'Blind' Date {Connor x Miguel}

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Okay, I'm sorry but I'm just like, really inspired to like, draw and write Conguel right now, so-
Anyways- This is an AU where Miguel gets expelled from Hanover and ends up going to Connor's school
(Yes, this is based off a roleplay {I was Connor in that btw})

Connor's POV

I was scratching through my cupboard. I was searching for something fancier than my fucking monotonous attire of a black hoodie and pants. The reason? I have a date. Connor fucking Murphy has a fucking date. My... friend, Miguel, is setting it up. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding? I have feelings for him. It's fucking weird how meeting again can do that. Make you realize you repressed your feelings for however fucking long and then they resurface. Or maybe that 'like at first sight' shit is actually true, I don't fucking know. But, I'm getting off track. This is a blind date. Unless Miguel set it up for himself, there's a slim chance it's him at all.

I eventually found something presentable. I didn't want to show up and scare whoever they were off or whatever. I quickly changed out of what I was currently wearing and then into the fancier stuff. I heard the notification sound from my room and then ran- walked, fast-paced, to my phone which was lying on my bed. I saw that Miguel had texted me.

Hey Con! Everything's been set up, so you can come now. Here are the directions.

I was smiling softly at my phone screen. If any of my family members walked in at that point, they'd know, if not that I had a crush, that something was up. But it's not like they'd even care to ask about it. I'm not even 'out' to them. I put my phone down briefly to go to the bathroom where I tied up my hair into a messy ponytail. Ponytail equals formal. At least, for me, I don't fucking know. I exited the bathroom, noticing the mess on my floor. Clothes were strewn everywhere. Huh, maybe I was looking a little more frantically than I thought. That might be suspicious, and I didn't really want my family to know I was going on a date. I started cleaning my room, until it was back to its usual untidiness, with my discarded sketches on the floor. Feeling satisfied, I walked over to my sketchbook and tore out a corner, writing a note on it.

I'm just out with a friend, don't expect me home until late.

With that, I opened my window and then carefully used the tree to climb down to the ground. Once safely down, I took out my phone  and followed the directions to the pavilion where Miguel met me at the bottom of the hill. He was smiling. "Connor, you look amazing," he stated softly. I felt myself blush, but didn't let it bother me.

"So do you," I replied, and he just smiled. I thought I saw him blush slightly, but I could've imagined it. Miguel then seemed to produce a blindfold  from nowhere. I chuckled a bit as he tied it around my eyes and thus, the world went dark. I could feel Miguel's hand on my back as he helped me walk up the hill, and when we were at the top I felt him remove his hand.

"Okay," I heard Miguel breathe as if he was nervous about something. "You can take the blindfold off now. Your date is in front of you." I struggled a bit with the knot before I remembered I could just pull it off of my head. God, I'm such a fucking idiot. I blinked at the sudden light. I could see orange and black flashes as my eyes were getting used to no longer being unable to see. The first thing I noticed when my vision was back to normal were the lights that were twined around arches and other shit. There were flowers and stuff as well. It looked fucking gorgeous and super romantic. Miguel and his Mamá really outdid themselves. I then turned my attention on the pavilion itself to not see anyone I didn't know but...

"It's you," I said quietly. Miguel played with his shirt collar, looking more nervous than I'd ever seen him before. I felt myself smirk slightly. "Guess I was onto something at lunch today, huh?" When he'd asked me if I liked anyone at lunch, I'd said no, as I hadn't realized my previous feelings had resurfaced. If that can even fucking happen. After that, I'd sort of joked and asked him why, saying 'you checking out your ol' buddy and pal me?'.

"Hello, Mr Murphy, I will be your date tonight." I raised my eyebrow at him, an amused smile on my face. I was happy he liked me in return, but his formality kinda made me want to chuckle. I almost found it cute.

"'Mr Murphy'? That's quite formal," I stated, amused. "Miguel, you can call me Connor, we know each other! No need to be so formal on a date." I couldn't help it and chuckled a bit. Miguel laughed a bit himself.

"Hope you like everything, it took a while..." he said, scratching his neck. I was just smiling. "Are.. you upset that it's me?"

"Nah. Not really. I may have realized as I was walking out of the cafeteria that old feelings resurfaced, haha," an embarrassed tone crept into my voice at the end, volume lowering as well. "It's honestly kinda embarrassing," I laughed awkwardly. I turned towards the food, to try and get less embarrassed. "That looks and smells amazing and I'm sure that tastes amazing but, there's only one way we can be sure of that, eh?" Miguel smiled at me and we both walked over to the food.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed about the feelings thing," Miguel said as he sat down across from me. "My feelings kind of resurfaced when we first made eye contact on my first day. Also known as today." He laughed slightly. I was just smiling softly at him.

"Guess we both had something we never really talked about at Hanover before I left," I joked, my tone light. I started to eat my food. "I think the reason I even repressed my feelings for you was because I was still coming to terms with my sexuality. You know, sorta like, 'just because I've realized I also like men, does not mean I have feelings for my best friend' when, y'know, you do. Denial is a strong thing, isn't it?" I laughed. Miguel had started eating too, but was currently playing with his fork.

"I didn't want to risk ruining our friendship," he stated simply. I gazed at him.

"I'm kinda curious, did your Mamá ever know why you wanted to set this up?" I chewed a piece of my food. Miguel shrugged, looking at the table.

"She knew, we were talking about it as we made this," he gestured to the food. I looked at him and then smirked.

"Did she ever tease you?" I asked, smirking. Miguel gave me a death stare, or something that resembled it, for a second before sighing and smiling to himself.

"Connor, she's my mother. I think you can answer that yourself," he joked. "I mean, she's known me for seventeen years!" I laughed slightly.

"My parents probably wouldn't care if I liked anyone, just where I was. Which reminds me, I'll probably get asked questions when I get home," I chuckled. "If they even care to ask." Miguel looked at me. "Any plans after this?" I asked. "Or was dinner it?"

"I was thinking we go over to one of our houses and watch horror movies? How does that sound, mi amor?" He suggested. I thought about it.

"Yours, possibly? Haven't been there in a while. Besides... I'm not.. really sure how my parents would react to you being my boyfriend." I looked at the table. Miguel's eyes were wide and his cheeks noticeably red. He leaned forward to playfully glare at me.

"Did you just call me 'boyfriend'?" I blushed and then just rambled out a reply.

"Oh um, yeah. I just thought, since this is a date and all, it makes us seem like boyfriends, I guess? I assumed as much because of the fact this is a date. Because a date usually signals the start of a relationship or continuation of one, right? Fuck, I'm rambling now. I probably should've just asked you instead of saying that. I'm a fucking idiot." Miguel was laughing a bit.

"Con, it's okay! I was just teasing you." He reached out and took my hand. "I'd love to be your boyfriend." I smiled awkwardly at him.

"Oh. Okay, cool," I stated.

Miguel and I talked for a bit more before both heading out towards his car to go to his house, where we watched a few horror movies, Miguel curling up and hiding his face on my chest when jump scares happened. Which I found cute and quite amusing. I ended up staying there a bit too late and decided to stay over, falling asleep in my boyfriend's arms.

It was only us.

Maybe tomorrow won't be a shitty day for Connor Murphy.

Okay. This just ended up being the scene from the roleplay slightly edited.

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