Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 5

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Don't own the art or gif. They belong to their respective creators.


"Here we are."

Zero spoke in a serious voice.

"The beginning of the final battle."

Almost everyone shuddered at that ominous tone in his voice.

"What's going to happen?"

Chiharu softly asked.

"How humans can break their limits and go farther than what anyone ever expected."

Ei softly spoke.

"Surpassing even Gods, the Supernatural, and the all-Almighty Ones."

She carefully omitted what she truly meant at the last part.

They did not need a hentai version of that coming into their theater!



Location: Great Orbital Shrine Olympia Dodona, Judgment Room

"Today will be neither for sacrifice nor for prayer" Caster of Limbo proclaimed, "All that shall be asked is the Judgment of the King of the Gods."

"Ugh! This clown again!"

Thalia grumbled, her fellow hunters agreeing with her.




FT Wendy blinked as she looked at the screen.

"What was that?"

"He who has -BOOM – the heavens since th – BAM, SMASH – of time, emerg – BAM!, BOOM, EXPLODE, KABOOM!!"


"...Um, what's going on?"

Javelin of Azur Lane sweatdropped at the scene.

"Oh, that just (M/N) mystery wife wreaking havoc."

Scaramouche simply said.


Javelin said.

Sweatdropping as did others.

Whoever the girl was sure loved to wreak havoc.


Ivan Ooze looked at the screen.

"I would have loved to wreak havoc on that 'perfect' paradise myself."

Palpatine and several other villains nodded their heads at that.

While some heroes rolled their eyes at that.

Typical villains.

...But they had a point this time.

"OKAY! Who the hell is interrupting my speech!?" Limbo screamed, annoyed at the sounds of destruction overlapping with his sermon of summoning the King of the Gods to administer justice.


"And I thought I had anger issues."

Godzilla chuckled, as did other members of the theater.

"You do."

Mothra deadpanned.

"Pot calling the kettle black."

Godzilla countered.

Knowing full well how much anger was filled inside the little moth body.

"Did you just make fun of my height again, Goji!?"

Mothra shouted.


That sound startled the audience from the unexpected noise.


"GAH!" Caster of Limbo yelled as he was hit by a large piece of concrete straight to the face. Causing the Alter-Ego to fall backwards with spirals in his eyes, and mini Musashis spinning around him chanting "Baka! Baka!"



Ritsuka deadpanned.

"Should have try to pull on his banner, maybe things would have been better."

"And more hilarious master."

Caster Cu stifled a laugh at the scene before him.

"Yeah, that would be the main factor in summoning him. He somehow can make even the most serious situations hilarious."

Zero sweatdropped.

'Good luck on that.' The Great Being thought to himself. 'Only thing you and anyone else will get is fully maxing out your characters.'




Silence filled the room (excluding the sounds of explosions outside) as the remaining participants stared at the unconscious male, and the nicely sized hole in the wall.



Kalpas started laughing like a maniac at that.

Which seemed to set off a chain reaction as people started laughing their heads off.

-Insert SpongeBob sound-

"...Let's skip the formalities and get straight into the reason we are here today." Zeus stated as he turned to Europa, with Kirschtaria Wodime watching.

PJO Zeus sweatdropped at what just happened.

'This is weird, even by my standards.'

His siblings unknowingly thinking along the same lines.

The Demigods chuckling nervously.

They were now very unsure if they preferred their Gods over these Lostbelt Gods or not.

Both sides seemed to be crazy!

'Good idea' Wodime thought to himself, though a little worried about what was going on outside. The Chaldeans, along with their allies, should be heading over here for the final battle. So, who is causing mayhem in the city?

"The incarnation of death and destruction?"

Kiana offered.

Before becoming confused on why their hosts looked like they were about to laugh.

As did the rest of the HI3 cast.

Though a certain sneaky blond had an idea about why they were laughing.

And wondering if he should be worried due to his own plans.

'Maybe, I'll give them a sneak peek at their futures.'

Zero thought to himself, remembering how Kiana and (M/N) first meeting went.

-With the heroes-


"Man!" Ghidorah whistled. "And I thought I was vicious!"

"Same here."

Ares nodded.


Tyrian agreed.

Could be heard as the Olympus was besieged from an attack of unknown origin, while the Chaldeans and GDA rushed to the Great Orbital Shrine.

"Well, at least that helps in saving time."

Caenis grumbled.

Screams of terror reached their ears.

"Music to my ears."

Palpatine, Ivan Ooze, The Joker, the Togas, and several other villains sighed at such beautiful music,

'You wouldn't be saying that if it was happening to you.'

Several people thought to themselves.

"Run!" "AHH!" "Why is this happening!?" "Great Zeus, please save us from this nightmare!"

"I don't think my counterpart really has the best intentions in mind for the human race."

PJO Zeus stared at the screen.

"Why do you say that?"

Hera questioned her husband.

"If Zeus was really set on protecting them, he would be fighting right now instead of holding trial."

Hades deadpanned.

Sora, Riku, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and the rest of the KH cast just stared at the Olympians from another universe.

'I still can't get over how different they are!'

They thought to themselves as they compared them to the Greek Gods they knew.

(Yeah, they might be historically inaccurate. But I think I would prefer them to the real ones, at least the Disney movie was hilarious and memeable)

Could be heard as the inhabitants of the Lostbelt ran for safety from the carnage around them. The soldiers powerless as they were destroyed without effort from the assailant.


Asuka winced.

"They stood no chance, did they?"

'Considering how dangerously powerful she is.' Zero thought to himself. 'They should be lucky she is not toying with them.'

'...Then again, (M/N) wouldn't be happy if she messes around instead of just finishing it right then and there.'

...Which would result in no cuddles, and she likes cuddles.

"She's not holding back." (M/N) commented, as he witnessed the city burning and collapsing from HER assault.

"Are we ever going to find out who is this SHE they keep talking about?"

RODK Kirishima groaned.


Zero smirked.

"God damn it."


The Gods in the room said in unison.

"...Walked right into that one."

RODK Kirishima deadpanned.


"Well, this is one of the times she can let loose." Tiamat commented, though saddened at the loss of life of her children. She still soldiered on.

"Would this she be an ally of yours that can fly?" Musashi asked.

"Quick to realize, huh?"

"I see that you met her" – (M/N)

"She came last night when Muramasa was leaving." Caligula confirmed.

"And yet, no one is saying anything about the photos."

"It's not important at the moment."

Scaramouche said.

"Yeah, that's her alright. We'll leave the distractions to her, this way we are not besieged on all sides at the final destination."

"A wise decision."

Athena nodded wisely.

"Oh, stop it with your lousy puns."

Poseidon groaned.

"A thousand years later and you still suck at making them oh Goddess of Wisdom."

"You wanna die, fish head!?"

"Ohhh, Scary."

"Why you little!"



Athena and Poseidon choked out as Anakin was boredly Force choking them. One hand outstretched while the other under his chin as he stared at them with boredom.

"Save your unresolved sexual tensions for the bedroom."

He deadpanned.

As the Gods faces turned red at the insinuation.


The two couldn't finish their sentences.

"I much prefer choking my enemies without touching them."

Anakin deadpanned as the Jedi and the others sweatdropped.

Has he always been this unhinged?

(M/N) finished as they got below the shrine.

"Lewa, Pohatu you know what to do." Tahu said, causing the Toa of Air and Toa of Stone to activate their respective mask powers.


Some asked.

"I mentioned that they are unique among Toa teams." Zero said. "Besides using their mask powers among them, they can also combine their Mask powers if they are compatible."

"This particular combo..."

"W-What's happening!?" Gudako asked as they started to levitate off the ground and shoot to the entrance of the shrine.

This time Gali answered.

"When Speed and Levitation are combined, the ability to fly is the result."

"...does that."

He finished, as though he hadn't been interrupted.

"...Damn, I want that."

Percy mumbled, jealous of such cool powers.

His fellow Demigods thinking the same thing.

"Well, first you need to make sure your dearest uncle doesn't try to shoot you out of the skies for daring to fly in his domain."

Mitsuki said with a smile.


That was never going to happen.

With that said they flew into the shrine and once landed, proceeded to run through the hallway to reach the Great Altar.

"Wait, stop!" Musashi shouted, as her expression got serious.

"NOW what?"

RODK Ophelia groaned, feeling a headache coming on from all these interruptions.


Ritsuka groaned.

"Pure, unadulterated mental pain and anguish at the incarnation of pure evil."

"...So, basically, no one important."

Ophelia deadpanned.

"Pretty much, yeah."

Ritsuka agreed.

Continuing, she said: "You can't hide your foul stench from me, you evil bastard! Reveal yourself!"

"Seriously? Him again?"

Gudako groaned this time.

"I'm so glad we don't have to deal with this in our timeline!"


"Oh, fuck we are going ot have to deal with eventually!"

"Language, young lady!"

Captain America shouted.

(NOTE: I don't speak Japanese so I'm using Google Translate for this. I apologize in advance if it's not accurate. If there's a site with better accuracy, please let me know)


Gudako shouted.

Kopaka quickly activated the Akaku nuva, locating their foe.

*Step step step*

Came the sounds of footsteps as Caster of Limbo showed up in front of them.

"Well, well right on time" the Alter-Ego said, "I must admit, despite our last meeting you truly have proven why you reached the Void swordswoman."



...What the?

"The fuck?"

A blinked in confusion.

Was the former Raikage hallucinating or did the clown really take that big of a hit to the face?

"...Dude, what happened to your face?" Gudao asked, unable to turn away from the rather smashed state of his face.


"Oh my God!"

Natsumi shouted out at the sad state the man was in. Laughing her ass off at the massive goosebump on his head, as well as how smashed his face was.

"Man! He looks even more like a bitch now!"

RODK Mina Ashido hollered maniacally.

"Serves the asshole right!"

Artemis (PJO) couldn't help but say, also laughing her ass off at the sight of karma paying back its debt.

Everyone else couldn't help but laugh.

"Pft, that would probably be her doing" (M/N) stated, trying not to laugh, though considering he played the role of a jester well it suits him.

"Damn!" Himeko whistled. "I got to say, she's got good aim!"

(???: *Happy tuna noises*)

Growing angry at the reminder he quickly composed himself, "I know why you are here, to save the Queen right?"

Here, everyone's face turned serious.

"Which queen though?"

Xenovia asked.

"We got several queens in the room."

"HeHEHAHAHA!" He laughed as though that was a funny joke being told. "What a joke! You save the Queen only to end her in the end along with the inhabitants once you destroy the Tree of Emptiness!"

"He doesn't have to remind them of that."

Harry grumbled, liking the man even less and less.

Putting him on the same level as Snape and she who shall not be named.

"That's pure comedy greater than anything I could ever come up with!!"

"Probably not that hard."

Hikage (SK) deadpanned in her usual, monotone voice.


People laughed at that.

"Good one, Hikage!"

Homura shouted to her teammate.

"I know."

Hikage fist bumped Yomi.

This caused the Chaldeans to grit their teeth in anger at the harsh truth, while their allies look at them with a look of sympathy at the heavy burden they carry.

"That's a burden too heavy to carry."

Batman noted.

Even he would find it difficult to carry such a heavy burden and he has carried some heavy ones as well.

...Some quite literally.

"Yes, you save their lives by ending their world. Save them from ever existing in the first place!"

"Just rub it in ya bastard."

Hitoshi Shinsou growled.

Laughing even louder the hallway seemed to be consumed by a dark aura as a powerful presence emerged.

"Look out!" Mash shouted, "I'm sensing a powerful presence from this dark miasma!"

"Great! That bastard again."

Caenis snarled.

Soon the dark aura disappeared to reveal.


"What an insult to our Cerberus."

KH Hades and PJO Hades both said in unison.

"Just like in Atlantis, but no doubt even more powerful." Holmes deducted, as he got ready to fight.


Several future heroes deadpanned.

"They make the villains back home look like child play, don't they?"

Deku spoke in a dead voice.


Nahida answered all too cheerfully.


The villains pride stung at that and swore to make themselves more threatening than they are now.

"Here we go!"

But before they could attack the Divine beast

"Gali!" "Lewa!"

Tahu Nuva voice shouted out.

"Another combo?"

RODK Azazel spoke in interest.

The mentioned Toa quickly combined their powers and launched it at the beast.

What followed next was the beast roar of pain, as he was shredded to pieces by the miniature storm he was caught.

"Wait, that's my power!"

Zeus shouted in shock.

"Why are you so surprise?"

Hestia blinked as she stared at her youngest brother.

"After all, different worlds different forms of powers humans can have."

"GGOOAAARRRR!!" The beast screams in agony as it was destroyed.

"...Well, that was fast."

The Flash said, not knowing what to say.

'Looks like they were tired of messing around.'

"GGGRRRR Damn YOU!" Limbo roared at the meddlers once again ruining his plans.

"What? Like it's hard?"

Roger Huxley blinked.

"The monsters outside my village and in the forest nearby were harder than that."

"We are not playing this stalling game with you anymore!" Tahu coldly replied, "We have better things to deal with then you."

"That's for sure."

PJO Leo shook his head.

"Anything that hasn't to do with him is definitely better."

"Hmph! Be that as it may, you will never get passed me." He cockily stated "This is where it ends."

"Cocky much?"

Homura questioned.

"Pot meet kettle."

Asuka deadpanned.


"Couldn't agree more!" Musashi shouted as she struck him down in a flash.

"Go Musashi!"

Blood spurting from his neck as his head flew off.

"Good work Swordie!" Caenis complimented her.

"Couldn't you be a little more creative?"

The Count of Monte Christo deadpanned.

"Screw you asshole!"

"Not into psychos."

'What about Nightingale?'

The Masters of Chaldea thought to themselves.

'Swordie?' Musashi thought to herself, before saying "It's not over yet."

"True" (M/N) said, "As the Toa of Life, I can tell what is living and what is not. This body of his, it's not real."

"A clone!?"

A majority of the people yelled.

"Yes, but actually no."

Zero answered.

"Indeed" Kopaka coolly agreed having noticed that strangeness about him with the Akaku Nuva.

"My, oh my" Limbo hummed, "I guess using these shikigamis against you is no longer suitable for combat."

"Oh, great."

Inuyasha grumbled.

"Just like Naraku with his stupid demon puppets."

Naraku just chuckled...menacingly!

"But still...I played my role quite well. But now I'll step to the side and watch you struggle futilely against Zeus. After all, unlike the King of the Indian Lostbelt, this one is a genuine omnipotent god that not even your little friends, even with the Beast of Humanity, here can hope to overcome!"

"And I thought I was cocky!"

Percy Jackson stared at the screen in disbelief.

Not even at his sassiest was he like this.

"Looks like your title of being the cockiest has been stolen from you."

Conner Stoll sweatdropped.

"My crown!"

Percy dramatically cried.

"Shut up!" Caenis snarled, sick of his nonsense striking him with her spear.

"Ugh!" He said at the strike, smirking as he regenerated "Strike me all you want, it won't help you. Thanks to my life extension method, I'll just keep coming back!"

"Sephiroth much?"

Sora deadpanned, remembering when he witnessed Cloud fight against the Ex-Soldier. How he taunted Cloud that no matter what he does, no matter how many times he falls, Cloud Darkness would always call him back.

Cloud twitched as his PTSD (Post Traumatic Sephiroth Disorder) kicked in.

Aerith and Tifa sweatdropped as did the rest of the Radiant Garden inhabitants at that.

"Hmph!" (M/N) scoffed, crossing his arms "I could easily strip your so-called immortality away. But, it seems someone has a score to settle with you. And who am I to deny what they want?"


As soon as he said, footsteps could be heard as a figure appeared, revealing themselves as


"Oh!" RODK Pepe started. "It's me!"

"Yoohoo! Hope you don't mind if I take the spotlight away for a while."

The Crypter spoke up.

"Pepe!?" Gudao, Gudako, and Mash said in shock, surprise, and joy.

"What the situation here?"

RODK Pepe raised an eyebrow.

"Still enemies." Zero said. "But, due to the circumstances of the Fourth Lostbelt you guys had some time to bond. Plus, you always had an optimistic outlook on life."


Was all Pepe said.

Letting out a smile, he waved "Hello!" Before turning back to face Limbo with his usual expression, "I must admit your little immortality trick is interesting, but after seeing it so many times it has become obvious to me how it works. Your little concealer spells helped to cover it up quite effectively to the extent that other people would not think there was a flaw."

"So, that's how it is."

Pepe hummed in interest.

"BUT, thanks to my Tashintsu they are so blaringly obvious, and our new friends seem to have the ability to cut through your silly illusions as well."

The air suddenly grew cold as Pepe focus seemed to sharpen,

"Annnnd let's just say that he pissed you off since he screwed you over in the Lostbelt you were in charge of."

"...Oh, dear."

Wodime said.

Pepe actually being genuinely angry was not a pretty sight to see.

"Now then Mr. Alter Ego of Limbo, I do believe it's time ... time to pay you back for all the ways you screwed both me and my Indian Lostbelt over!"

His cheery expression suddenly took on a murderous expression as he started casting a spell on Limbo. A symbol appearing on the Alter Ego.


Those that had never seen Pepe mad before (which was almost everyone in the room) shook at the positively murderous expression on his face.

Pepe had a rather vindictive look on his face.

"Gah! What- what is this? A form of Onmyoudou?" Limbo questioned, before a look of shock and terror showed on his face. "NO! This is Shugendou."

"Bout time he had an expression that wasn't cocky."

Coco Adel deadpanned.

"Yep, a little trick of mine combining Tashintsu and Rojintsu made to end your false reincarnation. So, say farewell to your precious shikigamis because they won't save you from permanently dying anymore."

"*Whistle!* Remind me not to get on his bad side."

Sirius said to Lupin, who just nodded.

"Namushinpen Great Boddhisatva: Rojin-Tahintsu!" He chanted, ending his life extension method once and for all.

"Such a powerful incantation!"

Luna Lovegood sang in amazement.

"...Do you even understand what he is saying, Luna?"

Ginny asked.


Luna cheerfully said.

Ginny sweatdropped at how cheerful and positive her friend could be.

"Damn you!" Limbo shouted, "To think that a mere human could possess a power capable of countering my false reincarnation technique!"

"That's the problem with you higher beings."

Gudao sighed.

"You always think that just because you are divine or Gods, that humans are always going to be weaker and subservient. Never realizing just how much potential we got despite having a limited lifespan."

"Which is why we aren't blessed with immortality." RODK Kadoc spoke up. "If we were, the potential could be unleashed and a whole lot of trouble could definitely sprout from that."


"You better believe it 'Hon'" Pepe sassed back, "Because now your immortality is gone!"

"I am of the belief that he was enjoying this back then."

Ritsuka said, with Mash and the others who were there nodding in agreement.

RODK Pepe simply smiled.

...Yeah. He was definitely enjoying it.

"CURSE YOU!" Were the last words the substitute puppet shouted as the spell finished, and he disintegrated into dust.

"He got Thanos'd!"

Thor shouted in shock.

Gaining chuckles from the Avengers at that pun.


"Sorry, what?"

Malcolm asked.

All the son of Athena got was chuckles.

Silence filled the hall after that.

"Pepe..." Gudao trailed off, stunned at what just happened.

"Thank you" Gudako graciously said.

Pepe merely smiled, "Think nothing of it hon, I was just giving the arrogant fool some much needed punishment."

"Revenge really is a dish best served cold."

Beryl Gut smirked.


"Now though, it's time for you to move on to your final battles in this Lostbelt. Don't expect any more support from me as I am still your enemy."

"Well...at least he's the straightforward type?"

Neville awkwardly said.

The Crypters and Masters just chuckled at that.

He finished with a warning.

"Right" Mash said.

"Hmm, but before you go. Let me tell you something Kirschtaria once said to me: In terms of combat abilities Gudako and Gudao are actually evenly matched with me. Their past endeavors are proof of that."

"You don't hear that every day."

Certain noble hating people said out loud.

"He's always been the humble kind of person."

Yu shook her head.

"A way to nice guy, even though he could turn on a dime."

"You flatter me, Akuta."

Wodime said,

"It's Yu, damn it!"

"...Interesting, despite being nobility he is very humble." (M/N) mused.

"Well, at least I know I won't regret this then."

"He's going to do that to?"

That caught everyone attention.

"Oh?" Pepe quirked an eyebrow, interested at that statement. "And what could you possibly mean by -Gah!?"

"Was that out of pain, or surprise?"

Daybit spoke in his monotone voice.

"I'd say surprise, since I'm pretty sure my counterpart wasn't expecting that."

Pepe said.

His question was cut off as (M/N) shot a beam of elemental life energy at Pepe causing him to glow before returning to normal.

"Hu-Huh!?" Pepe asked confused, before he realized "I feel different, why?"

He asked (M/N) who explained.

"I removed the contract you have with the Foreign God and gave you a new lease on life."

"He's either too nice, or there's a catch."

FGO Kadoc crossed his arms.

"Of course, you have to ally with Chaldea from now. You don't have to fight with us right now, but I do expect your help after we're done here."

"And there it is."

"Well, at least it's better than what others would have demanded as a price."

He smirked, causing Pepe to gain a smirk of his own.

As did the Pepe in the theater.

"Heh, looks like things are starting to get more interesting."

"You live for the thrill of life, don't you?"

RODK Koneko questioned the Cryptor.

"Oh, hon!" Pepe just smiled. "What else is there to do but enjoy life to the fullest!"

"...Good point."

"We should go now" Macarios reminded them. "We need to save Lady Europa and bring down Zeus."

"Yeah, that's right." Adele agreed.

"Let's go." (M/N) said as they turned to the hallway.


"On it" The Toa Nuva of Stone said as he activated his Kakama Nuva, causing the scenery to blur as they sped to the Altar.

"That saves some time."

Kid Flash approved.

-Altar Room-

"So, you have come."

"They finally meet."

Enterprise said seriously.

Her fellow Shipgirls gaining stone faced expressions at the screen.

Came the booming voice of Zeus, as he greeted the Chaldeans and their allies. Thunder crashing in the background.

"Are you always this much of a showoff?"

RODK Kiba asked the King of the Gods.


Hades and Poseidon said in unison, before Zeus could open his mouth.


He glared at his older brothers.

"They're not lying."

"Indeed, we have" (M/N) coolly retorted, as he took a look at the King of the Gods. "To think I would have the honor of meeting you once again, fate truly is a capricious thing."

"Well, I suppose he has a point."

Gray conceded.

"After all, how many people can say they survived Zeus Lightning Bolts and lived to tell the tale?"

"Not many."

PJO Apollo confirmed.

"Hhmmm" Was all Zeus said, having recognized him as the young human he had supposedly executed millennia's ago in the war. "Indeed"

"He still recognizes him, despite being a human and their only meeting was a thousand years ago?"

Tonks said in disbelief.

Turning his attention to the group from Proper Human History, he spoke: "Behold, you have been granted before Zeus, God of the Sky, King of the Gods, Victor of the Machia wars. Sadly, this audience is neither joyful nor sad."

"When it comes to dealing with you, it never is."

Hera grumbled.

"Not you too!"

"NOW KNEEL" His voice took an authoritative tone as he bared his presence down on them.

"I beg your pardon?"

Loki voice sounded emotionless at that command.

'Oh boy!' The Avengers thought to themselves. 'PTSD to when he tried to conquer the world?'

And when Hela was in her phase. But that's not important right now!

"Gah!" "Such power!" "Damnit, gravity!?"

"So strong" Mash wavered as she struggled to stand.

"Even though this is just a screen, I can still feel the pressure from here!"

Saria (Arknights) exclaimed.

"Never thought such a being could exist like this." – Musashi

"That's for sure."

The FGO group deadpanned at that, gaining looks of concerns at that statement.

(And that was just the 5th Lostbelt...though I would take that over the Sixth. That one was a complete clusterfuck)

"Can't...stand an..y lon..ger!" Macarios gasp as he collapsed to his knees.

"Macarios" Adele called out in concern, as she too gave way.

People winced at that, not surprised that they would give way. They were not used to confronting a being such as Zeus.

"Ngh, even for us heroic spirits this is overwhelming" Holmes shouted, barely standing up as Zeus increased his intensity over them.

Even the Toa were having a hard time resisting his assault.

"The Toa too?"

That was shocking, even they were having trouble dealing with the God pressure.

"This makes Nuvhok-Kal look like child play!" Tahu grunted, having remember being defeated by the Bohrok-Kal of Gravity.

"And that's saying something considering how powerful he was."

Zero crossed his arms at that.


Illustrious blinked.

"Giant mechanical insectoid creatures."

Zero explained.

"The only organic matter was the Krana, their brain which is used to pilot the Bohrok."

"The Bohrok-Kal are an elite unit who has a different purpose for the swarm."

He gave a simplistic explanation.

If they wanted to learn more, he can open the rooms that contain history about the Matoran Universe.

"This is what Nuvhok Kal looks like."

He brought up a picture of the Bohrok-Kal of Gravity.

(Nuvhok Kal)


AZ Queen Elizabeth/QE raised an eyebrow.

"He really does look like a giant mecha bug."

Leo and his fellow siblings were drooling at the technology.

'Should I use that?' He thought to himself, before shaking his head 'No, let's hold off on that for now.'


People turned to Zero for an explanation.

Who simply shook his head.

"It will come up later."

Suddenly, the air felt less tense as (M/N) got up and activated the Ignika. While, not completely neutralizing the gravity attack he was able lessen the assault as he got to Adele and Macarios.

"Phew!" Ms. Joke sighed a breath of relief. "At least someone was able to do something about it!"

Grabbing them as he glared at the King of the Gods.


Many people from the RODK Universe spoke.

If he was anything like their (M/N), then one thing you don't do is threaten his siblings in any way possible.

Not even Gods were safe from his wrath if they dare touch his siblings.

"LLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Tiamat song pierced through Zeus gravity attack, neutralizing it completing.

"Perks at having a Beast on your side, I guess."

Gudao said.

"HHmmm" Zeus mused as he stared at the Beast of Humanity calculatedly. He could tell she and (M/N) were bounded by Fate.

"He realizes they are the biggest threats to him."

Bismarck analyzed.

"Emissaries of Proper Human History, why have you come here before me?"

"Why else, genius?"

Gudako sarcastically asked.

"To...save Europa of course...Gah!" Macarios fell down once more, his body still not recovered from the gravity attack.

"Brother!" Adele called out in concern as she tried to stand up "Ah!" only to fall.

Several people winced at that.

They did not want to see an angry (M/N) thank you very much!

"Take it easy you two" (M/N) lifted them up, restoring their stamina with his powers.


Recovery Girl murmured.

That would definitely make healing the idiots in her infirmary much easier. Idiot kids overusing and using their powers in dangerous stunts.

"Children of Nikos and Artemisia" Zeus spoke causing the trio to look at him "rest my children of Olympus, for this is directed at the ones who have come from their own world."

"...It's kind of creepy how fatherly he's acting towards them."

Jason Grace shivered at that, not used to seeing his father, in either of his forms, be that fatherly to anybody.

"Hey! I can act like a father!"

Zeus protested.

The entire PJO cast just stared at him with dead looks on their faces.

"The Zeus over there is more of a father than you are."

Grim pointed to Disney/Kingdom Hearts Zeus.


Zeus felt pain at that.

"So, I asked once again, why have you come to this Lostbelt?"

"Why else? But to cut down the Trees of Emptiness and bring back our world!" – Gudako

"Like it wasn't obvious from the previous four they dealt with?"

FGO Kadoc sarcastically said.

"Yeah! That's the reason why we are doing this. Not for fun, or some cruel sadistic kicks at destroying innocent lives. But, to bring back our own home!" – Gudao


Daybit nodded.

"You have to be a sadistic maniac like Beryl here."

"Oi!" The bloodthirsty psychopath shouted. "Just because it's true, doesn't mean you have to expose me like that!"

'...But it is true.'

Ritsuka mentally deadpanned at that, remembering the climax of the Olympus Lostbelt.

At those answers Zeus closed his eyes, processing what he just heard.

"HEH, HEHEHEHEH, HAHAHHAHAHAHA!" He let out a roar of laughter as gravity came back stronger than before.

"You seriously find it funny?"

Broca deadpanned as he stared at the God of the Sky.

"This isn't me!" Zeus protested. "This is an alternate version of me!"


The operator wasn't convinced.

Neither were the PJO group.

This time though Tahu activated the Hau Nuva creating a powerful shield with Onua strengthening him with the Pakari Nuva.

"Good idea."

This held until Zeus stopped.

"Heh, apologies I let myself get carry away."

"That's not the only thing that got carried away."

Hera mused.


"That was a good answer I'll give you that" he conceded.

"Now my children of Olympus" Causing (M/N), Adele, and Macarios to stare at him questioningly. "I'll give a gift as a sign of my benevolent grace."

"I don't like the sound of that."

RODK Issei shivered.

After all, from what they have seen (and were told) so far. The Lostbelt version of Zeus has a skewed perspective of his 'grace.'

'I don't like this' (M/N) thought to himself.

"You and me both."

Yagyu grumbled.

"I won't execute Europa...YOU WILL." He decreed, sending a wave of shock throughout the group.


"What!" "How can you call that grace?!" "Bastard, you just keep getting worse and worse!"

"Is this really how the Greek Gods are!?"

Hermione wore a frazzled expression on her face.

"Bloody hell!"

Ron shouted.

"SILENCE!" He roared once more, "This is my duty as the protector of Olympus, everything I give them is a sign of my grace, of my benevolence."

"How is that benevolence?"

RODK Mash shook her head in disbelief.

"I think Voldemort is more capable of being benevolent then him!"

Harry shouted.

"...That's a bit of a stretch."

Shacklebolt sweatdropped.

"...Yeah, you're right."

Harry realized.

"Now, my children execute her."

(Resist it, resist it. RESIST IT!!)

Palpatine: "Execute Order 66"

(...DAMN IT!!)



Footsteps could be heard as Europa appeared.

"She's okay!"

Many cheered at that.

Only to quiet down as they notice the serious looks on Ritsuka and the others' faces.

The looks on their faces were joyful...until...

"Revelation...the time for revelation...has come" Europa spoked in a robotic tone. "Prepare to die at the hand of Talos."


Red Robin swore.

"She's been brainwashed!"

Caligula roared, "Everyone be on your guard! This is not the same Europa we know; her mind has been altered!"

A giant hand appeared as Talos leaned in from above, causing the ground to shake.

"That's one big ass robot."

Mei Hatsume stared in wonder at the technological giant.

Hephaestus and his children were doing the same.

As for Zero and the others.


Scaramouche scoffed.

'My alternate counterpart 'God' robot is more impressive.'

(Ain't that the truth)

"You really are a monster!" Gali snarled, disgusted at how this so-called protector 'rewarded' his people. He was nothing like the Great Spirit, and even The Makuta was a hundred times better than Zeus.

"And that's saying something."

Zero deadpanned.

"Considering how evil The Makuta was, for Gali to think that way shows how low she thinks of this version of Zeus."

The Olympians flinched at that.

"Indeed! You truly are nothing like the Zeus we know!" Holmes yelled at the God, "He would never have used a gift like the one he gave to Europa in the manner you have!"

"True." Zeus slowly said. "While I have done many petty things in the past, I don't think I have ever done it in a way like counterpart has."

"And that is saying something."

Ares said.


"It's true!"

The other Gods and the demigods all shouted in agreement.

"Oh, come on!"

Zeus shouted.

"I'm not that bad!"



Silence was all that filled the room as not even Disney Zeus could look him straight in the eye at that.

"In fact, you are even worse than he is! You are far more small-minded and pettier then even he was at his worst!"


"HA! You got guts I'll give you that" Caenis smirked.

Swords chinking, Musashi stared with fierce determination, "You might as well have given us a reason to make up for our poor excuse of a fight with you! I'm going to enjoy taking down a worthy opponent like this giant here!"

"Well, at least they got the spirit."

PJO Persephone nervously chuckled.

"Hope it doesn't spill out of them."

And with that the Chaldeans leapt into action, racing towards Europa and Talos.

"INTRUDERS DETECTED, PREPARING TO DESTROY" Talos robotically said, as he raised his fist and launched it at the Chaldeans.

"Why did they rush at him?"


His fist met Heracles (I actually forgot that I had him in the story, how embarrassing), as the Berserker servant countered the attack with his massive sword.



FGO Jason and FSN Illya shouted in encouragement.

Causing the PJO cast to look at them in bewilderment.

How can they have such a good relationship with an egocentric God like him!?

(Because everything is not as black and white as you may think)

Even with Zero explaining which myth held true in that world. You would think they would be more cautious about him!

Came the furious scream of Greece greatest hero as he slammed his blade into Talos fist causing it to explode from the sheer force of the strike.

"...Well," Percy nervously chuckled. "I can see why he is considered to be the greatest and strongest Greek hero to ever exist."

"You mean before you?"

Rachel Dare chuckled.

"I don't think I'm the strongest."

Percy sweatdropped.

Crazily awesome and insane? Yes.

The strongest?

...He's pretty sure Clarisse and several others could still kick his ass brutally.

Clang! Clang!

Came the sounds of steel hitting steel.

"Damn!" Caenis swore, "That bull of hers is strong!"



RODK Rias smacked her Queen, stopping her from making a dirty comment.

...Though that didn't stop RODK Akeno from letting out a moan from that.

People sweatdropped at that.

'Crazy girl.'

They thought to themselves.

"We just need to keep it at bay until the giant is defeated." Musashi said.


Talos other fist swung at the Chaldeans only for Mash to block it with her shield.

"Ah!" She shouted, as she was slightly pushed back.

"I'm surprised at how strong you are, Ms. Mash."

Miroku complimented.

Causing the Mash(s) to blush.

"Would you like to bea-WHACK!"

"Stupid monk!" Sango shouted, hitting him over the head with Hiraikotsu. "You were doing so well!"

"OW!! SANGO!!"

Miroku shouted in pain.

Ignoring the comedy duo routine, they turned their attention to the screen.

"Baritsu!" Holmes shouted, activating his Noble Phantasm.


Came the sound of Grandr hitting Europa, knocking her back a couple feet away.

"Just a simple Grandr?"

Rin Tohsaka asked in bewilderment.

Was that little powerup really that powerful!?

'Damn, whatever (M/N) did really gave a boost to our power' Gudao thought to himself at the level of damage it caused.

"...That explains it."

Speaking of,

"Hey brother, why isn't (M/N) helping?" Gudako asked.

It was true, while they had leapt into the fight (M/N) and his friends stood on the sidelines watching.

"He's just letting them fight alone?"

Lorem was confused at that.

And she wasn't the only one.

"He's not there to hold their hands in every battle." Mikoto explained. "Besides, they have fought against the odds far before (M/N) returned. They don't need him to win every battle."

"That makes sense."

Artemis admitted.

"They wouldn't be the heroes they are now, if they needed someone to fight their fights for them.

"If I had to guess, it's because he trusts us to win this fight." Gudao surmised, "Just like we have done in other fights, before he arrived."

"Huh, true. Then let's show him the power that helped saved Humanity from Incineration."


-With (M/N)-

"You're not going to help them?"

Tiamat voice questioned him, causing (M/N) to turn to her.

"Gudao and Gudako have proven themselves to be worthy fighters in their own rights. After all, they overcame you and succeeded in saving Humanity. We have no role to play in this fight."

(M/N) explained, before turning to his fellow Toa.

"Pohatu, Lewa I need you two to do a quick favor for me."

"What is he up to this time?"

Amiya (Arknights) wondered.

"All ears brother." The two responded.

-Back to the fight-


The fierce battle continued until Heracles activated his Noble Phantasm, and with an extra boost from his master, trashed Talos into nothing but mechanical scraps.

"And there goes a masterpiece."

Leo Valdez mournfully said.

"Eh. Not really."

Maria Traydor said.

"It was rather primitive by our standards."


While this was happening, Adele and Macarios quickly casted a spell at Europa causing her to violently shake as the effects of the mind control was being fought.

"AAHHHHH!" Europa screamed as she was being cleansed of the brainwashing that Zeus inflicted upon. Until finally, she regained her true conscious.

"Oh," Europa moaned, eyes closed before opening them again "What was I doing?"

"Trying to kill everyone."

RODK Mineta said.

"Lady Europa!" the twins shouted in relief.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Gudako shouted, as Gudao sighed in relief.

Clap clap

"Good work guys, I knew my faith in you Chaldeans weren't misplaced." (M/N) said with a smile on his face.

"...I can't read him."

Sairong shook his head.

"He's even more complicated than our (M/N)!"


"Here we go again."

RODK Asia sighed.

Came the voice of Zeus, interrupting their celebration.

"Why do you not kill her as ordered, as gratitude for my benevolence? Do you truly believe that humans are merciful creatures that would willingly help others out of the goodness of their hearts?"

"No" "Not really" "There are some, but not everyone."

Many people answered.

"That's benevolence?"

Vlad King blinked.

"Gods are weird."

Cleveland shook her head.


"We refused, because it is wrong." (M/N) spoke up, "This has nothing to do with being merciful or being a good person. Throughout my journeys I have seen the good and the bad in people, I'm not going to pretend that we are all saints."

"And he doesn't consider himself as one either."

Zero suddenly said, gaining looks of alarm and confusion at that.

"What do you mean?"

Ava cautiously asked.

"Let's just say, that there are some worlds that are repulsive, and represent the worst of humanity."

Zero simply said.

"He has a straightforward mindset at times and usually took 'destroy the threat until it's gone' mentality. Though...considering some of the vile things that could even make a hardcore villain turn in disgust. I'd say he has justifiable cause for slaughter."

"...And he hates when guys give the rest of the male population a bad name because of their horrid actions."

...They don't know why, but they felt it best to not ask any further.

"Hah! That's true." Caenis agreed, "I'm not going to lie and say that I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do. I'm doing this to finally get my revenge on what that sea bastard Poseidon did to me by killing every last of one of you Olympian bastards!"

Percy and the other demigods flinched at that.

They had met some people that hated the Gods, but never on the scale that Caenis was on!

...It really made them scared to ask just how much truth was in their legends and stories.

And the Gods actually looked uncomfortable right now.

"Hmmm, I see" Zeus said, "and you Miyamoto Musashi? You are like us, an existence coming from a Lostbelt, so why do you fight against your fellow people?"

"Can't believe you're asking a question so obviously" Musashi said,

"It is rather obvious with this girl."

Batwoman mused.

"It's because your Chaldea enemy, therefore making you my enemy. And with (M/N) giving me a new lease on life."


"That makes me more determine to help Chaldea and pay him back for his help."

"Hmm," Zeus mused before turning to face the one he had struck down long ago. "And you my child? Why do you point your blade at me now that you gained power that even I have never seen before?"

"Because he still has a bone to pick with you?"

(Weeeell, hello again friend!)

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon aka Oracle on her off days) mockingly questioned the God.

"Power that would allow you and your siblings to live in peace without fear of disappearing once a Lostbelt is gone forever."

He questioned,

For a moment (M/N) said nothing,


"It's because the dream must end."

"Even that is but a dream that can never come true."

Kagura (SK) simply said.

"Not to mention that dreams are rather scary."

Ei sighed.

I'm looking at you Penacony.

Was all he said, but that was enough for Zeus to understand.

"Using his brain and not his dick for once."

Hades muttered.

"I heard that!"

"I suppose you do have a point; this is truly a fantastical dream that could be made reality if it wasn't pruned away."

"But it was pruned away because it was unnecessary for human advancement."

Olga Marie Animusphere said.

He conceded,

"And you Chaldeans, why do you continue this journey? Why do you continue to destroy the Lostbelts, and the people who live in them? Especially when your own history is lost?

"As nice as their world is." Superman began. "I don't think I would want to live in such a world where everything is basically the same thing every day."


Batman and Wonder Woman spoke up.

"...We've already told you why" Gudao said.

"It's to bring back our world" Gudako finished.

"Are you hard of hearing or something?"

Thalia asked her father, who said nothing.

Zeus was silent for a while before: "HEHeheHAHAHAHa!"
He let out a thunderous roar of laughter causing gravity to increase once more before stopping it.

"Why does he find all this funny?"

Jr. questioned.

"Because he's crazy."

Overhaul rolled his eyes.


"Yes, I should have realized after all your actions proved that without a doubt."

Sighing, he said "Were I my Proper Human History self I would have turned you all into constellations in recognition of your bravery."

"...How nice."

Several people sarcastically said.

"But I am not. I am the one who rules with a mighty thunderbolt!"

With that said, electricity started crackling all around as a mechanical announced:


People's eyes widened as an enormous pressure was felt.

"Releasing constraints, True form: Zeus, all lifeforms advised to evacuate immediately."

"...Ah, fuck."

Kawaki said.

A flash of light engulfed the room before fading away.

Revealing a monstrous, mechanical face of the demiurge Zeus.

"Oh my father!" Poseidon shouted. "He's hideous!"

"Really?" Hades questioned. "Looks the same to me."

"...Yeah, you're right."

"Why you little!"

"So, that's Zeus true form!?"

"Yes, Interstellar Combat-Purpose Annihilation Type Mobile Fortress Flagship, also known as Zeus!"

Adele shouted as everyone got into battle stances.

"It's no use trying to hit him from here!" Macarios shouted, "all we can do is stall until we can activate Aether!"

"And how long will that take?"

FSN Shinji sarcastically asked.


"Everyone scatter!" Gudako shouted as Zeus lightning bolts crashed against Tahu Hau Nuva shielding.

"Ngh!" Tahu grunted, "His attacks are even stronger now!"

"Just how much power does this bastard have!?"

Naruto shouted in shock.

This made the fight with Kaguya look like a walk in the park!

"This is not the Zeus of mythology that you know of." Darth Vader coolly said. "This Zeus never lost his true form; he is not the Zeus of human Greek Mythology that we all know. He is no Divine Spirit; he is a true bonafide God!"

"Oh, well isn't that just peachy!"

Vegeta shouted.

"I got you brother" Onua said, activating the Pakari Nuva, increasing the Toa Nuva of Fire strength.


Was all Zeus said as he looked down on them.

"Still has the ego." Hestia sighed.


Zeus shouted.

"Well look on the bright side."

Fu Hua spoke up.

"At least you actually managed to do something it earn it. Not unlike those Union bastards."

She pointed out.


He conceded to that point.

"Zeus!" Holmes shouted, as he dodged the lightning bolts "Answer me this: What do you plan to do with the Foreign God!?"

"These Trees of Emptiness are what sustains the Lostbelts and are the catalysts for the Foreign Alien God to descend. What do you intend to with the Tree known as Atlas? I doubt you will willingly share your reign with a being not of your pantheon!"

"...Truly, you are a dangerous one sage" Zeus conceded, "Your eyes perceived a plane of truth that others would never reach."

"So, you were able to see past him Holmes."

Moriarty mumbled to himself.

'But that just leaves more questions that need to be answered.'

"Answer the question! What are your intentions when dealing with the Foreign God!?"

"...MORTALS," He spoke, "Do not think, do not worry, simply exist."


RODK/Union Toga shouted.

"For once we agree."

Izumi and Izuku said.

"I will carry on the burden of what it is to be alive, you should simply just exist, smile, worship me."


The loud voice boomed throughout the theater, leaving echoes in its wake.

"My ears!" "My head!"

Enormous thunderbolts crashed as the group held strong.

"Rising Ortinax to the max!" Mash shouted as she invoked the power of Athena into her shield.

"OH? A conceptual defense, eh?"

"So, you still resist" With that said he unleashed his bolts at a terrifying level.

"Just how much is he limiting himself to!?"

Saber shouted, worried for the young heroes safety.

"Let's just say that you should be glad that all you had to deal with when you were alive was wars and crazy family issues."

Zero deadpanned.

Causing Saber and the Round Table to sweatdrop.

"Ngh! Such power" Mash grunted as she blocked the attacks that escaped the shield.

"Magnet Orbs!" (M/N) shouted as magnetic orbs appeared, drawing the thunderbolts into them.


Sora shouted in surprise, not having expected (M/N) to use that move.

Though curious as to what he was going to do next.

When they reached their limits, he merged them into one sending an enormous amount of magical energy right back at him.


"(M/N) is more powerful than expected!"

Archer shouted, shocked at how powerful and creative the warrior was.

"But of course." FSN Gilgamesh smirked. "I would expect no less from the Primeval Father of Sumerian legends."

"Even though he doesn't believe himself to be Abzu?"

Siduri asked.

"I can practically taste Abzu aura and divinity on him."

FSN Gilgamesh smirked.

"And also...where did you come from?"

He blinked as he asked.

"I wasn't gone. I've been here all this time."

Siduri deadpanned.

"Ugh!?" Zeus groaned at the attack as it caused a massive amount of damage despite his own conceptual defenses.

"Well." Ritsuka said. "That went better than our fight."

"Yeah" "Agreed" "Damn straight!"

"Chaldea might be on the defensive, but we're capable of being both defensive and offensive!"

(M/N) shouted as he prepared got into a stance that an old friend taught him.

'Thank you Goku' He thought to himself as chi energy mixed with his element of Life energy began forming.

"Huh?" Said Saiyan was confused. "Thank me for what?"

"For being a nutjob."

Vegeta deadpanned.

"Kamehamehameha!" He shouted as the Kamehameha tore right at him.

"Holy shit!"

Many of the Z Warriors shouted and jumped in shock at the impact of the blast.

"I taught him the Kamehameha!?"

Goku was stunned.

"Do I have to repeat it every time you see something like this?"

Zero grumbled.

"Multiverse! Alternate universes! He learned it from another you!"


Master Roshi shook his head in amusement at his former pupil cluelessness.

'Though I won't deny that it is surprising that he taught to somebody else.'

The immortal (I think. I keep forgetting) man.

"GAH!?" Zeus screamed as the blast left a hole in him.

"Ohhhh," One of the campers said. "That's gotta hurt."

"He got penetrated in a non sexual way."

Elysia giggled.

"The image!"

The demigods and Gods screamed.

Zeus just twitched.

"I underestimated you and your allies, child of Olympus."

"Damn right you did!"

Katusmi and Yang shouted.

Before getting concern at the tense looks on FGO cast faces.

Zeus admitted, "Therefore, I shall destroy you all with my true might. Release of Compound Authority approved."

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"

Several people shouted at that.

The skies roared as the tense air grew.

"Bastard, this isn't his full strength!?" Caenis shouted, angered that she could only repel the thunderbolts away.

"Ugh!" Said Heroic Spirit groaned as she remembered that. "Bastard kept holding back on us and kept cutting our chances of victory short!"

'So far only (M/N) seems to be capable of fighting Zeus' Musashi thought to herself, 'But, Zeus also knows his weakness is his siblings which is way he can't face him head on.'

"And that's why you should always keep your identity hidden, unless you know that your loved ones can protect themselves!"

RODK All Might told his students.

"Otherwise, you will be put into a tricky situation like this!"

'And now, he can go further!?'

"Compound Authority? This can only something much worse than what we have seen so far!" Holmes shouted.

"Anti planet, anti star system, space-time, concept limiters deactivated."

"...Oh no."

"What? But that would mean..." – Mash

Everyone was quiet at that as an enormous wave of power was released.

The same could be said as the theater felt the illusion of Lostbelt Zeus' power weighing down on them.

"This isn't even the real thing, and it feels so oppressive!"

Magne shouted, one knee on the ground.

"Gah!" "Agh!" "Ah!"

"Begone!" Zeus coldly and robotically said as he unleashed his wrath for the world to bear.



"Now's not the time!!"

Aizawa shouted.


Present Mic shouted in pain.

'...I see, then to fight Zeus on a level beyond our current strength. We will need...'

(M/N) gave his fellow Toa a subtle shake of the head, letting them know of what he was thinking.


"What is he thinking?"

Mothra pondered.

"I think they even have a plan for this kind of situation."

Gigan frowned.

Hoping that was the case.

Eyes widening, they firmly nodded their heads as they stared firmly at the omnipotent God.

'So, it's to the point where you will required the strength of a God.' A deep, wise voice echoed in his head.


"Who's that!?"

Tonks shouted in shock.

"You'll see."

Palpatine chuckled, amused at their annoyed expressions at having to wait again.

'Yes.' (M/N) mentally responded, before speaking out loud "Heracles!"

The Berserker servant turned in response, "Watch Adele and Macarios for me!"

This startled the twins as well as Chaldea at that statement.

"Wait brother what are you going to do!?" Adele shouted as Heracles stood guard in front of them.

"Something very reckless and stupid no doubt."

Annabeth crossed her arms.

"Just like Percy."


The Son of Poseidon shouted, placing a hand on his heart in mock hurt.

"It's the truth, cousin."

Thalia and Nico ganged up on him.

"Betrayed by my family, oh the agony."

Percy dramatically said.

"Well...considering he is a son of Poseidon/Ares via a really weird way."

Vestal spoke up.

"They're not wrong."

"So mean!"

"Going to show this overgrown jackass the true power of Unity." Ignika responded as he and the Toa Nuva started to glow,

"We can afford to wait no longer, Aether activate!" (M/N) shouted as he poured his power into the device starting the summoning circle.

"So, he activated it in this timeline?!"

FGO Goredolf shouted in shock.

"Patience, thy name is not (M/N)."

Ivan Ooze chuckled.

"For the most part."

"Do not resist" BAM!

People jumped at the sudden noise.

"Now what!?"

RODK Yang shouted.

"Do you ever shut up old man!?" A robotic figure shouted as he slammed his blade into the god.

"What the!?" "The hell?" "Where did this guy come from?"

"Huh!?" Was the unified response at the sudden appearance of the machine that flew from the Grand summoning circle.

"Never thought I would get the chance to beat you down old man!" The machine God roared, as he slammed his sword onto the flagship.

Several people winced at that.

But were also confused.

"Who is that?"

Izumi questioned.

"Another Greek God?"

"Which one?"

"Why does the red remind me of someone?"

Were some of the questions going out.

"You are Ares? No, this feels like Mars!" Zeus shouted as the God of War kept him in place.

"ARES!?" "ME!?"

The PJO cast shouted in shock at the revelation.

"Call me whatever, doesn't make a difference anyways!" Ares shouted, "For you are going to die!"

"...You got guts, I'll give you that."

Kal'tsit complimented the stunned God.


Ares said. In shock that he would actually have the guts to actually attack Zeus in a different world.

"So, the Grand Summoning was to summon a God to fight Zeus on equal grounds!" Holmes summarized, impressed at the move. "Fascinating."

"Feels too complex to be just that."

RODK Sirzechs observed.

"That's because it's just part one."

Mini Da Vinci said.

"It's got another trick up its (figuratively speaking) sleeves."


Atago raised an eyebrow.

"This should be good."

"It isn't to summon just one servant to fight Zeus though." Macarios stated, "To defeat an omnipotent God like Zeus, we will need someone who can fight on even grounds, someone who is held as supreme in their mythology."

"Now...the final catalyst"

*Step, step*


"Now, it is time for my Destiny to be fulfilled." Caligula stated as he stood in the center.


Nero sighed.

"What does he mean by that?"

Someone asked.

"Zeus!" He shouted, "All-mighty supreme God of Greece, to counter you will be the power of your equal, Rome!"

Here the Roman and Greek Demigods shifted uncomfortably at that.

After all, considering their history back in their world (aka causing the American Civil War and thus ruining the true history of that world and other events that they were involved in) it's understandable that they were uncomfortable with that kind sentence.

"Here stands one of our three great demiurges – Mars!"

"And the second" Smiling, he said, "Masters of Proper Human History, lend me your strength as we accept our Duty to the world."

"Caligula...Grand Summoning circles activate" Gudao and Gudako shouted as a bright light engulfed the shrine as the engraved summoning circles all over Olympus activated.


Gudao and Gudako suddenly realized a key word in that device name.

"We're going to summon a-!?"


"We are sorry for keeping you waiting."

A deep, strong voice full of wisdom echoed out.

The Roman demigods did not know why, but they felt safe with that presence in the air.

"But rest assured, we, the Holy Progenitor and supreme God of Rome is here to aid you.

The light faded to reveal...

"Caligula? No wait this is..." Gudako broke off in shook at the sight before her.

"We have manifested as the Grand Lancer, our arms of light reach will up to the sky and seize the heavens. We are Romulus=Quirinus.


'He's the Grand Lancer!?'

RODK Chaldea thought in shock!

While the mythology side of things.


The demigods shouted in shock.

"You mean the Founder of Rome!?"

Annabeth shouted in pure shock.

Reyna and the Senate were in disbelief that they were witnessing the presence of their Divine Father!

A memory shot through their minds of the Founder of Rome.

"He has another form?"

One of the Praetor shook at that.

"Welcome to Chaldea!"

Both Chaldea groups deadpanned.

"Where things are so twisted, you can't tell from left to right."

"The Holy Progenitor Romulus!" Gudao shouted.

Smiling, "Children of Rome, my children, your strength and perseverance has reached out to beyond time and space and into our ears. To struggle so valiantly against the blanket of Darkness that threatens Humanity Light, leave everything to us and we shall shatter these false skies my children!"

With that said the skies that were once clouded with thunderbolts gave way to a golden sky.

"Such power!"

The Gods were shocked at how just a simple action dispersed the Thunder God stormclouds.

Zeus felt threatened at how easily they were dispersed.

"Supreme Deity Quirinus!" Zeus roared, "I see, so that's what their end goal was!"

"Ha!" Holmes laughed, "To think that the actual intent was not to summon an ancient God, but to summon a new one!"

"This makes things more interesting."

"Indeed, it does."

Moody hummed, eager to see more of the fight that was to come.

"Hmm." Quirinus said, "It would seem like I'm not the only surprise left."


Reyna said.

"What does the Divine Founder mean?"

An enormous wave of power once again washed over the shrine as two new voices were heard.


"To think, that our powers would needed once again." Their voices sounded like a combination of multiple voices into one.

"Huh? Why does that sound familiar?"

Thalia blinked.

"Spirit of Valor hear me,

I am Akamai!"

"Spirit of Wisdom hear me,

I am Wairuha!"

The Toa Nuva Kaita have once again return to combat the great evils that threaten the safety of all.

"What the hell are those?!"

Leo Valdez stared in shock and wonder at the titans stading before them.

"The Toa have many unique abilities, as mentioned before."

Nahida explained.

"One ability is being able to show the true power of Unity through the Toa Kaita. A fusion of usually three Toas combined into one, with all their powers, experience, wisdom, strength merged together."

"Though..." Nahida sighed. "Not all Toa teams are capable of this Union, they're just too different even if they can work together."

(Never did see a Toa Kaita of the Toa Metru. Though the Bohrok and Rahkshi Kaitas were interesting)


Some said.

"So, like with what Lostbelt Zeus did but with the others actually agreeing to combine into one?"

Sion surmised.


Zero said.

"Otherwise, the fusion will not work."

"United in Unity, we can fulfill our Duty, thus we can realized our Destiny."

"What a strange incantation."

Hecate mused.

Before noticing the look on Zero face as he looked on in anticipation.


(M/N) chanted out as his body glowed so bright that it could be seen through the storm barrier.

"SO BRIGHT!" "I can't see!" "Ow!" "Turn off the damn light!"

And others.


And in his place,

"I have returned once more, not to fulfill my Duty as protector, but as a friend."


It was that voice again.

The colossal being hovered as he continued,

"He's huge!"

"That's what sh-Smack!"


Artemis whacked Aphrodite on the head, while Rias whacked Akeno on the head.

And several others were hit on the head to shut them up.

"Young warriors, as the Grand Lancer has praised earlier, you have done well to face dangerous adversaries that despite your own weaknesses you overcome with your united strength. Unity, Duty, and Destiny the three virtues I gave to the Matorans a long time ago. You understand them so well."

"You represent the traits of what it means to be a Toa!"

"Indeed, they do."

Zero crossed his arms, staring at Ritsuka, Gudao, and Gudako with a smile.

Causing them to blush at the praise.

Akamai and Wairuha both kneeled to the Great Being before them.

"It is an honor to fight alongside the Great Spirit!" Their voices spoke out.


RODK Leo eyes widened.

"So that's...!"

Smiling, he turned to Zeus face turning serious.

"I am the guardian of the Matoran Universe, the Great Power that slumbers inside (M/N), the Toa of Life, along with the Ignika, the Mask of Life, partners that have transcended beyond what even the Great Beings could have foreseen.

"That's for sure."

Zero chuckled.

For Mata Nui, the Ignika, and his universe (M/N) broke and shattered their expectations to nothing as they brought about potential far beyond what anyone could have seen.

Energy began crackling as his yellow eyes seemed to gain a green glow to them.

(Eyes are green)

"I am the Great Spirit, Mata Nui."

"And let's take a breather for a moment."

Zero announced.

"So, thoughts?"

He asked his stunned audience.


RODK Nora shouted, causing a chain reaction.

"So cool!" "Badass!" "So manly!" "Such power!"

"I want to fight him!" "Get in line, Saiyan!" "He certainly is strong."

"Certainly cares a lot about his siblings."

Cain smirked, crossing his arms at that.

"Good, at least he has a good head on his shoulders."


Dom smiled, happy that (M/N) still takes care of his family no matter the universe he comes from.

"Heh." Stan Lee smiled. "Kid's a badass I'll give him that."

"Well, he certainly has fire."

Yen Sid approved.

"Can't wait to see the next part!"

Ventus excitedly said.

"Same here!"

Sora said.

While Union.

They were watching in stunned silence throughout the entire viewing.

'Such power.' Union Ironwood thought to himself. 'And yet, now I see why we can never obtain it.'

Union Ironwood was surprised at how defeated and accepting he was of that thought.

It was rather terrifying.

But...he couldn't keep lying to himself. After what happened earlier he was finally starting to understand one key fact.

Never mess with forces beyond your control.

'Have I really been that blinded and arrogant?'

Union Ironwood thought to himself.

'Did I really lose sight of why I wanted to make Atlas one of the best kingdoms in the world?' He continued thinking.

'Did I...really lose myself on my road to trying to protect the world from the likes of those like Salem and AFO?'

The general of Union Atlas was lost in thought. Something that Union Winter didn't miss but also understood as well.

After what she had seen. She was appalled by what had happened.

'Something that Weiss and the others are having a hard time trying to understand.'

She thought sadly to herself.

But she held on tight to the hope that they would learn their lessons during their time dead.

"Come on already, Mr. Zero!"

The Joker laughed.

"Let's see the next fight! You can't just leave us hanging like a bad cliffhanger at the end of book!"

Joker shouted.

"...I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the clown."

Poison Ivy begrudgingly admitted.

"This is better than any soap drama I've watched."

"Same!" "No doubt about that." "Let's go!"


Zero smirked.

"Hope you're ready!"

With that said, he pressed the button again.


Have a good day/night!

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