Chapter 6

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Mayu made it to the Tokyo Imperial Palace to find the Crane Stone. She was looking by a pond, in the bushes, but couldn't find anything. Mayu says, "I wish I could find the Crane Stone like me and Hoshiko found the Heaven Stone. Man these Music Stones are very hard to find."

Mayu gets a signal on her microphone and answers to Suzume. She says, "Mayu. We found the other three stones. Are you looking for the last Music Stone?" "Yes, and it's hard to find," Mayu said, "I just need to look some more." "Alright Mayu," Suzume said, and hung up.

A creature says, "If you need help, Guardian Mayu, all you have to do is ask." "Huh?" Mayu asks, "Aren't you that little fairy creature Yukinari mentioned with the missing fairy friend?" A fairy covered in pink music energy shows up.

She says, "Yes. My name is Aika, the guardian of the Crane Stone. I know about your mission, so I want to help in order to save Amaterasu." "Can you tell me where the Crane Stone is hidden then?" Mayu asked.

Aika said, "Follow me to the singing Sakuran tree. There, a crane nest rests, and in the crane's nest is a large egg. I hidden the Crane Stone underneath the egg. Now the mama crane is getting food for its baby." They found the singing sakura tree in the back of the woods.

Mayu says, "There's the tree." She runs to it to get the Crane Stone, but two demon dogs growl at her. Aika said, "Not Astar's demon dogs!" They then formed into two cranes. "If she wants me to have some fun before I grab the Crane Stone," says Mayu, "then I will have fun fighting these nasty creatures!"

Mayu runs to hit them with her bass guitar, but one picks Mayu up, and throws her to the other, who kicks her into the ground. She gets up, wipes the blood from her mouth, and says, "That's where Astar messed up at!"

"LOVE BIRDS' HEARTATTACK!" Mayu exclaims, to attack the demon dog cranes. However, it doesn't work on them. Mayu says, "What the-? My 'Love Birds' Heart Attack' move should've worked."" Your human music energy has no effect on demon dogs in the form of your spiritual creature," said Aika.

"What do you reccomend?" Mayu asked. Aika said, "I'll give you my fairy music energy, and we should defeat them." Aika flies around Mayu, giving her the fairy music energy, with Mayu having wings that are made of crane feathers and pink, white and red hearts.

Aika yells, "LOVE CRANE DANCE!" Mayu then dances gracefully like a crane, and kicks both of them, defeating them. The demon dogs return to normal.

"Hell yeah!" Mayu said, and moves the egg to grab the pink Music Stone. Aika said, "Let's fly our way out of here!" They flew and left the Tokyo Imperial Palace with the Crane Stone.

They made it out, and saw Akemi, Suzume, Takara, Hisa, Chikyu, and Yoko. "You got the last Music Stone Mayu?" Takara asked. Mayu shows them the Crane Stone, and says, "I have it right here." "I'm so tired and hungry I could eat a giant bowl of ramen," Takara said.

Yoko said, "I'm just as hungry as you Guardian Takara." "Now's not the time for that," Akemi said, "we need to get these four Music Stones to Princess Hoshiko."

"Yah, we need to save Amaterasu," Hisa said. Aika said, "Let's hurry then, before it's too late." They soon left the Tokyo Imperial Palace, and went to the Dark Musicians' hideout.

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