sorry, I don't have enough energy to send you as well."

"After that battle, I'm surprised that she didn't dematerialized right then and there."

Peppita said.

Europa solemnly said,

"It's fine." He replied,

"You know Macarios" Adele spoke up, "When you were talking about making it to the ground, you weren't being very convincing."

"...I knew it."

Ritsuka sighed.

Ignoring the looks of sympathy, he was getting.

She teased.

"Huh? Come on, that obvious that I couldn't fool you huh?"

"Don't think he was really making an effort."

FGO Mash laughed lightly.

Smiling, she simply said nothing as they all looked too the night sky. The beautiful stars and constellations glowing up in the vast space. Bathing them in their light.

"Stupid, perfect world."

Scaramouche grumbled.

"How dare they get such a beautiful night sky, that would otherwise be unobtainable in other worlds."

That was something some people could agree on.

Even the Greek Gods felt at peace watching the night sky of Olympus.

"I wonder what their world is like." Macarios suddenly said, "I know it must be chaos with everyone being able to think for themselves."

"Aw, but chaos is so much fun!"

Joker mock pouted.

"...This may be the only time I agree with you, clown."

Poison Ivy begrudgingly said.

*Le Gasp!*

Harley and several others gasped in pure shock.

Poison Ivy agreeing with the Joker?

Hell must be freezing over as they speak!

"But I bet it's a wonderful place too. Has to be if it created those two."

(Imagine (M/N) is standing on the pillar behind the twins. Staring into the night sky)

"Depends on your perspective, I must say."

Hyōki (SK) gently said.

The evil shinobi and younger sister of Leo could not help but envious at the strong sibling bonds (M/N) shared with his younger siblings.

"Yes, it must be." Adele smiled, tears coming down from her and her brother eyes as they stare wistfully into the sky.

Europa smiled sadly, as she played her harp. Gentle music flowing from it.

"Such a soothing, yet heartbreaking sound."

Lilith sighed.

"...You know" (M/N) started, as he stood upon a broken pillar startling the three as he stared into the starry skies as well. "I used to hate this world that we came from. Used to hate how boring, how repetitive, how stagnant it was."

"Used to, huh?"

Adray chuckled.

"Don't get him wrong, he hates how the same thing basically repeats itself every day."

Ei smiled.

"But it's good to have a place you can go back to."

Many people agreed, after all, for a majority of them.

They had no place to return to.

"And how I wished so desperately for a new tomorrow that was different from the old yesterday. How just much change, no matter how minor it was, would happen."

Leaping down from the pillar, he walked towards them.

"And now that we are finally together after overcoming so many trials."

"Life is always full of trials and hardships."

Stan Lee said.

"How you overcome them, makes it all the worthwhile."

Smiling, he grabbed Adele and Macarios hands as they gave a final stare at the beautiful night sky that they would never see again.

(He's between them in the middle)

"He truly cares and understands how important family is."

Dom smiled.

He could see how strong their bonds were, even after being separated for who knows how long.

"We can finally be free to make our own choices."

"Free will, huh?"

Kaguya (Naruto) hummed to herself in thought.

She always believed that she had to be the one to think, to rule the world and keep it from falling apart.

After her defeat at the reincarnations of her grandsons, she had time to think about the meaning of life itself.

It also helped that her new spouses were there to teach her that not everything was tainted because of human nature to inflict war and such.

Those were the final words said, as the temple finally came crashing.

"Oh no!"

Its occupants, no longer there.


-Atlas Institute/Novum Chaldea-

Knock, knock

"Gudao, Gudako sorry to wake you up but can you please report to the command room."

"Really you lemming?"

Gudako deadpanned.

"You can't let us sleep after a brutal battle was just fought?"


"Don't answer that."

Gudao said.

Meuniere knocked on their doors.

"Wha? Meuniere is something wrong?" Gudako moaned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Nothing bad, it seems that we received a video straight from Olympus."




Gudao and Gudako gave the Chaldean staff member their full attention.

Chuckling he continued, "The date follows shortly after Demeter defeat, man I tell you Olympus tech is so frigging awesome to be able to format it into Chaldea systems."

"...Tech from the lostbelts are too awesome for their good."

Leo Valdez groaned.

Why was life so unfair to deprive him of so many opportunities?

Because life sucks.

"Anyways, let's go."

Nodding, the three headed to the main room.

Inside was the Toa, Chaldea, Heroic spirits that were lounging around, and the two Crypters.

"Ah, there you are" Goredolf spoke, "Let's see what this is about."

He pushed play,


(Starts at 11:00)

"That sneaky son of a"


"Finish that sentence and you're dead."

Ava smiled.

Flash just smiled uneasily as he shut up.

'They might not be her kids in this life, but man are they protective of them!'

Reverse Flash chuckled.

(M/N) sweatdropped.

'She's a little bit different than my mom.'

He didn't recall his mom being that threatening and protective.

Silence filled the room after watching the video.

"I knew he was up to something!" Musashi shouted; fist raised up to the sky.

"A feast eh? That's not a bad idea." The newest Heroic Spirit Caenis spoke, after the final duel between Caenis, Wodime, and the two Masters (Caenis refused to go until she had her long awaited battle with Chaldea)

"...Are we sure you're not a daughter of Ares?"

"Hell no!"

Caenis shouted.

"I would rather die!"

"I agree" Pohatu chimed in.

"A feast huh?" Gali crossed her arms, a smile on her face. "I do believe that this does call for a celebration on a job well done."

"Yeah, but...not everyone is here though." Gudao said, head bow down.

That was true, three people were still missing.

The people in the audience were left wondering.

Where did they go?

"Haha, worry not little strongbrother!" Lewa spoke, his face smiling. "Lifebrother is too strong to laydie that easily. Let him quickjoy being with his little brother and sister. Allafter, longwaited this has been for him."

"He's earned it, that's for sure."

Fayt smiled.

Glad his friend had finally achieved his dream of reuniting with his siblings.


"He's right" Takanuva said, "We've known him for a very long time. He will come back after he realizes that it is not a dream. That it is reality, and he is back with his beloved family."

"Dreams are wonderful."

A new voice spoke out, startling the audience.

"That voice!"

Ophis narrowed their eyes.

"Great Red!"

They shouted as the massive dragon appeared.

"But stay too long in them and you lose the ability to distinguish what's real and what's not."

"It applies here, he fears that he is in a dream after finally returning. That he needs time to adjust to his new reality."


Smiling, the Guda twins nodded their heads. Their spirits went up from the little pep talk.

"Now then, let's have a party!"

Musashi shouted, as everyone agreed.

"A party sounds nice."

RODK Musashi said.

"Hey, maybe we should throw one after this!"

Chatter erupted from that.

"Yeah!" "Sounds fine!" "Can't wait for some good food!"

-Location: ???-

*Splash, crash, squawk*

The sound of waves hitting against the sandy beach could be heard as Adele and Macarios walked alongside it.

Along with birds chirping and squawking as they flew by.

"Where are they?"

Naruto asked.

"A place that (M/N) feels most at peace with."

Zero smiled.

"The Island of Mata Nui."




Was the delayed response.

"But I thought it was destroyed!?"

Kingdom Hearts Sora shouted.

"He created an entirely new Island of Mata Nui with the Great Spirit and Ignika help."

Nahida smiled.

"You can say it's like a personal resort, it's bigger than the original Island of Mata Nui. That way it could have hotels and resorts, and parks, without damaging the Island ecosystem."

...Where can they buy one of those?

When they regained consciousness, they realized that they weren't in the shrine anymore. Rather they had woken up to sand and the sound of waves. Once they gain their bearings they realized that (M/N) was not with them.

"Where did he go this time?"

Ghidorah sighed.

Getting up, they went on a hunt for the oldest sibling. Their journey taking them to a volcano with a village in its center.

"Nice and cozy."

Lucifer said.

To a lush jungle buzzing with life that in a massive tree held a free-spirited village.

"Seems like a place where you can enjoy yourself."

Remus Lupin said.

An Icy Mountain village layered with ancient texts.

"Why do I get the feeling that those texts are important?"

Sasuke groaned.

An underground village set a light by glowing lightstones.

"So pretty!"

The child Heroic spirits and kids shouted out in awe. Their eyes bedazzled by the lightstones glow.

To an arid desert that did not seem to affect them that badly. Walking into a desert village with massive stone carvings surrounding it.


Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker groaned.

"I hate it so much!"

"I know."

Obi-Wan smirked.

"That's why I always have pocket sand just for emergencies."



Anakin hissed as Obi-Wan held a handful of sand.

The Star Wars cast sweatdropped at their antics.

'Negotiator indeed...'

Satine sweatdropped.

To a village floating upon water that instilled a sense of peace and calmness.

"A serene lifestyle."

Gohan analyzed.

And finally, to the center of the island where a massive temple awaited them. Here they saw rock figures that resembled their older brother and his fellow Toa.


Bronya said.

After doing a complete tour of the island, they wound up walking on the sandy beach where they first woke up.

It was there that they finally found their older brother, (M/N) looking out into the distance.

"When did HE get there!?"

Many people shouted in surprise.


Turning his head, he saw Macarios and Adele walking towards him.

"So, you sleepyheads finally woke up."

"Why does that sound familiar?"

Riku smirked.

"Oh, screw you Riku!"

"I was beginning to think you were going to take a 10-thousand-year nap."

"...Why am I getting the feeling that's a reference to something?"

Deku muttered.

"Beats me."

Izumi shrugged, having the same feeling as her counterpart.

He joked,

"Did you two enjoy walking around the island?"

"...He had them look for him, solely just to explore the island, didn't he?"

PJO Artemis realized.

The twins nodded, as (M/N) smiled.

"That's good."

He said in relief.

"You know, I am glad that day happened. While I had to be separated from you two, I was able to not only gain the power to save you. But I was able to make friends that would last for a lifetime journey."

"And man was it a roller-coaster of fun."

Cliff laughed.

His friends doing the same.


(M/N) gave them a close look.

"You seem concerned about something. I know what you saw."


"Saw what?"

Gajeel blinked.

"I thought...that saving you guys and ending the Lostbelt would be the end of all our troubles."

(M/N) admitted looking at the sea.

"But the prophecies say otherwise and have changed."


Hermione snorted at that.

"Those 'visions' of the future told by crackpot quacks who are nothing more than frauds? Why in Merlin name would he believed such ridiculous nonsense?"

Hermione unintentionally got angry glares from the Greek Mythos as well as several others who knew full well of the power's prophecies contained.

"Watch your tone, child."

Hestia coolly said.

"Prophecies are far more powerful than you think. And most of the demigods have had their lives cut short by them."

Hermes flinched.

Remembering what happened to his son, Luke.

"Prophecies are very much real."

Now Zero looked at her with an angered look, startling her and everybody else.

Since, you know, Hermione wasn't like Union so why was he directing such a gaze at her?

"You have no idea just how powerful prophecies truly are."

"Nor do you know just how much of a real seer Sybill Trelawney really is."


"That quack?!"

Hermione screamed.

"She's nothing but a fake!!"

She refused to believe that the former Divination teacher was a seer!

"Open your inner mind and free yourself of your narrowminded thinking!"

Zero yelled, now losing his patience.

"The reason you can't accept her as a real seer is because YOU lack the qualities and the ability to read the signs of Divination! It's simply a concept that you can't master because of your logical thinking!"

THAT was a slap to her face. And shocking everyone with that too.


Hermione hated just the thought of something being out of her reach and something that she could not be good in.

...And she also hated the idea that Ron was right for once when he said that she didn't have the right mindset for Divination.

"The thing about seers and seeing the future is that seers do not remember what they predicted."

Apollo spoke up. Being well versed in this field.

"The knowledge is too much for a mortal mind to comprehend. Even the most well-versed seer dares not to remember the knowledge they have gained. For the burden of the visions, they are given can cause irreparable harm to them if they try to force the mystic art."

"Which is what happened to Trelawney."

Zero added.

"She was forced into remembering some of her visions and it caused her to become a little loopy because of it."


Hermione was quiet, which surprised those that knew her. But they didn't say anything because they learned a lot now.

...And because the demigods and Gods (even the nice ones like Hestia) were giving them the stink eye.

Even Hecate wasn't too happy about Hermione denial about prophecies.

"But now, the story still isn't over. There are still many things we must do."

"...The Lostbelts."

Ritsuka and Chaldea said.

He said seriously,

"An ancient enemy that should be dead has returned.


What did he mean by that!?

"The prophecies ever so changing."

"Nothing is set in stone."

"Our trials are far from over."


They did not know why, but whoever this enemy was.

Was not someone they wanted to fight.

"But for now, put those things away from your mind" He said, turning to them.

"Yeah." Gasper deadpanned. "Now you tell them."

"This is not meant to scare you, but to encourage you to take the first step in a new life."

"I must admit, there was always that dark thought in mind that I would fail, that I would be too late to save you two. That it would all be nothing."

"That's not a pleasant feeling."

Batman sighed.

He knew what (M/N) was talking about.

It reminded him of when he was too late to save Robin. And how it forever fractured their relationship.

A small smile appeared, before disappearing as he turned to them.

"But look at where we are now!" He shouted, "We are free! No longer bound by the chains of fate and free to make our choices!"

"One of the best feelings in the world."

Black Widow smiled.

"To be able to make choices of our own."

"We choose how to live our lives and can make the memories we could never make back then."

Putting a hand on their shoulders he said,

"Come Adele, Macarios! Let us live this windy beach and return back to Chaldea."

"They're finally going back."

Raiden Mei smiled.

Happy to see someone she would come to call friend, return to the place where they belong.

"Yes!" "Okay!"

Adele and Macarios shouted, tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.

"They are finally able to be free."

Ritsuka smiled.

Zero smiled as well.

'I think I'll get started on that.'

After all, the boy saved the world with no desire for rewards.

Just seeing the smiles on everyone's face was enough for him.

To Zero, Ritsuka embodied what it meant to be a true hero.

Smiling, (M/N) took charge and proceeded to begin walking them into the distance and to the place where they belonged.

Pausing for a second as his siblings walked ahead, he turned his head to the screen as though he was looking at someone.


Was he looking at them?

Memories flashing into his mind.

The journey to find the feathers, meeting Kiana and the others, the bonds he's made, journeying into the multiverse, meeting Tiamat, the Matoran Universe, Kiana, the Eternal Sphere.

"So many memories."

Megalon spoke, interested at how much the immortal being could remember.

So, many memories of more than not just one, but many lifetime journeys.

All that would be forever in his heart as new lifetime journeys were about to begin.

Smiling, (to who though was the question), he picked up the pace and caught up to his siblings.


Many people smiled at the childlike way he was beginning to act.

Is this how he was like when his barriers were let down?

"Many friends, both old and new, and many new adventures await us."

'And that was the ultimate truth.'

Zero smiled, as he turned off the screen for now.

"Well, we'll stop there for now." He said. "We'll come back later at another time."

"Did you enjoy it?"


Cherri Bomb shouted, letting off a few bombs that exploded like fireworks.

"This is some of the best kind of entertainment I've gotten without having to blow shit up!"

"While, it could have been phrased more eloquently."

Alastor spoke up.

"I must agree with Miss Cherri here. It was most spectacular!"

"What a performance!"

The Radio Demon raised his hands in the air, as a laughter record started in the background.

"Who knew I could be such a badass?"

(M/N) said, completely mindblown.

"I say."

Vaggie agreed.

"Pretty cool!"

Charlie smiled.

"I guess it wasn't that bad."

Adam admitted.


Lute crossed her arms, not wanting to agree but she secretly did.

"Remind me not to make (M/N) an enemy."

Valentio whispered to Vox and Velvette.

"Only if you agree to do the same."

Vox said as Velvette nodded.

No way in Hell did they want to see if the (M/N) they know could have some secret hidden power that could kill them!

"So much fighting and violence!"

RODK Toga and Union Toga shouted.

"Pretty good entertainment!"

Joker laughed.

"(M/N) would make a good sparring partner."

Inuyasha crossed his arms, smirking.

"For once, little brother we are in agreement."

Sesshomaru said.

"Ack! Where did you come from!?"

"I'm starting to see how (M/N) would attract a counterpart of me as his mate."

Godzilla hummed.

'Now I want a mate!'

"It's a very interesting experience watching such incredible feats being achieved.

Mothra smiled.

"I always knew (M/N) was badass, but man!"

RODK Riser spoke up.

"This takes the cake!"

"...Seems like there is truly much more to any version of (M/N) than we realized."

Union Rias just sighed, feeling even worse at how she had treated him.

'But he still treats me like a normal person despite what I had done to him. I don't think I've met anyone as strong as him.'

"Kid's strong."

Iron Man chuckled.

"At least we know that any version of him is a Bonafede badass."

"That, we can agree on Stark."

Nick Fury smirked.

"He's quite an interesting one, huh Donald?"

Goofy said.

"Well." Donald began. "At least he has a good head on his shoulders."

"Unlike a certain somebody."

He side glanced at Sora.

"You picking a fight Donald!?"

"What if I am!? What's it to you?"




The Kingdom Hearts gang laughed.

Zero and the others smiled.

Glad that everyone was enjoying themselves.


Suddenly, a loud noise could be heard silencing all talk as everyone looked to see.

...An embarrassed Godzilla Jr. blushing as her stomach growled for food.


Soon other people's stomachs growled as well.

"Well!" Zero smiled as he got up. "Let's have that party!"

"And then it's back to watching the multiverse again!"

"Hai" "YES!" "Let's eat!"

"Roger that!"

Chuckling, everybody got up and left the theater to eat.

Well, everyone except for Kiana.

Who still couldn't get over the fact that she fell in love with (M/N), married him, and even had a kid with him!

'Man!' Kiana thought to herself. 'Who would have thought that I would fall in love with someone else?'

For some reason, her heart felt warm at that thought.


Rising her head, she saw her aunt, teacher, and friends staring at her with a worried look.

"Is everything okay?"

Kiana simply smiled.

"Everything is fine!"

With that she walked out of the theater with the rest of her friends, smiling and chatting away.

'The future is scary.' She thought to herself. 'But...it's also beautiful and the fact that I found happiness even with what will happen to me in the future.'

'So long as (M/N) and my friends are there for me. I don't need to fear the future alone.'


Have a good day/night!

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