Union x Bionicle Part 3

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Zero groaned.

"That was fun."

"If by 'fun' you mean having to argue with some arrogant bitches that still haven't learn their lessons and open their eyes." Echo deadpanned. "Then yes, it was FUN."

"Ugh!" Will nodded in agreement at his wife's words. "Tell me about it."

"Even for me, that was too much."

Ember admitted.

"Still wish I could have experimented on some of them."

Mobius, Loremaster and Orochimaru muttered to themselves.

Their trip to Kuroinu was not fun.


...Well for the most part.

When they got there, they took a look at what had happened since Ignika was last there.

And it seems that society was advancing at a quick rate. Though that might have been due to the technology Ignika introduced to them.

Thankfully though, it still retained its fantasy aspect and somehow the rapidly growing cities were working well with nature.

And it seemed that equality was something of a reality there as well.

Monsters and humans getting along after going through such a horrific war and the terror of Vult. There were even married interspecies couples living happy lives.

(It was a good thing they left the Crimes of Humanity behind to suffer. Otherwise, they would have been trying to attack and force themselves on them. Or screaming about it's impossible for humans to ever reach an understanding unless it was their way)

Of course, there were those that weren't happy to see him.

Those consisted of the hardheaded that still choose to blind themselves to the truth. And of course, there were those that couldn't let go of centuries of hate that easily. I.e., Ignika marrying the Olga Discordia.

Even though it did end up bringing peace upon the lands.

And of course, certain members of the Seven Princess Knights who still hated him for interfering with their handling of the aftermath.

Hey! He didn't find it fair that all males had to be punished for what Vult and his underlings did. That's not how equality works after all.

Alicia and Celestine were the worst.

They viewed his bond with The Dark Elf Queen as an insult to the Goddess. Even though it did bring peace to their lands.

Let's just say the real Gods and Goddesses had a word with them.

And really teared into them.

Especially since they still insisted on wearing their extremely revealing attire.

...Which was still almost nothing.

Some of the perverts (that weren't scumbags like the tortured were) were honestly just disturbed. Which is saying something that if even a pervert was turned off, you know it was bad.

Heck, not even the Merlins (FGO) were feeling it. Or feeling the desire to be their mischievous selves.

(And in my opinion. Celestine is bland to me compared to seeing other elves in hentai/ecchi stuff. Honestly, her face is generic. Her appearance is BLAND AS HELL. Her hands creep me out. And her 'outfit' makes my skin crawl for some reason.)

The Feudal Era gang (Inuyasha and co) gave Kaguya a look of repulsion and disgust.

How the fuck could she be considered the Head Shrine Maiden with that revealing outfit!?

Kikyo blew a gasket as she let her emotions break through for once.

And Kaede also let her feelings be known at the insolent whelp improper attire.

(Yes, I honestly been forgetting to include her. So, here is a cameo of her. Kikyo sister if you've forgotten)

Miroku just stayed away.

Naraku wondered why in the Yomi was this world so messed up.

The Senran Kagura girls felt weird about the whole situation.

On one hand, yes. They kind of did have something like that.

But on the other hand, it was mainly their transformation stage! Not a permanent thing that they would willingly go out and display to the whole world!!

...Unless it was cosplay and going to an anime convention.

'Sakura would have really taken up the title: Destroyer of Worlds if she saw this.'

Diego (PV) thought to himself.

Knowing that the Shrine Priestess would have had a heart attack and go Kamen Rider on them. Especially the 'priestesses' dressing so scantily.

"What is wrong with these people?"

Qliphoth couldn't help but asked.

"You got me."

Godzilla said.


RODK/Union Koneko said in disgust.

"They are sexy...but also too shameless for my liking."

RODK Issei and RODK Mineta admitted as did several perverts.

Claudia though, did seem to take Ignika words to heart and actually wore armor. Not covering her whole body, but at least she wasn't showcasing her body to the world to be ogled at.

Especially since she's married!

Prim, Alicia younger cousin, was at the very least probably the only one they all got along with well. The girl had a more modest outfit in comparison to her cousin and the others.

And she seem to take quite well to Roxy and Chica. Ignoring her cousin shouts to stay away from them.

Tempest had a headache.

He forgot how annoying certain people could be!

He tried NOT to visit the Kuroinu world he knew that often. He didn't like having to deal with egotistical bitches that refuse to understand their faults. Even though he was married to the Chloe of that world.

While the group dealt with the idiots.

Ignika took them to the land of Dark Elves. Specifically, to the castle.

Where he reunited with his wife Olga, and daughter figure Chloe.

(In this version, Chloe sees Olga Discordia as her mother figure and Ignika (M/N) as her father figure)

Tempest then had the audacity to ask.

"Does that make you, my father-in-law?"

Since he was married to the Chloe from his multiverse.

Ignika reaction?


Was to send Tempest flying.

"And there he goes..."

Will, Evo, and Shifter Sans sweatdropped as Tempest figure faded out into the distance.


Ignika suddenly fell to the floor, passed out.



(Made with NovelAI. He has Ignika (M/N) (H/C) hair color. Name: Noctis)

A dark elf boy that had Ignika hair poked his father's face.

Because Olga just revealed to him that he has a son. The prince of the Dark Elf Kingdom.

A new member of the family.


Evo, Ember, Aka, Kong, Lappy, and the others were blasted into the air as Ignika quickly woke up and blasted them.

"Aw, Come ONNNNNNNN.......!!"

They faded out into the distance.


And no one was surprised at that.

After everything was said and done. And everyone gave the idiots in charge a piece of their minds.

It was time to go.

Something that many were happy about.

Albel nearly reverted to his old self and nearly killed the idiot Princess 'Knights' that were ungrateful. Sure! He didn't possess much armor, but his clothes were made from very durable fabric that offered protection and he wasn't some weakling that would let himself get hit.

He was one of the most feared warriors of Elicoor for a reason and was called 'Albel the Wicked' for a very good reason.

But not without leaving reinforcements behind.

And bringing new people with them


"So...." Olga Discordia looked at the room with interest. "This is where you have been."

"Half right." Ignika shrugged as he held his wiggling son in his arms.

"Stop squirming, Noctis."

Ignika ordered.

"Want down."

Noctis pouted.


Ignika smirked as he threw him into the air.

"This is more fun."

"Daddy!" Noctis shouted in surprise as he flew into the air and then into his dad's arms.

Chloe giggled at her little brother's dilemma at the hands of her father figure.


The sounds of doors opening caught their attention.


As the grotesque forms of the victims slowly crawled out.


Homelander choked out.

"Wh...o do...you thi...nk...you are?!"

VI Weiss struggled to get out.

"How dare you d...o thi...s...to us!?"

Julian Ainsworth choked out.

"You will pay for this!!"

Stormfront and VI Glynda Badbitch threatened.


Inuyasha deadpanned.

"Major doubt, little brother."

Sesshōmaru deadpanned.


VI Malty shouted out loud.

"Oh, will you shut the fuck up!!"

Yae Sakura yelled, her patience finally gone.

"You guys are so damn annoying!"

"You don't get to talk to us like that!!"

VI Bakugou shouted.

"But we'll forgive you!" VI Issei gave the new women a disgusting look in the eyes. "If you surrender those beautiful treasures!!"





A raspy voice spoke up.


(Currently taking the form of a monstrous crocodile)

"How about...I eat...you?"

The terrifying being 'asked.'


"No way!!"

Omni eyes widened.

"You even have SCP monsters as well!"


He asked.

Cause how did he manage to get an SCP away from the Foundation?!


Zero shrugged.

"Don't ask." He said. "The Foundation still hates me for destroying their hopes and dreams."


Wendy (HI3) looked confused.

"The SCP Foundation learned an extremely painful lesson about classifying every strange anomaly as an SCP."

Zero darkly said.


"You don't want to know."

Ignika interrupted, shaking his head.

Remembering his...encounters with certain SCP beings.


"And that's why licking doorknobs on other planets is illegal."

The SCP being known as the Scarlet King finished his explanation.

"...Okaaaaay." Ignika sweatdropped. "Not sure how that ties in with our meeting. But nice to know why I shouldn't do that."

Seriously, the Scarlet King was supposed to be trying to kill him and trying to end all of existence.

How did they get into discussing such mundane topics?

"You are an anomaly." The Scarlet King spoke. "Not one of us, yet your existence begets interest. The Foundation has been trying to capture you ever since they learned of your existence."

"Yeah." Ignika nodded. "I remember that. Killed a good amount of them because they did not heed my warning."


He scoffed, as did the Scarlet King at the humans' foolishness.

"What did they hope to achieve by using technology meant for the SCPs on a non-SCP?"

He shook his head.

"They seek to contain anomalies that pose a threat to the multiverse." The Scarlet King explained. "Yet, the actions they have committed...are they really for the common good?"

"Its all about perspective." Ignika answered. "And the burdens that the select few must carry to protect the many. Even if they are treated with revile and disgust and hated for all time. They choose to carry on the weight that many wouldn't be able to."

"Your existence is an anomaly as well." Ignika added. "Your purpose is to destroy modern civilization and return it to a more primeval state."

"And yet...you are also a concept, an idea born from humanity dissatisfaction with their current society. Boring and falling into a backwards state that laments the sorrow of despair. You are nothing more than an entity born and existing in the collective consciousness of Humanity."

'Just like Alaya.' Ignika thought to himself.

Remembering the Counter Force entity that he has had to deal with on many occasions.

"So long as humanity exists. I too shall exist forever."

The Scarlet King spoke.

"And even if you did succeed in achieving your Destiny and disappearing. So long as humanity comes back, so too shall you."

Ignika added.

"What a strange cycle we are in."

Scarlet King mused.

"Now, join me." He commanded. "And let us break free from our chains!!"


"...Hell NO!!"

Ignika started running!

"I have enough headaches in my head! I don't need another one!!"

"Stay still!" The Scarlet King chased after him. "It won't hurt much if you don't move!!"

"Don't say it like that!!"

-Flashback ends-

'...And then there was that one meeting with him.'

He remembered.


"Well, hello there my, slightly less than handsome, version of me!"


Ignika blinked as he slowly turned to see...

Another version of him?

"...Can I help you?"

"I don't know!" His alternate self said. "CAN you?"


Ignika crossed his arms in an X fashion before quickly walking away.


His counterpart shouted, having NOT expected that.

"Get back here!!"

He chased after him.

"Stop following me!"

Ignika shouted.


The other (M/N) shouted as he continued chasing after him.

This continued on until they passed someone.

"Ah, Kiru there you ARRRRREEEEE!?!?"

Rias Gremory shouted out the last word as she saw not ONE, BUT TWO KIRUS!!

"...Nope!" She said as she quickly speedwalked away. "Nope! Nope! Nope!"

Not dealing with this today!!

(Can you tell the reference?)

-Sometime later-

"Come on!" Kiru shouted. "I just want to talk!"


"You want to talk!?" Ignika shouted. "Then talk to this!!"

In an insane burst of speed, he pummeled Kiru before blasting him into the air.


Sending a powerful wave of energy straight at him!



"Rias!! What was-!!"

"Nothing happened."

Rias interrupted Sona.



Rias placed more emphasis on it.

"...Got it."

Sona said as they continued their chess game.

Back to the (M/N)s.

"Did that do it?"

Ignika asked.

"You know."


'You have got to be kidding me.'

Ignika thought to himself.

"I can't remember when's the last time I actually got hurt this bad and this fast and having some of my blood drawn." Kiru smiled. "Guess it's true that only ME can wound ME."

With his wounds already fully healed.

"Our battle shall be legendary!!"

Kiru cheered as he charged at Ignika.

"Oh, for the love of the Great Beings!!"

-End flashback-

He was still not sure how he ended in a draw with his SCP version of himself.

That man was insane!!

"Well!" Zero clapped his hands. "No point in dwelling on that! Let's get on with the show!"

Everyone turns to the screen.

"Well..." (M/N) sweatdropped. "This is a rather bleak situation we got ourselves into."

"No shit, Sherlock."

Shifter Sans deadpanned.

"Kiss a flower."

Ignika deadpanned.

"Really, genius?" Caenis deadpanned. "What was your first clue?"

"You mean besides the destruction around us?"

"That's a very obvious clue."

Yumi shook her head.

"WAAAAY, too obvious."

RODK Nora shook her head.

Pohatu cheerfully said.

"How can he be so cheerful at seeing all this destruction?"

Chloe sweatdropped.

"You get used to it."

Many people said/deadpanned.

...Her father figure has a rather messed up life, no?

"I was being sarcastic."

"He knows, silly."

Ignika smirked.

"Oh, fuck off!"

Caenis shouted.


"I know."

Caenis interrupted Ritsuka.

"But in place of my alternate counterpart who is not here at the moment. I'll speak in her place."

She said.

"I know."

Pohatu smiled.

"Where are we?"

"In a world of idiots."

Sheffield crossed her arms.


The bullies/'heroes' shouted out in anger.

"Oh, shut your lip!"

Shifter Sans shouted.

"Or I'll do it for you!"

"You don't even have lips!"

VI Octavian shouted.




VI Octavian shouted as the demigod mouth was shut tight.

"Warned ya, dipshit."

Adele cautiously asked.

"Good question."

Macarios said as they all took a look around.

"You're in Hell, kids."

Alastor cackled.


The block certainly has seen better days with how badly damaged it was.

"Eh." Ignika shrugged. "Seen worse."


Sirzechs looked at him.

"Like what?"

"Oh, nothing much." Ignika shrugged. "Just when Kiana went ballistic after being controlled by a horny succubus trying to destroy the world and claim me as her king."


Several people asked.

'How does that work?' Omni thought to himself. 'Isn't Kiana a lesbian in the game?'

'...Oh, wait.' He realized. 'Alternate reality. Where things are different.'


"Of course." Ignika smirked. "It also didn't help that she wanted me badly at that time that she didn't fight Sirin that much."

Said girl just blushed.

"Shut up!"

She shouted in embarrassment.

"Hmmm, no."

Ignika smirked.

"And of course, causing mass destruction in several worlds that managed to piss me off."

He added.

"And let's not go into out dear Gods and immortal warriors over there."

He pointed to Zero, Will, Tempest, Shifter Sans, Umbra, and Evo.

"...No idea what you're talking about."

Some of them said.

"Okay, just because I blew several universes out of boredom doesn't make me a psychopath."

Zero deadpanned.



The audience moved away from him.

'I thought he was the most normal one of the group!!'

Many thought to themselves in shock and slight fear.


Zero gives them a confused look.

And complete with screams of terror, and fire burning all over.

"AH...!" Lobo smiled. "I just LOVE the smell of FEAR!"


The wussies squealed like little pigs.


"Hey, Da Vinci." Gudako looked at her watch. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Looks fine to me."

Salem shrugged.

"Same." "Eh." Meh."

Some of the villains and psycho nodded their heads in agreement.

"Of course, you villains would think it's a nice place."

VI Weiss scoffed.

"Oh, shut it!"

"Positive." Mini Da Vinci confirmed. "This is where the coordinates locked onto."

"So..." Gudao slowly said. "Why are we in what looks to be like a warzone?"

"That's how you know you're in the right place."

Vali helpfully said.

"...I'd say otherwise." Olga Discordia shrugged. "But that's actually true."

How'd you think she and Ignika first met?

Before anyone could say anything.


A female voice grabbed their attention.

Blinking, they slowly turned to the source of the voice.

To see a blonde haired, lilac eyed girl looking at (M/N) in shock.

"She was cute, I'll admit."

Ignika shrugged.



The crowd went wild at that.

"What?" Ignika blinked. "I'm not allowed to call someone cute?"

"Well..." Fu Hua trailed off. "It's just that you seem to have an attraction to girls with unique features. So, we're just surprised."

Ignika rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He deadpanned. "Though it is funny to see her act like a tsundere to my counterpart."



"Minus the violent attitude of beating him up to express her feelings."

Ignika easily answered Omni question.


He said.

"How dare she go for a loser like him and NOT ME!?"

VI Issei shouted out in anger, jealously, and annoyance.

"Oh, shut up blondie."

A new voice suddenly entered the theater.


'Don't tell me...'

Zero groaned as he turned around to see.


And another version of Taeho.

(Taeho Yeun/Malzeraoth)

(Note: This Eldritch version of Taeho is no longer available in his book and has been sort of retconned but due to one of my book having his Eldritch niece in it. He still stays and he'll be referred to as Malzeraoth)


"Another Taeho!?/Hey there!!"

A majority looked in shock at the older version of Taeho.

While Taeho cheerfully greeted his counterpart.

Why was there another version of him showing now?!

"Hey, Ze-NO."

Zero interrupted Seraphim greeting.

"But-!" "NO"

Zero said.

"You didn-"





"Zip it."

Zero kept shutting him down.

"Aw, come on!"

Seraphim shouted.


Zero dragged out his response.

Causing Evo and the others to sweatdrop.

"Why..." Luke blinked. "Is there another Taeho here?"

"Good question, my friend!"

Taeho smiled.

"This charming handsome daddy version of me is my Eldritch counterpart."


Mikasa (AZ) just said.

"Can you elaborate?"

Olga Marie asked.

"But of my course, my short stack friend!"



-Timeskip to Olga Marie finally stop trying to kill him, and Malzeraoth explaining what he really is-

"And that's my backstory."

Malzeraoth smiled.


Katsumi Bakugo screamed.

"Too much INFORMATION!!"

Boruto yelled.

His head felt like it was going to explode!!

"I love the smell of chaos in the morning."

Taeho cackled while Dystopian groaned.

"Yup!" Malzeraoth smiled. "To make things easier. Just call me Malzeraot."

"Just like how Zero refers to Male Reader as Diego, and Female Reader as Grace when he's reading Reader fics."



Ignika gave him a deadpanned/weirded out look.

"What on earth are you talking about, you glow up version?"

Grace (FNAF) just stared at him like he was insane.



"Nothing." Zero bonked the Eldritch horror violently on the head. "He's just rambling nonsense."

"Oh, don't be like that!" Deadpool put his hand to his heart. "You're going to hurt us!"

"Right...P-*BONK!!* *BAM!!* *BLAST!!*"


Zero proceeded to clobber Deadpool...and Malzeraoth cause he decided to join in on the fight.

(Yes, my real name starts with a P. No, I will not tell you. That's personal information and was just put there for comedy reasons...and a reason to beat Deadpool up for the hell of it.)


A new voice caught their attention.

"Where am I?"

"...Really, Tempest?!"

Zero sighed as he and the others looked to yet another new face.

(Benjamin Taurus. Farming Life)

Who was very confused.

One minute he's taking a walk around his farm to get rid of the stress of dealing with the Rulers of the Dumbasses. AKA he was going to pound his sexy plant goddess and fertilized her flower bed and then he somehow wound up in an unknown place!

'Looks like a theater.'

He thought to himself, before looking around.

And saw, to his great annoyance, the Dumbasses themselves with new additions.

"Oh, great." He muttered to himself. "Is this your doing?"


Several VI bullies shouted at that, screaming at him to bow down to their greatness.

"You should be honored to be in our presence!" VI Issei boasted arrogantly.

*BANG!!* *BANG!!*

Went Ben gun as he started shooting at them.

After a while, he stopped.

"Can someone please explain?" He asked. "I don't know why, but these guys are really pissing me off. And you!"

He shouted to Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CRDL minus the C, Team SSSN minus Sage because he doesn't have bad blood with him, and several others with a furious expression.

"Why are you acting like you don't know after all the hell you put me through?!" He shouted. "And why aren't you back at the farm doing your community service!?"

"WHAT!?" VI Weiss shouted out. "Why on earth would I be doing the commoner job!?"

"Yeah!" "That's right!" "Who are you?" "Know your place, loser!"

Shouts and insults were thrown at the unfazed male who was used to this. But his confusion only grew as he realized that they genuinely didn't recognize him!

"Young man!" VI Glynda Goodwitch shouted out loud. "You should watch your tongue and apologize! These are the future heroes of Union and the world!"

"And we will not allow some worthless, insignificant, no name bastard who doesn't know his place to disrespect them!"



Ben looked like his heart was utterly obliterated by Glynda hate fill words.

Why was she treating him like this?

"And furthermore-URK!!"


"I find your lack of compassion...disturbing."

Darth Vader Force-choked her with no remorse.

"le...t...me...go..." Glynda desperately tried to plea. "I...can't...brea...th..."

"Not our problem."

Ignika scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"Besides, WE need to explain to him what's going on."


"Who are you, guys?"

Ben asked uneasily.

"And am I drunk or something?" He also added. "Why am I seeing many?"

Why were there multiple Team RWBYS and others!?



He shouted as he saw Grace! And Grace? And...Grace? And...a dilf version of himself?

And smoking hot individuals?

The fuck?

His mind was broken from seeing so many people that he both knew and did not know.

"Oh, boy."

Will shook his head.

"Tempest." Zero deadpanned. "You're explaining."


"Why me!?"

Tempest asked.

"You brought him here." Zero growled. "You explained."

"Also." Ei smirked. "He is from your universe. So, he is YOUR problem."

"Dear." Blake (68) nodded. "She isn't lying."

Ben did a double take at the older Blake. Shocked by how different she was compared to the Blake he was aware of.

This Blake was kinder, seemingly more gentle, and more compassionate than the Blake he knew.

And milfier.

(Yes I know that isn't a word.)

Made him wonder if things would have been different if the Blake he knew was like this one. Well, if she was older than them and also a milf.

What? He likes his ladies a little bit older than him.

(I wouldn't classify Raven as a little bit older though.)

(Raven: Hey!)

"All right." Tempest grumbled. "Alternate version of my wife, she may be. But still the same in being correct."

Zero snickered at that.

"Just tell him."

Sapphire just said, holding a squirming Blaze in her arms.

"All right, all right." Tempest conceded. "Here's what's happening."

-Yet, another explanation later-



Tempest looked at the comatose male.



Tempest snapped his fingers.

Still no response.


"Oh, for crying out loud."

Mike grumbled as he got up.


And hit Ben right on the head.



Ben shouted as he grabbed his head in pain.

"What was that for!?"

"Well, you weren't waking up otherwise."

Mike smirked.

Ben twitched but had to give him that.

But could you blame him?

Alternate universes? Literal aliens? Humans with animal features that are not linked to being a Faunus? The people he knew being the exact opposite of how he remembered them? Superhero schools? Kaiju? His adoptive mother figure...a bitch? Alternate versions of himself? Alternate versions of Grace and everybody else?

Grace bringing sexy to even higher levels?

What? The Nikke version that his older self was banging was extremely hot!

This was too much for a guy like him that favored a simple lifestyle.

...And not to mention, Eldritch beings and unholy nightmares that sounded like they came straight from a work of fiction.

And souls possessing robots made to kill and terrify. Which Mike was apparently one of them along with his wife and family.

"Can we NOW get on with the show?"

RODK Yang asked.

The longer they delayed the more likely someone new was going to come along!

"Good idea."

Her team said.

Ben just stared blankly at them.

He had been told that they were once bullies but had been changed due to some life changing events that didn't require them to be forced to work on a farm.

...Then again, the person they tried to bully always kicked their asses.

'Maybe if I had did that back then, they might have been more humble.' He thought to himself.

While, he had no desire to be a Huntsman for personal reasons. Perhaps he should have tried to make sure Team Dumbasses understood what it meant to be Huntsman.

And he was really wishing he was there to see the verbal beatdown the parents had given them.

Karma at its finest!

'Too bad, the others weren't here either.' He thought to himself. 'That would have been sweet to see the looks on their faces if they saw that.'

"Okay." Ignika spoke up suddenly. "But before that."




"My leg..."

Ben eyes widened in shock.

It was completely healed.

"You didn't deserve what happened to you." Ignika answered the unasked question. "So, I decided to fix your leg for you."

"...Wait." Joshua suddenly spoke up. "Isn't he one of the people we saw in your visions?"


"Yeah!" "He is!" "What a surprise!"

Various people said.


"What are you tal-?"

"And we're going in!"

Zero interrupted.

Something that several other people seemed to be doing.

...Minus the perverts looking at the females of the group with shameless looks on their faces.


Several people groaned in disgust.


Ben (FL) shook his head.

"You know me."

(M/N) said, it wasn't a question. But a statement.

"(M/N), it's me Yang!" Yang shouted out. "What are you doing here?!"

"Oh, you know." Ignika shrugged. "I just thought it would be a good place for a vacation trip and-what the fuck do you think I'm doing out here?"

"Did he just use one of my lines?"

Frieza blinked.

"Yeah, loser!"

Bakushit yelled.

"AUGH!" Ben rolled his eyes. "Nice to see that some things never changed. No matter the universe, or the people inside them."

"What did you say, you loser!?"

VI Bakugo screamed.

"You heard me!"

Ben shouted back.

"Why you little-!!"

"His dick isn't little." Malzeraoth smirked. "Not like yours."


The Vanguardians and Chaosbringers groups shouted out in shock.


Axel/KH Hades/PJO Hades shouted out loud.

"Well earned."

Kingsley deadpanned.


Snape and the others said.

"What a loser."

Ezra groaned.

"Why the fuck are you back, you powerless freak!"

"To save your ungrateful asses!!"

HoFi Kiana snarled.

Ohh! Those bastards pissed her off so badly and still do!

She could not understand for the life of her why they thought they were the better choice when (M/N) (Ignika) was the superior choice!

They only cared about her body and trying to hurt her husband. They didn't care about her at all. And the idea that they were definitely packing was laughable.

Even if (M/N) wasn't packing, she wouldn't leave him. They had been through so much together and he had broken through the barriers she never knew she erected in the first place!

And if those idiots thought that the NTR trope was going to work. They had another thing coming.

Those pathetic, sad losers who thought that they knew how to pleasure a woman.

'Probably couldn't even pleasure themselves.'

She thought to herself.

He shouted as several other bullies agreed with him.

"Yeah!" "That's right!" "Go die in a hole, you powerless loser!"

"Fucking hell!" Ben shook his head. He could not believe this!

Sure, he could believe the bullying because he has been a target for that.

But on this scale? That was making his look cute?

That shows how much of an asshole these fuckers were.

"You get used to it."

Lucia Skywalker said.

"Betcha your counterparts had to deal with them too."

"...And now, I'm glad that I don't deal with a majority of them back home."

"MAN!!" A rather disturbing looking male raked his eyes over the girls. "Look at those hotties!"


Olga shivered.

"That is a vile human and must certainly reminds me of Vult."


VI Issei glared at her as did his harem.

How dare she disrespect him!

"Trust me." Tempest shook his head. "This guy somehow makes Vult likeable. And that fucker tried to create a fucking Sex Empire!!"

"To be fair, he wasn't always a monster." Ignika shrugged, having looked through Vult history after killing him and reuniting all of Eostia. "He was a hero before lust and power consumed him."

"Issei is a foul loathsome little cockroach and even cockroaches have a place in this world."

Harry, Hermione, and Ron suppressed a snicker.

Remembering Hermione calling Malfoy a cockroach before punching him in the face.

Good times.


VI Issei squealed like a bitch.

"You're only purpose is to show us the titties!!"

VI Mineta shrieked.

"Show them!!"



"Insolent worms."

Ghidorah growled.

"Can't wait to fondle those titties!"

"Not even in your sickest, most depraved dreams."

Elysia and Eden gave him and the others a disgusted look.

While Aponia had a sinister smile on her face.

One that promised absolute pain.

Pain of the Holy Kind.

Ben was utterly disgusted.

'Man!' He thought to himself. 'No wonder they are calling them the stains of all males everywhere. Even I'm not like that to my lovers. And at least it's consensual on both sides!!'

Consent is important and sexy in his opinion.

And if they have a submissive kink...OH YEEEEAAAAAH.

He shouted.


While others agreed with him. The group was not so happy at that proclamation.

"That's NOT very superstar of those fuckers."

Mike and GR Freddy deadpanned.


People started choking on their mirth at that.

The Glamrocks, except Foxy, were in shock that Freddy could curse.

Grace (FNAF) snickers quietly while Foxy gives a full blown laugh.

"You want to die?" Tahu glared at them with an intensity that could melt even the Sun itself. "Because it seems like you're asking for a death wish."

Surprisingly, the bullies/perverts shut up.

"That's a surprise." Shippo deadpanned. "Didn't think those jerks would actually listen."

"Cowards do survive."

Olga coldly said.

Remembering how that wretched Vult ran away every time he realized that he could possibly die.


Shredder growled.

The bullies and 'heroes' bristled at that.

"Mr. (L/N)." Ozpin spoke up, startling them at the use of the last name. "What are you doing here?"

'Guess my counterpart's last name is (L/N).' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Just like my Doctor counterpart.'

"Didn't you take that name since you technically don't have a last name?"

HI3 Adam asked his father.

"If I did when I was inside the Lostbelt, it's lost to the sands of time."

Ignika shrugged.

In his opinion, there was no point in thinking about that part of his past.

Shaking his head, he spoke up.

"There is obviously a misunderstanding right now." (M/N) sighed as he started to explain. "I am (M/N), yet at the same time I am not."

"Quite the paradox, no?"


"What do you mean you are not?!" Ruby shouted out in annoyance. "Why don't you start making sense you loser!!"


Summer shouted in anger.

"Not me!"

RODK Ruby shouted.

"Better not be anymore!"

She shouted back.

Ben shook his head.

'Not surprised.' He thought to himself. 'The Ruby back home never helped me and just chose to let her team bully me. Of course, she would a bully in another world.'


Blake growled, not liking the sight of him.

"OH, boohoo!"

Midnight mockingly cried.

"How about I play you a sad song on the world's smallest violin."

*Music begins playing*

"How dare you mock me!!"

VI Blake yelled.

"This is serious!!"

"I know." Midnight responded. "This really is the world's smallest violin. See?"

Camera pans in to see a microscopic violin in between Midnight fingers.


'How the hell is she able to play that!?'

Ben thought to himself. Both impressed and a little bit scared at the provocative hero skills with playing a tiny instrument.

"Forgot you were able to do that."

Eraserhead and Present Mic said out loud.

"Why don't you leave this to the real heroes?"

Weiss scoffed, as the others nodded in approval.

Ignika and several others began turning their heads.

"What are you doing?"

Homelander growled.

"Trying to find the heroes."

Ignika said.

"And the fucks I give...Oh!"

He said as he looked at a specific direction.


"Why you fucking!!"

'Cover your ears.'

Will mentally communicated to the decent side of the room.



That's why.

RODK Present Mic and his counterparts released an ear-piercing scream!


The bullies and 'heroes' were screaming and rolling on the ground in pain as their eardrums burst and blood poured out.

"Thank you!"

Adam (Union) yelled as they finished.

"They were getting so fucking annoying!!"

"I'll say."

Rachel deadpanned.

"No tact, no dignity." QE frowned. "No class."


The Chaldeans frowned at the level of disrespect they were being thrown at.

"That was NOT a nice welcoming we got."

Proto Salter growled.

Extremely annoyed by that.

"The hell is their problem?"

Kiana glowered at them.

"Beats me."

Proto Salter shrugged.

Restraining himself from killing them for insulting his master.

"And let's just say that Proto Salter is a rather protective servant."

Macarios spoke up.

*Hum* *Fwish*


"How about you mongrels shut up and know your place."

Gilgamesh and Gil both said in unison.


San Diego shouted.

Startling the FSN group as they saw another Gilgamesh and a


Archer shouted out in shock.

"Poor Archer."

Adele shook her head in amusement.

"Your expression says otherwise."

FSN Archer deadpanned.

"It's funny."

She simply replied.

...Yep. She and Macarios were definitely related to (M/N)-Ignika.

While FSN Gilgamesh blinked at the sight before him.


Before he suddenly turned to the alternate (he knows all) version of (M/N).

"What's with him?"

'This godly aura.' He thought to himself as his eyes widened in shock. 'It's-!'



"Oh, yeah..." Ritsuka sweatdropped. "Forgot about that tiny detail."

"Because I don't like to talk about it."

Ignika deadpanned.

Was it too much to ask for a normal life!?

...Well, normal when you consider their abnormal lives.

He quietly muttered to himself as his eyes took a look at the crowd again.


'Enkidu!?' He thought to himself. 'More versions of me?'

"That's gotta be a shocker."

Geiz deadpanned.




Gilgamesh shouted in shock as he saw the Primordial Mother of Life of Sumerian legends standing by (M/N)/Abzu side!

"That's gotta be a shock for our counterpart." Arcermesh chuckled. "Can't blame him though."

"After all, Tiamat is a Beast of Humanity whose purpose is to destroy human civilization."

"...Say what now?"

Ben blinked.

'If Tiamat is here...that means that he really is!'


Shirou asked.

The group staring at him in confusion.

"Just how far behind are you to not know of them?" Castermesh gave the FSN group an annoyed look.

"It's not like we can just walk into the library and check them out!" Rin shouted. "Legends of old are scarce and hard to come by or acquire! Even some of the oldest Mage Families would be hard pressed to collect them!"

"The fact that we were able to procure your legend was hard enough to get."

Kotomine added.

"Hmph, you mongrels got a point."

Castermesh said.

"...The Mother of Life." Gilgamesh softly spoke. Even HE would not dare to show such disrespect to two prominent figures in his beloved kingdom history. "And if I'm right."

"There's a surprise."

Saber deadpanned.

"Didn't think you would know respect."

"Even I, in all my arrogance, know their importance and their roles in my beloved kingdom history."

FSN Gilgamesh simply said.

"That (M/N) is Abzu, The Primeval Father, reincarnation."



Rin was in too much shock to say anything.

"Fuck you bitch!" Bakugou got their attention. "Know your place and fuck off!!"


"Ohhh, he's so dead."

Omni shook his head.

"Deader than dead."

Luke added.

"What an idiot."

Hermione only said.

"Hope he got his will out."

...THAT was the wrong thing to say to the King/Queen of Heroes.

"A VERY wrong thing to say."

Himeko shook her head.




Kirishima and the others rushed to his side.

"Idiot lucky they didn't aim at his gene pool."

HoFi Kiana scoffed.

"They should have."

Ethan frowned.

"Would have saved future generations from that scumbag bloodline."

"Fuck you, you fucking nobody!!" VI Bakugou yelled. "They should be honored at my greatness!"

"What greatness?"

Tsukuyomi asked.

"I'm not seeing it."

"Same." "Not seeing it." "Watcha talking about, fool?"

Many people added.

Bakugo was about to pop a vein.

Ben (FL) wanted to rip his hair and eardrums out.

"Pathetic worm."

Gilgamesh scoffed.

"Compared to us, you are nothing and will always BE nothing."

"And that's the gospel truth."

Uwabami simply said.

"Fuck you, bitch!" VI Bakugou screeched. "Your not even in the top 10! You should mind your own fucking business and butt out of real heroes conversation!"

"Or better yet!" VI Issei interrupted with a disgusting look on his face. "How about shaking that body for the Ha-*BAM!!*"


The ORC girls shouted as VI Issei was sent flying into the air.

"So, annoying!"

Yo Shindo grumbled to himself, having been the one to punch him.

Gil coldly stated as she glared down at him.

"Now." (M/N) gave them an unimpressed stare. "Let's ta-"


Trihexa decided to remind them of her presence.

"Forgot about her..."

Sirius blinked.

"Well..." Remus Lupin spoke up. "With the invigorating conversations going on, no wonder."

"Shut up, Moony."



As she released a powerful blast of energy straight at them.

"Jesus!!" "By Oum!"


The attack reached its target.

"(M/N)!" "NO!!"

"Why didn't they dodge!?"

Ben shouted in shock!

(Hey, he got a somewhat abridged version of what has happened so far that he doesn't know the full story and their true powers)

They didn't even try!!


VI Issei squealed.

"Now, nothing will get in my way!!"

"This already happened, dumbass."

Ignika deadpanned as he gave the bumbling buffoon a dead look.

Honestly, he made Pete the most competent person in the multiverse!

...Though Pete was a little dim, not an idiot though. And a bit of a coward at times.

...Eh. More of a threat than Union will ever be.


Dumbsei shouted in victory.

"Now my harem is guaranteed!!"

"You really are an idiot."

Jamaica just shook her head.

The Shipgirl could NOT for the life of her understand this kid mindset.

Then again...considering what they have seen so far, both on screen and in the theater. It's probably for the best.


VI Issei shrieked.

"How dare you talk to your KING that way!!"

"You? A king?"

Ohma Zi-O voice silenced all as he glared at the ignorant worm before him.

"You are no king. You don't possess the quality of one, nor the power needed to become king. You are but an insignificant child trying to play a big man game."

The Demon King of Time gave the male a disgusted look even though it couldn't be seen through his helmet.

But it could be felt.

"You have no special power." He continued. "You are no Chosen One. You are nothing."


VI Issei screamed.

"I am the Red Dragon Emperor!!" HE screamed. "I am strongest of the RDEs to have ever existed!! I am destined to become the Harem King!!"

"You only got your powers from a stupid watch!!"

"Technically, they are called Rider Transformation Belts that require specific items to work."

Woz corrected.

"Shut up, you stupid tool!"

VI Xenovia screeched.

"Issei is the Red Dragon Emperor!" She argued. "His children will herald in new dragons!!"

"YEAH!" "That's right!" "Issei the greatest!"

VI Issei harem shouted out in agreement.

Further inflating his ego.

"You mean Ddraig?" Ohma Zi-O cruelly interrupted. "After all, the TRUE Red Dragon Emperor is sealed inside that Sacred Gear. You are merely borrowing his power because you out of the countless people on the planet had the actual luck of getting it."

"Do you know how low the odds of you actually getting that specific Sacred Gear is? Very low. As said previously, there are countless people on the planet. You were not BORN with it. You were just LUCKY to be the next to wield his power."

"Whereas I, obtained the power of the Ridewatches and became King. Not because I had it from the beginning, but because I earned it!!"

He cruelly destroyed them.

"And I was born to become king because it was my destiny."

"You and your friends were only born to be used as stepping stones to their true greatness."


VI Bakugo roared in anger as he lunged towards Ohma Zi-O. Explosions at the ready.


Many people shouted as the unfazed Ohma Zi-O just stared.


Before raising a hand and stopping time in his place.


"What the fuck did you do to me, bastard!?"

VI Bakugo shouted as he could not move.


With a wave of his hand, he sent Bakugo falling into the wall.



Many people shouted.

But before they could attack.


A wave of energy blasted them into the ground.

"Know your place."

Ohma Zi-O crossed his arms.

"You are nothing. Even with your powers and 'immortality'. You will always fall short of the mark."


Homelander and Stormfront groaned.

"Better a monster than an egocentric fake."

Gaara gave them a cold, hateful look.

Issei cheered as his 'harem' excitedly agreed with him. Ignorant of the looks of anger and disgust sent their way.

"My God!"

Jeanne d'Arc gave them a look of disgust.

"How can you treat somebody like that!?"

"Shut up, you slut!!"

VI Bakugo yelled at her!


The FGO cast gave him a look of shock and anger.

"The only thing your good for is a stress relief!"

"Indeed." Homelander nodded. "Get back to 'serving' your heroes."

That...was the final straw.


Evolto transformed as a blood red aura covered Tempest.

Shifter Sans eyes glowing as an ominous aura filled with the power of the Void surrounded him.

Massive hands suddenly appearing around him.

Seraphim crackling with power as he gave his most hated characters the Look reserved for them.

"...La Grondement Du Haine!!"

Jeanne d/Arc (Alter) Noble Phantasm impaled them.


VI Mineta screamed as he felt pain beyond anything he felt.


Before they were set on fire!

"Let's get one thing straight."

Jalter coldly spoke up.

"Only I can insult the damn saint. No one else is allowed to.

"Fuck you BI-*TEAR!!*"


VI Issei gasped as a hand tore into his body. Crushing his ribs and squashing his internal organs.


The VI ORC girls screamed as they raced to help their 'king'.


Echo tsked.

"Sorry, gals." She said. "But you have other things to worry about."

"Out of our way!" VI Asia cried. "Issei kun is in danger!"

"And so will you too as well."

Will 'smiled' at them.

"For we are all out of patience."

While the dumbasses were getting some punishment.

"Finally!" Weiss yelled. "He's finally out of our lives!"

"For good!"

Neptune shouted out excitedly.

His team nodding their heads in agreement.

"Geez." Ben shook his head. "What did he ever do to you?"

"Being better than them apparently."

Ignika shook his head.

That's what he got from their auras and intent.

"They were just jealous?"

Christina gave him a 'you could not be serious' look.

"Is it that surprising?"

Mirage asked.




(M/N) voice shut everyone up as the dust cloud cleared away to reveal...

The group was unharmed as a large forcefield shielded them.


The bullies shouted out in anger at the fact that he was still alive.

"My God, what a bunch of crybabies!"

Cliffheart shook her head.

"I'll never understand idiots."

Geiz groaned.

"Well, they're called idiots for a reason."

Tsukuyomi sweatdropped.

"So very true."

Woz smiled.

"Thank you, Tahu."

(M/N) smiled.

"No problem, brother." Tahu nodded his head. "Now, let's get this party started!"

With that said, (M/N) quickly leapt into the sky.


And suddenly appeared right in Trihexa face.


Before Trihexa could do anything, (M/N) quickly punched her in the face.





Trihexa mentally shouted as her face felt pain!

(Gasp! There's something on your face. *POW* It was PAIN!)


Before (M/N) suddenly teleported.



And punched the other side of her face.

Sending the behemoth flying into several buildings, causing them to collapse from the sudden impact.


"Remind me not to piss him off."

Ben nervously said.


Joshua and Henry Lazarus said.


The bystanders just stared in shock at what he had just done.

He had accomplished in a few seconds what they had been trying to do for several hours!

"To be fair." Zero suddenly spoke up. "This version of Trihexa is extremely powerful."

"How powerful?"

Goku asked.

He remembered their battle against Trihexa and how not even their strongest forms were able to stop her.

"...This one is megaverse level threat." Zero stated.


"And that means?"

RODK Ruby nervously asked.

A little scared to get a confirmation of any kind.

"She's powerful enough to defeat a group of lower rank Guardians." Ei said.

Startling Will and the other Guardians at that.


Will shouted out in confusion.

How did they not know of that?

"And she is able to at least defeat mid rank Guardians one on one. A group might be tricky for her."

Palpatine spoke up.

"The higher rank/elites are a different matter altogether."

"...Well." Piccolo spoke up. "That explains why that world is barely having any kind of effect on her.

"OH!!" Mr. Popo eyes widened. "So, she's that Trihexa!! I thought she seemed familiar."

"She's my first disciple and the best of them all!"



"She's your student!?"

Many of them screamed in shock and horror!!

"...That explains so much."

Ignika deadpanned.

"He-He landed a blow against that bastard!"

Ryuko shouted out, her eyes widening in shock.

"This one is very powerful and extremely dangerous."


Fu Hua deadpanned.

Considering what they have seen in his fight against the Gods.

The power he possessed was no laughing matter!

Senketsu observed.

"Unbelievable!" Ira Gamagori shouted in shock and admiration. "Whoever this new (M/N) is, he's no joke!"

"Tall guy is quite the funny character."

Adele smiled.

"And makes good pastries."

Macarios added.

"That's for sure." Hoka Inumuta pushed his glasses upward. "With two hits, he managed to land a strong blow against the Beast. Something that not even lady Satsuki could do."

"I think I might have motivated her to surpass her limits."

Ignika sweatdropped as he remembered Satsuki undergoing intensive training after that battle. Even challenging him at times.

Though he had to admit that despite the obvious power difference between them. The fact that she can land blows on him when he's holding back a lot tells stories of her strength.

Now if only they could fix her permanent light problem.

"He seems like an interesting opponent to fight."

Uzu Sanageyama smirked.

"Of course, you would think that way."

Nonon Jakuzure shook her head in fond amusement.

"They got quite a nice camaraderie among them."




Trihexa burst through the rubble, now pissed as she glared at her new opponent.

"Finally! A worthy opponent!" Trihexa shouted startling Union. One: because she could talk apparently. Two: Trihexa was a female from what they could tell. "Our battle shall be legendary!"



"How did that world survive!?"

(M/N) made a: Bring it gesture with his hand. 

Challenging the Beast of the Apocalypse to a free for all.

"Huh." Maria Traydor raised an eyebrow. "You've definitely become more free with your emotions since the last time we saw you."

She said to Ignika.

"Throughout my journey, I learned it was okay to let myself feel." Ignika smiled. "I always kept them locked up because I did not want to feel the pain of losing those I cared for. Which is why I always kept people at a distance."

"But that all changed when we met though."

HoFi Kiana smiled.

"Heh." Ignika smirked. "Can't deny that. You were one of the most aggravating people I have ever met."

"Back at you!" HoFi Kiana shot back. "Your lack of social awareness, and common sense was such a pain to deal with."

As the two exchanged jabs at each other.

Olga Discordia and Morgan just sighed in amusement at the two.

All the while thinking:

'I need to find out the full story on that.'

Because they didn't know that much about Ignika. Though in all fairness they didn't really ask.

Tiamat just giggled.

"HEY!" Issei and Bakugou shouted and whined. "We're more of a challenge then that loser!"


Kawaki deadpanned.

"Major doubt."

Sumire said.


Boruto, Sarada and the rest of their generation said.

"Fuck you!!"

The badly beaten up bullies/'heroes' yelled.


Endeavor raised an eyebrow at them.

"Surprise you can still talk after that beating."



The two shouted as they were set on fire by an unamused duo.

"AH!" William smiled. "So nice to see someone being burned!"

Burning them to a crisp.

"They were literally reduced to ashes."

Superboy said.

With that out of the way, the two flew at each other.


Unleashing a flurry of attacks as the very Earth shook from their power.


Was the unanimous screams as they felt the illusion of the collision of power rippled throughout the theater.

"That's no joke!"

Harley shouted out in shock.

"WAH!" "AHH!" "EEK!"

People were screaming as they were suddenly thrown off the ground as the clashing forces sent huge bursts of energy into the wind.

"They might as well turn it into a clean slate."

Jellal sweatdropped.

"...I'm not fixing that."

Ultear deadpanned.


The two titans taking to the skies as they unleashed a violent wave of blasts at each other.

"What the hell?!"

Sun shouted in shock.

"Since when could the loser do that!?"

"Who's the bigger loser here?" Ben asked. "The one who can actually do something? Or the one who can't do anything?"

"Screw you!!"

"Since forever."

Takanuva cheerfully stated.

Causing Union to turn their heads to them.

"And who are the hell are you!?"

Naruto angrily asked them.


Many people yelled.


Naruto meeped.

"Are you friends with that loser!?" He asked.

"You're one to talk about losers."

Monty deadpanned.

"And if we are?"

Thok crossed her arms, unintentionally pushing her chest up.

Giving the perverts a clearer view of her chest. Not that she cared, they were weak and pathetic. They tried anything they were going to get an acid trip like never before.

"They should be lucky that's all they're getting."

Bonnie shook his head.

Glad that he was just an Animatronic.

...Well, ignoring being decommissioned. His friends getting hacked by a virus. Demonic kids destroying everything and everyone.

"Then I suggest you ladies ditch the loser and come be in the presence of real men."

Kugo Ginjo arrogantly declared.

"HAH!" "No."

Alastor laughed at the idiot stupidity.


*Crickets chirping*



Kiana laughed as she pointed at them.

As did many people in the audience.

"Can't believe you guys would call yourselves real men!"

Elfman scoffed as he laughed and glared them for calling themselves real men.

He took quite the offense at that.

"You couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag."

Rachel scoffed.

"You guys are a bunch of fucking imbeciles!"

Here, several other people chuckled as the block around them was being destroyed by two super powerful forces of nature.

"How dare-*SCREECH!!*"

Whatever Bakugou was about to say was cut off as the Nomu and Grimm decided to remind them that they were still here.

"Thank you Nomu and Grimm." Malzeraoth breathed a happy sigh of relief. "Because man! They are so fucking annoying!!"

The Eldritch being could only take so much to be honest.

And they were pushing him to the limits.

"Fuck you, freak!"

VI Bakugo glared at him.

"I bet you don't even have a girl, being a freak of nature like you are!!"

"Funny you should mention that." Seraphim smirked.



VI Issei screamed in pain.

Even this loser has a chick!?

"Yep!" Malzeraoth smirked. "And she's far better than your harem of whores."

"Who!?" VI Issei shrieked. "That loser female self?!"

"While it's true that an alternate version of ME." He emphasized himself. "Is dating a female (M/N) ( this is just for fun and amusement. Not canon to either mine or Seraphim books unless he says it's okay). Not in my world. No, I'm dating this beautiful angel."

He shows a portal revealing.

(Yukino Mifuyu)


VI Issei cried tears of blood at the sight of the beautiful woman.

"You're stealing my harem!!"

He cried and whined like a little bitch.

"I'm stealing nothing." Malzeraoth scoffed. "She's her own person. And she does not even see you as even a person worth living or having rights with how depraved you are."


"Will you just shut up!!"

Chica screeched.

Having enough of the brat bitching and complaining. He was disrupting her pizza time.

"Oh, right." Kal'tsit gave the creatures a look. "We're still in a warzone."


The creatures growled threateningly at the group.

"Mon3tr." Kal'tsit raised her hand. Summoning her guardian.

"That thing is still scary."


The beast growled at the horde of monsters coming at them.


With just one simple command, Mon3tr howled and charged straight at the horde of Grimm and Nomu.


Slicing and tearing them apart.


"It's that powerful!?"

A villain shouted in shock.

This seem to set off a signal as the Toa and Chaldea charged.

*Crackle* *Burn!!*

Tahu set ablaze a large group of Nomu who screamed as they melted from the intense heat.

"Hmm..." AFO mused as he stared at the screen. "Seems like all the modifications and quirk enhancements made are useless against them."

"Quirks and Elemental Powers are two different things altogether."

Ignika scoffed.

"And we faced worse than a bunch of experimented abominations."


Gali shouted as she violently kicked a Nomu in the face.


Snapping the beast neck and instantly killing it.


Jumping backwards, she effortlessly evaded a Goliath Grimm. Powering up her Water Axes she began swinging her blades in a dance of flurry.



Christina exclaimed.

"That's brutal...I love it!"

She shouted.

"Show those punks who's boss!!"


Onua and Pohatu made short work of the stronger Nomu and Grimm. Taking them down in an incredible display of teamwork.

They didn't even need to shout, they could easily read each other body signals and know what the other was thinking.

"That's how you know they can work in perfect sync."

Cain observed.

Perfect for keeping the enemy in suspense.

*Swirl* *Shink*

Kopaka and Lewa combined their powers to create a storm of ice and wind. Annihilating their opponents before they got close.

"Poor bastards didn't stand a chance."

Ava and Omni (M/N) said.


"These creatures are so pathetic."

Talulah laughed as she burned her opponents in her path.



The Arknights group shivered as they witnessed Talulah gleefully burning down all that stood in her path.

'...That's hot.'

Ben thought to himself, but kept quiet.

One: he was sure she was taken. Two: ...He was even more sure said girl would burn him just to show how 'hot' she really was.

"To think that they thought they could possibly stand a chance against one of us."


"Simply laughable."

She stated as she continued incinerating all in her wake.

"This is Talulah true power."

Ch'en breathed a look of wonder and disbelief.

What did that bastard (Kaschey, not Ignika) do to her?

(And giving Todoroki PTSD. But that's normal)




"Weak." Skadi muttered to herself. "Pathetic."

"Even Skadi is getting in on the action too?!"

Amiya shouted.

"Well, of course."

Ignika shrugged.

"You think my wife is going to let an opportunity to beat up some fools pass her by?"



Ignika Will Smithed the little bitch.

"Shut up."

Taking another swing, she annihilated yet another swarm of Nomus and Grimms.

"Sad, pathetic lifeforms."

She said as she destroyed them.

They were nothing compared to the Seaborn back home. And they were so weak that they barely registered as a threat.


Nagato (AZ) blinked.

"Creatures of the Abyss from their world."

Zero ominously said.

"They can also be considered a race of Eldritch horrors themselves."

Malzeraoth added.


That was terrifying and nightmare inducing.

Takanuva swung his Staff of Light at the monsters, quickly turning himself into a ball of light and evading their attacks as he warped himself to another location.

"Interesting technique."

"These strange creatures (Grimm) seem to be made of Darkness and feast on Negativity." He muttered. "I wonder."

Raising his Staff, Light began emitting from it as he released a mini Nova Blast.


And vaporized the Grimm that was coming after him.


"You got to be kidding me!"

Someone yelled.

"They can be killed with light!?"

All this time!!

"It's hard to explain." Ignika shook his head. "But our powers are different and are unique in elemental properties. Considering we are tied to the very elements themselves, so much that we are like incarnations of them."

"But it seems there is truth to the matter as it seemed that those who possess Light power have been more effective in handling the Grimm."



"They can be killed with Light!?"

Ironwood eyes widened so much that they looked like they were going to pop out.

"How the hell did we miss that?!"

Qrow shouted out in shock.

"...Makes sense." Ozpin muttered to himself. "Considering their origins."

The Wizard could not believe that he never made the connection of what could be a Grimm weakness. Even after living for so long!

'...I'm getting old.'


"That's for sure."

Ben silently laughed to himself.

Remembering the truth about Ozpin.

He thought to himself.

"What the hell?"

(Ichigo Kurosaki)

Ichigo Kurosaki just stared in shock and disbelief.



Many people said.


-Explaining the Bleach timeline-


"What on earth (and soul society) is going on here!?"

"You think we know, Kurosaki?"

Uryu Ishida deadpanned.


"It would seem that (M/N)-kun has made new friends."

Orihime smiled.

"Is he...really (M/N)?"

Chad asked.

"Sorry, not quite."

Riku said.

"I wish I could tell you."

Rukia sighed.

"He is very different from the (M/N) we remembered."

"Yeah." Evo smiled. "Wait till they see their (M/N)."

Even though they haven't seen much of the timeline. He knew that the (M/N) in that timeline wields a certain Rider form.

Yoruichi shook her head.

"The answer is simple, my dear!"

Urahara Kisuke opened his fan and placed it in front of him.

"He's a troll, isn't he?"

Ezra asked.

"Oh, yeah!"

"What are you talking about, Hat and Clogs?"

Ichigo asked him.

"Think about it! He has given several indications that he is not the (M/N) we know." Kisuke said. "He doesn't recognize us. He said that he believes there is a misunderstanding and when he said 'you know me' it wasn't phrased as a question but a statement."

"Well...he wasn't one of the brightest members of Soul Society just for show."

"Not to mention that he has gained interesting powers." Mayuri Kurotsuchi smiled. "Powers that don't seem to fall under any category we have seen so far. And his friends..."

"They are quite different and unique."

The other captains shivered at that.

'He has that look in his eyes!'

They thought to themselves.

That was never a good sign.

"Ugh!" Evo shivered. "Don't remind me!"

He still cannot for the life of himself understand how he wounded up on that crazy captain lab table. And he couldn't understand how he couldn't break free! He was stuck there for who knows how long before he was able to escape!

"So..." Renji decided to get them back on track. "What does that mean?"


Urahara smiled.

"He's from another universe!"

"That was blunt!!"

"...HE'S WHAT!?"


"Pitiful pale imitations of life."

Gilgamesh sighed as he continued mowing down the hordes of monsters coming at them.

"Giving me 7th Singularity vibes."

Gudako deadpanned.

Gudao and Ritsuka agreeing with her.

"Can't believe they were giving my counterpart such trouble."

"That's what you get for having such a limited span of Mana."


Kotomine said at that.

Castermesh shrugged as he casted some spells.

They weren't concerned though.

The monsters might have quantity on their side, but that was it. Their quality was sadly lacking, even with the more unique Grimm charging at them. They were easily taken down by Servants who specialized in certain areas of combat.

"Talk about pitiful."

Albel and FSN Gilgamesh said.

Didn't matter where they attacked. From the skies, from the ground, under the earth. They all met a painful fate.

"Who...are they?"

Shirou stared in confusion at the new HS appearances.

"That's gotta be a shocker."

Shirou deadpanned.

"I thought only seven were allowed in a Holy Grail War?"

"Weeeeeell, that's not always the case."

Tempest laughed.

...They didn't want to know.

He asked Rin who just stared.

"There should be." She said. "But whoever these people are, they are not bounded by the rules of the Holy Grail War."

"How has the Clocktower not catch wind of them?" Shinji asked. "There must be dozens of Servants here! How did they evade their paranoid eyes?"

"Because they're too good for them."

Evo deadpanned.

"...They came from another universe."

Caster realized.

"She's quick on the uptake."

"Another universe?"

Sakura Matou asked.

"Yes." She nodded. "That's the most likely possibility. Though how they are able to summon so many Heroic Spirits is another thing altogether."

"But what about (M/N)?" Illya asked, confused. "From what I heard, he didn't possess any power and was a semi normal person! Yet here he is, going toe to toe with Trihexa! ...Who can apparently talk."


Wasn't that a shocker?

Apparently Trihexa could talk, and if they were understanding the voice right, was a female as well. One who did not even consider them worthy of attention.

"That's gotta leave a mark."

And didn't that hurt?


"If you're not going to help." Proto Salter and Salter both spoke up. "Then I suggest you head for cover."


"Who are you?!" Saber shouted angrily as she pointed Excalibur at them. "And why do you have my face?!"

"We're you." Proto Salter said. "Just the better versions of you."


FSN Saber coughed out blood at that.

"Really?" Salter raised an eyebrow. "Are you really that slow on the uptake?"

"Considering how pitiful she ruled her kingdom, I'd say yes."

"What was wrong with the way I ruled!?"

FSN Saber shouted.

"Well..." Zero mused. "For starters, you were more of a puppet than a king."

"Robot is a better term."

Scaramouche deadpanned.

"True." He conceded. "You didn't really rule as a king. You lost your ability to understand what it means to be human. You tried to be someone you're not."

"Then there's your wish." He added. "You want to undo everything that your kingdom is known throughout history."

"But that's-!!"

"It is a selfish wish." Ei spoke up. "You are doing your people and your knights a great disfavor by removing all of their struggles, all of their experiences, everything they had gone through until the very end. Just because you still suffer the delusion of 'trying to set things right.'"

"You remind me of myself." She said. "And it's because of that I want you to understand that there are some things that cannot and must not be changed."

"Everything happens for a reason: good and bad. What we do is what makes the difference."


Proto Salter deadpanned.


"You know her?!"

Shirou shouted out by mistake.

Turning an eye to him, they just stared.

"It's because we are her from different timelines, idiot."


Shirou said.

"That's just how they are."

Proto Mordred said.

"Don't take it personally."

The two said in unison.



Rin started to say.

"Yes." Artoria interrupted her as she joined in on the conversation. "They are a path that we could have taken if we had made certain choices."

Saber looked in shock at the sight of another version of her.

"Two Sabers?!"

Rin shouted.


"Could you scream any louder?" Shiori (female Archer) rhetorically asked. "I don't think the dead heard you the first time."

"No, they did hear them." Lobo said. "And were yelling at them to shut up! They couldn't get their eternal rest with all that racket upstairs."

Rin and Archer stared in shock at the female version of 'Actually Satan' standing in front of them.

"A female Satan/me?!"

"Will I ever be free of that accursed name!?"

FSN Archer shouted.


Rin said.

"But you've seen the actual Devil!" FSN Archer protested.

"But you could still be the Satan from our world!"


Lucifer and the residents of Hell just stared and chuckled.

The two yelled.

Shiori sweatdropped at that.

'I'm never getting free of that am I?'


She thought to herself.

While they were getting acquainted.

"Hey, baby."



Tiamat, whose attention was watching the fight between (M/N) and Trihexa, turned to see 'the one who should not have existed' staring at her with perverted eyes.


VI Issei the ugly screamed.

"Let your Harem King fondle those titties for ultimate power."


The look on Ignika face said it all.

It was a furious face full of pure hate and anger towards VI Issei. The Malice and Darkness coming off him in waves was staggering as a cold air held the room in a stranglehold. Ice forming and slowly spreading.


He coldly said as he opened his hand and closed it.



VI Issei screamed as Ignika crushed his body through the Force.




The VI ORC girls screamed as their words got jumbled up and were brutally electrocuted.

He 'flirted' with her, using his 'heart melting smile' when in reality it looked like this.

(Yeah, terrifying. Now, put that face on Issei and multiply it by a hundred times and you get the world's #1 hideous face.)


VI Issei screamed.

"I am the handsomest, sexiest stud on the planet!!"



Evo and the others wheezed as their bodies started dying from laughter.

"Not even in your wildest dreams you ugly bastard!"

Homura shouted.

"What is the fucking matter with you!?"

Ben shouted.

"You are the dumbest piece of shit I've ever seen! You make those idiots back home look smart!"

"Not to mention, your mediocre!"

Luke added his two cents in.

"Oh, shut up you stupid animal!" SC Issei shouted. "And who's going to love you!? You're an ugly ass crocodile and that's all you will ever be!"

"Yeah!" VI Bakugo nodded. "You're nothing more than a worthless stepping stone to our greatness! Your nothing but a freak, a villain, a monster!"

"No one will ever love you!!" VI Xenovia shouted. "Who would love a monster like you!?"

"Wow..." Grace (CH) gave them a look. "You guys are idiots or did you forget about me?"

"You'll realized that this freak is nothing compared to Issei-kun!"

VI Xenovia shouted.


Grace (CH) scoffed.

"I would rather be fucked and breeded by an actual real life dragon than this peasant."


"SHUT IT!!!"

RODK Issei pulverized VI Issei balls.

VI Issei: *High pitched screaming*

Issei was determined to add the smoking hot milf to his collection and steal her away from the (in his delusional mind) unworthy loser.

"The only loser is you."

Shifter glared at him.

"Why you!"



Issei screamed as a Lahmu suddenly appeared and stabbed him in the nuts and dick with a super sharp blade.

"HAH!" Ethan laughed. "In your face asshole!!"


His harem screamed in shock.


"Stay the fuck/hell away from our MOTHER!!"

Ishtar and Ereshkigal shouted as they brutally kicked him violently in the face.


"Damn!" Ritsuka swore. "I think that's the first time I've ever heard Ereshkigal swore!"

Many people nodded their heads in agreement.


A loud cracking noise could be heard as Issei flew from the force of the blow.



Issei gave a high-pitched squeal as his manhood was gruesomely sliced open from the Lahmu blade as he was sent flying.

"Serves him right."

Irene and Blair said.

VI Issei bristled at that.

How dare they!?

"Disgusting!" Ereshkigal shuddered. "The Underworld has no place for him."


The Gods/Lords of the dead and afterlife agreed.

"I might be a Goddess of Love." Ishtar shook her head and shuddered at the sight of the piece of filth. "But I would rather be violently shredded to pieces by Enkidu and Gilgamesh then let myself be touched by this disease-ridden filth!"


"Shit!" FSN Gilgamesh said out loud. "I knew he was a piece of shit. But to the extent that the damn goddess would be violently killed by and Enkidu?"

"That guy is bad news."


Proto Merlin frowned.

"He's a complete turn off for a succubus."

"Holy shit."

Omni. (B/N) said.

"To be able to repulse even a succubus. Man, he's really a piece of work."

"That's for sure."

Omni. (S/N) said.

Keeping Bailey close to her and away from that version of him.

"Not even the lowest of the low of our species would want to service him."


SC Issei screeched.

"They should be honored to serve me!!"

"Not even in a million years."

A random Succubus said.

Merlin gave the male a look of disgust.

His lust and lecherous ways were too much, even for them.

"And you know it's bad when Merlin himself is disgusted at you." Nahida shook her head.

"One time I feel bad for him."

Evo said.

Because not even Merlin deserves to have to be in Union Issei presence and have to tolerate him.

That was too cruel for an unusual punishment, even for him.

"You didn't have to go that far!"

Asia cried, tears running down her face.

"What a wimpy bitch."

Natsuo Todoroki shook his head.

"I'll say."

Dabi frowned.


Enkidu walked up to them.

"We might not know you guys at all." Enkidu said. "But we know that you are NOT worthy to even be in any of our presences.

"How dare you!"

Xenovia shrieked.

"Do you have any idea with who you're dealing with?!"

"A bunch of insolent worms that don't know their place."

Godzilla coldly said.

"Nice to know we are of the same thinking."

Albel and Diego (VI) said in unison.

"A bunch of buffoons that don't know their place."

Kriemhild coldly replied as she guarded Adele from the horde of monsters.

Slicing and destroying with no emotion.



Xenovia suddenly found herself on the floor.


Someone screamed.


"How dare-!!"


"Shut up, bitch!!"

Kiba Inuzuka yelled at her, having been the one to hit her.

VI Xenovia stared at him in shock!

"Didn't your mother ever teach you to not hit a woman!?"

"...You're a woman?"

Kiba asked, confused.

"And to answer your question, I did."

Tsume Inuzuka said.

"But I also taught him to stand up for himself."

"Also, you're not a woman so you're an exception to the rule."

"Do shut up!"

Proto Mordred angrily told her, a tic mark on his face from having to hear their annoying shrill voices.

His sword glowing as he blasted a swarm of monsters that were heading towards his and Macarios way.

"Ugh!" Proto Mordred groaned. "They were so fucking annoying! Not even the nobles' daughters could ever hope to achieve that level annoyance!"



"Shut up, will you!? Shut up!!"

Gajeel yelled.

Seraphim was in heaven at the chaos around him.

"What's so great about that loser, anyways?"


Malzeraoth deadpanned.


He asked.

"LOSER!?" His harem screamed, as Xenovia spoke once more. "He's the Red Dragon Emperor! He's guaranteed to have strong baby dragons!"

"Unless he has dragon DNA." Spyro spoke up. "I doubt it."


And he would know. Since he's, you know, a DRAGON??

"Fuck you!!"

VI Issei screamed.

"Don't be stealing Nero line, you deadweight."

Ignika deadpanned.


"...Bitch say what now?"


Ignika snickered.

Loving how much his siblings were like him.

Macarios just stared at the blue head with a 'you could not be serious' look on his face.

"Sadly, dear." Clara shook her head. "She's serious."


Xenovia asked.



Shifter started laughing.

"I can't believe that bitch just said that!!"

"She really is a bitch!!"

Evo hacked and laughed at that.

With others laughing their asses off.

"He's not wrong, though."

RODK Xenovia laughed at her counterpart.

"You really are a bitch!"

"HAH!" Proto Mordred laughed. "You really are a bitch!"


"You fucking-!"


Grimms and Nomus flew straight at them.

Startling the Union side, while Enkidu just gave them an unimpressed look.


That look sent chills down their spines.


As glowing chains impaled each and every one of the monsters that had tried to attack them.

"Pitiful imitations of life." The Chain of the Heavens coldly spoke. "You rampaged freely and yet fail to comprehend the powers you possess. Mindless, and seeking only destruction."

"...Isn't that familiar to what Kingu said to his brethren back then?"

Gudao asked.

"Those of you who possess even a mediocre of intelligence waste it on sneak attacks and trying to play sad excuses of mind games. You are even more pathetic than your mindless brethren."

"How...dare you."

A strange orb like Grimm struggled to get out.

"Really, Salem?"

RODK Ozpin raised an eyebrow.

"You're still doing your stalking schtick?"

"Oh, fuck off!"

"Oh?" Enkidu raised an eye. "I thought your presence was different. You're a like a tv, you're showing your viewer a front row seat to the action."

"You won't...get away with...this..." The (female, they realized) voice tried to get out. Really hard when the chains were destroying the Grimm vocal cords...if it had any. "You and the...others...wi...ll...pay!"

"Doubtful." Raven shook her head. "If I've learned anything. It's that it's the unexpected variables you have to watch out for."

"Speaking from experience my little Raven?"

Ben teasingly said to her.

"...I don't know what's your connection to my counterpart in your world." Raven deadpanned. "But please refrain from trying (and failing) to flirt with me. It won't work."


"Aw, man!" Ben pouted. "Your no fun!"

"I doubt it."

Enkidu said as the chains dug deeper into the Grimm.


Killing the Grimm and causing it to dissipate.

Leaving a stunned crowd to watch as beings beyond them easily cleaning up their mess.

"So sad."

Tristan strummed his Harp/Bow.

-Back to the fight-


"OOF!" (M/N) grunted as he got up, wiping off blood from his cheek. "Not bad, now EAT THIS!!"


Izumi and Izuku shouted.

Their respective All Mights grumbling at that.

They just wanted someone to suffer like they had when they had to swallow their predecessor hair to gain OFA.

Was that too much to ask!?

Swinging his arm clockwise, he created a ring of Electro around Trihexa.



The Beast shouted out as (M/N) swiftly snapped his fingers and a burst of Fire exploded all over her.


Trihexa roared in anger and pain as she was soon bombarded with many more elemental attacks.

"Damn!" Ben whistled as he watched Ignika not give Trihexa even a second to counter. "He's really going all out!"

"Because I know, she's no weakling."

Ignika said.

Quickly using Nahida signature Element Skill, he casted the power of Dendro on her. Multiplying the damage his attacks were having on her.

Roaring in fury, Trihexa pushed through the pain and swung her arm at him.


"Oh shi-BAM!"

Was all (M/N) could say as he was sent flying into a building from the impact of that attack.

"That hurt..."

Ignika deadpanned.



Yang, Malty, and the Four Heroes shouted out in fear!


Trihexa charged up an attack.


And released it right where (M/N) was.


An enormous explosion shook the surrounding area as an enormous cloud of smoke filled the area.


Someone shouted in horror.


Natsu and Naruto laughed and pointed at the annihilated building.

"What a loser!" Naruto shouted.

"He should have just minded his own business!"

"Huh." Ignika frowned. "Last I checked, I wasn't a mirror."


Ben and Malzeraoth couldn't help but laugh hard at that.

Natsu added as they cried tears of laughter at the funny scene.


Kiana cold voice shut them up.

"If you think an attack of that level is not enough to kill him, then you both are bigger idiots than I thought."

"What did you say!?" Naruto shouted, a tic mark on his face at the insult. "You're looking at the future Hokage, Dattabayo!"

"With a catchphrase that stupid." Cassidy gave him a flat look. "I wouldn't take you serious."


Naruto coughed up blood.

Even more as his friends nodded their heads at that.

"My catchphrase is not stupid, Dattabayo..."

He muttered to himself.

(Be lucky I didn't put the English version: 'Believe it!' Otherwise, you would have lost any reputation you had left...believe it)

"...The fuck?" Kiana stared at him. "What the fuck was that supposed to mean?"


"You got me, mom."

Adam Kaslana shrugged as he swung Labors of Olympus at the monsters before him.

"Like father, like son."

Olga shook her head.

Vicious and brutally efficient.

"Probably thinks it makes him look cool."


The look on his face said it all.


Vincent just gave him a look.

"...That's cringe."

"EW!!" Several people screamed. "CRINGE!!"

Naruto heart was destroyed more brutally than a Chidori.

Kiana just said.


Naruto felt like his heart was stabbed at that comment.

'Loser.' Kurama thought to himself.


Naruto shouted.

"Hey, it's your counterpart that's an idiot!"

Kurama shouted.

"You're tolerable."

"Gee, thanks."

Naruto sarcastically said.

His host was really an idiot.

'I'm pretty sure my other half is probably having the time of his life inside Minato.'

"You know it!"

The other half said.

The Nine Tailed Fox thought to himself.

"Anyways." Kiana flew up into the air. "Time for me to let loose!"

With that said, she activated her Ultimate and unleashed a barrage of lances at the Nomus and Grimms.


"They never stood a chance."

Batman shook his head...in amusement.

"No, they did not."

Tony agreed.


The monsters roared as they kept on coming.

"How annoying."

Su sighed.



"Come forth, my subjects." Kiana commanded as massive portals opened up and Honkai Beasts emerged from them. 

"Serve your Queen and teach these fools a lesson."

"Well..." Kevin Kaslana spoke up. "They're dead."

"Deader than dead."

Ennard added.

With that command said, the Honkai Beasts started making short work of them.

"Against the Honkai."

Otto shook his head.

"They stand no chance."



A wrinkly man covered in hands shouted out at the screen.

"We were so close!" He whined. "And these cheaters had to ruin it all!"

"Must you always whine and bitch like a baby?"

Dabi asked.

"Oh, fuck off patchworks!"

"...That was seriously the best you got?"

"Calm yourself, Tomura."

A masked figure spoke up.

"While unforeseen, might possibly bring up a possible opportunity for us."

"...Yes, master."

He begrudgingly quieted down.

"Though I must say." A pale skinned woman with veins all over her spoke. "The bigger question is who are they?"

"Someone's you don't want to make an enemy out of."

Vox stated.

"And where did they come from?"

"...Well, when a man and woman want to get laid..."

"Rhetorical question!!"

Salem screamed.


Henry Emily shrugged as he sat back down.


Questions that did not have answers.

-Back to Le Fight-



(M/N) blasted the rubble off of him.

"Not bad!" He smirked. "But we are just getting started!"


Suddenly appearing in front of her, his palm glowed.



And once he had slammed it right into her face it exploded.


The beast roared in pain.

"Not done yet!" (M/N) shouted as he summoned massive crosses all over her.



The Crosses glowed as they blinded her.


"The LIGHT!! So bright!!"

"It BURNS!!"


The Beast thought to herself.

As (M/N) slowly rotated his arms until each was in an opposite direction. Before swiftly meeting them in the middle.


Unleashing a wave of power as the Beast exploded.



"AHH!!" "ACK!!" "WOAH!!"

People shouted out as the intensity of the blast sent them flying.


(M/N) narrowed his eyes.


As Trihexa launched a sneak attack at him.


VI Bullies and 'Heroes' shouted out in glee.

"Kill him!!"


Only for (M/N) to create a miniature black hole in his hand.



They shouted in pure anger.

Bunch of babies.

"Time to end this!"

With that said, (M/N) began collapsing the Black Hole in his hand.


Skadi nodded.

"The Time has come.

"What is he!?"

Ichika tried to ask.


Only for Ashe to give him a reassuring smile.

"I think we don't have to worry."

She smiled, getting Ichika to relax at that.

"AWWW!!" Aphrodite squealed. "How cute!!"

"Even more cuter than some of our campers!!"


Some said, while others were just glad her attention was not on them.

"I still haven't forgotten about you guys."

...Gods, damn it.

Something that his (*cough* forced *cough*) harem noticed and did not like.

"Them on the other hand."

Aphrodite and some of the more romantics gave them a look of disgust.

'How dare she!?'

His 'harem' thought to themselves.

While his sister...

'Looks like someone needs a 'talk'.'

Was devising a scheme to 'teach' the girl a lesson in stealing an already taken man.


Vaggie coldly said.

"That the one who has the harem doesn't even want them."

"That is not love."

Aphrodite shook her head in disappointment.

"That's gotta be a first though."

Olga Discordia admitted.

"A straight guy not wanting a harem of beautiful girls."

'Actually, it's more common than you think.'

Evo and the Author Gods/Guardians thought to themselves.

Never mind the fact that he didn't want the harem.

"And considering how most of them behave around him." RODK Itsuka shook her head. "I'm not surprised that he doesn't want them."

"Would have thought he turned gay after dealing with them and their antics."

Alice admitted.



(M/N) shouted as he sent the collapsing black hole straight at her.



Trihexa roaring pain as her body was being twisted and distorted by the black hole she was trapped in.

"That's gotta hurt."

Roxy flinched at that.

Growling, she managed to focus enough to unleash an all out assault. Sending blasts of energy all over and freeing her from the black hole.

"Damn, she's good!"

"For crying out loud!" Kuroka shouted as she and the rest of Team Vali quickly dodged. "This bitch just won't give up!"

"She wouldn't be the feared Beast if she gave up so quickly."

"That's for sure."

RODK Issei muttered to himself.

While the Trihexa in their world paled in comparison to this Trihexa. She was still a force to be reckoned with!

Vali pointed.

"But still!" Bikou shouted out. "She's tougher than we originally thought!"

As the blasts finally stopped and the dust subsided.


A bloodied, bruised (M/N) could be seen in armor with a strange, powerful Mask on his face. His armor cracking in some places due to withstanding the attack.

"When you live as long as I have and are as powerful as I am." Ignika spoke up. "You tend to relish in the battles that can actually hurt you and pack some damage into it."

"That packed quite the punch."

He said.

Before he started glowing.

"But now." His eyes grew serious behind the Mask of Life. "It's time to end this!"

"I enjoyed this little game but now it's time to end it."

Ignika smirked.


Enormous amount of Elemental Life energy concentrated into his hand as he lifted it up.


"Such power!"

FSN Gilgamesh stared in shock at the Reincarnation of Abzu power.

"This is insane!"

Ichigo shouted out loud.

"...Yep." Sakura Haruno deadpanned. "DEFINITELY not the (M/N) we know."


Hinata nodded.

"Considering I nearly sent some of them to the hospital because they could not withstand the sheer power coming out of my attack."

Ignika sweatdropped.

"I believe them."


"Let us end this."

(M/N) put his hand in front of Trihexa.


He simply said as he unleashed his power.



Trihexa roared as she was bathed in a light that felt comforting and pure. Like her body was being reborn anew as she disappeared.

"And I got stuck with a new one as well."

Ignika groaned.


*WHEEZE!!* *Maniacal cackling!!*

The RODK cast laughed their asses off.

They knew what he was getting at.

"You got married to Trihexa as well!?"

RODK Rias laughed like there was no tomorrow!


VI Issei mouth was sealed shut again.

And just for extra measure.



Ivan Ooze lounged on his chair.

"Peace and quiet."

...Everyone else just said nothing.

They didn't want their mouths sealed shut.


Trihexa roars faded out into the distance as the blast subsided.

Leaving an empty space where Trihexa once stood.

"And that's that!"

Mina Ashido said.



(M/N) calmly landed on the ground as he went to his group.

After everyone was checked over and they all shared their victory greetings.

They turned to Union.

And a new page was about to unfold from this new meeting.

"And we're stopping there!"

Zero sighed.


Some yelled.

"But why!"

"Because we need to get a move on."

Zero smirked.



Everyone suddenly disappeared as the theater turned dark.


Have a good day/night!

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