I am Blessed!!

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At Hotel Room

When Amar about to leave, He felt that Devi holds his hand..

Amar became scared whether Devi heard his Confession..

Amar turned back and see that Devi is still sleeping on holding his hand..

Amar felt relief and Free his hand from Devi hold..

Amar slept in sitting Position on keeping his head on Bed..

Other Side, On Highway

Jhende get Details of the Bus which Devi get off and called to that Bus Conductor

Jhende : Hello..I'm Security Chief of Bhusan Industries..

Bus Conductor : Tell me, Sir..

Jhende : Our Employee Devi Bus seat is booked in Your Bus, Will you please Check..Is she is in bus?

Bus Conductor : Oh..That Madam got off from Bus..

Jhende became shock for this

Jhende : What? Is anyone is there with her?

Bus Conductor : One Man forcibly got off her from Bus..

Jhende understood it is Amar only

Jhende : Ok..In which Place there got off ?

Bus Conductor : Aramghar Cross Road, Sir..

Jhende : Ok, Thanks..

Jhende and Driver immediately left to that Place..

After Sometime, At Hotel Room

Devi wake up and see that Amar is sleeping in sitting Point on keeping his head as Support..

Devi sat beside Amar and said on admiring him

Devi's POV

"Amar Sir, I am feeling so Proud on seeing You."

"Amarendra Bhushan means King to Bhushan Empire, South India No.1 Most Businessman, God to Crores of Employees "

"That Amarendra Bhushan came and slept on floor like this for an Ordinary Girl like me"

"May be I am so Blessed to get such a Caring from You, Sir "

"Today I became scared that I wouldn't able to Your Voice which calls my Name "Devi!".

"I am scared that My Heartbeat which got used to heard Your Voice, would stop If it wouldn't heard Your Voice."

"I don't know why You are scared to tell Your Feelings to me Directly"

"But I know one thing "If we Love anyone so much, we will scared to lose them"

"I'm also waiting for that Day like You to heard Your Feelings directly to me"

Flash Back

When Amar talking with Sleeping Devi..

Devi came to conscious when Amar said "I Love You, Devi!!"

Devi heard it and became Happy for this..

But Devi acting like sleeping not to know Amar that she heard his Confession..

Devi holds Amar Hand on became Happy but when Amar turned back she again acted like sleeping.


Devi smiles on remembering Amar Love Confession to her..

Devi admires when Amar is sleeping Peacefully..

Devi also slept in sitting position beside Amar..

Other Side

Jhende and Driver came to Aramghar Cross Road

Jhende : You Go and Search that Side..I will search this Side..

Driver : Ok, Sir..

Jhende : If You find any suspicious thing..Inform me immediately..

Driver : Ok, Sir..

At Hotel Room

Amar came to conscious when he heard Police Siren.

Amar immediately came out from room and searched Is any Police came there..?

When there is No Police not there, Amar went inside room..

Amar became shock that Devi also wake up..

Amar : Devi?

Devi : What happened, Sir? Why You went out?

Amar : I felt like Police came..

Devi : Why Police will come here?

Amar : Do You know in which kind of Place we are?

Devi : Whatever type of kind of Place is this..How it matters to us?

Amar became confuse on heard this

Devi : Whoever came here.. I won't scare for anyone..!! Because  You are with me..

Amar became suprised for this..

Devi : You are My Trust, You are my Strength...Sir..If You are with me, Nothing will happen to me..

Amar felt Happy on heard this..

Devi : A man who respects women like You, Any women will feel secure like me..

Amar smiles for this..

Amar : Fine..Go and Sleep..

Devi nodded like Ok and went to sleep on bed..

Amar also slept on chair..

After sometime, At Hotel Room

Police came to Hotel for Raid..

Receptionist : Sir..Why You came here? Did you by mistake came there?

Police : I came to correct place..What is happening in Your Hotel?

Receptionist : Sir..We can settle here only..Tell me, How much You want?

Police became angry and slapped him..

Police came inside to rooms and arrested all customers..

When Police about to knock the room where Amar and Devi staying..

Someone Hit that Police without letting that Police knock that Door..

That Man is Jhende who hit that Police..

When that Police about to hit Jhende, he got one call..

That Police became scared after attending the call and said to Jhende

Police : Sorry, Sir..

Jhende : I'm also Sorry, Officer for hitting like that..Please Leave..

All Police went from there...

Jhende stood infront of that Hotel not let anyone come inside..

Next Morning, At Hotel

Amar and Devi came out from Hotel .

They became shock on seeing Jhende..

Jhende saw that Amar carried Devi Luggage..

Amar : Jhende...Actually..

Jhende : We have to leave from here, Sir..Please.

Devi asked Jhende

Devi : Jhende Sir, Here Signals are not there..Then How You find that We are here only?

Jhende : To find about Amar Sir, I don't need any Network Signals..My Heart Signal is Enough to me..

Devi became suprised and Good on heard this..

Amar said to Devi

Amar : Come Devi...Let's Go ...

Jhende said to Amar

Jhende : I arranged Separate Car to Devi, Sir...You Please Get in this Car..

Amar gave Devi Luggage to her..

When they about to go in Different Cars, they both looked at each other..

Jhende observed this and said to Amar

Jhende : Sir!!

Amar and Devi became normal..

They left in Different Cars..

Inside Car

Jhende sat with serious face..

Amar : Jhende..I wanted to contact You..But In that Place Signal is not there..

Jhende didn't respond to this..

Amar : Without any Choice, We stayed in that Hotel..

Jhende still didn't respond this turning his face..

Amar understood that Jhende is in angry with him..

At Devi's House

Padhu is crying with worry that Devi mobile is switched off..

Hema said to Padhu

Hema : Aunty..Please Don't cry.. Nothing will happen to Devi..

Padhu : I am scaring, Hema..Still Devi mobile is getting Switched off..

Hema's Mother Sarala said in between

Sarala : What is use to cry now, Padha Akka? You have to be Careful before only..

Hema shouted on Sarala

Hema : Amma..Aunty already scaring for Devi, How can You like that?

Seshaya shouted on Hema

Seshaya : What is wrong in Your Mother words? Don't know what happened to Devi..They have to be Careful before..

Loki shouted on Seshaya

Loki : Nanna..Don't talk like that.. If You want to console them..Do that..Orelse Just Go from here..

Seshaya shouted on Loki

Seshaya : Mad Fellow!! You don't know anything, Shut Up !!

Sarala said to Padhu

Sarala : Padha Akka..Go and Put Police complaint before anything happen..They will find Devi..

Padhu asked Subbu

Padhu : Subbu..What to do now?

On that time, Devi came there..

Padhu and Subbu became Happy on seeing Devi..

Padhu : Devi..You came..!!

Subbu : Thank God..Our Devi came back to home Safely..

Hema and Loki also became Happy on seeing Devi back to home..

Other Side, Sarala and Seshaya became disappointed that Devi came back safely..

Padhu asked Devi

Padhu : Devi..You Transferred to Bangalore..Why You came back? And Your Mobile also Switched off?

Devi : Nanna..When I am on the way, I got news that My Transfer got cancelled..So, I got off from Bus but to contact there is no signal in that Place..After that Mobile became switched off..

Subbu asked Devi

Subbu : They had to say this before You are leaving right? How can they do like that..Can't they understand How much we became worried..

Padhu said in between

Padhu : It's ok, Subbu..Leave it..Our Devi came back safely right...May be that Durgamaa Thali changed their mind and makes them cancelled Devi Transfer..

Subbu asked Devi

Subbu : Devi..Will they again send to Bangalore?

Devi : No, Nanna..I can work in Hyderabad only..

Subbu : Fine..

Sarala asked Devi

Sarala : What type of Company is this, Devi? Suddenly they transferred and suddenly cancelled it..

Seshaya also said in between

Seshaya : Yes, Sarala..This company is looking so weird..

Loki replied to them

Loki : If You People did any Job, then You will understand..For Jobless People like You never understand this..

Sarala and Seshaya glared at Loki and left from there..

Subbu said to Padhu

Subbu : Padhu..Must be Devi is hungry..Go and Prepare Breakfast

Padhu : Ok..Subbu..

Subbu and Padhu went inside..

Hema and Loki came to Devi

Hema : Devi..Instead of Triedness, So Much Glow is there in Your face, What Happened?

Loki also said in between

Loki : Yes, Hema..Devi face is glowing like 1000 watts Bulb..Some Good News must be there..

Devi said to them

Devi : I will tell You both later..Now Go...

Hema said to Loki

Hema : Fine..Come, Loki..

Percap : Amar slapped Jhende for   Devi...New Entry..?

Dedicated this Update to Sudiptasubhalaxmi for asking Specially to Update soon and Her Beautiful Words about Story..Loves You, Dear..Thank You so much..

Special Dedication to Each and Every Friend who guessed that Devi heard Amar Confession and Thank You So Much for giving Supportive Comments Everytime..

I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

How is Devi's POV about Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is Devi Trust on Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is the Part the way Jhende handled Police? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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