Union x Bionicle Part 2

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I don't own any pictures or videos. They belong to their respective creators.


Zero sighed.

"We knew this was coming."

With that said, he snapped his fingers.

-Location: Earth - ??? Union City-

Ah, Union City.

A place of prestige, luxury, and greatness.

"Yes!!" "That's right!" "The truth and only the truth baby!!"

It is here, that lies Union Academy.

The greatest school for future heroes/huntsmen/ninjas/guardians/warriors/I.S. pilots/etc.

Heroes like All Might, Endeavor, Eraserhead, Team STRQ have all graduated as alumni of this glorious school.

"Keep it going baby!"

Where they teach and shape the minds of future heroes to save the world from villainy and scum when they are gone.

"You got that right!"

VI Sun shouted, with his team in agreement.

Ignika, the Vanguardians, VI (good guys), and Luke all rolled their eyes at the egotistic idiots ego stroking they were doing.

Only idiots would believe in that bullshit.

And if you believe that – YOU'RE A BIGGER IDIOT THAN I THOUGHT!!


VI Bakugo, Issei, certain RWBY teams, Homeland(er) security, stormy bitch and several yelled at that.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means exactly what it says, idiot."

Godzilla growled at them.

"Why you!!"

"Oh, shut up!"

Tempest trapped in a vortex.


Let's backtrack a little bit.

"Please do."

Otto deadpanned.

Union Academy.

Once a school created with the purpose of welcoming future heroes (or just attending the general classes with intent to just graduate and live a normal life) from all walks of life. Now, nothing more than a wretched hive of villainy and scum.

"Did you seriously just steal my line?"

Obi-wan asked.


(As Obi-Wan would say)

Run by the so-called 'kings' and 'queens' of the school. The faculty staff were more or less pushed to the side.


Eden raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is this Union really a school, or just an overexaggerated clique for teens to run over?"

(Only because the World Council backs them up and worships the ground they walk on)

"Of course!"

The RODK cast rolled their eyes.

"This should be interesting."

Octavia said out loud.

Among them is...

Issei Hyoudou

"Oh, yeah baby!" VI Issei cheered. "The Harem King is on top!"

"GOOOOOOO, Issei!!"

His harem shouted out.



Grace stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

"You and me both."

Elysia looked like she was going to puke.

"I had more bitches then this disease ridden cunt ever did."

Michael shook his head in disgust.

"Just when I thought he couldn't get any stupider."

Union Rias groaned.

"I hate my life."

Piccolo groaned.

"I hate your life too."

Vegeta agreed.

Issei Hyoudou, the wannabe Harem King who thinks he is God's gift to all women. Possessing the Sacred Gear – The Boosted Gear, he is the current Red Dragon Emperor of his generation. And also a devil.

"I am God gift to womankind!!" SC Issei yelled, infuriated at the disrespect he was given.

"Oh, please." Lucifer scoffed. "God might have made no mistake...but who the hell made you?"

"Certainly wasn't me, that's for sure."

"Dear." Lilith shook her head. "He was spitted out from the reject creation box and wasn't even wanted by the embodiments of Lust themselves."

"Honestly." Ignika frowned. "He reminds me of that scumbag Vult."



"And that guy was a depraved bastard."


"You don't want to know." Adam shook his head, shuddering as he remembered that fucked up world.

"How bad was it?"

Artemis (PJO) asked.


"It couldn't have been that bad?"

"...They tried to create a Sex Empire by forcibly enslaving all the woman to be their sex toys."

Ignika got out.




The shockwave that rocked the theater was incredible as Artemis and the others were downright furious!!

"They dared to do what!?"

Artemis roared.

"...Well, I guess we can't avoid this."

Zero sighed as they all sat down.

"I don't want to go in depth about it because that world was DEFINITELY fucked up." He started. "But long story short, a war that was started for probably reason happened was between two factions. The Dark Elf Queen Olga Discordia and the (supposedly) reincarnation of that world Goddess, Celestine Lucullus."

"Again." He said. "I won't go into much because I could not stomach that world anymore then I possibly could."

(Actually, I never played the game or tried to watch any possible YouTube videos of it. That's how much I was disgusted at their fate after reading the wiki.)

"But sometime during the war, a moment of weakness happened. Vult and his mercenary who contracted by the idiot reincarnation betrayed them and started their own dream of having women be their toys."

The women in the theater were shaking with rage. And the Author Gods and Warriors were no better.


Even the denizens of Hell were disgusted by that and they were in Hell for a reason!

Of course, there were some...

"Aw man!"

The stain of all men everywhere whined and complained.

"We could have had our own harems!!"

VI Mineta cried.

"All those mommy milkers just there waiting for the taking."

VI Issei cried tears of blood.

"And we're not there to get our share!"



The Moon Goddess glowed brightly as she and the others walked towards them.


Punches and kicks were thrown as screams could be heard as justice rained down upon the wicked.

-Sometime later-

"Honestly." Ignika took over once everyone settled down. "The problem in that world was that they succeeded. And sadly, even though it sounds misogynistic to say it. It was more the females in that world fault then it was the male's fault."


Ghidorah calmly spoke.


"One: Olga Discordia." He started. "She allowed the monsters under her command to do as they pleased to any humans they caught. And I don't think I need to tell you what they did to them."

No...he didn't.

Though many people looked sick.

Omni and his family were just thanking their lucky stars that Tatsumi and Bailey did not land in that world.

...Otherwise, God be damned. They would have killed Will!

Said God shuddered as he felt their eyes on him.

'Oh, thank whatever higher deity there is!' He thought to himself. 'That the youngest members of the family did not get sent there!'

Because regardless of the fact that it was an accident, if they had been sent to that world.

Then may Neptune have mercy on his soul.

"And then there was how she and the other 'ladies'" Quotes could be heard in that word. "Treated everyone."

"For some weird reason." HoFi Kiana frowned. "The ones in charge were all female."

"And that's bad?"

Cocolia asked, uneasily.

"Well..." Ignika scratched his cheek. "Let's just say...oh there is no easy way to say this."

"They dressed like whores."


"That was blunt!!"

Many people yelled.

"It's true!" Tempest cut in. "Here, let us show you."

With that said the Author Gods opened a massive portal to view the world they were talking about.



Was the appropriate reaction as they saw into the past of the world Ignika had been in.


Because of how the 'leaders' dressed.

Their armor...can it even be called armor?

Obviously, NO.

"What the Tartarus!?"

Hera shouted out in shock!

"Are they asking to be raped!?"

Aphrodite stared in shock and appalled.

Not even she was that bad! Honestly, to her, these women looked like desperate forever alone virgins who want a lover!

"Oh, my God!"

Roxy shouted as she covered Cassie eyes. Mike covering Gregory eyes. Monty looked like he needed bleach, while Chica mouth opened with her pizza sliding out.


ChiChi was in shock at how scandalous these women dressed in.

Bulma was in shock as well.

"Are they that vain!?"

Lorem screamed as she covered Gospel eyes. Zeke looked like he wanted to shove his acid into his eyes. Merii covered Fuuga eyes as Chiharu blushed in pure shock.

(Note: That the kids eyes are covered. They do NOT need to see this)

"And the funny thing is one of them was already married and she still chose to wear that armor."

Shifter Sans added.

"You call that armor!?" Ares just stared in shock! "That doesn't protect anything!"

"Hell!" Christina shouted. "That barely covers their privates!!"

"And isn't Celestine supposed to be a Goddess?!" QE shouted in shock and disgust. "Where's her dignity, her decency!? Why is she dressed up like a whore!?"

Not even Enterprise could keep her stoic face in check. Disturbed by how daring these women were.

"This is disgusting."

Kaga looked green.

"You're telling me."

Katsuragi (SK) groaned.

She was all for skinship, but even she felt this was too much!

"Ugh..." Cain groaned. "Now, I don't feel weirded out that my alternate self is dating kaiju's and a robot-cyborg Kaiju. That's less disturbing than this."

And wasn't that the truth?

It's saying something when getting romanced by a Kaiju robot waifu was less disturbing than this.

"No wonder they were betrayed."

"Do their armors even have magic?" Bradamante asked. "Cause I know with me, my magical energy makes up for me not wearing my armor. But I don't think the same can be said for them."

"And you'd be correct."

Echo nodded.

"Fucking hell!" Mordred swore. "Now I can see why you were insinuating they had it coming!"

"Don't remind me." Ignika grumbled. "But yeah, those idiots didn't realize how people were becoming unhappy with the war and how it was going."

"That slimeball Vult capitalized on that resentment." Albel Nox placed a on the hilt of his katana. "After he decided to betray them, he needed more hands if he was to successfully succeed. Stoking the fires of anger, hate, and resentment he manipulated many to join his cause."

"Not that it was that hard when their families were the ones most affected."

Adray sighed, shaking his head.

"They pulled the trigger themselves." Ignika took over. "They were betrayed, and innocent women raped, and men killed. That's the situation we accidentally landed ourselves in."

"Of course." HoFi Kiana smirked. "That might have been one of the few times he willingly interfered in a world by his own choosing."

"They didn't stand a chance."

Ignika coldly said, a dark terrifying look on his face. Causing to shiver and move back from the stare of pure anger.

Something that other people were showing as well.

"I showed them what true power was and obliterated their pitiful army."

"The Seven Princess Knights tried to banish the remaining males away after the war was over."


"What the fucking hell is wrong with them!?"

Thalia yelled angrily; storm clouds could be heard as her emotions were going haywire.

"They caused this mess in the first place, and their first idea is to banish the males that were innocent!?"

"Let me guess." Batman deadpanned. "They didn't want a repeat so that was their best solution."

"Yeah." Evo shook his head. "A pretty dumb one to be sure."

"How arrogant."

Blair shook her head.

"For sure."

Ethan groaned.

"Let's just say that I let my feelings be known."

Ignika smiled a truly menacing smile.

"I FORCED them to face reality as I told the cold, hard truth. That it was their fault for aggravating the civilians, for not doing much, for wearing such scandalous clothing. Seriously! I don't know why they wore such clothing!"

"Honestly." Ignika groaned. "I wanted to destroy that world, but I didn't because there were innocents living there. I had to stay there and make sure to get it through their thick skulls about their greatest flaws."

"Their stupidity for one."

Spyro deadpanned.

"For sure." Ignika nodded. "But then...I got hitched."


"I'd say I'm surprised." Mirko spoke up. "But not really, who this time."

"Olga Discordia."

Ignika admitted.


"The dark elf Queen!?"

They shouted in surprise.


"Shut up."

Luke muttered to himself knocking VI Issei unconscious.

"Anyways." Ignika continued. "Yeah. While I was there, Olga and I got close, and we ended up falling in love."

"How many sisters in laws do we have?"

Macarios asked.

"Depends." Ignika shrugged. "How many bread have we eaten?"


"You got me."

Adele shrugged.

"Too many."

Gudao shrugged.

"Yeah." Ignika shrugged. "You don't want to know, and I still don't know how I survived with a huge harem."

"Emphasize on huge."

HoFi Kiana snickered.

Obviously jabbing at him about his Kaiju wives.

"Very funny Kiana."

Ignika deadpanned.

"But yeah. The others weren't all that thrilled, but I could care less." He said. "Olga was honestly the one I tolerated the best. And that's because she actually understood why everything went wrong and how she and the others played a part in such a vile betrayal. She understood that her actions helped caused this and that her hatred toward humans would only result in another tragedy such as that."

"And I think she was in shock that I didn't treat her with hate or disgust, that she started looking at me as a potential husband/mate."

"And they tied the knot." HoFi Kiana snickered. "And soon, he had a new wife to love."

"Such a beautiful tragic romance."

Morgan smiled.


"I feel the desire to ask you to let us go to that world and have a talk with them."

Artemis 'smiled'.

As did several others.


Zero said as they turned to the screen.

However, instead of using it for good. He uses it to bully those he deems weaker than him, force girls to join his 'harem' (It fails due to certain people in the school stopping him), and even attempts to use more depraved methods to get what he wants.

"Typical piece of shit."

Maki and Nobara growled.


Bakugou Katsuki

"Oh, great."

Videl rolled her eyes.

"The only one that can compete with Creepsei in being the number one asshole."


Katsuki Bakugou also known as Crapugou. Another 'King' who 'rules' the school.


VI Bakushit screamed.

(Like a bitch)

"Who do you think dumbass?"

Sukuna deadpanned as she checked her nails.

Well known for his pathetic declaration of becoming the 'No. 1 Hero' he possesses the quirk explosion that allows him to create explosion attack from the nitroglycerin in his hands.

"Truly pathetic."

"Why you!"


"Shut up already!"

Hephaestus (68) violently bitch smacked him.

Arrogant, conceited, and heartless. He has viciously assaulted various students just for looking at him wrong. Will not hesitate to harm those who possess a 'villain' quirk, or a mutation quirk that makes them look like monsters.

Luke twitched at that.

His past trauma rearing its ugly head.

Christina and the others gave him a sympathetic look.

(Ironic that the real monster is the one in human form.)

"That's for sure."

Irene muttered to herself.

He has sent many students to the hospital and has threatened both them and their families if they tried to press charges against him.


Taeho muttered to himself.

He might be a psycho but even he had morals!


Dystopian and the others shook their heads.

"And I thought we were the assholes."

"Same." "For real." "Unbelievable." "Bunch of fucking assholes."

They muttered to themselves.

Though many people agreed.

Sasuke Uchiha

Now we have Sasuke Uchiha.



Sasuke actually shouted out loud.

He was a bully?! I mean sure, he did treated people like they were lower than him when he was younger. But there had always been a wall between him and the other kids just because he was a Uchiha. And then the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened, and he kept people at a distance because he feared that Itachi would come back and kill them if he ever made friends with them!

And yes, he did betray the village for a psycho that promised him power. But he always did his best to not kill those that were not his target aka Itachi (at the time).

...Unless you were the Dobe Naruto. Then that was a different matter altogether.

An arrogant ninja who hailed from a now extinct clan (destroyed by the hands of his brother. I think...can't remember if it's said how many he killed besides his parents. I know Obito killed members of the Uchiha clan as well) obsessed with power.

His obsession with power led him to betray his village and join the Snake Sannin, Orochimaru. Eventually betraying him as well once he felt that Orochimaru had outlived his usefulness before returning to Konoha.

"And failed."

Orochimaru snickered.

Sasuke grumbled.

Though, he can't deny that he cheated when he fought him. After all, he attacked Orochimaru at his weakest just to claim victory.

He supposed that was karma for him.

Unfortunately, his return was welcomed by the village who were eager to have the Last Uchiha back.

Thus, inflating his ego and false sense of superiority.

"...I can see why I've become a bully there."

Sasuke groaned.

His counterpart did not experience the journey he did after he betrayed Orochimaru.

While not as bad as the first two, he still treats people like dirt and as if they are beneath him.

"...I suppose there is some comfort out of that."

He muttered to himself.

"Sasuke kun/dad."

Sakura and Sarada looked at him with worry.

Naruto Uzumaki



Naruto screamed a little too loud at that.

"Why would I be a bully!?"

He didn't understand!

And neither did his friends and family.

Naruto a bully?

After the life he had gone through as a child?

The Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune and future Hokage wannabe.

Naruto winced at the scathing words. But knew that his counterpart deserved it.

He has taken a path far different than other versions of him.

"That's for sure."

Neji just stared in shock.

Somewhere along the way, he became heartless and bullied many of the powerless. Be it vicious pranks, or just using the Shadow Clone Jutsu on them just for 'training.'

"What the hell!?"

Naruto shouted in shock!

As did many others.

"Naruto actually bullying people?!" "He's using them as punching bags!?" "How can this be!?"

"This can't be real!?" "Why would he of all people!?"

Many were in disbelief. They couldn't believe that Naruto could do such a thing!

Cruelly treating them as nothing than trash and laughing at their pain.

Naruto looked like his world was shattered.

"To think...in another world I would have become a heartless bastard."

Maybe it was karma, he wondered.

After all, considering how he handled (M/N) situation in Union like it was a joke and the way he handled family life back home. Maybe it was fitting for him to see the one thing he never wanted to see.


Hinata gave her husband a sad look.

Their kids looking at the screen in shock.

"Th-That's not daddy!"

Himawari cried.

"No, it is not."

Joshua said.

"Just a path that he could have taken."

Kugo Ginjo.

A sadistic male who loved to manipulate and cause pain to people just for the hell of it. He enjoys beating the hell out of people just for the thrill of it.


Many asked.

"No need to worry about him, he's not all that bad."

Zero said.

"Unlike certain idiots here."

He side eyed VI Issei and several others.

"Be grateful I'm even-ack!!"

"Shut up, you will." Yoda froze him in place with the Force. "Be shitted upon, you will."


Tempest, Will, Evo, and Shifter all laughed and started choking on their mirth.

"Hahaha!" Echo just laughed like there was no tomorrow! "Man, Yoda a savage!"

"Live over 900 years, I have." Yoda spoke. "Learn many things, I have. Best learned, destruction is."

Natsu Dragneel


Natsumi and Zeref shouted out loud.

"Is that me as a guy?!"

Natsumi screamed.

"Yep!" Zero nodded. "And unfortunately, he's not so much as a bully. But more of a super idiot."

"...What has he done?"

Zeref sighed.

"He has no regard for people safety."

Zero started.

"He has no shame in breaking and entering."

Ei added.

Giving Team Natsumi a stare as they started whistling.

Yeah...they understood that one quite well.

"Where were we?" Amagi spoke up. "Oh! Fights anyone he thinks is strong. Even if they don't want to fight, he forces them to."

"...Wow." Natsumi said. "And I thought I was bad."

"Eh." Amagi shrugged. "Lucy and the others took a more stern approach with you then they did with him."


Zeref sarcastically said.

"There's also burning Lucy clothes for some reason."

Theresa deadpanned.

"...Please don't remind me."

Natsumi said.

She didn't need to be reminded to be more careful where her flames went!

"Let me guess." Acnologia suddenly spoke up. "Eating all of the Celestial Mage food and forcing her to go on missions when she's trying to train."

"That and more."

Evo sweatdropped.

A battle crazed asshole who holds no regards to the damage he causes. Despite being told multiple times by his team, he still causes massive property damage.

No respect for others privacy, will not hesitate to eat all your food without permission, and only cares about how much he gets out of beating the bad guys that most of the reward goes to rebuilding the destroyed village/city/block.

"Makarov." Zero looked to the Fairy Tail Guild Master who stood at attention after being addressed to. "I know you care deeply for your kids. But you need to put your foot down and be more strict with them."

"I know that's not how Fairy Tail works." He added. "But how many times have you guys almost been disbanded?"

"Too many."

Laxus grumbled.

One of the reasons he tried to take over Fairy Tail.

"Not to mention." Zero started. "That you can't hide certain things from them. They need to know."


Makarov said nothing as he knew he was right.


Erza looked at him in curiosity.

"There are some things that I have kept secret because I didn't want it to weigh heavily on your minds."

Makarov admitted.

"We'll talk about it later."

He added.

"Oh, one more thing." Zero remembered. "Commission Lucy to help with those forms regarding the guild. Remember that she grew up Heiress to her family business. She knows how to handle all those legal tax docs and technicalities and such. Hell! She can even find loopholes to minimize costs, expenses, and repairs."


"That means...we can actually save money!"

Makarov cheered as did the rest of Fairy Tail.

Lucy did not appreciate that since she's always scrambling trying to collect enough money to pay her rent.

And for new clothes because Natsu has no respect or consideration for what his actions may have cost them.

(You know. Something that always bothered me in the series is Natsu appetite for destruction. I always had the funny feeling that people have died because of his recklessness and penchant for being wild and destructive. Of course, since he is the main character and hero, we will never know.)

Now onto the 'Queens'


Rias Gremory.

"Of course."

RODK/Union Rias sighed in unison.

They weren't surprised.

While their counterpart looked offended at that.

Heiress to the Gremory family and a Devil King with her own peerage.

Once upon a time, she was a decent, kindhearted person.

"She was?"

Many asked.

But that all changed when she made the mistake of recruiting Issei to her peerage.

"Say no more."

RODK Sona sighed.

It seems that Issei was the sole root of Rias' heartlessness.

She was just glad that the Issei in their world was a good person.

And that Union Rias realized the errors of her way.

Once Issei was brought back as her pawn, she began to change. Issei lecherous personality began to slowly wrap the once kind devil into a twisted, horrifying version of herself. So desperate she was, to get out of the arranged marriage that she willingly let Issei use her to perfect his Dress Break move.

"Such a wasted move."

Gregory deadpanned.

"He could have used it to remove a bad guy power granting armor, and he uses it for stupid reasons."


VI Issei shouted.

"Just wait until you get older! Then you'll see!"

"...I'm already dead and immortal, dipshit."



Clara and William shouted.

"Yeah." Cassie blinked. "Didn't you know?"

"We 'died' after getting sucked into here."

*Crickets chirping*

"I think that answers the question."

Henry Emily sweatdropped.

...Which was a completely useless move in his hands. The time that his opponents were temporarily stunned from the unexpected result of the move was wasted with him ogling their chests.

"Ugh!" RODK Issei shook his head. "Come on! If you're going to waste your time making such a technique, then at least use the actual purpose of it."

"What!?" VI Issei glared at him. "And you don't?!"

"I do use it." RODK Issei admitted. "But I can actually keep myself in check and not leave myself open for attack."

"Unlike you...bonehead."


Sadly, the moment she let him do that. Issei soon began influencing her to his 'perfect woman' of his dreams.

And Rias soon became his cheerleader like the rest of the female half of her peerage.

"Dear Grandmother."

Artemis shook her head.

"He really just like that bastard from that world you just mentioned."

All for their 'beloved harem king'

"Solomon is the true Harem King."

Gudao, Gudako, and Ritsuka glared at the poser.

(Team RWBY but take out the Y)

Future Huntsmen in training.

"That's us!"

If they weren't such bitches.

"Excuse me!?"

VI Weiss and the others screamed.

With the exception of Yang Xiao-Long, team RWBY were nothing more than malicious bullies.

"So...in this world, I don't become a bully."

RODK Yang slowly said.

"Maybe there is still hope."

Ruby constantly tested her new moves and her scythe on innocent students who were just passing by.

"Wh-Why would I do such a thing?!"

VI Ruby shouted in pure shock and disbelief.

"Is that really how I would have become if I became a bully!?"

"Wish I knew."

RODK Ruby and Union Ruby said in unison.

"Not even we did something like that."

Weiss would use her wealth and connections to blackmail, bully, and belittle people with no fear of the consequences.

Blake brutally assaulted anyone who made even an innocent remark about the faunus.


Yang said after looking at the rest of her alternate team actions shook her head.

"How am I not surprised?" Ethan and the others glared at them. "You really are the lowest of the low."

"Shut up!"

VI Blake yelled.

And to those who said anything bad about the White Fang.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

Rodan shouted angrily at the insolent mortal.

"They should keep their mouth shut!" VI Blake snarled. "They know NOTHING of the White Fang and should mind their own business!"

"You ignorant girl!" Ghira shouted. "Didn't the confrontation tell you anything!?"

"Only that you guys are easily gullible!"

She and several others shouted back at them.

Blake (68) stared at her in disgust.

Not even she was that bad in her youth!

"Talk about delusional."

Kiba Inuzuka muttered to himself.

Believing that they should be supporting the faunus movement, ignoring whatever crimes the White Fang had done (They are just misguided! She says) and sacrificing their time and lives for equal rights.

"Why would they do that?"

Shirou asked, shaking his head.

"If they do it just because it's expected of them...that's not support. That's just following the crowd. It has to be their own choice whether or not to support the Faunus. Otherwise, it's just meaningless."

"Shut your mouth!"

VI Sun yelled.

"You don't know anything!"

"Well, at least he knows that you guys are the biggest fools to ever exist."

Shinji shook his head.

How did they make him look like a decent person?

"And misguided?" Vanessa crossed her arms. "Really, is that really the best you got?"

"Why ask such stupid questions, sister?" Vanny giggled. "It's obvious that she barely has a brain to function. Of course, she would fall back on that flimsy defense."

"Why you!"

VI Blake yelled as she lunged at the psycho killer bunny.




She swung her knife and left a deep gash on her. Blood spilling as she fell to the ground.


Her friends as they glared at her.

"What was that for!?"

VI Yang yelled. While she didn't agree with her teammate, she was still concerned for her friend.

"For proving my point right."

Vanny giggled.

Even her fellow faunus were not safe from her. If they even had the slightest inclination to believe that the White Fang was evil, she would be on them like ugly on an ape.

"What a Karen."

Cassidy sipped her drink.

Forcibly trying to brainwash them with her doctrine.

Yang...distanced herself from her old team. With permission from Ozpin, she became a one man team. But it seems that Team RWBY did not get the memo.


She wanted nothing to do with them.

She couldn't believe how shallow and vain they had become! Especially her sister!

'What happened to you, Ruby?' Yang thought sadly to herself.

"High school and the stupid cliques and drama and ego stroking."

Alfred Pennyworth answered.

They had all changed, and not for the better.

Granted, she almost became a bully until a certain someone set her straight.

Once her eyes were opened, she saw the truth.

"Open your eyes to the truth!"

Reverse Flash suddenly yelled.

*High pitch screaming*

And was disgusted at the reality.

'To make matters worse.' She thought to herself.

'Uncle Qrow doesn't even do anything.'



"Why are you so fucking useless!?!?"

Omni Summer yelled after she smacked RODK Qrow in the face.

"Why are you hitting me!?"

He shouted.

"Because you didn't do anything back in your world, so I'm choosing to slap you!"

"How is that logical!?"

"What is logical!?"


Vincent shouted as he suddenly transformed into


"Don't you dare start singing that damn song!!"

Vanessa shouted.

Too late.


After the song.

"...Let's get back to the show."

RODK Malty just said.

"Good idea."

She knew that he stopped from time to time. And she even had proof of Ruby bullying.

But Qrow response?

"You guys are just kids, little dragon. They'll grow out of it."

'Yeah, sure.' Yang thought sarcastically to herself. 'When? When somebody winds up dead?!'



RODK Yang quietly said.

'When somebody winds up dead!?'

Those words shook them to the core.


Because of that one world where (M/N) died when he was 5 because of what they had done to him. And the fact that even in death, he could still smile.



"Death and All His Friends."

Zero simply said to Echo question."


None of them push it any further. They could tell how heavy the atmosphere had become because of it.

The newcomers were confused but chose not to say anything.


Well...except for the dumbasses but Lord Vader had that covered.

It pissed her off to no end at her uncle's response.

Why did he react like that?

And why didn't he at least inform their parents of what was going on?

'Oh, (M/N).' Yang thought sadly to herself. 'I'm so glad you had the foresight to leave! Union is such a mess!'

While Yang contemplates her next move, let's continue.

(The I.S. girls)

Self-proclaimed harem of Ichika Orimura,

 the only male I.S. user in the world.

"Who and what?"

Many asked.


-Timeskip because I am lazy and don't feel like looking up the wiki to explain it-

"Oh..." "Interesting." "Poor guy."

Aggressive and jealously possessive, they attack any girl that even looks his way. With approval from his sister, Chifuyu Orimura of course.

"What a bunch of bitches."

Rachel and Christina simultaneously said.

Unknown to them however, Ichika wasn't as dense as he made himself out to be.

"Well, that's good."

Fire said.

Zero and the others silently chuckled.

Knowing what's going to happen next.

In reality...

He hated them! Both them and his bitch of a sister!

"Oh, fuck!"

Captain (HI3) shouted out in shock.

"It's that bad!?"

"Yeah." Shifter nodded. "It's that bad."

Well, damn.

So, what if he was the first male to be able to pilot a damn I.S.!? That didn't give them permission to treat him as though he was a prize to be won!

"Reminds me of those 'only females possess powers while nearly all males don't' fanfic tropes."

Omni muttered to himself.

"...The what now?"

Kosmo and Griselo asked.


He's not answering that.

And his sister! Was it his fault that she never bothered to tell him how to address her at school? The book thing was his fault yes, but that didn't mean to hit him on the head for a simple mistake!

"What a lousy sister!"

Akai yelled, anger in his red eyes.

His fellow Pokémon Trainers had the same feeling.

Why did she treat him like that when he was lost and confused. He was thrown into a whole world that he didn't know much about!

And let's not get into her mood swings. Acting all strict and uptight one minute, the next acting sweet and like an older big sister should be.

"My God, she's as fake as her Jordans and even more plastic than Barbie."

Cassis shook her head.


And to be honest...he found someone he truly loves.



Kallen blinked.

"And here I thought he wouldn't want a girlfriend or that he would rather be gay then to deal with them."

She said.

(Ashe Ketchum. Yes, female Ash Ketchum. Why? ...Because I rarely see her outside of Pokémon stories. And interestingly enough, in Pokémon books with genderbended male characters, I've never seen a female Ash with the Male Reader. Here though, she's dating Ichika. And has the same backstory as in Return of the Dragon Knights)


Red, Akai, and Fire all screamed in shock and surprise.

First: That Satoshi/Ash was a female in that world.

Second: That she was dating someone!

"She can't date!" Akai overprotective big brother instincts suddenly activating. "She's too young to be dating!"

"She's 17?"

Blue said.

"Still too young."

Red grounded out, terrifying everyone with the fact that he is speaking.

Overprotective big brothers anyone?

An aspiring Pokémon Master to be, with three older brothers who have made their own names in history, with a mysterious secret. The Ultimate Lifeform (P.S. JOJO is going to be in here. So, you can guess who Ashe and her older brothers' father is. Why? Because someone made a comment in the other Union book about the Ultimate Lifeform thing.) And all around badass.

Despite her personality change resembling her oldest brother Red, she had a bashful, soft side.

Which caused Ichika to have massive nosebleeds at how cute she look.

"...I hope our counterparts gave him a good talking."

Fire grumbled.

-In that universe-

Ichika shivered.

"You okay, Ichika?"

Ashe looked at him with concern.

"I'm fine." He smiled. "Just had a chill."

"Hmm..." Ashe mused. "Then how about I warm you up?"

Ichika smiled as he pulled Ashe closer.

"I would love to cuddle with you."

Let's leave these two lovebirds alone.

-Back to the theater-

While Ichika is busy falling in love.

(Sona Sitri)

"Oh no."

Sona shivered.

"Please don't tell me."

Another high ranking devil who fell to the sin of Greed and Lust (for power just to be clear) and began abusing her authority as student president.

"Oh, Satan no."

Sona drowned in despair.

She should have known that she would start craving for more power in another world.

She would fall from grace when a new, far more powerful Student Council took over.

(Satsuki and the Elite Four)



-Yet another explanation later-

Satsuki Kiryuin.



She was fucking blinding!!

A powerful swordswoman who ruled with words and clothes. No nonsense and ruthless, she and her Elite Four dominated the Student Council.

"That is still fucking strange."

Orga said.

"Clothes that grant you superhuman abilities? Even for us that's a new one."

Effortlessly overthrowing Sona and her pitiful peerage and kicking them to the curb.

Not even the World Council dared to cross them for fear of her power and influence.

"That bad?"

Sona asked in curiosity.

"Let's just say..."

Blair spoke up.

"That her mother is NOT someone you want to make an enemy out of."

"Even though she's a fucking bitch."

Joshua actually growled.

That's for sure.

She, along with her recently discovered half-sister Ryuko Matoi, took charge and began fighting back against the corruption that had spread in Union.

"Oh, thank God! That someone is doing something!"

Ava breathed a sigh of relief.

The 'Kings' and 'Queens' were not happy about that and did everything they could to beat them into submission.


Ignika scoffed.

Remembering how they tried to 'intimidate' them into submission when they first met.

Ignika showed them who's the one that's truly on top of the food chain.

Only to be met with incredible resistance as they granted the powerless students Goku Uniforms to combat the injustice they were forced to deal with.

Further pissing them off as now the 'trash' were starting to fight back.

"Hah!" RODK Kadoc laughed. "What a bunch of losers!"

Of course, that's not even including the protectors of the school.

Those like Team CRDL.

"Glad to see that they're on the right side."

Pepe smiled.

Former bullies that were set straight by a certain protagonist.

"Of course."

The current members of Team CRDL just shook their heads with a smile on their faces.

Team JNPR.

"Oh, thank you!"

Jaune said, glad his counterpart did not follow his path.

The Four Heroes (From Shield Hero) and their groups.

"So, we can cooperate."

Ichigo and the Bleach cast.

"Oh, yeah. You did mention them in the explanation."

The Fate Stay Night Cast.

"We're here too?"

(Yes, Shinji Matou is going to be good, and you'll see why later on)

And many more.

Turns out, not many people were all too impressed with the bullies' attitudes.

But alas, as there were many defenders. There were also many bullies.

And the World Council liked to poke their noses into things that did not concern them.

"Fucking pieces of shit."

Gavial muttered to herself.

"Why can't they mind their own damn business."

Always quick to defend the 'star' students that will bring great prosperity to the world.

"Yeah." Cleveland sarcastically said. "And Enterprise will start doing the Macarena."

Ignorant of the fact that other countries and their heroes wanted nothing to do with Union once they learned of the corruption running rampart in there.

"Still hasn't stopped them from poking their noses in where they don't belong."

Bonnie deadpanned.

But that's then.

We're now going into the now.


"Now what?"

Grace (FNAF) muttered to herself.

Where they were in the middle of the fight for their lives.


Well, the Cocksucker Faction...


Cao-Cao shouted.

Wait that's not right.

The Racist Faction...no, sounds close but still not it.

"Kind of is correct."

Vali said.

"Oh, come on!"


Right...The 'Hero' Faction had the brilliant idea to go and release Trihexa from captivity.

With the aid of the League of Villains and Salem and her pitiful lackeys. They had stolen Ophis power and broke the seals placed on Trihexa.


Only for pandemonium to hit.

The moment Trihexa was free was the moment the Hero Faction realized their biggest mistake.

Thinking that they could control a beast of pure chaos.

The moment Trihexa was free...mark the total annihilation of the Hero Faction.

Interestingly, Trihexa did not attack the Nomus and Grimm that were there as well. And even seemed to be commanding them to attack.


Barely even a fraction of its former glory, Cao-Cao was forced to call a retreat as Trihexa effortlessly shook off the attempted mind control.

Almost everyone escaped.

Except for a select few.

"Damn it!"

Kuroka cursed as she grabbed her broken leg.


RODK Koneko shouted in worry.

"Fucking bastard!"

She cursed at Cao-Cao cowardice. The bastard had chosen to flee and leave behind her, Vali, and Vali team to be left to the mercy of Trihexa.


Vali tried to steal some of Trihexa power in order to weaken it.

"Big mistake."


Only for the recoil to be brutal as he was thrown into a building from the backlash.

"Knew it."


Bikou shouted before he was thrown into a building himself.

"Damn it!"

Arthur Pendragon (DxD) shouted.

This was not part of the plan.

The plan was to release Trihexa and use the beast to distract Union from their plans.

Too bad the plan worked too well.

Now Trihexa was attacking whatever it saw as an enemy.

Meaning them...

"Die! You bastard!"

And Union.

Bakugou lunged at the Beast of the Apocalypse. Murder in his eyes.

"Pathetic and lame."

Gregory deadpanned.

"Fuck you brat!" VI Bakugo screamed. "You think you're better than me!?"

"Don't steal my line!"

Roxy shouted as she swung her hand clawed his face.

"My face!" HE screamed. "How dare you do this to the number 1 hero!?"

"With great ease."

Roxy checked her nails.

"Young lady!" Homelander got up. "When we get back, you are going to be in so much trouble!"

"I don't even belong to your stupid world." Roxy shot back. "You have no authority here."

"Then again..." She smirked. "You never did."

Homelander looked like he was about to explode.

"Die and become another footnote in my path to glory!!!"

"You couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag."

Evan deadpanned.

"Why you!"

Screaming, he struck.



An enormous explosion shook the ground as the Beast took the blow.

"Hah!" Bakugou shouted in triumph. "Not even a stupid beast like you can defeat the future number one hero!"


His victory was cut short as the dust cloud was swept away.

Revealing an uninjured Trihexa staring down at him.



Bakugou eyes popped in anger.


"You might have been able to take his attack!" Issei bitched. "But there's no way you can take my ultimate power along with Ascalon!!"

"What ultimate power?"

FSN Medea deadpanned.

"You're not Heracles."

Shouting, he gave off a burst of power after fondling his 'harem' titties.

(Think I vomited in my mouth writing that)


Shuri gave VI Issei a disgusted look.

"Screw you, you-"




VI Issei screamed as T'Challa vibranium claws literally tore pieces of flesh from his face.

(I'm pretty sure you all know what he was going to say. But as that is a word that makes me uncomfortable to say or write, that's why I had T'Challa administer punishment)


His bitch ass harem screamed.


All of a sudden, they were pulled into a black hole.

"Try to survive."

Ignika deadpanned.


Letting out a 'battle cry' he charged.

"Bruh." Kirishima gave him a flat look as T'Challa mutilated him. "A baby can make a better battle cry than you."


A large explosion was the result of that impact.

"HAH!" Issei shouted. "Take that!"

"Fall before the Harem King, baby!!"

"I think Trihexa would have died just to escape his egotism."

Scout deadpanned.

"I believe it."

Ace nodded.

"Go Issei!"

His 'harem' shouted. Suddenly in cheerleading uniforms for some reason.

"The fuck?"

"My love. So strong."

Koneko smiled.

"This is why he is the only worthy man for any woman to bed with."

Xenovia smiled.

"Someone please shoot me."

RODK Xenovia wanted to just curl up and die.

God (OW!) This was so embarrassing to watch!!

"Go Issei-kun!"

Asia (The person, not the continent) cheered.


Naofumi Iwatani grumbled.

It wasn't over yet.

"It never is that easy."

Ch'en shook her head.


And true to his thoughts.

Trihexa was soon revealed to be...unharmed of course.

"No surprise there."

Many people said.



Issei and the Hentai Group shouted in disbelief.

"But that was my strongest!"

"That is so sad."

The Joker said.

Mockingly, of course.

Issei whined.

Trihexa looked down at the insects challenging her.

'This are the so-called heroes?' She thought to herself. 'They barely qualify as a light snack!'

"They don't even qualify as that!!"

Evo yelled.

Glancing at Issei, she mentally frowned.

'Ddraig.' She thought to herself. 'I always knew you were pathetic like Albion, but I never thought it was too the extent that you would get such a worthless host.'

"Screw you bitch!!" SC Issei managed to yell as T'Challa German suplex him, breaking his spine and neck in the process.

'My, my. How far you have fallen.'


Looking down, she saw more of the pathetic heroes trying to hurt her.

(Naruto and Sasuke failed attempts at using a combined Rasengan and Chidori attack on her.

(Which didn't even tickle...hell! it barely registered.)

"We are so weak in that universe."

Naruto shook his head.


Was all Sasuke said.


Only for Trihexa to flick them away.


The insects' voices, so low for her to hear. Calling for the worthless worms that she had knocked away.

'Hmph!' She thought to herself. 'The ones that possess power are the ones busy trying to stop the Nomus and Grimm.'

(Yes, she's aware of what they are. Just because she was sealed, doesn't mean she's unaware of what's happening in the outside world)


While the loudmouths were laughable and easily the weakest of the bunch. Despite all their bragging and what not.

Natsu getting thrown into the air like a ragdoll thanks to a Nomu punching him.



Deciding enough was enough, she prepared herself.

'Time to show these maggots the Pecking Order!'


"Is she one of your students!?"

Goku asked Mr. Popo.

"She feels familiar."

Mr. Popo thought to himself.

'...That explains why she's so powerful.' Ignika thought to himself.

She thought to herself.

Charging up her attack causing people to stare at her in fear.

"Oh no!" Shirou Emiya shouted. "We need to evaluate the surrounding area!"

"And HOW do you expect us to do that!?"

Rin Tohsaka sarcastically asked.

"Can your servant block an attack of that magnitude!?"

While the FSN gang started arguing.


Yang just stared tiredly at Trihexa charging attack.

'Heh...' She thought to herself. 'Maybe in the next life, we can all be happy and become the heroes we could have been.'

Sakura Haruno sighed.

"This is it."

"Giving up!?" Tsunade shouted in shock. "Come on, Sakura! I didn't train you to give up!"

She solemnly said.

Maybe it was punishment for being so harsh on Naruto.

"My doubts and sins are creeping up again."

Sakura sighed.

Or maybe it was punishment for not stopping Naruto from becoming what she was once herself was to him.

"Why am I always late to putting a stop to things?"

Sakura sighed harder.


Hinata Hyuga nodded.

"But at least...I'm with someone that is my friend."

Hinata smiled.

No longer was she so 'blindly in love' with Naruto. After seeing what he had become she felt sick.

How could he act like that when he knew what it was like to be treated differently?


"But..." Boruto trailed off. "If they don't get together...what about us?"

"Not every world that has you guys in it will follow how your world went."

Zero sighed.

"It all depends on how different the circumstances are. And if their love is strong enough to survive."

"Here, things are different because of how everything has changed. Naruto has become a bully, even though he knows what it feels like to be treated differently."

"Not to mention that Hinata has also been bullied as well for having 'odd' eyes you know. So, she would not be able to stomach this. Not even for her crush."


'We'll never know.'

Hinata suppose.

After all, they were going to die right now.

But at least they won't die with fear in their eyes.

"AHH! RUN!" "I don't want to die!" "I can't die here!"

...Unlike the idiots that call themselves heroes.

"Fucking cowards."

Lappland snarled.

"Damn!" Ashe cursed.

Even with her Chaos and Aura powers, Trihexa was too powerful to defeat!

"Could she have stood a chance?"

Yellow asked.

'If only I had all Seven of the Chaos Emeralds, we might have stood a chance!'


Ashe thought to herself.

She only possessed 4 out of 7.

"Oh, Arceus damnit!"

Gold shouted.

Talk about bad luck!

The Kill La Kill gang was gasping as they were forced out of their transformed states.

"Such power!"

Ira Gamagori shouted.

"It exceeds even Lady Satsuki!"

Said person said nothing as she glared defiantly at the monster.

'Is this where it ends?' Ryuko thought to herself in despair. 'I haven't even avenged the old man death!'

(Ryuko Matoi)

"Bloody hell."

Sirius muttered to himself.

"Is it really hopeless?"

Tonks shakingly asked.


Just when Trihexa had finished charging...


Her attack dissipated as she sensed a rapidly approaching power.


'What is this power!?' She thought to herself. 'It exceeds anything I had ever faced! Not even God possessed this much power!'


"Wait!" Neville shouted out. "Then that means!!"


"She stopped?"

Motoyasu Kitamura stared in shock.


Kiba Inuzuka questioned.

"Good question."

Shino Aburame frowned under his cloak.



The wind suddenly started picking up.


Before a massive rift opened up and delivered its guests onto the ground.

"Well...better late than never."

Apollo shrugged.


Once the rift closed itself up.

The group started looking around.

While some stared with disgusting looks of lust (Issei, Mineta, yada yada) and others with confused/power-hungry expressions.

"Of course."

Lorem gave the perverts a disgusted look.

Even in the middle of fight to the death situation, they still choose the time to leer at random hot women instead of trying to escape with their lives.

Some focused in on a rather familiar character.

Who looked different than the last time they saw him.

"Yeeeaaah." Ignika sarcastically said. "That was SO FUN."

It wasn't.

But yet, still felt familiar.


It couldn't be!?


"And let's take a breather there."

Zero smiled.

"So!" He said. "What do you guys want to do?"



"...I think I speak for most of us that we should go and have a TALK with that world."

Artemis smiled.

Many people nodding their heads in agreement.

"Good idea."

Ignika nodded.

"I need to make sure they haven't tried to pull anything behind my back."

"But you left behind guards to keep an eye on them."

HoFi Kiana pointed out.

"Doesn't mean I should trust them not to try anything."

"That's a good point."

Will pointed out.

"Then let's go."

Zero opened up a portal.

"Hold on."

Ivan Ooze said.

"We need to do one thing."


"Oh, yeah..."

Zero realized.


*Music suddenly starts playing*


"Pull the lever, Shredder."

Aku commanded.




The bullies, 'heroes', perverts, and scumbags screamed as they fell into the pool. This time filled with just more than the SCP Crocodile.


Screams of terror could be heard.


Followed by screams of pain as they were ripped apart.

"That should keep them busy while we take care of business."

Zero said as everyone went through the portal to go have some...

...Well, let's just it's not going to be a pleasant conversation.


Random Pic time!


Have a good day/night!

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