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As the cold air continued outside, the light gray she-cat was inside her den, hoping for the warm sunlight to return. Snow sighed. "Why is this happening right now?" she thought as her ocean-green eyes narrowed and her fur bristled. Slowly, her eyes turned red, and she unsheathed her claws, growling like an angry badger.

After contemplating the actions of the individuals

she interrupted her violent thoughts and sheathed her sharp claws. Upon exiting her habitat, she encountered the sensation of the wind on her fur. Snow ventured among the structures to gather provisions and fuel from the nonfunctioning Worker Drones to regulate her body temperature.

3rd POV

As Snow continued on her way, she felt her fur bristle with fear, as if something or someone far away was watching her, but she brushed off the feeling. Before she could look around, she saw a dead worker drone on the ground with a warning sign on its visor. Snow looked at the tower, which worried her, and her eyes and needle turned yellow. She continued strolling, making sure that it was safe. Once Snow entered the creepy house, she sniffed around for anything useful. Suddenly, she heard a woman's voice yelling, which drew her towards the noise. She spotted a purple woman wearing a coat with two bones forming an X shape and a sparkly beanie on her head. The woman was running towards a male robot and hitting him with the hand of a Worker Drone.

Snow's ears twitched with confusion. "Wait... that male robot looks so familiar to me," Snow thought. She remembered seeing the female robot threaten him and pin him down. Her name was N. As she was about to continue searching for supplies, she wondered why N and the purple female girl were there before N's eyes opened with yellow neon lights.

"Did you just slap me with that arm?"  he asked as he pointed at the hand. "Holy crap, It talks." "Yeah... Sorry, it's just my uh head kind of hurts. Hey, are you new to our squad? You're a little, uhh... short, for a Disassembly Drone."

Snow felt her guts tighten as she tried to find another way out. When she accidentally made a robot's arm fall, both robots noticed her, but she kept going until she spotted a cave-like hole and went inside.

"What was that?" he asked as he pointed out where Snow was. Uzi grabbed her railgun and walked to where N was pointing.

"I think that someone is watching us," she said, then started to walk towards Snow. She felt herself shaking, fearing that they would hurt her... or worse... kill her!

"Hey, whoever's over there, come out right now, or I'll come over there and shoot you with my sick-as-hell railgun!" Snow was now frightened. She had no choice but to come out. As Snow emerged from the hole and looked at N and the purple robot with her railgun, Snow walked towards them shakily and stood up until the purple robot started to speak.

"Were you spying on us?"

"I was not. I was simply attempting to locate supplies and..." Snow felt herself become immobilized, unable to move a muscle before she spoke again.

"Who are you? I'm Snow," she said nervously to the two robots.

"Oh right!  I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you. I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city. N said before whispering, That's not true. Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible. Wait, I-I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits." N said as he sighed and went on. "Well, honesty is the best policy. I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life. Ah, but I'm sure that'll sort itself out!" He explains and chuckles as he stares at the two, before Uzi the silence.

"Uh-huh... I'm Uzi, and I, uh, have to go. C'mon Snow," she told Snow as the she-cat followed.

As they were leaving, Uzi forgot about the painful hole in her damaged hand. Snow looked at Uzi with a worried expression.

"Oof, stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites. Otherwise, I'd be constantly disassembling myself!." He explained before N caught his tail and chuckled.

"And by "our saliva," you mean..." "Disassembly Drone?" Uzi and N said together, except for the female drone.

"Right. Hey, let's go in that landing pod over there," She said as she pointed at the pod over Snow's head. "Sure! I love doing anything!" he said as he smiled at them.

Inside the pod

Snow, Uzi, and N enter the landing pod. Uzi removes her hand from N's mouth, cringing a bit before brushing it aside.

"Bleh. Sweet. Uh... I'm open to new things, I guess." N said with an awkward chuckle. "We are never talking about this."

"Talking about what? Consider it, uh... Repressed!" As he said that, Snow was a bit distracted by N's tail. Uzi watched as Snow tried to catch it, and she struggled to stifle her laughter at Snow's cuteness.

"Uh, you mentioned other members of your squad? Are they coming back soon?" Uzi asked as she wiped the saliva off of her hand.

"Oh, yeah. Two others. They're out hunting for a bit but you'll love them. First, there's V" He noticed Snow trying to catch his tail, making him flustered. He almost wanted to grab her and hug her because of her cuteness.


A couple of years back, It shows V trying to finish off Grant while N was in the back, nervously, and after V killed Grant and his family, she wipe the oil off of her.

"And yet, I still feel nothing." Once she said that, her crazed eye twitched and N started to speak. "So, V, uh, I heard this planet-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be especially inhospitable tonight-" As N was about to continue, V noticed N and cut him off.

"Huh? Oh, God! Who are you?" V asked in shock before she flew and N watched her flee. "No worries, I'm N! But a whole letter is a lot to remember!" he said as he laughed nervously.

Flashback ends

"So, obviously a lot of mutual respect there. But secretly, I actually kind of have a crush on her. You can't tell her, okay?!" He said nervously as he looked at Uzi and Snow, a bit worried as Uzi zipped her lip, indicating she wouldn't tell V.

Snow could feel her heart beating for some reason. "Why do I feel this way? No, no, no! This can't be..." Snow thought, in panic. Snow was falling in love with Uzi and N until she heard Uzi and N calling her.

"Hello? Earth to Snow?" he said as he waved his hand in front of Snow's face. Uzi felt worried but brushed it off. Snow felt frozen and couldn't move. It felt as if her lungs were weighed down by tons of stone. Her eyes and her tattoo needle started to turn yellow from the flood of memories in her mind. She shook her head, and her eyes and tattoo needle returned to their original ocean-green color.

"Huh? What happened?" she said as she saw N and Uzi in front of her, with worried expressions. Uzi put her hand on Snow's shoulder.

"You seemed to zone out when N was talking about V. Are you feeling okay?" she asked, sounding concerned. Snow nodded and replied, "Y-yeah, I'm fine," as she felt Uzi's hand let go. "N, do you mind if you continue?"

N  nodded with a smile "Sure thing! Uh, then, there's - our leader!"


J pinned N to the ground, scolding him in anger. "N, you're worthless and terrible!" "Thank you!" N said as he struggled to breathe and choked. J continued "And if the company allows it, I'll straight up kill you myself!"

Flashback ends

"J's awesome!" N said as Snow spoke. "Are you sure? She treats you like you're nothing, and it seems like she doesn't care about you," Snow said. She froze as the memory of J threatening N outside her den came back to her, then shook her head to make the memories go away.

"Relax, Snow. She may treat me like that, but she still looks out for me," he reassured her. "I just want you to make you not hurt or something." She said; as her eyes turned pink, Uzi was surprised that Snow's eyes and tail had changed color. Her heart felt like it was racing, but she tried to ignore it."Hey, let me give you the tour- outside of the corpse... wall thingies. In here are the buttons!" 

"This isn't just a landing pod. This is a spaceship, this could get us off the planet." She said as she turned her chair to look at N.

"More of a one-use missile. They never taught us how to land." N said, "They didn't?" Snow's ears perked up in surprise. "They didn't teach you three how to land?" she said, confused. N patted her head as he shook his head.

"No, I- uh- uh, the Worker Drones- we could work with them to fix this! Instead of all the murder," She pointed at N, startling him, while Snow was scared of Uzi's anger before Uzi asked. "...Which, uh, why are we doing that again...?"

"Yeah! Why were we doing this again?" She said curiously, making N and Uzi surprised by her emotions. She was the only different drone that the planet ever had until N decided to tell Uzi and Snow about it.

"Other than ingesting their WARM, SWEET oil to avoid overheating and dying? I guess I just want to be useful. I was given a job and I always want to try my best"

"Well, I do have the same thing when trying not to die of overheating, and I want to try my best by surviving, and I fail to....." Snow hesitated, unwilling to disclose her backstory to N and Uzi. Their astonishment grew when they learned that Snow had a unique drone until Uzi rose from her chair.

"And look at all the respect it's gotten you, N. You think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?" She said upsetly.

"Oh, my! You sure are rebellious. It's kind of exciting. U-Uh, but not as fun as, uh, following the rules."Snow did her best to stifle a giggle, causing N and Uzi to look at her. N started to pat her head while Uzi smiled at her until J was heard banging on the landing pod.

"Hey, they're back! You-" As he continued on his way, he noticed that Uzi had already left, except for Snow, who was still standing there. "She left." "Idiot, get out here! And who are you talking to!?"


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