Chapter 1...who are you guys?

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(Forgot to mention that you have super strength and speed)

Y/n was fighting two villains one was his enemy which he love to get angry the inventor but the other was new and unknown to him he had slicked back hair and was wearing a tuxedo but the thing about him was his right side was white and the left side was black skin and clothes but his right eye was black and left was white the inventor was destroying the city with a giant laser ray before y/n arrived and was now fighting mr grey

Y/n:*whew* I gotta admit you are crazy strong i was a little upset before now I think this might be fun after all.

Mr.grey:*echoey* Inventor is the machine almost done?.

The Inventor:almost you just need to hold him off for a little bit longer!.

As the two fighters began clashing they both went for a punch ending in both of them hitting each other in the face

Then they started clashing when they snapped out of it

As they were clashing y/n saw the inventor aiming the laser ray at him acting fast he dodge a punch
From mr grey and punch him in the face

Then kicking him in the face sending him back

Then he shot a fire blast at the tip of the laser ray breaking it and making it smoke and start sparking and shaking

The inventor:NO!.


Then the machine started glowing colors first pink then blue then the next was really weird it glowed four colors green red light purple and blue then the next color was by itself it glowed gold

Y/n:uh oh...

Then the machine shot out a laser Y/n dodged the laser but when it hit the grown a bright light shined blinding everyone when it died down they all saw what the laser left behind


The inventor:I-It worked IT ACTUALLY WORKED!.


but then the portal started to pull in everything around it

Mr.grey:There's only one way he's going in there...I'm taking him with me.

He then grabbed the inventor by the back of his lab coat collar with a hard grip

Mr.grey:*grins*and your coming too.

The inventor:w-what? AHHHH-

Mr grey then charged at Y/n with the inventor but Y/n turned around and thought fast and did a flip over the two villains

Y/n:heh nice try.

But mr.grey shot a ray of white from his hand and wrapped it around the teens leg



Before he could finish laughing they all were sucked into the portal as Y/n was flying through the portal he started to glitch


Y/n then appeared in a forest he looked to his left until he heard a noise to his right

???:Oink oink


Y/n:awwww *pets pig*

Pig:*happy* oink

But the pet was cut short as Y/n started to glitch again and poof out of thin air

Pig:*confused* oink?

???:waddles there you are. *picks up waddles*

???:did anything interesting happen while you were out here?.

Waddles:....oink oink

Back to Y/n as he was angrily thinking

Y/n:*thoughts*of course all of this would be happening today it was supposed to be my day off I could be at home relaxing if it wasn't for....!!!

That's when he realized something


His thoughts were cut short since he saw the end of the portal coming still angry he dash to it making him go faster

Steven was standing outside of his car looking at a map seeing how close he was to the next city he was about to enter California then he looked up and saw how cool the mountains looked and was about to take a selfie with them behind him and send it to Connie and the gems he put a peace sign up and was about to take the picture when the air next to him started to crack then a bright light blinding him then it died down and he saw a pink portal


Then the portal started pulling in the teen

Steven:w-whoa AHHH-

The portal sucked in the teen but at the same time accidentally taking a picture of him getting sucked into the portal and sending it to his friends

Anne and the planters were getting ready to head back and get the music box but as Marcy was about to tell Anne to stay and let the planters go the air next to them shattered and a light blinding them all when it died down they saw a blue portal

Anne:uh hop pop does this happen often here in this world!?.


Then the portal started to suck everything around it and Anne was the first



but Marcy grabbed her hand the planters were pulling Marcy to help bring Anne back down but the portal was too strong and pulled everyone in...

Somewhere else Sasha was training she was punching a dummy made out of sticks and rocks when all of a sudden a red portal shattered next to her


But her reaction was cut short when the portal sucked her in

luz Gus willow and amity were in the owl house sitting on the couch when a portal matching the color of luz uniform shattered and appeared right behind her sucking in the top half of her body


Amity grab luz left leg and willow and Gus grab the right trying to pull her out but the portal was too strong slowly pulling luz in but then eda ran in holding a broom

Eda:What happen I heard screaming did the fairies come back!?.

She said holding the broom above her head ready to swing but then she notice the portal and at the last second everyone being sucked in

Eda:oh no...

That's when king walked in with his little rubber ducky

King:what happened and where's luz?...

That's when he noticed the portal slowly shrinking

King:what is that *gasp* DID DEMONS COME FROM IT AND I MISSED IT NOO!?.

Eda:Wrong that thing sucked in luz and her friends

King:*worried*what are you gonna do.

Then eda summoned her staff and levitated off the ground

Eda:I'm gonna get my kid back.

Then eda flew into the portal leaving king standing in the middle of the room
That's when he saw his little crown luz gave him

King:maybe I shou-



King said as he ran and jumped into the portal at the last second as it closed


Star and Marco were getting ready for movie night as they walk out of the kitchen with Marco having a bowl of nachos in his hands a portal shattered and appeared in the middle of the living room


Marco:WHAT THE!?

then the portal started to pull everything in as the bowl that was in Marcos hands got sucked in



Star:right sorry sorry!

Then the portal started pulling everything in with more force and pulled in both of the teens

This location we see is a forest with long trees lots of bushes and grass it was peaceful when a pink portal opened and dropped a boy out

Steven:-AHHHH *thud* agh

As Steven slowly sits up and rubs his head he looks around and see's he's in a forest he looks to his left then to his right as he was looking around a blue portal opened above him then screaming could be heard


Steven:huh? OFF-

But as the teen looked up he was crushed and going unnoticed by the planters and two teens everyone ok?.

Hop pop:ya we're alright.

Sprig:ya this surprisingly soft rock broke our fall!.

Anne:wait what?.

That's when Steven had enough and made a bubble shield making them fly off him and fall to the ground



Before he they could finish their argument another portal open this one was red and out came Sasha landing on the ground



Anne and the planters got in a defense stance as sprig brought out his slingshot hop pop held Polly away from Sasha and Anne put her hands up

Sasha:Anne...wait a minute MARCY!?. did yo-

Then another portal appeared and this one was multicolored and dropped out four people


Steven:not again!

Then Steven the planters Anne Marcy and Sasha moved out of the way as they fell is everyone allll-

But she stop speaking when she saw where they were and who was in front of them as they all stare at each other

Luz:...ummm hi?.

Then eda and king fell out of the portal eda landed on her feet but king landed on his face then eda got in front of luz and her friends twirling her staff then pointed it at the others

Eda:alright kids stay behind me!.

Luz:EDA!...Ohhh you ok king?.

Then king got up off the ground and jump onto luz hugging her

King:LUZ! I thought you got taken by demons then eda said you got suck into a portal THEN I ALMOST STAYED HOME ALONE...WITH HOOTY!.

Sasha:HEY! put the stick down crazy lady.

Eda:crazy lady!?.

Marcy:Sasha don't make things worse!

Steven:ok how about we all calm down an- WHOA.

But eda didn't listen and pointed the staff at Steven

Eda:how about you open up that portal again and send us back home!.

This cause Steven to summon his shield


Steven:I'm not the one who did this!

But they couldn't continue the conversation for another portal opened this one was gold and a bowl of nachos fell out?


Steven:well at least it wasn't more-

Then two other people fell out crushing the nachos

Star:aghh...huh? NO THE NACHOS!


Then she looked up and saw everyone staring at her and Marco then Marco got into a karate stance and star pointed her hand at the others ready to shoot a blast

Star:alright who are you guys and what do you want this!?

Amity:that's what we are trying to figure out genius


Anne:then if your not the one who brought us who-

But she was interrupted when a purple portal open and immediately someone flew out crashing into the ground making a crater and smoke go up into the air almost blowing everyone back

Sprig:m-maybe that's them?

Then threw the smoke they saw a figure hunched over and slowly sitting up and slowly raised their hand and made purple flames go up into the air pushing away the smoke

Luz:I know this is serious but that looks SO COOL!.

Y/n:*irritated*...alright I'm ticked off so let's just make this quick.

Then the teen pointed his hand at towards the group and made purple fire ready to shoot at them

Y/n:are all of you working with mr.grey?.


Anne:hop pop do you know who mr.grey is?.

Hop pop:no never!.

Steven:well by the look on everyone's faces we don't know who that is.

Y/n:hmm...alright then.

Then the teen made the fire disappear then smirk

Y/n:so...who are you guys?.

Eda:you first kid...I still don't trust you.

Luz:eda he's obviously not gonna do anything.

Y/n:eda huh?


Y/n:and that's luz so anyone else wanna accidentally reveal names?.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to meet a girl with frogs?

Anne:um...hi my names Anne boonchuy

Then she offered a handshake

Y/n:*shakes* cute name mines y/n l/n.

Anne:*blushes* t-thanks

Then sprig jumps on y/n's shoulder

Sprig:names sprig planter *points* that's hop pop and that's Polly

Hop pop:hello


Y/n:nice to meet you

Then everyone else started to get more relaxed and introduce themselves too

Star:I'm star butterfly a magic princess from another dimension.

Gus:but aren't we all from another dimension?.

Marco:she means from our world she came from another dimension.

Marco:by the way I'm Marco Diaz.

Gus:...*GASP* your another human!.

Marco:umm ya?.

Luz:sorry we are from another world too...well they are I'm from earth.

Luz:well as you heard I'm luz noceda this is amity Gus and willow.

Willow:nice to meet you


Y/n:something wrong?.

Amity:I have my eyes on you.

Luz:amity be nice.

Y/n:well I'll have my eyes on you too.

Steven:well I'm Steven universe.

Y/n:nice to meet ya universe.

Steven:just Steven is fine.

Y/n:you got it universe.


Then y/n notices the girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and wearing battle armor

Y/n:and who's she?

Marcy:that's sasha she's not on good terms with Anne right now by the way I'm Marcy.

Y/n:nice to meet you I'm y/n.

Then he walks over to sasha


Y/n:so are you just gonna continue brooding over here or introduce yourself.

Sasha:names sasha now what do you want?...

Y/n:nothing just here to tell you...

That's when his eyes slightly glow purple

Y/n:I got my eye on you.


Y/n:I'm felling a lot of negativity around you and revenge but...also sadness

Sasha:you don't know what your talking about

Y/n:maybe I do maybe I don't but the one thing I do know need to make things right.

And with that he walks away while Sasha thinks to herself

Y/n:so I guess that's everyo- OH MY GOD

Shocking and scaring everyone he runs past everyone in a flash and picks up something



Eda:HEY you put him do-

But then she stops herself when she see's king actually enjoying the pats and Scratches

King:wow he actually knows how to get the good spots behind the skull!.

Y/n:who's a cute little guy?

Luz:I know right!?

And now luz and y/n are petting king

Amity:suddenly he's less intimidating

King:yes from now on you are my scratcher and second in command and together we will take over the world no the universe!.




Steven:and now it's creepy.

Y/n:ha I'll join later but I'll still be your scratcher.

King:that shall suffice.

Eda:*smirks*so what happened to that tough guy act

Y/n:*sweats* u-uh...ya I'm actually I nice person when you get to know me I just acted like a jerk to make you guys scared hehe.

Steven:well that's good to know I'd rather have a nice guy to work with instead of a mean guy.

Anne:so what do we do now?.

Marcy:we should look around our surroundings maybe there's something to help us know where we are.

Steven:alright then that's our first Objective.

Then the group began walking into the woods

Eda:*whispers*you sure we can trust these guys kid?.

Luz:cmon eda you saw how y/n acted plus the others seem cool too.

That's when star popped up in between luz and eda



Marco:star u can't just go in and jump into people conversations.

Star:soooo you guys have any magic powers? I can use my hands to shoot magic blast and turn into my butterfly form pretty cool right?.

Luz:*gasp* you know magic!!!

Willow:butterfly form?

Amity:A human that can transform into a butterfly that's sounds f-


Star:first off I'm actually not a human I'm a mewman and sure

Then stars body started to glow gold then she floated Into the air then started spinning



Marco:yep I was speechless when I first saw it too.

Eda:eh I've seen better.

Then star turns back to normal

Star:ohhh really what can you do then?.

Eda:trust me you don't wanna know.

Luz:*fear*shes not lying...

King:*nods*mmm hmm.

Marco:any of you have forms or powers.

Luz:I'm actually being trained by eda to learn magic and become a witch.

Star:a good witch or a bad one.

Luz:a good one don't worry.

Star:ok good I was about to say.

Willow:well i can grow and summon and heal plants.

Then she demonstrates by making a small flower grow from the ground

Star:aww that's actually really cool and you make them GIANT like the trees.

Willow:yes actually but I wanna save my energy right now.

Star:oh ok then that's fine what about you Gus?.

Gus:I can do illusion magic I can make illusions of people or myself.

To demonstrate he made five clones of himself all of them doing jazz hands


Marco:whoa I wish I could clone myself the things I could fix and get done.

Steven:I know right.

Y/n:so much stuff could be fixed and I can just relax.

Then all three teens looked at each other


Then they high five each other


Then everyone else starts to laugh or chuckle

Luz:and amity can make abominations they are basically slim monsters.

Y/n:that's actually pretty cool.

Amity:*blushes* i-it's nothing special *crosses arms*

Steven:do you frogs have any special powers.

Hop pop:well not exactly we can do things like any normal frog would like crawl up any surface stretch out our tongues hop high-

Y/n:those sound like powers to me not any person can do all that *mumbles* except a certain web swinger minus the tongue part.

Hop pop:what was that y/n?.


Hop pop:hmm okie dokie

Polly:hey Steven do you have any other powers besides that shield u popped out

Steven:well sure I can float make a bubble shield which you saw sorry about that by the way.

Anne:it's cool dude.

Steven:and I can make the bubble have spikes on the outside I can make little bubbles on my hands like boxing gloves...a-and if I get really mad i turn pink...

Star:whoa that sound so cool.

Steven:that's not all I'm...I'm also half alien...


Then Gus ran up to Steven and started expecting him

Gus:I can't believe it today I meet more humans now I'm meeting a half alien hybrid!.

Luz:WHOA can you talk in a different language we've never heard before!.

Marcy:*gets notebook*do you have antennas that can communicate to other species of your kind and do you have another form you can turn into!?.

That last question made Steven uncomfortable and a little bit sad remembering what happened in the past y/n noticed this and decided to step in because...he understand

Y/n:alright let's calm down with the questions and keep walking.

Gus:aww but I wanted answers.

Y/n:you'll get your answers just another time and ONE at a time.

And so everyone continued to walk and Steven let out a relief sigh and smiled at y/n

Steven:thanks y/n.

Y/n:no problem if you ever need help or just need someone to talk about your problems with come talk to me.

Then he walks away leaving Steven shocked and wondering how he knew

Steven:h-how did...

Then he catches up with the group

Luz:so Anne do you and your friends have any powers.

Anne:nope we are just normal regular teens that like drama shows malls and video games.

Y/n:someone say games.

Anne:AH we need to put a bell on you.

Y/n:you guys like to play games...I think we are gonna get along just fine.

Anne:oh by the way y/n do you have any other powers or form besides your purple fire.

Y/n:well I could make fire wings so I could fly around and if I use enough power i could make a fire blast instead of a fire ball and if i get like really REALLY mad my hair could catch on fire and my eyes glow even brighter then they already do.

Star:cool...can we see it.

Y/n:if I did I'm pretty sure I would burn you guys.


Then the group heard growling they all got into a defensive stance as the growling was heard again everyone turned around to find out it was sprigs stomach


Anne:wait what if there's no food out here WERE GONNA STARVE!!!.

Amity:actually I see some berries over there

The group looked to where amity was pointing and saw a bush with light blue berries and on the tip the berries was white

Steven:alright this is a different world we don't know if they are poi-

But before he could finish he was pushed to the floor by a charging Anne and sprig


And they both picked a berry and was about to put them into their mouths when Steven yelled at them to stop

Steven:STOP we don't know if they are poi- HEY you too put that down

Steven said as he looked to the side and saw luz trying to do the same thing

Eda:you scared of a berry kid?

Steven:no I just don't want anyone to get sick or die y/n back me up he-

But he looked at the teen seeing him already eat some berries and swallowed them






Y/n:...o_o why is everyone staring at me?...

Anne:how do you feel?.

Y/n:I feel fine why-

Then the teens whole body froze into a block of ice

Everyone minus eda and amity and Sasha:Y/N!!!.

Anne started to hit the block of ice with a stick while sprig slingshot rocks


Eda:just watch kid...

As everyone watch the block of ice started to shake and melt as it exploded with purple flames as y/n was standing there calm like it never happened

Y/n:note to self don't eat the light blue berries.

Then Anne ran up to y/n hugging him

Anne:YOUR OK!.

Marco:we thought you were frozen for ever dude!.

Y/n:naw purple fire remember?.

Anne:*blushes* r-right.

Y/n:ohhh there's some red berries over there!.

The y/n ran up to the red berries and ate two of them

Y/n:I don't feel nothing I think these are sa-

But before he could finish he burst into red flames but he was standing there like it was nothing

Y/n:HA nice try berries...WAIT MY CLOTHES AHHH.

Then he started to roll on the ground


Sasha:he's on fire and the thing he's worried about is his clothes.

Marcy:well maybe because he can summon fire from his body it doesn't hurt him?.

Y/n finally put out the on his jacket and pants and saw orange berries

Y/n:ohh there's some orange ones.

He was about to go and try the berries until amity got in front of him making him stop in his tracks

Amity:look we are trying to survive and with you trying all these mysterious berries is going to get you killed do you think this is a joke!?.


Then the teen slipped pass amity and grabbed a handful of berries and ate everyone was waiting for something to happen...nothing did

Y/n:...well these are safe you guys can eat now!.

The first to run up and eat were sprig and Anne then everyone was picking the orange berries and eating them


As everyone was done eating the sun was going down and they call agreed to stop and make camp the planters made their own tents eda used her magic to make her and Luz and her friends tents using the things around them Sasha and Marcy made theirs all that's left is Anne and y/n he was doing fine but Anne was having trouble

Anne:agh come on man!.

The tent she was making fell apart that's when she let out a sigh she was going to ask to bunk with someone but she heard some of them already asleep or already closed up there tent that's when she saw king walking to y/n's tent



King:scratcher I command that you give me satisfaction on the back of my skull

Y/ want me to scratch behind your skull again?

King:*sighs*...yes please


Then king lad down on y/n's left side that's when he saw someone opening his tent

Anne:um...hey dude.

Y/n:oh hey Anne need something?.

Anne:y-ya actually I couldn't get my tent up and everyone is already asleep so...*blushes*mind is I c-crash in here with you

Y/n started blushing sure he has a girl that's his best friend since they were little and they had sleepovers but he never had a girl sleep directly next to him but he didn't want to be rude and let her freeze out there

Y/n:*blushing* s-sure.

Anne:thanks dude.

Then Anne laid next to y/n they were faced away from each other for a few minutes and it was quiet y/n turned to see if Anne was asleep yet then he saw her eyes closed and heard snoring he let out a sigh of relief and calm down a little that's when Anne turned and wrapped her arms around y/n hugging him at first he was freaking out the started to calm down and roll with it wrapping his arms around her too returning the hug and letting sleep take him.
So...hey TDOG here sorry about the long wait I know I said a week but I waited another but I have a reason on Sunday Monday and Tuesday I tried to write the story with a little more talking and description but my phone kept turning off and deleted everything when I was doing something important and every time I would get mad or sad and go to bed but and Wednesday I don't have a excuse I procrastinated and on Thursday and Friday and Saturday I completely forgot I was making this story until Sunday I remembered and for an apology I made this as long as I could and I'll try to post more maybe daily I have every character and thing figured out except one idk if this should be a harem book so next post when I post will be a vote harem or no harem so vote one that when I post it also I added a two little hints as you could see one a reference the other a clue to y/n's past If you could find it so anyways I apologize and hope you like the story have a nice day or night ...probably night and stay safe bye and peace out.

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