Part 2

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"Stop being such a spoilsport, dude." Kyra replied, and stood up. She began to walk to Transfiguration, tail wagging.

Ginger followed Kyra, hoping she wouldn't get them lost. "You coming Sherlock?" John asked looking at the Ravenclaw student, he nods and follows Ginger and Kyra with John walking next to him.

Kyra lined up with the other first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, her tail wagging again. Her mind was half on the half drawn cat, half on the lesson.

Ginger nudged Kyra, who was staring off into space. "Kyra, we're about to cast a spell."

Kyra shook her head to clear her mind, and picked up her wand. It was a fine thing, 13 inches with dragon heartstring. Unyielding. She glanced at Sherlock, then flicked her ear and faced the front.

Ginger and John pulled out their wands, Sherlock grimaced slightly as he pulled out his wand; 12 1/2 inches with unicorn hair, slightly yielding, oak. John's wand 12 inches with dragon heartstrings, unyielding, spruce.
Ginger's wand 14 1/2 inches with phoenix feather, unyielding, elder. She waved her wand how Professor Mcgonagall showed them trying to transfigure her cat into a goblet.

Kyra's ears and tail twitched and flicked as she tried not to chase the goblet that had turned into a bright ginger cat, two rows in front of her.
She waved her wand the wrong way, causing the goblet to melt into some bright gold goop. "Whoops..." she murmured.

Sherlock was failing horribly at transfiguring his dark black cat and cursing under his breath,
John was patiently trying to transfigure his owl.
While Ginger was mentally preparing herself then moving her wand, carefully as not to harm her cat.

Kyra let out a small whine as Sherlock's cat gave her a long, searching look. She longed to chase that thing, but she couldn't.

Sherlock's cat, named Question. Gave a hiss in the direction of Kyra, the tom then gave a leap towards Mcgonagall who in turn stepped out of the way allowing Question to hit the desk and run rampart around the room which started the other animals going apart from Ginger's cat and John's owl.
It seemed they had trained their pets well.
Ginger ignored the chaos and successfully transfigured her cat into a goblet, apart from the orangish tinge the goblet didn't seem to have been a cat at all.
John seemed to have lost his patience and started to wave his wand randomly, his owl which he had named Snowy avoiding John's random wand swishes that were causing some destruction.

Kyra's tail twitched, but she waved her wand anyways, causing the goblet to reform for a second, before turning into a golden wolf puppy. It looked up at her with blue eyes before twitching its tail and settling down on the table.
Professor McGonagall called the class to attention, which was a bit hard since there were all manner of animals running around in the classroom. "Kyra, may you hold up that puppy you have over there?" she said. Slightly confused, the Shepsky mutant held the now sleeping pup up.
"Now, Kyra, even though you haven't followed what I instructed, it is extremely rare for a first year student to Transfigure a goblet into an animal like a wolf. We usually do not attempt that until third year. Well done."
Judging by the gaping and stares at her, Kyra gathered that this particular professor usually didn't give praise... especially to someone who didn't follow instructions. She put the wolf puppy down with a hesitant grin.

Ginger looked over and grinned at Kyra. "Well done!" She said grinning.
Sherlock looked extremely pissed as he tried to catch his cat as it ran past him.
John calmed down enough to do the spell correctly and transfigured his owl into a snowy white goblet with owl wings and light down covering the cup. "YES!" John yelled before blushing and grinning sheepishly as everyone stared at him.
The Professor sighed. "Class dismissed." She said waving her wand and muttering a few choice words turning the transfigured pets back to normal, restoring order and turning the transfigured goblets back to goblets apart from Kyra's wolf pup though.
Ginger stood up and picked up her cat, smiling she left the room with John who seemed happy enough with himself.
Sherlock just glowered at his cat as he sat at his desk, he then stood up picking up his cat and walking to the door waiting for Kyra.

Kyra looked at her schedule, then looked up at Sherlock. "Potions up next." she said as she packed up and hid the puppy in her bag. It was now slightly heavier, but she walked over to Sherlock anyway.
"You lead the way, Ravenclaw Supreme." Kyra said, a small grin on her face.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and headed down the hallway to the Grand Staircase and headed down a staircase that started to move while they were on it.

Kyra followed, and grabbed onto Sherlock's arm as the staircase began to move, tail twitching. "This thing scares me!" she murmured, before she realized what she done. "Uh...."

Sherlock's face had a slightly red tinge to it as he gently pulled away, he seemed lost for words which was extremely odd for him. "Let's just hurry down to the dungeon." He mumbled hurrying down the staircases to the ground floor.
Ginger had paused at the bottom with John to wait for them, she didn't say anything as they started to walk down the corridor but she had a very smug smirk plastered on her face.
John all the while oblivious to the whole thing was whistling as he walked, until they came to a stop in front of the potion master's room. The class run by Professor Snape didn't seem to bad on a sheet of paper but once in the room it felt very foreboding.

Kyra's ears twitched, and she shivered. Even though she had Siberian Husky blood in her, she was still cold in the room. Her stormy blue eyes started to dart around, remembering the coldness and foreboding of Kingdom Labs.
They showed fear. A lot of it.

Ginger looked over at Kyra and saw the fear in her eyes, she smelt it too being a shark mutant and all. The cold didn't effect her much but she knew what Kyra was thinking, instinctively she gave her a hug. "Kyra, we're free and we're surrounded by wizards. No one is going to drag us back there, understand? Not if I can help it." She said staring into her eyes.
Sherlock struck up a conversation with John about who would win in a fight; a dragon or a basilisk. Sherlock was placing forward ideas on why the basilisk would win scientifically and John was just trying to keep up and point out the the pros of a dragon while being battered by Sherlock's mind power and calculations.
Ginger gently pulled Kyra over to a table and sat down, leaving Sherlock and John to sit together. "Sherlock probably knows about 85% more about John than John knows about Sherlock." She said quietly to her, grinning.

"O-okay..." Kyra murmured, and she eventually calmed down. Her tail flicked and she grinned at John and Sherlock. "Geez dude, you know better than to mess with Ravenclaw Supreme." she said to John.

John turned and gave her a friendly glare. "He knows too much about these things." He hangs his head in defeat. "Fine, fine basilisks would win against dragons." He says to Sherlock exasperated.
Ginger giggles then turns her head grinning smugly at Kyra. "Sherlock and Kyra, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She sang softly enough to let Kyra hear. "Someone has a little crush."

"W-what. Giinnggerrr!" Kyra whined, nudging Ginger with a blush on her face. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I don't like moving stuff under my feet, okay?! It's instinct for me!"

"You both blushed, Sherlock doesn't show emotions from what I've learnt." Ginger said trying hard not to grin wider than she already was. "Miss Taylor, is there something you want to share with us?" Professor Snape asked giving her a glare. Ginger's head shot up, glancing at the Professor. Sorry Professor Snape, I was distracted and I wish I wasn't because the subject potions from what I've heard intrest me a great deal." Ginger said without her voice wobbling from Snape's intense glare which for a second flashed with a slight smile. It was gone so quickly Ginger thought she might of imagined it. "I can show you..." Snape started.

Kyra spent the rest of the lesson either with her head on her arms or trying to take notes (which was a big nope because she ended up doodling on them).

Ginger and Sherlock were avidly eating up what Snape was saying and were taking notes and asking very intelligent questions.
John was just trying to stay awake, and trying to take a few notes but failing.

Kyra's tail twitched again, and her bag shifted slightly. She sat up, slight fear in her eyes... if that even made any sense.
"Please... don't move anymore..." she willed to the small bundle of golden fur in her bag.

Ginger finished writing down Snape's last sentence about potions and she looked over at Kyra to notice she hadn't taken any notes and giving worried glances at her bag. Ginger brushed it off, but not before nudging Kyra the gesturing for her to take notes.
Sherlock was writing at a faster pace than Ginger and noticed Kyra's worried face faster than her, he pulled out his wand sneakily and whispered a few words while it was pointed at her bag, freezing the pup for the rest of the lesson.

Kyra picked up the writing pace, especially taking a lot of notes about the Polyjuice Potion. "That's cool..." she murmured to herself. She couldn't help but glance at Sherlock every once in a while.

Sherlock felt Kyra's glaces but he ignored them, he was more interested in the lesson; or he appeared to be.
John noticed Sherlock's eyes darting towards Kyra every so often, he smirked nudging Sherlock to get him back on track finally realising that Sherlock might have a crush on her.
Ginger stuck up her hand again. "Sir, why do the potions need to be made over the course of a few months or just a few minutes or hours?" She asked. "It's so the potions sit while the potion itself is absorbing the ingredients. Some potions are quicker because the ingredients get absorbed faster." Snape explained without his normal sneer he used on the other students, he only seemed friendlyish to Sherlock and Ginger. But that might only be because they were the most interested in the subject.

Kyra wrote that down quickly, and yawned again. She started to doodle again, working on a cat.
Kind of ironic, but there you go guys.

Ginger rolled her eyes in frustration as she tried to get Kyra to pay attention, Sherlock was having the same trouble with John who was falling asleep. Ginger had made coffee to keep her awake, a ton of sugar and milk makes it taste nice, John had said no to it when she offered it. His loss.

Kyra eventually paid attention again and scratched her ear, going back to her note writing.

Ginger grinned as she scribbled out a few more words. "Class dismissed." Snape said, everyone stood up except Ginger and Sherlock who seemed to have their heads in a cloud. Presumedly the same one.
Ginger shook her head and corked her ink bottle, placing her thinsg into her bag she walked up to Snape. "I was right, I enjoyed your lesson very much. And I do believe I'll enjoy your lessons for awhile." She said smiling at him then walking out of the potions classroom before he could respond.
During the time Ginger had taken to talk to Snape Sherlock had been packing up and double checking his notes.

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