#Burrito Bucket

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We open to Babs putting on gloves while monologuing 

Babs: in a world hungry for justice.

Then ties up a band around her waist

Babs: where citizens thirst for righteousness.

And puts on a small sombrero 

Babs: and yearn for the taste of freedom

She then puts on a coat and name tag not spelling her name. BABRA

Babs: one woman's there to serve them liberty they so desperately crave

She then strikes a pose in her new jobs outfit

We then cut to the outside revealing to be a Mexican restaurant burrito bucket. 

Babs: buckets and buckets of burrito's

She walks out whistling until being called out

S: Gordon

We pan up from shoes to a guy with a large nose and annoyed look

Babs: Buenos dias, Shane.

Shane: That's Mr. O'Shaughnessy to you! And you're late. Again!

Babs: I am?

Shane: That's the sixth time this week, Gordon, and it's only Monday!

Babs: Oh, sorry, Shane. Er, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, sir.

Shane: Listen, Gordon, some people know the importance of a good work ethic. Punctuality, responsibility. 

He then lists of the the words. He then takes the hat and shoves it back on Babs

Shane: Some people take their job seriously.

The hat was shoved so down it covers half of of Babs face. 

Babs: Believe you me, Senor O'Shaughnessy, nothing's more important to me than this job. I love Burrito Bucket. I've been a fan of Burrito Bucket since I was five!

She then whips out her phone showing a picture of her hugging a bucket when she was five

Shane: Whatever. If you're late one more time, today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life, you're fired!

Yelling the last out. Babs hat pops of making her clench her face in horror 

Babs: Fired?

Then the room turns into a dark gray wall as she monologues 

Babs: Could this be the end for a habanero heroine, our enchilada enforcer, our lady sentinel of the sacred bean? No!

Shane: What?

Shane said popping from the side

Babs: nothing

He then goes and returns to monologuing

Babs: From here on out, I'll be the master of time management, the crusader of the clock, the expert of hours.

We then cut to her cutting a lettuce fastly while whistling. She then puts them in a pot not knowing behind her a bank robbery is going. She then noticed and stops whistling and sees the car

 Babs: Hmm, suspicious. 

sees a guy with a droopy panda head, horse and duck masks

Babs: Really suspicious.

They then take out and power up blasters with a familiar colours.

Babs: Extremely suspicious! 

They then enter the bank clearly robbing it

Babs: [gasps] I don't think those dudes are bank patrons at all! 

Shane was busy looking at a clipboard until Babs came in

Babs: Mr. O'Shaughnessy! Hey, hey! Mr. O...

Shane: What?

Babs: Bathroom break?

Shane: No.

Babs runs over to him and knees down like she's ready to go

Babs: [panting] Please!

Shane: Ugh. Two minutes. But one second later, and you are so fired

She then sets up a timer

Babs: Alarm. One minute 50. There. Plenty of time. 

She goes to the bathroom and comes out of the exit in her hero outfit. She appears above the sign of burrito bucket and uses her grapple gun. zip wiring to the bank. She peers through the window seeing the men ready to fire

Babs: I knew it. They're totally not bank patrons!

You: you think

She falls getting surprised from seeing you next to her.

Babs: y/n, where did you- No time! Gotta do something.

She then kicks the door and you come in ready.

Babs: Citizens of Metropolis, fear not, for Batgirl is here to put an end to this egregious evildoing.

She then does various poses

Babs: With supreme mastery of the martial arts, terrifically high-tech gadgetry and unshakable moral certitude, she will make short work of these buffoonish bank-robbing baddies!

Robber #2: Hey, who you calling buffoonish?

Babs: Give up now, you foolish fiends, you nefarious nimrods, for now is the time--

Then her watch beeps indicating she needs to get back and looks back at her hero job and real job

Babs: oh no

She doesn't know what to do. Until you stepped Infront of her

You: Batgirl, you can go back to your job. I'll deal with these punks

You then transformed into a black robot with white striping plugs for antenna and a tail

Babs looks up before.

Babs: I'll be right back

She runs out and goes across the street. You look back at the robber before sparking up. Meanwhile with Babs she changes back. Shane counts down

Shane: Three, two, one...

At the last second Babs is back in her uniform 

Babs: Senor O'Shaughnessy, you think I could have my 15-minute break early today? Like... Ooh, I don't know, now?

Shane: Break's at noon, Gordon. No exceptions.

Babs: Uh... Another bathroom break?

Shane: You just went.

Babs: I like to stay really hydrated.

She's under the drink fountain and starts chugging the soda before gagging. She then lands on a partially full trash can

Babs: Oh, no, that trash can is awfully full. If only I had a short break to take it out to the dumpster.

Shane: Ugh. Fine, Gordon. One minute!

She then takes out the bag and saluted 

Babs: Si. One minute.

She then bounces back to the bank with trash. You were holding one bank robber by the hood slightly jolting as sparks come of. Another was wrapped in your tail and another was ready to fire his gun. Until Babs came in dropping the trash bag to the floor

Babs: Time to take out the trash.

Robber #2: What do you mean, take it out? You just brought it in here.

You: bat, I can handle this go before-

Babs: ignore the spark plug for I bat, bat.. bat. . .bathroom

She then holds her stomach and runs to the bathroom kindly pointed by one of the workers. While you and the robbers looked at eachother confused. The one in your hand fires the gun dropping him and the other. The blast sent you flying.

Babs, flushes. washed her hand and jumps out ready

Babs: Now, where were we...

She was intrupted by another beeping from her watch

Babs: ah crud.

You were on the ground slightly dizzy.

You: Babs, I could handle this, don't come back okay

But she doesn't hear you and was already outside and running to her other job. She comes out of the bathroom and almost runs into her boss. She sneaks back in the counter and her boss giving a suspicious look. Babs who's struggling to keep a smile and Shade giving more of a suspicious look.

But was saved when a costumer walks in

Babs: Hola. Can I take your order?

Customer: Uh, yes. One bucket of tacos, please.

Babs: Hey, you look like a guy who likes it hot.

Customer: Uh, I do? Uh...

She then drop of a few tacos and squirts the entire bottle of hot sauce, drenching them. She then gives a few more squirts and throws the bottle away

Babs: Oh, no! Out of hot sauce. Running to the store!

Shane: Two minutes!

She then runs of leaving a customer and his hot sauce covered meal. 

She returns to the bank to see you being shot at all angles. Babs shoots her grapple gun and it grabs one of the robbers guns, reeling it to her

Babs: not so fast

She then throws it in the air pulling a grenade out throwing that to exploding the gun making the other ones stop shooting

Robber 1: what is with this girl

You: Babs what did I say.

Babs: that you need help and stopping these nimrods

You: that's the exact opposite of what I said

Babs: anyway this girl going to kick your-

And again her watch beeps.

You: bat's! Stay at your job! Now!

She blinks before running back. You then launched your tail at one but was still getting shot at. Babs rushes out in her work clothes hitting into her boss who doesn't flinch. She mearly waves.

Shane: Where's the hot sauce?

Babs: I, uh, well...

The door opens saving her. But wasn't a costumer but a mail man

Babs: Customer!

Delivery Man: Metropoleats Delivery Service. I'm here to pick up an order for--

Babs gets Infront swiping the leys

Babs: I'll take it!

The delivery guy falls to the floor a bit confused

Delivery Man: Ahh!

Shane: Two minutes!

Babs was in the delivery car driving past but crashes into the bank, and sees three people tied up and you still as the armoured spark plug slightly dizzy as green pulses out of you

Babs: [grunts] Hostages! Seriously?

Robber #2: You took our keys.What are we supposed to do? Look, just let us leave with the cash and nobody gets hurt. Plus your partner over there has been taken a beaten, sorry pal

Babs: Oh, someone's gonna get hurt.

You dizzy: Babby, quit stalling and get the burgers. And stop with distractions, boy what is in that gun and where can I get some of that, Jim's give the money back after your done

Babs: anyway, prepare to- 

Then her watch beeps.

Babs: Oh, come on! [grunts]

She jumps over and comes back, tripping over the counter already back in her outfit. She sees Shane who looks up with a glare. Babs freaking out behind the soda machine.

She brings out her communicator calling someone revealing to be Barry

[line ringing]

Babs: Flash, I need your help. I've got a hostage situation at the bank, y/n needs back up, but if I leave work right now my boss will kill me!

Flash: Say no more. I'm already here.

She looks out the window and sees Flash outside ready. He then waves and she waves back 

Babs Great. Be there ASASHP. As soon as super-humanly possible.

Flash nods and enters the bank flying around the place. Babs watches and Shane clears his throat. She sees him giving her the I'm watching you look.

She gulps but clears up when a customer walks in 

Babs: Uh, hola, amigo. What will it be?

Customer #2 :Yes. I'll have... um... a burrito.

Babs: A burrito? How about a bucket? Do you want tacos with that?

Customer #2: Hmm. Tacos. Tacos.

Babs clearly not patient with this guy who is talking so slow. She checks behind hearing silence in the bank 

Customer #2 :Tacos, tacos, tacos. You know, a burrito does sound... burrito-ey... Hmm. Tough choice. Just give me a minute...

Her eye twitches at his hard slow voice.  When we go back to Babs a third time it's revealed to be a bucket on a broom with a  poorly painted face on

Babs: One minute, got it!

Customer #2:...to decide.

She enters the bank gets surprised

Babs: [gasps] Flash, what happened?

Revealing to be Flash also some how tied up

Flash: Dude, I'm as surprised as you are.

You: even I was a little surprised. Babs go back now!

Babs: [stammering] But--

Her alarm beeping again

Babs then screams running back to her replacement and forcefully smiles. But

Customer #2: You know what? I want sushi. Peace!

Babs groans and head  butts the counter. Shane enters the room yelling

Shane: Gordon! We just got an order for 100 buckets. Get to work!

Babs: [stammering] A hundred buckets? [yells] Are you kidding?

She then looks at the clock saying 12AM

 Babs:  A-ha! Sorry, time for my federally mandated 15-minute break.

Shane: Fine, but when you get back, I want those 100 buckets. You better not be late, or I'll rain down a firing upon you like you've never seen!

Babs: Yes, sir, senor, sir. There's no way I can't take care of this in 15 minutes. 

She slides in throwing one batarang at a robber knocking her gun out and starts untying the hostages, Barry and you who is making a heart monitor on your visor. She finished untying and punches one in the chin. Cut the ropes of another. Bearing a crook with a money bag. She slices another rope and picks up Barry

Babs: Flash, I need you to take out the trash, buy more hot sauce, and deliver the burrito buckets to the totaled car out front.

She gives money, trash and a bucket of burrito to Flash who was happy to do so

Flash: Right-o.

Babs: Just one thing left to do. Take your butts to jail.

She then looks at the dazed crooks and rushes them. She jump kicks one grabbing the bag of money throwing it to the vault. She slaps another grabbing his bag and throwing it in the vault. She was about to punch the last one but gets the alarm.

Babs: Oh, no, the order!

She lets go and rushes back and starts folding in the burritos. Punched the panda masked crook. Drenching tacos in guacamole kicking the horse crook in the back but was still in her work outfit. She stuffs burritos in a bucket and punches someone in the face in her outfit revealing to be a worker in the bucket burrito 

Jimmy: Hey!

Babs: Oops! Sorry, Jimmy. Huh?

She kicks one crook in her Mexican outfit. Putting chili in a bowl in her Batgirl outfit. She slides into the bank wearing both outfits. But sees all three bandits tied up in your tail while calling the police.

You then tied them in a rope as they struggle. You transform back dusting yourself off

You: hey Babs

Babs: you got them

You: yeah I got them. Babs you need to focus on one thing. I'll handle the crime you handle your job okay

Babs looks down a bit disappointed. You then raised her head and gave her a smile

You: but when your not working you can join me

Babs then smiles and you wrap her head and give her a noogy making you two both laugh

You: come on let's get something to-

You then have an idea

You: actually.

You look at Babs and gave her a smirk

You: I have something to make your day

Later Shane was writing in his clipboard while counting the stack of bucket burritos until the bell rings

Shane: 95, 96, 97, 98, 99... A-ha! One bucket short, Gordon! That means you are so--

He cuts of when something was right in his face a raptor-like creature but with a crest, narrow bill and blue skin 

You growl and roar in his face making him scream. But then the back door slam out revealing Babs but with poncho as a cape, sombrero and the bucket head  

Babs: stop right there

You look at her and hissed

Babs: I am the Burrito Bucketeer!

You were about to pounce but she takes out three burritos and throws them landing in your mouth making you swallow it whole. She then brings out guacamole bottles and squirts them on your footing making you slip. She then puts a carpet under you and slipped on it. She then uses a lettuce shredder on you. She then wraps you up leaving you in burrito like trap. You then break free and fled wining. Shane rises up surprised and shocked

Shane: Gordon! Guess you've saved the restaurant.

Babs: I sure did. Seems like I should get my job back, huh?

Shane: [mumbles] Your job... Yeah.

Babs: Oh, thank you, Mr. O'Shaughnessy! And, seems like I should also get hour-long lunch breaks, huh?

Shane: No!

Babs: Half-hour it is.

Shane: No.

Babs: Employee of the Month?

Shane: Ugh. I'll give you Employee of the Night!

We then cut to Babs on top of a water tower.

Babs: [gasps] I am the night. The Employee of the Night!

Then the same raptor jumps on and transforms into you. Babs then tackles you into a tight hug

Babs: thank you, y/n!

You: your welcome Babs

You and her stand up and she gives a peck on the cheek before leaping down and grappling hook out. You mearly smile and lay down watching the night sky.

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