Part 8

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Kyra had now managed to brush out her tail and was randomly hiding in the stalls of the Quidditch pitch, watching the Slytherin Quidditch team practice. She wasn't exactly spying since she had no idea about what was going on, but she had picked up a few positions and rules on the sport.

John smiled at Hermione, the Gryffindor smiled sheepishly as John helped her up. "Sorry about that, wasn't looking where I was going." She said, grabbing her books.

It had been a month since Kyra had sent Amber into the Forbbiden Forest, and now the wolf puppy had grown considerably. She had heard about Hagrid's slight reluctance these days to set foot into the forest, and there were also rumours of a dull golden flash that could be seen in the trees every once in a while. People suspected that it was a corrupted unicorn foal or something, but Kyra knew better.

It seemed to her that Amber was slowly regaining his wild side, the side which had been locked away for too long.

A few days ago, Ginger finished her Yellow Robes potion. And it took all her willpower not to immediately spike the teacher's goblets, though what she did do was ask Buttons, the house-elf John had befriended to spike the teacher's goblets when she thought the time was right.

Ginger couldn't get caught, could she? It would ruin the reveal.

Kyra had taken to spying on the House Quidditch teams, learning more and more as the days passed. As Draco had said, she had had her broomstick tutorials and Madam Hooch noted that she was an eager flier but tended to get into accidents (like smashing into a tree and nearly breaking her arm).

The Hufflepuffs had joined Ravenclaw in the flying lesson, Sherlock whom couldn't get his broom to rise, seemed very annoyed to say the least.

John, on the other hand, had his broom jump immediately into his hand after he said "Up!"

While Ginger had her broom smack her in the face once or twice before she caught it.

"Wonder if I can learn a bit more from Blondie?" Kyra asked herself, ears and tail twitching idly as she slipped into that memory of her lessons.

-Flashback o.o-

Kyra almost got hit in the face as she grabbed her broomstick, but her tail wagged as she caught it.

It was the day of the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

John, Ginger, Sherlock & Kyra had found a place in the stands to sit together to watch. Ginger and Sherlock seemed to be conversing on theories on how to get technology to work within Hogwarts grounds (They had an idea to create a laptop using ecto plasm if they could get some from Peeves).

John was watching the game, his eyes avidly glued on the match, he had managed to secure a Lion hat from Luna Lovegood and was cheering loudly for Gryffindor; much to the displeasure from Sherlock and Ginger.

Kyra cheered for both Houses, so she was now cheering "Slytherdor" on. Her ears pricked up as a few people tried to pull off the Hawkshead Attacking Formation, but a brave Chaser flew headlong at them, causing them to break up.

Sherlock and Ginger tried to ignore their Quidditch fanatic friends but finally gave up when John & Kyra nearly blew their eardrums out with really loud cheering when Gryffindor scored several goals in a row.

Kyra was literally bouncing up and down in her seat, tail wagging

"I honestly don't get why people are so enthusiastic about this." Sherlock said, glancing around at the students around them.

"Neither do I, wanna find out?" Ginger asks, a gleam in her eye. Sherlock nods and they both smirk and glance at their friends who were about to become the test dummies.

Kyra twitched her ears, hearing the conversation exchanged between Sherlock and Kyra. She leaned in close to John and whispered, "Hey, if those two back there try something try to ignore it."

"What did you hear?" Replied John, glancing behind him at the two would-be scientists.

"I think they said something about testing something on us." Kyra whispered back, before facing the front again with a smirk. She loved being a Shepsky mutant... mainly for the fact that she had super-sensitive hearing due to her ears.

"Wonder what they're testing." He answered, turning back to face Kyra and watch the game out of the corner of his eye.

"Probably something to do with Quidditch." Kyra whispered back at him.

John glanced back at Sherlock and Ginger whom were whispering to each other and snickering evilly. "I think we're screwed." He said, turning back to the game.

"Should we stick together from now on?" Kyra whispered a few minutes later, tail swishing.

"Probably a good idea." John muttered back, feeling uncomfortable with feel Ginger's and Sherlock's eyes on his back.

Kyra squeezed his arm briefly before returning to the game.

Ginger and Sherlock ignored Kyra and John's conversion for the most part, they were more content to plan on when to catch their targets alone.

Roughly 2 hours later the match was over, Harry Potter; the new seeker had caught the snitch and won the game. As the students headed back to class the chatter about the game was continues, there was no stopping it.

Two students, by the names of Holmes and Mirand weren't talking about it though. They were scheming instead.

"So, most students answer with a 'It's awesome!, I dunno.' or 'Why are you asking me this?' correct Sherlock?" Ginger asked, scratching at her fin absentmindedly while she thought.

Meanwhile, Kyra had randomly dragged John to the Forbidden Forest to search for Amber.

"This can only end in tears." John said, staring at the entrance to the forest. Freaking out slightly.

Kyra rolled her eyes and poked John on the shoulder playfully. "Dude, you seem to forget you have a mutant with you that can most likely protect you with these." Her usually stubby claws suddenly grew to twice their original size, almost as long as a new quill.

John stared at his friend, all he could think of was one question; and he voiced it. "How?"

Kyra mentally facepawed and lunged at the air, slashing at it with her claws. "Like that. Except there might be a little more blood. Wait no... a lot more blood."

"No I mean how, as in where the hell were you hiding those?!" John exclaimed.

"Eh? They were always there, they were just smaller." Kyra replied, before grabbing John's arm.

"Ask questions later, young grasshopper. It is time to begin on our journey."

John rolled his eyes and followed Kyra into the forest.

Kyra led John near to the heart of the forest, following her wolf's scent trail. Her ears pricked up as she heard a twig snap nearby and she tensed and growled.

John flinched away from the snap and backed away, he held down the will to bolt knowing it could send whatever creature near them right after him.

Kyra heard the faint crunching of footsteps on fallen leaves, but kept walking and following Amber's already fading scent trail.

John kept following Kyra, really wishing he didn't join her to go into the forest.

He heard a growl and nudged Kyra, John was terrified and was now severely berating himself.

Kyra whined in reply to the growl and stepped closer, getting ready to defend herself with her wand.

John pulled out his own wand; shivering slightly in terror

Amber stepped out of the bushes, teeth bared at the duo. He stared at them with suspiscious metallic yellow eyes before slowly remembering just who the heck he was growling at. He trotted up to Kyra, who hapilly pet him. "So you do still remember me.." Kyra muttered, grinning.

"Are we okay now or what?" John asked, panning his wand around.

Amber trotted up to John and prodded his leg with a paw, whining.

"What's with him?" John asked, patting the wolf on the head.

Meanwhile, a hidden room within a classroom, two students plotted.

Meanwhile (Again), in another part of the castle, the Slytherins were creating a plan to avoid the pranks aimed at them. The girl who was organizing this had white eyes and a confident grin.

The plans made by both parties wre finished and memorized for the coming pranks.

"I dunno, he definetely lost a few pounds. He seems a lot more faster now, probably more alert."

Kyra picked up a stone from nearby and threw it at the tree, the stone making a loud crack. Amber growled and looked up before settling down again.

"Why'd ya do that?" John asked.

"Reaction time." Kyra replied as Amber tugged at John's robe. The now half-grown wolf had grown pretty strong by now

John stumbled slightly before making Amber let go. "Okay, can we go now?"

Kyra nodded and scratched Amber's ears before grabbing John and walking back, reluctantly leaving the wolf to his own devices.

Meanwhile, hidden in a secret passage.

"What do you MEAN you forgot the cream?!" A girl whisper yelled at her companion. A small 3rd year boy, bit his lip. "Sorry Si-" "Do NOT say my name, who knows who could be listening." She said, glancing around. Her eyes landing on the camera and she gave a knowing smile before turning back to the thing at hand. "Why are we creaming the Weasley Twins and that Hufflepuff girl anyway?" He asked with a sneer. "We need to show that we're superior so they'll stop pranking us." She answered.

Amber had found just that. Some cream.

He was currently lapping it up from the bottle, tail wagging.

"Where did you leave it?!" She asked angrily. "The Forbidden Forest, near the edge." He answered. "WHY ON ALL OF THIS GODFORSAKEN EARTH, WHY?!" She whisper yelled, glaring at the boy before banging her head on the wall.

Amber picked up the bottle and carried it to the heart of the Forbidden Forest, near a tangled mess of tree roots. The wolf had acquired a collection of random stuff, the crown jewel a random necklace. He stuffed the bottle in there and then curled up to take a nap.

"Why do I put up with you?" She asked a second later, staring at the wall. "Because I'm the only person who agreed to your crazy scheme?" "IT'S NOT CRAZY!"

"Hey John, who do you think is better? Tutshill Tornados or Chudley Cannons?" Kyra asked randomly.

"Chudley Cannons."

"They're Ninth in the bloody League... to be honest I think Tutshill Tornados is better, but the Moosejaw Meteorites (mentioned in Quidditch Through The Ages) in Canada are cool as well."

John shrugs. " I haven't been able to find someone who'll lend me that book, the ones in the library are loaned and I can't exactly ask for it to be delivered because I got no idea who that works..."

"I'll borrow it for you if there are any copies." Kyra offered. She looked around before leaning in to whisper to John, "I think I got a person who can lend you one, but don't tell Ginger or Sherly who it is. They're probably gonna kill me."

"Okay, thanks." John said with a grin.

"D'ya know that pure-blood Draco Malfoy? Maybe if he's in a good mood I can ask for his copy." Kyra replied, already slightly doubting the plan.

"Draco? You can actually TALK to him? I thought her despised all us muggleborn and stuff?"

"What's the story?" John asks with a raised eyebrow.


"Kyra, the story."

"It's uhhh... how do I explain this?" Kyra's tail was flicking nervously and she was blushing a bright red.



John took a deep breath... and kissed her on the lips before turning bright red and bolting.

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