DC super hero girls sweetJustice

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We now set ourselves in a junkyard and we'll junk. Zee summons a new outfit with the suggestion for a cape

Zee: Ugh, I conjured a new outfit to hang out in a junkyard?

You: for now this is the training grounds

Babs: Shh. She knows what she's doing.

Diana: Soldiers! 

We then stand straight as she paced around

Diana: Our mission is to save the world of Man.

Babs: That's right.

Diana: In order to do this...

Babs: Preach, sister!

Diana:...we must learn to save...

Babs: Whoo-hoo.

Diana: ...man himself.

We then see Mannequins posed as Citizens 

Karen: Um, I think those are ladies.

You: but still, we get the point

Diana then throws her shield at a pile of cars which begins to sway unsteadily and were about to land on the Mannequins but Wonder woman runs and jumps, kicking a car away, saving one  from being crushed and dodging other falling cars. As the dust clears we see her standing with Mannequins on each muscle and one under her arm.

Diana: And now, it is your turn.

We looked at eachother and back at her. First we see Diana on top of a pile of cars training with Super girl surrounded by mannequins. She pushes the pile towards her. Super girl flies up full force crushing the cars. Proud she look at the group who have horrified looks and Diana with a disapproving shake. She looks down to see all the Maniquins crushed by the left overs. She lands down and chuckles.

We then cut to later where we're going to a comic book store

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 4. Pop culture.

We enter and going passed a few shelves of them

Zee: [groan] Culture? Is she kidding?

You: well I've seen weirder 

You then look to see next to you was a card board cut of Doctor who 10th and Rose. You grumble a little and push it over

Zee: I mean what kind of culture is. This

She picks up a comic book making Babs see it and gasps

Babs: [gasp] O-M... No way! It's the super-rare Batman giant super-special with limited edition pull-out Batman poster. I would kill for this!

As she tell while examining it and unfolding it

Diana: Have you learned nothing? We must protect the innocent, not engage in needless slaughter over material goods.

Jessica: Diana, it's just an expression. A figure of speech. For instance, if you are hungry, you might say, "I'd kill for a burrito." Go on, you try.

They stepped out and Jessica points at a burrito vendor. Diana walks over and yells at the guy

Diana: [inhale] [exhale] I WILL KILL YOU FOR A BURRITO!

He then took of running and Diana holds up cash

Diana: Accept my payment or DIE!

We mearly stay behind and get slightly scared while Kara was getting excited. You all took of running after her. Later everyone's back in the junkyard where the mannequins are on a conveyer belt going to a crusher which crushed a car into small cube.

Diana pushes Zee meaning her turn, she smiles confidently and gets her hands making a small sphere appear her eyes glowing purple then makes the sky spark in a purple hue.

The rest of the gang were mesmerized while Diana was skeptical and sees a car get crushed still clearly on. She then shows of her skills 

She makes a purple appendage which simply flick a switch turning it off. She floats down and does a few bows as magic hands appear clapping

And meanwhile the rest of the team had confused looks. She then makes a kissing motion as a small hearts came out. 

Babs walks over and taps her shoulder then points seeing the mannequin have already been boxed, she gasps a bit horrified.

Later we see Kara holding a dog by the chain and Jessica putting a stake on the face of the mannequin and looked like she was going to throw up.

We then see it was Karen's turn clearly afraid. Diana swipes her hand indicating start. Karen swallows up and shrinks, activated her rocket and aims.

Kara released the dog, he charges. Karen presses the button but nothing happened. Then a rocket fires the other end she looks back seeing it charge and flies away. She wasn't looking and hits the stake and the dog was about to eat her and the stake but then you jumped in and transformed into a giant cat with four eyes

You roar making the dog cheeks flap back. He whined and runs to the other side of the yard. You transform back and still in her bee form, Karen fly's up to your face hugging you tightly. You pat her back softly making her calm down.

Later the team is now in a spa where everyone was getting pampered but Kara was not getting it while you were sitting next to her

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 26.

She then splashes her feet in the water

Babs: Uh, what are we doing again?

Zee: Pampering ourselves. Isn't it relaxing?

For Zee she was enjoying the massage and nail preening. Diana was having trouble and was slightly uncomfortable. You were next to Kara not doing the preening

Zee: An important part of being a teenage girl is taking care of yourself.

Diana: And, in the world of Man, the toe-nail is the point of focus?

Zee: Precisely. Isn't this fun?

Spa employee: Such enormous calluses.

Diana: Ugh!

She gets surprised when a woman was looking over her man foot hairy, bent nails and toes

Spa employee: Time for the big gun.

She takes out a saw blade getting ready to use it. But Diana takes out her lasso

Diana: WEAPON!

Then everyone took of running while Diana took chase and you get of the couch to after while everyone else did the same. Kara took a while to process.

Later back at the junkyard. Wonder woman chose Babs to do her lesson, she mearly waves with a smile. Diana then points at a stuffed cat hanging on a branch through another group of mannequin's.

Diana looks back but sees Babs destructed by a butterfly. But got out when Diana through a rock at her and told her to focus. She gives a thumbs up before getting serious.

She then took of running sliding under one, jumping over with a flip. Fly kicking one in the head sliding past a few pulling the pin of a grenade and throwing six extras.

She back hands two behind her before an explosion does the rest. She then jumps high saving the stuffed cat holding it up while there were littered parts and scorch marks.

Not realising her mistake. The rest of the team we're either disappointed or disturbed.

Babs: Uh, those weren't bad guys?

You: no they weren't Babs 

Next was Jessica's turn. Diana points at a digger operated by Babs. Diana showing to attack but Jess refuses. She simply puts them in a vault and flings them back and smiles. Diana shows another interpretation and you got eaten by the crane making her gasp. You then broke free thanks to two gauntlet on you 

But the pieces scattered hitting one mannequin in the face and some hitting there arms like shrapnel.

Diana: it is your turn y/n 

You: alright what am I up against 

Diana: a flood has occurred 

She then goes to the base of a water tower and breaks it causing it to topple and water spilling to a group of mannequin's. You run to the front of the wave and whip out a wand like staff with wings and a crown with a tail as the bottom

You blow at the top causing ice wind to come out, freezing the flood in place inches away from you

Zee: that was amazing

Jessica: incredible 

Diana: you truly are powerful 

You Desmond the staff and took a bow. Later you all are in a theater 

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 86... Romance.

You: you should pass this one.

Aiden: I never wanted to love her, Alexandra. But she's the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me, ever. So, why hasn't Caitlyn texted me?

Most of the girls were in teary eyes. Kara was sleeping and Diana confused and you well not really liking the script and the guy. What is with the lips

Alexandra: She just needs time, Aiden. It's only been two days. If she texts after three days,that's irrevocable love.

Diana: What is happening?

Karen: Aiden just realized he can't live without Caitlyn. But Alexandra is telling him that Caitlyn won't text until tomorrow, because that's exactly what Michael didn't do to her when they broke up. And, isn't it all just so sad and beautiful?

Diana: Teenage males are very confusing.

Everyone except you and Diana and Kara: tell me about it

We then see the girl possibly Caitlyn, looking out of a stormy window then

Aiden: Caitlyn!

She looks and sees him standing at the door way then Caitlyn takes of her glasses dramatically then the two hold eachother 

Aidan: You will be mine, Caitlyn. Forever.

He then was about to kiss her when

Diana: Beware, Caitlyn! Aiden attacks!

Diana takes out her sword and slashes the screen pieces of it falling on us

Karen: No, Diana! He's just going to... Kiss her.

We then walk out of the theatre 

Kara: She is just not getting it, you guys.

Babs: No! I am not giving up on this team. There's got to be some place to loosen up an uptight warrior princess.

Karen: Oh, I know.

We pan up and we are now at a pier booming with lights and sounds. We then see the group in front of an arcade. You all go in and started playing the games like skee-ball. But when Kara did it she broke the whole thing but made Diana Laugh. She then tries getting the first hole.

Later she was trying pizza getting a bite but the cheese stretches out getting her tangled in it making all of you laugh. The group then go on the marygoround. Diana with her swords out, Zee elegantly riding, Karen slightly scared, Jess properly, Babs waving, Kara like race horse and lastly you riding but your resting your legs on the horse's head.

Next we're on a rollercoaster as it climbs higher to the drop. Babs smile grows larger and Diana slightly scared.

Later Babs is dancing to a guitarist who plays an electric guitar and Diana joins in doing her dance and then they run of to a photo booth where Diana gets pushed in. First it was just her then more of the group come in until

(Your on the top right corner next to Jess)


At Lex corp someone was on his big computer downloading something until uploading to a warehouse where thousands of small trashcan sized robots activate. Then started putting up eviction notices at places the heroes had been. 

Back at the pier everything was chatting then Zee noticed something before stopping them.

Zee: man and Ladies, after a night like tonight, there's only one thing that can cement this friendship. Frosting!

We stand outside an ice cream parlor 

Kara, Jessica, Karen, Zee: sweet justice!

They run in leaving Babs and Diana confused but I knew exactly what do 

Kara: You do not wanna miss this.

She drags the three of us in. Babs has her face up against the window display clearly awestruck 

Babs: How did I not know about this?

Then a blond guy in the uniform 

Barry: Hey, guys. So, what's the haps, what's poppin', what's the latest? Can I get you something sweet? Sure hope so, 'cause that's what we have. It's sort of our specialty.

Your mind: of course the flash, half a mind thought it was the candy

Jessica, Kara, Karen, Zatanna: Hi, Barry.

Barry: So, what'll it be? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usua—

He stops seeing the three of us clearly seeing we're new

Zee: Babs will have the candy cake triple ripple tower with the rainbow sprinkles and Diana will have the death by chocolate.

Diana brings out a small mace

Zee: Figure of speech, Diana. And y/n will have volcanic candy dino with everything 

He then whips them out giving them to us

Barry: Here you go. Oh, hey, nice to meet you, Diana.

Diana: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I shall await your text message in three days' time.

He mearly blinks and you talk with him

You: she's new, so am I. y/n please to meet you

Barry: Barry Allen. Nice meeting you, so you go to the same school

You: yep, right I'm going to go with them and have the most incredible desert ever created 

Barry: enjoy

I sat with the girls and see my volcano

Diana pokes her pudding and sees everyone else eating there's including me

Jessica: Well, what are you waiting for?

She looks back and takes a spoon full and takes one taste bud of it. Then goes wide eyed like she's floating on a cloud. She drops her spoon before stuffing her face and finishing.

Diana: Never have I tasted such wonderment. More. I must have more of this magical concoction.

She then slams back down staring at Karen's milkshake

Diana: Do you intend to eat that?

She doesn't say anything and Diana takes gulping it down. Jessica offers her lime pie gladly takes. Then takes the rest of the desserts. Before fainting in the bowl

You: I think she has a sugar crash

Karen: Diana-

She stands clearly filled with cream

Diana: brother and sisters! This food is more delectable than ambrosia, this place more perfect than Elysium. I declare that we must celebrate our every future victory here and thus!

Babs: Sweet Justice for the win!

Diana: I do not know what that means!

Sweet Justice owner man: Hey, what are you doing? We turned down the offer. Get out of here, please.

We then turn and see the owners fighting with someone 

Sweet Justice owner woman: We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer.

Barry saluted and is of to get the lawyer

Jessica: Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?

Then a woman screams and a fleet of trash can bots enter

emo-bot foreman: Attention, citizens. :This business or dwelling has been categorized for immediate destruction.

You: immediate destruction?

Then the people in sweet justice gasp in shock

Demo-bot foreman: By order of the city of Metropolis, you must vacate before structure removal begins. You have 30 seconds to comply.

Then everyone starts running out 

Kara: What should we do?

Zee: What can we do? They're city robots.

You: and very pushy

Demo-bot foreman: You have 15 seconds to comply.

The owners back away holding eachother then we stepped in front

Sweet Justice owner woman: Please, kids, let's go. Nothing we say is gonna stop 'em.

Jessica: But the city can't tear this place down without your permission. This doesn't make sense.

You: plus all your finances and bills are all in order so they have no reason to do this

Demo-bot foreman: You have ten seconds to comply. Ten...

Diana: Is this a law we must obey? Or should we fight?

Sweet Justice owner man: Girls, please. This isn't worth getting hurt over.

Karen: Let's get out of here. We're not ready for a fight.

Demo-bot foreman: Two, one... This completes your warning. Demolition will now begin.

It then lifts up revealing saw blades and swords. Then more busted through the walls they then started to wreck the place one even destroyed my, my, my VOLCANO. It was then going to a kid with the goggles not noticing this.

Boy: Johnny, look out!

It was about to run him over when you punched its side sending it flying. Everyone gasps in shock and instead of a hand it was a giant bulging green arm

The robot gets up about to behead you making the girls gasp but it doesn't notice the slime bubbling on its side until exploding behind you.

You: that was for the volcano, damage and unlawful act

Diana: he is right, it matters not if these villains are protected by man's law. Our mission is to protect the innocent. And that is what we must do. Come, sisters. This is our time

We then see the owners about to be run over until Kara in her super outfit appears below lifting it up and flinging away. The owners got out and safe.

Kara: You're right. This is our time.

Two were going towards Kara but one shrinks down to size thanks to Zee's magic the other pulled off by Babs rope. We then see the rest of the girls in there super outfit's

Jessica and Zee: Yeah!

Diana: Huzzah! Let us earn more chocolate.

She then kicks two away from her and does a jump kick on one a few away

Babs: Hee-ya!

Babs does a rope swing on one. Kara smashes one out crashing to another. Karen punches one but does nothing since she's in her small form. She was about to be run over when you stabbed it from behind and cut it through with a sword. It has ribbon tangled around at the base and blue find near it as well

Karen: thanks y/n

You: no problem

We then see Zee was preforming a magic spell

Zee: og tog mrof ecnehw uoy emac ["go got from whence you came" with each word in reverse]

 The robot then disappears. She then makes magic hands appear as she bows to the applause 

Zee: Thank you, thank you. Nobody gets past the great Zatanna!

You: Zee get your head of the applause and help

A robot then goes towards two people with goggles. Diana who sees while holding one robot back

Diana: Great Hera! Why do they not run? Quickly, Supergirl, you must— 

She wasn't finished when she passes by

Kara: I got it!

Diana: No, wait!

Kara: I said I got it! 

She was going to throw it but rips the arms of

Kara: Oops.

It was flying to two other people also wearing the goggles. Jessica noticed and Desmond the cage full of robots and summons a trampoline making it bounces, over her and hitting a wall making it crack.

A piece of plaster was about to land on her but she covers herself. She then sees five more passing her then she's Karen 

Jessica: Bumblebee, try short circuiting them

She looks and sees one on top of her with blades out

Karen: [yelp] [gasp] It's too scary! I don't want to! I can't!

She flutters and fly's away. I took over and slashed one then another with the sword and see her fly away

You: bee wait!

Meanwhile Babs was on top of one punching it before sliding down and sees a group about to slice two women wearing goggles. She was about to throw her  batarang but a piece of plaster hits her head making her panic and started throwing her weapon all over

Diana: Focus Batg— Oh, Hades! I shall do it myself!

She unties one from her rope, dodges one form being from cutting her. She grips its arms and pull them off and throwing the other away. She spins the dismembered arms and use them to stab one and flips over getting another through then punches one through

Zee: Take this, heinous beasts!

She sees through the hole Zee fighting and sends a blast to Diana's bot but goes through the hole hitting her making Zee gasp

Zee: I didn't mean you.

Diana was sent flying hitting Kara to a wall they look up seeing it get more cracks. Jess who was holding it long enough

Jessica: [grunt] Everyone out! It's coming down!

She uses her ring to scoop up the people and all of us ran out. We look at the pile of rubble which used to be Sweet Justice. A couple robots pass by

Demo-bot foreman: Thank you for your cooperation. You will receive a bill for any damage to city property. Have a nice day.

You: I hate those bots

Diana then slaps Kara behind the head

Diana: Insubordination! Why did you not await my orders?! You are reckless!

Kara: Well, excuse me, Princess, in case you didn't notice I was the only one in there actually fighting!

Karen: Nh-h, I was fighting.

Zee: You were cringing.

Kara: If you wanna yell at someone, yell at her! One flick of that ring, and she could've taken all of them out!

I noticed through the yelling Batgirl was examining something on the ground. I go over to her while everyone else was yelling

Jessica: Oh, like Zatanna took out you and Wonder Woman?! Or was her showboating a better strategy?!

Zee: At least my magic blast did more than some silly magic rope!

[overlapping chatter]

She picks up the object revealing to be a symbol.

You: wait that's

I spin it in her hand revealing to be Lex corp. She gasps in shock 

Babs: You guys. You guys!

She then gets the attention of the rest of the girls.

Babs: It's okay, it's okay. We can fix this. A city would never demolish a private business! And demo-bots would never endanger the public! They were rigged! By Lex Luthor.

Jessica: Lex Luthor?

Rachel: The rich guy?

Babs: Uh-huh.

Zee: The wealthiest and most powerful man in all of Metropolis?

Babs: Uh-huh.

Kara: Oh, jeez. Focus, Batgirl! What could Lex Luthor possibly have against cupcakes?!

Babs: Uh... Huh? Uh, I don't know.

You: well there's gotta be a reason why he did this. And plus

I got my holo screen out revealing a map of metropolis and other locations that Lex got to

You: turns out Lex's bots got to location's we've been to, the salon and the movie theatre 

Babs: see y/n has it there has to a be a link

She faces the group and sees them looking down and sees Karen putting her suit in a bag 

Karen: Face it. We were never meant to be heroes. Especially me.

She then leaves

Babs: Bumblebee, wait.

Zee: Well, I for one concur with Karen.

Zee then shifts back into her other clothes

Zee: I never wanted to do this in the first place.

She then held her head high walks away

Babs: No! You guys! Come on.

Jess pulls her ring of and shifts back and also leaves

Jessica: I knew this stupid ring would lead to violence and destruction.

Kara: Like I said, trying to be a hero is for chumps.

Kara also in her clothes leaves. Leaving me, Babs and Diana 

Babs: Wonder Woman?

We look back to see her facing the ocean 

Diana: Barbara Gordon, meet... my mother.

A woman in her prime age walks through the mist cladded in armour and furred cape

Your mind: of course Hippolyta 

She walks to Diana showing her height then the smoke clears showing rows of Amazonian's 

Babs: [gasp] Dude, your mom looks like a final boss.

Hippolyta faces Diana with a disapproving look 

 Hippolyta: Disguising yourself as a warrior, entering the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite against the wishes of your Queen, leaving Themyscira without my permission!

We then go up to her a bit shock

Babs: Wait, you snuck out? But I thought it was your destiny to save the world of Man.

 Hippolyta: This insolent child has no such destiny! She has brought shame upon her people! Come, Diana! It is time to return home—

She then grabs Diana by the ear and drag out

Diana: Ow, ow, ow!

 Hippolyta: —and accept your punishment. You are in for the grounding of your immortal life, young lady.

She drags her to a Roman like ship

Babs: [weepily] Diana? 

Babs looks down solemnly

You: Babs, come on don't just give up. Now where is that-

You was interrupted when a dial tone plays and she has taken her mask of and was on the phone with Gordon 

 Babs: Dad, can you come pick us up?

You: Babs?


We were now in Gordon's car he looks at the both of us through the mirror 

Gordon: So, have fun with your new friends?

Babs: [coldly] Yeah, I did.

Gordon looks at her worried and looks at me

You: we're just having a slump day, names y/n l/n and I've heard alot about you

Gordon: really never thought metropolis gets me on news

You: actually I travel a lot and I traveled to Gotham once or twice and heard of you

Gordon: well pleasure to meet you y/n must be expensive doing what your doing

You: yeah but I know how to get around.

You look at Babs who is still scrunched up sadder then before.


After the car ride I enter Babs room and she immediately went into bed. I got up with her stroking her covered head as the radio plays the most depressing songs. She lifts the covers and sings along and hugs a crudely made batman doll

Babs: ♪ I don't wanna go so low ♪

♪ Baby, you and me ♪

♪ We were the greatest team ♪

It then cuts of and her iPad rings from Harleen. She picks up and Harleen Quinsel

Harleen: Babsy!

Babs: Hi, Harleen.

Harleen: So? Status update, please. How's the new digs? Come back to Gotham! I miss you!

Babs: Oh, I miss you, too. Metropolis is... lonely.

Harleen: Oh. That bad, huh? Oh, Babbly-boo, I hate being apart. If I had to do it all over, I'da done more ta keep you hea. Best friends, they're worth fighting for, ya know?

You: yeah

Harleen: who's that, is that a boy, ooo Barbra ya girl

Babs: what?! No it's not like that

Harleen: Babs baby, can I see him

She mearly groans and brings the iPad to me where I meet the maiden of crime

Harleen: ooo, he's a hunk, careful Babs I might try and steal him

Babs groans and has a blush on her face and then sirens go of in the background 

Harleen: Listen, kid and hunk. I gotta run. Gotham stuff.

Babs: [chuckles] [sigh] Gotham stuff.

She kisses the screen.

Harleen: [kiss] Love ya, Babsa-dabsa-doo! And handsome

She runs and turns the chat of leaving us. She looks up and starts wailing tears. She get up and gets down from the bed, walks across to the mirror seeing herself then looks at a picture of us in the photo booth smiling.

She then grows detriment and looks at you who holds up her costume with a smirk. She get in the costume jumps out the window followed by you. We were now driving on her moped through the streets dodging cars

You: welcome back, Batgirl 

She smirks before speeding up. We then stop at particular house. She rings the door bell out came Kara but grows a fed up look

Babs: I know you're—

But Kara slams the door shut. Next was Zee 

Babs: —mad at us, but—

Also slams it next was Jess

Babs: —you gotta hear—

Next was Karen

Babs: —me out! We have to—

Karen: Sorry, Babs. Sorry. [door shuts] I really am sorry.

Babs got a little fed up and you closed it for her. She then slam's her head on the door

Babs: Gotta save Diana.

She then gets an idea. She rushes to the moped, presses a button and out came multiple screens. She cracks her knuckles and types in something.

Meanwhile every phone for the girls goes of at the same time they then pick 

All: I'm not talking to you, Babs!

Babs: Guys, don't hang up!

You: We have something to say to you so don't hang up.

Kara: Give us one reason why not!

Babs: 'cause I need you to fight!

They had there fingers ready to hang up on us

Babs: Plus the alarm will sound again.

They groan and listen to Babs

Babs: Look, I know not all of us wanted to be heroes, but one of us did.

She pulls up a picture of us in the booth and zoomed in on Diana

Babs: Her. We don't have to choose to be heroes. But Diana's super scary warrior mom is dragging her back to her crazy magical island forever and now the one of us who knew for sure she wanted to be, she's the one who doesn't have a choice. She wanted to save everybody in the whole entire world, and now she needs saving.

Each of them were looking at there hero ways. Kara her costume which hanged up. Jess her ring. Zee a pet bunny in her hat then strokes it and Karen her suits helmet

Babs: You don't have to be heroes if you don't want. You don't have to fight. Except this one time. Because she's our friend. And best friends, they're worth fighting for, you know? ...Hello? Hello?

Kara: Yeah, you cut out for a second there. Can you repeat all that?

She groans clearly not going to say that

You: okay simple and short, save Diana from her mom and do as a team, as friends 

They looked at eachother and grow detriment looks.


We're now set at Hippolyta ship where there sailing to Themyscira. Hippolyta at the head of the boat and Diana just behind her. We then see the team behind the boat looking over the rail you hide again when a guard passes. We look over again clearly to many guards. Babs gives us an odd hand signal

Babs sign: the chicken is noodling on the bat looking at the licking sky while holding her breath

She gives us a thumbs up and points then sinks below the waves and you all mearly get confused. You then follow Babs lead sneaking through the boat each time she moves to a different position says "psst" some breaking laws of gravity and teleportation. The two of you were now right next to her

Diana: Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?

Babs: We're here to seek you out. See?

You two look back to the team who were caught by the Amazonian's and were being held by the ear well for Karen she's held by the foot since she was in her small form

Babs: that's not supposed to happen

You: what happend to stealth

You two were then grabbed by the ear and lifted to meet Hippolyta 

Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! 

You: umm, your highness, please to meet

She mearly gives a look to you and looks at the two Amazonian's who have the others

Hippolyta: Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!

They nod and drag them to the side of the boat everyone trying get out but Kara then realised 

Kara: ow, ow, ow- oh, wait

She yanks out and super punches them out miles away from the boat. You look at the Queen.

You: sorry your majesty.

You then kicked her in the stomach causing her to let you two go. You jumped to the rest of the team. Jess summoning a suit of armour and you summoning a sword and Shield 

You and the team took of fighting of the Amazonian's. But a little messy 

Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!

Said while running away from a warrior who's hitting her head with a sword

Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!

Said while pulling the hair of one and getting pulled. Then Babs was thrown. You were having a sword fight with one and blocked one Amazon who tries to get you from behind

You: we were still new to being heroes

Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!

Screamed while trying not to go in a butterfly net held by an Amazonian

Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this! [screaming]

Said while clenching around one by the head and Kara was in a dog pile over Powered 

Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. 

An Amazon puts her hand on her face

Kara: But it wasn't me, it's you!

Diana thinks then smiles. Then Babs passes by screaming then stood up

Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!

Everyone freezes in the middle of doing something. Kara having an arm wrestling match with a strong Amazon, Zee in a slap fight, Jess pushing eachother's faces, you in a sword still with another and Karen being held in her small form

Hippolyta: And your Queen commands you to continue!

They then get back to what they were doing, Kara's match, Zee's slap fight, Karen getting noogied.

Diana: Stop!

 Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

 Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: STOP!

Hippolyta: CONTINUE!

Diana: STOP!

every time they yell they get closer and the rest of the us and Amazonian's stare in confusion on what to do 

Amazon: ...well? Which one is it?

Kara's challenger loses focus and loses the arm wrestling match 

Hippolyta: You are only 317 years old, Diana. A girl, who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions!

Your mind: only 17 in Amazon years, thought she was older

Diana: No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide who I want to be. It is Amazon law.

The Amazon's then bow

Amazons: It is law!

She looks around keeping her demeanor then looks to me and has a slight tint

Hippolyta: very well.

You then walk up to her and bow in respect

You: it's lovely to meet you Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons

She slightly blushes but brushed it of

Hippolyta: and you are man

You: I am y/n, a traveler of world's and universes. I know of your great tales in combat and of your great land

Hippolyta: interesting. What is my daughter to you.

You: we did this because we're here to save Diana from your, parenting, but since you agreed. Thank you, a thousand blessings 

Hippolyta: please keep my daughter safe

You: I give you my word and soul

She then did something unexpected, she kissed you on the nose

Hippolyta: my daughter made a wise choice.

Diana: mother!

Hippolyta: come visit Themyscira some time, great warrior

You: I'll be sure to message you first and I know where it is.

She walks away with a wink leaving you to blush. The girls meanwhile had jealous looks

She faces Diana who has a tinge of jealousy 

Hippolyta: daughter if you wish to be in mans world.

Diana: yes

Hippolyta: then I Queen of the Amazons hereby allow Diana to walk into man's world

Then every Amazon kneels in respect

She then leaves Diana turning to faces us and

We mearly cheered in pain

As the ship sailed away we were on a green carpet thanks to Jess

Babs: Congrats, Diana. Disobeying your mom is normal teenager lesson number 218. You're officially a teenager, and we're officially a team again!

We then got into a group hug

Babs: And there's only one place to celebrate!

Karen then noticed something 

Karen: Uh, guys?

We look to see the Lex's trashcan bots driving to the pier

You: demo-bots

Babs: Oh, no, first they tore down Sweet Justice, now they're gonna demolish the pier!

Jess disbanded the carpet and we fell to the pier ready for battle

Demo-bot foreman: You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply.

Kara: Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!

We then felt a thudding and through the mist came Lex's big mecha suit

Karen: Ah, what is that?

You: that would be Luthor's battle Mech

War suit: Come to have some fun, girls?

Babs: Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! [clears throat] I knew it was Lex.

L: Lex? I am not Lex!

The suit now reveals a girl's voice. The person then makes the mecha hold her hips

L:  I'm-

We then see no one but hands holding the controls

L:  [grunt] Hold on. 

She presses the side and the seat rises revealing Lena Luthor

L: I'm Lena! Lena Luthor. And all this? This is my plan, not my dopey brother's!

While she talks she closes the hatch and we stare a little disappointed and confused

Lena: He can never come up with something this good.

You: huh, we were way off. But still a Luthor I guess

Lena: Ugh... Oh, do I have to spell it out?!

Kara: Yeah, you kinda do!

Lena: Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials! But you're so dumb...

Your mind: was this whole thing about those commercials she does with lex, and I thought he had issues

Lena: ...you can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face! So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to destroy every "fun" and/or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you.

Your mind: I've met Lena once or twice but this, this something new all together 

Lena: Every last lame-brained one of you. With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis! 

She then laughs and mocks us in childish ways, slapping her but and monkey eared.

You: what's just happened 

Kara: the most dumbest plan ever was just explained to us 

Lena: YOU'RE the dumbest plan I've ever heard! And once this pier is destroyed, you're next!

We then get ready 

Babs: Your plan will never work, Lena! We teenagers are stronger than you think!

but then we hear a sneeze and see Bumblebee in the goggles looking at a puppy sneezing

Karen: Aww!

Babs: Bumblebee!

Karen: Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

She then takes of the goggles

Babs: Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!

All: yeah

Lena: pfft, whatevs

She then presses something and the bots activate there weapons 

Lena: roll out boys

Diana: Come, sisters and brother. It was on this sacred ground that we became friends. Now, this pier is where we shall become heroes! [battle cry]

We then charged Diana pulling out her sword and shield 

Lena: Yah!

Supergirl smashed into a Group, Diana slicing one with her sword, Babs hitting one with her batarang and kicking one then jumping to another. You charged at a few then jumped up morphing into a six legged spider with five eyes and a green shell

You pierce one from above and swiped four slicing the tops off. Zee lifts two up but then Karen comes up

Karen: Zatanna, look!

We then see bots slicing through the piers support and attractions but then Jess uses big green hands to lift the slide from crashing but then they take a part the mary-go-round 

Jessica: [grunt] This isn't working!

They then destroyed the arcade but two got bataranged by Babs

Babs: There's too many of them! What do we do?

(Your point of view)

We re-grouped clearly outmatched you shifted back seeing Lena continue her rampage and the robot smashing the entrance while dancing 

Lena: [laughing maniacally] I win, I win, I win, I win!

We then huddle up

Zatanna: We are totally losing, you guys! And every teenager in Metropolis is gonna pay the price!

You: we gotta think outside the box, Wonder woman 

Diana: It is impossible for seven warriors to defeat an army... unless... we take out the general.

Jessica: Lena! If we can stop her, the rest should follow.

Zatanna: But how?

Babs thinks then somehow got her laptop out making a presentation on Lena's bot

Babs: Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out.

Zatanna: I repeat, but how?

Kara looks up and sees the electric guitar she zooms to it and gets both speaker and guitar 

Kara: I got one just like this and it shorts out my house all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred!

Babs: But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?

Karen then raises her hand

Karen: I'll do it.

Diana: Bumblebee, are you sure?

Karen: It's too scary and I don't wanna do it. But I will!

You: you finally found your courage Karen

Karen: thanks to you y/n

Babs then gives Bumblebee the wire to the guitar 

Babs: Great! Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten.

Kara: No way! Can you do that for mine?

Babs: Then I can plug the other end to the amp and...

Kara: Zzzzt! Bratty McBratterson's going down!

Diana: Green Lantern, get Batgirl as close to Lena as you can. Supergirl, Zatanna, y/n you're with me. Now, let us do this.

You all line up ready for battle. You then shifted into a rhino like beast with three horns

Zee appears next to the Mecha

Zatanna: egarim! ["mirage" in reverse]

Lena was about to get her but disappears then does it all over but it turns out the real Zee was sitting on top of the mech while clones were appearing every where.

You then line yourself up and rush to the army of bots and knocked them down like bowling pins with Bee following behind. Wonder woman lassoed one of the arms and Supergirl held one in a cross arm Bee sneaks in. I then hit the leg of the bot making it trip. Lena growls and screams getting back up. 

Jess summons a bumper car maned by Babs who has the amplified guitar. Then Jess pilots the car through the wrecked cars with Babs still working on the speaker.

Meanwhile Bumblebee was going through the mechanisms of the suit pulling the plug until reaching the station 

Karen: [gasp] I'm in. Is the amp ready?

Babs with a red marker writes in eleven 

Babs: Oh yeah. Almost there.

Jessica having a hard time controling the car. She was about to hit a bot but you ram it out of the way. You then came to the side of the car and see they're getting close.

Babs sees the cord, she pulls out a grappling hook and shoots it to a hole of the Mecha. She swings up grabbing the cord. But in the mech the cord on Karen side comes out. She grabs it in time pulling it to go back in

Everyone was doing there part. Diana had her in the lasso, Babs holding to the cord, Zee distracting along with Kara and you hitting her legs.

Lena then screams and starts hitting all the buttons

Lena: [screaming] Get off! 

She makes her mecha kick you away, she presses a button and rocket boots come out sending her up

Lena: Say goodbye to your pier, suckers!

Zatanna: It's now or never!

Babs who is still holding on

Babs: [scream] Hey, Supergirl, ready to rock?!

She gets the guitar out and throws it to Kara who catches it 

Kara: All right little girl, time for a lullaby!

She gets out her pin and plays a single cord so loud making Lena hold her ears.

Babs turns on the speaker surging with power. Karen still inside was pulling hard and sees the power coming. With no other option she attached herself and gets power through but also electrocuted herself.

The power surges through the suit

Lena: What? How? No!

It blasted high into the sky then yelled out while coming down

 Lena: You cheated! YOU CHEATED! You cheated, you cheated! Uh-oh.

Then realised she's coming down. It smashed and exploded on impact the bots shutting down along with the goggles

Teenagers: [indistinct chatter]

Teenage boy: Wanna see a movie at my house?

Teenage girl: Yeah.

Other teenage girl: All right, sure.

They walked away throwing the goggles

You all then stand before the smouldering robot worried

Babs: Um, Bumblebee got out, right?

Then Bumblebee came fluttering out and came back to regular size broken and not okay

[all gasp]

Babs: Bumblebee!

Babs runs over, turns her and sees she's okay but dizzy. She sits up

Karen: Did we do it?

She removed her helmet now revealing her hair to be in ruffles and a yellow streak in one of them

Zatanna: Nice highlights, what's your secret?

Diana then hugs her

Diana: Courage.

Then babs gets us all in a group hug

Babs: Yaaaah!

 You grabbed her hand and started examining her. making her blush, you then pulled her in a hug

You: you had us worried

Then the cops roll in circling the robot. Lena kicks out the glass and climbs out screaming

Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAIR!

Then a car rolls up as and a specific bald comes out  along with a blond haired woman

Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.

Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!

She said pointing to the car seat

Lena: You can't make me!

She then sat down holding her breath. You then walk up to her and picked her up making her fidget and cry

 Lena: NOOOO! No! No! No! [cries]

You threw her in and shutting it

You: time out might be in order Mrs Luthor and Lex

Lillian: yes there will be Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.

You under your breath: please don't be

Lex: [scoff] Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.

Lena rises up and did a raspberry to Lex who returned it

Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?

Lex: Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.

We then see lex corp contraction on sweet justice

You: a pleasure Lex

your mind: I think I'm going to throw up

Lex: please you saved the pier so the pleasure is mine

The car then drives of with the brat yelling

Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!

Leaving Lex who stares at the team and gets suspicious and disappointed. The team then noticed the crowd forming getting praise 

Man: Brand new superhero team right here in Metropolis!

Girl Scout: And they're girls!

Girl scout: and a cute boy

Girl Scouts: [chanting] Super Hero Team!

Crowd: [chanting] Super Hero Team! Super Hero Team! Super Hero Team!

They were getting into the praise

(Three months later)

It's now the grand re-opening of Sweet Justice and inside it's bustling with Barry Manning the front and the team just getting there deserts 

Zatanna: [sigh] This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate.

Jessica: It's nice to have everything back to normal.

You: sort of sweet

said finally eating the volcano. Babs puts a foot on the table while drinking her bubble tea

Babs: Blah, normal's overrated. [slurp]

We mearly look at her

 Babs: Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?

Kara: Yeah...?

Babs looks around licks her finger for wind and gets the straw cup doing a combination before springing them out before pressing it back down making the booth slide down. All of you landing on one another.

Babs then shows us a lair revealing one by one designated areas for the team. Jess a humble plant friendly area. Zee a magic area. Babs a tech area. Diana a roman warrior area. Yours has a space like video game area. Karen a workshop area and finally a work out area for Kara with a thousand pound weights 

Babs: ta-da It's our own home base! 

And in the middle a lounge area

Babs:  I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding.

Diana: Truly, this is a place of wonder.

Kara was eating a donut and smacks Babs behind the back 

Kara: [muffled] Not bad, Babs. Nice job.

You: you really know us so well

Babs: well I need to know my friends

Jessica: We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance!

Babs: Not with the Super Hero Team on the case!

Karen: aww

You all look and see a news paper cliping of there first victory 

Babs: Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!

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