Meeting The Parents {Connor x Miguel}

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I've kinda been on a Conguel 'high' at the moment so.

Connor's POV

I was super fucking apprehensive as I was planning on finally telling my parents about my  boyfriend. I'm not really sure how the fuck it's gonna go, how can I know? I can't tell the fucking future! No one can. So I don't know if they'll think I'm fucking joking or whatever. Or will they not care? As it usually goes when it comes to me? Another thing, they don't even know that Miguel even exists! That whole thing is my fault. I, for some reason, thought it best that I'd only ever refer to him as a friend.  Maybe it was actually reasonable back then, I don't fucking remember. But, Miguel's my boyfriend now so, probably best to come clean.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Amor, if you don't feel comfortable doing it, I understand, you don't have to do it if you're not ready." I blinked and suddenly remembered where I was, Miguel's car. He was sitting in the driver's seat with one of his hands on my shoulder, the other on the steering wheel. I looked up at him.

"No, no. I'm okay. I mean," I laughed slightly. "If I don't do it now, will I ever fucking do it? I mean, I've already told myself that I'm doing it today. It's making me apprehensive, sure, but wouldn't doing this be, for anyone?" He looked at me, frowning slightly before smiling slightly at my expression. He chuckled slightly.

"Okay. You did say, that I'm the emotional support," his tone was amused. I looked at him a bit embarrassed. Miguel removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it back on the steering wheel. I gave him a smile.

"You're also the boyfriend I'm telling them about, remember? Or, did I happen to have another boyfriend, that's not you, that'd I'd be telling them about?" I joked, not being serious at all. "Or, girlfriend for that matter. I guess." Miguel chuckled softly but kept his eyes on the road. I noticed the song playing on the radio. "Are you... are you fucking, listening to Numb by Linkin Park? Are we listening to Linkin Park?" Miguel raised a brow at me.

"Yep, we are," he confirmed. He didn't say anymore and just continued driving towards my house. Soon enough, I saw my house come into view. I hoped my apprehension wasn't super fucking obvious. He parked on the curb and turned off on the car. He turned to me.

"Okay, so," I said, after taking a deep breath. God, I must sound like fucking Hansen or something. "Ready?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. Miguel looked at me and then took my hands.

"Yep, I'm ready." He nodded and then we both got out of the car, me out the passenger side and he out the driver side. Once both out of the car, Miguel took my hand again. "I'm sure it'll be fine," he said softly, giving me a kiss. "I understand how nerve wracking this is for you." I smiled at him.

"Because you had to do this with your first boyfriend and your Mamá, right?" I asked, to which he nodded. "This is unrelated but, I'm like, really fucking glad we met again. Okay, that's super fucking unrelated but... I am glad. I mean... after what I pulled..." The last sentence was whispered. Miguel just squeezed my hand. "Anyways, onwards to the house." We walked to the front door and I opened it. The first person that greeted us was Cynthia, and she looked at me in surprise.

"Connor! I thought you were in your room, where were you?" She asked sounding concerned. A slight wave of guilt washed over me and I glanced over at Miguel. I felt my cheeks flush with shame. I was too apprehensive to really snap back at her.

"Oh uh, I was um, at my.... uh," I gulped. "F-friend's house. He's been tutoring me in Spanish. My grades have really taken a nosedive." My lie was super fucking obvious. Miguel had been teaching me Spanish, but it wasn't to help my grades, those were fine-ish. Cynthia knew this so her concerned expression changed to something more neutral, and she glanced at Miguel, as if examining him.

"And this is that friend?" She asked, slowly smiling when Miguel introduced himself.

"Hello Mrs Murphy, I'm Miguel," he said, with a smile and walking so he was standing next to me. "Sí, I am the 'friend' who's been tutoring Connor with his Spanish." He laughed a bit and I felt my blush darken at his tone on friend. He wrapped an arm around me. Cynthia was smiling.

"Why don't you boys take a seat at the dining room table? Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," she suggested, pointing it out. We walked over and then sat down together on one side of the table, my mother disappearing into the kitchen.

"Your mom seems nice," commented Miguel, gazing at me. I kinda dreaded what my father and sister would think, but tried not to let it show.

"Better than your Mamá?" I asked, my tone jokey and not really serious. Miguel gazed at me with a playful glare.

"Nope," he stated almost immediately, chuckling softly afterwards.

"Damn it," a voice muttered and I looked at its owner, eyes immediately narrowing. Larry was looking at something on his phone, not even acknowledging anyone there. Not that I cared but it would be nice to not only get noticed when I'm high.

"Larry?" I asked. Surprisingly, he actually seemed to hear me. Larry turned to face me, looking confused.

"Who's this?" He asked simply, looking at Miguel. I blinked at him. I then looked around the table, my whole family was gathered. Fucking here goes nothing.

"Mom, Dad and Zoe," I addressed them all. Cynthia blinked, Larry put down his phone and he looked like he was about to eat. Zoe had a quizzical expression on her face. Miguel put his hand on mine, in an attempt to calm me, and Zoe suddenly smirked. Why is she smirking? I haven't even told them anything. "Okay, I think I should preface this announcement by saying I'm bisexual." The screaming I'd expected never came. Instead, Cynthia had started smiling like she was proud of me or something, Larry just had a neutral expression bordering on surprise and Zoe was still smirking. I looked over at Miguel, who was smiling encouragingly. I smiled back at him and then took his hand. I saw my mother's eyes widen at my smile and her own smile widened. I took a breath.
"Miguel, is my boyfriend."

Okay, I think this just shows that I CANNOT write Miguel or Larry. I'm also kinda in an writer's block at the moment.

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