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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot. Also, the Readers hero name, and powers, are NOT based off of Percy Jackson. I didn't begin reading the series until far after coming up with the concept, and before that, I hadn't heard much about it.




"I spot blue hair!"

"What do you mean blue hair? Is it the skin peeking through?"

"No, I mean blue hair. Clara look, blue hair," the doctor pointed at two thick strips of blue hair near the front of the newly born baby's head. There was very little hair, but the blue was still obvious, "I think this is a mutation. I'll leave the child to the nurses and gather some resources for you to look at. It's completely understandable if you don't wish to raise a mutated child."

Clara (L/n) resisted the urge to glare at the doctor for the mere suggestion of giving up her child and held her tired arms out so her child could be given to her. The nurses did so as soon as they were finished with the preliminary checks.

"It does look like a mutation. Lucas?" Clara glanced up at her husband, who was openly crying. She sighed tiredly, "Lucas."

"Right, um," Lucas wiped away his tears, "A mutation just means we'll have to be careful, but we'll love them just the same."

"And have you two decided on a name?" The nurse asked as she was filling out the birth certificate.

"(Y/n)," Clara nodded surely, Lucas nodding along, "Our little mutant."

Three Years Later

"Mommy! Daddy!"

Your parents looked up from their books, jumping up and out of their beach chairs in panic when they realized the precarious situation you were in. You had traveled into the deep end of the pool despite clear instructions not to until you were a stronger swimmer.

Both of your parents ran to the edge of the pool, ready to jump in and save you. However, before they could, the water in the pool shifted and built up on the sides to clear the middle, like the Red Sea parting. You were at the center of it all, nose scrunched up and eyes closed in concentration. Slowly, you opened your eyes and realized what you had done.

"I'm safe!" You yelled, your young mind quickly recovering from your former panic.

"The hair wasn't the only mutation," your mom whispered, her voice so low you almost couldn't hear it.

"Honey," your dad called out cautiously, "Can you walk back to the shallow end and fix the pool?"

"I can try," you slowly walked back to the shallow end. The water fell back into place behind you, outside of the proximity of your control. When you were completely safe, you dropped your hands and the rest of the water splashed back into place.

Smiling up at your parents, your mom sighed and asked, "What are we going to do with you?"

Four Years Later

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"May I help you?" Your mom asked politely. You couldn't help but giggle at how crazy she looked with coffee splotches all over her clothes. You had just attempted to pour it without using your hands. It was a work in progress.

"My name is Charles Xavier, and this is my companion Hank McCoy," the bald man in the wheelchair greeted, "Your child is a mutant, correct?"

"Why do you want to know?" Your mom crossed your arms over her chest and you slid behind the wall you were hiding behind a bit more. That normally wasn't a good question.

"I run a school for mutants," the man explained, "I'd like to invite your child to attend. Normally the attendance age isn't so young, however, I believe that they'd do very well there. Along with normal coursework is a focus on how the students can properly control their mutations in a sage environment."

"I see. Come in," your mom stepped aside to allow the two men inside.

Hurrying away from the wall, you sat back down in front of the coffee table and continued coloring like you weren't just eavesdropping on them. The bald man entered first, with the taller man just behind him.

"Hello, (Y/n)," the bald man greeted, but his lips didn't move. It's like his voice was in your mind, "I'm Professor Xavier."

"Can I call you Professor X?" You asked, as it was much simpler than Xavier.

Professor X chuckled, and said - out loud this time, "Yes, you can. Many people call me that as well."

"Where is this school?" Your dad stepped into the room. Both of your parents had taken the day off since you didn't have school.

"Upstate New York."

Your parents stepped off to the side to talk privately, but they didn't leave you alone with the men. Curious about the other man - Hank - you pulled on his sleeve to get his attention.

"What can you do?"

"I get blue fur and I get stronger," Hank explained simply. You nodded, taking in every word he was saying in great interest. You'd never met other mutants before.

"Give us a week," your mom finally announced, "We can transfer our jobs to the area. We're assuming (Y/n) will dorm at the school, but we'd like to visit as much as possible."

"Accepting parents are always welcome at the school," Professor X smiled, "Here," he handed my parents a business card, "There's the location and name of the school. And (Y/n), remember; Mutant and Proud."

"Mutant and Proud," you repeated, not yet understanding the significance of those words.

Seven Years Later

"(Y/n), follow me, will you?" Professor X requested, rolling next to you as you walked through the school's hallway.

"Have I done something wrong?" You asked nervously, watching in awe as the professor stopped in a lesser-used hall and a secret elevator opened up, "Woah."

"No, no, you have done nothing wrong, I assure you. In fact, you are excelling in your traditional and mutation-based studies. I would like to offer you a place on a team that does work to rescue and protect mutants, the X-Men."

"The X-Men?" The elevator opened to reveal a high-tech floor with large Xs over what you assumed were different doorways.

"A team of exceptional mutants that work to stop organizations that wish to harm or kill our kind. Everyone on the team is a staff member, but an exception can be made for you. I received approval from your parents after extensive discussions. You'll start with more intense training, of course, then move on to soft missions."

Professor X wheeled to the largest, circular door at the end of the long hallway. The door scanned his entire face before beeping.

"Professor X, confirmed."

"Add a new contact, name..." the professor looked at you for a long moment before seemingly coming to a decision, "Riptide."

"Please scan biometrics." You stepped up and allowed the door to scan your face, "Welcome, Riptide."

The door opened for the both of you to reveal a large room with several familiar people in it.

"Team," Professor X called. Everyone in the room stopped their conversations and turned to you.

You shifted nervously. You had never been very good with people. It's why you had acquaintances and not friends, despite how long you'd been at the school.

"I'd like to introduce you to the team's newest member, though you'll likely recognize them from class. This is (Y/n) (L/n), Riptide on the field."

"She's young, Professor," Ms. Grey commented skeptically.

It was weird seeing most of your teachers in a less professional light. The way they were looking at you like they were picking you apart certainly wasn't helping. The professor picked up on your discomfort and quickly jumped to your defense.

"(Y/n) has been here for seven years. With a powerful mutation and strong control over its capabilities, I have no doubt they will do well on the team. Perhaps introductions are in order, as a way to start over so you aren't just teacher and student while you're on the team together."

"Jean, aka Phoenix," Ms. Grey greeted.

"Scott, Cyclops," a man with one lensed, red-tinted glasses waved.

"Ororo, aka Storm," Miss. Munroe smiled kindly.

"Logan, Wolverine," my history teacher said gruffly.

"Rogue," a woman with white streaks in her hair, said only her mission name.

"Jubilee," a preppy girl waved, giving only her real name.

"Bobby, Iceman," the last man nodded in acknowledgment.

"Some other team members are on a mission," Professor X explained, "You'll be meeting them soon enough. Welcome to the X-Men."

One Year Later

"I'm going to miss you all," you sniffled, hugging each of the X-Men tightly.

"You're just moving downstate, Bub," Logan reminded you, "I'm sure we'll see each other again soon."

"The X-Men won't be the same without you," Ororo agreed, "But it's high time that you go be a normal kid for a little while."

"We all got you a gift," Jean handed you a small gift box.

You opened it curiously. Inside was a small locket with a simple X on it. You pressed the small button on the side to open the locket. There was a small button on each side of the locket. When you pressed the button on the left, a hologram picture of the entire team popped up. You smiled, remembering that moment. All of you were exhausted from an intense mission, but you smiled at the camera anyway.

When you moved to press the other button, Jubilee stopped you.

"Press that button when you're gone and missing us," she instructed, wiping her eyes, "I can't believe our little X-Men baby will be gone."

You gave all the X-Men another round of hugs, slipping the necklace on when you were finished. It rested just above your X-Men dog tag - something each member of the X-Men was given when they joined. On the front was a large X and on the other side was the codename you went by.

"(Y/n)," Professor X called as you walked to the entrance of the school, a bag held in each hand.

"Yes, Professor?" You spun around to find the professor just behind you, as you suspected. There was a nicely sized, but flat, box on his lap.

"You were a wonderful student, (Y/n). Be sure to visit," the professor handed you the box, "I've heard word of a hero operating in Queens, but they could use you anyway."

Your uniform was in the box, you just knew it.

"Thank you, Professor," you knelt down and hugged the man tightly, "I'll visit soon. Call me if you need my help saving the world again."

"We will, and remember (Y/n), mutant and proud."

Throughout the years, you had begun to understand the weight of that statement. Despite the appearance of the Avengers, there was still great discrimination and hatred against mutants. Self-pride was essential. You were different, and you had to embrace it.

"Mutant and proud, professor."

You turned around and walked towards your parent's car where they were waiting for you. Your dad grabbed your bags and loaded them into the trunk for you. You kept the box with your uniform in it as you got it. You wanted to keep it close.

As your parents pulled away from the school, the X-Men lined up outside to wave. You waved your hand over your face, a trail of water following your movement. You opened your window slightly and flicked the water out. There was no need to cry. Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down.

"Riptide is moving to Queens."

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