Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 4

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New chapter.

Video on top could be considered as one of (M/N) theme songs.

As usual, any art and videos you see here are not mine.

They belong to their respective creators and are found on Pinterest, YouTube, and the Internet.


"All right."

Zero spoke.

"Now that we all have eaten and taken care of business, let's get back to the universe."

He said, as though he hadn't just committed a massacre several hours ago.

...Though to be fair, the Theater didn't look like it even been damaged by the time they came back.

Everything that had been damaged or destroyed was restored and looking brand new!

Like there wasn't even a 'fight' in the first place!

...And was it just them, or did the Theater look bigger and better than normal?

"So, what happens now?/Obviously the plot is going to keep going idiot!"

Twice dual personalities spoke.

"A bit of a reprieve before they confront Zeus."

Zero explained.

"And of course, getting some good old revenge on 'certain' persons of interest."

With that said, the screen began playing again.

"Welcome back, Chaldeans."

Came the voice of Hephaestus as the group made their way into the God's workshop.

"I know you explained what happened to us in our world." Hephaestus began. "But it still feels surreal at looking at my current state."

"Congratulations are in order for defeating Aphrodite I suppose."

Here the FSN cast started.

'That voice sounds familiar!'

Came the voice of

(Muramasa Senji)




Came the voice of confusion for many people.

Most of the FSN cast were in shock at seeing 'Shirou' in the picture (Some of the girls blushing at his muscular body), while Shirou stared in shock at what looked to be an older version of him.

Archer was flabbergasted that his idiot self was able to become a heroic spirit and not a Counter Guardian.

The FGO cast were startled by the FSN cast. And also, had them look closely at Shirou, before realizing:

'He looks likes Muramasa!'

"What's going on!?"

Shinji shouted in shock.

"Why is Emiya a Heroic Spirit!?"

Rin screamed in shock!

That third-rate magus became a heroic spirit!?

In what world was that possible!?

(...methinks that Rin has not been looking closely at Ritsuka servants. Otherwise, she would have noticed Ishtar and Ereshkigal similar features already.)

"Not exactly in the way you are thinking."

Zero halted their questionings.

"You know how divine spirits must use a vessel to be able to be summoned as Heroic Spirits without causing some sort of backlash, right?"

Everyone, except Shirou due to his poor Magus education darn you Kerry, nodded.

Though some of the people in the theater were also confused. PJO Gods included.


"Well, there are cases that some Heroic Spirits must also use a human vessel compatible to them regardless if they are mortal, monster, or Divine."

Zero explained.


"Whether due to their deeds in life, secrets that were never revealed, or something is preventing them from materializing into the mortal plane. Some require the use of having a mortal body to coexist in."

A certain, grumpy tactician came to mind for the FGO cast.

"Another case of possession is if the HS Spirit Origin is too weak or has special requirements needed to be fulfilled that they can only use the body of a mortal."

"This is the situation with Shirou and Muramasa. It might be Shirou body, but Muramasa is the one in control due to Muramasa being the stronger of the two."

"Of course, some of Shirou personality is mixed in with there, but subtly."


The FSN cast said.

"Besides," Ooze spoke up. "If you haven't noticed, take a look at the boy servants."

They did...and did a double take at what they saw.


Rin screamed as she saw Ishtar and Ereshkigal appearances.


She screamed as she covered her face, blushing brightly at Ishtar provocative outfit.

Sakura Matou stared at several versions of 'her' in shock as well.

Rider blinked as she saw herself, her sisters, her younger self and her 'mature' self.

Caster twitched at seeing Jason being there for some reason, before seeing another (happier?) version of herself as well as her younger self.

'What the hell!?'

She thought to herself.

'What in the name of Hecate is going on here!?'

Saber was having a mental breakdown at seeing so many of 'hers' in the same room.

(Grail Wars: Attack of the Sabers!)

...Also experiencing high level of jealously at some of the more well-endowed versions of her.


She grumbled to herself.

Lancer was perturbed at seeing his younger self, a caster version of himself (that's weird), and a psycho version of himself.

...As well as seeing THREE versions of his teacher!

(If servants could have heart attacks he would!)

And Medb, but she was easier to handle.

Illya (FSN) was staring confused at several alternate versions of herself.

...And trying her best not to stare at the alternate versions of her parents.

How did they become heroic spirits in the first place?

"And I see you have new allies as well" He commented as he stared at the Toa and Tiamat.

"Yes! This guys are – " "My name is (M/N), older brother of Macarios and Adele"


Ron raised an eyebrow.

"What's with him?"

"Isn't it obvious, man?"

Grim spoke up, back in his work clothes.

The Toa of Life interrupted Gudako, as he stared emotionlessly at the blacksmith servant.

"These guys are Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, Lewa, Onua, Pohatu, and Takua."

"He's kind of being rude."

Chichi noted.

'But why though?'

From what they had seen, (M/N) only reacted like that to those he perceived as enemies.

He finished, pointing to each mentioned member of the group.

"And this is Melody, my servant."


"Why is he lying about Tiamat name?"

Aoyoma was confused, and the others were feeling the same way.

Except for those who were well versed in this kind of wordplay, or had experience with this. They quickly realized what was going on.

"You seriously don't get it, man?"

Grim shook his boney face in exasperation.

He pointed at Tiamat.

"(M/N)! Why are you acting like this!?" – Gudako

"Why is he being weird?"

RODK Gudako asked.

Terra sighed.

He knew why (M/N) was acting like that.

He was not going to be instantly trusting someone who's loyalties are questionable.

"Is something wrong?" – Gudao

"I feel like we should know what's going on already."

RODK Gudao frowned, trying to get the bigger picture.

Smirking, Muramasa cut in, "He's being smart" gaining their attention.


Moody suddenly shouted out, startling a good portion of the audience.

'Is he always going to shout that!?'

Those that didn't know him, thought.


Terra nodded, getting peoples' attention.

"He's not letting his guard down."

He said, nodding in understanding.

He learned what happened when you placed too much trust in someone. Though granted Master Xehanort was Master Eraqus friend and they never knew of the tension and difference in philosophies the two had.


Aqua looked at her long time friend with a hint of sadness. As did Ventus.

"He knows that I am temporarily helping you, but I am not your ally. I'm still your enemy after all, since I'm still contracted with the foreign Alien God."


Ritsuka facepalmed himself at that, feeling stupid at forgetting about that small detail.

"Of course." He muttered. "Muramasa might have been civil and somewhat helping us, but he is still our enemy."

"And we've been too comfortable around in Olympus, that we didn't think for a moment that he could take us out at any given moment."

...That shook the FGO cast to the core.

They could have been killed without realizing before it was too late! And Proper Human History would have been doomed!

"As such, he is being careful with whatever information he's giving out in front of me."

"His experiences traversing the worlds have made his instincts all too sharp to be ignored."

Artemis (PJO) noted.

Getting nods from her fellow Gods at that. They too having realized that as well.

"It wouldn't be good to let your enemy have that kind of information."

Siegfried Kaslana shook his head.

Oh, that was right. Despite Muramasa helping them, he was still technically their enemy.

"It was obvious since you were not at the front lines like everybody else."

Kopaka calculatedly said, "And we've learned to trust our instincts when they warn us of potential enemies."

"It helps to trust your instincts."

Kaiju Girl Orga nodded.

"They might just save your ass in battle one day."

"Heh, glad to see you lot are not the type to blindly trust someone so easily."

"He's enjoying this too much."

Shirou deadpanned.

It was kind of creepy seeing such a smug expression on his face.

(You mean like how Archer does it?)

"Well, he feels that they are a little too trusting just because he's helping them out for now."

Nahida said.

The tension seemingly grew until Adele cut in:

"So thick, you can cut it with a knife."

Thor said, before suddenly shouting.

"That wasn't a challenge Loki!!"

He shouted at his brother who had a knife in his hand.

"All right enough already. Let's all calm down and eat. We have a long day tomorrow."

"Sister is right" Macarios agreed, "We should start preparing for when we have to fight Zeus."

"...That's easier said than done."

Zeus muttered.

While he was pissed that he was consider weaker than his counterpart (Zero words), he could not shake this feeling in his guts about the other Zeus.

'If what Zero says is true, then this is a fight far beyond what we have fought in our wars.'

Was the God of the Sky mental thought.

Which terrified him that he could actually feel such a feeling.

Though it terrified the PJO cast more that Zeus/Jupiter was capable of expressing such an emotion.

"My heart."

Percy dramatically said.

Though no one chided him for that because he was just saying what everyone was thinking.

A chorus of agreements rang out at that statement dissipating the tension in the air.

-Later that night-

Step step step

Could be heard as someone walked out of the base.


Zuikaku noted,

"Now, who could be leaving at this hour?"

"Going somewhere?"

Here, Ritsuka and Chaldea tried their best not to flinch at the voice.

God, they miss Musashi so much!

Came the voice of Miyamoto Musashi as she coolly walked to the figure. She had noticed he was acting weird and followed him after everyone was asleep (of course, after she secretly took pictures of (M/N) sleeping with Adele and Macarios on his sides. She couldn't help it they were so cute!)

"...What a weirdo."

A certain fox girl said.

"You're one to talk, Akagi."

Amagi and Kaga deadpanned.


Right through the heart!!

"My job here is done I have no reason to linger around any longer."

Came the neutral response of Muramasa as he stared at the samurai.

"...When will he come home?"

Ritsuka grumbled.

He will get his damn senpai, consequences be damned!

...And figure out why he keeps referring to him as his senpai.

(I wonder why? *Snickers*)

"Really? Cause I thought that being contracted to the enemy would mean that we would have to fight you."

"That is true."

Takao (Azur Lane) agreed.

"He's their enemy, why isn't he trying to kill them?"

"Plot convenience."

Bronya deadpanned.

She bit back.

"It's true that my orders -besides helping Hephaestus- was to finish off the last two Masters of Humanity."

He admitted.

"BUT" He smirked, "They never said when I should kill them. Could be the first meeting, the next time we meet, or perhaps never."

"...That's a good way of exploiting loopholes."

Gigan noted.

"Hmph humans, always so found of loopholes."

"WHAT THE!?" "WHO!?" "Where did they come from!?"

'...why does that voice sound familiar?"

Kiana thought to herself.

A new voice rang startling the two as they looked around.

"Over here" The voice said, causing them to look at where the source was coming from.

Revealing a woman floating, doing the levitating chair as she stared at them.

"...Damn it!"

Katsumi cursed.

"Why is she a shadowy figure!?"


Ei deadpanned.

"Oh, God damn it!"

"You mean we gotta wait until later for the reveal!?"


Nahida chirped, giggling at the girl annoyed face...and everyone else's faces.

Musashi recovered first.

"Who!?" "I am an ally of (M/N), that's all you need to know for now."

"...An ally?"

Ava raised an eyebrow at that.

'Now, why don't I believe that?'

She thought to herself.

(Man, instincts are strong even if the kid is technically not hers.)

The woman calmly responded.

"That boy, he is quite an interesting one. Wouldn't mind him being my master."

Muramasa hummed.

"I wonder if he was a servant, what would his class be?"

Ritsuka pondered about that.

"Well, from what we've seen senpai." Mash spoke up. "It seems that he could be a Saber, Caster, or a Foreigner from what Zero has told us."

"...I'm betting on Foreigner."

Ritsuka deadpanned.

The FGO cast nodding.

"Be that as it may. Blacksmith, do you plan on reporting everything that has transpired here?"

Came the voice of Caligula as he stepped out of the shadows.

"...Again." Nero (FGO) deadpanned. "Still can't get over him speaking in a calm, sane manner."


Who was she and why did she feel familiar?

The Roman demigods thought to themselves.

"No, I have no reason to. Those lazy slackers can look for you guys themselves; I have better things to attend."

"...Isn't he also doing the same thing?"

"He gets a pass."

"Chaldeans and members of the God Destroyer Alliance (GDA) heed my words. The Foreign God descent is fast approaching, I have no doubts that if you do not cut down this Lostbelt Tree of Emptiness soon this is where they will descend."

"...It happens in this Lostbelt, doesn't it?"

Stain deadpanned, getting nods from the FGO group at that.

'Glad that didn't happen here!'

The RODK Chaldea group thought to themselves.


With that warning said, Muramasa turned on his heel and left the GDA base to wherever his destination was.

A small silence filled the room until the Unknown Woman spoke up.

"...Why do I feel there's a reference happing right now?"

Frank (PJO) groaned.

(Asmoday: ACHOO!!)

"Seems like tomorrow is going to be busy, it's best we rest up so that we can prepare to do our parts in this fight to survive."

"Indeed." Dumbledore nodded. "One of the best methods to keeping yourself at full capacity is a good night's sleep."

"They got a big day ahead of them."

Cecelia Kaslana agreed.

"Also," She turned to Musashi "I better get a copy of those pictures, or ELSE."


"What's their connection?"

Mr. Freeze asked, getting straight to the point since the other asker was taking too long.

"She's one of his wives."

Zero simply stated, as though it was no big deal.





Cue the reactions.

"Who is she!?" "ONE of his wives!?" "Holy shit!"

"Knew it." Ava whispered to Cain who shook his head in amusement.

"Yes!" Scaramouche yelled. "He has a harem! What? You think he spent all this time alone? Remember what Yuuko said?"

"That he and several others that are important will become immortal? Yeah, that's basically what happened here, though in some of their cases. They became immortal due to certain circumstances in their lives before he showed up."


The yells quiet down at that.

With that said, she teleported to her own area as Musashi and Caligula walked back to the God of Forge's workshop.

-The Next Day-

"So, Muramasa left huh?"

(M/N) said, having noticed the blacksmith wasn't there when they woke up.

"His job was done there was no reason for him to stay." Caligula explained.

"That's all they're going to say about the conversation?"

Godzilla raised an eyebrow at that.

"They still knew on some level that he was still an enemy."

Darth Vader said.

Gudao and Gudako looked down at that. They knew he was their enemy, but they still felt sad about it (after all, they did have ties to him in Shimousa).

"It was for the best" Onua said as he calmly ate. "He was still our enemy and could have leaked valuable intel to his bosses."

"Hence, why there were so cautious the moment they saw him."

Shinano (Azur Lane) yawned.

That was the truth which everyone knew.

"So, now the Grand Summoning Article you mentioned last night is complete?"

(M/N) asked his siblings who nodded their heads.

"Why to change the subject."

Matterhorn impassively said.

"Yep! And with it, our chances of success are even higher!"

"I think their chances were already high due to (M/N) and his friends making their appearances."

Gladiia (Arknights) commented.

Gaining nods at that.

"By the way" came the mechanized voice of Hephaestus "There was a communication sent last night."

"That's different."

Ritsuka noticed.

They never had that happened in their timeline.

'Then again, Macarios and Adele did not have an older sibling in that world.'

The tired teen thought to himself.

Shirou perhaps was the only one to notice.

And couldn't help but feel protective of the young boy, noticing the tired look in his eyes and the burden weighing him down.

'And yet.' Shirou thought to himself. 'He's somehow able to genuinely smile despite the hell he's been put through.'

This caught everyone's attention.

"Who?" Tahu asked cautiously.

"...I think we know who."

Caenis spoke up.

"Unknown" was his response "I could not decipher the signal, all it said was that the time has come for the Collaborator to no longer hide in the shadows."


Several people asked.

"A secret benefactor that's been helping Macarios and Adele fight against the Gods."

Mash explained, getting 'ohs' from that.

This got Adele, Macarios, and the Chaldeans attention.

"The Collaborator is coming here!?" was their unison response, causing the Toa and Tiamat to blink in confusion.

"You mind filling us in?" (M/N) asked his younger siblings, feeling out of the loop.

"Oh right, we never told you (Not exactly like you had the time what with the backstories and teary reunions), but we are not the only ones fighting." Macarios said.

Adele took over,

"There is an unknown benefactor who's been helping us set up the keys to bringing down the Gods, giving us resources."

A silence filled the room.

"Quickstop" Lewa cut in, "What's stopping this collaborator from stabbacking us at the final battle?"

"That's a good point."

Moody growled.

"What is to stop them from betraying them?"

"Because they have been actively helping us kill the Gods themselves?"

Holmes said.

"Doesn't mean that they don't have their own agenda."

Prince of Wales pointed out.

"For all they know, this benefactor of theirs could be scheming something behind the scenes."

She said.

He brought up a good point, this could simply be a plot to get rid of any remnants of rebellion to the Gods.

"Thinking about it."

Annabeth started.

"They do have a point, if the Collaborator was secretly giving them false hope, wouldn't that mean that the Gods would have been hiding? Pretending that they were killed?"

...That's a thought that never crossed their minds if Europa had indeed been manipulating them all along.

"I know how you feel" Caligula admitted, "It seems too good to be true, but I do believe that whoever this person is, they feel the same way we do."

"Well, I suppose we can see who this person is. Besides, even if they intended to get rid of us, they'll fail just like others that have tried." (M/N) firmly said, easing the tension in the room.

"...I don't think I want to know how many times people have tried to kill him or his friends."

Kiriko of the GDF deadpanned.

Both her fellow members and Monarch nodded at that.

"Well, I'm glad you're giving me the benefit of the doubt."

A new voice rang, shocking the group.


Many people jumped at the unexpected new voice.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that she's already here?" Hephaestus asked.

"Seriously, brother?"

Ares deadpanned at the God of the Forge.

"What?" Hephaestus raised an eyebrow. "Who said I couldn't be a troll?"

"YES, YOU DID!" Came the simultaneous response.

"Your counterpart is very lucky that he is needed." Dionysus flat toned. "Otherwise, I'm pretty sure they would have blasted him for that.


Hephaestus chuckled.

"Ehe te Nandayo?!"

Ei, Nahida, Mikoto, and Scaramouche shouted at him.

Giggle "My, my what a lively bunch you are!"

The motherly voice said as they turned to see, to their shock,

(Lady Europa)

Zeus queen, and bearer of Hera Aletheia remains, stood before as the Collaborator.

"Another one of Zeus conquest." Hera muttered.

Though different due to the explanation Zero had given them.

'Still, it feels weird knowing I'm apart of someone else in that world.'

"Well, this is a very unexpected surprise." Holmes stated as he stared at the divine priestess who spoke Zeus words to the people.

"Indeed, it is."

"Yes, it is I Europa. Queen consort to Lord Zeus, who has been secretly working against him to bring an end to this Lostbelt."

Europa admitted, with no guilt in her voice or expression.

"She must have been steeling her heart for a long time."

Tsunade noted.

"...But why?" This time the question came from Pohatu.

"Why, indeed."

Temari shook her head.

"Because I cannot ignore what Zeus has done, and because I too am a heroic spirit from Proper Human History." She stated, "As such it is my job to bring this Lostbelt to an end."

"So, Zeus summoned a Heroic Spirit version of Lady Europa." Apollo spoke up. "Despite knowing that she is from Proper Human History and would not have stand idly by allowing Father to do as he pleased in that Lostbelt."

"Look at you."

Artemis said.

"Learning how to use big words now."


"Even if it means the destruction of your children?" Tiamat questioned.

...The watched with bated breath at her answer.

Sighing, Europa firmly said, "As their queen and mother, it breaks my heart, but it is also in that same vein that I must bring an end to this madness."


They were impressed at her strong will, knowing that she will be responsible for the death of her beloved people.

"Well, I'll be!" Caenis roared, "Never expected you of all people to be this cunning!"

She laughed in amusement.

"Well, glad to have you here Lady Europa."

"Well," Naraku (SK) said. "At least they're getting all the help they need."

"Thank you."

"Still though, it's a shame." 

(M/N) sighed as he and his fellow Toa looked behind them, the Akaku Nuva activated.


"Huh? What do you mean (M/N)?" Gudako asked seeing the serious look on his face.

"Oh, great."

Ritsuka facepalmed, remembering this scene.

His friends also realizing what is about to happen.


"I mean it's a shame you had to bring uninvited guests with you!"



With that said the doors flew open as smoke filled the room.

Any debris that flew in their direction bounced off the shield of the Hau Nuva.

"Talk about useful!"

A variety of the students shouted in unison.

'...It feels weird not having to deal with the bullies.'

Zero realized.

It felt peaceful and quiet.

'...Maybe a little too peaceful and quiet.'

He thought to himself.

Oh well, at least he didn't have a splitting headache at having to hear their idiocy.

"Who the fuck is here now!?" Caenis roared, angry at the unexpected interruption.

"Language, young lady!"

Steve Rogers reflexively yelled.

"Screw you, old man!"

Caenis shouted.


"Or are you picking a fight?"

"Stand down!"

Ritsuka shouted, raising his hand.

"Don't make me use a command seal!"

"Fine!" Caenis grumbled, "we'll settle this later!"

"This sensation of pure evil, and this godly aura everyone on your guards!" Caligula roared getting into position.

"He really is pure evil."

Ritsuka sighed.

'Yet also setting my bisexual heart on fire.'

(Yeeeaaah, with that many good looking servants I'll be surprised if he stays on one side of the field.)

In walked a figure all too familiar to the Chaldeans

(Caster of Limbo)

"...Who's this clown?"

Lorem frowned.

"An annoying bastard that refuses to stay dead."

Caenis grumbled, remembering her fight with him.

"My, my and here I thought that I was undetected. How lovely to see you all here in ONE PLACE."

"...Is he their version of the Joker?"

Batman deadpanned, staring at the nutjob on screen.

As the nutjob in the theater laughed at that.

"Ah yes, I should introduce myself. I am simply a humble monk in the service of the Foreign God, Caster of Limbo."

"...Humble monk my ass!"

Rin Tohsaka grumbled.

"And the fake priest is a real priest!"

"And my delinquent student is not a delinquent."

Kotomine shot back.

"You" Gudao snarled as he stared at the psychopath in front of them.

"Can he stop being a pain for once?"

"There you are you shameless, (unworthy) handsome bastard who never dies no matter how many times I cut your head off." Musashi grip on her sword tighten as she stared with cold fury at the so-called monk.

"Even in a situation like this, she will admit he's handsome?"

Kal'tsit was bewildered at that.

"That's kind of her weakness."

Zero shook his head.

"Udon, handsome men, beautiful women are just some of the things she's a sucker for."


"I'm happy that you still remember me my dear Musashi. Though I must say I am quite disappointed, your vaunted Heavenly Eye couldn't even see the tracking spell I interweaved into Queen Europa garments."

"He did what!?"

Artemis shouted in fury.

"He didn't go rummaging through her clothes if that's what you are thinking."

Palpatine deadpanned.

"He meant that he secretly weaved a subtly tracking spell when he realized she was a traitor."


Still didn't make it that much better though.

"W-What!?" Europa shouted, "You casted a tracking spell on me?"

"How? My workshop should have been able to detect a human spell." Hephaestus questioned.

"If it was a human spell to begin with."

"Yes, a human spell but this was not human in nature. It was after all given to me by the Foreign God."


Mirai (SK) shouted.

"That's a clever tactic!"

"How long were you aware of what's been going on?" Tahu coldly asked, gripping his magma swords ready to strike him down.

"Not quite from the beginning, but enough to know of the efforts of creating the Grand Summoning Article."

"Not good!"

RODK Midnight shouted.

This statement caused shock to run through Adele and Macarios at the fact that Article has been known for some time.

Laughing at the looks of shock on their faces, Limbo continued

"HAHAHAha! That's right! I already know of this secret trump card of yours. And the reason I have not done anything yet -... WAS TO SEE YOUR FACES WHEN I DESTROYED YOUR PATHETIC TOY INTO PIECES, HAHAHAHHA!!!"

"What an asshole!"

Bulma shouted, getting nods of agreements on that.


The sound startled the audience at that.

"AH!?" Limbo screamed in pain as a huge hole was torn through his body.


Some winced, feeling phantom pain at having a hole run through their bodies before.

"You talk too much." (M/N) coldly said as his outstretched hand gathered more energy, ready to blast yet another hole into the Disciple body.

"I agree, get to the good part!"

Ares shouted.

"Besides, you might have been able to fool their senses, but you can't fool ours. We knew the moment she showed up that she was being followed."

"To put it simply, we didn't fall into your trap, you fell into ours." Gali coolly stated as her Aqua Axes glowed with elemental power.

"Springing the trap and outsmarting their smarting."

Leo (PJO) wisely nodded.

Getting weird looks from his friends.

How did that even make sense!?

His body recovering from the attack, Limbo glared at the unexpected variables aiding Chaldea.

"And there is you lot." He angrily glared "How dare you interfere in matters that do not concern you!"


"Wrong, this is my Lostbelt after all. Where I was born!" (M/N) snarled, "And Adele and Macarios are my siblings which concerns me very much!"

"And where he goes, so do we!" Takanuva ready his Staff of Light, preparing to expel the evil in front of him.

"Fine, but before you die like the rest. Tell me how, HOW did you summon a Beast of Humanity!?"

"...Is he stupid?"

Piper asked her fellow demigods.

"Why in Tartarus would he go and reveal important information such as that?"

"Because people are arrogant enough to think their opponents are the boastful type."

Eden shook her head as she drank her wine.

He growled; The Beast of Regression posed a serious threat to the Foreign God arrival. She had to be taken out before the Descent.

"Geez." Hornet (Azur Lane) rubbed the back of her head. "Is it really that bad that she's there as well?"

"Let's put it this way."

Castermesh spoke.

"Even Beast I was weary of her awakening, and he had the annoying ability to regenerate so long as one demon pillar was still around. It took the REAL Grand Caster to destroy his 'immortality', at the cost of his very existence, to bring him down."

"Tiamat is basically immortal due to her legend/origins, and it took the Grand Assassin enforcing the concept of Death upon her to be able to defeat her."

"And even then, she just went back to sleep."


Was all Hornet said at that.

While, also leaving her and some others terrified of the Primordial Mother.

"I'm not telling an enemy my secrets" (M/N) replied, "Besides, I grow tired of hearing you talk you blabbermouth."


Several people nodded.

"At least his travels have imbued him with the Wisdom not to blab about his secrets."

Athena (PJO) nodded.

"He's not an idiot."

Albel crossed his arms.

"Unlike those he has fought, who for some reason liked to explain everything about their actions, what they have done, and how they did it."

"Fools don't realize that they are giving away their trump cards."

Many people nodded at Albel words.

Too often did their enemies go blabbing on about their achievements and why they could not be defeated often times led to their defeat.

Suddenly, the Dioscuri appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, great."

Mordred deadpanned.

"Those two."

"Hmph! This might be the only time we agree on something human." Castor condescendingly said.

"Probably only one of the few times they've agreed."

"Too bad it will end in your deaths" Pollux cruelly giggled.


Nico (PJO) spoke in a dead tone.

"...And here I thought you were creepy."

Will Solace chuckled as he nudged his boyfriend.

"Say that again and you can kiss being my boyfriend and living goodbye."

Nico deadpanned.

"Don't quickcount on it" Lewa readied his Air Katanas

Snarling, Limbo summoned up some monsters to attack.

"Oh no, whatever shall they do?"

Naofumi fake panic at the screen.

"Die." He coldly said siccing his monsters on them.


A new battle began.

Tahu and Kopaka readied their Magma Swords/Ice Blades as their combined power blasted through the enemy forces.

Some of the users of ice and fire looked at the combination with interest.

Noting how destructive and powerful the dual attack was.

'...Is that the potential I can unlock if I can get over my limits?'

Both Shotos thought to themselves, intrigued at the display of power they were seeing.

The trauma of what happened was strong, but thanks to opening and getting real friends. He began to become more comfortable with the fire side of his quirk.

But he never realized that he could combine them in such a way.

Lewa Air Katanas slicing them like paper using his power over Air to send them flying, while Gali Aqua Axes slammed them into the ground.

"What the heck are their weapons made of?"

Thalia asked, staring.

"And where can I get them?"

Activating his Quake Breakers, Onua rammed them through his targets. Pohatu slammed a mighty kick on his targets (Tsunade eat your heart out) his claws grabbing and crushing his foes with no mercy.

"...I wonder if they're interested in sharing tactics."

Takanuva was having a second rematch with the Dioscuri twins, turning his body into Light to avoid sneak attacks from the duo.


Hawkeye whistled in anticipation.

"That guy's op as hell!"

(Well, considering he's the only Toa of Light in existence. He has a variety of abilities that were probably hidden in the series and never shown.)

"Stay still and die you filthy human!" angry veins were popping all over Castor face.

"This guy needs therapy."

Reverse Flash mused.

'You're one to talk.'

Flash glared angrily at his nemesis.

He still remembers what he did to him when he was making out with his first girlfriend!

"No thanks." Takanuva responded "And you have no room to talk about filthy when your crimes are far more horrendous than what 'mine' are."

"Ouch." Poison Ivy winced at that. "Though I can't deny he has a point on that matter."

The FGO cast could only nod their heads at that.

This only serve to incite more fury as the twins continued their hate filled assault.

"So sad." Palpatine shook his head in embarrassment at the improper use of emotions. "They have the anger and hate, but they lack the ability to temper it into their fighting style."

"That is why they'll lose."

...Some people blinked at that, before realizing.

'Huh...it kind of makes sense with certain people.'

The Justice League thought to themselves.

(Cough! Batman! Cough!)

...Batman felt like committing a murder for some reason.

While this was happening, the Chaldeans were trying to withstand the strongest of Limbo monsters, a giant ghost.

"That wasn't fun."

Ritsuka winced.

He hated fighting ghost type monsters.

(No kidding, I hate them so much! Especially when they're the type to have a skill to drain your NP. Then it takes forever to kill them. Also, the reason why I spend money so that I can at least get my favorite characters to NP2)


Could be heard as Mash desperately blocked the monsters attempt to get the Final Masters.

"So much fun."

Mash grumbled.

That Lostbelt really pushed her to the limit.

'And I'm getting the feeling that the last two will be even worse!'

And wasn't that a scary thought?

"Damn it all" Gudao cursed as he stared angrily at the Caster of Limbo. "If we don't do something about this thing then we'll lose."

I know, but what can we do?" Gudako as she watched Musashi, Caenis, Holmes, Heracles, and Caligula fight off the monster.

"I wonder how much of a challenge they would be against us?"

Godzilla mused to herself.

"At the very least, they will be something of a challenge."

Zilla Jr spoke up.

Getting nods from her fellow Kaiju Girls.

"Hmph, the longer this continues the less time we have." (M/N) snarled, his sword slicing any monster that dared to attack him and his siblings. "You know what? I'm going to end this farce of a battle."

"Not really the patient type, is he?"

Gohan asked, staring at the pissed off look on the male face.

"You would be too if you were being delayed by annoying pests."

Frieza deadpanned.

...Startling the Z Warriors at the Emperor of Terror sudden appearance.


"I've been here the whole time, Vegeta."

Frieza interrupted.

"I just been enjoying the show, and bloodbaths that have occurred."

The Emperor of Terror explained.

With that said the Ignika appeared on his face and began glowing. Right before a burst of energy exploded, sending out streams of elemental energy at the monsters, disintegrating them into nothing.

"...Remind me not to get on his bad side."

Queen Elizabeth (Azur Lane) told her subjects, who nodded in approval.

"Damn you!" Limbo growled, before his expression returned to normal. "But, I have accomplished my goal."

THAT got people to tense up.

"What does he mean by that?"

RODK Ironwood frowned at the implications of the man words.

That caused them to tense up, "What do you mean by that?" Europa questioned.

Suddenly, Hephaestus let out a yell.

"GAH!? M-my ssee-rrvorss aare being att-acked!"

"A diversion!"

Several people yelled.

"Damn it! He played them like a piano!"

The Penguin shouted.

"Yes! This was the original plan. To infect Hephaestus with a virus and damage him for his disobedience!"

Limbo maniacally gloated at the anguish the God was facing.

"What an asshole."

Leo and his fellow demigods of Hephaestus glared at the screen.

"I hope he gets what's coming to him."

"What!? Dammit, Kopaka! Try to purge him of the virus." Tahu ordered his Second in Command as he quickly hurried to the mainframe to expel the virus.

"Sy-sytems at 70% op-pera-tioionnal, fai-failluur-re imminent! The God screams of pain continuing.

Some of the Gods winced at their fellow god pain.

Unable to stand this Europa shot forward, "Stop this madness!"

She screamed, "Hephaestus is crucial to running Olympus, why would you do something that would incur Zeus wrath!?"

"...That is a good point."

RODK Iida frowned at that.

"Why would he risk doing something as dangerous and reckless as that?"

Smirking Limbo said, "To get you out of their protection!"


With that said, he quickly knocked her out.

"Shit!" Someone cursed. "Not good!"

"Europa!" "Lady Europa!"

Came the worried screams of Chaldea and the GDA, as Limbo proceeded to leave.


Wonder Woman glared at the retreating man.

"We knew you would not stay in the back if we attack someone as important as Hephaestus. So, we devise this short acting virus to temporarily disable him to provoke you."


Some of the tech savvy heroes begrudgingly admitted.

"And it worked all too well."

He smirked at the looks of outrage on their faces.

"Well, I'll be taking the Queen back to the Shrine to face punishment." He said to the Dioscuri twins'.

"Please tell me you were able to save her in your world."

Rin asked her male lookalike.

Who nodded.

"Well, that at least tells me that there is hope."


"Feel free to indulge in your favorite sport -killing humans."

"How is that a sport?"

Will Solace deadpanned.

That was the type of thing the monsters liked to indulge in!

This caused a malicious, twisted smile to appear on Castor and Pollux faces.

"Ugh! Pleasant."

Sirius grimaced.

"They make you look attractive, Black."

Snape sarcastically said.

"Why you!"

"HeheHaha! You hear that filthy humans!? Your death is upon you!" – Castor

'Why does that sound familiar?'

Naruto mocked thought to himself.

'Shut up Naruto.'

Kurama grumbled in annoyance.

"Talk about a hate boner."

Peter Parker said.


The Avengers shouted.


Peter asked.

"It's true!"

"No doubt about that!"

Shuri said, fist bumping the spider hero.

"Prepare to die a horrible, slow, painful death" – Pollux

'Not if (M/N) has anything to say about it.'

A majority of the cast thought to themselves.

They launched themselves at the group causing them to tense at the incoming attack.



Ifrit winced as the twins hit a barrier..

"That's gotta hurt!"

"WHAT!?" Came the twins' response as they suddenly hit a barrier sending them flying.

"Sorry, but I am your only opponent that you will face today."

(M/N) voice came out as dropped right in front of them.

"The air around him has changed."

Itachi eyes narrowed as he stared at the screen.

'Show us your power, Toa of Life.'

The Uchiha thought to himself.

"You" Castor growled at yet another interference at his favorite hobby.

"Man, Talk about a hate boner!"

"Percy!" "Seaweed head!" "Took the words out of my mouth!" "LEO!"

"Wait big brother you can't fight them by yourself" – Adele

"She's right let us all fight together!" – Macarios

"They're right."

Artemis crossed her arms.

"Why won't he let them fight with him? He has all these incredible warriors to fight with him and he still chooses to go by himself."



Did she really not get it?

"Because it is personal, Artemis."

The solemn tone of Aphrodite shook the PJO cast to the core.

Aphrodite never spoke like that!

"Despite his calm personality. There still burns in him a fire for revenge. Revenge against the people who took those he cares for away from him, revenge for being forced to be separated from his siblings. His last remaining family."

"Revenge against those that delight in the suffering of others."

"To him, this is a personal matter that he must settle by himself."

"No matter what the cost."

The Olympians and the Demigods stared at the Goddess of Love in shock.

They had never seen the Aphrodite speak in such a manner.

"There's also another component to it as well."

Ares suddenly spoke, turning his gaze to Zero.

"That boy...no that man, he has my counterpart Klironomia inside him doesn't he?"

Startled, the rest of the Greek Pantheon turned to the God in question.

Who nodded his head.

"I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm not." Zero smirked. "You might like to present yourself as a bloodthirsty musclehead, but you are really much smarter than that."

"What, with being the God of War and all."

"I figured." Ares admitted. "There was something in him that felt similar to me, that drew me to him. I see now, my counterpart might have died early in that Lostbelt. But, dad was able to harvest any remnant of my Klironomia (Sorry if I got that wrong, I can't really remember how it works.) and gave it to whoever was compatible."

"That's about right."

Zero said.

"As far I'm aware, before the Lostbelt was pruned he was the only one left to possess your klironomia."

"...Well, that explains his bloodlust and overwhelming strength and sheer power."

Cliff spoke.

Gaining nods from his friends, they all remembered just how brutally he fought against Luther in the fight to save the Eternal Sphere.

"But that's not the only Klironomia he has in him."

Zero suddenly said.


"Who else does he have?!"

Izuku shouted in shock.


Ei answered.



The cast shouted.

"Yes." Zero nodded. "And thanks to his power...the Klironomia has literally turned him into a son of Poseidon and a son of Ares."


The Demigods and Gods screams shook the theater at that.

Causing Zero and the others to sweatdrop.

'I wonder what their reactions would be if I showed them that world where he ends up becoming just the son of Poseidon?'

Zero sweatdropped.

"Wait!" Percy realized something. "Does that make him my brother?!"


Zero said.

"Holy shit!"



Clarisse and the other Ares children blinked as that meant he was their brother too.

(Well, originally yes. Current world: Ragnarok: No)

"No." (M/N) said with a smile on his face "You guys have been fighting for too long, you should rest and save your strength for the real battle and not these small fries."


Krillan winced.

"Doubt a Senzu bean is going to heal them from that."

"Well, compared to him they are small."

18 chuckled.

The small fry comment pissed of the Dioscuri twins'. How dare he not treat them seriously!

"No surprise there."

Videl shook her head.

"Besides," He continued "It's time I showed you guys just how far I've come since that day"

Turning serious he readied his sword.


"What's that?"

Yang tilted her head at the strange sword.

"One of (M/N) favored weapons to fight with."

Zero explained.

"Galaxia: A sword so powerful and full of ancient, mystical magic that anyone who claimed it. Could possibly possess the power to rule the universe."

'...You don't say.'

Union Ironwood thought to himself, intrigued on how such a weapon could exist.


Only for Union Ozpin to hit him on the head.


Union Ozpin deadpanned.

"If you try anything, don't expect me to save your ass."

He warned.

Haven't they learned anything just now?

Why did they insist on continuing a path where they will get themselves killed?

Grumbling, Union Ironwood shut up.

"Now then, show me your true strength Dioscuri. For today the day I avenge Mother and Father as well as everyone you killed deaths."

"Yep, personal."

Aphrodite deadpanned.

"You terrify me with how insightful you are."

Artemis deadpanned.

"You do realize that Love is my primary domain, right?"

Aphrodite asked.

"I am also worshipped as a Goddess of War too thank you very much."


The demigods shouted at that.

Aphrodite...A GODDESS OF WAR?!

Aphrodite sweatdropped.

Probably best not to mention that she was also a goddess of the sea due to her unique birth via Uranus castrated genitals white foam mixing with the sea.

Greek mythology was messed up as it is. No need to destroy their worlds even further.

"You will die trying filthy human!!" Castor roared as he lunged at the Toa of Life.

"Is that seriously all he can say?" Gudako raised an eyebrow. "Man, what a bitch!"

"Makes me glad that the Dioscuri that our Macarios and Adele summoned is a lot more decent."

Kadoc said, nods from his fellow cryptors conveying their feelings.

While the FGO cast:

"...Say what now?"


The loud noise drew their attention back to the screen as (M/N) crossed blades with the Dioscuri.

Was the sound of swords crossing as Castor tried to force (M/N) to kneel, only for the male to hold his ground.

"Look out!"

Several people shouted, not caring that they were technically shouting at a screen.

At this point, Pollux attempted to do a sneak attack only for (M/N) to release one of his hands on the sword and elbowed the girl right into the stomach.

"Ohh, I felt that."

RODK Issei winched at the scene, holding his stomach.

He remembered all the times he had fallen for that tactic in his spars with (M/N).

...And he had a funny feeling that he kept putting more effort in each one.

Several other people that had either A) the 'pleasure' of getting their asses kicked by him, or B) having trained with him also had similar thoughts running through their heads.

"Gaack!" Was all she could say about the impact left her gasping for air.

"Sister!" Castor shouted out in concern for his sister "Damn yo – gah!"

"His anger truly blinds him."

Darth Vader breathed.

"Can you please stop switching back and forth, Anakin?"

Obi-Wan groaned.


His words were cut off as (M/N) unleashed a downward slash causing him to spit out blood from the strike.

"Yes!" Lappland shouted, "More! I want more blood!"



"Control yourself, idiot."

Texas monotone voice broke through.

"Is that all you got!" (M/N) taunted the twins' fueling their anger.

"He goading them."

Mantis noticed.

"It'll make it easier to fight them if they are too blind in their anger to think properly."

Drax said.


"Where did you come from?!"

Travis Sroll shouted.

"I have mastered the art of being still."

"Don't look down on us!"

"Kind of hard to do."

Robin tutted.

"It's not as though as he could look up, you guys are just too short."

"PFt! Good one Robin!"

Nightwing raised his hand for a high five.

"Not even in your dreams, Nightwing."

"Aw, man!"

Castor roared as he and Pollux went in for dual strike.

Standing there he waited until they came closer.

"Why is he just standing there!?"

Ginny shrieked, as she stared worried about what was going to happen.

"(M/N)!" Adele and Macarios screamed in fear.

Everyone else (minus the Toa and Tiamat) stared in terror as he stood there.

"By the Holy Light of Apris."

Nel shook her head, amused by easily the Dioscuri twins were being baited.

While not noticing the strange looks she was getting with her choice of words.

'Holy Light of Apris?'

Illustrious thought to herself.

'Maybe that's the God they worship?'

The Gods were wondering about this God as well.

Suddenly he smirked, before shouting

"Triple Kick!"


(0:37 - 0:40)

As the name suggested he unleashed a series of three kicks. Each stronger than the last.

"That always was one of his favorite attacks."

Maria Traydor said, remembering how often (M/N) would use that technique in sync with his other battle skills.

"Only flaw is that it's a close combat technique and requires great speeds to cover any potential openings in the attack.

"Oof!" Was the Dioscuri response as they were launched to the other side of the barrier.


Harry winced, though not really sorry for the murderous Heroic Spirits.

"That must have hurt."

"You have no idea."

Cliff groaned.

"My sword isn't the only weapon I possess, I made sure to train my body as well."

"It's always good to be versatile."

Silverash nodded approvingly.

With that said he lunged at the two, unleashing a flurry of strikes causing the two to go on the defense.

Waves of energy crashed and collided causing the ground to shake as the spectators simply watched in awe.

"Such power!"

Salem shouted.

While they were only just watching, thanks to whatever Zero did. They could feel just how intense the battle was.

"Man! I want to fight him!"

Goku shouted eagerly.



"Can you please not, Goku?"

ChiChi deadpanned.

"The (M/N) back home practically runs the other way if he even sees anything that resembles you from all the times you've asked him for a fight."

"Remember, he might have this cool dragon armor, but he is still HUMAN! He won't survive!"

"But he was able to beat Trihexa and Tiamat!"

Goku protested.

"You have a bad habit of going a little overboard when you get excited, Kakarott."

Vegeta deadpanned.

Causing said male to blush, as everyone else nodded at that.

The others gulped as they remember who he was.

After all, he was an anime character back in their world.

They didn't want to know how fighting real life Goku (and others) felt.

They like living!

"He-he's forcing them back!" Macarios said shaking at the level of power they were on.

"Big brother, he's become so strong!" Adele stared at the fight in front of them.

"That must have been quite a sight for them."

Nitocris smiled.

"Watching their big brother avenge their parents and everyone that they knew."

She understood what (M/N) was thinking.

...After all...


The FGO cast shivered as they saw a dark expression on the cute and goofy servant face.

'She must be thinking about what happened to her siblings.'

Those that knew thought to themselves.

Hope she doesn't go Alter right now.

"Fuck! Their going so fast I can barely keep up!" Caenis swore, her body shaking in excitement at the male's power.

"Even for warriors like us, this fight is insane."

Vegeta smirked.

'That boy, he really does have potential.'

Beerus on the other hand.

'I wonder...could this boy and the (M/N) in our world possibly have the potential to unlock and master Ultra Instinct?'

Was the thought going through his mind, and exciting him at the possibility of having another worthy opponent to fight.

'That's someone I want to fight!' she thought to herself.

Gudao and Gudako could only stare in amazement at how powerful the immortal warrior was.

"This is only a small taste of what he is capable of." Tahu Nuva stated, smirking at the one-sided battle taking place.

"Something tells me that speaks true for you guys as well."

Ghidorah mused, getting nods and murmurs of agreements.

Even from Godzilla.

"You seem to be enjoying this a little too much Tahu." Holmes noted as he smoked his pipe.

"Well, it's not every day that (M/N) goes all out in a fight. Goes to show how much of a score he has to settle against them."

"That's for sure."

Percy winced as (M/N) casted some sort of cross like spell attack, followed by a series of air strikes at the Dioscuri.

"And the fact they are too arrogant and need to be quicktaught a lesson Firebrother." Lewa Nuva smirked at the hidden thoughts of his brother.

"They can read him so well."

Demeter hummed.

"Well, they are thousands of years old."

Zero mused.

"Even when they lost their memories were they able to eventually function as team once more."


"Hmph, they make me at my worst seem cute. That's how bad they are."

"I don't think I want to know what his worst was."

Rick Stanton shivered.

Several other people doing the same.

After all, they just witnessed how powerful the Toa are. Making enemies out of them was suicide!

...Doesn't stop the villains from trying.

"(M/N) will be fine" Tiamat assured them "He would never allow himself to fall to such evil."

"Awww!" Several of the girls, including Aphrodite, squealed. "How cute their relationship is!"



Said girls got zapped with electricity.

...Though for some reason they could sense embarrassment radiating from the strikes.

(What a tsundere Ignika (M/N) is)

Zero sweatdropped.

-Back to the fight-

"GAH!" "AH!"

Castor and Pollux screamed in pain as they were slammed into the ground by (M/N).

"...Thank god I've never bullied (M/N) back in Union."

RODK Monoma shuddered.

Even if this version of (M/N) was more brutal compared to their (M/N). He still didn't want a beatdown of any kind from him!

"Thank god you have a bigger brain than your counterpart."

Itsuka Kendo agreed.

Causing Union Monoma to bristled at the insult while Union Kendo sighed.

"Damn you to hell human!" Castor roared in anger as his avenger class status began overcoming his rational thinking.

"What an idiot."

Hermione facepalmed.

"He's just going through his emo phase."

Elysium said.

Without thinking he rushed to the human and slammed his sword against Galaxia, causing a shockwave from the colliding forces.

"Talk about not giving the other an edge."

RODK Kendo observed.

"It takes one misstep for everything to come tumbling down."

Thorn spoke up.

"Rrggh, not bad for an avenger type" (M/N) complimented, before noticing the smirk on Castor face.

"Foolish human you fall for it."

"What?" "GAH!" was the scream of pain as Pollux proceeded to use her boxing style to land a few punches sending him flying."

"Fuck!" "Oh no!" "(M/N) look out!" "Not good!"

"Big brother now!" "Yes! Let kill this filthy human!"

"...Does he get off on that?"



"Don't be stupid, Boruto!"

Sarada shouted, red in the face.

"Well, with how obsessed he is with killing humans you would think that's a kink!!"

Boruto shouted back.

"What's a kink?"

Himawari blinked.


"You're too young to know that."

Hinata quickly said, giving her son a Byakugan death stare.

Boruto nervously chuckled.

'I'm dead!'

He thought to himself.

The Dioscuri twins' started glowing as they proceeded to unleash their noble phantasm on him.


(Here's a vid of their NP. 0:00 - 0:17)

"Cough, GAH!" (M/N) shouted as he fell to the ground, bleeding.


"NO!" His siblings, along with Chaldea shouted in worry.

"Hehehehe, now it's your turn" Castor vicious face turned to them, only to snarl at the calm expressions on the Toas and Tiamat faces.

"It's not over yet."

Stan Lee smirked.

The kid wasn't going down that easily, despite what everyone else thought.

"Why are you not showing fear?" He asked, "I killed..." "No, you didn't"


Was the sigh of relief at that statement.

The hosts and the Star Ocean cast sweatdropped.

Did they forget that this had already happened?

Was Kopaka response.

"That had some power I'll admit, but sadly for you not enough."

"It'll never be enough."

AFO ominously said.

Soon, other villains began the cheesy villain laughter.

The air suddenly got distorted as a wave of power began concentrating right where (M/N) landed.

Everyone felt an unsettling feeling surrounding them.


Eyes widening, the Dioscuri turned to see a fully recovered, uninjured (M/N) being surrounded by a column of dark energy.



(1:08 - 1:13)

Suddenly he disappeared before suddenly reappearing behind them and unleashing a fully powered slash of energy onto the Dioscuri twins' backs.

"Such swordsmanship!"

Ikaruga gasped in envy.

"AAAHHHHH!" The twins' screamed out in pain from the brutal attack. While this was happening, the barrier disappeared. Turning his head, (M/N) nodded at his siblings.

"Oh?" Natasha quirked her eye. "Now he's letting them deal the final blow?"

"It's as much of their fight as it is his."

Ei spoke.

Eyes widening, the twins' started gathering magic, chanting:

"Death to mine enemies! Hades!" – Adele

"Let the blade of bravery shine forth! Athena!" – Macarios

"Incantations invoking the name of the divines whose 'blood' runs through their veins?"

Hecate rubbed a finger under chin.

"Seems like magic isn't all that different between the dimensions."

"What is this some type of mystic code?" Holmes questioned before realizing, "No wait this is magecraft! And not only that but magecraft from the Age of the Gods by invoking their deities' names!"

"Gggrrr, curse you humans!" Was all Castor could say as he and Pollux were hit by a barrage of attacks on all sides.

A bright light engulfs the room before fading out revealing a badly wounded Dioscuri twins.

"Damn!" Harley whistled. "These Heroic Spirits are definitely tough."


Some of the masters sweatdropped at that statement.

Though to be fair, even the weakest were a lot more durable than what they like to say.

"Ugh" "Hah" Came the labored breathing of Castor and Pollux as a golden light surrounded them.

"They've lost."

Dom noted.

"Ngh, so this is how it ends. At the hands of traitors, don't you realized that by siding with these fools from Proper Human History that you are killing yourselves? Whatever you are seeking will never come to pass once they pruned this Lostbelt."

"Did they seriously forget about (M/N) already?"

Lorem deadpanned at that.

Castor told them, reminding them of their fates.

"We know, but if the alternative is to live the same day everyday, I'd rather take this chance for something different."

"To not move forward, it's the same as being dead."

Erza muttered to herself, remembering what had been said earlier before.

It reminded her of what she had told Jellal back then when they had reunited after the timeskip.

Macarios responded firmly in his response.

"Then let me ask you this human, why do you not stop your brother from taking this path? You know that with Hades gone the dead will also remain gone. Why let him go this far?"

"Because they can't choose what the other wants?"

RODK Mineta offered.

Pollux asked Adele, confused as to why she would not stop her brother.

"Because like him, I too want to see a different day. A different tomorrow than the same yesterday."

Adele responded.

"That's why, even if it ends in our destruction we will never stop reaching for that new tomorrow!"

"It might be a selfish wish that would destroy the happiness of their fellow Lostbelt citizens, but at least they'll stand by their convictions."

Talia spoke in an approving voice.

...The Bat fam wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

They firmly said to what could be considered their opposites.

"Hmm, this must be the way humans perceive things in comparison to the Gods. Fine, let's hope you don't regret it."

Castor finished.

"You all are forgetting about me huh? How rude"

(M/N) voice broke through causing them to look at him.

"And I thought Ruby was rude."

RODK Weiss shook her head.


Ruby pouted at Weiss jab.

"I didn't return back home to this Lostbelt to die. I return to bring Adele and Macarios to see the worlds beyond this Lostbelt."

"Because he's a good older brother, unlike some older siblings I might mention."

Scaramouche coolly said, ignoring people's flinches at that.

He calmly stated, shocking them.

"I told you two about my story, how I wouldn't be able to return until I could free you from the rules of our Lostbelt. You think I didn't have the method yet?"


Several people facepalmed themselves.

They had forgotten in the midst of the excitement, why he hadn't come home until then!

Adele and Macarios simply 'oh' before realizing.

"You mean we can finally?" Adele couldn't finish as tears fell down her face.

"Yes, I made a promise in front of Yuuko that I would go through any hardship, any type of hell that existed if it meant I can see you two again."

"And went through hell, he did."

Nahida put her hands on her waist, trying to be serious. But, only made her look pouty and cute.

Several people snickered at that.

"After all, as your older brother I have a Duty to protect you."

"He's just like our (M/N)."

Izumi smiled softly.

"Always putting his baby siblings first."

"It goes to show you, how good of a father he will actually make."

Yang smiled, before catching herself.

'Gah! I did it again!'

Mentally scolding herself for having such thoughts.

...Though she can't deny the image she had of (M/N) coming back home to a house full of children from each of the girls that fell for him.

'...Get it together Yang!' She mentally screamed at herself. 'Just because we are getting along now, doesn't mean you should jump his bones!'

'Pull yourself together damn it! You are a woman of dignity! Not to some horny lustful succubus wanting to taste a delicious hunk of...GAH!'

"Curse you (M/N) (L/N) and your stupid sexiness!!"

Yang unintentionally screamed into the air, startling everyone at that seemingly random comment.

Blushing, she growled: "WHAT!?"

"Oh, nothing Yang."

Weiss snickered.

Oh, her teammate also has got it bad for their favorite dragon.

Not like she was crazy to tell her that. She liked living thank you very much!

'But she seems to still be in denial.' Weiss shook her head. 'Oh, well. She'll eventually accept that she has indeed fallen for him, despite thinking she's not worthy after bullying him back at Union.'

(M/N) admitted that he enjoyed them going into a panic concerning their feelings for him. Though, he didn't know until Leo (SK) told him. When he did learn about it, he started teasing them. Their flustered expressions deeply amusing him.

(M/N) said with a smile.

His siblings said nothing as tears flowed freely from their eyes as they held him in a tight embrace.

Castor and Pollux looked at the scene with a smile (more hidden on Castor part) on their faces.

"Wonder what that's about?"

Clarissa tilted her head at the strange actions of the Dioscuri.

"An older brother huh?" Castor spoke, unintentionally gaining their attention "I wonder, if we had one like you, would we have been completely different people?"

"With family, it is possible."

Dom Toretto said.

He asked himself.

"Nii-sama" – Pollux said, before they both disappeared back to the Throne.

"I wonder if they say themselves inside the twins."

Rin (SK) pondered, as Daidoji hummed.


"They're gone" Mash confirmed.

A sigh of relief filled the room, until (M/N) said,

"All right, we need to get ready for the battle against Zeus."

"I look forward to seeing this fight against my other self."

Zeus looked eager at the thought.

"But first"

"What's he doing?"

Shippo asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Most likely he's going to break them from the chains that bind them to the Lostbelt."

Miroku surmised.

(M/N) started positioning Adele, Macarios, Gudao, Gudako, and Musashi around him as the Toa spread out with arms outstretched on both sides.

An unknown language suddenly starting appearing and circling the circle around them.

(It's the Matoran language and once I find a way to install that on Word, I'm going to be using it as his incantation invocation)

"What a strange ritual."

Athena and Hecate said in unison.

Curious and intrigued by what he's doing.

Standing in the middle, (M/N) said,

"Unity" a light suddenly appeared.


"The Three Virtues?"

RODK Ozpin murmured, intrigued as he sipped his hot chocolate.

(According to RT, Ozpin drinks cocoa, not coffee. Weird, but whatever)

"Duty" Another light appeared.

"Destiny!" A light surrounded him as the Ignika glowed and filled the room with a bright light.


Some of the audience eyes were literally on fire!

A wave of power could be felt as the unknown process continued before the light started dying and the room returned to normal.

"What?" Macarios questioned as he felt ... different. His body felt weightless, like a heavy burden was removed from him.


Ritsuka looked closely at the Greek twins.

"Something seems different."

"I-is this?"

"Yes" (M/N) replied, "You are now just like me free from the rules of the Lostbelt. No longer doomed to eventually fade once it is pruned.

"...Wish we had that kind of power."

Ritsuka mournfully said.


Mash stared sadly at him, as did the rest of Chaldea and their counterparts.

'...I could do that.'

Zero thought to himself.

'It's not beyond my powers to give the Lostbelt citizens of their timeline a new lease on life.'

'I'll just have to create a world that incorporates all the Lostbelts.'

'And then send Ritsuka and the rest of Chaldea to live over there.'

'...Away from the Magus Association.'

He didn't trust them as far as he could throw them.

And he could throw pretty far.

"Big brother, this is wonderful." Adele said, happy to be free at last.

"Oh man this awesome! Now I can continue my journey with everybody" Musashi shouted in victory.

"So, Musashi lives after this?"

Fire (FireRed and LeafGreen version just to remind you) asks.

"Yep! Though she made a close call shortly after this."

THAT did not bode well for Chaldea.

Because that meant they were still going to fight THAT.

Ritsuka and the others shivered at that.

Getting looks of confusion on the others faces.

"But, what about us?" Gudako asked, they weren't Lostbelt citizens so why were they involved as well?

"Them too?"

Ritsuka and the Guda twins blinked in confusion.

"Well" Zero began. "Yuuko did say those that were connected to him in some way or were going to be important to him."

"...Is that why we're immortal?"

Maria Traydor deadpanned.

Now, realizing why they had somehow become immortal.

'I thought it was some stupid glitch after we defeated Luther!'


Zero popped out.

...When they see (M/N) again, they were going to have some nice words with him.

(Ignika: Why do I feel like I'm in danger?)

"Yuuko told me that my immortality wasn't gone and that others that will be important to me will also become immortal. My siblings are still immortal, you and your brother have had your circuits evolved into the highest magical quality to ever exist. But it also made you immortal as well."

"...Well damn" Gudao said, "And there was no way to avoid it huh?"

"How can they take it all in stride!"

FSN Gilgamesh grumbled.

What he desired in his youth was so easily given away!


"There, there Gil." Enkidu soothingly says. "It's not all bad."

"Screw you too, old friend."


Enkidu raises an eye.

"So, you mean you want everyone to know-"

"Quiet old friend before I reenact your legend!"

Gilgamesh roared in embarrassment.

Enkidu laughed, while confusing everyone else (that didn't know) on what the hell was going on.

"Sorry, no"

"Oh, well that's okay just means we'll be with everyone forever!" – Gudako


"Why does that sound ominous?"

Ritsuka shuddered.

"Because it is."

Gudao deadpanned, giving his counterpart a long suffering.

"Onii-chan!" Gudako pouted. "You make me sound like a demon!"

"That's because you are, you little gremlin." Gudao deadpanned. "You only act cute and respectful when you want something from me."


Everyone chuckled at the sibling dynamic as they returned their gaze to the screen.

"Yes, but now we must go."

(M/N) expression darken, as everyone else's got serious.


Merii spoke in a serious tone.

"It begins."

"We must fight Zeus and save Europa from execution."

"And after that, put an end to this impossible dream once and for all."

"Such terrifying powers, dreams hold."

Kushina Uzumaki murmured.

'You don't know the half of it.'

With that said, the Toa, Tiamat, Chaldea, and the God Destroyer Alliance headed out to the final destination – The great orbital shrine.

"And that's all she wrote."

Zero sighed.

"So, what did you guys think?"

He asked the audience.

"Are you really not going to tell us who (M/N) other wife is?"

Denki deadpanned.

"Or the fact that he has more than one wife?"

"Let's just say, I want to do it for shock value."

Zero smirked, hand on his waist.

"Plus, it would suck the fun out of everything if I reveal who they all are. It's quite amusing to see the looks on your faces when you see his lovers."

"His lovers?"

Shirou asked.

"What?" Zero smirked. "You didn't think it was only women, did you? He has experimented you know?"


Dabi deadpanned; he could not be serious.

"What?" Zero asked. "He's over 10,000 years old! I don't even know how old he is now because of how time flows differently in each universe! And he's Greek! They are well known for having weird relationships, with only the Egyptians being even weirder!"

Ozymandias and the other Egyptian Heroic Spirits stifled a chuckle at that.

"Plus, he also has a female form!"

And THAT got everyone's attention.



Zero screamed at the backlash of their screams.

"Can you scream any louder!? I don't think the Guardians/Author Gods could hear you from trillions of miles away in their own damn universes!"

The screams quite down at that.

"But again, yes! He has a female form thanks to the Ignika being technically genderless. He did it as a prank, due to his somewhat childish personality at exploring the world beyond his concealment. And let me tell you, it caused a lot of havoc due to his, or should I say her, good looks!"

"And fyi: he got the whole shebang as a female! Chest, womanhood, reproductive system all of it! He can give birth as a female, so no weird omegaverse bullshit!"

"...Thanks to the Mask of Life, (F/N) – that's what he calls himself when he's a girl."

He explains to the confused crowd.

"Doesn't have to suffer the death runs like you do."


A majority of the females yelled at that.

"Why doesn't he get to suffer the one thing that helps define a woman?"

Rin (FSN) cried.

Sakura and a few other females doing the same.

"That's life for you. Loves to screw you over."

Zero deadpanned, before turning to the group.

"Anything else?"

"Is it possible to learn this power?"

Crownslayer asked.

"Not from a Jedi."

Palpatine shook his head.

The Jedi sweatdropped.

As did Anakin.

"Any other questions?"

Zero sweatdropped.

"No, I think I'm good."

Someone said.

"Sounds good to me."

"Let's continue watching!"

"Yeah! I want to see this fight between humans and gods!"

Shouts of agreements filled the air, as Zero chuckled.

"All right! Let's – "



Zero suddenly turned his head to the right.

Ring! Ring!

To see the phone (that he was pretty sure wasn't there before) continue ringing.

Frowning in confusion, he picked up the phone.




Static, static

"Come again?"

"*Static* ca..n..yo...u.hh..eeaarr.."

"Who's gay?"

Zero asked, confused at what the caller was saying.

As well as confusing everyone else in the theater.

"Can...you hear...me now?"

"Yes, better."

Zero nodded.

???: "Good. Seven Days."

"Seven days?"

Zero asked.

"Seven days for what?"

...Busy tone.

"...Son of a bitch just hung up on me."

Twitching, Zero put down the phone.

Grumbling as he got back to the front.

"Well." Zero shook his head from that weird conversation.

"On with the show!"


Have a good day/night!

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