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Person: QUICK! Shoot me in the face-!

Officer Copper: *whips out a gun and proceeds to do so*


Irratino: *comes out of a trance* ...

Irratino: I have no idea how to breathe.


Logico: *picks up a phone*

Other side: This is a robbery.

Logico: *hangs up and continues the murder case*


Fanfic: *Whenever he laughed, Irratino would throw his head back and leave his throat exposed. It had always made Deductive wish he was a vampire*

All readers: YO LOGICO-


Text passages from the actual book: *hints on a possible ship*

Me and many more, I believe: For fuck's sake just KISS ALREADY.


Irratino: Screw gravity. *Proceeds to fly up*

Logico: How the fuck-

Irratino: We're wearing VR headsets, remember?

Logico: Oh right.


Irratino: *outside the car window* Logico? What's wrong? Why do you look like you're on the verge of a panic attack?

Logico: *monotone* I hate parking.

Irratino: That explains a lot.


Forensics: Here's a sextant.

Logico: A what now?

Forensics: A sextant, get your mind out of the gutter.


He's broke, leave him alone-

Logico: Owww fuck this hurts.


Logico, in a pained voice: But the hospital bill is going to hurt more.


Irratino: Where's my friend?

Irratino: *right next to Logico* Oh there's my friend. Where are my keys?

Irratino: *holding them* Oh, here are my keys. Alright, see you soon, Logico!

Logico: Uhm-

Irratino: ... WHERE'S THE DOOR?

Logico: *mentally* Nevermind.


Logico: Irratino, how did you get my number and knew where I was before we even met? Were you stalking me?

Irratino: ... Ehe.

Logico: "eHe", TE NANDAYO?!


Midnight III: *bursts in* Aha! So that's how you open a door.


Kid!Logico: *already learnt it in school but still decided to ask for the reaction* Mum, where do babies come from?

Mother: *panics* Baby gun!

Logico: ...what-



Death: Are you ready to die?

Irratino: No.

Death: Then I'll come back later.


Logico: You almost got K.O'd.

Irratino: And I got you a flower.

Logico: *gay panic* ... Uh-


Irratino: I like trains.

Logico: That's nice. I like-

A train proceeded to drive by and came off the tracks.

Irratino: Oh dear God-

Logico: *relieving a memory*


Logico: So uhm... how are you?

Irratino: *got knocked out by him* I have brain damage.


Brother Brownstone: *points behind him* Is this you?

Sister Lapis, in the background: Hello!

Brother Brownstone: Hi!


Logico: What does this button do? *Presses it*

Logico: ... Oh I'm gay now.


Irratino: *trips* Oops. *Falls up the stairs*

Logico: *walks up behind him* How did you, quite literally, fall up the stairs?

Irratino: *laying on the floor, shrugs*


Logico: I live in Spain without the p.

Irratino: You live in sain?

Logico: Not yet.


The Amazing Aureolin: Would you like to see a magic trick?

Irratino and Logico: *in unison* No.


Logico: Did it hurt when you fell?

Irratino: From where? Heaven?

Logico: You fell down a FUCKING FLIGHT OF STAIRS-


Irratino: Hey, turn that frown upside down.

Entity!Logico: *does it literally by twisting his head*

Irratino: What in heaven's gates?!

Logico: Buddy I don't even know how I can do it myself.


Logico: *in a bad mood*

Irratino: What's the problem?

Logico: Mondays.

Irratino: Fair enough.


Location: Midnight Movies set

Actors: *dying left and right*

Logico: Who's idea was this again?


Man: *holds a gun up* You're getting mugged, buddy.

Irratino: No. *Does finger guns* You're getting mugged.

Man: *drops gun and puts his hands in the air* AH, how does that even work?


Dame Onsidian: *at a bar* ... What are you doing?

Aureolin: *drunk* Waiting for my love.

Obsidian: Who's your love?

Aureolin: Oh, you probably know her. She's the famous writer, Dame Obsidian.

Obsidian: She's right in front of you.


Aureolin: Hi love!

Obsidian: *lesbian panic*


Logico being a mood

Logico: *wakes up* Fuck Mondays.

Logico: I don't care that you killed with the motto "if I can't have him no one can", murder is murder, stoopid.

Logico: *at another crime scene* Can't have a day without murder occurring everywhere I go.

Logico: I don't like this.

Irratino: I thought you liked it bittersweet?

Logico: I like my coffee bittersweet. Not my VACATION.


For my fellow followers, yes I have joined a new fandom.
No I'm not abandoning Hero Factory the same way Lego did. It's still coming. Only the book about HF is currently experiencing what seems like a permanent bug, making it impossible to edit anything. I'd have to use other devices to edit that book, which I'm not a fan of, since I'm so used to using my phone.
But oh well, I'll stick with Murdle for now here.

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