Chapter 1: Rise Of The Cheetahs

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Canterlot city a nice place for people and it was a pretty decent place for people well except for these two. (Y/N) and Riki rouge mutant cheetahs experimented on by the kraang until they escaped with their lives intact there they lived in the New York sewers with 4 turtles and their sensei/father Hamato Yoshi aka Master Splinter there they learned along with the turtles Ninjutsu and fought many battles along with them but they decided to find their own path and go to Canterlot City to start a new life and along the way they were adopted by a human family Carly Zeeth their adopted mom, Calvin Zeeth their adopted dad, and their adopted older sister Sarah zeeth and what you may ask are the mutant cheetahs are doing at the moment. Sleeping in the morning together in the same bed.

(Y/N): *sleeping* no...get...away you ugly brain bot.

Riki: *sleeping* I'm ...not...letting you near my boo you ugly foot ninja or i’m gonna slash you to next week.

Carly: Alright you love Cubs time to wake up!

Then the two wake up and see Carly in their room.

(Y/N): *wakes up* Ah! *Sees Carly* Oh hey Mom.

Riki: Hi Mrs. Zeeth.

Carly: Good morning you two breakfast is almost oh and don't forget it's first day of school.

We then see the two love Cubs look at each other and give each other a kiss and then look back at Carly.

Riki and (Y/N): What's school?

Carly: It’s a place where you go to have an education and learn how to do Math, Science, and other stuff.

(Y/N): Riki didn't we already learn that stuff from Donnie?

Riki: Yeah we did honey, but I don't see why we need school were pretty well educated Mrs. Zeeth.

Carly: Well it's to get you more familiar with other people you know socialize with others.

You and Riki began to think it over.

Riki: Hmm she does have a point babe we never got to talk with other humans before back in New York.

(Y/N): Yeah I guess with being a hero we never got an education maybe we can give this a shot *holds Riki's hand* 

Riki: Yeah together *holds your hand*.

Carly: Okay you love birds breakfast is downstairs and get ready.

We then see the you and Riki along with Calvin your adopted dad and Sarah your adopted older sister at the table.

Calvin: So champ and soon to be daughter-in-law you ready for your first day of school?

(Y/N): Hmm I guess *eats a piece of bacon* 

Riki: I'm a bit iffy on it *eats two pieces of bacon* 

Sarah: Oh don't worry you guys the first isn't always so bad.

(Y/N): Uh Sarah you do know what we are right?

Riki: Yeah we're mutants who knows what other people might think of us.

Sarah: Hey c'mon sure you guys might look different but your human in there *points to your heart and Riki's heart* and you don't let anyone get to you.

Riki: Is that what you did when you were in school?

Sarah: Yeah I did.

(Y/N): Hmm maybe this won't be so bad.

Riki: Yeah this could be awesome.

Calvin: That's what I like to hear now you two let's get going.

(Y/N) and Riki: ALRIGHT!

We then see you and Riki in the car and on your way to CHS.

(Y/N): This is gonna be amazing!

Riki: It sure is I can't wait to meet other humans.

(Y/N): Yeah!

Carly: Now remember you two you can't use your mutant powers while your at school and if anyone asks why you two look like mutant cheetahs…

Riki and (Y/N): We pass it off as a condition.

Calvin: That's right.

We then see you and Riki at a large school with horse statue as you and Riki step out of the car. Then Carly honk the horn as you and Riki turn to her.

Carly: Have a fun first day of school my little predators.

(Y/N) and Riki: We will.

Then we see you and Riki standing outside of CHS.

Riki: Woah so this is a school.

(Y/N): It looks like a big castle, almost a big castle, not an actual castle.

You then saw the school statue which is horse.

(Y/N): A horse?

Riki: Guess it must be their insignia.

(Y/N): Or their mascot, but I wish there was someone riding it.

Riki: Why would someone ride a statue?

(Y/N): Maybe a funny yearbook gag?

Riki: What’s a yearbook?

(Y/N): I don’t know, I overheard some people talking about a yearbook gag back in New York and try to do a Charlie’s Angels pose or something.

Riki: Right, anyways let's head inside I can't wait to meet some humans.

(Y/N): Yeah, oh remember what mom said anyone asks why we look like this we pass it off as a condition.

Riki: Yep now let's go.

We then see you and Riki heading into CHS there we see two other people talking one girl had spring green hair and cyan skin  and yellow eyes wearing a pink sun dress shorts headphones and boots while the other had yellow skin, pink and blue hair, blue eyes,  and wearing a white and blue outfit. These people were Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon aka Sweetie Drops.

???(Lyra Heartstrings): Woah Bon Bon look those must be the new students.

???(Bon Bon): Yeah your right.

(Y/N): Hi there.

Riki: Hello.

Lyra: Hi there I'm Lyra Heartstrings and this is my best friend Bon Bon.

Bob Bon: It's nice to meet you uh…

(Y/N): Oh yeah my name's (Y/N) Zeeth and this my girlfriend Riki Rouge.

Riki: It's nice to meet you two.

Lyra: *blushes pink at you* uhh...yeah it's nice to meet you too *in her head* especially you (Y/N).

Bon Bon: *blushes at you* Yeah same here, by the way, why do you two look like Cheetahs?

(Y/N): Oh uh it's a condition we have, it's a very rare thing, it’s a thing that we both have, like two people in the whole world can look like cheetahs, and you’re looking at them.

Riki: Yeah but don't worry it's not contagious to anyone else and we managed to live with it and it didn't break my relationship with my (Y/N) *kisses your cheek*

(Y/N): *chuckles* Yep. So anyways do you know where this Celestia person is?

Lyra and Bon Bon: I’ll take you to her.

(Y/N): Awesome thanks you two.

Lyra and Bon Bon: You’re welcome! *In their heads* best crush ever!

We then see you, Riki, Lyra, and Bon Bon heading to the Principal's office and you four have arrived at the door.

Lyra: This is where Principal Celestia is.

Bon Bon: Along with the Vice Principal and her sister Luna 

Riki: Cool c'mon honey let's go meet our new principals.

(Y/N): Right behind you sweetie.

We then see you and Riki go to the principal's office meanwhile we see Lyra and Bon Bon squeeling and happy.

Lyra: OMG, (Y/N) is so hot!

Bon Bon: I know! His cheetah ears are totes cute.

Lyra: It's too bad he already has a girlfriend.

Bon Bon: Oh don't worry Lyra maybe she'll share with us.

Lyra: Yeah you’re right. Best!

Bon Bon: Crush!

Lyra and Bon Bon: Ever! *Hug each other laughs*.

Meanwhile, we see you and Riki talking to a woman with rainbow hair, a yellow blazer with a sun pin on it, purple pants, and yellow shoes.

(Y/N): Hi there.

Celestia: Oh you must be the new students how may I…

She then see you and Riki are both mutant cheetahs.

Celestia: ...Help you? Um why do you-

You and Riki: It's a rare condition.

(Y/N): We are the only ones who have it and no one else, it’s not contagious, you should document this you know and you are here to see it all.

???(Luna): He does have a point a sister.

You and Riki see a person with purple hair, purple skin, wearing a pink shirt with a moon on the collar, white heels and a belt around her waist.

Riki: Hi there uh…

Luna: Vice principal Luna a pleasure to meet you…

Riki: Oh right I'm Riki Rouge and this is my boyfriend (Y/N) Zeeth.

(Y/N): And before you ask, yes this is a condition, only appears every 5,000 years and only two people can get it and it’s me and Riki.

Riki: And no it's not contagious.

Celestia: Well that is certainly a relief we wouldn't want the students getting I'll.

(Y/N): You know you should come up with a name for the condition and you might get famous someday.

Celestia: *laughs*  Maybe but educating students is rewarding enough.

(Y/N): Okay, so can we have are our schedules.

Celestia: Certainly, Luna if you will

Luna: I'm on it.

We then see luna handing you and Riki color coded schedules.

Riki: Woah these look amazing.

(Y/N): Yeah whoever came up with this is brilliant.

Celestia and Luna blushed at this.

Luna: Oh uh, that would be us.

Celestia: Yes, we were the ones that made the schedules.

Riki: Woah really?

(Y/N): That's amazing. Hey you don't mind if we have a tour around the school do you?

Celestia: Of course, we always let our students get familiar with their new school.

Luna: Indeed.

Riki: Awesome thanks you two c'mon Honey let's check this place.

(Y/N): Okay see you later Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

You and Riki took the new schedules and left the two principals, meanwhile we Celestia and Luna blushing and thinking about you.

Celestia: Well he was certainly something wouldn't you agree Luna.

Luna: Yes I would he is adorable, but he already has a girlfriend.

Celestia: Don't worry sister maybe she'll share.

Luna: hmm maybe.

Celestia and Luna: *thinking* I wish I was still in my teen years

Meanwhile we see you and Riki heading going into the cafeteria.

(Y/N): Woah what is this place?

Riki: I think they call it a cafeteria?

(Y/N): Like a café?

Riki: Maybe. *Sees Granny Smith* oh let's ask her.

(Y/N): okay.

We then see you and Riki heading to a elderly woman with green skin white hair, wearing country themed clothing.

Riki: Um hi there miss.

???(Granny Smith): *snoring then wakes up* Ah! *See you and Riki* Uh who are two youngins and why do ya look like kitty cats?

You and Riki: Rare condition.

Granny Smith: Hmm well alright so what are ya names?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this is my girlfriend Riki.

Riki: Nice to meet you uhh.

Granny Smith: Names Granny Smith, nice to meet ya, you know have a granddaughter that's just about your age she should be here with the other crates of cider.

(Y/N): Cider, what’s that?

???(AppleJack): Hey Granny, me and Big Mac got the cider where do ya want us set'em?

You and Riki then see a girl with peach skin, blond hair and white freckles in a country themed outfit with an older boy with pinkish skin in a red shirt, blue jeans and white shoes.

Riki: Who's that?

Granny Smith: Oh that's my Granddaughter Applejack and my grandson Big Mac. *To Applejack and Bigmac* Just set'em down anywhere.

Applejack: Okay *puts down the crate* Phew I swear these crates get heavier by the minute.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

(Y/N): Oh I can help with that where are the other crates?

Applejack: Outback.

(Y/N): Okay.

We then see you go out back and then comeback with at least 900 crates stacked on top of each other while you were carrying them.

(Y/N): *while holding the crates* I got the crates.

Applejack: *sees how many your holding* Sweet Apple Acres! He's as strong as an Ox!

Big Mac: Eeyup!

(Y/N): *while holding the crates* where do you want me to put'em?

Granny: Um, anywhere is good.

You then set the crates down with the other crates.

Riki: *giggles* That's my boyfriend.

(Y/N): Phew well that was easy, *sees AppleJack and Bigmac* Oh hi there my name's (Y/N) Zeeth and this is my girlfriend Riki Rouge.

Applejack: *snaps back into reality* Uh howdy mah names Applejack and this here is Bigmac.

Big Mac: *snapps back into reality* Eeyup.

Riki: Not much of a talker is he?

Big Mac: Nope.

Applejack: So ah gotta ask why do you two look like kitty cats?

Riki: Oh uh it's a condition we have it affects two people and it's super rare.

(Y/N): And don't worry it's not contagious.

Applejack: Oh phew that's a relief.

Riki: It sure is, wouldn't want to make people sick. So what's this cider stuff?

Applejack: Well cider is like apple juice and my family makes a lot of and we provide the school with it, *takes out two opened bottles of cider and gives them to you and Riki* here try some.

You and Riki then took a sip of it and then gulped down the rest and were satisfied with the taste.

Riki: Woah this tastes amazing.

(Y/N): It tastes like it's from the heavens.

Applejack: *blushes* Hehe aww well thanks you two.

???(Pinkie Pie): New faces!

Then a pink blur hit you and Riki and knock you two down on the floor. When you and Riki wake up, you see a pink girl with cotton candy hair, blue boots, and a pink skirt with balloons on it.

Pinkie Pie: Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie, are you two new here, you two must be new here, what's your names!?

(Y/N): uh (Y/N) Zeeth.

Riki: And I’m Riki Rouge his girlfriend

Pinkie Pie: *gasp* You two are boyfriend and girlfriend?! Oh that's so romantic! So are you two some mutant cheetahs and was experimented by some space aliens from another dimension and then trained to be ninjas along with some 4 turtles that were named after renaissance painters to fight some evil ninjas as well as other mutants or bad guys?*squee*

(Y/N) and Riki: No.

Pinkie: You suuure?

Riki: Yes we're sure now can you get off of us?

(Y/N): your crushing our ribs

Pinkie: Whoopsie Daisy *bounces off* sorry.

Riki: That's okay.

Pinkie Pie: Awesome! Oh here *pulls out two cupcakes out of her hair and hand them to you and Riki* Have some cupcakes there fresh.

You and Riki then take a bite of the cupcakes.

Riki: Mmm this tastes amazing.

(Y/N): You must be quite the baker.

Pinkie Pie: Aww *blushes* you’re making me blush.

Riki: Well we gotta see the rest of the school.

(Y/N): Bye Pinkie and thanks for the cupcake they were delicious.

You and Riki head out the cafeteria as Applejack talks to Pinkie.

Applejack: Pinkie you've got to stop greeting people like that.

Pinkie: Aw but it's fun AJ.

Granny: Eh, Applejack, that (Y/N) fella is a nice guy and pretty strong, you should go on a date with him, maybe you and him make nice great grandkids.

Applejack blushed and turned to her grandmother.

Applejack: Granny! And besides he already has a girlfriend.

Pinkie: Maybe I should date him, I can make a mean glitter cupcake, he did like my cupcakes and I can share him with Riki.

Applejack: Well, not if I date and share him with Riki first!

Pinkie: Alrighty then, it's a competition!

Later, you and Riki  were in the halls and you see a small bunny on the floor, it then look up as Riki picks it up.

Riki: Hi little guy, what are you doing here?

(Y/N): It must be someone's pet.

You and Riki then hear a soft voice of a shy girl, you then follow the sound of the voice, until you found a girl with yellow skin, pink hair, a butterfly hairpin, a green skirt with butterflies on it, and a white tank top.

???(Fluttershy): Angel, Angel, come here sweetie, where are you!?

The girl then spots you and Riki and she felt scared due to you being mutants

???(Fluttershy): Oh um, sorry.

The girl notices the bunny in your arms.

???(Fluttershy): Oh there you are Angel.

Riki: we just found your bunny hopping through the halls.

Riki then gives the bunny back to the girl and the girl blushes in a shy manner as she looks at you. 

(Y/N): Woah easy there were nice people I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this is my Girlfriend Riki Rouge

Riki: Nice to meet you um…

Fluttershy: I'm, Fluttershy.

(Y/N): That's a nice name.

Riki: Yeah nice name.

Fluttershy then blushed after you heard her name for the first time.

Fluttershy: Y-Y-You two heard that?!

Riki: We have great hearing.

Fluttershy: Oh okay. Um sorry for asking this but why do you two look like Cheetahs?

You and Riki: Rare Condition it affects us and it's not contagious.

Fluttershy: Oh that's terrible.

Riki: Oh don't worry it's okay we're fine and like we said it's not contagious.

Fluttershy: well that's relief.

(Y/N): Yep well I hope we see each other again maybe we can meet your folks.

FLuttershy blushed from what you said.

Fluttershy: Really?!

Riki: yeah just let us know whenever you want.

Fluttershy: Oh um okay.

(Y/N): You Better keep Angel safe, before you get caught by the staff.

Fluttershy: Okay.

You and Riki then walk pass Fluttershy, leaving her behind.

Fluttershy: *in her head* (Y/N), the kindest boy I've met, I'm the luckiest girl in school. It's too bad he already has a girlfriend but maybe she can share, I hope.

You and Riki then stumble upon a room with beautiful costumes and dresses.

(Y/N): Woah what's this place?

Riki: I think this is the place where they store clothes.

???(Rarity): It's not a place to store clothes it's to make clothes.

Then you and Riki hear a voice of a woman in the room and you turn to a girl with purple hair, white skin, a purple skirt, purple boots, and a blue shirt.

(Y/N): Hi there I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this is my girlfriend Riki.

Riki: Nice to meet you uh…

Rarity: Oh my, where are my manners, my name is Rarity darlings and to answer your question, this isn't a clothing closet it's a wardrobe room where these outfits are used for plays and such.

Riki: Woah well these outfits are amazing.

(Y/N): Yeah do you know who made them?

Rarity: Yes I do and your looking at her.

Riki: You made these clothes?

Rarity: I sure did.

(Y/N): Well I gotta say it looks amazing.

Rarity: *blushes and giggles* oh why thank you. Although I must ask why do you and Riki both look like Cheetahs?

(Y/N): We have a rare condition that only appears every 5000 years, it only affects two and only two people, and it’s not contagious.

Rarity: I see. Although I must say your attire is a bit...not up this year.

You and Riki look at each other's outfits and then look at Rarity in confusion.

You and Riki: And what's wrong with our outfits?

Rarity: Well they look a bit tattered plus you two aren't wearing shoes.

Riki: Well yeah I mean look *shows Rarity her cheetah foot* we can't really wear shoes cause they haven't made any shoes for...our condition.

Rarity: Oh that's okay darling lots of people in other countries don't wear shoes.

(Y/N): Oh awesome. So you make all these costumes for the school? Must be a tough job.

Rarity: Yes I do admit it is a bit tiring but it is pretty rewarding.

(Y/N): Yeah, hey can you make some new outfits for us?

Rarity: Oh certainly.

We then see you and Riki in new outfits. You were in a pair of blue shorts with the Hamato insignia on the left pocket and Riki was wearing a red sports tank top and a pair of matching shorts. You and Riki also have matching necklaces with a cheetah logo on it.

Riki: *while looking at herself in the mirror* Woah this is amazing.

(Y/N): *while looking at himself in the mirror* Yeah not bad Rarity.

Rarity: *blushes and giggles* Oh thank you two, it is a fine job if I say so myself and I do have a fine eye for these kinds of things.

(Y/N): And it shows how we look, thanks Rares.

Riki: Yeah you're awesome.

Rarity: Aw thanks you two.

Riki: Well let's see the rest of school in our new outfits.

(Y/N): Yeah your right, bye Rarity.

Rarity: Ta ta darlings *blushes and in her head* (Y/N) is such a true gentleman unlike the wretched BlueBlood, maybe Riki can share him with me.

We then see you and Riki at the soccer field.

(Y/N): Woah this is a big field.

Riki: Yeah it must be used for sports stuff.

???(Rainbow Dash): Heads up!

When you and Riki heard the girl's voice, you see a ball falling towards riki and you caught it with ease. You and Riki then turn to a girl with rainbow hair, a blue jacket, blue skin, blue boots and rainbow socks, and a white and pink skirt.

???(Rainbow Dash): Woah nice catch man!

(Y/N): thanks.

???(Rainbow Dash): Hey, you two are new here, my name's Rainbow Dash, captain of every team in CHS.

Riki: well it's nice to meet you Rainbow my name's Riki and this is my boyfriend (Y/N)

(Y/N): Nice to meet you too and I'm guessing you must be the best athlete in the whole school.

Rainbow blushed and scratch the back of her head.

Rainbow: Heh thanks, hey where are you two from?

Riki: Oh we moved here from New York.

Rainbow: That's a nice place, why did you two move out?

(Y/N): We just wanna see what else is out here in the world.

Riki: Hehe yeah can't be cooped up in one place for too long.

Rainbow: That seems fair so do you two have friends from New York?

(Y/N): We do but they're not really the social type.

Riki: Yeah they like to stay in the shadows.

Rainbow: Oh not use to other people right?

Riki: Yep.

Rainbow Dash: By the way I've been meaning to ask this why do you two look like Cheetahs?

You and Riki: It's a rare condition we have, it only affects two people and only two in the world and it’s not contagious.

Rainbow: Well alright.

(Y/N): Can we play a game of ball before we go?

Rainbow: Sure, why not?

We then see you Riki and Rainbow Dash at the field ppl playing soccer.

Rainbow: *while dribbling the ball* Now don't get too discouraged if you don't make the first-

But before Rainbow Dash could say anything Riki sped right past her and we see everything in slow-mo and Riki kicked the ball while Rainbow Dash was dribbling the soccer ball right into the goal and Riki landed a goal that ended in a huge explosion of dust which left Rainbow Dash shocked.

(Y/N): Awesome kick babe.

Riki: Thanks hon.

Rainbow: *snaps back into reality* Dude! How did you do that?! I was only dribbling the ball.

Riki: Me and (Y/N) have strong leg muscles.

(Y/N): We never skip leg day.

Rainbow: Woah that's awesome, so wanna race to Math class.

Riki and (Y/N): Sure.

As you Riki and Rainbow were running to Math class you and Riki heard two voices down the hall, you Riki and Rainbow Dash follow the voices and you found Fluttershy and she is getting bullied by another girl. The other girl has fiery hair, black boots, a leather jacket, and orange skin.

???(Sunset Shimmer): You better give me some lunch money wimp.

Fluttershy: Uh, okay.

(Y/N): Keep the money to yourself Flutters.

Riki: Yeah don't give it her

The other girl then turn to you.

???(Sunset Shimmer): What did you two say?

(Y/N): We told Fluttershy to keep the money to herself.

???(Sunset Shimmer): Well you look pretty cute why don't you ditch her and go out with.

(Y/N): After what you did to Fluttershy, not a chance.

???(Sunset Shimmer): Oh you will go out with-

But before the girl finish her thought, she was tackled against the locker and was met with a very angry Riki and the girl shrunk down as she saw Riki's sharp teeth and piercing glare.

Riki: *pure rage* LEAVE.MY.BOYFRIEND.ALONE!!!, *Glares at her* Got it?

???(Sunset Shimmer): *scared* Okay okay, just let me go okay.

Riki let her go as she leave the halls in a panicked way with the other students in shock that you and Riki Stood up to Sunset.

???(Flash Sentry): Woah I can't believe you two did that.

Riki: Did what?

Fluttershy: You two stood up to Sunset Shimmer, no one has ever done that before.

(Y/N): The girl that almost forced me to break up Riki?

Flash: Yeah that's Sunset for you, I'm Flash Sentry.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this my girlfriend Riki.

Riki: Hi there and in case you're wondering why we look like cheetahs is because it's a rare condition that only affects two people and it's not contagious.

(Y/N): So Flash how do you know about Sunset?

Flash: I was her ex boyfriend and the reason why I broke up with her is because she was only in a relationship with me just to be more popular.

Riki: Wow that's low.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Fluttershy: You two stood up to Sunset Shimmer!

Rainbow: Nobody has ever done that!

(Y/N): So not only did she use someone to get more popular she's also the school bully and nobody stood up to her?

Riki: With how people are scared of her, I’m pretty sure we become the popular kids on campus on the first day.

(Y/N): Yeah I guess we are. Just can't believe nobody had the guts to stand up to her.

Fluttershy: No one, except you and Riki

Rainbow: You two are awesome!

Riki: Aw thanks guys.

(Y/N): Thanks, hey Fluttershy, are you heading to Math?

Fluttershy: Oh yes, I am.

Rainbow: Let's walk together.

You and Riki's Thoughts: I wonder what our friends back in New York are doing right now?

Meanwhile back in NewYork in the Sewers we see 4 turtles in different colored bandanas one blue, one orange, one red, and one purple and their names were Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donnetelo, and Raphael along with humanoid rat master Splinter aka Hamato Yoshi.

???(Mikey): Bros I miss Speed Slasher and Slash-ete.

???(Donnie): Speed Slasher and Slash-ete?

???(Mikey): Well yeah there both mutant cheetahs and they slash stuff so I thought-

Raph: We get it and *sighs* I miss them too. Even if they did claw the furniture.

Leo: We all miss them too Raph but this was their choice.

Splinter: Leonardo is right (Y/N) and Riki Chose their path. I hope they are okay.

Donnie: I'm sure there fine sensei they're pretty tough.

Mikey: I just wish he didn't move away.

LDR: Same here.

Chapter 2: Another wordly stranger.

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