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-Jake is hot. 

-Can we all just universally agree on this? Jake Dillinger is hot. 

-Jeremy had always known Middle Borough's local jock but he never really KNEW him. 

-He'd mostly just seen him through the halls, accidentally walked in on him and some girl making out, or just heard him scoring wining goals at track and field games. 

-Jake had never really meddled with Jeremy, he barely even knew who the boy was. 

-The only time they'd ever interacted was when Jeremy was trying to get Christine, and Jake had been pretty cold towards the guy. He was competition for the girl he liked after all! 

- But after Jeremy got popular and started to hang out with the popular crowd more Jake found out he was a really cool guy. 

-When Jeremy started to get closer to Christine Jake felt incredibly jealous, but he couldn't pinpoint where his feelings were coming from. He figured he was just jealous of Jeremy getting closer to Christine rather than him. 

-After the SQUIPCIDENT and 'The Play' and Michael and Rich starting to date Jeremy and Jake began to get close together again spying on their best friend's dates. 

-And suddenly Jeremy felt a pang of hurt whenever he saw Jake talking to another girl, or other people trying to flirt with the guy.

-After the play Jake was really....frazzled. Whenever he saw Jeremy his heart would just light up, all he wanted to do was be with him, laugh with him about dumb stuff, go on pizza dates to Sbarro, and maybe just cuddle. 

-Nothing new happened with the aspiring couple till the track and field tournament. 

-Jake was feeling very down that day and just didn't want to deal with shit. Jenna notices he goes to hide in a storage closet and she's pretty sure he's crying. She tells the SQUAD this and Jeremy decides to go comfort him. 

-Jake is desperately trying to cover up the fact that he was crying in a storage closet when Jeremy suddenly comes in. He expects Jeremy to laugh at him so he tries to just play it cool but Jeremy runs up, hugs him and tells him everything is gonna be okay. 

-And Jake breaks down sobbing. 

-He was feeling worthless. His parents left him because he was a disappointment, everyone forgot about him as soon as there was any probably he couldn't fuck them properly, and he's lost all the people he thought cared about him and he was feeling so alone. 

-Jeremy can't comfort him completely, only reassure him that he's loved by many people. 

-When Jake asks for specifics Jerm begins to name off the SQUAD before getting to himself. Blushing madly he then stutters out that he loves and cares for Jake more than anything. 

-Jake is suddenly hit with 'Oh shit I'm pan', he thanks Jeremy, before asking for the acne covered boy to not freak out. 

-Before Jeremy can ask why Jake is kissing him. 

-They pull apart when they hear a camera flash, only to see Jenna and the entire SQUIP SQUAD cheering behind them. 


-They spy on Rich and Michael's dates alot 

-They think they're so stealthy but Michael and Rich know, but they let them have their fun. 

-Once they made out in the mall bushes. 

-They go on a lot of mall dates and just walks around stores and cause havoc. When they get in trouble they try to pull the damaged kids card

-It doesn't always work and they're banned from the fidget spinner store. 

-Jeremy pushes Jake around in his wheelchair almost all the time even though Jake can push himself around. 

-If the sidewalk is empty Jeremy will push Jake at full speed and they'll go rolling down together shouting 'NYYYYYYYYOOOOOOMMM NYYYYYOOOOOMMM BITCH'

-Jeremy shows up to Jake's clubs and even tho he doesn't care he's just glad to be there and clap for his boyfriend. 

-Their go to 'fancy outing' is a romantic walk on the beach, looking at the sunset and just being in love. 

-Talking about the beach Jake loves to see if he can dig a hole to China big enough for his wheelchair and Jeremy to fit. They'll spend hours digging a huge ass hole in the middle of the beach. 

-Do you know how many times these boys have been reckless? Jake will randomly hell "DUDE WE GOT A STEEP SLOPE PUSH ME" "LETS GO!!!" It scares everyone

-"That's pretty gay Jerm" "I try"

-Jake gives the best damn kisses and Jeremy melts every time

-Jake makes a lot of jokes about his legs and Jeremy tries not to laugh he really does

-Jeremy is also the guy who makes a lot of self depreciation jokes. "Wow look that's me *pointing to dog shit*" "haha yeah- wait."

-Jake after becoming friends with Jeremy: I've only known Jeremy for two days but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself

-Jeremy once laid sensually across Jake's bed and said "zoo wee mama" and Jake still laughs about it

-Jeremy makes Jake laugh as many times as he can in one day because it's adorable

-Jake gets annoyed if you interrupt their dates and Jeremy gets jealous easily, some stuff they should work on.

-Also to support Jeremy Jake started to wear dresses/ 'girly' outfits more often. 

-They listen to really corny eighties/early ninties pop songs and jam around in Jake's room

 -Jake loves being active so he wakes up Jeremy really early to go running. Jeremy fucking hates running and sweating and waking up early but he pushes through for his boyfriend. 

-They leave really gay notes for each other in their lockers. 

-Jake will beat the shit out of anyone if they hurt Jeremy. 

-At four o'clock in the morning they're either questioning life or watching Shane Dawson theories. 

-Jeremy and Jake are both huge animal lovers and they volunteer at the animal shelter every weekend. Jake loves seeing how many puppies he can hold in his wheelchair and Jeremy always falls in love with the kittens. 

-Jeremy ADORES Jake's dogs and cats.

-Weekends spent watching movies and cuddling w/ doggos and kittens. 

-Jeremy helps Jake set up for parties before preceding to get absolutely wasted and begging to do karaoke. 

-Jake always agrees and they usually do some nineties song. By the end Jeremy is in Jake's lap and  they're making out. 

-Worst hangovers EVER. They make each other hangover cures. 

-When Jake is ever feeling down about his parents Jeremy always reminds him that his parents don't know what they're missing out on. 

-Jake isn't that good at giving comfort when Jeremy gets panic attacks, he mostly just holds Jeremy and reassures him that everything is gonna be alright. 

-Afterwards they'll just cuddle in silence. 


-Jake asks Jeremy in the nerdiest way possible by getting him dozens of flowers and singing him an 80′s love song

-He does it in privately at the track field tho bc he wants the moment to be shared with just the two of them.

-After Jeremy says yes they roll around the school at full speed shouting 'Never Gonna Give you Up!' at the top of their lungs. 

-For prom they just both wear black tuxes, nothing too special. 

-Jeremy brings a single rose to pin on Jake's tux and they slide onto the dance floor together. 

-It's a night of kisses and karaoke and both boys loved it. 

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