Part 4

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"Nuh uh, Ravenclaw Supreme." Kyra replied, bonking him with a paw.

"Nope, Redbeard is." Sherlock said managing to push Kyra off him, he stands up and grins. "Redbeard is, infinity." Sherlock says before smirking at Kyra.
John shook his head grinning and made his way over to Ginger and sat down next to her and started playing with Amber.

 Kyra rolled over like a dog and batted him on the leg. "Nuuuu... Amber's cuter!" she said.
Amber nudged and yapped at John's hand, rolling over with his paws stretched up in the air.

John rubbed Amber's belly and he grinned. "You're adorable, you know the right?" He said, tussling Amber's ears.
"Nope, Redbeard is."

Amber nipped a John's hand, batting it away. He rolled back onto his paws and yapped as Kyra tackled Sherlock again. "Amber is!" she yapped, tail wagging again.

"No! Redbeard is!" Sherlock says wiggling out her grasp and running a few feet away.
John shook his head and stroked Amber gently lost in thought.

Kyra followed, running flat out. "I'm gonna get yooouu~" she sang.

"Nope!" Sherlock called back, zigzagging.

Kyra eventually went back to the oak tree and soon fell asleep, Amber falling asleep as well a few minutes later as John stroked him.

Sherlock followed after making sure Kyra wasn't going to punch him, again. He settled down and pulled out a book and started reading.
Ginger yawned and stood up, heading for the lake. John followed wanting to see the squid again.

The only sign of the squid was a small part of tentacle just above the surface of the water. Kyra rolled over in her sleep, her head now on Sherlock's shoulder.
Poor Amber was nearly squished, and he whined to show it.

Sherlock jumped slightly as Kyra's head touched his shoulder but relaxed after a bit.
Ginger, with her tail formed grabbed John's hand and dragged him towards the tentacle.

Kyra murmured something in her sleep that had something to do with Sherlock being a.. pork rib?
"Mm.. I'd tap that..." she murmured in her sleep, and her head dropped down onto Sherlock's lap. Amber darted away, then came back cautiously and clambered onto Kyra's stomach.

Sherlock gently moved Kyra off him then went back to his book.

"Nnn..." Kyra murmured, randomly grabbing onto Sherlock's leg.

Sherlock stared at Kyra a moment then tried to extract his leg from her grip, he failed. Horribly.

"Doonn't..." Kyra muttered, her left ear flicking.
Another tentacle shot out from the lake, grabbing Ginger and John gently and slowly lifting them up into the air.

Ginger laughed as she felt the slightly slimy tentacle grab her, John just tried to not shiver.
Sherlock groaned quietly and tried again to extract himself from Kyra's grip.

The tentacle dipped the pair of them into the icy water as another tentacle poked John in the stomach.

John giggled slightly, is stomach was VERY ticklish.
Ginger smiled and floated gently on the water, nice and calm.

The tentacle poked John in the same spot before the other tentacle holding Ginger lifted her out of the water and lifted her up slowly to John.
Their faces were almost touching.

John giggled again then blushed as Ginger was lifted up, she blushed and looked away as did John. "Uh, Miss Squid could you put us down please?" Ginger asked blushing furiously.

The tentacle moved Ginger a bit closer, before moving the two away and back on solid ground. Amber, who was awake by now, watched the two with interest.

"I-I'll see you when we need to get back to class, okay?" Ginger asks, John nods and she rolls awkwardly back into the water. Both were still blushing.

Kyra yawned and woke up, blushing when she realized she was latched onto Sherlock's leg. She let of it and sat up. "Okay, was I drunk or something?" she asked herself, picking Amber up and setting him on her lap.

Sherlock shook his head. "You were mumbling something about pork ribs and me." He said cocking his head slightly.
Ginger swam down deep, really deep into the lake. She swam down enough to spot a kelp forest, Ginger smiled and quickly swam over. Losing herself in the forestlike plants.

Kyra's blush deepened, and she started hitting herself with a paw. "You. Idiotic. Idiot!" she said in between hits over and over again.
Luckiliy, the bell rang for afternoon classes, and Kyra quickly grabbed her things, placing Amber in her bag. "I'm sorry little guy, just wait for classes to end." she murmured, before closing and picking the thing up. She flicked her ear at Sherlock.
"Come on, Ravenclaw Supreme. We got Charms next." she said, the blush still on her face.

"Kyra, normally I can read people pretty well. But I have no idea what's going on with you." He said standing up and putting the book in his bag. "Hufflepuffs seem to have nothing on until we finish Charms from what I've gleaned from John's timetable." Sherlock said swinging his bag onto his shoulders.
John sat on the shore and stared at the lake lost in thought, he pulled out his wand and started to wave it around gently.

"Me neither, to be honest. Let's go." Kyra said, walking back into the castle. She yawned and her tail twitched.

Sherlock followed, musing at what was going on.

Kyra walked along the corridors, almost tripping up when her foot caught up on the carpet. Amber whined from inside, before he was still. "Amber..." Kyra murmured, before setting off again, lost in thought.
It took her 10 minutes and a bruised elbow to get to Charms.

Sherlock patiently waited for Kyra, he had run ahead realising that the class might start without them and so ran ahead to tell the Professor what happened.


After a tell-off from Professor Flitwick, Kyra sank down in her front row seat inbetween a girl who was wearing a multicoloured pair of spectacles that made her look like an owl... and Sherlock.

"You haven't seen any scacoffles have you?" The girl asked suddenly, Sherlock shook his head not knowing what she was talking about.

Kyra tilted her head. "Nope."

"Ah, thought so. If you had you'd be covered in blue spots. Oh and by the way I'm Luna." Luna said smiling brightly.
"Sherlock." Sherlock said half listening.

"Kyra. Nice to meet ya." Kyra said, tail wagging.

"Same to you." Luna said pulling out a magazine named The Quibbler and started reading.

Kyra waited for the bell to ring, yawning. She was still sleepy from her nap.
Amber had thankfully fallen asleep again, his owner's wand in his jaws. It had small bite marks in it.
Uh oh..

John jumped as his wand waving made the water explode, a large column of water shot up then sank back down. He placed his wand back in his robes and stood up once he noticed Ginger swimming to shore, she swam up and John helped her stand up while she transformed back and shakily pulled her robes on. "You okay?" He asked, she nodded. "Let's get to class, we don't want to be late." She said, pulling her wand out she stared at it then put it back.

Sherlock ate up the information he was being given, he was in his element and loved it.

 For once, Kyra actually listened to a teacher other than Professor McGonagall and took a few notes.

"Wingardium leviosa." Sherlock said doing the actions that correspond with the spell.

"Why do these hand actions have to be so stupid?" Kyra thought to herself, before shaking her head and concentrating again. "Windgardium Leviosa." she said, trying to copy Sherlock's hand actions.
Safe to say, she accidentally turned her desk a bright blue.

Sherlock grinned as he got his feather to fly up then stared as in a puff of blueish smoke Kyra's desk turned bright blue. "How?..." He asked his hand frozen in the air holding his wand which was still levitating his feather.

Kyra facepawed, her ears and tail twitching in anger. "No idea." she replied.

"I heard a Gryffindor boy exploded their feather so don't feel too bad." Luna chimed, examining the desk.

"Well, least I'll know which desk is mine, right?" Kyra said to Luna cheerfully, her tail starting to wag again. She tried the hand movement again, and gasped in suprise and relief as the feather flew up and hovered.

"Well done all of you!" Professor Flitwick said smiling. "Class is dismissed." He added. "Yes you do." Luna replied grinning as she stood up and grabbed her things. "I need to go and hunt snorfacoffles, want to come?" She asked Kyra, but looking at Sherlock sa well. "No thanks Luna, I want to do some studying." Sherlock said looking over his notes.

"Oh come on, Ravenclaw Supreme. Do you really need to study now?" Kyra asked him, yawning.

"Yes I do Kyra, I want to know as much as possible about this world." Sherlock said placing the notes in his bag and standing up. "Kyra?" Luna said still waiting for an answer and holding out a weird butterfly net shaped item and what looked like a bee keeping hat.

Kyra's tilted her head and she stood there for a while, thinking. "... Maybe I need to keep Sherlock in check so that he doesn't overstudy or something. Don't want his brain fried. Next time maybe?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "My brain won't fry, I'll only catalog the facts that are useful and delete the ones that aren't. You can go if you want, I'll be fine Miss Overprotective."

"Still coming with you." Kyra replied, her tail flicking.

Sherlock shrugged. "Fine, but don't interrupt me while I'm studying." "Okay, next time then." Luna said smiling as she pulled the hat on her head and swung her bag onto her shoulder and left the classroom holding the net in a threatening way.

 "Like I would anyways.... and see ya Luna!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes and left the classroom, heading to the Ravenclaw common room.

 Kyra followed, cradling her bag in her arms as to not disturb Amber.

Sherlock suddenly stopped and Kyra bumped into him, he turned and shushed her then peered around the corner to see Professor Quirrell smiling a bit evilly then it switched to a panicked face as he mimed shoving something heavy. Quirrell then switched to the face that students were used to and walked off down the corridor.

"What was that all about? Think you can work it out, Mr. Ravenclaw Supreme?" Kyra asked, trying not to laugh.

"He's getting ready for something big, that's for sure." Sherlock said, continuing down the hall.

 ~Le Timeskip~

 Ginger stared upside down at the wall of the Hufflepuff common-room, her face giving nothing away as to what she was planning. She smiled slightly as she came to the perfect plan, she swung the right way 'round and stood up and walked out into the kitchen. Ginger waved to the house elves and headed into a secret passage the lead out near Gryffindor Tower, she then looked both ways and stepped out of the portrait shaped hole and hurried down the hallway to another portrait. "I swear that I am a friend of Prongs." She muttered, then stepped through the hole as the portrait swung forward then shut again as she went though. Ginger stood up in a large stone room with a large desk with paper with blueprints on them and boxes of what looked like fireworks and grenades of some sort and what looked like a lab in the corner. She grinned at the ginger haired twins before her. "I just had a brilliant plan guys..."

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