Date, But Not Really {Connor x Michael}

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I know it's a crossover ship, shush.

Connor's POV

"Ah, so this is the infamous 7/11!" I said as I stared at the building. Michael had said he wanted to take me. Though he never said if he was a date. I shook myself, shaking the thoughts of wanting it to be a date. He'd even brought Jeremy. It was just a friend hang out, nothing more. Michael gazed at me.

"Yes, Connor, we want to welcome you to my favourite place," he said. Jeremy merely rolled his eyes, smiling or maybe even smirking. Michael took my hand, causing me to freeze and turn slightly red. "C'mon." I felt myself being pulled into the store. "You need to be more social anyways." The statement seemed like more of a afterthought. Jeremy paused.

"Uh y'know what?" He said. "My stepbrother needed help with something! See you guys later!" Jeremy turned and left, leaving me and Michael. Michael was blushing and he looked mad, mouthing, 'F**k you'. I stifled a laugh. I'm not usually a laugh-y person, if you catch my drift, but Michael could make me laugh at the stupidest of things. My sister said it's the happiest she's ever seen me. But wouldn't you be if you had, what I believe it's called, a crush? I'm very new to the feeling. Sure, I've had the feeling before but never really knew it this strong.

"So.... I guess we're alone...." Michael murmured, causing me to look at him. I felt myself blush, and I looked down.

"Yep," I said in reply, running a hand through my dark hair. The more I thought about it, Jeremy totally did that on purpose, but... why? Shaking the thoughts from my head, I glanced at Michael. He was angrily sending a message to someone. Probably Jeremy. "Shall we sit down?" I asked gesturing towards a table. Michael remained silent but nodded.

Jeremy surely hadn't set us up, right? By pulling that thing he did? He couldn't possibly know unless...

Jared Kleinman I swear to f**k.

What? He texted back innocently. I could practically hear his smirk.

You told Jeremy, didn't you? I thought it was meant to be just a secret between us three!

Woah! Why are you wailing on me specifically? Anyone could've told him. Isn't your sister good friends with Christine?

Even if she was, I don't think Zoe would snitch, nor Evan. You on the other hand, Mr Jared-I-can't-talk-to-Alana-Beck-because-I'm-crushing-on-her-so-hard-Kleinman.

Okay, that was uncalled for. And why even are you asking if I told Jeremy in the first place?

He kinda left me and Michael alone at the 7/11. Said he has to help his stepbrother with some sh*t.


Jared Kleinman.

Okay, chill, you're clearly freaking about this. Just make it seem like you're two friends hanging out, Michael will suspect nothing.

I rolled my eyes and pocketed my phone angrily. I swear, some people. I was pretty certain Jared had told Jeremy. He just was to throw my suspicions out of the window. He already teased me enough at school. I gazed at Michael who was staring at me. He then blinked and blushed. "I'm going to get a slushie." He left the table.

I hardly noticed a boy had walked up behind me.

"Oh, 'Ronica, look!" A boy in a trench coat said to a girl over at the next table. I blinked and faced the boy, he had black hair. The girl had followed him. Were these the people Michael had mentioned before? "Wasn't the guy that left the table one that I've seen before?" 'Ronica' looked at me and then her gaze traveled over to the slushie machine where Michael was getting one.

"I think so," said the girl.

"Are you on a date~?" The boy asked causing me to blush. I looked away.

"Um... no. We're just friends," I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice. The boy stepped forward but the girl held him back.

"I'll take it from here JD," she said. "Well, you two are alone, and it's not a date?" 'Ronica' asked, looking confused.

"Not every gathering between two men is romantic," I answered. "As much as I wish this one was." Michael was still by the machine and couldn't hear my confession.

"Well, Yes," the girl said, "I know that not every gathering is the date...." she trailed off clearly not knowing to end her thought. "Anyway, Jason and I should be going, good luck on whatever this... is." I waved them goodbye and Michael returned to the table.

"What were Mr. Trench Coat and Trench Coat's girlfriend talking to you about?" He asked. I saw he had gotten two slushies. I brushed the topic off, blushing.

"Nothing important. And they do have names, y'know."

"I know that, but all I ever hear them call each other is JD and 'Ronica, I don't think those are their real names, just nicknames."

"Why two?" I said pointing at the drinks. Michael blushed.

"Oh so... uh... you can try one."

This is... Don't know how to describe this other than, don't at me

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