Chapter One🕷Civil War

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot


Chapter One: Civil War


One Week Later

"(Y/n), honey, can you come here for a minute?"

You looked up from the box you were unpacking, stepping away from your bed, and leaving your bedroom to meet your mom in the kitchen. You expected your mom to hand you another box or ask for help moving something because your dad was busy, what you got was completely unexpected.

"What's up Mo-" you cut yourself off when you noticed that Captain America was standing in the doorway. He was in civilian clothes, with sunglasses and a hat on. Even then, he was still recognizable, "Holy shit."

"Riptide," he greeted with a nod of his head, "I was told I could find you here."

"I'm not even going to ask who told you," you whispered, well-aware that the Avengers had access to some of the most extensive databases in the world, and that they had some of the most knowledgeable contacts in the world, "What are you doing here?"

"I need your help."

"Captain America needs my help?" You asked in disbelief.

"I've seen files of what you did with your old team. We need you on our side. I need you to come to Germany."

"How long will (Y/n) be gone?" Your dad asked, familiar with your heroic duties. Although neither of your parents truly approved of the danger you put yourself in, they did their best to be supportive all the same, "School starts on Monday."

"Just a weekend at most," Captain America assured, "We have a quinjet if you need to use it but you'd have to leave now-"

"Don't worry Captain, I'll be able to get there on my own," you interrupted, already wondering how you'd explain this to Kurt, "I just need a time and place."

Captain America nodded and gave you the time and place. He turned to leave, but paused, "There are two things you need to understand. One, if everything goes according to plan you'll be fighting trained assassins, but if things go wrong then you'll be fighting half of the Avengers. Two, if I tell you to run, then you run. I don't feel right bringing you into this, but we don't have a choice."

"You got it, Captain."

Captain America nodded and left, looked around cautiously as he walked down the hallway to the elevator. When he was safely inside, you faced your parents, who still seemed to be in shock.

"I guess I can't escape from hero work."

"Please be safe," your mom nearly begged, "Don't push yourself. Your mutation is powerful but everyone has their limits."

"I know, Mom, I promise I'll be careful. I'm going to call Kurt to see if he can take me."

Going back to your room, you pulled out your phone and called Kurt, he answered after only a few rings.


"Kurt I'm calling in a favor. Have you ever heard of the Leipzig-Halle Airport?"

"Yes, I've been there before."

"Good. I need to be there tomorrow at five-thirty. Can you do that?"

"Of course. I will see you tomorrow."

You said goodbye and ended the call. Sighing, you knelt down and reached under your bed to pull out the box your uniform was in. Gingerly pulling it out and laying it on your bed, you couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't believe I might fight the Avengers tomorrow."


"Thanks Kurt!" You gave Kurt a quick hug in thanks as he teleported you behind a shipping container at the airport, "Tell everyone I say hi."

Kurt nodded and teleported away. With a small amount of time on your hands, you double-checked your belt to make sure your water flasks were full. When you were sure that they were, you peeked out from behind the crate. You were a little late because Kurt was on a mission, and it seemed like instead of assassins you'd be fighting the Avengers. Was it weird that you were a little excited?

Stepping out from the safety of the crate, you casually walked toward the tense stand-off, pulling both sides' attention away from each other and towards you.

"My team never fought like this, but I guess not everyone's perfect," you sighed dramatically.

"Who's the kid?"

"Riptide, it's nice to meet you," you waved. Riptide was an easy persona to slip into, confident and sure of themself in a way you weren't without the domino mask.

"Alright, well, as nice as it was to meet you, I've had enough of this. Underoos!"

A boy who, judging by his size and voice, seemed to be around your age, leaped into the fight and grabbed Captain America's shield with a sticky web-like substance. He then used the same substance to bind Captain America's hands together.

"Nice job, kid."

"Thanks. I mean, I could have stuck the landing a bit better. It's just a new suit- it's nothing, Mr. Stark! It's perfect-"

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."

"Cap- Captain. I'm a big fan. I'm Spider-Man."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later."

"Hey, everyone."

"Yeah, good job."

You couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped you. This "Spider-Man" must have been new to hero work because he clearly didn't understand how stand-offs work, though you had to admit that it was kind of adorable in a dorky way.

"You've been busy," Captain America said sarcastically.

"And you've been an idiot. Dragging in Clint, 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't want to leave, a safe place. Bringing- what's your name kid?"


"I meant real name but we can work with that. Bringing them into this! I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed," Captain America retorted.

"You're going to turn Barnes over and come with us. It's us or some JSOC guys with no compunction about being polite."

"We found it," you heard in your provided earpiece. Well, it was your own earpiece but you were given the channel that Cap's team would be using so you could tune in, "Their quinjet is in hangar five."

Cap held his hands up in the air. An arrow flew through the air and split the webs.

"Hey guys, there's something-"

Spider-Man was cut off when Ant-Man sprang up and punched him across the jaw, retrieving Cap's shield.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America," Ant-Man gave Steve his shield back.

Everyone sprang into action as soon as Iron Man flew off. War Machine went for Cap and Black Panther went after Bucky where he was going to the quinjet with Falcon.

"I'll handle the Spider-Thing then," you sighed, spotting the red spandex relatively close, however as soon as you got close he shot off a web and swung off. You groaned, "How am I supposed to compete with that?"

"Look kid," Black Widow approached slowly, almost casually, "There's a lot going on here that you don't understand. It'd be best if you stood down."

"I know that whenever the government tries to control people with special abilities those people only get hurt," you pressed a button on the sides of your flasks, opening them up, "And that's good enough for me."

Flicking your wrist out, a stream of water went straight for Black Widow, though she was quick to dodge and sprinted toward you.

"What are you> An experiment?" Black Widow seemed hesitant to hurt you because of your age and you counted your blessings there. You knew she was the deadliest non-enhanced person on the planet.

"Mutant, actually," you corrected, pushing her back with a burst of water.

"Mutant? I thought they all went underground."

"You don't know very much then," you grunted when she landed a harsh kick to your side. That would definitely bruise.

"Who trained you? You couldn't have picked up this much skill on your own."

"Wouldn't you like to know," you feinted with a thinner stream of water but then quickly came in with a burst strong enough to throw Black Widow clean across the runway.

Taking a moment to catch your breath, you looked around and spotted the bright red suit once again. Being able to fight someone your age would be comforting in a strange way, considering you never got the chance.

Spider-Man swung inside a nearby building. Gathering water around your feet, you lifted yourself off the ground and up to the main level of the same building Spider-Man was inside. Glancing in through a window, you made eye contact with the Winter Soldier while he was webbed up on the ground.

Rearing your first back, you surrounded it with water and hardened it into ice when you swung down. When the glass shattered, Spider-Man barely batted an eye, probably blaming the noise on the fighting outside.

Jumping down from the window to the ground, you winced when the Winter Soldier and Falcon were kicked from the floor you were on to the one down below.

"Hey, Bug-Boy," you called out, catching the boy's attention.

"Oh hi," Spider-Man waved, "I'm an arachnid actually. Is this your first fight too?"

"Nope. It's my first with the Avengers, though."

"Oh cool!" Spider-Man lifted his hand and webbing shot out, attaching you to the pillar behind you, "At least I'm not the only young one."

"You're going to have to do better than that," you wiggled your fingers and water cut through the webs. Swinging your arm up, you knocked Spider-Man through the nearest window. Running to the edge of the railing, you peered down at the Winter Soldier and the Falcon. "Hi, I'm Riptide! It's nice to meet you. Both of you are really cool. I gotta go, good luck."

After cutting through the webbing around the two of them to set them free, you left the building to go back to the runway where the majority of the fighting was taking place.

Everything was on fire. You weren't sure how that happened, but you guessed it was a side effect of Avengers fights since they weren't very good at stealth. In order to prevent further damage, you splashed water on areas that were smoldering. The X-Men were a covert team in order to protect the rights and privacy of mutants. The Avengers didn't seem to follow the same rules.

"Riptide, it's time for you to leave."

"What happened to going with you to fight the assassins?" You questioned.

"You're now wanted, Tony will report that you fought with us."

"They have no idea who I really am," Steve made a displeased noise, "Fine, but I'm helping you get to the quinjet at least."

Cap ran past you and sent you an annoyed look on his way but it didn't affect you much, Logan was much scarier when he was annoyed. The rest of Cap's team was close behind him. It seemed like they were in the clear, so you prepared to call Kurt- then Vision showed up.

"I know that you think what you are doing is right, but for the collective good, surrender."

Everyone remained silent and lined up in the battle stances. You jogged to meet up with them, joining their team once again. You wanted to come to Germany, possibly fight some assassins, be home in time for dinner, and finish unpacking your room. So much for that.

"What do we do, Cap?" Falcon asked.

"We fight."

Both sides walked toward each other, then sped up to a jog, then a run, as tensions intensified as everyone came to the realization that this was going to become a true battle.

When everyone met in the middle, you matched up with Nat again, resuming your fight from earlier.

"Do you dye your hair?" Nat asked, sliding under a wave.

"Natural. What about you?"

"Natural," Nat pulled out two batons and swung them around skillfully, "So you were trained, clearly. Are they a cover organization?"

"You could say that," you ducked under a swing from one of the batons and lifted your arm to protect your face from another, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tear that team apart though."

Your eyes widened when Black Widow went in for a complete knockout shot. Before the hit could land, Black Widow's hand was surrounded in red energy and she was thrown off and into a cargo crate.

"Nice powers," Scarlet Witch complimented before rushing off again.

"(Y/n), you gotta run!"

"Cap, I told you that I wasn't leaving until you were on the ship and I meant it."

"Thanks for your help, kid."

Loud laughing caught your attention, along with a giant figure. Ant=Man was no longer the size of an ant, but rather the size of a building.

"Holy shit," you whispered. You had seen some crazy mutations at school, but this guy wasn't even a mutant.

Because your eyes were already in the sky, it was easy to spot Iron Man going after Captain America and Bucky. Lifting up your hands, you sent a large stream of water up and wrapped it around the foot of his armor. With a grunt, you swung your hands down and dragged him to the ground.

"Look kid," Iron Man sighed as he got to his feet, "You aren't technically a criminal, so I can't do anything to you, but you're still in the wrong and you've gotten involved in something you don't truly understand."

Clenching your fist, you froze water in the joints of Tony's suit and ultimately froze him in place, "You're one of my favorite heroes, Dr. Stark, and I know you think you're in the right, but so do I. I hope we can meet again under better circumstances."

Looking around for Captain America, you spotted him and the Winter Soldier ducking under a collapsing building into hangar five. They'd made it to the quinjet, good. You pressed the homing signal within the X on your belt to let Kurt know you were ready to go. When you turned around, Iron Man was gone.

"Mr. Stark I can fight! Mr. Stark! No, no, I'm down."

Calmly walking toward Spider-Man, you found that none of the heroes were turning their focus to you. Their attention was on the big ones, and you weren't upset about that fact whatsoever. Iron Man was right when he said you weren't technically a criminal. The most you could be charged with was vigilante activity - weak since you were recruited by an Avenger - and aiding a criminal, which would be dropped or reduced because you were a minor. Not to mention he didn't know who you were at the moment, though he could find out if he truly wanted.

"Hold still," you ordered Spider-Man as you knelt next to him.

"Very uncool, attacking someone who's hurt," he groaned.

"I'm not fighting you," you rolled your eyes, gathering some water from the moisture in the air and hovering it over his ribs, "Two cracked, none broken. Good job handling the pain."

The water seeped in and out of Peter's body, slowly mending his cracked ribs. Healing was a technique you'd wanted to try because of watching Avatar: The Last Airbender as a child, but you were happy to learn that it was scientifically possible - though the exact details were a bit blurry.

Western science suggested that the platelets and blood cells within the body were bolstered when you manipulated the water within them and therefore the healing process was sped up. Eastern medicine suggested that the chi network of the body was manipulated through your use of water and sped up the healing process that way.

"Is the blue just dye to match your costume or..."

"Everyone always asks that," you sighed in exasperation, "It's part of my mutation, and therefore permanent."


"You fought the Avengers?" Kurt popped up, panicked as he took in the situation.

"Technically I fought half of the Avengers," you corrected, pushing yourself to your feet, "You know the address. Bug-Boy, try not to crack your ribs again, alright?"

Spider-Man slowly nodded as blue smoke surrounded you and Kurt. The teleportation was held off just long enough that you got to hear what Spider-Man said.

"Riptide was so awesome."

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