%Chap 4% We're running. Actually, we're flying.

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Jax lay in the closet. His eyes were open as he fought to live. But then he thought. Why the bother? If he died he could be with Ma and Pa.

He took a steady breath and closed his eyes. A woman stood in front of him as he closed his eyes. "Don't go into the heavens yet my dear." His eyes snapped open.(DEALWITHITIKNOWIT'SCLICHEAF).  It was his Ma. His jaw hung open in shock but he couldn't make a voice as his throat was sore from all the screaming but he tried. It came out as a strangled sob. "Shh," She hushed in a soothing tone, hugging him," Don't cry dearest. Be strong, my son," She smiled at him bring another painful reminder that she was dead, "There are so many people in the world who will need you one day," She kissed him on the forehead like she always did when he was sad, "One day you'll find a person who will love you with all of his heart, body and soul. When you do I'll still be proud." With another sob from Jax, she faded away into wisps of smoke, carried away by the wind. 

The closet door opened to reveal to reveal two figures. Melodie and Frankie. "You know when you asked me when we could run away and I answered soon?" Melodie asked wiping her dirty blonde hair from her face. 

Frankie looked up at her hopefully, "Yeah! Is it time?" He asked in a hushed voice. She nodded and Frankie did a jittery victory dance.

Melodie grabbed his arm with her left hand and draped his arm across her shoulders and held his hip securely. "Open that window Frankie," She asked him, "And grab onto my leg real tight 'kay?" He did as he was told and she jumped.

In a flash of blood-red light, two pitch black wings sprouted from her back.

Feathers were in neat rows as clean as hospital. Each wing was pristine in colour and pattern and they interlaced like finely sewed coats. She glided to an alley way on the other side of Bristol and when she touched down her wings disappeared in a wisp of blood-coloured smoke.

Frankie let go and started firing her with compliments before seeing she was tired and taking Jax off her shoulders and laying him down. "You should rest," He said in a matter-of-fact ly kind of way, "Don't worry! If anyone dares to mess with me I'll wake you and chop them on the noodle and put them in a korma!" He laughed at his own pun and Melodie chuckled slightly.

"You sure you got fort squirt?" She asked before promptly passing out against the wall.

Frankie looked at their uncomfortable positions before deciding he would get them into a more comfortable position. He rounded a corner and found a shop and the dumpster was full of cardboard and old pillows. He grinned in satisfaction but there was only one problem.

He was too short.

He crossed his arms and pouted before wishing in his head he had someone to help him. Suddenly, he was lifted up by several claws. He looked up and gave a shout of fear before he was dumped into the bin. "W-what?" He stuttered and looked at the flock of birds with wide eyes.

"Hello Master Frankie," They shrieked in shrill voices. In the back of Frankie's mind he could sense it was a bunch of squarkes but he understood those.
"H-how are you t-talking to me?" He asked stuttering slightly. His shoulder went violently up in fear before dropping back down.

Piercing, red eyes stared back at him as thier feathers were glossed in the darkness.

"We are at you service," They said, "As you have the blood of the Ancient family of Levana." They flew up and down as in an act of bowing.

"What do you want?!" He asked scared out of his wits, "There's always a price for this kinda power! In the books Mummy read to me," He mumbled the last part to himself looking at his hands.

"There is no price. Just the hope you will reward us for your good deeds," They said.

Sunrise peaked over the horizon and the birds looked a bit frantic. "We must go now Master Frankie for we are creatures of darkness not light," He explained hurriedly. Before his eyes the entire flock disappeared into a shadow of a tunnel. He could hear thier individual cries of good byes as they dive bombed into the floor.

But one stood on the metal bin looking at him with a beedy eye. "What do you want?" He asked. "Only to protect you," She said before jumping onto his shoulder and nipping at his golden hair. "My name is Oliva and you really should get a hair cut," She scolded playfully.

Frankie just rolled his eyes before saying, "Whatever."

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