Prologue: Snow's Backstory...

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In the picturesque forest, a female cat emerged from the dense fern bushes. She was preparing to embark on a hunting expedition for her clan when she discerned the voice of a human. As she pondered the intentions of the bipedal creatures, she positioned herself in the undergrowth and waited until the sirens wailed, becoming increasingly deafening as the illumination intensified. The heightened sensory acuity of Snow, the she-cat, prompted her to seek refuge promptly to deliver news of the impending calamity to her clan. Regrettably, she ran out of time and was compelled to seek shelter in a diminutive cave. Though less than ideal, she pressed on, despite the numbness and soreness in her paws, striving to persist. However, the abrupt tremors from above and the onset of blurred vision culminated in her loss of consciousness.

9 hours later...

Third-person point of view

After the humans and all the ecosystems were gone, the world that used to be a wonderful, colorful, and warm planet became a winter-apocalyptic wasteland for robots called Worker Drones. However, there was one ecosystem that was still alive in the abandoned caves. The she-cat groaned tiredly and painfully. "W-what happened?" the she-cat said as she tried to remember what had happened to her. Memories flooded her mind, and she sighed.

"Oh, right, I remember now. Now, I need to find a way to get out of here." She tried to get up but failed when she realized that a boulder was trapping her leg. "You've got to be kidding me!" she snarled in anger. Despite this, she remained calm and tried to think of a way to get her leg unstuck. "Come on, Snow, think!" the she-cat thought. She started digging her way out, and as she finished digging, she carefully got up on her paws slowly. Her leg was hurting pretty bad, as if she had fallen off a tree and hit the ground, almost breaking her leg. "Damn it! That hurts. Anyways, I need to get outside to look for some herbs or something to help me erase the pain, or something to eat," she said as she walked limply.

After a few hours passed, she found a way out of the cave and reached the surface. The cold weather made her fur stand on end. Snow felt uneasy and confused after being knocked out. "What just happened here? How did everything...?" she thought fearfully before sighing. "Oh, never mind. All I know is I need to find a way to get warm and regain my strength." Snow walked off, limping due to her injured leg.

Two hours later, while searching for shelter...

After hours of searching, Snow felt her entire body growing cold and freezing until she spotted a huge building in the distance. She wasn't sure if it was safe, but she knew that she needed to find shelter. She couldn't die from this bad weather. She decided to enter the abandoned building, her leg ached as she kept groaning in pain. She needed to plan how to survive this weather until she laid down on her belly. "I guess I have to survive this without any fresh kill and only get any supplies," Snow thought as she closed her eyes to sleep.

Many, many years have passed, and Snow's belly feels so painful and ached that it worsens whenever she takes a step. Snow growls in pain and steps on a metal part, then she sees a dead robot with a scarf, buried in the white ground. "Piece of Fox-Dung!" Snow hissed.

then, when she placed her paw on the dead robot's face, an idea popped up in her mind: "Oh! I have an idea." She said as she looked back and forth at the robot and then unsheathed her claws before ripping off the parts of the robot's body and its head.

After Snow gathered several parts from the robots, she carefully carried the materials to prevent them from dropping. While sniffing the air, she heard the voices of a woman and a man. She peeked outside and saw a woman with yellow neon eyes, silverish hair in twin tails tied with black ribbons, and a black headband with five sections of lights. The woman also had a long black tail ending in a large syringe, which contained a neon-yellow liquid. She was threatening a man who was sporting a dark grey fur-collared coat and a black hat. The man had silver hair parted to the left.

His artificial lighting and the acidic tail followed the same pastel-yellow aesthetic, causing Snow to bristle with fear.

"You're worthless and terrible," she said angrily to the male robot named N, who was being threatened by the female robot.

"Thank you," he said, struggling to speak correctly as he fought to breathe. "And if the company allows it, I'll straight up kill you myself!" she said, continuing her statement. Snow shivered after listening to the robots' conversation, then she hid in the abandoned building to make a speaker scarf and transform into the first-ever Animal Drone.

"Man... What's going on right now..." Snow thought. "Why was he being threatened by her? I need time to think, but I need to start by repairing myself first." She walked to her den with supplies, bedding, warm blankets, and rocks to keep the sides of the building from falling.

Before feeling her belly twist with hunger and thirst, her paws shook from how hungry and thirsty she was. Snow sighed as she dropped her materials and started to fix her robotic parts.

A few moons later

Snow attempted to shoot her razor claws at her targets. As she threw her claws, they stabbed the targets in the middle and on the right side, causing them to fall apart. She started to feel overwhelmed and overheated and realized she needed oil to cool down. Eventually, her life began to change with new adventures.


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