Amar Loves Devi!!

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At Devi's House

Subbu said to Devi

Subbu : Amma Devi..I forgot to tell you, Hema said Your Exams will be there in this month..

Devi : Hema already said this to me..

Subbu : Devi..It is better to take some study leaves before Your Exams from Your Company..

Devi : No need..Nanna..On Exams time , I will take Leaves..I don't need to take study leaves before Exams..

Subbu : But Devi..It will be very difficult for You..

Devi : It won't be difficult to me, Nanna..I can Manage..Don't Worry, Nanna..

Devi left from there after saying this.

Subbu thinking about Devi behaviour..

Subbu (Inner Voice) : From the time, Devi joined in this Office, She is behaving weird..What is happening in her Office?

At Bhushan Group of Companies

At Conference Hall

Preethi is getting angry after knowing that Amar cancelled Devi tranfer..

Jhende came there and said to Preethi

Jhende : Calm Down..Preethiji..

Preethi : Why Jhendiji? What is need to cancel Devi Transfer? What happened to Amar Sir?

Jhende : Love!!

Preethi became confuse on heard this.

Preethi : What?!

Jhende : Yes, Amar Sir Loves Devi!!

Preethi became shock for this..

Preethi : What? Amar Sir Loves that Devi!!?

Jhende : Yes, Amar Sir completely became mad in Devi Love..

Preethi : No, Jhendiji..May be You misunderstood Amar Sir..How can he Loves Devi..No..Where is Amar Sir Status..Where is that Devi..!! It is impossible..

Jhende smiles for this..

Jhende : Love is blund,Preethiji..It won't see Status, Rich, Poor, Religion, Caste and Even It won't see Age also..

Preethi became shock for this..

Jhende : Love just Happens..Once it Happens it won't leave anyone, Even The Great Businessman Amarendra Bhushan also have to bow down for that Love..

Preethi became stunned for this..

Jhende : With that Love only, Amar is not in Position to think what he is doing!! That's why he bring back Devi..

Preethi : What? Amar Sir only bring back that Devi?

Jhende : Yes, Preethiji..I am saying this to you just because You are one of Important support to this Company..I Hope You won't say this to anyone..

Preethi became broken on heard that Amar Loves Devi..

Preethi : What is this, Jhendiji? 10 Years!! I worked Day and Night for this Company..I even forgot my Own Birthday..All Employees called me as Sadist..Still I don't care about that..But How can Amar Sir Loves that Devi leaving me..?

Jhende became shock on heard this..

Preethi immediately covered it..

Preethi : I mean How can we leave Amar Sir like that..?

Jhende : I am going to ask Amar Sir about this Strongly.

At Amar's Cabin

Jhende gave water to Amar

Jhende : Go and wash Your Face..Atleast then You can see the reality around You..

Amar : What do you mean?

Jhende : Can I tell you a Breaking News " South India's No. 1 Businessman Amarendra Bhushan stayed with his Employee full Night in a Cheap Hotel"

Amar became angry for this..

Amar : Jhende!!

Jhende : If I didn't came on time, This News would be telecast in TV..Then Will You shout like this only on Channels?

Amar : See, I already said to you..In that place signal is not there, Vehicles not available on that time..Except that Hotel, I didn't have any Option..

Jhende : Then you have to inform me before going from Home..But You didn't..

Amar : If I did like that, Will you let me go?

Jhende : To cover Your Cheap thing, Don't give me excuses..

Amar became angry for this

Amar : Jhende!! Do you think I took Devi to that Hotel Intentionally ?

Jhende : If you don't have bad intentions, Why you got ready to stay with Devi in that Cheap Hotel?

Amar getting angry for Jhende words

Amar : Jhende!!

Jhende : Fine..You don't have sense..What happened to Devi? How can she got ready to stay with You in that Place?

Amar became angry for this..

Amar : Jhende!!

Jhende : Can I tell What will People call You and Devi..Characterless!!

Amar : Jhende!!

Amar Slapped Jhende on heard such words from him..

Jhende became shock that Amar Slapped him for Devi..

Jhende felt bad for Amar slapped him and left from there ..

At Jhende's Cabin

Jhende came to his cabin and sat silently on remembering that Amar slapped him..

Preethi asked Jhende

Preethi : Jhendiji..Did you spoke with Sir? What he said?

Jhende didn't respond to her..

Preethi : Is anything happened there?

Jhende still didn't respond to her

Preethi : It's ok, Jhendiji..Must be You don't want to share this with me..No Problem..

Preethi left from there after saying this..

After sometime, At Amar's Cabin

Amar feeling guilty for slapped Jhende like that

On that time, Amar's Inner soul said to Amar

Amar 's Inner Soul : Are you feeling guilty for slapped Jhende like that?

Amar nodded like Yes..

Amar's Inner Soul : Fine..He spoke like that, For that You slapped him..It's over now..What is use if you feel guilty like this?

Amar : Then What I have to do?

Amar's Inner Soul : You have to go and talk to Jhende..

Amar : How to face him?

Amar's Inner Soul : See..Do you want to marry Devi?

Amar nodded like Yes..

Amar's Inner Soul : Good..Then Go and prove this to Jhende that Your Love is not just Attraction, It is True Love..

Amar : But?

Amar's Inner Soul : If You are Happy with Devi..Do you know who is the First Person becomes Happy for You? Jhende!!

Amar listen this..

Amar's Inner Soul : In Your Heart, Devi is there...But in Jhende Heart Except You no one will be there..So, Listen to me Go and convince him..

Amar : Will he get convince?

Amar's Inner Soul : Oh My Darling..First Go and talk with him..Then we will think about that..

At Jhende's Cabin

Amar came to Jhende and said to him

Amar : Sorry, Jhende..I don't have to did like that..But you have to understand my condition, right?

Jhende became silent for this..

Amar : Jhende..In this world, Every one tags me as Business Tycoon..But No one thinks I am also Normal Man, I too have Heart, I also have Emotions..To this World, I am just a Sculpture..Sad thing is You are also seeing me like that only ..

Jhende listens to Amar words..

Amar : I only have to heal someone Problems..But I don't have any right to find someone to heal My Pain..

Jhende still became silent for this..

Amar : Fine..You just care about this, right?..Ok,Tell me, What I have to do for You? I will do as You say..

Jhende still didn't respond to him..

Amar : Fine..You don't want to talk with me, right? I will leave..

Amar left after saying this..

At Bhushan Villa

Jhende came to home when Subhadra called him

Jhende : What Happened, Amma? You called me, Is anything serious?

Subhadra : I didn't called for me, Raghava..Amar asked me to call You..

Jhende : Sorry, Amma..I thought You called me..I will leave..

Subhadra : Raghava..wait!!

Jhende stopped when Subhadra asked to stop

Subhadra : I don't know what happened between You both..But You both can sort this..

Jhende became silent for this

Subhadra : Amar wanted to have Dinner with You, If you won't eat, he also won't eat, If Amar won't eat Dinner, I will also can't eat..Then I can't have medicines also..

Jhende : Amma!!

Subhadra : If You really see me like your Mother, Come and Have Dinner..

Jhende went to Dining Hall for Subhadra Request

At Dinning Hall

Jhende sat for Dinner, Amar also sit beside him..

Jhende immediately shifted to Opposite Chair

Subhadra observed this

Subhadra : You both are behaving like small kids..Fine, Let's Have Dinner..

Jhende : Amma.. I am not feeling hungry and I don't have mood to eat..Ask him to have Dinner..

Amar said to Subhadra

Amar : Amma..Tell to Jhende..If he have dinner, then Only I will have..

Jhende said to Subhadra

Jhende : Amma..Tell to him, Don't be stubborn..

Amar said to Subhadra

Amar : Amma..He knows how much stubborn I am..Then ask him to have Dinner first..

Jhende said to Subhadra

Jhende : Amma..I already said I am not feeling Hungry..

Amar said to Subhadra

Amar : Amma..Then I am also not feeling Hungry..

Amar left from there without having Dinner..

Jhende said to Subhadra

Jhende : See, Amma..How he is behaving!!

Subhadra : Raghava..I don't know what is Problem between You..But If you won't talk with him, How can it will solve?

Jhende became silent for this..

Subhadra : Raghava..Amar is Your Responsibility.. As Mother I carried him for 9 months only..But you are still carrying him..Whatever happen, Don't leave him..

Jhende became stunned for Subhadra words..

Subhadra : You know about Amar.. Forgetting about his Age, Sometimes Amar behaves like a small kid..If You won't understand him, Who will understand him?

Jhende thinking about Subhadra words..

At Amar's Room

Amar sat with angry..

Jhende came to Amar

Jhende : Amar..Come..Have Dinner..

Amar sat silently without responding to him..

Jhende : Amar..I am talking with you only..

Amar : I am not feeling Hungry and I don't have mood to eat..

Jhende : Are you imitating my words?

Amar : Then..I spoke with you at office, even I said sorry also..But You didn't said anything..

Jhende smiles for this

Amar : Why are you laughing now?

Jhende : Amma said true, You are still a Kid..Look, Still You are behaving like a small kid..

Amar glared at Jhende for this

Jhende : How can You think that I will leave you, Just because You slapped me..

Amar became shock for this

Jhende : I am Your Shadow..Amar..This Jhende never leaves this Amar..

Amar : Then Why you didn't talk with me when I was talking with you at Offcie?

Jhende : I'm also normal man like you,I will also get angry..You showed Your angry with slap..I showed my angry with silence..

Amar : Why you getting angry? Why don't you understand me? Why you always make me stay away from Devi?

Jhende : Amar..I'm not against to Your love..Infact Devi is such a Good Girl, She is so innocent..That's why small Fear If anything happen to her because of you, That Guilty will be there with You lifelong..I just want you to see You with Guilty..

Amar : Do you think I can't protect her? Just be in my Position and think like me..You will understand My Problem..

Jhende : Fine..I don't want to extend this matter..You asked me to be in Your Position and think like you..I will do that..But If Result came Negative..You have to do as I say..Will You Promise me?

Amar think about this on remembering Devi

Amar : Fine..I Promise..But I Trust on My love, It won't let me lose..

Jhende : Let's see Whether Your Love will win or My Fear will win..

Amar : Yes..You will see..

Jhende smiles for this

Jhende : Fine..Come, Let's Have Dinner..

Amar : You said You are not Hungry..

Jhende : Oh Please..Amar..When My angry calm down, I feel more hungry..Don't make you starving..

Amar punched at Jhende stomach like teasing him..Jhende laughed for this..

Jhede : Amar..Please..

Amar and Jhende went down to have Dinner..:

Percap : Amar eagerly waiting for Devi..New Entry?

I am Very Sorry If I makes you bore with Amar and Jhende Part..

I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Why Devi don't want to take leaves from Office? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Preethi became broken after heard about Amar Loves Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is Amar and Jhende Friendship? Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Amar win Challenge with Jhende? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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