Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 6

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I should have read my ANs for this chapter to realize that I didn't bring in the Helluva Boss crew in the original version of this chapter.

Oh well, I only have the main cast and Mrs. Mayberry talking anyways so it's cool. The rest will come later.

Don't own the art or videos. They belong to their respective creators.



"Is something wrong, Zero?"

RODK Ozpin asked the male in curiosity.

The Great Being seemed to be in deep contemplation.

"I don't know why, but I feel like the multiverse has lost not just one, but two great people just recently."

Zero murmured to himself in concern.

"Might be even more."



"Nothing we can do about it, unfortunately." Zero sighed. "Time eventually takes all, even Gods and immortals."

...Well, that's terrifying.

With that said, he was about to press play before a thought came to him.

"Time to summon more people I guess."


A good portion of the theater yelled at that.




Came the screams of surprised people being dragged to the theater room.


"Ouch!" "The hell is going on!?" "Sparx get your shiny metallic behind off me!" "Screw you Einstein!"

"Is this your doing, you radio freak!?"

"Sorry! I don't possess that kind of power!"


"Mom? Dad?"

"Lucifer? Charlie?"

"Who the hell are you people?!"

"Why are we in a room full of shitty demons!?"

"The fuck should I know!?"

"Would you two get off me before you crush me with your damn bodies!?"

"Shut up, (M/N)! You know you like it you perverted incubus!"

"Stop stereotyping me just because I'm an incubus type demon!!"

While everyone was busy panicking.


A loud noise soon shut them up as they covered their ears in pain,

Before looking at the source that was Zero holding an airhorn at them.

The people behind groaning in pain at that.

"Have I gotten your attention?"


"Who, may I ask, are you?"



Lucifer, King of Hell, coldly asked. Energy crackling around his staff.

Lilith and several other high leveled powered demons and angels also glaring at him.

(Valentino: Moth. Vox: TV. Velvette: Fashionista)


Only for Zero to smile at their cute attempts of intimidating him.

"Calm yourself King of Hell, I mean you no harm."

He crossed his arms, unfazed.

"Really?" Lilith sarcastically asked. "You mean that you dragged us from our homes and brought us here through unknown means. And you say that you don't mean us any harm?"

"Do you take us for idiots!?"

She yelled at him.

"...Do you really want an honest answer to that?"

Zero asked.


The Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss crew (well most of them) blasted him with powerful blasts of demonic/angelic energies.

"Dumbass fool."

A trendy demon like girl with a high tech phone scoffed.

"Actually, you are the fools around here."

Albel smirked, causing them to look at him.

"You really don't know who you are dealing with."


That got the newcomers wondering what the hell he meant by that.

"The hell you talking about asshole?!"

An angel wearing a mask and a robe that kind of made his ass look fat shouted at him.

"There is no way that fucker could survive that!"

He was quickly proven wrong.

"That tickles."

Zero voice startled them, as the dust cloud faded away.

Revealing an unharmed host dusting himself off.


Lucifer looked in shock, and slight fear, at the still alive man.

"That should have at least mortally wounded you, if not killed you!!"

"Maybe in another universe."

Zero shrugged as he raised his hands.



The demons/angels/King of Hell that had attacked him were screaming in pain as he showed them the terrifying power of the Force.

Via Force Lightning.

Several Jedis/Siths/Force Users shivered. Having subjected to that before.

"And that was barely a tiny fraction of my powers."

"Mom! Dad!"

"Your majesties!"


"Who knew a television could smell so bad after being electrocuted?"

"Fuck you, Alastor!!"

"I'm asexual, you glorified talking picture box."

"Doesn't stop the fanfics!"

"Shoot yourself."

"Are you okay?"

"We're fine." Lilith groaned. "He went easy on us like he said he would."


A moth like thing groaned.

As did the trendy chick.

"...Who are you?"

A young boy with black hair, and blue eyes asked. Strange markings on his face, and on his sides stood...robot monkeys?


"My name is Zero." He introduced himself. "Full name Light Zero, you can call me Light or Zero doesn't matter to me."

"And as for who I am?"

"I'm a God of the Multiverse realm."


-One explanation later-

"I see."

Chiro said as he sat down, having introduced himself after the God had explained everything.

"The multiverse theory is true, and there are countless worlds out there."


"Hell is different in other worlds."

Lucifer twirled his apple staff, as he sat in a rather cozy chair.

"You got it."

"And you brought us here to watch a young man who will make an impact of insane proportions."

Alastor, the Radio Demon, cackled at that.

Freaking out a good amount of people.

'Oh no! Not another Joker!'

The DCverse characters thought to themselves.

"That's the gist of it."

"But why are we here?"

Vaggie groaned, feeling a headache coming on.

"And did you really need to bring them as well?"

She pointed to Angel Dust and Alastor.

"Eh, why not?"

...Good point.


Zero added.


Vaggie asked.

"Are you and Charlie aware that you're in a rather provocative position with your boyfriend?"


Charlie and Vaggie as they looked to see..."

"...Get off me or I will cut you off for a month."

An alternate version of (M/N) groaning as he tried to control his incubus side. Which was failing because of their rather...intimate position.

"Ohhhhh, damn!"

A spider demon shouted.

"Get some of that hunk you two!"

"Shut up Angel!!"

The Princess of Hell and fallen angel/ex-exorcist shouted out. Faces red with embarrassment as they got off him.

(Charlie Morningstar)



(M/N) sarcastically said.

"Are you two trying to secretly kill me?"

He groaned.

"It was an accident!"

Charlie frantically waved her hands.


(M/N) groaned.




(M/N) eyes widened as he turned and saw...

"MOM!?" He shouted. "DAD!?"


Some of the denizens of hell shouted!

"Those two are your parents?!" "Holy shit! No wonder he became an incubus demon!" "Goddman! Does he come from a line of attractive people!?" "Did I just turn into a bisexual!?"

Many people sweatdropped at that.

'Overdramatic much?'

They thought to themselves.

"My boy."

Ava smiled.

"Even though you're technically an alternate version of him."


"Oh..." (M/N) shook his head. "I see. You're not MY parents but an alternate me parents."

"Still your parents in a sense, kid."

Cain raised an eyebrow.

"True...old man."

He smirked.


"I'm not even in my forties you brat!!"

Cain shouted as he hit his son's alternate version on the head.


(M/N) rubbed the goosebump on his head as he thought.

'Yep! That's dad all right!'

He thought to himself.

Nice to know some things don't change regardless of whatever universe they're from.


Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer nervously greeted the alternate versions of (M/N) parents.

"Ni-Nice to meet you!!"

She loudly greeted, causing some people to jump at the nervous girl introduction.

"I'm Charlie!" She introduced herself. "I'm the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and the PRINCESS OF HELL!"

She shouted at the last part a little loudly.

But hey, you can't blame her. After all, she and Vaggie were in a relationship with (M/N) and meeting his parents was a big step.

...Especially since they couldn't exactly just go to Earth without accidentally alerting her father. I mean, they could just order Blitzo to take them, but from wheat (M/N) had told them about Earth and the place called Union. It probably wasn't a good idea to go up there at the moment.

"Charlie, sweetie." Vaggie shook her head. "They're not (M/N) actual parents, you know? They're technically alternate versions of his parents."

"Well, I don't think we'll be going up to earth anytime soon I figure it would better if we at least our boyfriend alternate parents blessings to date him."

"He's not my boyfriend!!"

Vaggie blushed.


Was the thought running through people minds.

"He's just a friend!!"


A new voice interrupted.

(Carmilla Carmine)

(...Not gonna lie, I'm kind of down bad for her)

"So that means he's on the market then."

She chuckled as she gave a nervous (M/N) a sultry look.

"So, that means he's free game."


(M/N) gulped, as sweat trailed down his face. Trying not to show how...attracted he was to the sexy demon milf and her legs.


She has killer legs...literally!

(I mean she did kill an angel with her legs because she had the angel killing weapons as her shoes...or something. I forgot 😅)


"Hands off my boyfriend you cougar!"

Vaggie shouted as she held her spear in front of the chuckling woman.

"My, my." Carmilla chuckled. "And here I thought you didn't like him that way."



"Stop being such a tsundere, dear!"

Alastor laughed.

"How do you even that word, old man!?"

She shouted.

"Wouldn't you like to know, moth girl?"

He said.

"I am an angel!" Vaggie shouted before thinking for a sec. "Well, technically fallen angel, but you get the point cabrón!"

Alastor just laughed.

"But it still isn't going to stop me from having a piece of that fine specimen."

Carmilla chuckled.

(M/N) swallowed some saliva.

'Out of all the things I could have become when I was sent to Hell, it had to be an INCUBUS!!'

What made it worse (or weird) was that he didn't even behave like a normal incubus!

He did not make sexual comments or dirty flirting or trying to get into people pants/skirts/shorts/whatever.

In short, he didn't act like how the books depicted incubi as! And a good number of Incubi and Succubi did act like how they were told on earth.

But him? He acted normal. Like he wasn't even influenced by his now new species.

And it didn't have to do with the fact that he was a human, because once they were in hell they transformed into whatever represented them best.

And out of all the human looking demons of hell. (M/N) was normal, even with his wings, horns, claws and spiked tail. He still retained his human appearance from when he died. And he could even will away his demonic features and look like a regular human.

But somehow, that made him all the more irresistible to the denizens of hell.

A certain Vee was proof of that.

Much to (M/N) dismay because that woman was crazy. Hot yes, but crazy and somewhat reminded him of Akeno, just better.

And Akeno was a borderline psychopath with she loved inflicting pain on those that she deemed beneath her.

'Shitty half breed.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

He had no doubt that Akeno's parents were probably ashamed of her.

"And if memory serves me right."

Carmilla brought him back to reality.

"Aren't you three in a somewhat open relationship?"



Many people blinked as Charlie blushed.

"It's more like letting people date (M/N) since he attracts a lot of lovers and I feel bad about keeping him off the market."

"What am I? A stud?"

(M/N) deadpanned.

"A very sexy stud."

Angel Dust corrected, suddenly using Juandissimo Magnifico voice as he did so.

"Shut up, Angel."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"Well, it's true."

Charlie said.

"Your eyes do wander, respectively, and it amazes me at how well restrained you are with not succumbing to your urges."

"Which is surprising since you are an Incubus."

"...Why do I feel like the universe is conspiring to give me a harem?"

(M/N) groaned.

"You have that charm."

A tall demon said as she smoked her cigarette.

"And that build."

She added as she continued.

"You are a decent kid who doesn't go chasing after every sexy lady you see. And you being handsome young man is a definite plus."

She said, turning her head to the side to hide her blush.

"I mean, you certainly charmed me when I told you and that imp my life story."

She added.

"Mrs. Mayberry." (M/N) sighed. "Sure, you went crazy. But you didn't deserve having your dipshit husband cheat on you."

"...And I can't believe he also cheated on you with a woman who was already married, like WTF man?"


The theater screamed in shock.

"Long story."

(M/N) and Mayberry said.

"But everyone heralds the damn woman as a hero for no actual good reason." (M/N) groaned. "Like what the hell? She was 'cheating' on her husband with a random man and she's innocent? She deserves torture on the highest level. She's no hero."

"...Especially as it turns out she and her family are cannibals."

"...The fuck?"

Thalia just looked at (M/N) and the HH/HB crews in shock.

"What the fuck is wrong with your world?!"

"A lot."

Was all they said.

...Oy vey.

"About this young boy you keep referring to."

Antauri, formerly the Black Monkey of the Monkey team now the Silver Monkey due to a certain event, asked the deity.

"Who is he?"

The new groups turned their attention to Zero.

"His name is (M/N) (L/N)."

While the Monkey team did not know who he is, the Hazbin Hotel group on the other hand.




"The fuck?!"

"Ara, ara."

"Why him, might one ask?"

(Zestial Morde)

Quite possibly the oldest Overlord currently alive. Asked in curiosity.

It was amusing to him to see his dear Carmilla gushing over the young male. Even more so, that she seemed to be turned on with him being a teenager. A kink, perhaps?

One might find it concerning that Carmilla might have a thing for teenage boys.

But this was Hell they were talking about. Morals aren't exactly something that they will uphold. Oh, sure they will uphold some morals in order to ensure that their operations succeed and keep their employees from trying to revolt. But other than that.

Well...morals weren't completely gone. There were still some things you shouldn't do.

But still, MORALS can go to HELL!!

Zestial blinked as he realized something.

...Okay, he might have walked right into that one being that they live in Hell.

But perhaps he should be happy that her interests in boys didn't go lower than teenage.

Then he might have to intervene.

"That weird demon filth?!"

A female angel shouted.

(Adam and Lute)

"Why are we even watching him!?"

"Watch your tone brat."

Ei coldly said.

"What did you say!?"

Lute yelled at the unfazed goddess.

"I told you to WATCH. YOUR. TONE."

Ei repeated. Electricity crackling around him.

"You are not in your world. You have no power here, we could kill you if we wanted to."

She coldly said as her aura started weighing down in the room.

People shaking as they felt her oppressive aura.

"...So!" She suddenly smiled; her aura gone. "Be a good little angel and watch the show!!"


She calmly asked.


Lute and Adam screamed in horror.


A tense silence filled the air, until.


Alastor suddenly shouted as he turned to Zero, his smile widening.

"I KNEW you felt familiar!" He shouted and cackled like a broken radio. "Zero you old bastard! How've you been!?"

"How's the wife, sorry wives and kids!?"

"Doing very well you psychopath!" Zero chuckled, holding the demon with an arm wrestling contest. "I see you haven't change one bit!"


(And yes, he's ripped)

(Bit of a reference with that hand greeting)


Alastor laughed as they let go.

Many people were confused on how he knew an extradimensional god.

"Oi, Strawberry Pimp!" Angel shouted, holding fat nuggets in his arms. "You know this guy."

"Know him? Of course, I do?" Alastor shouted. "He's the one that was the reason for my death!"


"Say what now?"

Charlie asked.

"He killed me!"

Alastor repeated.

"Um, shouldn't you be hating him and trying to kill him?"

Deku asked uneasily.

What? The man was scary as hell!

"Oh, perish the thought!" Alastor waved his concern off. "I was a serial killer when I was alive and that's why I was sent to hell!"

...Come again?

"I made the mistake of thinking he was an easy kill and got my ass kicked, before he sicked the dogs on me!"

(I think it was mentioned that he was killed by a pack of dogs, or it had something to do with his death)


"But anyways!" Alastor cackled. "Enough with our fun first meeting! How's the Jambalaya I taught you?"

"Very good." Zero chuckled. "My guests seemed to like it."


Rodan said.

"This pendejo was the one who taught you that!?"

"Yep." "You got it sister!"

Zero and Alastor bumped fists at that.

Unholy Kaiju/human screeching.

"Anyways." Charlie tried to get the show going. "So, we're going to see (M/N)?"

She asked.

"Not the (M/N) you know of." Zero said. "Your (M/N) is but one of many versions of (M/N). Depending on my mood, we might get to see your world...and see why someone like him wound up in hell."

...The group said nothing, though some internally admitted they would like to see why he was in hell in the first place.

It confounded their minds that he was in hell in the first place. Because according to Heaven attendance book. He was slated for Heaven.

...And weirdly enough so was his parents. Which was weird considering that Cain still founded his gang in that world as well. So he was still a gangster.

Back getting back to the point.

He might have an attitude, but all in all, he was not a bad person.

...Ignoring that he like to tease Charlie and Vaggie a lot.

"...Did we have anything to do with it?"

Union Rias asked, she had the funny feeling that Union existed there despite there already being a hell there.

(M/N) frowned as he stared at her and the others.


Union Rias and the RODK DxD thought to themselves.

They did.

"Seems like cutting yourself from the pervert really has done wonders for you." Zero hummed, impressed that she picked that up rather quickly.

'Wait, what?'

(M/N) blinked at that.

"But, to answer your question...yes."

"...Of course."

She deadpanned.

Seems like in every world, with the exception of a few, Union will always be there to fuck it up.

"But then why are there two hells?"

RODK Sirzechs asked.

"That is a good question." Union Sirzechs realized. "What would be the purpose of two hells?"

"Because God decided that he didn't want just anyone finding Heaven and Hell."

Zero said.

"Your Heavens and Hells."

He pointed to the RODK and Union version of DxD.

"Are, more or less, fake versions in their world."

He pointed to (M/N) and his friends.


The devils, angels, and fallen angels all shouted in shock.

"Yes, you dipsticks!"

Adam shouted at them.

"Your nothing but fakes in our world!"

"Who are you?"

RODK Asia glared at him.

Why did she feel a hint of annoyance and disappointment looking at him?

"Who am I? WHO AM I!?"

Adam dramatically said.

"I am the first man to ever exist! From these nuts did humans spring forth! I am the man who lived in the fable garden of Eden!"

"I am the first man: ADAM!!



Many religious people jaws dropped in shock at Adam declaration.

"Pretty hot, huh?"

Adam smugly said.

"...Just when things couldn't get any weirder..."

Grayfia groaned.


Zero sweatdropped.

"But to hurry this up. You heaven and hell are just a front, though your counterparts don't even realize that their not the real deals."


Michael said, getting weird looks at how different and weird he was in comparison to the Micheal they know.

"God never died." That got reactions. "But the God that 'died' in the Great War was actually a fragment of the real God and he simply returned to his original self after dying."

"Oh. And Heaven plans to wipe your counterparts out because of how shitty, arrogant, power hungry, and stupid you guys are."



An angel looked at her sister.

"Forgive me, Emily."

Sera sadly said.

"But on this one...let's just say that they have overstayed their welcome."


"Can we get to the show already!?"

Nova of the Monkey Team shouted.

They did not want to get drag into some fucked up soap opera.

"I want to see some action!"

"Same!" "Agreed!" "Lets!"

"Hehe, alright."

Zero pressed play and resumed the show again.

*Boom, Crash, Crackle*

"Snap! Pop!"

"PERCY!" "LEO (PJO)!" "Sparx!"

Was the sound of Zeus lightning bolts crashing all over the city and the temple. Violent winds picking up, as the very world seemed to tremble at the great powers that had gathered.

The same could be said in the theater. Even though it was just sending out the sensations of a watered version of the fight, the theater could be seen shaking as many buckled under the pressure.


Wonder Woman shouted in pure shock.

Ignoring the weird looks she was getting from the PJO cast at her use of the Goddess name as a means of expression.

Hey, they were from different worlds of course things were going to be different.

"Such power!"

Salem shouted in fear.

This was far beyond even the Brother Gods power!


The Supernatural Factions were no better.

God of the Bible, the Four Devil Kings, and even the Dragon Gods could not compare to the sheer output of power they were feeling.

'The Skeleton King pales in comparison to these titans!'

The Monkey Team thought to themselves in sheer terror.

"And I thought the angels were bad."

Loona shivered.

The pure power that was radiating off the fighters was enough to humble her!

...Even if it's just for this moment in time.

And that was just a small taste of how the battle truly was!

"It gets worse."

Ritsuka ominously said.


Was the thought running through their heads.

"Now then." Mata Nui voice broke the silence, "I believe the time has come."

Raising one hand, energy began building up.

"To finish you and put an end to this dream that never was!"

"...Why do I feel like a pun was made?"

RODK Yang deadpanned.

The Kingdom Hearts group could not help but feel the same at that.

"Because anything can be made into a pun."

Frieza said.

With that said, a burst of power exploded from his hand and struck head on against Zeus.


Blitzo shouted as he flew off his chair.

"URGH!?" The mechanical God shouted as his defenses were easily pierced through, despite his power ups, and left some visible damage to his Aletheia form.

"Such power!"

Ghidorah stared in shock.

Not even she could do such damage with one strike!

Taking this opportunity, Ares swung his sword down on him. Knocking him from the sky and into the temple ground.

"OOHHHH!" Ares (PJO) winced. "That's gotta hurt!"

Several others could only nod in agreement at that.

...For some reason, Hades was getting the strangest feeling that he was hearing some obscure, insignificant shouting that they could do better.

And that this was a fight of weaklings.

'Must be those idiots he killed for the time being.'

Hades frowned at that.

Maybe he could convince Zero to hand them over to him. Just being in their presence for a few seconds was enough to want to throw himself into Tartarus.

And only he can make fun of Zeus, damn it!

...Okay. And maybe Poseidon can too.

"Mmph!" Was the God of the Sky response.

Hovering, he slowly regained his bearings as he started to float.

"Does nothing faze this guy!"

Naofumi shouted, shocked at how much punishment the Lostbelt King can take.

"Apparently not."

(M/N) shivered.

What kind of life did his alternate versions live!?

And he thought he was dealt with a bad hand having to deal with those idiots when he was still alive!

"Accept your fate, those who would defy the Gods."

"...Okay," Nightwing deadpanned. "Now he's starting to sound like a broken record."

"He is."

He robotically spoke,

"For that is the inevitable end you will all meet."

"And this is why Gods and humans will never reach an understanding or coexistence."

Pramanix sighed, the Priestess of Kjearg shaking her head.

"When Gods demand your undying loyalty, you lose all sense of self. And become nothing more than a form of entertainment for them."

The Olympians and the demigods shifted uncomfortably at that statement.

The angels felt somewhat annoyed by this, but they could not understand why.



"Ahhh!!" Zeus screamed, as he was brutally slammed back into the ground by Akamai Nuva molten fists.


Hornet (AL) winced.

"Been on the end of taking a bullet to the face and it's not pleasant at all!"

"I bet this is even worse!"

'You have no idea.'

Zero thought to himself.

"We would never surrender to a tyrant like you!" The Spirit of Valor shouted.

"Tyrant, huh?"

Lucifer stared at his staff, remembering how the humans thought he was.

...Then again, not like he was making an effort to prove them wrong.

Besides, if only they knew the kinds of people that were Overlords of Hell. Then they would realize he was the last person to be considered a tyrant.

...Of course, they would probably realized that if they knew he had depression.

(I do not have depression!)

(Wha!? Lucifer!! Don't break the nonexistent forth wall!!)

(Then you should have made it existent!! I'm not depressed!)

(You fucking make ducks!! And even implied it with 'Take that despression!')

(It's a hobby!!)

"Not when there are people counting on us!"

"Indeed," Wairuha Nuva spoke. "To submit and accept our so-called fate by your decree would be nothing more than an insult to the Toa who have fought against impossible odds and triumphed."

"That would be spitting in the faces of all who have fought and died in the line of duty."

Darth Vader mused.

"Not to mention, the impossible can become possible."

Ei crossed her arms.

"That's kind of cheesy."

Mimzy said.

"Yet somehow cheesiness seems to work."

"We who embody the virtues of Wisdom and Valor will never kneel to a God who has lost his way."

"Lost our way, huh?"

Zeus and his fellow Olympians pondered that.

Admittedly, they had all changed after the First Titan War against their father, Kronos. And it wasn't for the best if one thought about it.

While not dominating over the humans like the Titans did, they did change from being protectors to being essentially overlords.

...And shamelessly sleeping around and ruining relationships.

The Spirit of Wisdom coolly stated, as the wind began picking up and the storms started to become more violent.

"Are they trying to kill everyone there!?"

Mina shouted, her eyes bulging at the insane battle before them.

"They're not taking any chances, ribbit."

Tsuyu Asui piped up.

"They'll be fine."

King Kai said.

"NO doubt they been dealing with worse."

"...How long have you been here?"

Goku asked.

"I've been since we were teleported Goku."

King Kai deadpanned.

"What are you doing!?" Zeus asked, fear in his voice as he realized that his mighty thunderbolts were spiraling out of control.

"So, now he feels fear."

Scarecrow spoke up in interest at that.

"The Sky is his domain." Medea spoke up. "For Lord Zeus to lose control of his domain, is to lose ones' advantage."

Zeus twitched.

"We, the Toa Kaita Nuva, are a manifestation of the Unity of the Toa that become us." Wairuha Nuva stated. "As such, the power to call upon the storms is within our domain!"

"Such is the power of Unity."

Gudao hummed.

"Such a scary thing, it is."

RODK Sion said.

"It defies all rational logic of people from different outlooks working together."

"Witness as your storms rampage out of your control!"

"...Now, THAT'S a scary thought."

Zeus shivered, his siblings doing the same.

To lose control over your own domain, and have it be turned against you with no way of regaining full control. That was a nightmare that they hoped would never happen.

"That is impossible!" Zeus denied, "I am Zeus, the Almighty God of the Sky! All of the sky wonders are mine to use!"

"Egotistic much?"

Cliffheart deadpanned.

"That's just how the Gods are."

Caenis swung her spear around.

"Their egos are what Atlas is really holding up."


"No surprise there."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"It's the same with certain Overlords."

The hazbin crew nodded at that.


Swing, SLAM!

"ARRGGGHHH!" Zeus screamed in pain as Heracles bashed his sword into the Lostbelt version of his father's head.

"...He enjoyed that, didn't he?"

Zeus deadpanned, watching an alternate version of his star demigod beating up an alternate version of himself.

"Well, you have to admit you Gods had that coming."

Circe (FGO) shook her head.

"Considering how just being a child of the Gods usually leaves them a life full of pain."

Here the demigods flinched at that painful truth.

"Not to mention." Scaramouche crossed his arms in annoyance. "How you managed to royally fuck up with demigods of legends!"

"Maybe it didn't occur to you, but did they really want all that fame, all that glory? I know that (Son of Zeus) Perseus was able to get a happy ending somehow. But the same couldn't be said for the rest of them."

"Indeed." Mikoto coolly spoke up. "Not to mention, that you Gods more or less used them as pawns against each other in a show of rivalry. Nothing more than entertainment."

Here the Gods winced at that.

...They couldn't deny that it was in part, a form of entertainment.

"Not only that." Palpatine cackled. "But they were also vulnerable to the Gods petty grudges. Just because they were born demigods between a God and a human."

"Hera especially, since she cursed all of Zeus demigods because she was nothing more than a jealous cow."


Hera roared in anger, at the unphased Galactic Emperor.

"Did I stutter?"

He boredly replied.


Steam erupted from the Goddess' ears at the insult.

(M/N) laughed under his breath.

He read the stories. He knew that she deserved that.

"For someone who is the Queen of Olympus, you sure don't live up to the hype." Ivan Ooze spoke up this time. "Case in point, your petty and insignificant grudge against Heracles."

"He is the result of infidelity!" Hera shouted. "Just like the rest of the demigods, it goes against my domain as the Goddess of Marriage!"

"I might have begun accepting them as our children, but that doesn't mean I'll forget the insult to my domains!"

Here, the demigods flinched at that.

They knew, logically, why she treated them with disdain (even thought it had lessened), but it still hurt and scared them at her anger.

"Hmph!" Zero scoffed. "And that is why the demigods will not look up to you in the same way they look up to the other gods."

"They might expect too much out of them, but at least they won't have to be afraid of being killed just for existing."

"Get over yourself and grow up you pretentious brat."

He coldly said.

"The world has better things to deal with, then a petty goddess insignificant and unnecessary tantrum."

(Yeah, looking her up really doesn't paint a good picture of her personality. Makes her out to be a pretentious bitch...or worse THE GODDESS OF KARENS!)


Hera snarled; she would not take this insult lying down!

"You want to take it a whack at it?!"

Ivan Ooze


(Been wanting to put that video in for so long)

"How about taking another quack at it?!"

Causing Hera to explode into a bunch of peacock feathers.

(Honestly, I'm starting to think it suits her vain personality. And I do understand why she's like that, doesn't mean that I will like it much)


The Olympians and demigods shouted in shock and terror.

The demons, angels, overlords, etc. etc, all shuddered in horror and fear at the power that was put into that attack.

It wasn't even that much, and he killed her like it was nothing!

Before anyone could say anything, said Goddess suddenly reformed from the feathers gathering up again.

Revealing a shaken Goddess who just sat in her seat.

"Please try not to anger anyone else here." Zero sighed. "We are far more powerful than the usual Gods like yourselves are. And the ones who rank higher than me are far more aggressive in punishment."

"And they are not as lenient as I am."

Everyone kept silent.

"GGRRRAAHHH!!!" Heracles roared, fed up with this arrogant version of his father. With a speed that you would not normally find in a Berserker class servant. He unleashed and full-on assault on Zeus.

"Okay! I'm seriously calling bullshit on that!" Rin grumbled. "How the hell can a Berserker that big, have such incredible dexterity!?"

"Because Berserker is awesome!"

FSN Illya and Jason (FGO) shouted.

(Heracles number one fans)

"AAAHHHH!" Zeus screamed as his son from Proper Human History inflicted a world of hurt on him. Ares joining in slamming his massive sword into Zeus' helmet. Causing a massive crack to appear.

"No matter how powerful someone is." Nahida began. "Even they will fall to the combined might of their resisters."

Many people nodded at that, having remembered being in situations like that. Fighting against extremely powerful people (Darkseid, Thanos) and only managing to win thanks to everyone working together.

...Something that Union fails to understand in many universes.

Takanuva then leapt up and jabbed his Staff of Light into Zeus eye.

"OH! That's gotta hurt!"

Harley closed her eyes, just imagining the sensation of losing an eye.

"Do it again, I wasn't looking!"

Kiana suddenly said, having been eating.

Bronya and Mei gave her a 'really?' look at that.


She asked.

"ENOUGH!" He roared, sending a shockwave knocking everyone back as he flew straight up into the sky.

"Now he's mad."

Raven (Teen Titans. Original, not that stupid crap they show nowadays on Cartoon Network) spoke in her usual, monotonous voice.

'Does this girl ever smile?'

Many people (who did not know her or her origins/curse) thought to themselves.

Percy had been tempted to try to make her laugh.

Only for Starfire to subtly shake her head no.

They did not need Raven to lose control and somehow bring Trigon back!

"I refuse to lose to beings inferior to the Gods!" He bellowed, before resuming his stoic appearance, "Now prepare to –"

"Man!" Ron whistled. "He really hates losing doesn't he!?"

"He might be a different version of Zeus." FGO Mash spoke. "But he also had been given memories of his Proper Human History self, so a little bit of his actual self ego was added to the mix.

"There's a difference?"

Some of the Olympians and demigods asked.




Some of the more sensitive members shouted in pain, as they tried to cover their ears.

Came the sound of Tiamat, as she sent shockwaves into the sky. Causing the omnipotent God to tremble from the disturbances.

"Gah, accursed Beast of Humanity. You are meant to destroy the humans, not join them!"

"You were meant to destroy the Sith! Not join them!"

Darth Vader slightly shook at the memory of his battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar.

And now knowing everything that he does now, he truly hated himself for falling so easily for Palpatine lies back then.

'Then again.' Anakin Skywalker thought to himself. 'Palpatine was very good at making himself out as some grandfatherly figure and subtly inserting himself as my closet confidante as I raged about my issues with the Order.'

Perhaps that was why the Jedi Order fell, Palpatine subtle manipulations and 'vested interests' in the Order doings caused a gap that was too late to realize.

And the only reason he doesn't try to kill Palpatine on a daily basis, is because he's more Anakin than Vader nowadays. He just likes the armor, and it helps him in focusing control of the Dark Side of the Force.

Of course, it didn't help how arrogant the Jedi had become. Conceited, egotistic, overly confident.

The Order and the Republic made it all so easy for Palpatine to take over.

Zeus groaned; his body started to short circuited from the song of the Beast.

"Is the battle reaching its end?"

RODK Malty asked, her sister Melty wondering the same thing.

"She's got a killer voice."

Molly (Angel Dust sister if you didn't know) said.

"Emphasis on killer."

Vox groaned as his face was short circuiting and turning into static.

"W-Why would you willing fight for humanity Beast of Regression?"

"...Because they are my children, and I am their mother." Tiamat replied, her body glowing. "And it is through them, I was able to reunite with my Abzu."

The theater could almost hear (M/N) shouting: "I'm not Abzu!" from the screen.

The Heroic Spirits of Sumerian legends snickered at that.

The light faded, revealing Tiamat monstrous form.

(Beast II of Humanity, her final form)


Harry and the others screamed.

"By father!"

Lucifer shouted.

"Holy guacamole!"

(M/N) shouted.

"...My other self has good taste."

He admitted.


Charlie and Vaggie yelled.


The incubus shouted at them.

"It's true!!"

"So, I will continue protecting them no matter what."


Was all Zeus said.

"I see now how easily swayed by emotions you beings from Proper Human History are."

"Yet, emotions are part of what makes us human."

Sophia Esteed coolly glared at the screen, unamused at the God audacity.

"Just because people let themselves be driven by their emotions doesn't lead them to blind."

Tien growled, all three eyes glaring at the screen.

The skies grew even darker, as crazy as that is to believe, as massive lightning bolts slammed into the group.

"Just how powerful is this cocksucking bastard!?"

Adam shouted in pure shock!

"You don't want to know."

Ritsuka deadpanned.

"Rest assured though, that you will still die regardless of that."

"As if it was that easy."

RODK Kiba deadpanned, arms crossed at the screen.


"Fuck!" Caenis roared as she narrowly avoided a bolt of lightning from hitting her. "Bastard refuses to die!"

"What does it take for them to just die :|?"

RODK Sona deadpanned.

"They're more hardheaded than humans, so a lot."

Merii snickered at the Gods indignant expressions.


"Indeed" Holmes calmly analyzed as he avoided being hit himself. "He seems to still be increasing his power steadily. Refusing to accept the possibility of mortal beings like us could overcome him."

"How thou can be so calmeth, I no not."

Zestial stared at Holmes.

Said Heroic spirit just smiled.

"Look out!" Musashi suddenly yelled as a massive bolt of lightning hurtled towards the humans.


Bwoom, crashed!

Only for an enormous forcefield to intercept the attack.


The audience sighed in relief.

"It's not over yet."

Monkey Otto said.

"Don't' underestimate us!" Akamai roared, incensed that Zeus thought that he could land a lucky blow and they wouldn't be able to stop it.

The battle of Titans waged on.

"Take this!" Ares roared as he punched Zeus hard in the face. Causing him to face another position paralyzed, as his systems attempt to recovered.

"Good!" Hephaestus nodded in approval. "Even with an advanced being like him, it would still take some time for his systems to reboot."

"Oh, yeah!" Nova, the Yellow Monkey cheered in agreement. "Smashing everything to pieces is always the answer!"

'Hulk agrees!!'

Hulk shouted in Banner head.

'My head!'

Banner mentally shouted.

Taking advantage of this, the Grand Lancer unleashed a hailstorm of attacks on Zeus.

Here, the Roman demigods leaned forward in anticipation.

Activating his skill 'Throne of Quirinus' a massive surge of power erupted from him as he launched a laser type attack at him.

"No fair!"

Leo Valdez cried.

"Why can't we have such cool tech?"

"Because then the monsters will get you."

"GGRRRAAHHHH!" Zeus screamed as his system finally came back online.

"This guy's a glutton for punishment."

Tonks deadpanned.

"Considering he's always getting Hera mad at him."

Hades deadpanned.

"I believe it."

"Same." "No doubt." "Sad, but true."


"Enough!" Not caring for control, his lightning bolts slammed all over the temple.


Several people cursed.

"Now he's going out of control!"

"AHH!" Some of the Chaldeans screamed as they were either struck by lightning or sent flying from the shockwaves of the aftermath.

"Well...he's pissed."

Kaga deadpanned.

"What else is new?"

Poseidon deadpanned.

"Why you!!"

"This is getting us nowhere!"

Gudako shouted in frustration.

"Sis, watch out!" Gudao suddenly shouted as a bolt of lightning was flying straight at her.

"Look out!"

The Guda twins shouted,


"Oh no!"

Only for the bolt to hit Talos, causing the robotic sentinel to disintegrate into nothing.


"Hah, hah" Europa gasped, having used the last bit of her power to released her Noble Phantasm to protect the younger twin.

"Sorry, but I need to rest a bit." She shamefully admitted as she sat down.

"She was able to summon enough energy to block that blast!?"

"In that state!?"

Talk about impressive.

"SURRENDER, SUBMIT, WORSHIP ME" Came the unfeeling, mechanical voice of Zeus as he finally returned to the sky.

"Freaking broken record."


"But it's not my time to sleep!"

The skies darkened, even more if that was possible, the storms growing stronger, fiercer, more violent as Zeus increased his powers to the max.

"He can go even further!?"

RODK Yang shouted in both shock and annoyance.

"What a monster!"

San Diego shouted.


Zeus body started glowing brightly as electricity crackled all over him, preparing to unleash his Noble Phantasm: World Discipline Keraunos: I, the Star-Cleaving Thunderbolt.

"Oh great!"

The FGO group grumbled.

"That attack!"

However, just as he was about to unleash his attack.


He was struck down by a massive robotic hand to his face. This had the unintentional effect of causing the charged-up attack to blow up in his face.


Gigan winced.

"That's going to leave a mark."

Yuffie winced.

She's had the unintended honor to be punched in the face by one of Tifa punches.

And it was not fun. AT ALL.

"ARRGGHHH!!" Zeus screamed, as a good part of his form was missing from the backlash.


Poseidon said.

"Though I must admit, he looks better now."

"Yeah." Agree" "Same here"


Zeus glared at them.


"I do believe it's time you and I face each other." The Great Spirit voice boomed, as he withdrew his fist.

The air grew tense as the two mechanical Gods stood facing each other. Their auras flaring and suddenly colliding against each other. Causing the very world to tremble.



The theater shook.

"Hey, what's happening!?"

"Just how much power do these guys have!?"

"Woah!" Caenis yelled as the ground violently shook. "What the hell, just what are those two!?"

"Beings that we cannot even hope to comprehend." Holmes spoke, as he steadied himself.

"Ain't that the truth?"

Gyozen deadpanned.

"This fight is now between them" Wairuha stated. "We should take this opportunity to recover."

"At least they get a reprieve for now."

Hestia sighed with a breath of relief.

...Yeah, about that.

"...Is what I would like to say, but we have company."

The Spirit of Wisdom said, getting into a fighting stance along with Akamai.

As numerous enhanced divine/demonic beasts raced towards them eager to devour their flesh.

"...Spoke too soon."

Hestia deadpanned.

"I don't know!"

Alastor laughed.

"This should be fun!"


Husk groaned.

"Because everything is entertainment to you."

Alastor just laughed.


Came Musashi sword cutting into the barrage of beasts coming at them.

"Where the hell did they come from!?" She shouted as she sliced them up like sashimi.

"I'm starting to crave seafood now."

Natsumi deadpanned.

"Lord Zeus must have been keeping them on standby after Aphrodite defeat."

Europa said, remembering when Lord Zeus showed concern at the unexpected arrival of the new invaders.

"Huh, so the bastard actually was concerned by their unexpected arrival."

Caenis laughed at that.

"So, he does have a brain!" She said. "Can't say I was expecting that from any of the Gods!"


"He must have been planning on using an army of beasts to overwhelm you after the Toa entered the fray."


"Well, whatever the reason this just gives us something to do until we can end the Lightning bastard!"

Caenis had a bloodthirsty look on her face as she lunged straight into the army of beasts. Eager to rip them to shreds.


The demigods thought to themselves.

If they didn't know any better, they would have thought her to be a daughter of Ares!'

...As if reading their minds, she gave them a death glare for that.


Takanuva blasted the monsters away with Light and Shadow (If I remember correctly, he gained the power to use the Shadow element, or was it the element of Darkness? I don't remember if it disappeared after he was able to cure himself of the infection he had. By then I didn't have the time to continue reading. We'll just say he still has it in this story)


Romulus-Quirinus, once again, activated his skill: Throne of Quirinus, increasing his allies powers by a tremendous leap. As he too, tore into the army of monsters with little to no effort.

"The Divine Father really lives up to his name!"

One of the Roman demigods shouted.

"UMU" Nero said. "The Divine Father is truly an inspiration to Rome!"

Boudica calmly kept her mouth shut.

(If only because Zero gave her a threateningly menacing glare)

"...I've been meaning to ask."

A Praetor spoke up.

"Who are you?"


The Fifth Emperor got up.

"I am Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the Fifth Emperor of Rome!"


Was all the Praetor said.



...3, 2, 1


Came the screams of the demigods.

Emperor Nero is a girl!?

"Bu-wha-ho" Annabeth was at a serious loss for words, something her siblings and Athena seem to be sharing.

How could she have hidden her gender with the Gods watching over Rome!?

Before she remembered ONE crucial factor.

"...Multiverse, right."

She deadpanned as she fell to her seat.

Still trying to take in the fact that history was really messed up in other realities.

'Then again.' She thought to herself. 'Considering how different the truth behind the wars really are back home, I shouldn't be so surprised.'

She was pretty the mortals would not be happy if they ever learned that certain conflicts that were waged were nothing more than a result of demigod disputes.

Would probably make them mad that countless people lost their lives for the pettiness of a bunch of demigods and gods. Especially if they could have been avoided!


The skies raged as the two deities stared at each other.


Many shivered at the two Titans ready to duke it out.



Mata Nui had a look of passiveness as he stared at the Ruler of his partner world. The one who stood above all and sought to rule via human worship.

'So, this is what I once was. It's like looking into a mirror.'


"Be patient." Beerus simply said, having seen the game that Zero and the others love to play. "We'll get to it eventually."

Many groans were heard at that.

Was the Great Spirit thought as he and Zeus continued their staring contest.

*Crash, boom, crackle*


Mata Nui fist ran right at Zeus who countered with a wall of lightning.

"A wall of lightning?" RODK Denki mused. "That would be an interesting defense."

"Hmm" Mata Nui mused as he flew out of the way from an assault from all sides.

"For a giant robot he's fast!"

Akane Yashiro stared in surprise.

Wondering if they could get Kiryu to move that fast.


The lightning collided, merging together into one giant electric orb ready to burst to a blast of epic proportions.

"This is a whole other ballgame!"

Orga shouted, stepping back in slight fear. Forgetting that it already happened, and that they wouldn't get hurt.

The power was just that intense.


Only for the area around the orb to warp and distort as gravity began to twist and collapse into a black hole.

"A black hole!?"

Many shouted at that.

"He can create black holes?"

Archer shouted.

'Just how powerful are they!?'

Absorbing the lightning, the black hole pulsated with energy before being redirected to the mechanical God.

"Such power."

Antauri stared in pure disbelief, his normal stoic persona shaken at the sight before him.

"Really makes me feel like our fights against the Skeleton King is child play compared to this."

Chiro murmured in shock.

The Monkey team just shivered at that.


Only for Zeus to quickly respond by unleashing more lightning bolts to meet the attack head on. The eventual collision releasing a wave of energy across the shrine.

"Damn!" Leo Valdez shouted. "It's starting to heat up!"

Using the cloud of smoke that resulted from the blast, Zeus quickly launched a massive lightning bolt.

"How much power does this guy have!?"

Lorem and Godzilla shouted in disbelief at how much power Zeus was throwing out.


Only for the bolt to divided in two as the smoke cleared to reveal Mata Nui eye laser beams breaking the lightning bolt into two.

"Damn!" Blaze whistled. "That's pretty handy!"


And land directly onto Zeus damaged form causing it to break even further.

"How much more can he take!?"

Mei Hatsume of the Support Class screamed.

As impressive as the otherworldly technology was, this was too much for even her mind to take!

"AAHHHHHHH!" Zeus screamed, as he experienced a pain that he never felt before.


"Why what?"

Zeus asked,


"Well, yes, but actually no."

Those that remember Zero explanation about him said.

After all, Mata Nui didn't see himself as their God, but as their Protector.


That was a good question.

Why does he fight for humanity?

Zeus questioned the Great Spirit.

He could not understand why a God such as he would lower himself to helping weak, powerless, insignificant beings who needed to be guided by a God like Zeus. To him, it was incomprehensible that a deity (That didn't ascend into godhood like Romulus-Quirinus had) would protect rather than rule. That was why the Olympamachia happened, because Gods wanted to co-exist rather than rule the humans.

That's the problem with being an omnipotent deity."

Lilith shook her head in disgust.

"You think that only you have the right to determine what the mortals need, and not what they themselves need."

"If they did." Lucifer began. "Then the Gods would fade into the background, become obscure, or in some cases..."


That sent shivers down the Greek Gods spines as they felt it was directed mainly towards them.

After all, their actions have caused quite a bit of loss of life.

No wonder, other deities would not be so receptive to them.

He could not understand their thought process.

"...From the beginning of my creation, my views and beliefs of the inhabitants of my world were nothing more than worshippers and laborers that helped to keep my body running. Nothing more and nothing less. They were neither my enemies nor my allies."


Thalia winced at that.

"I know you said that things were different back then, but I still can't believe how callous and cold blooded he was."

"He was still learning." Zero said. "He only knew what we had installed in him at the time. Everything else, he had to experience."

Mata Nui started explaining.

"So, in that aspect, you and I were the same. Never considering that the creatures that we were sworn to protect had the potential to be so much than what we believed."

"It wasn't until a certain event involving a being that I once called Brother betraying me and stealing my body that I realized just how wrong I was."

"They were not just creatures that served to keep my systems running, nor were they weak. They had proven time and time again their tenacity, their resolve, their Unity when faced against beings of great and terrible power."

"That's for sure."

Zero muttered to himself.

Gaining looks of curiosity at that.

"No, they were people that proved their will to live, that proved that they didn't see me as a God that needed to protect, but to guide them with my wisdom so that they can decide how to live their own lives."

"They have proven to bear the heart of a Toa, and the strength to survive without needing my guidance to move forward towards their destiny."

"I am not their God; I am their Protector!"

With statement, Mata Nui grabbed Zeus and brutally slammed him into the ground. Crushing a number of beasts as he did so.


Caenis shouted, impressed at the level of destruction caused by that attack.


Zeus screamed as Mata Nui took a hold of him and blasted a massive surge of power erupted from his hands.

"He's not playing around."

Angel Dust shivered at the scene before him.

"Don't see a reason why he should."

Broca (Arknights) scoffed.

"Good point."

Snarling, Zeus released a burst of power from his form, causing Mata Nui to fly back as the demiurge positioned himself back into the sky.

"Talk about stubborn."

Naruto deadpanned.

"You're one to talk, dobe."

Sasuke deadpanned.

Remembering how stubborn he was in getting through to him. Even when he has tried on several occasions to actually kill him.



"What an asshole."

Vaggie shook her head.

"For once, we are in complete agreement."

Lute grumbled.




"Finally, someone shut him up!"

W shouted in glee; she was really getting tired of hearing him speak about how only he could save them.

Her fellow mercenaries nodding in agreement.

"GAH!?" Zeus roared, as Ares impaled his great sword into his father's functional eye.

"OHH, I felt that."

Kakashi touched his scarred eye.

Several other people who had some sort of trauma to the eye did so as well.

Vaggie shuddered, remembering how she lost her eye.

"That will never happen!" Ares roared, as he backtracked to avoid Zeus wrath, "The humans will flourish without the aid of the Gods. Sure, they will suffer, face terrible and needless/pointless hate, experience great and terrible tragedy. But, they will BE ALIVE!"

He roared, "Alive and free to experience what life is all about and what true happiness is!"

"That is something only humans can do." Dumbledore said. "For we must learn what it means to be humans ourselves."

"And if it means that we must leave, then so be it. We may be parted from them, but our memories will always live in their hearts through our history."

"And that's the most important part."

Stan Lee crossed his arms, smiling in a knowing way.


"Has been for quite a while."

Whis hums to himself.

With the final shout from the God of War, Mata Nui lifted a hand in front of him. Slowly closing his hand.

Zeus felt the air suddenly shifted around him, as gravity started to get heavier.

"WH-WHAT IS THIS?" Zeus questioned as he felt his body unable to move. A massive, heavy pressure immobilizing him and slowly crushing the Flagship body.

"I see." Maria Traydor spoke. "Encasing him in a gravity field, preventing him from making any attempts to escape."

"And with Zeus severely weakened from the fight." Olga Marie hummed. "He won't be able to break free from his restraints."

"Heroes!" Mata Nui voice boomed, "Now is the time to strike!"

Hearing that, the Chaldean and GDA servants began unleashing their noble phantasms.

"Our Arms Cuts Through It All, Taking Us to The Stars"

"Take Flight, My Great Golden Wings"

"Come hither, my roaring sword, now unsheathed"




Akamai Nuva and Wairuha Nuva elemental powers surged as their combined forms began fusing the elements they represented.

Ares entire body began glowing red, as his sword began thrumming with power.

Power and the element of Life surged through Mata Nui body as his robotic form began glowing and crackling with energy.

The theater shook as the combined auras could be felt through the screen.

"Per Aspera ad Astra!"

"Lapithae Caeneus!"

"Ishana, Daitenshou!"




Came the combined power of the servants, the Toa Kaita Nuva, and Mata Nui as they tore right through the God of the Sky.


Union, heaven and hell all screamed, as they witnessed what true power was all about.

An enormous boom sounded as the combined attacks damaged Zeus beyond even his regenerative capabilities.

"It's over."

Jason Grace sighed.

"IM-IMPOSSIBLE" He stated in disbelief.


"Is he still in denial?"

Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"Stubborn and not in a good way."

New Jersey frowned.


"Your worst nightmare."

Aqua simply said.

Because that's what Chaldea was, the Lostbelt King worst nightmare.

"No, no."

(M/N) shook his head.

"You're supposed to say it like this."




Aqua just stared at him.

There was no answer as the attacks just keep coming. A whirlpool of wrath, elemental powers clashing and tearing through everything it hit.

"I'm surprised that he is able to withstand those attacks."

RODK Momo said, impressed.

"Oh, Zeus my king." Europa said sadly, "It is because deep down you truly care for the humans even if you refuse to believe in them."

"...So, he's unintentionally holding himself back still?"

Union Kiba shook his head in confusion.

He's been quiet for the most part, everything being one hell of a rollercoaster for him.

From their unexpected arrival, to watching just how much potential (M/N) had, to Rias turning her back on Issei, to even killing some of her peerage members!

It gave him a lot of food for thought and had him wondering if Issei truly was the friend he thought he knew.

Lightning crashing all around them as chaos filled the destroyed shrine.

"It's working!" Holmes shouted, "Thanks to our otherworldly friends and the Grand Lancer protection, we are succeeding in driving him back. Victory is ours!"

He shouted in self-assurance.

Romulus=Quirinus said nothing as he once again unleashed his Noble Phantasm: "PER ASPERA AD ASTRA!"

"Such a divine aura, and such brilliance!"

Nero gasped.

Both Greek and Roman demigods could only nod in agreement.

The Grand Lancer was incredible!!

A barrage of power struck down from the heavens once more.

"URgH," Zeus groaned, "is it...possible, am I taking damage from hu...mans?"

"Am I...being defeated?"


"Isn't the answer obvious?"

Ei sighed.

"Because deep down, you instinctively knew that your way of ruling was wrong."

"Lord...Zeus" Europa sighed, as she stared sadly at her husband.

"Lady Europa!" Adele and Macarios shouted, as Heracles stayed near them.

"Good." Hestia nodded. "Keep them safe and out of trouble."

'...Because something tells me that (M/N) would not be happy if they were put in harm's way.'

Smiling softly, she spoke: "Please my lord, you must stop this madness. They desire to see a true tomorrow that is different and real from yesterday. Isn't that the kind of thing that should have your blessing not your curse?"

"When you talked about saving the world, isn't this the true desire you had?"

"Is this the end goal he desires?"

RODK Iida pondered.


"I know you all too well, my lord."

She continued, "Be it more this history or true human history, I know that your love for me and for all humans is too great for words."

"He sure has a funny way of showing that love."

Thalia and Jason deadpanned at their father.

Who found the ceiling rather interesting at the moment.

"So, the love between humans and Gods could not be all that different."

Although it couldn't be shown in this state, Zeus held pity for her.

"Humans and Gods are nothing alike, those who love humans are Gods beyond repair. Furthermore, I am not the Zeus you know, I might have his memories but we are still different."

"The differences really are mindboggling."

Hera softly whispered.

"...Begone, my beloved wife from Proper Human History."

"He still refuses to give up?"

Batman shook his head.

"He takes stubbornness to a whole other level."

Nagant groaned.

The air grew tense once more, as Zeus prepared to unleash his final assault.

"He's still not giving up!?" Caenis shouted in shock, what did it take to beat the damn bastard?

"A lot."

FGO deadpanned.

"His defenses are greatly weakened." Holmes deducted, "Now's the time to strike before we lose this chance!"


Assassin Kiritsugu placed a finger on his chin.

"Striking him now at his most vulnerable is a very efficient method of killing him."

FSN Shirou shivered as he tries not to look at his adoptive father alternate self.

Even after learning the truth about his father figure, it was still a hard pill to swallow!

"Mash!" Gudako shouted.

"Get ready to fire the laser!"

"Loading Command Spell!"

"Load complete"

"Initiating Barrel Replica Spiritron Acceleration!"

"Third Spiritron acceleration zone reached! Command Spell magical energy bullet formation complete!"

"God Destroyer round is ready!"

"FIRE!" Gudao shouted this time.

No further words were said as Mash fired the barrel cannon. A massive laser exploding with power as it flew and struck true straight at Zeus.

"A direct hit!"

A massive explosion took place as Zeus exploded from the impact. And once the light died down, Zeus was no longer responsive.


Some shouted in cheers.

"They won!"

But while the audience breathed sighs of relief, the FGO cast were tenser than usual.

They knew what was coming.


Suddenly a sound got everyone attention.


Momo blinked.

What was that about?

The Shrine voice spoke: "Zeus the great demiurge has fallen silent. Divine core destroyed. Cronus Crown deactivated."

That got the crowd to quiet down.

Now what was happening!?

"Warning, warning. Keraunos final judgement has been source activated. Please be aware of a permanent rip in time-space."

"A permanent what now!?"

Cherrie Bomb shouted.

"Beats me."

Sir Pentious shrugged as the egg bois started scrambling around in a panic.

As Zeus mechanical body began to crumble into pieces, the very space began to shake violently.


Zuikaku said.

"Wh-What's happening!?"

Mash shouted, nervous at the shrine last words.

Mata Nui eyes glowered as he stared into the sky, sensing the disturbance from there.

"Ha! We kicked that old bastard is what we did!" Caenis shouted in triumph.

"How stupid I was." Caenis grumbled. "I should have known better when it concerns the damn Gods."

There was always a damn fucking catch!

"Now, all that is left is my old master and the Tree. Then this Lostbelt is as good as dead."

"...Something isn't right." Akamai stated, as he, like everyone else, turned their heads to the sky.

"At least they realize it."

Calling upon the power of the Akaku Nuva, Wairuha stared analytically.

"Indeed, it looks like defeating Zeus has awakened something far worse."


"Wha-What does he mean by that?"

Megalon stuttered, not liking that ominous tone.

*Crack, Shatter*

Could be heard as the space warping above them looked like it was forming cracks and breaking open.

"What the hell!?"

Serafell shouted, as she and the others witnessed the sky literally breaking and cracking as though it was glass!


The sound of glass shattering could be heard as Zeus disappeared, and in his place was an opening from what could be beyond even Time and Space itself.

"Please don't tell me this is just like what Zero told us about Unicron!?"

Superman shouted in fear.

Getting gasps of shock and fear.

Did killing Lostbelt Zeus cause some kind of imbalance!?

The recently added group was just confused.

...Well, except for (M/N) whose eyes widened at that as he remembered a certain trilogy called the Unicron Trilogy.

"Oh, fuck."

The incubus cursed. Gaining looks of concern as they saw the look of fear in his eyes.

Was a multiverse ending blackhole about to happen!?

And peering from that realm of existence.



Many people shouted in surprise.

"What is with that giant ass eye!?"

Velvette shouted.

"You think I know?!"

Valentino shouted.

"All I can tell is that it's bad news!!"

"And you'd be right."

FGO Mash shivered.

'For once.'

Those that hated the Vees, especially Valentino, thought to themselves.

The Moth pimp felt pissed for some reason.

"IM-IMPOSSIBLE!?" Ares shouted in terror as he stared at the MASSIVE EYE that was glaring down at them.

"Ares, you recognize that eye?"

Zeus asked his son, who shook at the screen before him.

"I've never seen that eye, but whatever it is."

"It's bad news."

Ares seriously said. Every fiber in his being telling him to run as fast as he can!

And this had already happened and they were just watching past history!

That's bad!


Could be heard as a burst of tremendous power could be felt.


The audience shouted as a pressure like no other was felt.

Not even in the battle against Zeus did they feel a pressure like this!

Even the Great Being and his fellow hosts looked to be struggling.


"Wha!?" "GAH!" "DAMN It!"

"Urg!" "Gasp"


Mata Nui aura flared as he countered the waves coming down at them.

"What on Earth is that!?" Mash shouted.

"A strange eye in the sky, but one that seems to have shaken the God of War himself."

'That's...' Mata Nui thought to himself.

"Even he recognizes it?"

Tsunade blinked at that.

"Ares, what is that!?" Musashi questioned the terrified God.

"A true, living nightmare."

Ritsuka shivered.

"To think that you were sleeping in that rift!" Ares shouted, before he explained.


Those that did not know shouted.

Who was that being!?

"THAT is the very first starship – the source of all the Twelve Olympians and our predecessors before us. A colossal interstellar mothership who is also the oldest machine god of them all!"



The PJO cast screamed in terror.


As in the First Progenitor?! The Beginning of all and the source of how the Greek Gods Pantheon came to be!? The creator of the Primordials!?

That Chaos!?


Zero gasped, as he got back up and unleashed a series of spells.

Giving everyone the ability to breathe and get back up on their feet.

"The Progenitor of the Greek Mythology, the one who stands above the Olympians themselves."

"And one who is far more dangerous than the Chaos you know."


The Gods and demigods shivered at that.

"Powerful, Chaos is."

Yoda gravely said.

He and the other Force users having been sent reeling back from the sheer presence Chaos had in the Force.

And again, this wasn't even the real Chaos! Just a replay of what already happened!

"If Chaos aura is this powerful just from a screen."

Ezra Bridger shuddered.

"I don't want to meet the being up close."

While this was being said, Chaos had finished powering up and released an enormous amount of power hurtling towards them.



Quickly, Akamai Nuva released the power of the Hau Nuva: The Great Mask of Shielding. Using the Pakari Nuva: The Great Mask of Strength to boost his shield to as strong as possible.

Quirinus erected a powerful barrier in addition to the shield, and Ares quickly raced and blocked the majority of the attack with his body.

...Reducing his body so thorough that not even remnants were left behind.

"With just one blast!?"

Kirishima shook at that.

"So strong!"

"Such power."

Adam shuddered as did the others.

Compared to Chaos, they were nothing but ants to the Progenitor!

Hell! Even Alastor smile was shaky and looked forced!

"It's all up to you now!"

Were Ares' final words before he disappeared.

"Oh no!"


"What now!?"

Katsumi shouted.

Screams could be heard from Akamia Nuva and Wairuha Nuva as everyone was enveloped in a bright light.

"The light! So bright!"


"My eyes!"

Once the light died down, the Emissaries from Human Proper History saw that the Toa Kaita were no more. The backlash of trying to contain the blast forcibly undoing the transformation and leaving the Toa on the ground.

"Ohh, that's not good!"

RODK Ruby shouted.

"Way to state the obvious you dolt!"

RODK Weiss snarled at her leader.

"Shut it, you dream destroyer!"

"I already said I'm sorry about saying that Santa is not real!"

She shouted back.

"We all know he's real now!"

Batman could not help but sweatdropped at that.

Remembering all the times, Darkseid came to Earth to try to kill the Christmas Spirit because he kept sneaking past his defenses and giving him coal.

"Sister! Brothers! Are you okay!?"

Takanuva ran to them, checking their vitals.

"Hrgh, we're fine Takua." Tahu Nuva groaned as he got up.

"If you can say that is fine."

Batman frowned.

"Well, at least they're still alive."

Cyborg spoke up.


He had to admit.

"Well, this isn't good" Pohatu Nuva hummed worriedly.

"No shit, Sherlock."

Elder Supreme Kai deadpanned.


Sherlock Holmes asked.

"Can't you guys just merge again?" Mash asked in concern, only for the Toa Nuva to shake their heads in response.

"The Toa Kaita isn't something we can use repeatedly." Onua Nuva explained, "It requires a lot of energy and once separated, needs time to recharge."

"So, that's the price of such power."

Artemis (PJO) hummed.

"It's not something that can be done multiple times in a row."

"Not unless they want to be permanently stuck together with their identities gone."

Zero explained.

Artemis shuddered.

She wouldn't want to be merged with her brother for all eternity!

"All we can do now is see if we can't figure something out in the meantime."

This statement caused every to frown.

"Hold up, what exactly are we facing?"

Lewa Nuva asked, (I'm a little tired, so I'm not going to bother that much with Treespeak).

"Hhmm, if I'm correct Ares called that thing Chaos." Holmes went over what Ares said, his eyes widening at implication. "Which means that this is the origin of the Greek Pantheon!"

"WHAT!? You got to be kidding me!" Caenis roared in anger, "Now, we gotta fight that monster!?"

"I wouldn't call it 'fight'" Caenis grumbled, gaining looks of concern and alarm at that.

"Yes," Romulus=Quirinus confirmed "This being that is peering through the gaps of our universe space-time. That eye is the core of Chaos!"

"Also, the one who possesses the authority of all the Greek Pantheon deities!"

"Well." Ava said. "That's not good."

"No joke."

"Harvesting process has been initiated."

"Oh, what now?!"

Vaggie screamed about ready to tear off her hair!

The shrine voice suddenly announced,

"Preparing to harvest the planet resources and begin converting it into power for the Primordial Chaos. Preparing to consume 37% of Earth resources, all lifeforms are advised to evacuate immediately."

"Yeeeaaah." Cain deadpanned. "And where will they be able to go?"

"Into the pit."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"...Yeah, you're definitely (M/N) no matter the universe."

Cain said.

"And you're the same dad I know."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"You still have a gang?"


Vaggie and Charlie blinked at that.

"If you mean I still created my gang and wreak havoc on the heroes, villains, corrupt bastards then yes."

Cain said.


(M/N) smiled.

As did Cain and Ava.

While his friends.


Were completely thunderstruck by the revelation that (M/N) father is a gangster!

"...That explains how he was ablet to help me."

Moxxie blinked.

(M/N) had gangster blood in him!

'Well at least his father is a good father.'

...Unlike his.

"Ignoring that self-serving announcement, it seems that Chaos is intending to harvest a good amount of our planet."

"Now hold on," Takanuva interjected "I'm no scientist, but wouldn't that cause the planet to self-destruct from the loss of a good portion of its surface?"


The heroes and villains screamed.

This was far beyond anything they had ever thought possible/dreamed of!

They do not think on a grand scale those villains.


That direct response made it all the worse as they were debating their next step.

'There's no choice, I'll have to use that if we are to stand a chance.' Tahu thought to himself.


Percy screamed, panic in his voice.


"How should we know!?"

Annabeth and Nico sarcastically said.

"We don't know them!"

"Wait." Musashi suddenly spoke, "Why isn't it attacking us again?"

"Don't question it!" Theresa (HI3) shouted. "That will only make things worse!"

"That would be because Chaos perceives the universe on a scale far grander than even Zeus."

Europa spoke up,

"No doubt the first attack was more of a reflex than seeing us as a threat."


Harry Potter deadpanned at that.

"THAT was a reflex?"


"To be blunter, to it we might as well not exist." Kopaka Nuva analyzed.


"Yes, it's just following its primary objective: harvesting the planet surface to continue its journey."

"Reminds me of the Primes' mission."

Zero mused to himself.

Ignoring the inquisitive gazes directed at him.

"We can use this to our advantage."

Tiamat suddenly spoke out, having been forced to return to her usual state as well from Chaos attack.

"Even she was forced to return to normal!?"

Gudao, Gudako, and Ritsuka were in shock at that.

"That's right" Gali Nuva realized, "Since they won't attack us, we can try to use whatever time we have to stop the harvesting process."

"...Mash?" The twins turned to her.

"If I switched some of the functions into the barrel, I could use it to fight."

"Would it even reach?"

Husk drunkenly asked.

"Probably not."

She confirmed.

"That still leaves the problem of getting to Chaos though."

Kopaka reminded,

"It's pointless." Holmes admitted, "Even if we have the means to fight, we would be fighting in space itself which is territory that not even we heroic spirits have come across."


Archermesh said.

"I'm not even sure my treasures could help with that."

The proud king stated.


If the arrogant King of Heroes could admit that. Then you know you're screwed.

"Then comes the question: Can we even win?"

A dark silence filled the air, before a voice broke out:

"Excuse me, Mr. Holmes? But would you say that these mechanical gods are similar to conceptual ones?"

Musashi questioned.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

RODK Tsubaki questioned.

"A lot apparently."

Hawks said.

"Otherwise, she wouldn't be asking."

"She must have something up her sleeves."

Raising an eyebrow at the seemingly random question, he answered:

"While it is not a 100% conclusion, they are indeed close to the gods born from deified natural phenomena. Their functions still relate to gods presiding over nature/various phenomena."

"Does that answer your question?"

He finished.


Many said, though the FGO group said nothing.

Knowing what was to come.

"Hell, yeah it does!" Musashi cheered, "That means I can take this bastard down, unlike Zeus!"


SHE can take Chaos down when not even the likes of (M/N) and the Toa could?

A short silence followed suit as they tried to understand what she meant.

"What the fuck do you mean by that!?" Caenis shouted, "Now's not the time for jokes!"

"I thought she had lost it when she said that!" Caenis grumbled.

"Never knew that she possesses that kind of power."

"For once we are in agreement Ms. Caenis." Holmes spoke, "Ms. Miyamoto, no matter how exemplary your swordsmanship is, it's not enough to kill Chaos."

"I can't even think if there's any Guardians capable of defeating the Progenitor."

Zero frowned.

Scaring the audience at that, even the Batman was slightly shaken up by that statement.

"Who said anything about destroying the eye, all I got to do is close the window it's peering at and that all she wrote."

"No, it is not!" Theresa Apocalypse growled. "What the hell are you talking about woman!?"

Musashi said,

"Yes, but it's not truly a window but a hole in space itself – a total absence of form- a void"


Those that knew of Musashi legend and the tales suddenly realized what she was about to do.

"That crazy son of a bitch!"

Hammann screamed.


"Ms. Miyamoto!" Holmes shouted as the truth dawned on him.


Vaggie shouted.

"She's going to get herself killed!"

"A small price to pay if it means her friends are safe."

Antauri wisely said.

After all, he sacrificed himself before to stop the Skeleton King from being able to revive himself.

Said women simply closed her eyes and smiled gently.

"I see you got it. I always wondered why our paths constantly crossed and now I know the reason why now."

"How can she be so calm?!" Nova shouted. "She's literally walking to her death!"


Those that did not yet realize what was going on shouted in shock.

"If it means saving her friends."

Amagi sighed.

"Then she will not hesitate to sacrifice herself."

"Musashi?" Gudao and Gudako quietly said.

"Heh, I always knew that the ultimate target was somewhere. But by the Buddha I didn't know it was here!"

"Always going on about the ultimate target, that woman."

Sasaki Kojirō sighed.

"Wait if you do that..." Macarios trailed off

"Yes, this will be my final parting."

'The Time of Parting has arrived!'

That painful sentence came back to the Masters, who were forced to remember the battle at the Temple of Time.

...When Roman sacrificed himself, so that they could live.

"But..." Adele quieted down as Musashi patted her head.

"I have no regrets, and taking orders from some high and mighty official has never been my style."

"That's for sure."

Theresa chuckled.

Getting confused stares from the Arknights group.

"it's been a fun journey, and I finally realized why I have not been able to return to my own world. It was pruned away and was most likely a Lostbelt as well."


That hit hard for those like Kushina, who no longer had a homeland to return to.

Or for those who no longer had a place they could go back to.

"When I traveled to different worlds, I always went passed a field of worlds. I jumped through a random one hoping that's the one home. But the world always rejected me up till now that I'm free from my bounds."

"Talk about a cruel irony."

Apollo spoke, not trying to sing in Haiku for once.

"Oh, hey!" Cliffheart said. "You can talk normally!"


Apollo shouted as people started laughing at him.

Causing the Sun God to pout.

"Wah, wait!" The Guda twins and Mash shouted.

"Suck it up!" Musashi shouted, "I know what the end result might be! I know it's not fair, now that I have the chance to be with you guys. But, as one of your contracted spirits it is my duty, just like those that gave their lives fighting this Lostbelt, to save not only humanity. But, also you guys, my most precious friends!"

"Putting her duty to protect them first."

Shirou murmured, as he remembered something from Zero words.

'Duty, huh.'

"So, my masters lend me your strength to defeat Chaos and end this Lostbelt!"

"Musashi" Gudao sighed.

"...Go get them Niten Ichiryu!" Gudako cheered.

"So, they have made their peace."

Lilith smiled at the young children on screen.

And at their counterparts for having to shoulder many heavy burdens, even if they weren't the same.

Internally though, she was thinking about her own situation.

She was going to have to own up and give her ex husband and her daughter an explanation as to where she had gone.

...She just doesn't know how to explain.

Smiling, Musashi got ready. Only for a large shadow to cover them.

"Let me help you." Mata Nui offered.

"Well, at least we won't be going near that inferno here."

FGO Goredolf grumbled.

Smiling, she got onto his hand, and he put her on his head as he flew straight up.

Beep, beep

"Finally, we're back online!" Goredolf exclaimed, "Now sta-huh?"

"That was a rather weird experience let me tell you."

He was cut off at the scene before him.

"What's going on? Why are the masters glaring at me? And what's with that giant eye in the sky!?"

"...Maybe we can just pretend we never came and head back."




"Come on Gordy!" Pepe smiled, "They need everyone help to stop whatever happening."



Pepe raised an eyebrow.


"That was what (M/N) had Lewa and Pohatu do while the Masters were busy fighting Europa."

Zero simply explained.


"Everything is up to them." Takanuva sighed as he and everyone else stared up into the sky.

"I hate it when that happens."

Vegeta grumbled.

In a life or death situation like this that will decide the outcome for the rest of the world, he didn't like having such a flimsy plan being the only one they had.


Musashi grunted as she stayed steady on top of Mata Nui.

"This pressure is intense, but I won't let it stop me!"

"You tell em!"

Some of the girls shouted in encouragement.

'That said, this bastard is farther than we thought.'

She thought to herself.

'Will we make it in time?'

"That's not good."

Himeko gripped the armrest of her sit in anticipation.

Several others were doing the same.

"This is no good, the space is greater than we thought!" Holmes shouted.

"It's hard to really measure anything concerning Time and Space."

Gibson, the Blue Monkey and scientist of the group frowned.

Concerned at what price they were going to have to pay to succeed.

"Well, that's just great!"

Sparx, the Red Monkey grumbled, not really taking it out on Gibson for making that analysis.

"Oh no." Adele whispered, Macarios holding his sister's hand tight.

"Is there anything we can do?" Mash asked, only for Holmes to shake his head.

"The distance is still too great, even at the speed their going."

"Even with the Nautilus, it was still a close call."

Captain Nemo revealed.

Scaring the FGO group at how close they were to dying.

"Damn it all!" Caenis shouted, "We were so close, and yet so far! Is the only thing left is to lose!?"

The Grand Lancer was about to speak, only for...

"There is a way."

...Tahu Nuva to speak first.

"Oh? What do you mean Mr. Tahu?" Holmes questioned as he noticed that even his fellow Toa were confused as well at the Toa of Fire statement.

"What secret is he hiding that not even his fellow teammates don't know about?"

Otto, the Green Monkey tilted his head in confusion.

"I only used it once." The patterns on the Toa face began changing completely, forming a new shape. "I'm sorry my brothers and sister for not telling you about this sooner."

"What kind of power does he possess?"

AFO wondered.

"I have been holding back this power because I was sure the time was not right, but now it is."

"Now, I must use a power that is beyond any of our own mask powers, a power that I swore to never use unless all hope is lost."

...That was a terrifying thought.

Using a power that he wouldn't use in normal situations unless necessary, meant that it was not one to be messed with.

"What kind of power is that?"

Shinano asked.

The Toas eyes widened as they saw the form taking on a very familiar shape.

"What? What is it?"

Monoma Neito impatiently yelled.


Only to for Kendo Itsuka to hit him on the head.


"I call upon the Vahi: The Great Mask of Time!"

"The Mask of what!?"

A new Kanohi Mask of Power appeared on his face. But this was not one of the masks that he shared with his team. This mask was different, the power that exuded from it was insane.


Many people in the room shook as the power radiating from the Mask sent chills down their spines.

"What kind of Mask is this!?"

RODK Ironwood shouted, unable to hide his unease at the Mask.

"The Mask of Time."

Zero face took on a serious approach.

"One of the most dangerous Kanohi Masks in existence, one that if used wrongly or even slightly lose control for even a second, can spell doom for the entire universe."

People shook at that ominous statement.

"Tahu! You took back the mask?" Gali shocked voice snapped them out of it.

"Is it that bad?"

Will Solace cautiously asked.

"Like I said: the slightest slip up can undo the very fabric of Time and Space itself."

"And that's not even including the fact that it can kill you, due to the mental toll it can take on you."

"Only a Toa with an exceptionally strong will can ever hope to master its dangerous powers. Tahu has been practicing with it in secret to ensure that he wouldn't lose control like he almost did the last time."

"In some ways, it's even more dangerous than the Ignika. At least with the Mask of Life, it's sentient and can regulate its own power. The Mask of Time has no such luxury."


"...I had a feeling it power was going to be needed one day, so I went to retrieve before it could be taken."

Tahu admitted, "I never said anything because I knew how you would respond."

"And I'm guessing last time didn't go so well, with that statement."

Hanzo (SK) calmly stated.

"It nearly killed him and almost destroyed all of reality."

Zero coolly said, startling the group with that statement.

No surprise there, they've seen just how powerful the Toa are.

"Brother, you know how dangerous the Vahi is." Kopaka warned, "The last time you used it, you nearly died trying to stop the Bohrak-Kal."


Zeke questioned at that.

"Giant elite mechanical insect like machines of incredible power."

Ei explained this time.

"And one of the Toa Nuva greatest enemies at one point."

"I know, which is way Vakama and I had been practicing it in an alternate dimension to properly use it"

"If you fail, Chaos will be the last of our worries!" Gali spoke in concern.

"...What would happen if he lost control?"

Gibson uneasily asked, pretty certain he already knew the answer to that question.

"All of life and reality would end."

Zero calmly said, before explaining further.

"Kanohi Masks have a certain...classification shall we say. And in these classes, there lies the Legendary Class that only three Masks are classified as such."

"Ignika: The Mask of Life."

(Can evolve/devolve creatures and objects. Can inflict curses on anyone who touches it without being destined, has the ability to shapeshift, absorb life energy and release it as a Nova Blast. Can heal, and use telepathy. Has the ability to grant powers to others, and reverse a turaga back into a Toa. Can resurrect the dead, and can age/deage a person)

"Vahi: The Mask of Time."

(Can speed up/slow down time in an area. After further mastery Tahu is able to stop time for a short while, and has been sometimes given visions due to the power of Time being absorbed by him due to usage.)

"And the Mask of Creation."

(Can imagine a finished product from its raw materials and learn how to construct it. Can create an object already made. While not actually bringing things into beings, it gives the user an idea of how they should be created.

"These three Masks are the only ones in the Legendary Class and they cannot be replicated by Matoran mask makers unless it is our will."

(Note: I got this from the Bionicle Wiki)

"Not to mention, that these three Masks control the fundamental forces of the Matoran Universe."

"Time, Life, and Creativity."

"If they are damaged in any way or, Great Power forbid, destroyed. The consequences could be catastrophic!"

"...How bad?"

Dumbledore cautiously asked.

"If they are damaged, the cosmic energy that's leaking out could have irreversible effects on the surrounding area."

"If they are destroyed...well say goodbye to the Universe."

"Or don't, because there won't be a Universe to even exist in to say goodbye in the first place."


That sent a chill down their spines.

"And due to the constant changings, the Core Universe has been undergoing and the effects it has had on the rest of the Multiverse..."

"...Well, while it probably won't destroy like the Matoran Universe, or whatever Universe it happens to be in at the time. It will have catastrophic, devastating effects on the Multiverse."

"And who knows what will happen at that?"

Everyone shivered at the thought of such incredible power residing in seemingly, ordinary mask decorations.

...Though some had some darker intentions in mind.

But they were idiots and were doomed to get an ass kicking if they tried it.

"Then I will not fail!" He declared as he activated the Vahi.

Time literally seemed to freeze as the processing harvest slowed down.

"It's working!" Gudao shouted as they turned to the sky.

"I don't believe it!"

RODK Blake shouted.

"It's actually working!"


Eri shouted.

"I don't know what they did, but it's sure working!"

Musashi said, as Mata Nui flew even faster. Even with Time frozen, Chaos immense presence could still be felt. However, it was now weaker, allowing the Great Spirit to cut through the waves at an astonishing pace.

"You realize what will happen, right?" Came the voice of the Ignika.

And startling the cast at that.

"It can talk!?"

Goku shouted, causing many people to facepalm.

"Maybe I should boost your intelligence so you can remember." Zero muttered, even though everyone could hear him. "I told you the Mask is sentient, of course it has the ability to talk!"

'I was wondering when you will pop up" Mata Nui responded. "But, yes if this is what will help save humanity and save (M/N) siblings, then so be it.'

'Very well,' the Ignika spoke, 'We're with you all the way."

"Don't tell me."

Cliff eyes widened.

"Is that idiot going to do what I think he is!?"

'I'm going to miss them.' (M/N) admitted, 'It was short, but I'm glad I got to meet them again. I trust the Masters of Chaldea will keep them safe.'

"That IDIOT!"

The Star Ocean shouted.

OHHH! They were going to have more than a few words choice for him the next time they saw him!

(Ignika (M/N): *SHUDDERS*)

'We're approaching the Eye of Chaos!' (M/N) mentally shouted, as they indeed got closer.

"...We sure that's not the Eye of Sauron?"

Leo Valdez asked.


Only to get hit on the head by his best friends.


However, as they got closer to the eye Chaos seemingly glowed brighter. Trying to burn her and Mata Nui as they got closer.

"Chaos is that strong that it can withstand the Vahi power!?" Pohatu shouted in shock.

"Such power."

Clarisse shivered, before saying.

"But the fact that the Vahi can affect to this level says something!"

"It's not just that" Kopaka realized, "It exist in an area where Time and Space do not exist, meaning it does not follow the same rules."


Dr. Strange said.

The rules of the Multiverse were strange and complex at times.

"I will continue to hold on for as long as I can!" Tahu grunted "All we can do now is put our faith in them."


Musashi grunted,

"I won't let this stop me!"

She shouted, as the burning pressure began to burn off her clothes. The new power given to her by (M/N) flowing through her blade along with her own power and strength.

"Talk about a sight for sore eye!"

"LAME!" RODK Ruby yelled. "That's just as lame as Yang puns!"


She smiled,

"Can you truly see me though? I bet that even if you do, you're most likely thinking, "What can a human possibly do?"

"And it's true, no physical attack could ever truly reach you. After all, to a space-time fissure everything that anyone, including me, would amount to space dust."

"So, even if everything I done to this date is pointless, even if I couldn't accept what was the truth. I will say out loud and proud that I wouldn't change it for anything!"

Several people flinched at that, preferring to stay silent and listen to the brave swordswoman's final words.

The FGO cast shaking as they were forced to relieve a very traumatic end.

She declared,

"I met some incredible people, gained memories and bonds that will last for lifetime! Even if I left nothing to remember back home, I know that I left a mark on my friends lives! And that even if I perish today, I will never be truly gone."

"We will never forget you, Musashi."

Ritsuka and the others vowed.

Swords clanging into position.

"Now Chaos!"

She shouted,

"You might be nothing than a giant fissure devoid of any form."

Hands tightly gripping,

"But it just so happens that slicing the void is my specialty!"

"Wonder what else can she slice?"

Erza put a finger to her chin.

"Hey old man!" She shouted out loud to her father, "I remember you loved boasting about how you're the strongest in the world. Well, take a look at what your daughter is about to do!"

"Something he's never done."

Mr. Freeze said as he, along with the other villains, watched with bated breath.

After all, they realized quite quickly that if the Foreign God succeeds in landing in their world. They can kiss their asses goodbye, for the Foreign God is merciless.

"I shall break through the void to reach the truth! I shall pass beyond the state of Zero!"


In a single strike, Musashi slashed down the gap and sealed the Chaos back to wherever it came from.

"Mmmmm! I did it! I cut down the last god!"

Musashi exclaimed with a smile on her face.

"She's burning."

Shoto stated.

"She's burning and yet she's still smiling."

"Who would have thought that a Musashi that was never supposed to exist could accomplish something that not even the real Musashi could probably do!"

"That's for sure."

Scaramouche smirked.

"Heh, I hope everyone was able to see that!"

She said, smiling as the bright light consumed her.

"You did well"


Ava and Cain said softly to themselves.

The (M/N) in the theater just stared in shock and admiration at how powerful and determined his counterpart was.

He wasn't sure that even he had the strength to do what he did.

(M/N) voice rang out as Musashi vision grew black.

After the light died down, everyone stared in confusion as Chaos, Mata Nui, and Musashi were nowhere to be seen.

"...So," FGO Sion sighed. "In the end, not even someone as powerful as (M/N) could escape Chaos."

"Wha- Could somebody explain what happened?" Goredolf asked confused on the recent state of events.

"Give us some time Director" Da Vinci said, "We need to get the sensors back online."

"Where are (M/N) and Musashi? Are they around here somewhere?" Pepe asked, his usually cheerful face morphed into concern.

"You really are a caring guy, you know?"

Beryl nudged his teammate in the ribs.

"He did give my counterpart a new lease on life, went through hell to come back to those he had to leave behind...and to have be separated after eons of waiting."

"He didn't deserve that."

No could refute him, not even villains like the Joker said anything.

Everyone was unusually silent.

"...No." Nemo answered, his eyes closed in respect to the fallen warriors. "This ship is a part of me, so I can see what's going on outside."

"They're not there, most likely dead." He said firmly, but sadly.

"I might be harsh and run a tight ship." Nemo said. "But I am not heartless, and they gave their lives so that we could live."

"They are people worthy of respect."

"Oh no" Da Vinci said as she realized what Nemo said was being broadcasted to the group on the bottom.

*Drip, drip*

"Sniff, big brother" Adele tearfully said,

Everyone in the audience had their heads bow down to the great sacrifice (M/N) and Musashi had made.

Even the villains, who hated heroes with every fiber of their guts, said nothing but held deep respect for them.

'May their souls find peace at last.'

RODK Ozpin thought to himself.

"Just like back then" Macarios said, a hand on his face as tears fell down, "Why is it that you are always sacrificing yourself for us?"

Gray Fullbuster started at that.

An unwanted memory coming back to him.

'Was that you?' Gray thought to himself after seeing the 'old' lady walking past them as they rode the carriage.

'Did I really die back there? When the dragons were invading?'


'Then that 'vision!''

Suddenly, flashback Gray had a flashback to a time when Ur had sacrificed her life to protect his idiot self from being killed by Deliora.

Ultear specialized in Time Magic. Reversing time might not be out of her reach.

'...but at such a terrible cost.'

Looking back, while everyone else was dealing with Natsumi motion sickness.

He saw Ultear simply taking in the sun's rays with a gentle smile on her face.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Gray began crying with a hand on his face to try to cover it.

"Both mother and daughter...for me..."

"Why would they...?

(I don't know why, but I had a feeling that if Fairy Tail had been taken to a multiverse theater after the events of the Grand Magic Games, and Gray saw something similar to that. He would have a flashback back then realizing that he had died, and Ultear like her mother before her, had saved him along with everyone else)

'It's just like back then!'

Gray thought solemnly to himself.

He never mentioned it before, and he still hasn't.

Though, Juvia noticed that he was unusually silent.

But, for once she decided not to shower him with her love.

Heracles said nothing but wrapped his arms around in an attempt to comfort them.

"He acts like a dad."

Thalia laughed at her half-brother comforting the twins.

"Considering how Berserker acts with Illya, I'm not surprised."

Zero crossed his arms in a smirk.

"Can't believe HERACLES of all people acts more like a dad than Zeus."

Jason Grace bitterly said.

Zeus grumbled but kept his mouth shut since now wasn't the time.

He was paranoid, not stupid like some people like to think.

"We won, but at a terrible cost." Holmes stated, trying to keep his emotions in check as he smoked his pipe.

"I must admit." Sherlock sighed. "Not even I could keep up my passive, rational mind in check. That Lostbelt took quite a toll on all of us."


Many members of the FGO cast sighed.

Gudao and Gudako were in a similar state to their fellow twins as they mourned the loss of Musashi.

"...I'm sorry" Caenis said, gripping her free hand in anger. Anger at her own powerlessness to do anything when it came down to it.

'I talk about killing the Gods, but when it comes down to it, I'm useless.'


Caenis slammed her fist into a wall in anger.

"I fucking hate this feeling of helplessness! It pisses me off so bad, that when I'm needed at the most crucial time, I fall short of the mark!"

It angered her. The powerlessness she felt.

She hated that feeling so much.

As for the Toa.

"Tahu are you okay?" Gali asked as Tahu knelt on the ground, catching his breath.

"Hah, hah I'm fine" He said, standing up, "(M/N)"

He sadly said.

"Even though he was fulfilling his destiny, it still doesn't lessen the pain."

Mothra sighed.

The Toa Nuva stood side-by-side as they stared into the night sky in remembrance of their old friend.

"Do you think the Great Spirit is also...?" Takanuva trailed off, unsure of what to say.

"Even deities can die."

Hades sighed.

"Even if he is, they wouldn't want us to wallow in their death" Kopaka stated, "Let us finish what he started, and bring his siblings home to Spherus Magna."

"At least someone can keep a cool head around here."

RODK Yang weakly said, not really feeling up to making puns at the moment.

"So, let us end this dream for him."

"That is ultimately the best thing they can do for him."

RODK Issei sighed.


Came the response of not only the Toa, but from the rest of the group.

"We can mourn our brother death after we destroy Atlas." Adele said firmly as she and her brother had a steely look of resolve on their faces.

"They really are (M/N) brother and sister."

Mirage smiled, seeing the same strength in their eyes just as she had seen it in (M/N).

"Musashi gave us this chance and we're not going to squander it" Gudako added.

"Good." Batman and Moody said. "Don't let their deaths be in vain."

Nodding, everyone proceeded to the Tree of Emptiness.

Only to suddenly be stopped by,


"What was that!?"

Dom shouted at the unexpected crash.


Musashi groaning as the badly injured samurai shakenly got up.

"She's alive!?"

Many people shouted at that.

"Then...does that mean!?"

RODK Wendy clapped her hands together in hope.

"Never doing that again." She moaned.

"I think our counterparts would kill you if you did something reckless like that again."

Gudako scolded the screen.

"You're one to talk about being reckless."

RODK Chaldea deadpanned.


"...MUSASHI!" Gudao and Gudako shouted as they grabbed her in a bear hug.





"She's injured!"

Asclepius scolded them.

"Don't yell at us! Yell at them!"

Gudao growled as he rubbed his head in annoyance.

Musashi screamed, "Easy there, injured woman here!"

"Going to be more injured if they don't let go."

RODK Yumi (SK) shook her head in amusement.

She shouted.

"Sorry!" They pulled back, apologizing.

"...Wait if you're here then-NO"


They shouted.

Musashi interrupted them.

"I'm afraid (M/N) didn't come back."

"Damn it!"

Laxus slammed his fist on the armrest.

"I guess it was too much to hope for."

"He used the last of his power to make sure I didn't die and sent me hurtling back here to help you."

"And in case you haven't noticed, Tiamat is also gone. Since, her contract was with him, and he's now gone."

"Oh, yeah!" Kiana realized. "She's not there anymore."

Silence fell at that statement.

It was true, now that they realize. Tiamat wasn't there anymore.

A moment of silence passed, until

"His death will not be in vain." Goredolf spoke up.


RODK Goredolf nodded his head.

"We should not squander the chance given to us by his sacrifice."

"If we did." FGO Goredolf spoke up this time. "We would be spitting on the sacrifices everyone else made so that we could live!'

"Let us finish this Lostbelt for him!"


Was the unified shout, as the group of warriors headed towards their final destination.

To the Tree of Emptiness and where their final enemy, the Crypter: Kirschtaria Wodime was waiting for them.

"Now, it's just me."

Wodime hummed, interested to see how his counterpart was going to deal with Chaldea and the Toa.

-Location: Unknown-


Now everyone was confused on what was happening.



Ophis said.

"Not that realm." Zero shook his head. "You will be killed by the inhabitant that lives there."

"Who would possess the power to kill us?"

Ophis curiously asked.

"Keep watching."

He saw nothing but a void everywhere he turned.

"Wait...can it be?"

Kiana eyes widened, as did the others as the figure seemed to become clearer.

'Now, where am I?'

He thought to himself.

"So, you finally arrived."


A voice broke out of the silence, startling the Toa of Life.

"It is (M/N)!!"

Kiana shouted happily.

She didn't know why she was so happy that he was still alive, just that she did!

Everyone else:

"He lives!" "He's alive!" Thank goodness!" "My heart can't take much more of this."

"That lucky bastard!" "Hmph! Glad to see the fool still alive." "What a relief."

People sighed at breath of relief, as their bodies fell to their seats.

They couldn't take much more of this!

Turning, he saw a mysterious woman clad in black with what look like constellations, stars, galaxies, universes on it.


"Who is that?"

Zeus frowned.

Something about woman felt familiar and terrifying.

His fellow Olympians seem to be of the same thought process.

Even the other Gods and Magic wielders felt on edge as well.

Whoever she was, she was dangerous.

"Who are you?"

(M/N) questioned, confused on who the strange woman was and why she was there.

...And why was she giving him Yuuko vibes!?

"That's...not good, is it?"

Homura (SK) gulped.

"For the most part...no."

Ei said.


Laughing, the woman simply said

"You should know already, after all you did just fight me."

"...Say what now?"

Charlie spoke in a confuse voice.

That got his attention. Since when did he fight her? He'd never seen her before.

"That's for sure."

Nel said, body tensing as she continued staring at the Unknown Deity.

Who was she?

...Wait, recently?

Eyes widening, he stepped back as he realized who he was face to face with.

"I don't get it."

Percy frowned, what did (M/N) realized and why was he suddenly scared?

He's faced being that looked to be more dangerous than her!

'...So, then why I am afraid as well?'

That terrified him. He might not have done as many dangerous stunts as (M/N), but he's gone through Tartarus and managed to come out with his sanity intact.

...For the most part.

"Who is this woman and why is he so scared of her all of a sudden?"

"Wish I knew Percy."

Annabeth sighed.

"...It can't be."

Stan Lee whispered as he realized who she might be.

"Stan?" Dom looked over to the Legend. "Is something wrong?"

"I think I might know who she is." Stan whispered to him. "And if it is who I think it is...well, let's see what happens."


Giggling, the woman said,

"That's right I am the Interstellar Navigation-Purpose Ultra-Massive Mothership/Celestial Sphere Type Space-Time Fortress Chaos that birthed the mechanical beings you humans refer to as the Greek Pantheon."


"But you my warrior, can call Chaos."


The entire theater was went off like a Fourth of July Fireworks Parade.

"That's Chaos!?" "Chaos ahs a form?!" "I thought she was a void!?"


Godzilla deadpanned at that.

"That boy's luck is something else."


'You don't even know the half of it.'

Zero thought to himself.

As everyone was still in shock at the revelation.

"What can this mean Zeus?"

Poseidon frowned at this unexpected meeting of Lady Chaos herself.

"I don't know brother." Zeus admitted. "Never in our history have we ever seen Lady Chaos in person. And now an immortal human has been granted an audience with her."

"Yes." Hades said. "But is that good or bad?"

The Gods had no answer for that.

"She was waiting for him."

Athena slowly said, trying not to lose her composure.

"Perhaps it is not as bad as we think it is."

"I can only hope you are right sister."

Hermes worriedly said.

"For someone of Lady Chaos station to meet with a mere mortal, is unprecedent and terrifying."

The demigods grew more and more nervous as the Gods continue their discussions.

Even for those that don't know much about Lady Chaos, her appearance alone was enough to instill fear into even the bravest of them.

"Diana, what can you tell us about Chaos?"

Batman no nonsense tone snapped Wonder Woman out of her shocked thoughts.

"Not much." She admitted. "I know that Lady Chaos is the Progenitor, the source of Greek Mythology. And that from her did the Primordials come forth. And that the world began to take shape."

"But that's it."

"To think that she of all beings took an interest in him."

FSN Caster shook at that revelation.

As did the Greek/Roman servants.

"What happened between them?"

RODK Weiss was proud that she could keep her voice steady and calm after that mind blowing revelation.

"She didn't kill him, if that's what you are all thinking."

HE said, causing Ava and Cain to breathe out a sigh of relief that the alternate version of their son is still alive.

(M/N) was just glad his counterpart wasn't going to be killed.

As well as everyone else calming down from that sentence.

"I don't what went on between them as even I dare not mess with a being such as her. What I do know, is that he has become her 'vessel' of sorts."


"Simply put." Zero said. "She now rests in his mind due to some weird shenanigans that I'm not going into."

"That was the price for him to leave her dimension."

"...That poor soul."

Chiro simply said.

He did not know why, but he felt that (M/N) needed all the prayers he could get.

"Yes, indeed."

Zero sighed.

"Well! It's time."

He smirked.

"Time to show the final viewing of this world for now, and the outcome of it."

But don't worry!" He said. "Eventually, we'll come back to check up on this universe."

"Who knows?"

"Perhaps our friends here will get some much needed intel on dealing with the Foreign God."

With that said, he turned to the screen.

And pressed play.


Have a good day/night!

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