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3rd P.O.V.

Since the first Mutant was born, society has always shunned them for being different. But for others, they saw mutant as the replacement of humanity itself. A new race of human beings that will overtake the world and send the old race to extinction.

A topic that society didn't take lightly on hearing....

This led to many mutants being outcast or... killed in the process of discrimination. However, during the chaos some mutants decided to band together on creating a force that will fight back the discrimination. Other mutants banded together to show humanity that mutants aren't a threat.

And as years gone by....

Nothing really changed that much except causing more countless death on both sides. Many people ask themselves when will this end? Until both sides destroyed themselves. A topic a lot people ask themselves, wishing this war come to an end.

Y/n P.O.V.

University Stanford....

Y/n: Hmm....

I was in my dorm room watching the live news broadcast on my phone as I see the infamous Magneto giving his speech at the government office.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After the news broadcast came to an ended, I started thinking to myself on what Magneto was talking about earlier. More importantly Magneto mentioning about using Genosha as a new safe haven for mutant kind to go and avoid discrimination.

Y/n: Safe Haven for mutant kind that sound amazing to hear...

Since I can remember I never had any issue with mutant kind but when my parents and I discovered my sister being a mutant, herself. That made me more sympathetic toward mutants since my sister is one of them. And the struggle my family had to go through on keeping my sister safe while at the same time, my sister being depressed that she couldn't make any friends without revealing her mutant powers.

Y/n: But the last thing I need is my sister getting involve with a mutant terrorist like Magneto or joining the X-men that may lead her to an early grave.

Scrolling through my photo album, I remembered how happy my sister was in the past.

Y/n: The good old times...

Happy and joyful but I don't see that anymore these days. I then look at the newspaper clips I collected in the past about mutant death and incidents.

I've even collected events about the X-men and Brotherhood of mutants fights.

Y/n: Hmm.... If this keeps up there won't be a world left for my sister and my family to live in or anyone in that matter. Wait a minute...

Remembering something from one of the lecture talking about segregation in the past and how it affects the future. I pulled out the book from the shelf on my desk.

Y/n: Yeah, I remember reading this... it drove me to tears after learning his journey for equality. This should give me an idea where I should start first.

With that I start rereading the book as I begin my journey on finding a solution for peace amongst mutant and non mutant. It won't be easy at first but it will be worth it if it means I can see my sister smile again.

3 P.O.V.

Few years later....

After graduating from Stanford University and getting his diploma. Y/n began his journey by joining the army first to learn some combat skills and earning the military respect before making his way towards politics. Where he worked as a secretary for the higher ups for only a few months before earning a spot on the council with government officials.

Once earning both the military and government trust, Y/n start his plan for peace by purchasing a large island outside the coast of the U.S. boarders.

After purchasing the island, this was followed with immediate construction afterwards. Taking about few months of hard labor with Y/n helping in the construction to speed up the progress. And after it was completed, he made sure to pay the workers handsomely for their service before looking back at the completed city.

Y/n: What should I name this city...? Hmm.... I know! Mutant Sanctuary!

Naming the new city, Y/n start his next step by spreading the word on social media. This led to many uproar amongst mutants and non mutants catching the attention of the two biggest mutants leaders and other government officials.

Leading Y/n being called to the United Nations to discuss this important matter...

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