Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V.

1 week later....

It been a week since the United Nations accepted "Mutant Sanctuary" as part of the United States. This resulted with many mutants who were in hiding to come out of the shadows and moved to the island knowing there's finally a safe place where mutants can live in peace and be themselves without judgement.

However, it didn't mean that mutants weren't skeptical of having a non-mutant like Y/n in charge since the last time they trusted a non-mutant, it resulted with thousands of mutants dying in Genosha. But Y/n manage to convince them that he's not a threat instead an ally to mutant kind by showing them the city through the post that he send out to the public.

Earlier, in the post that Y/n send in social media was a video of him giving the mutant a quick glimpse of the city and describing the city has to offer for mutant kind. Many mutants found the offer too good to be true, so they were a bit hesitant at first but after hearing Y/n give that speech at the U.N. and manage to get the island to be part of the United States. They were immediately on board!

Since then, the population in Mutant Sanctuary has been increasing steadily day by day for the past week reaching over the thousands. After seeing this, there was no way the X-Men and The Brotherhood of Mutants couldn't wait to visit in order to see for themselves.


The X-Men are seen flying in the Blackbird with only a handful deciding to go with the Professor to see the island. Those being Xavier, Cyclops, Jean, Rogue, Kitty, Storm, and Nightcrawler while the rest stayed behind back at the school.

Cyclopes: Will be arriving the island in 30 minutes, Professor. Do you have any plans once we're there?

Xavier: Scott, your awareness is understandable but there's no need to be wary about Mr. L/n.

Cyclops: I'm more concern that he's not setting up a trap for us.

Jean: Scott, that a little harsh don't you think?

Rogue: No, Cyclops is right... I'm not letting my guard down for a minute once we're there.

Kitty: Hey, Storm you think once we're there will be able to meet many mutants like us.

Storm: I believe we will my dear friend.

Nightcrawler: I just hope to see the many bright smiles from the Mutant Sanctuary.

The Brotherhood of Mutants...

Meanwhile with The Brotherhood of Mutant, Magneto is using his power of magnetism to carry a handful of his members from the Brotherhood. Those being Polaris, Scarlet, Emma, Psylocke, and Mystique while the rest stayed behind as backup.

Magneto: We're almost at the island my Brotherhood of Mutants.

Polaris: Scarlet, what do you think the city will look like when we get there?

Scarlet: I hope it looks amazing upclose like it is in the video, he showed us.

Emma: Mystique, when you were at the U.N. did anything suspicious came off when you saw him.

Mystique: No, in fact he has a better understanding of our kind than any non-mutant we ever met before. He actually reminded me of Magento himself when he spoke with the U.N. It actually surprised me on how much he shared the same idealism like us.

Psylocke: Well I hope his words matches with his actions.

30 minutes later...

After flying across the ocean for half an hour, the two groups finally arrived at the island. And let say their reaction were understandable as what they saw felt like a dream than real life.

Mutant Sanctuary....

Kitty: Wow~! So, this is Mutant Sanctuary!

Rogue: It actually looks better than Genosha...

Storm: And look at all the mutants down there.

Nightcrawler: It like the heavens answered our prayers!

Jean: Are you seeing this, Scott?

Cyclops: Yeah...

Xavier: Heads up, my X-Men! We have company...

The X-Men turn their attention outside the Blackbird as they spotted the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Emma: Will you look at that...

Scarlet: It's amazing!

Polaris: It what father vision for mutant kind...

Psylocke: So, it was all true after all...

Magneto: Emma, can you sense the mutants down there?

Emma: Give me a minute.

Using her psychic abilities Emma scan the city for any sign of mutants, she waited a minute until getting feedback. At first Emma thought she was hearing screams of horror but as she focuses more it turns out those screams are cries of joy and laughter. As images started flowing through her mind seeing all the smiles and laughter from every mutant that it made Emma cry without knowing it.

Emma: It so beautiful...

Scarlet: What did you see, Emma?

Emma: It like he said back at U.N.... This island that he built is really a safe haven for mutants. I felt all the joy and happiness that was coming from the island, it felt wonderful. It been a long time since I felt this much happiness after Genosha, it almost feels like a dream.

Magneto: I see... then we should we make ourselves known-

Polaris: Umm, father were not the only ones here.

The Brotherhood of Mutants took notice of the Blackbird hovering next to them.

Kitty: Oh, crap! They spotted us!

Cyclops: Get ready everyone, it looks like we're going to have a fight!

Xavier: Scott, stop! We're in an unknown territory, we shouldn't be making ourselves look like a threat.

Mystique: Magneto, we can't fight the X-Men! Just to remind you none of us here can fly!

Magneto: I'm sorry Mystique but it will all depend on them, what they decide to do next.

The two were about to get ready to fight until something loud shout out to them.

???: STAND DOWN!!!

The two groups immediately stopped what they're doing as they take notice of a giant robot in front of them that appeared out of nowhere.

Rogue: What is that?! A Sentinel!

Jean: No, it not like any Sentinel we've seen before besides it not attacking us immediately or else we would have been shot down when it had the chance.

Magneto tries using his magnetism but discovers the machine to be resistant to his power.

Magneto: What the meaning of this?!

???: Stand down! You're in neutral territory!

Magneto: And who are you to give me orders machine?

Suddenly the giant robot start spewing out air as it open the front hatch revealing someone inside. And that someone being....

Y/n: Since the last time I remember this island and its people are under mine and U.S. protection.

The two groups look on surprise can't believing they're meeting Y/n for first time and like this. As for the women who saw him, they couldn't help but blush seeing how handsome he is.


After bringing the two groups to the island military base. They step out from their flying vehicle as Y/n introduced himself to the groups.

Y/n: Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Y/n L/n. When I got an alert on my phone telling me there was two unidentified objects flying in the area, I had check out for myself.

Xavier: Our apologies, Mr. L/n! When we heard about your island, we needed to check it out for ourselves after seeing your speech at the U.N.

Y/n: Are people still talking about it? I thought they would forget about it by now.

Magneto: Mr. L/n, you started a movement that would change history for mutant kind. Something a non-mutant never down before in history.

Y/n: Well someone had to make a change, this constant fighting between mutants and non-mutants is getting out of hand that it may result in extinction on both sides.

Kitty: Umm... Mr. L/n, sir!

Y/n: Please you call me, Y/n if that makes you comfortable.

Kitty: Ok! Y/n is what you said at the U.N. true? This city you built really a safe haven for mutants.

Y/n: Yes, after what happened to Genosha and the past events that happened before. I've realized the only way to keep mutant safe is build them a home where they can be protected. Genosha was great idea but there was some flaws to it.

Magneto: How so?

Y/n: You took over an island that belong to a madman,  built a city on top of it but you forgot the most important part after building a city. How do protect it from outside threats that want to take over or wipe out the people living in it. Is the reason why Genosha got ambushed so easily... may those innocent lives rest in peace.

There was a moment of silence before speaking again.

Emma: Y/n, if you don't mind me asking... when I use my powers to scan the island. I sense a tremendous amount of joy as I saw images of mutant smiling and laughing together.

Y/n: Oh, you notice the celebration we're having right now.

X-Men/Brotherhood Mutant: Celebration?

Y/n: We're having a celebration for the birth of Mutant Sanctuary and its acknowledgement of being part of U.S. government. And what luck you guys have on showing up for the right time!

Storm: Really!

Y/n: Yeah, follow me my vehicle is waiting for us by the entrance.

Cyclops: I don't know about this...

Jean: Don't be rude, Scott! We shouldn't be rude to him.

The group start following Y/n but Magneto and Rogue stay behind for a moment to speak with one another.

Rogue: Magnus.

Magneto: Rogue... how you been?

Rogue: I'm doing fine except the fact, I'm still upset with you almost destroying earth. Oh, let not forget the fact that you almost killed one of my friends after ripping the metal out of him.

Magneto: Understandable, I wasn't thinking clearly at that time.

Rogue: Look just don't try anything to charm me or will have some problems. I had enough with you messing with life ever since Gambit death.

Magneto: I deeply sorry what happened to him and to other mutants who lost their lives that day.

Rogue: You say that... but I can't trust you anymore.

Y/n: Hey, are you two coming or what?

The two then rejoin the group before following after Y/n.

Nightcrawler: Everything alright, Rogue?

Rogue: It nothing sugar just need move on with my life.

To be continue...

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