Chapter 3 the village

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Everyone was finished eating and went off into the woods to find people or anything that can help them while they were walking all the main characters were in the back of the group talking about there adventures while there friends chat with each other

Y/n:wait so griffins do spit out spiders from there mouth!?.

Luz:yup and I knew it this whole time who's crazy now!.

Y/n:I'm glad mine didn't do that...

Star:you fought a griffin before?

Y/n:ya but in the end all it was trying to do was feed its baby's I won't lie they were adorable.

Anne:same I had to rescue Polly from a giant ferret but like your story it was trying to feed it's baby's.

Steven:looks like we all have something in common.

Y/n:yup fighting giant monsters.

And so the group shared a few light laughs

Y/n:man I wish I met you guys last time this happened

Luz:last time?

Y/n:oh ya I got sucked into a portal before.


Anne:what did you see?.

Y/n:it was weird I was in space which is bad since I couldn't breathe but luckily for me some weird hairy orange creature and a giant blue lizard? Put me in a bubble so I could breathe.


Y/n:I know right!? Anyways the little orange guy was super friendly but the blue lizard wasn't really the same she thought I would be a threat but I told them what happened and so they dropped me off at a plant few minutes go by I see them getting chased by eyeballs with little body's as weird as it sounds and so I helped them out to repay them and we were on good terms now.

Steven:huh...did you get there names?.

Y/n:well no as we were talking a skeleton with green eyes showed up and boy was he mad as I was about to fight I got pulled back to my dimension thanks to the help of my friends.

Star:you had friends how come they didn't get pulled in with you? also what are there names?.


Star:Oh sorry I didn't mean it like that!.

Y/n:it's fine well first off they weren't with me one was sick and the other was out of town second there names are Brandon and Jess.

Luz:oh well I hope your friends are ok.

Y/n:thanks but I think they'll be alright my friend Jess she's like really REALLY smart she installed a security System in her house and Brandon well he has a lot of bodyguards.


Y/n:well he's rich I mean his family is loaded! When we and Jess first met him at school he was a huge stuck up and jerk...but he explained he really didn't want to act like that it's his parents that told him to be like that since they think they're family is above everyone in the world but anyways we all became good friends after that I kinda miss them right now to be honest.

Anne:wait your friends figured out how to make portals to bring you back can't they do that now!?.

Y/n: doubt it Jess is the one sick and Brandon left but more importantly Jess is sick and I don't know for how long...

Anne:dang it.

Y/n:but hey it's not so bad we all have each other plus from your story's there's no giant bugs trying to eat you right?.

Anne:well...ya at least I don't have to eat bugs anymore.

Y/n:you ate bugs?.

Anne:uh...well ya but-

Y/n:I ate a centipede once actually wasn't that bad...did I just say that?.

At first Anne was embarrassed that she just told her new friends that she ate bugs but after what y/n said she felt a little relief that somebody here did what she did to survive

Steven:that poor centipede...


luz:slowly being digested and burned alive.

Y/n:I was hungry there was nothing else around!.

Anne:see he gets it!.

Eda:if you guys are done talking about eating bugs you might wanna see this.

As the group was walking up a hill they saw what looks like a small village

Amity:what do ya know there is intelligent life here.

Luz:well let's go-

Eda:hold up luz we don't know if these people are friendly.

Steven:she's right we should slowly walk out with our hands up.

Hop pop:alright kids let's...Anne...sprig...where they go?.

Marco:star? She's not here either!.

Willow:and so is luz!.

Eda:WHAT? She was just here a second ago!?.

Gus:wait where's y/n?.

And so the group turned around seeing y/n Anne sprig star and luz walking to the gate where two guards were waiting

Steven:whyyy...are they always like this?.


As the five made it to the gate y/n offered a hand shake to one of the guards

Y/n: heya my names y-

But before he could finish he had a spear pointed at him making everyone back up a bit



Y/n:ya interrupt me why don't ya...

Guard:State your business for coming to the village!.

Y/n:well I was going to before you interrupted me!.


Y/n:you see we aren't really from here we just needed a place to stay for a few day's

The guards looked at each other then back to the teens one of the guards went threw the gate into the village as the other stayed and kept an eye on you and the group

Y/'s ya day been?.


Y/n:ya fight any bandits recently?.


Y/n:I like your helmet.

Luz:it is pretty cool.

Anne:can i put it on?.

Sprig:I wanna hold it.

As the groups talking came to a end the gate opened back up to reveal the second guard and some dude in a black tuxedo

Guard:oh thank god...

The guard went next to the tuxedo guy he had brown hair and a little mustache

???:hello there.

Y/n:*mumbles* general Keno-

???:greetings I am the mayor of this town how may I help you five travelers?.

Y/n:me and my friends are not from around here and we were wondering if we could stay for a few days also there's more of us up there.

Then y/n pointed to the top of the hill where the rest were hiding making them irritated at him

Mayor:hmm well we have rooms available but how can we trust you aren't like those bandits?.

Anne:dude do we look menacing to you?.

Mayor:well the boy does a little bit.

Y/n:why does everyone say that!? Q_Q.

Mayor:sorry it's just that this has happened many times they say they are lost we let em in they rob us you get the rest of it.

Y/n:is there anyway to prove that we won't try anything?.

Mayor:well may...d-d-d

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n:are you ok dude...and why do I hear boss music?.

And so y/n turned around as the mayor and the guards stared in shock y/n pushed the group and the mayor and guards out of the way from a blast of fire



Star:first time fighting a dragon huh?

Y/n:it looks like it.

Luz:whoa A REAL DRAGON!.

sprig: shouldn't we run instead of watching it Fly towards us?.

Y/n:oh ya...

And so they all dodge a claw swipe from the dragon then the dragon landed and started to blow fire everywhere as it made its way to the mayor he closed his eyes waiting to be burned...but he didn't feel anything he opened his eyes to see Steven with his shield blocking the fire as it stop he turned to the mayor

Steven:you alright?.


Steven:alright get to a safe place!.

And so the mayor ran to the gate but he was still watching threw a crack of the gate then y/n thought about the people in the city they could get burned alive if they fight here as the dragon was making its way to Steven he got a idea he ran to the dragon and jumped on its head slamming it into the ground and jump off as the dragon got up and shook its head it looked and growled at y/n

Y/n:hey lizard breath u kiss your mother with that mouth?.

The dragon got mad and started puffing smoke out of its nose

Y/n:aww what mad I slammed ya head? well that's not all I could do!.

Then y/n made a purple fire ball and threw it into its face as it exploded the dragon got even madder that its eyes started glowing more red

Y/n:catch me if ya can!.

And so y/n dashed off with the dragon chasing after him

Sasha:the heck is he doing?.

Marco:he's leading it away from the village!.

Luz:well come on we gotta help him!.

Then the group chased after you and the dragon as y/n was running he turned back to look at the dragon getting closer as it was close enough he turned and slugged the dragon and the snout

Y/n:ya like that big gu-

But the dragon spin and whacked y/n with his tail sending him into a giant rock as it was getting ready to shoot fire as y/n a pink shield hit it in the face then blasted with a yellow blast

Eda:the kid may be annoying but we can't let ya kill em.

As the dragon was distracted Marcy wrapped her ropes around the dragons feet as it tried to go after eda it fell to the ground leaving Sasha to launch ropes over its back tying it to the ground and for willow to summon plants to hold down its wings

Anne:you guys that was amazing!.

Willow:thank you.

Marcy:aww thanks Anne.

Sasha:*smirk*well somebody had to save you guys

Eda:hey it wasn't just you!.

Steven:ya we did it as a team.


But going unnoticed to the group the dragon started to spread fire along its body burning the ropes and plants as it burned them enough it broke out

Star:uh oh...

The used it's tail to hit eda and Steven into a tree



Star:Thats it narwhal-

But she was interrupted when the dragon got hit with a purple fire ball in the back of its head making it fall into the ground shocking everyone



Everyone was staring at y/n except his eyes were glowing purple and fire was slowly igniting around its body

Y/n:we aren't finished yet...

The dragon can feel the heat from y/n's fire and it was angry it blasted its fire toward y/n as he fired his purple flames back into a fire clash but almost immediately y/n won the clash as his fire went into the dragons face exploding the dragon fell to the ground as y/n ran to its tail and grabbed it and started spinning the dragon the he lifted it into the air and slammed it into the ground and he did it again and again and again... and again as everyone watched in awe then started to get a little worried and scared that's when Anne went up to him and tapped his shoulder

Anne:d-dude I'm pretty sure it's done now

That's when y/n turned around with a angry expression and his teeth were a little sharp and she could have sworn she heard a little growl


That's when he saw how scared she was and started to snap out of it and calm down


Then he let the dragon go and sat down to catch his breath then everyone started to slowly walk up to him

Marco:are you ok dude?...

Then like nothing happened he hopped up startling the group for a second

Y/n:yup just needed a breather also sorry I got a little out of control there hehe.

Anne:well it's good to have you back dude.

Then king and Polly hopped on his shoulders

Polly:what was awesome you totally bodied that dragon!.

King:dragon usually are tuff for some demons to handle and you took it out like nothing...are you secretly a powerful demon?...


King:dang it.

Eda:even I have to admit kid that was impressive.

Luz:and the way you blasted it it was like azura!.

Mayor:I must say!.

Then everyone turned around and spotted the mayor approaching

Mayor:that's was quite excellent especially you young man the way you took out that dragon like it was nothing it was causing us problems for months!.

Y/n:well it was nothing I couldn't let the people in the village get burned or killed.

Mayor:also I have made my decision since you absolutely proven yourself by saving me and protecting the citizens from the dragon you may stay in the village for as long as you desire!.

Steven:thank you mr mayor we really appreciate this.

Mayor:now if you may follow me to your room.

Anne:wait where's Marcy!?.

Marcy:wow such armor!

Everyone turned around and saw Marcy pulling off the dragons scales with a dagger

Y/n:hey Marcy what are ya doing?.

Marcy:I'm taking these scales for studying I might be able to make fireproof armor out of these for us in case another fire breathing monster comes out of nowhere!.

Y/n:thats...actually very smart...

Anne:classic Marcy she's smart but clumsy.

Y/n:really I haven't seen her being clumsy?.

As Marcy was walking back she slipped on her cape dropping all the scales

Y/n:oh now I see...


The mayor showed them to their room they all had to share the same room for tonight as they were setting up more rooms for tomorrow so they all had to sleep on the floor with blankets and pillows for now but said they can freshen up a bit and use the public shower y/n was the last one to go

Star:see guys things are finally looking good for us.

Anne:yup I can finally use a shower again!.

Luz:I hope they have something to eat in the morning.

As the conversation was cut short y/n opened the door to the room except one thing he wasn't wearing a shirt

Y/n:I forgot a towel...

Luz:I think there's o-o-...

Anne:what's wrong du-OH MY GOODNESS!.



The thing everyone was freak out about was he had some jacked abs sure he had some muscles but he had some crazy abs

Marco:Y-YOUR ABS!.

Y/n:what about them?.

Anne:dude there ripped!.


Luz:I only see abs like those in my dreams...

Then star lifts Marcos shirt up looking at his stomach then back to yours


Anne:how do you work out!.

Y/n:*sweats* umm...


Y/n is seen putting on a video on the tv

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n:swing your arms from side to side COME ITS TIME TO GO DO THE MARIO!.


Y/ out videos...

Y/n then left to take his shower and so a few minutes go by as everyone gets ready for bed as the lights get turned off and y/n is laying down he hears ruffling and movement as he sits up he sees Anne luz and star starring at his stomach and now they were all staring at each other blushing





Y/ back to your spots and sleep...





Mr grey:so they're staying at a old village...

He then turned to one of his henchmen

Mr grey:brax when the time is right your up...

The scene then shows a big shadowy figure staring at the camera...
Heya got this chapter done one like I said in info 2 the next villains and storyline for the future chapters in this story are by me I stayed up all night thinking about these guys well anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter have a good day or night stay safe and peace out.

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