Part 9

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"I sense a disturbance in the force." The white eyed girl said, her eyes closed for the time being. "The what?" A black haired boy asked, her eyes snapped open. "SHUT UP!"

Amber nudged Kyra's hand and wagged his tail as she pet him. "My love life is hella tangled, Amber..."

The girl sighed and glanced at the camera before glancing at the boy. "I'm glad you agreed to help me James." "You're welcome Silv." James replied.

Fred and George had gathered their prank army, consisting of Ginger, a few Gryffindors and a random Slytherin (because why not).

"Tally Ho!" Yelled Ginger, her eyes aimed at the leader of the Slytherin's prank army. "FIRE THE CANON!" Yelled Silv, a giant cannon painted with characters from popular shows was pushed into the Great Hall where the battle was taking place. It fired and several pies were blasted at the Gryffindors and knocked several students over.

Fred and George lured people into traps which caught them around the feet and swung them around before throwing them into a nearby custard tin, enlarged to about 20 times its original size.

After half an hour.

"STOP!" Yelled Silv, magic threw the students into walls and knocked them down as the magic stopped everyone from moving at that moment.

Kyra, who had been watching in the corner disguised under a Disillusionment Charm. She looked at Silv with wonder and awe. "What was that all about?" she thought to herself.

"Honestly, this was meant to be a prank battle! Where are the pranks? Jokes? I'm looking at you Draco. Anyway, you're using proper spells, not what we agreed to use! Arm Ye self mateys! We're in for a wild sea storm!" Silv said with a smirk, her and the Slytherins were in pirate garb suddenly and there was a loud crash heard as water slowly began to seep in under the doors.

Kyra panicked and tried to find high ground, finding none. She didn't know how to swim unlike her sister, Charva.

Silv smirked as boats dropped in from the ceiling and Slytherins climbed on. "Those who cannot swim, there are small life rafts."

Kyra climbed onto one of the life rafts, relieved. She used both of her paws like oars to paddle to a random place. She watched Fred and George bobbing in the corner, discussing plans.

Silv smirked and suddenly the Hall seemed to be endless ocean, nothing for miles and miles and miles. "Those who cannot swim or are afraid of the ocean get over here, I'll send you back to your tower." Silv said. "Oh and for those who don't know, I'm Silver; the Witch who makes illusions as real as you and me."

Kyra looked around, tail wagging. "This is so cool!" she squeaked.

"FIRE AT WILL TEAM!" Yelled Silver, pointing at the ship Fred, George & Ginger were on. The waves crashed and rose as the cannonballs hit the water.

Fred and George started firing back, Kyra clambering on board the ship and slipping down unnoticed. She looked around for John before noticing a vacant canon. A wicked grin spread on her face.

Ginger scowled, today was not going her way. She was in the water swimming around to scare Slytherins and try to figure out where they were.

Kyra was firing like crazy, most of her shots hitting the ship. Her tail was wagging and that grin was still on her face.

Silver scowled at the SS.Redhead, her ship the Destroyer was getting wrecked and she needed to deal the same fire power back. "James, you know what to do." SHe said, watching the 3rd year boy nod and scamper into the ship.

George and Fred were confident that they were winning, so they ordered the people manning the cannons to cease fire. Kyra was never one for taking orders though. Once most of her squad had stopped firing she just carried on, much to the slight annoyance of the two captains.

James, the little 3rd year Slytherin who had trained with Silver used the waves to get to the SS.Redhead and sneak aboard. He glanced at Kyra and was glad all of their attention was on her. He headed up to the decks and scampered up the rigging and cut holes in the sails, he also pushed most of the cannon ammo overboard before escaping in the nick of time back to the Destroyer.

Kyra's ears perked up as she stopped firing. She had smelled James and her ears pinned back. "Fred, George! The sails!" she yelled, causing the two to look up at them. "Check the ammo!" George yelled, a 5th year Gryffindor obeying.

"See them beat that!" Silver cried with a smirk. "Well done James, have a cookie." Silver said, pulling out a very large cookie and giving it to the boy who grinned and ran off to his cabin to scoff the thing.

The 5th year came back, yelling news that most of the ammo have gone overboard. Panic was slowly spreading within the crew, and Fred and George could do nothing to stop it. So eventually Kyra noticed it was hopeless and went to find the white flag. The pure white cloth could soon be seen from the highest mast, waving in the wind.

Silver smirked, the white flag meant surrender. "HA we have bested ye!" She yelled, using her magic to amplify her voice. The water, boats and practically everything disappeared as the students found themselves on tables and hanging from doors. No damage was done to anything, even though some students had scratches on them. "You must swear to leave the Slytherins alone! We're nice people if some idiots stop stereotyping us!"

"I don't stereotype!" Kyra yelped from her table. Fred and George just muttered agreement before raising their voice and speaking together. "No promises, because we can't keep all the stereotypers at bay most times."

"I wasn't saying you personally, but others do. And it leads to crazy things like this. All Slytherins! We're done here." Silver glanced at the Slytherin that had been on the opposite side. "You there! Traitor, you'll be getting a punishment when we're back in the dungeons."

The Slytherin gulped but followed Silver and the rest of the Slytherins back to the dungeons. Kyra just watched, still in awe

John sat with Sherlock up in Ravenclaw tower, Sherlock was trying to explain how magic worked while John pretended to listen and pretended to read one of his Magic Theory books.

Kyra returned to Ravenclaw Tower and sat next to John with her sketchbook, drawing.

John avoided eye contact with Kyra and finally listened to Sherlock and got sucked in. Both boys spent the afternoon theorizing about magic and magical theory. They both completely forgot about Kyra who was quietly drawing.

Kyra shut out the two's loud theorizing and drew Mini, Bibo and Snowshoe, her dogs in the home she had been kidnapped from. She missed them a lot and wondered how they were doing.

Ginger pondered what Silver was, she had seen her eyes flash white when she had grinned when the twins had surrendered. She wasn't one for giving up or dismissing it, so she stalked the girl to try and see if her eyes would turn white again or some other strange thing would happen.

It was unusual for Kyra to be so quiet and concentrated on something. She was completely calm and not even her tail flicked.

The boys didn't even notice Kyra's quietness as they tested out a few spells which blew up in their faces which they tried again and again until they worked.

Kyra picked up her wand and charmed her pencil so that it whizzed over the sketchpad, drawing for her. She used her shock charm on two pencils and threw them at the boys, grinning.

"Eek!" John squealed while Sherlock cast protego and avoided being shocked. "What the hell Kyra?!" John asked, kicking the pencil away.

Kyra fell off the chair laughing at John's squeak. She Summoned the two pencils into her hand and kept laughing like an idiot.

John grabbed his wand and cast the charm on a few erasers he had been using. "You're going down!"

Kyra rolled out of they way and poked her wand tip into her pencil case, grabbing another pencil and two quills. "You're on!"

Sherlock stood up and dusted himself down. "I'll be going now, I don't want to be caught up in a zap war. If anyone needs me I'll be with Ginger, wherever that may be." He said, walking out of Ravenclaw tower.

John grabbed a few other odds and ends, he the used the couch and couch cushions to fashion himself a fortress. "YOU SHALL YIELD!"

Kyra was already sheltering behind her fortress of a Summoned blanket from the dorm rooms and a table. "Never! You'll have to get through my defenses and me!"

"I accept your challenge!" John said with a smirk, he ducked into his fortress castle thing and started summoning odds and ends. Once her finished that he cast a few spells on the items and poked his back out with a levitating rubber. He through the rubbed at Kyra's fortress then ducked down again, the rubbed had a cold fire spell on it. It would enflame her fortress but it harm it or her.

Kyra ignored the flames and threw a pencil at John's fortress. The pencil glowed with a blue light before it pushed his fortress apart almost completely. She then attacked outright, pelting him with odds and ends from her pencil case. "RAAAAWWRRR!"

"Mreek!" Squeaked John, trying to avoid the items being thrown at him. He grabbed the cushions and started pelting Kyra with them, using the cushions as shields.

Kyra's ears perked up immediately, catching a pillow and throwing it back to John. "PILLOW FIGHT!"

John failed to dodge Kyra's thrown pillow and was sent flying back into another Ravenclaw who gave a glare and went back to studying. "YOU'VE GOT NOTHIN' ON ME!" Yelled John, wand in the air; with a quick wave and the muttered incantation several pillows and cushions floated and started pelting themselves at Kyra at John's direction.

Kyra squeaked, batting the pillows away before standing up and tackling John, the pillows following her.

"Craaaaaaaap!" Came the reply as he fell backwards, onto some cushions.

Kyra had rolled on top of John and poked him in the stomach, ignoring the onslaught of pillows. "Got ya!" she chirped, her tail wagging.

"Dammit." John muttered, before sighing. "I give up, I need to learn more spells if I'm to beat you." He said, trying to push Kyra off himself.

Kyra just lay on top of him. "Nooo... you're waaarrrmmm... I dun wanna move..." she groaned, hugging him briefly.

"Kyraaa, I have stuffs to dooo. I need you to move your furry butt so I can get up." John replied, his tone amused as he tried and failed to move the Ravenclaw.

Kyra rolled off him reluctantly and onto a cushion, hugging that instead. "Uwaah... it's not the same..."

"Go glomp Sherlock, I'm sure he won't mind."

"Still not the saammee..." Kyra whined again, before getting to her feet and shaking before going upstairs for a nap.

John shrugged before leaving Ravenclaw Tower and finding something interesting to do.

Meanwhile, in another part of the castle. Sherlock had found Ginger stalking another girl, he had eventually pulled her away to focus on creating a computer that worked with magic instead of shorting out.

Kyra was now asleep in her bed, her ears and tail twitching once in a while.

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