Halloween special

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It was midnight and everyone in the village was asleep but on a nearby hill a silhouette was looking down at the village with glowing orange eyes behind them

???:it's that time of month again my pretties let's show them what to expect when the big day arrives~....

While everyone in the room was still asleep they began to hear screaming and they all woke up in a panic

Steven:w-what was that!?.

Y/n:I DIDN'T DO IT IT WAS BRANDON!...crap he's not here wait what are we talking about?.

Luz:something's attacking the town again!.

Y/n:come on man!.

Anne:we just went to sleep...

Eda:well I say we just stay here...


Sasha:for once the old lady has a point.


Sasha:*sighs* finnne...

Eda:and I was hoping to get some beauty sleep.

The group ran outside to see zombies and skeletons and other monsters attacking the town


Anne:yup this place is definitely worse.

???:well well well...there's some new faces!.

Then everyone looked at the top of the gate to see...a witch she had your Average witch costume the black long sleeve shirt the black skirt and black pants and the witch hat but her hair was orange and it went down to her shoulders and slightly Orange eyes she had a golden locket around her neck

???:ah yes I could sense it that burning energy the passion the power in all of you...especially you boy~.

She said as she pointed to y/n


Anne:hey layoff him dude!.

Star:ya who are you anyways And why are you attacking the town!?

???:me?...well I'm the most powerful witch in this world Helena and I'm hear to show the town what's coming for now It's spooktober!.


Marcy:actually it's o-

Y/n:*smiles*no no no...don't tell her

Then everyone started to hear laughing and turn to see eda laughing and wiping tears from her eyes even luz Gus willow amity and king were slightly giggling and Helena was not taking this lightly

Helena:what's so funny?.

Eda:Ha well it's the joke you made...most powerful witch HAHAHA!.

Then she started laughing again that she had to balance herself by leaning on a wall


Helena shot a blast from her wand at eda but a yellow one shot back overpowering her blast making Helena dodge the blast almost getting hit she looked back in surprise to see eda aiming her staff at her with a smirk


Eda:hate to burst your ego sister but your not the most powerful witch here.

Helena:so...your another magic user...

Eda:I'm not the only one.

Then Gus made illusions of himself willow started to make plants grow out the ground amity summoned her abominations and stars hand were glowing getting ready to blast but eda notice luz wasn't doing anything

Eda:*whispers*luz where's your magic?.

Luz:I didn't bring any paper!.

Star:oh don't worry I got this.

Then star shot a blast to the ground making a stack of papers appear

Star:hey it worked this time!.

Marco:that just proves your getting better at making objects!.

Luz:thank you star.

Star:no prob bob.

Gus:but her name is luz?.

Y/n:don't think to much into it.

Helena:and let me guess the rest of you know magic

Anne:well no but we have moves that can beat ya down!.

The planters/Marcy/Sasha:YA!

Y/n:but for us not exactly.

Then y/n summoned purple fire in his hands and Steven summoned his shield

Helena:*thoughts* so I was right *smirks*

Helena:alright then I'm fighting you boy.

Eda:not exactly.

Then eda shot a blast at Helena hitting and making her crash into a tree she slowly got up and looked towards the monsters

Helena:alright my children attack the rest while I handle her!.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And so the monsters charged towards the group y/n and Steven handled skeletons Anne Marcy Sasha and the planters handled zombies and luz amity Gus and willow fought ghouls and star and Marco fought vampires y/n punched a skeletons head off and backhand another one in the torso breaking it
Steven then hit one with his shield then threw it hitting three skeletons in a row Sasha showed no mercy to the zombies and proceed to slash at all of them with her dagger but Marcy on the other hand was trying to study them while everyone was fighting while she was writing in her notebook a zombie was approaching behind her as it got close it was about to slash her until it got hit in the back of the head by sprig then it turned around and received a giant stick to the face by Anne

Anne:Marcy there's literally walking dead people what are you doing!?.

Marcy:oh thanks Anne also I'm trying to see if they have a weakness like the ones from our world.

But while they were talking Sasha slashed a zombies head off making it land in Anne's arms...still alive



Then Anne slammed the head into the ground and started hitting it with the stick

Sasha:well ya there zombies duh.

Now with luz group the ghouls were giving them a little trouble two of them were being tricked by Gus's illusions

Illusion Gus 1:over here!.

Illusion Gus 2:no over here!.

Illusion Gus 3:or I'm I over here!?.

And amity was using her abominations to fight off the ghouls they started to slash at the abominations but they would just heal back the scratch with there blobs but then they started to eat the abominations making amity disgusted

Amity:*shudders*you guys would eat anything bleh...

For willow she was using her plants she summoned from the ground to grab the ghouls and smash them or throw them but while some were still in the hold of the plant they started eating it and breaking out

Willow:oh no...

As for luz she would write the symbol on the papers she used ice but the ghouls chewed there way threw them next she use plants but the same thing happened when willow used them then she she wrote the light glyph but to her surprise the ghoul started to block the light and scream in pain

Luz:t-that's it light hurts them!.

Then she blasted the ray of light at the ghoul knocking it back into a tree now it laid there it no more glowing eyes and went limb

Luz:guys the light hurts them!.

Amity:well make more of those light glyphs!.

Then one by one luz made light glyphs for them the light flew next to amity willow and Gus and now there attacking were working against the ghouls

Now for star and Marco they were handling the vampires well since they watched a lot of horror movies star was in her butterfly form blasting them with her lights as for Marco he made a sharp stick and started stabbing them in the heart

But while this was happening eda and Helena were having a epic battle in the sky clashing every time they would fly past each other but then eda got the upper hand by tying her up with dark owls with glowing eyes

Eda:Ha and you said you were powerful.

Helena:laugh all you want but I still have one more trick up my sleeve!.

She then proceeded to use her free hand the whistle then everyone started seeing some trees being shook and half were falling down then something jumped out and landed


Y/n:oh no this is bad...

Anne:what why if you can take a dragon you can take this thing right!?.

Y/n:that ain't no ordinary werewolf believe me I fought them before hell I even was one


Y/n:never mind that the point is that's a alpha and and it's kinda rare to find one on two legs and if it's that big then this isn't going to be easy!.

Then the werewolf started charging at the group going for luz first


Helena:*smirks*that's not all~.

But eda wasn't listening as she was about to go help luz something tackled her out of the sky as she was on the group she open her eyes and saw what was trying to eat her


As the werewolf was about to slash luz it was kicked in the face by y/n sending it flying into a boulder

Y/n:thats was close you ok?.

Luz:ya I'm fine thanks.

The werewolf got out of the boulder and started to charge at y/n as it reached him it started slashing at him but he was dodging every hit

Y/n:*thoughts* why is a werewolf working with a giant bat anyways wait a minute!.

That's when he realized eda was still being held down by the giant bat then when the werewolf did one more slash he kicked it in the stomach making it go back a bit then rushed off to eda

Helena:aww what's wrong where was all the confidence at a second ago~.

Eda:says the one who needs monsters to fight that just proves I'm stronger the you!.

Helena:...finished her I don't wanna hear her voice anymore...

As the bat was about to bite down it was kicked by y/n making it go flying


Then y/n went after it in the sky with his fire wings as the bat stop spinning and balance itself it flew straight at y/n but that's what he wanted to as the bat got close he uppercut it then punched it in the chest sending it flying and to finish it off threw a purple fire ball at it making a explosion

Y/n:alright now back to the wolf...

As he turned around he was met with a orange blast to the face making him crash to the grown as he slowly got up he saw Helena land In front of him

Y/n:what you mad I hurt your giant pet bat?...

Helena:no not really it actually just proves my point~.


Helena:I have something special for you boy you could be brought down my force or...you can surrender and I'll give you a Prize~ *winks*.


But then she got a giant stick thrown in the back of her head


Then she turned to see Anne in a throwing position with a angry look then it went into a shock look when she realized what she just did then Helena pointed her wand at Anne powering up a blast


Then she fired the blast as it was to fast for her to dodge


That's when she was pushed as everything was in slow motion she saw it was y/n that pushed her the everything went fast again as y/n was caught in the explosion


Eda:you little-

But as eda was about to rush at Helena the bat came back and landed in front of her stopping her then the smoke was clearing then y/n could be seen slowly standing up


Steven:are...you alright?.

Y/n:*groans* y-ya I'm g-good

That's when the werewolf came out of nowhere and punched y/n making him slide to Helenas feet

Marco:NOT COOL!.

That's when Marco came in and kicked the werewolf in the face then star blasted it making it go flying as Anne was about to go help y/n more of the other monsters got in her way stopping her that's when Sasha Marcy and the planters had to help her as for y/n he was to hurt to move and fight for now

Helena:by force it is then~.

Y/n:your starting to become annoying...scratch that you were always annoying...

Helena:insults won't help you now dear now time for that surprise!.

She then opened the locket that was on her neck to reveal a seed

Y/n:a seed...the surprise...was a seed?.

Helena:not any seed a pumpkin seed.

Y/n:...how does that ...make it better?...

Helena:there is power in this seed a scary power not as powerful as the darkness but a this shall awaken a frightening power just for spooktober!.

Y/n:why did I let you call it th-

But before he could finish she shoved the seed into his mouth witch made him accidentally swallow it

Y/n:agh I can still taste the slim-

But again before he could finish he was engulfed in a bright orange light as you can hear his screams it started to get a little deeper and echoey this made everyone stop fighting as the zombies skeletons vampires even the ghouls back up in fear except the giant bat and werewolf

Helena:Yes I was right look at the power the glow is brighter then ever!.

Sprig:something tells me this is really bad...

Amity:you think Genius!?.

Then as the screams were dying down it but he was still in fire slowly turned into chuckling the full on laughter

Then the giant light died down and revealed y/n but when he opened his eyes they were orange but something looked off with them

Then he looked at his hands with a wicked smile

Y/n:the power...yes THE POWER HAHAHAHA!.


Helena:yes now dispose the rest of them!.

He then took a step and turned toward Helena

Y/n:...what did you say?...

(Play song up top)

Helena:I said dispose of th-

But she was interrupted by a fist to the face sending her flying


Anne:the jackal?.

Marcy:that must be the thing that's controlling him!.

Then Helena was getting up she saw y/n well now jackal y/n approaching her with a menacing glow in his eyes

Helena:w-what are you doing your supposed to be following orders I helped you find a host!?.

Jackal y/n:*smirks*and thank you for that but like I said I take orders from no one...

Helena:f-fine then get him!.

But unfortunately for her the zombies and skeletons and vampires and ghouls were to scared to attack

Luz:there not attacking?.

Eda:it must be the power whatever she said about it being a fearful power she wasn't lying...

Then they all ran into the woods to get as far away as possible

Jackal y/n:HAHA Bunch of cowards I would've made them suffer...

Then the werewolf came out of nowhere again to slash y/n but he blocked it with his arm not even scraping his skin

Jackal y/n:was that supposed to hurt HA pathetic!.

Then he proceeded to knee the werewolf in the stomach making it fly into a several trees at it it the final tree is was laying there lifeless

Jackal y/n:aww I put to much force into that he got a quick one!.

Luz:he's starting to scare me now


Then that bat rushed at him but it didn't have a better chance for it got a knee to the chin making it go up into the sky y/n went after it but instead of purple his fire wings were now orange he flew at fast speed as he went past the bat flying above it as he waited for it to get closer

Jackal y/n:since your screams will come out as roars too I'll be generous and make it quick*smiles*

He then smashed his foot at the head of the bat making it crash into trees then landed back onto the grown he then looked at the group

Jackal y/n:friends~!.

Luz:hey let go!.

Then he turned to see Helena had Luz in her grasp holding the wand to her head

Helena:n-now if you don't stop and obeyI'll blast this brat!.

Jackal y/n:...*smirks* like I care.

He then aimed his hand at both of them

Luz:h-he's bluffing right!?.

Star:he's gotta be!.

Then his hand started to glow orange fire as he had a insane smile on his face



That's when a rock was thrown at the back of y/n's head as the fire stopped and he slowly turned his head to looked at who threw it with a glare

Anne:y/n are you crazy that's your friend we are your friends are you really going to fight us dude!?.


Then he charged towards Anne


But then he stopped as his hand was a inches away from her face then he started holding his head and shaking


Then he was engulfed in fire then the fire slowly turned purple has his screams slowly went to normal Helena then took this chance to escape since she saw he was able to snap out of it then the fire disappeared as y/n was standing there panting


Luz:are you...you?


That's when he charged at Anne

Sprig:Anne look out!.

As Anne prepared for a punch it but never came as she opened her eyes she saw y/n hugging her

Y/n:I...I'm sorry...that wasn't me please... forgive me...

That's when she returned the hug

Anne:of course dude we know that wasn't you...

That's when everyone started approaching then it went into a group hug even Sasha and eda joined in well forced in by luz and Marcy

Mayor:m-my goodness!.

Then everyone broke out of the hug and look to the side to see the mayor

Mayor:well it looks like you saved the town again all in a day and night I can't express how much we are thankful!.

Luz:it's no problem mr mayor

Y/n:ya but if there's no more trouble I'm going to bed I need a nap now...

Mayor:oh yes you've earned it if there's anymore crime we'll try to handle it!.

Steven:thank you mayor


Everyone was in the room now and they went fast asleep from how exhausted they were except for two as y/n laid down in his spot he heard something sit next to him he turned and saw Anne

Anne:hey dude...

Y/n:hey Anne is there something you need?.

Anne:naw just came by to see how your doing.

Y/n:...if your scared about that...form...it's don't I'm pretty sure it's gone now...sorry about almost blasting you btw...

Anne:it's fine at least you snapped out of it right?.

Y/n:heh ya...is that all you wanted to talk about?.

Anne:well...I just wanted to know *blushes* if we could sleep together?.


Anne:w-well ya I'm just worried about you man...so what do ya say?.

Without answering you patted the spot next to you signaling her to lay down

Anne:thanks man.

Y/n:ya no problem...

And so y/n laid back down and Anne laid next to him but this time she wrapped her arms around him on purpose like last time he was surprised but got used to it quick and returned the hug

Y/n:goodnight Anne.

Anne:goodnight y/n.

And so he let sleep take him...now y/n was in a dark place floating in front of him was jackal with purple chains holding him down he had the same appearance has y/n face and everything

Jackal:I finally get a host and get out of that seed and what do I get another cell your a idiot you know that!.

Y/n:well ya but...I'm a idiot who's got friends that like me.

Jackal:who needs friends when you have power!.

Y/n:sounds pretty lonely.

Jackal:one day I'll get out and when I do fear will conquer the land!.

Y/n:good luck with that...I'll visit in a while to see how your doing for now I need a nap.

Then he disappeared leaving jackal alone

Jackal:...let's hope no one finds it...
Hey tdog here I was actually really excited to finish this chapter I hope you enjoy it also I added a few hints for upcoming chapters in this one I'll give u a hint Helena and jackal said them well anyway I would like to thank you all for 792 reads at first I thought no one would care for this story but what do you know also thank you for the nice comments to happy spooktober and soon Halloween have a good day or night stay safe and peace out

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