Chapter 2-Wally Knows More Then I Do?

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Chapter 2-Wally Knows More Then I Do?

Our conversation comes to a stop when theres a knock on the door. Barry answers the door but I can hear everything he says. I see a red haired boy who only looks fifteen at the most. "Wally this isn't really the best time" Barry says. The boy, Wally says "Why isn't the best time, you've always let me in". Barry steps away from the door to reveal me sitting at the table. 

"She...She's the girl who was in my dreams, thats why I did all that wacky mermaid reserch" Wally says. I stand up, I was totally unprepared for what he had just said. "Hi" I say my voice ringing like christmas bells. "Your Maxine, I know. Barry we need to talk in privet we ocean girl over there can't hear us" Wally says. I look him dead in the eye "I know your gonna talk 'bout me, listen what ever you think you saw ain't me, I don't want to become it. I want to remember".

Wally's mouth drops and he says "you don't remember then, you were a year younger then you are now. I knew your family because I seen you sitting in the rain waiting for your parents to pick you up from elementaary school. I offered you and umbrella and walked you home. Then a week later your family went on vacation by the beach. You were swimming and a hurrican was coming, your parents didn't know about it. I seen the clouds rolling in and felt the wind pick up. Your parents started calling for you but you never came up. I dived in to look for you since your mom had a broken leg at the time and your dad didn't know how to swim. When I found you, you had a black tail and a black tank top looking thing on. You were a creature of the sea, you belonged more then the fish did"

Wally stoped to think and then says "I tryed to get you to come back up to shore and the waves were coming in strong. You looked at me and all I saw was blankness in your eyes. When your tail went away so did your blankness. You went up to the surface with me and you were smileing. I asked you what happend you said a gothic angel came and gave you markings of the ocean beings. You looked happy so I didn't try to question it. Then your family vanished the next day, apperently you left that night. But when I when back to your town the folks there said that you never returned then there was a fire where you used to live. Then that brings us to now, but since the day at the beach I've had dreams about you. Your scared, terraffied even but you swam with out a care. Then you told me I was better off  dead, that you shouldn't have lived"

Barry looked at me then to Wally. Then Barry says "She said that she shouldn't have lived to me too. Max care to tell me why you think that". I shrug and say "you saved my twin sister from the fire but I killed her with my singing. We both survived the fire, then when she found me in the ashes she told me to sing that everything will be okay in the ending. Before I turned six my family told me I have mysterious powers and that my twin is able to see the future. She must have known what was gonna happen. I sang and that took her soul, I took her living soul before mine died, I should have died. I killed them all, just because I was carless". 

I see those memories flash through and then there is the only of me under water that stops. I wasn't swiming or anything, somthing was holding me under. A monster was giveing me the power. I scream as the images flash. I drop to my knee's and tears start streaming down my face. Barry walked up closer to me to try and calm me down but Wally stoped him. "Don't she's in the 'inner state' meaning someone is giving her what they saw. She'll sing and kill us if we try to help her" Wally says. He was right though I would kill them eventully but not now, I gotta regain control over my memories.

My mind turns blank and I go unconsions. I've turn into my inner state so I can see my memories block this out lock it in a door or somthing like that. If only it were that simple. I see a bright light and I shove into it with my hands first. I her a crashing sound and open my eyes. I just locked the memories inside a door, wow maybe it was that simple.I suddenly feel somthing warm wrap around me.


Once Max closes her eyes I grabs her and craddles her. "It's okay fight it lock the ahhhh-" I starts to calm Max down. My vision is suddenly bright and then I see I'm in a cave, mount justice. "Max" I question when I see's a girl curled up on the couch. Tears are sliding down her face. "Shhh it Melody now I'm a hero, but you saved me so many times, I failed to save you when you put all your truest into me. I had only one chance and I blew it. Now I'm hallucanating and talking to no one" she says. 

I realize that I died, and that Max no not Max, Melody tryed to save me but she failed. She is beating herself up about it. I glance around and realizes the cave hasn't been touched by the other hero's in what seemed like ten years. Melody looks at me, her light purple face stained with red from the tears makes her skin look blue. 

"All of them died or gave up I was the last one to try the last one to sit here. I've left the place how it was when we all split up" Melody says. I looked at the calender the real present year is 2011 and in this calender it says 2023. Max is only fifteen years old.  That means I will die at age of  twenty-two.

"It been three years and I still feel guilty" She mutters to herself. I close my eyes and when I opens them and I'm back in my Uncle Barry's house. "Wally are you okay? You touched her arm and zoned out" Barry says. I shutters and says "I think I saw what happend in twelve years. She is like a new person or wants to be at least, I think".

Barry looks at me and says "how did you see it". I sighs and says "when I touch her I'm able to get visions about the most randomist stuff.  Last time I touched her and got my first vision, it was about a test at school that I got a 'f' on when I took it". Max moves a little and then opened her eyes. "I don't want to tell her" I wispersto Barry, and he nods in understandment.

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