Part 3

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Kyra departed swiftly to the front lawn of the castle and sat down in the shade of an oak tree. She yawned and opened her bag, and the wolf pup looked up at her with a small whine.

Ginger rolled her eyes at Sherlock's distress which seemed very focasing on that he hadn't written down everything. "Sherlock, you have the same notes as me, you're FINE." She said to him, before grabbing his bag and dragging him out the door and up to the lake.
John had been waiting outside the door for them and joined their walking pace once he realised Ginger wasn't going to stop. Ginger let go of Sherlock's arm once she was outside and nearish to Kyra who was playing with her wolf pup. "If you try to study while we're out here I drag you into the lake, got it?" She says to Sherlock who nodded and dropped his bag next to Kyra's and walked down to the lake, seemingly testing it for something. Ginger grinned and ran headfirst into the lake, her robes still on. She pulled off the cloak and drained it of the water it held and threw it back onto the shore before diving under, Ginger felt her legs begin to change and winced. It wasn't going to hurt, just feel odd. Her legs bound together and started turning grey along with the tendons and  bones readjusting along with cartilage growing in some places. Ginger opened her eyes using her second pair of eyelids she looked down and grinned once she saw her tail was fully formed, she swam to the surface to notice John looking highly distressed and Sherlock rolling his eyes and trying to be empathetic and failing.
"She wouldn't be in there if she didn't know what she was doing." Ginger heard Sherlock say, she swam over using her newly formed tail which almost made her beach herself. "John I'm fine, I have gills remember?" She said as John grinned sheepishly. "You have gills?" Sherlock asked then he noticed the tail. "And a shark's tail?" He said with a gleam in his eye, Ginger nodded lifting it up to show it off. "I'm a shark mutant, not all shark mutants can do this though." Ginger stated, Sherlock nodded. "Do you mind if I take a closer look?" John asked, beating Sherlock to the question. "Not at all." She says and John rolled up his pants and pulled his cloak off and shoes, he dropped the shoes on the shore and walks into the water where she was holding up her tail so he could examine it.

Kyra was now playing with the wolf puppy, yapping at it whenever it strayed too far away from the oak tree. Every once in a while, she glanced up at her best friend in the water. "Watch out for that squid!" she called out

"We will!" Ginger yells grinning before dragging John into the water, they both vanished in a flash and the only trace of them was a few bubbles and a slight splash.

Sherlock smirked as he stood up with a water sample, he turned and walked over to Kyra. Sitting down he pulled out a thermometer from his pocket and stuck it in the water. "John should've known Ginger would do this." Sherlock says.
Ginger and John were about 5 meters under the water, Ginger was creating bubbles of air for when John gestured he needed it. "Isn't the water amazing?" She asks John grinning, she is in her element after all. He nods grinning then mimes he needs more air, Ginger sucks in some water around her then expels some bubbles from her gills, catching the bubbles she passes the large bubble to John who sucks in the air. She does it again but this time making it bigger and places it on his head, pulling out her wand Ginger mutters a holding spell in an attempt to make it stay where it is. He grins and takes a breath which doesn't shrink the bubble around his head. "I can actually see and breathe properly now!" John says smiling at Ginger who grins back and grabs his arm again. "Want to go deeper?" She asks, wanting to get a better look at what Kyra befriended.

 In perfect sync, Kyra and the wolf pup (which she had decided to name Amber) tilted their heads to the side in confusion. "What're you talking about, dude?" she asked. Amber trotted up to Sherlock and put a paw on his lap with his head still tilted.
In the water, something prodded John in the back gently. Something else grabbed hold of Ginger's wrist in a friendly way.

John spun round and saw, slightly blurrily a tentacle leading down into the depths. Ginger laughed and shook with the squid grinning at John's expense, he was TERRIFIED. "John, calm down. It's just the giant squid, it's friendly." She said smiling as the tentacle gently wrapped around her waist. "JUST the giant squid?! How do you know if it's friendly?! What if it's luring us to come down and it'll eat us!!" He says with a slight wail.
Sherlock shakes his head. "Ginger dragged John into the water, she did say she was going to show him her abilities." He explained to Kyra while staring at the lake.

Kyra was silent for a moment, before mentally slapping herself. Amber went back to her and curled up, yawning. "Now that's just adorable." Kyra murmured to herself with a small grin, and started to pet the small bundle of fur.
"Please tell me Amber's the cutest thing you've ever seen." Kyra said after a while, holding up the now asleep puppy.

"Redbeard is." Sherlock muttered turning back to watch the lake and his eyes widening as John and Ginger were shot out of the lake by a tentacle. "...Kyra, look at the lake."
Ginger and John laughed their heads off as they were rocketed into the air the the squid, that was hidden within the lake.

Woooaaahhh!" Kyra yapped, tail wagging. She ran to the edge of the lake, dragging Sherlock with her by the arm to watch John and Ginger.

Sherlock stumbled after Kyra watching Ginger with her shark tail calmly doing a swan dive back into the lake and John who was waving is arms and legs frantically before hitting the lake like a cannonball sending up a huge splash.
Ginger landed back in the lake without injury and swam over to John who wasn't looking that well, her gills flapped slightly as they sucked in the water around them allowing Ginger to breathe. Couldn't say the same for John who was looking a bit purple, she grabbed his arm and swam quickly towards shore lifting John above the water so he could take a breathe. Ginger laughed as John tried to stand up in the shallows and fell down again, she helped him stand and walk out of the lake. "John, hold still." She said using him to balance herself to get out of the water, Joh nodded as Ginger held her hand on her clothing and sucked the water off her body turning into a large ball. Her tail legs again she threw the ball back into the lake and did the same to John drying him. "So whatya think?" She asked grinning. "I-it was AMAZING!" He exclaimed.
Sherlock walked over, Kyra in tow. "Did you get a good look at the thing that threw you into the air?" He asked, Ginger nodded. "It's a giant squid, a kraken. And she's ADORABLE!" She said still leaning against John who didn't seem to mind it. "A kraken?" Sherlock repeated staring at the lake. "Why didn't you tell me it is a she?" John asked. "You were to busy screaming you head off about the tentacle wrapped around my torso before I could."

"Ohhh... so it's a krakker?" Kyra joked, letting out a short bark of laughter. She turned to Sherlock and let go of his arm. "I've been meaning to ask, who's Redbeard?" she asked, her tail flicking.

Ginger giggled and walked over to Amber and sat down next to the pup. "Hello little one." She whispered to it.
"Redbeard's my dog." Sherlock said with a faraway look in his eye, John looked back at the lake and watched as a tentacle sunk back into the lake.

Amber opened one eye and stared up at Ginger, before yawning and falling asleep again.
Kyra sensed that Sherlock was spacing out, and poked him. "Still think Amber's way cuter.' she said with a small grin.

"Redbeard is." Sherlock says not really paying attention.
Ginger started patting Amber and then yawned, transforming from shark to girl was exhausting.

Kyra waited a few moments, before practically pouncing on Sherlock and pinning hin down like a dog would, tail wagging. "Repeat after me. Amber. Is. Cuter." she said, her grin growing wider.

Sherlock gives a grin at Kyra. "Redbeard is." He states, wiggling to try and escape.
John stifles a laugh, Kyra and Sherlock were so STUBBORN!

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