Letter (Sick Pt. 2) {Veronica x H.McNamara}

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These are such riveting titles aren't they? Anyway, requested by NOCTURNA2299

Veronica's POV

I inspected the secret letter, again for the second time that afternoon. It wasn't a ring, our relationship couldn't go any further than dating according to the law. We weren't even open, so who would we even invite if we were able? McNamara had been acting slightly strange and her question when she had that cold made her intentions obvious. She wanted a child. Again, there was a slight problem. We were both women, so yeah. We would need to adopt or somehow get it another way. The letter wasn't me agreeing to get a child, it was two plane tickets to visit Cape Town, a place in a country called South Africa. I don't exactly remember what made me decide on that specific place but I did.

McNamara walked into our lounge, while I was looking at the letter. "Vero... what's that?" She asked. I turned to face her and opened the letter.

"Happy early birthday," I said, handing her the letter. McNamara opened it and then she gasped.

"A vacation! Veronica you shouldn't have!" She squeaked. My God, she's adorable. "When are we going?" Her blue gaze shining.

"A few weeks time," I laughed. "It's a beach town," I explained. "Or city... it looks a bit big to be just a town."

We arrived in Cape Town airport severely jet lagged. We got to our hotel room and passed out.

The next morning, feeling better and getting used to the different timeframe, we started sight seeing. We went to Table Mountain and had lunch at a place called Spur. At the end of the day we went back to our room and decided to see what was on TV. The hotel's selection was limited, obviously. We soon settled on National Geographic, which we found they had, surprisingly. McNamara looked at me. "Can we go to the beach tomorrow?" She asked.

"Well, we'll have to go and buy swimming clothes but sure." McNamara smiled. I smiled back and we watched TV.

Next we went to a Billabong, a clothing store and heard a conversation happening at the till.

"Hoekom is dit so duur?" The person was speaking a language that I'd never heard before. The language seemed to vaguely resemble Dutch though. The person at the till seemed to be trying to explain.

"Meneer, dit is prys..." the till-woman replied back in the strange language. "En dit is duur." McNamara looked at me.

"Um, let's leave them to it... and decide what we want..."

"Good idea." McNamara and I walked towards the swimsuits. McNamara immediately squeaked.

"Vero! Over here!" I walked over to where Heather was eyeing a yellow swimming costume, because of course she was. Rolling my eyes at my girlfriend's antics, I took it off the rack.

"Do you want to try it on?" I asked her, and she nodded. I looked around for an employee. I saw one and approached her. I tapped her shoulder. "Um, do you have a changing room? My friend wants to try this on."

The employee nodded. "It's over here," she said , pointing towards it.

"Thanks." I led McNamara to the room and she entered it.

"Are you new to Cape Town?" The employee asked, clearly making small talk.

"Yeah, in fact I'm here with my gi- I mean friend on holiday. Anyway, I heard the people talking at the till... what language was that?"

"It's called Afrikaans, it's one of South Africa's eleven official languages," she explained. I blinked, what a peculiar country.

"Vero?" I turned at my girlfriend's voice. She'd come out of the changing room wearing the costume, it fit perfectly. We got her the costume and I picked myself a blue bikini. We left the store and headed toward the beach.

Once there, we got settled on the sand and played in the waves a bit. McNamara splashed sea water in my face and we were soaking by the time we left. Later we had supper at a place where we could see the sunset. McNamara took my hand. "I know we haven't discussed this much, and I've been keeping it to myself, but... I want a kid Vero, I'm just not sure how we're going to do that."

"I know," I said. "But I think I'm ready now." McNamara's eyes widened. "I'll find a way. But, let's enjoy our vacation for now."


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