Music Is My Magic

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Chapter 1-Music Magic

I dive into the water, waves crashing together forming a natural rhythm. I swim back up to the surface and take in the salty taste of the ocean. I know that I should get back to the surface so I don't get caught but the water wraps around me asking me to stay. The melody of the waves playing in my ears. Its seriously early in the morning and soon a person will try to venture on the shore of the ocean. I dive under water and swim to the shore in hopes that no one saw me. 

I've been coming to the ocean alot latly but I go late at night and stay till early in the morning. I run to a tree and scope the area out to cheak to see if there is any people yet. All clear, thats a good sign. I run towards an ally way to get to my home, which is an empty dumpster with a riped up blanket. Once I get over there I pull my mp3 player out of my pocket. Its one of the few things I was able to take during my, let just call it an "adventure".  

My parents were killed by somthing I can't even remember. Ever since my parents death I've slowly lost memory of my family  and myself. I only true thing I can remember is music, my advanced talent in music,my soul, and my name. I climb into the dumpster and listen to my music. I close my eyes and tap my foot in the beat of the music. I feel somthing touch my sholder gently. I jump up and rip my head phones out of my ears. "Maxine Morgan" a man says. No one in this city knows my name. Do I know this guy from my 'past life'? 

I nod still compleatly confused on how he knows me. "My name is Keith I work with the C.C.P.D, and apparently you went missing since three months ago. A woman called and said that she has seen a picture of you on the news and then saw you on the beach" he says. I look at him and say "Listen Craig or who ever you said you were I don't know what happend to my parents". 

The man says "it's Keith and this isn't about your parrents that case closed a month ago there was no evadence on who did it. But someone did report you missing and they didn't say their name they just said to find you as quick as we can". I nod and say "I'll do what ever you need then as long as you promise not to ask about my parrents". He nods and takes me to his police car.

Once we got to the police station they ask me how I stayed hidden so long. I reply "The water kept me hidden, as long as I stayed under I was safe, protected, and hidden". Keith looked at me like like I was speaking a different language. "Do you know how long you can breath under water" Keith asks being careful with his words. I think for a second then I say "about an hour, why". Keith's mouth opens forming an "o" shape and then he says "an average human can only stay alive under water for five minutes at the least".

I frown and realize why when I was little my parents warned me to keep my mouth shut about my abnormal talents. Its the music, the beat, the rhythm that enpowers me. "A scientist from the police department decided to be your care taker untill somone wanted to adopt you. His name is Barry Allen" Keith says. 

I nod wearily and blond haired man walks in. "Ah speaking of the devil, Maxine this is Barry Allen" Keith says. The man, Barry Allen stuck his hand out for me to shake it, I do because I didn't know what else to do. "Do you have any belongings where you were staying" Barry Allen says. I nod and I tell him where the dumpster is. 

I grab my back and get back into his car. We drive towards a house, his house. The drive stayed silant no one talked no once. "Max, call me Max" I say to break this akward silance forming. Barry finally says "Max thats... Intresting, your name you chose ah never mind". I knew exactly what he was going to say that it sounded so boy-ish.

Once we get into the light blue house I see a woman cooking, breakfast? I don't know what time it is so I guess I'll find this out later. "Max this is Iris, my wife" Barry says. I turn to see a woman in  her thirties. "Oh um.. Hello" I say not sure if I should have said anything. "Hi would you like me to show you your room, Maxine" Iris says. I try my best to smile but even that I forgot how to do. "You can call me Max" I say as she guides my to my new room.

I seen the bright pink wall paper and I feel myself cringe. An image flashes through my mind, my first bedroom was pink when my parents were killed their blood splattered on the wall. "I didn't actully know what you liked so I figured girls you age like pink. Right?" Iris says. I nod trying not to be rude. She leaves so I can unpack my small bag of stuff I had. 

I leave everything in my bag since there was not point in taking three things of clothing, an mp3 player,headphones, and batteries. That wasn't alot but it was good enough for me. I close the bright pink door lightly so it doesn't make a noise. I walk over to the window and sit on a pink couch or was it a bench. 

I start to sing lightly quietly but if got a little louder after a while. "The ocean is bringin me under, it's pullin me in. Tellin me to go along the stream as the waves go up and down. There's more to life then I can seek and ocean of music and heart" I sing.


 Barry walks down the hall towards his room when he hears a faint but lovly song being sang. It was pulling him towards Max's door. "How is she doing this, her voice it's so soft, like she is a sharing a sad moment" Barry says. He lays his head on her door for a moment. "Its draging me into a desperate spell, telling me not to bail. Telling me to follow its lead. I let the wave crash through me" Max's voice sings. Barry lightly knocks on the door her sweet voice stops singing. 

The door opens lightly to see Max's sad looking face. "I didn't know you can sing" Barry says then realizes he just said what he was thinging out loud. "Oh you ah hear that" she says her voice sounding like an angel. I realize that her voice sounded light and only twenty minutes ago she sound like she had a broklyn accent. "Yea, we need to talk" Barry says. The girl backs up unsure what to say or do.


"Are you kicking me out, puting me back on the streets" I ask my voice wavering from confusion and scaredness. "No! No I wouldn't do that. It's about your singing" Barry says. I don't answer trying not to say somthing I'll regret later. "Your voice it was pulling me towards you. Your songs have powers to them I can feel it" Barry says. "How can you feel it" I ask.

He sits for a moment to think. Then he says "I don't actully now how to explain it but maybe you have a power that invovles with music, or songs". He motions to me that he will be right back and then he walks away. He comes back with an accustic/electric guitar, then he gives it to me for me to play. 

I look at it and say "I don't know how to play guitar". He replies "Just strum the guitar and you might be able to make a rhythm with it". I nod and start strumming the guitar. After a few seconds it becomes a type of song to get your adrianaline pulseing. Pure rock music that sounded like I could play this forever. 

I stoped and handed Barry the guitar. Every thing was pulsing and I can see the ripples in the air like when a drop of water landed on a puddle. "Whats wrong Max" Barry asks. I shake my head and mutter "nothing". There sound waves thats what they are! I close my eyes and the sound,vibration, music get louder.


Max closes her eyes and drops to the ground but since Barry knew something was wrong he quickly caught her, with his super speed. Barry had super speed because seceretly he was the Flash or other wise known as The Scarlet Speedster. She was breathing, but her breath's were shakey, she had the natural pale skin, but nothing seemed seriously wrong. He sat her on the bed unsure what to do. 

We wasn't unsure on what to do, he knew there is nothing he can do. She has to open her eyes she won't die, he knows that. He waited by her bed for a few minutes. After about ten minutes pass he hears footsteps coming up the stairs, there Iris's to be exact. Barry walks out and touches he arm lightly. 

"Max has powers I feel them, her powers have control over her so she won't be up for about and hour. I'll tell you what I know but she'll have to tell you the rest" Barry says. Iris looks into the room and see's the girl curled up on the bed, her fist clenched. Iris nods and says "I hope she is okay". He and Iris walk to the kitchen so Maxine can have here privacy while her powers are in control. 

"Maxine has this power over either music or song that can lure humans to do her biding. She didn't realize that till she was singing in her room and I heard her. Her singing was pulling me to her door. She didn't know she was doing it though" Barry says. Then he continues "her voice can control people, even her music can. She has some sort of supernatural power thats able to connect these all".

Iris quickly walks over to the laptop. Somthing there nephew was looking at yesterday reminded her of this. "Wally was on this website and it explaned somthing like this... Ah found it. Barry you should read this" Iris says shocked by it.

The article read: Mermaids creatures of the sea, they can lure men and somtimes woman into these powerful trances. All though there can be mermaids who can walk on land, we havn't found any proof of that yet. They are able to put people in trances and connect to their powers by song and music. It may sound like an angels blessing but its the devils curse. Once they put somone into a transe long enough they rip their souls out and keep it for themselves.

Barry stoped reading and then he realized maybe Max was cursed to be this and she doesn't even know yet. The rest of the article read; If you look closly at their skin it will have a tint of blue, green, or grey. There hair colors range from green,blue,or a dirty orange, but somtimes their purple and black mixed together. Their eyes are a mostly stone grey or black, but on really rare ocassions they will be purple. Some mermaids have sharp teeth but some may not. Mermaids have many names like mer-girls, nymphs, sea humans, or somtimes rare gifted ones are called ocean girls. Their beauty grows of their years of turning.

Barry continued on reading but it was mainly about sightings and were they usually inhabit or live.Barry then realizes Maxine has black and purple hair, angel like songs, and she had a very very light purple skin so it's hard to tell, and she has purple eyes. She is one of the gifted or rare ones, the ocean girls.He and Iris go back up stairs to see if she has woken up yet. Not yet but she sirs in her sleep or whatever its called. 

             She opens her eyes and a scowl is plasted on her face from the "visual power trance".  Barry steps closer to the girl he now knows what she truley is. "Max are you a..... A ocean girl" Barry says.


Did I hear him correct did he just call me and ocean girl. Well it is true it's just I ain't going fully through to the ocean.This is all to confusing. "I..I don't know what I an truly. You can't help no matter what. You don't know how to stop it from happening" I say.  Barry looks at me and says "what? Stop what from happening". I reply "from me turning into one of them and then being stuck under water forever. After they, the ocean girls die they turn to these wolf like creatures and go to hades or the under world. I like the ocean and all but I don't want to be like them and I can't fully be like them. I'm an outase in both places".

He looks down looking for an answer. Then he looks at Iris for suport and she gives him a knowing look. "I know someone who might be able to help. But you must keep this a seceret, I am Flash and somone in the Justice Leauge can help you" he says. I roll my eyes and say "I already figured it out awhile ago when we first met but you were Flash at the time and I remembered how to smile". 

He looks at me and says "your that girl from Keystone city who's parrents were attact by wolfs? You were in a basment when the fire started"? I nod not fully remembering what happend, but even that memory was slowly fading away. "My memories are fading away but thats the very few things I still remember from my 'past life'. I only remember my name, music, and my soul the strongest. I even forgot how to smile since last time we met".

Barry's face depends in sorrow. "It's not your fault, It's mine and anyways I guess somtimes its better to forget" I say. I know I want to remember but some thing are ment to stay in the past but I keep choseing to look back. I shouldn't though, I know I don't need memories to survive.

"But I left you there, I didn't try my hardest. I seen you even called for you, took off my mask so you can see I was there to save you. I didn't run to save you I turned around and left" Barry says. I sigh and say "I'm alive ain't I". Barry replies "But I left you there to die just because you were.... singing. I couldn't push with all my strangth to save you". I wisper "maybe I wanted to die because I knew whats gonna happen, but now I don't"

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