A Lot Like Love - Part 2

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Mani was sitting all drained out.With ice pack on his hand time to time keeping it top of his head and glaring at his friend.Vikram was walking to and fro in room.With no idea how and what happened in these previous 24 hours of his life.He got engaged and was brought here.Getting weirdest shock of his life.He stopped walking looking at Mani.

V-"What?Why giving this look to me?"

M-"Then what do you expect?Do you realize what that girl is saying.You are busy doing morning walk here.I cant imagine losing millions.Press and media making this news a big thing."

V-"Will you shut up Mani."

M-"No I wont."

V-"I need to sleep.My head hurts."

M-"yes sleep.Im here to take all tension.My blood pressure is high.And here you are worried about your sleep.Vikram.Tell me that girl.Is saying truth or?"

V-"No.Its a lie.Are you crazy?How can you even think."

M-"I was thinking same.But.All these years you kept saying  no marriage.No relationship.How can I even trust now.Anything can happen."

V-"What are you blabbering?Lets call it night now.I will handle it in morning."

M-"But Vikram this.Fine."

Who was in mood to sleep.Wide awake and only hope was if next morning could sort things out.While on other side Sakshi was sleeping hugging her baby close.To her heart with smile on face.

Vikram woke up moving curtains letting rays enter to his room through glass door.One of main attractions of this place.He made years ago with his comfort and love for surroundings here.He yawned and stretched his arms.Checking time.Rubbing his eyes he opened door brushing his hair with his fingers.When felt something near his feet.It was toy duck.That made noise.

Soon enough he saw baby trying to walk with slow steps.His hair curly and cheeks chubby.He was good looking baby.Giving good wash to his hand he smiled and was about to fall down.Before picked up by stranger.Baby gave loud chuckle.Now settling in Vikrams arms.He was on two minds before patting his back and picking him up.He was looking for toy.Which Vikram picked up and gave to him.Making little one happy.

Vikram looked if anyone was around and then back at baby.Who was busy checking out place.He didnt knew why he felt like carrying him inside room and sitting on bed.A smile came on his lips.As little one tried to touch his cheeks and gave him sloppy kisses.He always loved kids.There was something about them.Which made him smile and happy.He had some good time playing with little one.

Mani came to door and was frightened seeing sight.Vikram playing with baby and he held on to door for support.He took deep breathe and entered room taking baby from Vikram suddenly.Which made little one cry.

V-"Mani.What are you doing.Keep him down."

M-"Wow.Here I couldnt sleep whole night thinking about it all.And family drama started here.Let me bring that girl also here and start background music."

V-"Shut up.You made him cry.Just look at your face."

Mani checked his face as babys cries stopped when Vikram took him back.Frowning at his friend.

M-"Vikram.You still have doubts.He is not your son.Look at him.Before anyone else see this.Lets go to girl and do some settlement."

V-"What settlement?I have told you hundred times since yesterday.She is lying.And I know how to handle this.you do one thing.If Mom or Myra calls handle them please."

Sakshi was enjoying her coffee with beautiful view.Vikram peeped inside room checking anyones presence.When baby made sound.He asked him through eyes not to.He found Sakshi having coffee looking outside.

V-"Enjoying her coffee ruining my peace and sleep."

S-"You still have this habit of staring from behind.Didnt knew that."

Vikram was about to stumble hearing her voice.As she turned around with captivating smile.She kept cup down and took her stole wrapping it around her.She could feel early Winter vibes there already.The baby got excited seeing her but as she tried to take him from Vikram.He turned around saying it loud.He wants to be with him.This made Vikram surprised.Sakshi looked down with smile.

V-"What do you mean by that?"

S-"All questions.I should be asking or I shall have right.From my side."

V-"Who are you?Look I dont know you and I know well.How you people can lie.By doing all this to celebrities you feel you can blackmail me.Get whatever amount of money you want.But let me make this clear to you.I wont give anything because.I know you are liar."

While he said all of it.Baby was clapping and Sakshi was standing there calm.She checked baby if he was enough warm.Which irritated Vikram.She wasnt even bothered to what he was saying.Before he could charge her again he felt something wet in his shirt.Sakshi bit her lips trying to hide her smile.But he frowned and realized it was little ones work.

Vikram didnt get angry but was frustrated with whatever happening to him.Sakshi tried to take baby.Who started crying holding onto Vikrams shirt.For moment he felt pull towards little one.Holding on to his chubby fingers.Letting them go.Sakshi tried to calm little one.As Vikram turned to go.When he was at door unbuttoning his shirt.

S-"You still have doubts.He is not yours."

Her words as if pricked something inside him.He looked back at her now changing babys clothes.Ran away from there as fast as he could.With thumping fear in heart.

Mani was sitting in garden area with Vikram.Who just spoke to his mother and made some excuse to her.Of urgent meeting with his next films director.He never felt like lying to his mother.But today he had to which made him guilty.He caught his head taking seat.Mani was stuffing sandwiches inside his mouth glaring at his friend.

M-"I will sort it out.I will handle.You dont worry.She will be gone by morning.VikramAditya and his wise words.Wow.You deserve standing ovation."

Vikram shut his eyes and felt like he could disappear at moment.

M-"Who told you to go there?I said let me take care of this but no.Sir was in hurry to fix everything.Messed it further.Now hear me.No need to go to her.I will have word with her and have to fix all this before tomorrow.We have an important script discussion with your next movie producer.They will be coming over tomorrow evening."

Vikram saw his staff.Assistants gym instructor cook and personal assistant Goswami.(Those who watched Saaho will know him 😂I enjoyed Prabhas and his scenes so bringing him here)Who just came there and Mani was explaining them something.He pulled Mani from there in a side.

V-"What are they doing here?Why have you called everyone here.You gone mad or what."

M-"Call me mad.I have to take care of everything even if you forget.We need them.Your training sessions cant be missed.You need proper diet too.Goswami is needed here."

V-"yeah call others too.In fact Mom and Myra her father too.Mani we already have mess here.What if they see all this and."

M-"You dont worry about that.They are our most loyal people.Wont speak word."

V-"What about my reputation then?"

Mani checked Vikram from head to toe and passed sly look.Which obviously didnt go well with him.

V-"What.Why this look?How can you even have doubts on me.You know me right."

M-"I hope I do.You rest now.We will talk later."

Everything seemed messed up.With his life and this was left only.He was still in garden area.With script on hand trying best to concentrate.But his focus was somewhere else.Mnai was in conversation with Sakshi in other place.And he was strictly instructed not to go there.He slammed script papers on table and got up.Fixing his jacket.He has every right to know what was happening there.

Just then he saw Mani walking to him with color drained face.Goswami was also there giving him support.

V-"Mani.What happened.Are you alright?Did you speak to her?"

G-"Sir.Sir is in shock.A very strong shock."

V-"What.Why.I knew this.She must have asked huge amount right.But I wont give her anything.She is lying.This is about my image.I wont let her go easily."

M-"Will you stop giving your character certificate.Vikram.Things are not that easy which we thought so.She is not here for money.I tried every possible way to convince her.But."

G-"Sir failed.Madam looks very confident.Beautiful too."

Vikram glared at him and he left from there.Before handing them back the papers.Mani kept them on table.

M-"I gave her blank cheque too.But she refused.Any sort of money."

V-"What does she want then?"

Mani turned back to look at hime.Then at papers.Vikram picked them.

M-"She wants you to take custody of baby.Sign on these papers.Acknowledging that you are his father."

V-"You joking right."

Mani took papers from him and went from there.Hearing his phone.Vikram glared back from far and knew what was to be done.

Sakshi was reading book peacefully in her room.When heard door open.He stood there with anger written on his face.She frowned as he got inside and held her hand.Looking at baby sleeping.Dragging her out of room.

S-"What are you doing.Leave my hand.You are hurting me."

He left her almost pushing her.On couch.Of room before closing it.She saw red mark already on her wrist and tried to sooth pain.When he came standing in front of her.

V-"You know I had enough.In a day you have turned my life upside down.I dont even know why I was being so patient with you.What do you even know about me?My image and life how its been.People and my fans know well kind of person Im.They wont believe your shit story.If you go anywhere and try to defame me.I respect girls.But I feel shocked seeing how there are people like you.Who take advantage like this.Think about your baby at least.Oh wait.Who knows eevn if he is yours."


Huh.You think you have been patient only.You felt like this within a day only.What about me.Who have gone through all this.Carried your baby inside me.Gave birth and have been tkaing care of him all these months.You think its my responsibility only.Not yours?"

V-"Oh please.Cut this out.I have said enough and will say it loud.This baby is not mine.ANd I dont know you.I have never seen you.How is it possible even."

He looked on other side.Catching his head and trying best not to lose his calm.She gave sarcastic smile.And stood behind him.

S-"Its always easy for men to deny.To refuse.But Im at fault too.I should have told you this way earlier.But then I realized.Why should I bear consequence alone.When we both were at fault."

He shut his eyes looking back at her.Pointing fingers at her this time loud enough.

V-"I wasnt at fault.I have never been.You hear that?What do you think just because Im a celebrity.A big star so you can trap me by accusing my weakness.I have never done something like this in my life.I can be sure of.I have respect for girls.but they are not my weakness."

He was giving it back to her but what infuriated him more.Was calm look on her face.The confidence in her just shunned him.She walked around him and stood in front of glass door.Staring outside.

S-"We tend to forget some weak moments in our life.I never thought I would do this too.But that day it seemed.There was something in air.In moment.Which made it happen."

V-"Re mental.What day what moment.Look I cant even remember you or your name.What do you know about me.tell me.Nothing.So How can I even believe you?Just stop this."

S-"When did I say I know everything about you.And you know too.In fact I came to know your name.Through news.Saw you in some interview and came to know your name."

V-"Huh.Great.Must say you have powerful imagination to write stories.But they wont go well with me.You sleep with a guy without knowing his name also.And now you came to me all this way based on what?"

S-"If I say I have something.Which may be a proof of our meeting then?Will you believe me?"

That was for first time Vikram felt his breathe would stop for second.Her words somewhat scared him.But his mouth was denying.He looked around facing his back to her.


She flaunted a simple platinum ring in front of him.Which had his initials VA.He held ring trying to have better view.Then looking at her she saw something in her eyes.As she spoke words.

S-"I believe this is biggest and only proof of the day we met.Which surely you would remember.If not for anything else."

Saying that she walked to door leaving him in pool of thoughts.It dawned upon him suddenly.Seeing ring again and again.As he tried to recall something.And he did.He touched initials again on ring.It belonged to him.Yes it did.

Trying to get what was happening inside.Mani could hardly see or hear anything.With little bit of door open.

M-"Goswami can you see anything?"

G-"No Sir I cant see anything."

He saw him trying to look at through closed door.Felt like hitting his own head.

M-"Idiot come here.What are they speaking."

G-"Sir its bad manners to eavesdrop like this.My mother used to say."

M-"Everything is fair Goswami."

G-"In love right Sir."

Mani stared at him with blank look.Right then they made sure to hide as Sakshi opened door and left from there.Mani saw Vikram still inside.

G-"Sir.Did anything happened?"

M-"What I feared.Shouldnt happen Goswami."


Thank you for such warm welcome.I have made some best friends here can say that.Seeing the love and support from you all.Those who are reading and left comments.You made me happy.Gave me strength and happiness.To write again.This is an important part of life telling you again.🥰Thank you.Here is second part.Third part things will be more clear and fun also hopefully.This book will have its share of fum moments too.So not making it boring one.

Please do not forget to vote and comment.


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