Chapter 2...delete it!

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Y/n was slowly waking up as he felt the sun shining threw the tent onto his eyes

Y/n:what the?.

He was confused why was he In a tent and then it hit him remembering yesterday's crazy incident

Y/n:oh ya...I thought all that was a dream.

Y/n tried to sit up but felt something tighten its grip around his torso confused he looked down and widened his eyes hugging him in her sleep was Anne

Y/n:..definitely a dream.

And y/n pinched his arm

Y/n:ah!...ok maybe not a dream.

Y/n looked down again and moved a little bit of Anne's hair that was covering half of her face

Y/n:*thoughts* huh she actually looks a little cu-NO stop that y/n you just met her what is this a fanfic!?.

Then the teen heard shuffling and looked at the entrance of the tent and saw king with a phone with a black phone case pointing it at him and Anne


King:*smug* yesss~.

Y/n:...where did you get that phone?.

King:luz tent.

Y/n:king please don't do whatever your going to do...what happened to being scratcher!?

King:if I recall you didn't give me enough scratches last night!.

(They are whisper yelling btw)

Y/n:that's because one Anne walk in two I was in shock!.

King:that's is no excuse for being the kings scratcher!.

Y/n:well if you take that picture I won't be your scratcher anymore!.

King:*GASP* your bluffing!.




King:*runs* I regret nothing!.

Y/n:dang it king get back here!.

Y/n then carefully lifted Anne's arms and slipped out of the hug and chased after king into the woods



But then king ran into legs falling back as he shook his head he looked up to see y/n looking down at him with a smirk

King:WHAT HOW!?.

Y/n:super speed little buddy now.

Then y/n picked up king and looked him directly in the eyes

Y/n:what exactly were you going to do with the picture?.


Y/n:...god I would be so mad at you if I wasn't so proud.

King:does that mean I'm off the hooked

Y/n:oh no your still going to delete it and I'll figure out a punishment...


Then y/n's stomach began to grumble the Kings then they both looked at each other

Y/n:that was adorable.


Y/n:ok ok if I'm hungry pretty sure everyone else is going to be when they wake up...hmm I just figured out your punishment *smirks*

King:*nervous* y-your not gonna eat me are you!?.

Y/n:WHAT!? no your my little buddy I can't eat you *pats head* but your gonna help me find breakfast.

King:ughhh why can't you ask one of the other's.

Y/n:did you see luz or eda or anyone up when you went to go get the phone?.


Y/n:exactly so come on I'll even let you ride I'm my hoodie.

King:hey luz let's me do that!.

And so king hopped in y/n's hoodie and the two started heading into the forest but remembering where they set up camp by y/n putting up a purple camp fire so they can see the smoke in the sky

King:so what are we even looking for exactly?.

Y/n:hmm I don't know exactly maybe those orange berries that we ate maybe a river so we can catch some fish...or maybe I have to get my hands dirty...



King:...wait y/n look up there FOOD!.


As the teen looked up he saw a giant nest with two giant eggs

Y/n:nice spot kings *pets*

King:of course no mere humans eye sight can compare to the demon king!.

Y/n:I'm no mere human buddy.

King:oh ya.

And so y/n summoned his fire wings as king looked behind him I'm shocked and impressed


Y/n:I know right that was my first reaction too!?.

Then the teen blasted of into the sky towards the tree as king hold on to the teens hoodie so he wouldn't fly off they got to the top they landed in the nest the egg was as big as y/n

King:I can already taste it now.

Y/n:I know I'm going to make me an omelette~!.

But as y/n grab both sides of the egg I giant bird landed on the nest blowing wind at the two

King:uh oh...

Y/n:oh right...big momma.

Then the giant bird screeches and tries to snap at the two but y/n dodge and kick it in the face making it back up a little

Y/n:alright king I'm gonna need you to hold on tight!.

King:no need to tell me twice!.

Then y/n summon his wings again and took off into the sky the bird shook its head to regain focus and screeched then flu after the duo the bird drew closer to y/n as it opened its mouth ready to eat the two


Then y/n moved to the side as the bird chomped down missing the two as y/n continues to dodge the bird trying to eat him he get an idea he proceeds to fly up into the sky and do a flip over the bird but he forgot to tell king his plan making king fall of y/n



But as king was falling the bird caught him in his claws

King:h-huh?...oh no...


King:u-uh as the king of demons I demand y-you put me down!.

But the bird ignored king and threw him up into the air and open its mouth so king would fall in

Y/n:ok...time to get serious.

Then y/n's eyes started glowing purple

As King was falling towards the mouth of the bird y/n swooped in and caught him just in time the bird got angry and started to fly at y/n and king

King:it's coming at us!.

But y/n didn't move at the bird was getting closer it opened its mouth ready to chomp the two getting closer as the bird chomped down there was no sign of the two until y/n appeared above the bird with his foot up

Y/n:you've gone too far.

Then y/n smashed his foot over the birds head breaking its skull and sending it flying down then he aimed his palm at the falling bird and fired a fire blast making the bird fall faster to the ground



As Anne was waking she looked to her left only to spot y/n and king gone from there sleeping spots

Anne:man I hope I didn't make things awkward between us...

Then her stomach started grumbling

Anne:hmm maybe someone found some food while I was asleep.

And she walk out of the tent only to spot nothing and everyone else was still asleep inside the tents

Anne:Dang it...hmm I wonder where y/n and that little dude are?.

And her question got answered for in the distance the giant bird hit the ground making a explosion making a crater and blowing away the trees


Then everyone started to wake up and come out of their tents

Eda:what the heck was that!?.

Steven:whatever it was it caused a lot of destruction be and your guards.

Luz:wait where are y/n and king!?.

And her question got answered for y/n landed on the ground with king

King:that was AMAZING is there anyway for you to teach me that!?.

Y/n:no can do little buddy I don't think I can...


Luz:KING Y/N!.

Then y/n turned around only to be hugged with king by luz as Anne looked a little jealous

Luz:we thought you got hurt!.

King:nonsense nothing can hurt the demon king and his second in command!.

Y/ gonna let go?.

Luz:*blushes* r-right sorry.

Anne:dude was that you that just made that HUGE explosion!?.

King:ya you should have seen him he was dodging and he did a flip I fell of tho...but he saved me when the bird caught me he looked a little scary when he smashed the bird to the ground tho...

Y/n:*sweats*ok ok that's who wants eggs?.


Y/n went back to grab the eggs and offered to even cook them as he was done cooking he handed them all each a cooked egg on a flattened rock

Steven:where did you find the these flat rocks?.

Y/n:....I hit them...really hard.

Marcy:how did they not shatter?.

Y/n:doesn't matter let's just eat.

As everyone started to take a bit they widened there eyes it tasted fantastic


Eda:wow kid you really know how to cook!.

Anne:where did you learn how to cook!?.

Y/n:well when you live alone you learn a few things.

Luz:you live by yourself?.

Y/n:I thought it was for the best since I didn't want my family to get caught up into my hero business.


Then star started to shake y/n by his jacket




Y/n:yes I'm a...super hero.

Luz:do you fight crime and stop robbings?.

Y/n:well ya that's what hero's do.

Marco:are there any other hero's from your world?.

Y/n:ya tons of them but I'm on the top of the list I used to be all the way at the bottom but I got used to my power and climbed up the ranks

Anne:dude we are in the presence of a number one superhero!.

Sprig:I know!.

Y/n:why are you guys making a big deal about this there are literally witches a princess talking frogs and a boy that's half alien!.

Marco:ya but we are used to this.

Willow:the one thing we all haven't met was a superhero especially me and Gus we never met a human with powers before

Gus:the club is going to flip when they hear about this!.

Y/n:I what are we gonna do now

Steven:I say the best thing we can do is continue looking around this world might have intelligent life that my be able to help us.

And so everyone agreed once they finished eating they will set out and try to find help but going unknown to the group a flying camera was watching them and it was y/n's enemies

Inventor:it appears y/n has made some friends sir

Mr grey walk up out of the dark to the side of the inventor to look at the screen

Mr grey:no matter with the help of our new friends they won't stand a chance

And In the shadows there was multiple glowing eyes snickering or laughing like psychopaths...
Hi tdog here I couldn't sleep and was inspired to write a story and so for the votes I'm seeing people want a harem story so I'll try to do that It'll take a few chapters for them tho I don't want them to just fall in love right away I mean they just met also sorry to everyone I'm just going to do he main female characters like Anne star luz and not Sasha Marcy and willow so sorry again but that will be all from me so have a good day or night stay safe and peace out

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