Chapter 4...rage

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Y/n:zzz...ya... Poor that Maple syrup...zzz...all over my random women that lives in
My house...

Y/n was still sleeping so was the group the sun just came out still some time to sleep right? well not for one person or well frog

Hop pop:Rise and shine everyone!


Anne:hop pop...the sun just barley came up dude...

Hop pop:I know I know but I think we should get up bright and early and learn about this town.

Amity:ya sure wake us up it's not like we fought against monsters or anything.

Steven:maybe...but at least let everyone get some sleep.

Hop pop:nope.

Luz:is he always like this?.


Anne:you have no idea...

Y/ has anyone ever had frog legs?.

Eda:I like the sound of that kid!.


We see a dark castle with dead trees and grass

You might be wondering what happened to
y/n's enemies well let's just see

The inventor:um sir what exactly is the plan now?...

But mr grey ignored him as he walked to the entrance of the castle

The inventor:SIR!?.

As the inventor ran after mr grey there were to guards with dark armor

Guard:halt what business do you-

But he was cutoff by being disintegrated by a ray of white light as the second guard tried to attack he met the same fate this time with black ray he then kicked down the gate then proceeded to walk into the castle as the inventor scurried after him they walked into a room that had a throne and there were guards lined up as a guard with some gold mixed with his black armor stepped up

The inventor:clearly the general.

Mr grey:are you in charge here


Mr grey:nope.


Mr grey:wrong

???:let him threw Maxwell.

Both mr grey and the inventor look to the throne to see a figure with glowing green eyes from the dark

The inventor:*snickers* maxwells?.


As the soldiers and general move to make a way threw mr grey and the inventor stepped in front of the figure

???:what business do you have?.

Mr grey:we've come from a world you have never seen before.

???:is that so?.

The inventor:w-why yes as you can see mr grey does not have the skin or eyes of a regular person.

???:and you what do you have?.

The inventor:I h-have no powers-

???:very disappointing I must say.

The inventor:b-but I have a mind like no other for i can make machines like Meks the size of buildings or rays as powerful as the sun!.

???:hm could be useful.

Mr grey:we didn't come to beg into your group.

???:oh well then mr tough guy.

Mr grey:it's grey.

???:oh I know...then why are you here in "my" castle and kill "my" guards hmm?.

Mr grey:we've come to make a alliance.

???:ohh for what nothing in the land or kingdom dares to challenge me?.

Mr grey:you felt it didn't you?.


Mr grey:the powers that entered this world...the burning heat that one has...

???:yes...I have...

Mr grey:the one who holds that power will discover you soon and will not think twice to come and challenge you.


Mr grey:and there's more with different powers.

???:how do you know this?.

Mr grey:I was one of those powers that entered threw as well

The figures eyes glowed brighter scanning mr grey then his eyes widened but quickly went back to normal

???:so...what do you suppose?

Mr grey:like I said we make a alliance I work with you use some of your men and the same goes with me.

???:forgive me but I don't see any men with you

Then mr grey lifted his hand and summoned a white glowing bubble

Then a black glowing one

He summon two more one white and black again they then floated and lined up they started glowing then a light glowed bright blinding everyone except the figure and mr grey when the light died down they saw four people the same color as mr grey half white half black same for there eyes

Mr grey:these are my men and women the first one is Brutus

The big man stepped up his left side was black and right was white he had the same eyes like mr grey but he had no mouth

Mr grey:he's not much of a talker.


Mr grey:that wasn't a joke.

???:...what can he do?

Mr grey:he's the strength of the group something heavy he'll lift it can't get threw he'll punch threw it something annoying he'll kill it by squashing it.


Mr grey:the next is Shiva.

Shiva:hi there~.

For shiva the color on her was different on her left was white and right was black on her left shoulder was a black Diamond marking and right was a white diamond her hair was all white it reached down to her hips

???:and her?.

Mr grey:shiva if a staff user.

As he said this shiva pulled out a short staff from her pocket she then pressed a button on the staff Extending it she the proceeded to spin the staff then ending it with a pose

Mr grey:that's not all she's also sneaky when it comes to fighting.

She then pressed the button again this time a sharp knife came out of the tip of the staff

Mr grey:she's also very flexible lasers she'll maneuver through them need someone to get somewhere quick she'll parkour over the buildings or forests.

???:impressive and the third one?.

Mr grey:Illusioner.

Illusioner:pleasures to meet ya!.

His voice was raspy and sounded crazy he had black spiral in his eyes

His hair was pointed straight out going in different directions he had sharp teeth and hasn't stop smiling

Mr grey:he can get into your mind and mess with you did something wrong he'll guilt trick you have a dark past he'll use it against you lost a love one you get the picture he's that low to do that.

Illusioner:hahaha it's true!.

Mr grey:and finally viper


Viper had long hair that was black he was like mr grey and Brutus his left was black and right was white he had a necklace with snake teeth

Mr grey:viper here can use snake venom or poison to kill a enemy but that's not all with enough power he could spit acid that would burn a persons skin right off.

???:excellent well I say that proves enough.

The inventor:you mean?...

???:attention men from now on you shall also take orders from mr grey and his men!.


???:don't worry Maxwell you're still general.

Mr grey:excellent but for now we don't need any of your men.

???:oh then what will you do?.

Mr grey:Brutus shiva!.


Shiva:yes sir?

Mr grey:*smirks*you two are up.


Shiva:we'll be back~.

They then ran out the room as the inventor was smiling wickedly as for mr grey

Mr grey:by the way what is your name?.

???:call me...hardware now if you'll excuse me I have to tell my wife the great news.

After getting y/n Eda Sasha and amity to calm down and not go with they're idea everyone decided that maybe it is a good idea to explore the town

Steven:ok so where to first?.

Hop pop:well I was thinking the library that's where all the history is stored.

Marcy:that actually sound like a good idea.

Amity:I would actually like to get a little reading done.

Willow:me too.

Gus:me three!.

Steven:I'll come too I wanna see if there's a way back home.

Hop pop:your coming too Polly.


Hop pop:your too little to be left alone.

Polly:no no NOOOO!.

And so Steven hop pop amity Marcy willow Gus and Polly went off to the library

Eda:have fun nerds me and king are gonna see how many suckers we could pickpocket.

Sasha:oh I like the sound of that count me in.

Eda:got any pickpocket skills?.

Sasha:oh girl you have no idea.

Eda:...I like this one come along I bet I can show you tricks you don't even know.

Then Eda and Sasha and king went into town

Star:hey Marco wanna go see what cool stuff they have we could teach them how to make nachos if they don't know about them yet?.

Marco:you had me at nachos.

Anne:can we tag along?.

Star:sure I don't see why not.


All that's left is y/n

Y/n:hmm what should I do?...wait a minute they went to the library they went to pickpocket and they went to make nachos...wait where is-

Luz:right here!.

He turned around to see Luz which confused him a bit

Y/n:oh hi Luz need something?.

Luz:no actually I just wanted to know if I could hang out with you.

Y/n:well I'm not trying to be rude but...why?.

Luz:you seem...interesting is the right word.

Y/n:oh well what about your friends and eda?.

Luz:for my friends I'm sure they'll be fine with Steven plus I'm not really into pickpocketing.


Luz:plus I've gotten to know a little bit of everyone except you!.

Y/n:hmm alright then sure it could be fun!.

Luz:yes alright let's go then!.

She then grabbed his arm and started dragging him into town but a certain someone was narrowing they're eyes at them


Sprig:you coming Anne!?.

Anne:huh oh y-ya ya...

She then started to walk backwards still...staring at the two until she tripped and fell

Y/n:alright Luz what do you...Luz?.

As he turned around he saw she was nowhere to be found

Y/n:...could've sworn she was just right beside me?.


He turned again and saw Luz waving at him signaling him to come over to a stand


He walked over to the stand as he got there he saw Luz was excited


Luz:I know right? And not only that they're shaped like little cats!.

Y/n:oh my god this is messed up and adorable at the same time!.

???:yes you can thank me for that.

They both looked up to see a man in a apron holding a tray of more cat donuts

Baker:yup made them myself would you two like one?.

Y/n/Luz:yes please!.

Baker:that will be 20 dollars please.

Y/n:oh they have dollars in this world...oh...we need to use dollars...

Luz:it's okay you don't have to pay-

Y/n:thank you!.

Baker:no problem please come again.


She looked up to see y/n walking back with four of the donuts

Y/n:here two for you two for me!.

Luz:but you didn't have to plus you bought more then one!.

Y/n:ya I know but what are friends I'm hungry I haven't had breakfast yet so take the donuts.

Luz was shocked that y/n would do something this nice so in response she gives him a smile then takes the two donuts she takes a bit of one

Luz:mmm I've forgot how good donuts taste they're amazing right y/-

She turned and saw y/n's donuts gone and a couple of crumbs on his face

Luz:*snickers* you weren't kidding about being hungry huh?.

Y/n:nope well what now?.

Luz:hmm oh I overheard one of the villagers talking about a park why don't we go there?.

Y/n:*thumbs up*sounds good!.

As they were walking away going unnoticed by them was Anne still watching in a bit of jealousy as she was still watching them someone put a hand on her shoulder scaring her



Marco:whoa chill!.

Anne:oh it's you...uh?.


Anne:ya aren't you supposed to be with your friend...uhh...


Anne:ya that's her!.

Marco:for one I should be asking you the same thing you just vanished and for two she's with your little frog friend.

Anne:oh right sprig I just ditched him!.

Marco:what are you even looking at anyways?.

He looked around the corner to see what she was watching he didn't see anything wrong until he saw you and Luz

Marco:oh it's y/n and Luz I was wondering where they are where are they going?.

Anne:*grumbles*the park...

Marco:they have a park? Looks like those to are getting close huh?.

Anne:a little to close with if you ask me...

Marco:what do you mean b-...

And that's when he realized



Marco:uh jealous much?~.


Marco:you have a crush on y/n!.

Anne:*blushes*w-what pshh no...I gotta go!.

And then she speed walked to the park while Marco was thinking

Marco:hmm man I hope Jackie's ok back home...


Y/n and Luz made it to the park they walked around for a bit then they watched...a chicken duck hybrid

Y/n:man this world is weird.

Luz:I'd say mine is weirder I'm just wondering how it was created.

Y/n:I only have one question.


Y/n:can you eat it?.

This got a laugh from Luz going unnoticed to them was mr grey's henchmen and women shiva was standing on the giant wall while Brutus was hanging on watching the two

Shiva:that's the kid boss wants he don't look like nothing special...well except for his looks~.


Shiva:hmm alright alright let's go.

They both jumped over the fence and were making there way to them while with you and Luz they were sitting and a bench

Y/n:it was a nice day today Luz thank you.

Luz:I should be thanking you you bought the donuts.

Y/n:ya but you had the idea to walk and go to the park plus you found the donut stand.

Luz:well I guess...y/n?.

Y/n:ya?. you think we'll all find a way home...

Y/n:well maybe but aren't you stuck in a different world back home?.

Luz:well I'm not stuck I just chose to stay in that world to follow my dream.

Y/n:to be a witch right?.

Luz:ya...but what I'm worried about is my mom...she doesn't know I'm living in that world...and now here...

Y/n had a look of sympathy after what Luz told him but then he had a look of determination he then put his hand on Luz's shoulder to get her attention

Y/n:well then that's what I'm gonna make sure happens I'll find away to get everyone home plus it's not so bad you have the others and me right!?.

He then put his hand on top of Luz's then showed a big toothy smile

Luz:*blushes* y-ya!.

For Luz this made her feel better and a little flustered since his hand was on top of hers it felt warm and safe


Before she could finish the ground started to shake like heavy footsteps were repeatedly approaching fast

Y/n:what the- AHGG

Then Brutus came charging smashing into y/n carrying him then smashing him threw the wooden wall making a hole luckily for Luz Brutus destroyed half of the bench



She was about to go after them until shiva landed in front of her stopping her

Shiva:not so fast.

Luz:who are you and what do you want!?.

Shiva:my name is shiva remember it and for what we want is none of your business now run along before you get hurt.

Luz:you shouldn't look down on me.

Shiva:really and why is that?.

Luz:because I'm no ordinary human!.

She then pulled out her papers with glyphs

Luz:I'm a witch!.

She then sent a ice spell towards shiva hitting her then knocking her into a tree training!.

Shiva:...heh not bad but you could do better.

She then stands up and pulls out her staff getting into her fighting pose

Luz:...oh what did I get myself into...hopefully y/n is alright.



Be see y/n get thrown past the screen slamming into the side of a giant hill

Y/n:ow you know this is the first time someone has kidnapped me like that?.


Y/n:not a talker huh?.

Without a second to spare Brutus charged at y/n swinging his fist luckily for y/n he dodged in time as Brutus left a giant hole in the hill

Y/n:yeesh that's some real muscle...wait a minute.

He saw that Brutus had a half black and white body just like...

Y/n:ha what do ya know I'm guessing mr grey sent you?.

Surprising y/n Brutus gave him a little nod

Y/n:well I guess I should take this a little seriously.

Y/n then rushed Brutus as he got closer Brutus sent a right hook to y/n luckily he was able to dodge the punch then giving Brutus a knee to the face but Brutus was quick enough to grab y/n by the leg and slam him to the ground then throw him into a tree

Y/n:*groans*dang...your pretty quick heh I know I said I I would take this seriously but I lied now that I saw what your made of you have my full attention now *chuckles*.


For a second Brutus wasn't affected by
Y/n's words but now felt pain in his stomach for y/n was now in front of him with his fist in his gut


Y/n then kick Brutus in the chin sending him into the air as he summoned his fire wings and followed after

Y/n:you weren't expecting that were y-MMPH!.

Brutus interrupted him by grabbing his face then spin him around then throwing him back to the ground he then shook his head and looked up to see Brutus about to land on him with his feet but y/n rolled out of the way just in time

Y/n:ok...he's faster and stronger then I thought...huh?.

Y/n looked to his left to see a giant pillar of ice and some lights flashing now and then in the woods

Y/n:what the Who is...LUZ!.

As y/n was distracted Brutus saw this as a opening as he dashed towards y/n preparing for a punch as he sent his right fist towards y/n landing the punch caused the dirt to fly up into the air making it to where you can't see the two as the dirt started to clear Brutus was in shock to what he was seeing

Y/n:sorry but when you bring my friends into this is when you made a mistake...

Y/n had caught Brutus fist in the palm of his hand

Y/n:now I gotta run but hey who knows if you survive this we can play again later.

As Brutus looked at y/n confused y/n then punched Brutus in the face this time with more force then before sending him flying

As y/n runs off to help Luz Brutus hits the ground making a crater as he lays in the crater he's staring at y/n running away that's when he starts shaking as his face starts to morph a tearing sound could be heard as Brutus face rips two holes for eyes then a mouth as he has a reptile like tongue

Brutus:must...return to...master...

With y/n he was now approaching the area where he saw the battle taking place

Y/n:cmon Luz where are you give me a sign.

As if his question got answered he saw a flash of light threw the trees to his left

Y/n:oh sweet.


Luz was now exhausted not from the magic from having to dodge shivas attacks and block them

Shiva:I'm surprise you kept up with me for this know because your a runt.

Luz:is all you do is trash talk in a fight!?.

Shiva:pretty much but if you'll excuse me I have a job to do.

Shiva then rushed at Luz she tried to throw another glyph down but shiva was able to grab her wrist and force her to the ground pinning her with her foot on her back and pulling her arm

Shiva:you know the boss said not to kill the boy...but nothing about his little friends~.

Luz now had a look of horror as she turn her head and saw shiva now with her spear with the knife at the tip out raised above her head

Shiva:so long sweetheart!.

As she was about to bring the spear down she received a double kick to the cheek sending her flying


Y/n:sorry I'm late but it looks like I got here in time before anything bad happened.


Shiva:agh...stronger then he looks...wait where's Brutus what have you done to him!?.

Y/n:oh so that's his name well all I can say is that he's laying in a crater.

Shiva:no that's impossible Brutus strength is unmatched!.

Y/n:hey I don't know what to tell ya.

Luz:*thoughts*is he really that strong...

Shiva:whatever I don't need him to capture he may have the muscles but I-

She then appeared behind y/n

Shiva:have the speed!.

Y/n:wait what-

She then kicked y/n in the back sending him into a tree face first

Y/n:*muffled*im getting tired of this...

Y/n planted his feet onto the ground and pulled out the tree and swung the tree at shiva hitting and making her break threw several trees

y/n:*drops tree*alright Luz I need you to go back into the town where it's safe.

Luz:I'm not leaving you behind i can stay and help!.

Y/n:and you have you've weakened her for me but even I can't keep up with her speed which is still freaking me out so ple-


Y/n got sent flying and crashed into a tree again

Y/n:alright this is getting old...WHAT!?.

As y/n looked forward to see Brutus with his faces new appearance then shiva landed next to him with some bruises and twigs in her hair

Shiva:good to see you Brutus but I'm a little disappointed that this boy was able to make you go into that form...

Y/n:I-I used full force with that punch you should at least not be able to move!?.

Shiva:your clearly confused you see Brutus is incredibly strong in his normal state which is why i was so shocked when I heard he was defeated but as you see now in this state he's in he shows no mercy and is incredibly more powerful which is a shame for him since the boss wants you alive.

Y/n face was down as a shadow was over his eyes

Y/n:alright then if your getting serious...

Suddenly his hair turns purple and catches on fire as his eyes glowed

Y/n:then so will I.

Then a huge aura of purple fire was now on y/n


Shiva:changing color won't save you- huh!?.

Y/n was now behind shiva as he lifted his hand and smacked her away

Y/n:now that she's out of the way *smirks*lets continue the fun Brutus your power versus my power.!.

Y/n and Brutus charged each other clashing fist making a shockwave then starting clashing

Luz:so this is the power he was talking about...incredible!.


Luz turned around and saw Anne sprig Marco and star

Marco:we saw a bunch of stuff happening here what's going on!?.

Luz:two people came here and started fighting me and y/n and they want to take him to their boss!.

Star:ok so where is y/n!?.

They're question got answered for something crashed next to them making dirt go into the air and make a crater as the dirt started to clear they looked into the crater to see y/n with scratches and bruises

All five:Y/N!.


They were about to go help him but Brutus landed in front of them blocking them

Shiva:good job Brutus.

They turned to see shiva slowly walking next to Brutus she was of course damaged from y/n's slap

Anne:guessing that's the second one?.


Brutus:kill...them?. leave them alone the boss just wants the boy *points to luz* but you better watch your back.

They both go to get y/n but stop when they see a dark blue glowing behind them

Star:blueberry cupcake bazooka!.

She fires at Brutus and shiva making blue smoke go into the air

Anne:whoa cool!.

Luz:you got them!.

Star:hehe aw it was nothing.



As the smoke was clearing they see Brutus standing in front of shiva with his arms raised blocking the explosion then shiva walks out from behind Brutus

Shiva:change of plans they want a fight they got a fight...


Y/n:*grunts* n-no...don't!.

Shiva:oh and what will you do it seems your to hurt to move?.


Brutus dashes towards the group and goes for a punch luckily for them they all were able to dodge making Brutus smash his fist into the ground

Star:narwhal blast!.

Star fired the blast at Brutus but Brutus blocked the attack and grabbed one of the narwhals and threw it at sprig luckily it landed between his legs missing



Marco kicked Brutus in the stomach but it did nothing Brutus then grabbed Marcos leg and slamming him against the ground then throwing him against a tree in pain



Anne was about to go help Marco but she gets pinned to the ground by shiva

Anne:hey let go man!.

Shiva:ah ah ah we don't want no interruptions now do we?.

Sprig tried to use his tongue to hit Brutus but he caught it

Sprig:uh oh...

Brutus then spin sprig around like a lasso then throwing him into a tree next to Marco


Y/n:c-come on....

Star:that's it!.

Star then turned into her butterfly form surprising Brutus and shiva a bit she then fired a gold beam with both her hands sending Brutus flying back into the side of a hill making gold smoke go into the air as the smoke cleared Brutus was stuck on the side of the hill

Luz:is...he out?.

Star then flew in front of Brutus lifting her hand and pointed her palm at Brutus charging another beam

Shiva:not so fast!.

Star then turned to see shiva still had Anne pinned to the ground

Shiva:unless you want this one to die back away.

Star then looked at Brutus then to Anne she then slowly put her arm down but she didn't notice that Brutus face is slowly glowing white and black

Shiva:alright now...stay down.


Brutus then looked up at star opening his mouth shooting a white and black blast at her sending her into the sky with the blast exploding



Star then lands on the ground making a small crater her clothes were ripped and she had bruises and scratches on her

Y/n:c-come on....almost...

Brutus then looked at Luz and slowly started to walk towards her she then pulled out a ice glyph shooting it to Brutus freezing him in ice

Luz:I-I got him!.

She then heard laughing from shiva she turn to look at her but all shiva did was point back to the ice Luz looked back to see the ice cracking then explode revealing Brutus he then continued to walk to Luz

Y/n:t-that's enough Brutus.

Luz was about to pull out another glyph but Brutus decided that it's time to end this and dashed behind Luz raising his arm up about to smash Luz with his fist


The crater y/n was in bursts with purple fire then y/n rushed out of the fire with some on his foot kicking Brutus in the face with the fire before he attacked Luz making him go flying into shiva making her let go of Anne and both smashing into several trees

Y/n:whew...ok got a little energy ok Luz?...

Luz:y-ya I'm fine.

Y/n:alright I need you to-

Y/n was interrupted when Brutus landed next to them what shocked him more was that Brutus slapped Luz away making her crash into a tree


Brutus was about to punch y/n but he blocked it with his arm


He then kneed Brutus in the gut then punched him in the face making him slide away he was about to charge again but shiva came out of nowhere and kicked him away as he put his fingers in the ground to slow him down

Y/n:*eye twitches* you little...huh?.

Y/n looked to his left to see the red berries that set him on fire


He looked back to see shiva smirking and Brutus walking towards him until he was wrapped by plants y/n turned again to see Luz with her glyph barley standing

Shiva:tch just die already!.

Shiva rushed at Luz pinning her against the tree with her staff on her neck while Brutus was ripping the plants off y/n then quickly snatched the berries then ate them he then closed his eyes focusing

Y/n:now it's over...

Brutus and shiva looked at y/n seeing his eyes flash red then disappear


A red flame like aura enveloped y/n's body as everyone had to shield themselves trying not to get send flying


Steven:any luck over there?.

Marcy:nope can't find anything about dimension hopping...

Steven:dang it-WHOA!.

All of a sudden the library started shaking making the towns people freak out and cause the others to hold onto something while the shelves and books fell

Willow:what's going on!?.

Amity:I-I don't know!.

Something caught Stevens attention as he looked out the window he saw a red blinding light

Steven:what the!?.


Eda:alright kid whatcha got?.

Sasha:a ring some money nice and a necklace what did you snagged?

Eda then starts shaking her hair making a bunch of stuff fall out

Sasha:...huh and what did he get?.

King:I got a dragon as one of my henchmen!.

She turns to see king on a stuffed dragon

Sasha let out a snicker as king got mad but then something catches eda's attention she turned to the wall of the town and saw a red light with intrigued her since she liked shiny stuff this caught Sashas attention as well

Sasha:what the heck is that?.

Eda:whatever it is I'm getting it for my nest you two stay.

She then flew off on her stuff leaving king and Sasha

Sasha:...wait she has a nest?.

King:yup with skulls.



as the red light died down everyone looked to see
y/n's in a new form

(I couldn't fine a reference it's good for me cuz I feel like I made a original form...maybe? I hope Idk i suck at drawing but here is the reference)

*also you know the chowder effect? That's what the white dots are doing when he moves*

*Play song up top*

He was breathing heavily then calmed down
now breathing normally


Anne:t-that's new...



But he didn't say anything he just kept glaring at Brutus and shiva

Shiva:tch changing color won't help yo-

Moving faster than she could see y/n appeared in front of shiva punching her The punch sent her flying into the side of the hill cracking it all the way to the top as her eyes were rolled to the back of her head almost looking lifeless Brutus was looking in shock as he turned back to see y/n was in front of him startling him making him panic and try to punch y/n but he caught his arm and raised it above his head

Y/n:not going anywhere for awhile?.

Brutus then got out of his grip and punched him in the stomach which did nothing

Y/n:grab a snickers.


Y/n then kick Brutus in the stomach sending him sliding back

Y/n:last chance take your friend and get out of my face now!.

But Brutus opened his mouth charging a blast like the one he used against star shaking the ground a bit and blowing the trees back a little that's when eda suddenly landed next to Luz


Eda:what the...mind explaining kid?.

Steven:us too please.

Luz saw Steven and the others made it as well

Luz:the long explanation or short?.


Eda:I thought I told you to stay back there?.

Sasha:got boring.

Luz:anyways *points to y/n* that's y/n!.

Gus:but why is he red?.

Star:we don't know he just ate those red berries.

Surprisingly Brutus was still charging his attack and y/n was just standing and closing his eyes that's when Brutus eyes glowed brighter as he finally shot the blast as it got closer making everyone worry but then y/n finally made a move reeling his arm back then shooting it forward letting out a giant red blast

The beams clashed but Brutus beam was quickly being pushed back


With a finale push y/n's blast finally overtaken Brutus blast hitting Brutus and causing a giant red explosion causing everyone to shield themselves

As the smoke was clearing everyone unshielded themselves to see Brutus in a giant crater what shock them the most was that he was getting up



Then Brutus fell to one knee while holding his stomach

Brutus:b-boss....not be.....happy...

Then his eyes glowed making everyone put they're guards up except for y/n but he ran to shiva and put her over his shoulder and with the energy he still had he jumped into the forest retreating that's when everyone was getting closer to y/n

Luz:y/n that was-


startling everyone y/n was pointing close to Luz face then turned to Marco sprig Anne and star



Then he looked at the group again

Y/n:*points to Anne*YOU GOT HURT*points to star*YOU GOT HURT*points to Marco*YOU GOT HURT AND*points to sprig*YOU GOT HURT*I COULD JUST-

That's when he finally noticed how scared or sad the group was getting then he looked to Luz and saw she was about to cry


That's when his form slowly started to wear off and his hair was extinguishing and now he was finally back to normal and the first thing he did was give Luz a hug to comfort her

Y/n:don't cry...I'm sorry I was just worried.

Luz:...that didn't look like worrying.

Y/n:heh no it didn't we cool?.

Luz:ya we cool thank you.

Eda:alright that was nice and all but could you explain what was all that earlier?.

King:you are a demon!.


King:dang it!.

Y/n:I'll explain everything but could we go back to the room and do it?.



Everyone was back in they're room now
Y/n was sitting in front of everyone crisscross applesauce

Eda:alright now kid spill the beans.

Y/n:well if I'm being honest i only know two things about what happened.

Steven:only two?.

Y/n:this is the first time I use the power.


Y/n:yes power you see there was a ability I had since I got my powers i like to call it absorption

Luz:you can absorb things?.

Y/n:well yes but actually no.

Star:now I'm confused?.

Y/n:you know how I can use fire right well I can absorb anything that's hot burning or steaming but there's a little problem with that...

Amity:that is?.

Y/n:...they fuse with my emotions.


Y/n:when we first arrived to this world remember the berries we found I ate the ones that caught me on fire but while I was angry.

Steven:but why were you angry?.

Y/n:*motions to Luz Anne star Marco sprig*these guys got in the middle and got hurt.

Eda/hop pop/WHAT!?.

Y/n:calm down nothing serious just some bruises.

Gus:*raises hand* oh oh!.

Y/n:this isn't school Gus you could just speak.

Gus:oh right can you still absorb?.

Y/n:yes but I have a limit I can only do it six times now only five.

Steven:well that's nice to know can you still change into that form?.

Y/n:who knows like I said never done it before but if it does just remember if I get made that's the emotion talking not me k?.

Then there was a knock at the door

Y/n:hmm now what?.

Y/n got up and opened the door to see the mayor

Y/n:oh hello mayor.

Mayor:hello young man are the rest of your friends also here?.

Y/n then fully opened the door revealing everyone in the room

Mayor:o-oh good I have a surprise for you if you all would follow me please?.



The mayor had brought everyone to a room that had many plates of food

*just the food take out the people*

Y/n:a-and this is for us?.

Mayor:yes a thank you for all you've done for us.

Luz:wow thank you mayor!.

Mayor:don't just thank me thank the citizens they thought it was a good way to repay you back.

Eda:now i almost feel bad for pickpocketing them.

Sasha:emphasis on the almost.


This earned them both a nudge from Luz and Anne

Mayor:well I'll leave you all to your meal.

The mayor then walked out as everyone turned back they saw y/n already put a piece in his mouth then swallow then his eyes glowed purple

Then back to normal


Sasha:sheesh I get we haven't eaten in a while but calm down.

Y/n:*gulps*sorry that's another side effect with my power ever since I got it every food I tasted feels like I haven't eaten it before!.

Marco:better grab a plate before he eats it all.

And so everyone sat down and enjoyed the food...especially y/n


Everyone was now back in they're room some were already asleep because they became to full y/n finally laid down on his blanket and pillow until someone approached him

Luz:hey y/n.

Y/n:are you approaching me?.


Y/n:hey Luz.

Luz:I...I was wondering?.


Luz:if I could sleep with you?.


Y/n:*thoughts*whats up with them wanting to sleep with me?.

???:watch your phrasing.

Y/n:*thoughts*who said that!?.

Jackal:who do ya think jackal!.

Y/n:*thoughts*oh right...sorry.

Jackal:anyways I have some news for you in the morning.

Y/n:*thoughts*why not now?.

Jackal:sleep now talk later.


Luz:*waving hand*hello y/n?.


Luz:sorry I get if you don't want to it was stupid to ask anyways...

Y/n:no no I don't mind I was just thinking about something!.

Y/n scooted over a bit to make room for Luz she laid down next to y/n and wrapped her arms around him making him blush more

Luz:...I didn't know you cared about me so much.


Luz:*blushes*i saw how mad you got when Brutus hit me to a tree.

Y/n:w-well ya of course same with everyone in this room heh....

Luz:*giggles*goodnight y/n.


Jackal:awww how precious.

Y/n:*thoughts*shut it!.
Hello late Christmas present sorry I haven't been active lately things have been happening not really good but hopefully 2021 will be better right...r-right

Also do you guys like how long the chapters are I for one love a long chapter

Also might make a another book little hint elements and a planet buster anyways hope you had a good Christmas or Hanukkah have a nice day or night stay safe see year eh eh.....I'm not funny

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