Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

United Nation...

Y/n arrived at the United Nation building where all eyes and cameras are on him as he stands in front of the U.N. members. He didn't show any sign of fear within him as the court look over the documents in front of them.

U.N. member 1#: Mr. L/n it says here you purchased an island where you proceeded to build a city afterwards. Then later post a message on social media saying a new safe haven for mutants' kind called " Mutant Sanctuary".

Y/n: I did. What about it?

U.N. member 2#: Can you please tell why you built a city for mutants?

U.N. member 3#: And what the purpose behind it?

Y/n: I purchased the island and built that city so the mutants can find a safe place to live in peace. I already know what happened to Genosha, it was terrible what happened to them, but it was more terrible on how the government responded.

U.N. member 2#: Now-

Y/n: How can you call yourself the protector of the people if you're not willing to stand by their side especially to mutants! Mutants are people too!

This outburst causes the people in the room to whisper amongst one another making U.N. Members nervous a bit.

U.N. member 1#: How dare you say that?! Do you have any idea-

???: No! Let him speak his mind out.

Amongst the members of the U.N. stood none other than Valerie Cooper.

Valerie: Let's hear him out, I want to hear what he wants to say.

Y/n: Who are you?

Valerie: My name is Valerie Cooper. Shall we get started?

Y/n: Hmmm...

Xavier Institute...

At the Xavier institute, the X-Men are watching the news in the living room of the mansion. Most of the X-Men are curious about who Y/n is and why he's defending mutants.

Storm: So, this Y/n person.... He's doing all of this for mutant kind. But why?

Cyclops: Who knows? I'm more concern about is his motives behind his actions.

Jean: You're worried he might be setting up a trap for us.

Cyclops: Exactly! We don't know if he's planning to gather all of us in one spot so he can finish the job that the Sentinel couldn't.

Beast: That highly unlikely to happen, Cyclops. I understand you wanting us to stay on high alert but-

Rogue: Beast, we lost Gambit! He is dead because we let our guard down for them to ambush us. We lost so many mutants that night... and barely any of us could stop that giant machine.

Nightcrawler: Rogue... no one blames you for Gambit death. He gave up his life so he can save the rest of the mutants on Genosha before the giant Sentinel could wipe us all out.

Rogue clench her fist as a single tear drops down her face as she remembers Gambit lifeless corpse.

Kitty: Professor, do you believe he's telling the truth?

Xavier: We have to wait and see...


At the former country of Genosha, the Brotherhood of mutants are the watching the news as some of them dislike the idea of a non-mutant representing them.

Quick Sliver: Ha! What a load of crap! Can you believe this sis?

Emma: Hmph! Who does this person think he is? Thinking just buying an island and building a city for mutants is enough to earn our trust.

Blob: I-I agree! Ever since the attack on Genosha, I lost so many of my friends.

Scarlet: But Ms. Frost shouldn't we give him a chance? I mean... he does show concern about our people.

Polaris: Scarlet don't get the wrong idea. Some of us do want to find a solution between non mutant and mutant. However, after the attack on Genosha and the many mutants we lost in the process. Our trust with non-mutants is starting to thin quite rapidly.

Scarlet: True...

Psylocke: Scarlet, you didn't forget the purpose behind the Brotherhood of mutants? This group was created to protect mutant kind by fighting back against the oppressors. We're fighting for equality!

While the three are busy talking amongst one another, Sabertooth was busy growling at the T.V. as his sharp eyes are focused on Y/n.

Sabertooth: This bastard is reminding me of my late brother that I killed in the past. I just want to claw his face out!

Magneto: Calm down, Sabertooth! I already have someone send to keep an eye on our spokesman.

Polaris: You don't mean...

Magneto: Let see if this person is a major ally or... an incredible threat that needs to be taken care of immediately.

Back at the United Nation...

Valerie: Mr. L/n, what make you think the government isn't doing anything to help mutant kind in this country

Y/n: Since the first mutant was born, the government and its people did nothing but discriminate them for being different. It no different when segregation was still around in late 1800s, in fact it even worse now since mad scientist are creating giant robots to wipe out mutant kind from the face of the earth. Which is ridicules of itself because we don't know if those machines will turn against us and realize the only way to permanently wipe out mutant kind is wiping out humanity that carries the X-genes. Something I should remind everyone in the room right now that we all carry it, dormant or not.

The whisper in the room continues getting louder while a particular reporter kept her eyes on Y/n as she was getting more interested on listening what he has to say.

???: Heh, it looks like he did his research~

Valerie: Fair enough... but you should understand what you're getting yourself into right? You say you want to help mutant kind but how can you help them after they don't trust non-mutant like us.

Y/n: And who's fault is that? The government and its people did nothing but hurt them! I should remind you that the X-men helped the government many times in the past, but when they ask for help from us, the government basically ignore them or back out because of public image. Take for example like Genosha! Since that attack from few months ago, the government responded by sending only a handful of medical responders over to the country and nothing more. You basically told them to their face saying it their problems not ours after our people built those damn machines!

The crowd started becoming restless as the U.N. members are starting to get concerned.

Xavier Institute...

Back at the Institute, the X-men couldn't believe what their seeing as the U.N. members becoming nervous and conflicted.

Wolverine: Hahaha! That kid has balls of steel if he can say that with no fear!

Storm: He really does care about us...

Cyclops: For someone who not a mutant, he understands the pain we're going through.

Jean: Even though this may result with people turning against him and calling him a traitor. He's standing his ground... *thought* But why?


Emma: Wow~! He's showing some major backbone if he's standing up against the government like that.

Scarlet: So, I was right then!

Psylocke: Don't get ahead of yourself, Scarlet. We still know his motives, yet.

Polaris look towards her father seeing him focus on the screen.

Polaris: Father, what do you think of this?

Magneto: Hmmm....

Back at the United Nation....

The whole room started was in an uproar as many are asking question and demanding an answer from the U.N. members.

Valerie: Mr. L/n! Do you have any idea what you're doing right now! This is madness, don't you see that! You have no idea what the government has to go through on keeping peace amongst the people. What is your reason for doing all this?


The whole room went to a silent including everyone else who's watching the news.

Xavier Institute....

Kitty: What did he say...?

Jean: ....

Rogue: Is he serious...


The Brotherhood of mutant went dead silent as Magneto was clenching his fist in suspense.

Back at the United Nation...

Valarie: W-What do you mean...?

Y/n: I received a phone call from my parents about two weeks ago after I posted that massage on social media. Our- My mother told me that my sister taken her own life... she was discovered being a mutant by people of the town when she went out to do some errands. She didn't mean to use her powers in public, she couldn't help it but the minute someone saw her, they immediately identified her as mutant. They started harassing her, throwing rocks at her, and calling her a freak! They were basically hurting my dear sister, who did nothing wrong in her entire life!

All the cameras in the room zoomed in on Y/n closer as he continued speaking.

Y/n: S/n... my sister, she was innocent from the day she was born. My family and I never hated mutant, not even once... but when my sister reached puberty, her power started manifesting. Her mutant power allows her to heal anyone illness or injury a power that fits her perfectly of who she is as a person. However, because of your goddamn propaganda against mutant kind! We were scared for her safety so we had to move away in order to keep her safe, my mom had homeschool my sister because we couldn't take the risk of her being exposed.

Everyone in the room started feeling conflicted and sympathy for Y/n.


While the Brotherhood of mutants continued listening to Y/n, Magneto was having flashback of his past from the Holocaust taking his mother...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And the people taking away his family....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All Magneto can think about is how the world took everything from him leaving him nothing but hatred in his heart.

Back at the United Nation...

Y/n: We managed to keep her safe long enough before I left for college. Overtime my sister already lost the precious smile, she once had and put on a fake one in order to make us not worry so much about her that she's ok. But really she wasn't....

Y/n the looked directly at the U.N. members making them flinch a bit.

Y/n: My sister is gone because you all made her feel guilty for being a mutant! Making her regret being born in first place!

Valerie: .... I'm sorry.

Y/n: You say that now but do you mean it or are you really just saying that because the people eyes are on you, now.

The cameras then shifted toward the U.N. members as they avoided making eye contact. Y/n took deep breath before wiping away his tears.

Y/n: Even though all can think about is making humanity pay for taking away my sister. She wouldn't want that.... because she and I believe that humanity is still good despite what they done.

The cameras were directed back at Y/n as he turn to look at the cameras directly.

Y/n: So, I want both mutants and non-mutants to listen clearly on what I have to say....

The country went silent as Y/n took a deep breath before speaking.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After hearing that speech, all of mankind was in a loss for words as some looked back at their past actions or cried to themselves feeling regret.

Xavier Institute...

The X-men were speechless as Y/n words spoke through them leaving them conflicted while the professor smiled to himself.

Xavier: There still hope for us after all.


The Brotherhood of mutants continued looking at the screen being conflicted while Scarlet was crying to herself from the speech. Magneto was in a loss for word as he reach inside his pocket pulling out the bloody necklace he once gave to his late daughter.

Magneto: *German language* Es tut mir Leid. *translate* I'm sorry...

Back at United Nations...

While everyone in the room continues crying, Y/n looked back at U.N. members once more.

Y/n: Tell me, Valerie... what your decision? Will you accept "Mutant Sanctuary" as part of the United Nations or decline the idea proving how selfish the government is.

Everyone was waiting for a response as the U.N. members look at one another before looking at Valerie.

Valerie: Fine... as of today, the Mutant Sanctuary is part of the United Nations and under the protection of U.S. government. Anyone who tries to attack the island will be prosecuted and charge for their actions.

Y/n: Aren't you forgetting something?

Valerie: *groan* And further more the island will have our full support throughout the future, no matter what. That is all!

Y/n: Good.

Everyone in the room got up from their chairs as they started taking pictures or cheered on while the female reporter leave the area before turning back to her true self showing it was Mystique the whole time.

Mystique: I guess that shows he's on our side. Not only that but quite handsome if I say so myself~

Xavier Institute...

Morph: Holy crap, he did it!

Kitty: Yes!

Storm: Now that what I'm talking about winning the people~

Jean: You hear that, Scott? Look like U.N. is finally doing something right.

Cyclops: Hmm, I don't know....

Xavier: X-men!

Everyone quite down as Xavier goes in front of them.

Xavier: As of today, the x-men and school will be supporting Mr. L/n. He's the key future on what we're fighting for and must protect him of all cost.

The X-men nod agreement understanding the circumstances.


After the news came to an end, Magneto got up from his seat.

Magneto: My Brotherhood of Mutants! Hear me as I say this to you. As of today, our group will be supporting Mr. L/n and protecting the island, no matter what.

Quick Silver: Your kidding me?

Polaris: What if we come across the X-men?

Magneto: The island will be considered neutral grounds, there will be no fighting except back at the mainland. Do you all understand!

Brotherhood of mutants: Yes, Magneto!

To be continue...

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