Chapter 2: Princess And The Dragon

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You and Riki had breakfast, packed up your stuff and you and Riki already head out of the door and you check what time it is.

(Y/N): Hmm we got some right?

Riki: Yep so let's do what we do best.

You and Riki use your super speed to run across the Earth with such ease while the two of you are listening to some music in your AirPods and iPod.

You ran pass a police officer with a radar gun and it when to 999 km/hr and then exploded. 

Random Cop: "What the heck!?"

You and Riki then stop a bank robbery in Paris, France, stick a homemade sticker on the Statue of Liberty's crown, put some graffiti art in an abandoned subway area which is a mural of you, Riki, and the TMNT. You and Riki did all of that in such a short time and you and Riki head to the statue and read some of your favorite comics, The Adventures of Wingnut and ScrewLoose. Nobody knows how you or Riki sleep so well without any nightmares whatsoever. 

Then a girl and a dog came out of nowhere. The girl has a purple skirt with a starburst on it, a blue shirt with a pink tie, purple skin, purple boots, and purple and pink highlights. The dog had green, purple and green fur. You and Riki then look over and see them, you listen to their conversation.

???(Spike): Uh, Twilight?

Twilight: Huh? Spike! You're not supposed to– Spike? Are you a... dog?

Spike then take a look at himself.

Spike: I... think so. But I have no idea what you are!

Twilight: Huh?

Twilight then look at her hands then scream really loud.

Twilight: AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/N): You saw what I saw right?

Riki: You mean the girl and the dog coming out of the statue yeah I think I did.

(Y/N): Let's hear what they’re saying.

Riki: Okay.

Twilight then look at her hands and feet in a panic state.

Spike: Twilight, you have to get it together!

Twilight then calms down.

Twilight: What... does the rest of me look like?

Riki: Your a human just like everyone else here.

(Y/N): Yeah *sniffs a little* although your not human are you?

Twilight then turns to see you and Riki and she blushes at you while Spike hides behind Twilight.

Twilight: Oh uh hi there my name is-

(Y/N) and Riki: Twilight Sparkle and Spike. 

Twilight: How did you-

(Y/N): We overheard the conversation.

Twilight:  Oh.

Twilight then turn to the statue and stick her and in it.

Twilight: That must serve as the gateway back to Equestria. We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest we start searching the castle first.

(Y/N): Castle?

Riki: I think she means the school.

Twilight: That's a school?

(Y/N): Yeah, we go there, it’s called Canterlot High.

Twilight: Woah.

Riki: Now can you explain to us what Equestria is?

One Explanation Later.

(Y/N): Man that’s serious.

Riki: We need to get the crown.

Twilight: And fast before it gets into the wrong hands.

(Y/N): Oh here I got you.

You then help Twilight on her feet, she struggles to stay standing and then fall onto your chest by accident. She blushes of how muscular you are.

Twilight: *in her head* OH MY CELESTIA, HE'S SO FIT!

Twilight: Sorry about that (Y/N), I never have stand like this.

(Y/N): It's okay you'll get use to it.

Spike: So I have to ask why do you two look like Cheetahs?

Riki: *to you and whispers* Should we tell them?

(Y/N): I think we should I mean they do come from another world. *Turns around to make sure no one is here* Okay so the reason why we look like this is because...we are cheetahs.

Riki: We were mutated by beings from another dimension called the Kraang.

Spike: *laughs* Y-your bluffing right?

Spike then saw you and Riki are not laughing.

Spike: Oh your not kidding are you?

Riki: No we're not.

Twilight: So who are the Kraang?

(Y/N): Aliens from another dimension and they are bad news.

Riki: Yeah, they want to mutate people from other dimensions and expand their rule over the earth.

Spike: Woah that sounds bad.

(Y/N): But don’t worry, there are heros in another city that are keeping them at bay.

Riki: Yeah there tough.

Twilight: Okay now that we got that out of the way can we go to the cas- er.. school now?

(Y/N): Sure but we need a cover story for you.

Riki: How about you’re my cousin from Tokyo, Japan, your family moved out of Japan to make a japanese sushi restaurant in order to sell sushi to Canterlot and you’re staying with us for the time being.

Twilight: That could work.

You , Riki and Twilight head to the door, then Twilight try to use her magic to open the door, then bump into it instead, you and Riki then chuckle.

Twilight: My magic! It isn't working!

Spike: Makes sense. You don't exactly have your horn.

Twilight: What?!

(Y/N): This world greatly lacks magic, and we need to get you a mirror.

Riki: Yeah *in her head* reminds me of Mikey.

You all went into the entry hall of the school and Twilight head to a nearby trophy case as Spike follows. They take a look at the contents of the trophy case.

Twilight: What do ya think, Spike? Other artifacts she's stolen from Equestria?

(Y/N): That’s a trophy case Twilight.

Riki: And the trophies inside it are not artifacts.

(Y/N): They’re all the wins from sports games the school does.

Twilight then sees her reflection on the glass and examine herself.

Twilight then see a reflection of herself.

Twilight: What am I?

Riki: Your a human.

(Y/N): And a nice one too.

Twilight blushed and twirl her hair. Then the school bell starts ringing.

Riki: Uh oh.

(Y/N): Stampede, we need to get you out of here!

You and Riki grab Twilight's hands and pull her from the crowd, you and Riki then see a guy with blue hair, black jacket, yellow skin, and blue jeans. It's your friend from Math class, Flash Sentry.

Flash: Hey (Y/N) and Riki

You and Riki: Hey Flash.

You then gave Flash a fist bump. Flash then notice Twilight.

Flash: Who's this?

(Y/N): An old friend from Japan

Flash: Is she your girlfriend?

You, Riki, and Twilight blushed.

(Y/N): Uhh, no! And I already have a girlfriend

Riki: And that's me!

Twilight: We're just friends, that's all!

Flash then notice that Twilight is not from the school.

Flash: She's not from around here is she?

Riki: Uh, yeah, she’s my cousin from Tokyo, Japan, her family moved here to make a sushi restaurant to serve sushi in Canterlot City.

(Y/N): The Restaurant is still under renovations, so she’s staying with us at our house.

Flash: What’s the name of the restaurant?

(Y/N): The Sushi Bowl.

Flash: Cool, hey before you go, I have to tell you two something.

(Y/N) and Riki: What is it?

Flash: Well, most of the female school staff are having a crush on you.

(Y/N): Okay, anything else?

Flash: Nope, just that.

(Y/N): Okay then, see ya later.

Riki: Woah I guess even humans are starting to like us especially human girls.

(Y/N): Your not getting jealous are you?

Riki: Nah, I can’t have you to myself, I know when to share.

(Y/N): Okay thanks for understanding, your best mutant girlfriend I ever have.

Riki: Aww, and your the best mutant boyfriend I've ever had.

Flash: Okay we'll see ya I'll let you two have your time.

You and Riki: See ya.

Flash Sentry then walk off as Twilight blush and thought to herself.

Twilight: *in her head* I don't mind us being a cute couple even if he has a girlfriend.

(Y/N):  Well, let's head to the principal's office.

Riki: Yeah.

You three went through the halls to the principal's office.

You and Riki see Twilight coming out of the boy's bathroom and you thought to yourself.

(Y/N) and Riki: *in your heads* Okay this girl make Mikey look like a genius.

Twilight: Sorry.

Riki: That's okay you're new here.

You, Riki and Twilight hear Fluttershy's voice in the halls

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it.

Riki: Is that..

(Y/N): Fluttershy!

Twilight: There's a Fluttershy here?

(Y/N): Shush.

You then follow the voices until you found Sunset and Fluttershy.

Sunset: Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.

Fluttershy: It... doesn't really belong to you, either.

Sunset: Excuse me?!

Fluttershy: N-n-nothing...

(Y/N): *in your head* She has a lot of nerves messing around with Fluttershy.

Spike then growls.

Sunset: That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.

Twilight: How dare you speak to her that way!

Sunset then turn to you, Riki and Twilight.

Sunset: What did you say?

(Y/N): You heard her, leave her alone you bully!

Sunset: You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want.

(Y/N): Not if I have anything to say about it.

Sunset then turn to you.

Sunset: If you go on a date with me and dump your girlfriend I might leave the students alone.

(Y/N): Not on your life!

Sunset: Oh you will-

Just as she was about to finish her thought, Riki tackled Sunset to a wall and picked her up with her tail wrapped around Sunset and she was met with Riki's sharp claws and her soul piercing glare.

Riki: *in pure rage* NEVER GET BETWEEN ME AND MY MAN!!! *Coldly* Understand, *whispers* unicorn?

Sunset was a bit shocked but hides it.

Sunset: *Scared* Okay Okay, just don’t hurt me

Sunset then picks herself up and runs away.

Fluttershy: I can't believe you did that!

Twilight: We couldn't just stand there.

Fluttershy: Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer, except you Riki, and (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're welcome.

Twilight: Sunset Shimmer!?

Fluttershy: You've heard of her?

(Y/N) and Riki: Right here.

Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment.

Fluttershy: Oh sorry, I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?

Riki: Twilight's my cousin from Tokyo, Japan, her family moved here to make a sushi restaurant to serve sushi in Canterlot City.

(Y/N): Yeah and it's called Sushi Bowl. The restaurant is still under renovations and she’s living with us for the time being.

Fluttershy then spots spike.

Fluttershy: Oh, my goodness! Who's this sweet little guy?

Twilight: That's Spike! My, uh... dog!

Fluttershy then gives a treat to Spike.

Fluttershy: Oh, he's so cute! Go on, eat up, little pup!

Spike then eat the treat.

Fluttershy: Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?

(Y/N): That might happen in the future, right Twilight?

You put an arm Twilight and that made her blush, which made Fluttershy a bit jealous and Riki smirk, but Fluttershy hide her jealousy from you.

Twilight: Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?

Fluttershy: How did you know?

(Y/N): We heard your conversation with Sunset, do you know where it is?

Fluttershy: Mm-hmm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.

Flashback sequence.

Fluttershy: Canterlot's animal shelter needs more volunteers. Won't you help an animal that can't help itself?

No response from anyone as Fluttershy then sits down and cries. Then a crown hit her in the back of her head.

Fluttershy: Ow!

After the Flashback.

Fluttershy: I have no idea how it got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.

Twilight:  Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?

Riki: She's not the ruler she's the principal.

(Y/N): Ain't just her, Vice Principal Luna is incharge her as well, I'll take you to them right now.

Twilight: Thanks.

Fluttershy: Oh, wait! You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That's what I do.

Then Angel, a kitten, and a bird came out of her backpack.

Fluttershy: They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day.

(Y/N): In that case.

You then put Spike in Twilight's backpack.

Twilight: Thank you!

Then the bell ring.

Fluttershy: Oh, no! I'm late for class!

Fluttershy then put her pets in her backpack.

(Y/N): An animal caretaker at work.

Riki: Must be a nice job.

Later, you Riki and Twilight are at the front door of the Principal's Office.

(Y/N): Okay Twilight, act cool, stay cool, and do nothing more.

Twilight: Right.

You and twilight walk into the office and you see Principal Celestia holding a picture of you with a cherry red lipstick kiss mark on it.

(Y/N): Is that a picture of me?

Riki: And why is it covered in lipstick?

Celestia quickly put the picture into desk and blush at the same time. She then talk in a nervous tone.

Celestia: *Nervous*That's confidential.

(Y/N): Is your sister around?

Riki: Yeah we need to talk to her.

Celestia: Yes, she is just in her office, doing paperwork.

Meanwhile, in Vice Principal Luna's office. She was in a blue glitter dress sitting at a table with a body pillow of you in a romantic setting.

Luna: So, do you like what you see?

back to you.

(Y/N): Anyways, I like you to meet someone.

Celestia then turn Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight: My name's Twilight Sparkle. I-I'm new here, and...

Celestia: What school are you from?

(Y/N): She's not from a school.

Riki: Her family moved her from Japan and they opened a restaurant here called the Sushi Bowl, the restaurant is still under renovations but for now she's staying with us.

Celestia: Is she your girlfriend?

(Y/N): No, we're just friends.

Celestia's thoughts: *in her head*  Oh thank goodness, (Y/N) is still on the market and maybe Riki can share him.

(Y/N): Well, is she going to be enrolling here?

Celestia: Oh, of course, her schedule will be similar to yours, and be sure to give Twilight a tour around the school.

(Y/N): Alrighty then.

Celestia gave Twilight the same schedule as yours and Riki and head out of the office. Spike then pop out of the backpack.

Riki: I feel like we forgot something

Spike: You forgot the crown!


You then head back into the principal's office at a quick pace.

(Y/N): Principal Celestia, I have something to tell you!

Celestia then turn to you.

Celestia: What is it?

(Y/N): It's very important to tell you this!

Celestia: *in her head*  Oh my, is going to confess his love for me, I hope he confesses!

Celestia: Yes.

(Y/N): I didn't say it yet.

Celestia blush in embarrassment and clears her throat.

Celestia: Oh, sorry, please continue.

(Y/N): Ok, Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you, did you still have it?

Celestia: Oh, uh, yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn.

(Y/N): Me neither.

Celestia: Is Twilight interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?

You then got an idea as a lightbulb floats over your head.

(Y/N): Yes, and I'll compete as the Fall Formal Prince.

Then Celestia feels a heartache but hide it from you.

Celestia: *in her head* WHAT!?

Celestia: Oh sure, you just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?

(Y/N): Nope, nothing else.

You then exit the office and head to Twilight.

Celestia: (Y/N), if you do need anything else, my door is always open.

Celestia then closes her door to the office.

(Y/N): But it's not open.

Celestia: *in her head*It is to you my love.

(Y/N): Okay.

You then walk down the halls as celestial pull out a body pillow of you and hugs it.

Celestia: Oh (Y/N), you're so handsome and cute.

Later, back to you, Riki and Twilight, Spike then pop out of Twilight's backpack.

Spike: (Y/N), why didn't ya just tell her the crown was Twilight's and ask for it back?

(Y/N): I hope your friends have an address to an insane asylum, cause that's where she'll be if we tell her the truth.

Riki: Yeah (Y/N) is right she'll think we're crazy if tell her that.

Spike: Good point.

Twilight: Gonna better idea?

(Y/N): Compete for Fall Formal Princess, just get enough votes from everyone and you win.

Riki: And win the crown.

Twilight: Okay, looks like if I want my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. So that's what I'm gonna do!

Spike: And how exactly do you plan on doing that?

Twilight: I have no idea!

You and Riki then hear the bell.

(Y/N): Guess we can discuss this at lunch.

Twilight: Okay, but can you hold my hand on the way there? If Riki allows it.

Riki: *in her head* 'I see where this is going'. Okay you can hold (Y/N)'s hand.

Twilight then held her hand out to you.

(Y/N): Alright.

You then grab Twilight's hand and walk towards the cafeteria along with Riki.

Twilight: *in her head* Oh my Celestia, his hand is so soft!

Later, in the Cafeteria, we see you, Riki, Twilight, and Spike at the cafeteria discussing plans for the fall formal.

Riki: Well from the research I gathered about that hussy Sunset she won the fall formal for a long time

(Y/N):  3 years in a row to be specific, we have to break the streak.

Twilight: Great plan.

(Y/N): I'll be the Fall Formal Prince and you'll be the Fall Formal Princess.

Twilight then blush in response.

Twilight: Really?! Uh Riki are you okay with this?

Riki: Yeah I'm okay and besides if your happy then happy.

(Y/N): Yep, and we can break Sunset's winning streak and get the crown.

Later, you and Twilight made it at the cafeteria.

(Y/N): I bet you're famished from getting here right?

You then hear Twilight's stomach growling as she blush and cover her midsection with her hands.

(Y/N): Guess that answers that question, let's get you something vegetarian friendly.

You then brought Twilight to the food section, where you found Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Hey Shy.

Fluttershy then turn to you and blush.

Fluttershy: (Y/N)!

Fluttershy then put her tray down and give you a tight hug. Then all the girls in the room turn to you and Fluttershy with a jealous look on their face. Fluttershy then break the hug.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, we need your help.

Riki: And it's something big.

Fluttershy then blush and twirl her hair a bit.

Fluttershy: Oh, anything for you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Twilight?

Twilight: We’ve decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and–

Fluttershy gasp and drop a bowl of fruit salad as she put her hands on her mouth and grab a stack of napkins.

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure the food is supposed to go in your mouth, not the chest.

Fluttershy: Oh! Oh, gosh! Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea, good joke (Y/N).

Fluttershy then wipe away the stains away.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Fluttershy: Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it! She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling.

(Y/N): Wanna hear even better news?

Fluttershy: Yes?

(Y/N): I'm running for Fall Formal Prince.

Riki: And he has my approval.

Then all the girls in the lunchroom were in shock from what you said. 

Fluttershy: Well congrats.

Fluttershy: *in her head* My heart is broken!

Fluttershy: Why would you want to be the Fall Formal Prince?

(Y/N): To be with the princess, besides Sunset.

Fluttershy: Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes.

(Y/N): I like to call them the big guns.

Riki: Or jocks.

Fluttershy: The fashionistas.

(Y/N): How many layers of makeup are they wearing?

Riki: Probably a lot, 10 million, given a take.

Fluttershy: The dramas.

(Y/N): Movie stars in training.

Riki: Or famous people with inflated egos.

Fluttershy: The eco-kids.

(Y/N) and Riki: They do like nature. *In her heads* hope they don't defend snakeweed.


We you and the turtles fighting snakeweed as you kicked back snakeweed

(Y/N): *after slashing him* Get away you overgrown Flower.

Riki: Yeah no overgrown rose messes with my man.

Donnie: I'm pretty sure he's not a flower he's more like a-

Riki and (Y/N): Not now Donnie!

Flashback ends.

Fluttershy: The techies.

You and Riki: *in their heads* More Donnies.

Fluttershy: The rockers.

You and Riki: *in their heads* Raph.

Twilight:  Why is everybody separated this way?

Fluttershy: "Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate.

Riki: That sucks.

(Y/N): But we're gonna change that, do you know where we can find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee?

Fluttershy: In the gym.

(Y/N): Thanks.

You and Twilight head for the gym as Fluttershy thinks about you.

Fluttershy: I really like how he is so considerate of others, I wish he was my boyfriend.

Later, at the gym, you and Twilight are looking for the head of the planning committee.

Twilight: Fluttershy said she'd probably be in here.

(Y/N): Where is she?

???(Pinkie Pie): Incoming!

You Riki and Twilight see streamers falling down from the ceiling.

Riki: Uh oh.

(Y/N): Everyone get down!

You Riki and Twilight take cover by laying on the floor. When the storm of streamers passed, you spot  Pinkie blowing a balloon as aTwilight get up and walk to her.

Twilight: Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and... Pinkie Pie?

When Pinkie heated her name, she let the air out of her balloon and grab Twilight by the shirt.

Pinkie: Are you psychic?!

Twilight: Uh, no. I don't think so. Unless of course that's something you can do here.

Pinkie: Not usually.

(Y/N): Hey.

Pinkie stop for a moment and see you, she then lunge to you and gives you a hug as her cheeks glow bright red.

Pinkie: It's good to see you (Y/N)! And You too Riki

(Y/N): Good to see you too.

Riki: Same here.

Twilight: Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee.

Pinkie then break the hug and turn to Twilight with an angry face.

Pinkie: Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole "shy" thing fool you. She can be a real meanie.

Riki: What?

Twilight: You two aren't friends?

(Y/N): *in his head* Something tells me that Sunset has something to do with it.

Pinkie: Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is the day after tomorrow.

Twilight: I'm brand new here.

Pinkie: Oooh! I thought you didn't look familiar. Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?

Pinkie was examining both Twilight and Spike to get answers.

Twilight: Uh, maybe?

Pinkie: Thought so. Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown.

Pinkie then pull out a pen and clipboard out of her hair and hand them to Twilight.

(Y/N): How did she keep stuff in her hair?

Riki: Don’t know. *gasps and whispers to you* maybe she's a mutant.

(Y/N): *whispers back* maybe.

You and Twilight then signed the ballot and Twilight's handwriting has gotten better thanks to your teachings on good handwriting.

Pinkie:It's official, you both are now on the ballot.

You then hear a familiar voice from the double doors.

Applejack: Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?

Applejack then place the crate of apple cider on a chair and wipes some sweat off of her forehead.

Pinkie: Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!

Applejack: Can you bring in the rest?

Big Mac then walks in with the rest of the payload.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Applejack then spots you and blushed.

Applejack: Uhh, howdy (Y/N).

Riki: Hey Jack.

(Y/N): Good to see you again AJ.

Applejack blushed even harder from the nickname. She then turn to Twilight.

Applejack: Hey, I know you.

Twilight: You do?

Applejack: Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today.

Pinkie: Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Pinkie blows a balloon at Applejack spits out cider out of her mouth.

Applejack: I'd think twice about that. Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like...

Applejack then grab the balloons that Pinkie made and drew faces on them.

Applejack: *fakes Sunset Shimmer's voice* I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition. *fakes Twilight's voice* That's so good to hear. *normal* But* then, here comes the backstabbin'.

Applejack then pop the balloon with the other balloon and then let go as Pinkie bite onto it.

Applejack: About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash.

Twilight: Rainbow Dash?

Pinkie: She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High.

Riki: Woah really?

(Y/N): Why?

Applejack: She's the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up.

(Y/N) and Riki: We need to get more evidence from both sides of the story.

Twilight: Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do.

Applejack: Huh, suit yourself. Hey, how'd you know my name is Applejack?

(Y/N) and Riki: we told her.

Applejack blushed in embarrassment.

Applejack: Whoops, sorry.

(Y/N): Twilight, we need to head out right now, before Sunset spots us.

You then grab Twilight's hand as Twilight says goodbye.

Twilight: Well, it sure was nice meeting you both. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around.

(Y/N) and Riki: Bye.

You and Twilight left the gym as Pinkie lean in closer to Applejack and whisper to her.

Pinkie: He's mine.

Applejack: Not if I get him first!

Then the doors open and revealed Sunset and her lackeys: Snips and Snails.

Sunset: This looks terrible! There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.

Sunset hen pop a balloon.

Snips: Yeah, streamers!

Snails: And fewer balloons!

Sunset: Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown.

Applejack: Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around.

Sunset then sped up to Applejack and glare at her while Pinkie walk away.

Sunset: Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.

Sunset then tilt Applejack's hat over face as Applejack pop the top off in pure anger.

Sunset: Obviously it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed.

Pinkie: Not this time. The new girl just signed up!

Sunset then take the clipboard and look at it.

Sunset: What?!

Then she gets furious.

Sunset: Where is this Twilight Sparkle?"

Pinkie: She's with (Y/N) Riki.

Applejack then elbow Pinkie in the shoulder.

Sunset: He's helping Twilight, Well I'll be looking forward to meeting the competition!

Sunset: *in her head* He'll be my boyfriend whether he likes it or not.

Later, you Riki and Twilight head into a dark hallway.

(Y/N): Something tells me that Sunset is nearby.

Riki: And close

Twilight cautiously turns around and you turn invisible. Twilight then notice you and Riki are invisible.

Twilight: (Y/N), Riki what happen to you two?

(Y/N): we have the ability to turn invisible.

Twilight: Okay then.

Sunset: Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier.

Twilight then turn to Sunset.

Sunset: Shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, and her little dog, too.

Twilight: It's my crown!

Sunset: Whatever. This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it.

Twilight:  If that's so, why do you even need my crown? You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here.

Sunset: Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?

Twilight got confused for a moment.

Sunset: You don't know? Seriously? And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student? Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do.

Spike then pop out of Twilight's backpack and barks at Sunset.

Sunset: Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt. Hate for him to be... taken away from you.

Spike: Is that a threat?

Sunset: Oh, of course not, whoah!

Sunset then trip and all on the floor and got back up with anger.

Sunset: What was that?

You then pull on her hair, Riki gives her a wedgie, and a hairball in her face. She then put her undergarments back into her skirt and take the hairball off of her face.

Sunset: Whoever is doing that, show yourself.

You then pull down Sunset's skirt and she pulled it back up.

Twilight: I'm not sure of what's happening.

Spike: But, I'm glad that it's happening.

Sunset: Shut up mutt! You wanna be a princess here? Please. You don't know the first thing about fitting in.

Sunset then walk off and then stop and turn around and smirk at Twilight.

Sunset: Oh, and tell your boyfriend, if he doesn't date me, I'll put a lot of hurt on him than you.

Twilight: He's not my boyfriend! And he already has a girlfriend

Sunset: Good, that'll make it easier for me to get him to be my boyfriend and get that Riki girl to dump him

Twilight: Stay away from him!

Sunset: Sorry sweetie, he's mine. *In her head* If Riki's not around

Sunset then walks away as you and Riki stop being invisible.

Riki: What a jerk.

(Y/N): She doesn't know when to shut up.

Spike: I'll say.

Twilight: So, how did you two turn invisible?

(Y/N): It's one of our powers.

Sunset then spot her lackeys who are tangled in streamers. She then walks towards them and untangle them.

Sunset: I want you to follow her. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me, and bring me (Y/N).

Snips and Snails salute.

Snails: You got it, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset: When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria.

Snips: Yeah, in Equestria.

Sunset: What are you still doing here?! Go!

Snips and Snails head down the halls  while Sunset glares at them. Meanwhile, you and Twilight encountered a vending machine, Twilight then licks her lips.

(Y/N): Hungry?

Twilight was blushing in response.

Twilight: Yeah.

(Y/N): Allow me.

Riki: Such a gentleman.

You then put some coins into the vending machine.

Twilight: I'll have that candy bar right there.

Twilight was pointing at a Mars bar.

(Y/N): One Mars bar, coming right up.

You then put in the code for the Mars bar, the machine then drop the bar and you grab it from the machine and hand it to Twilight. You then hear a girl's voice.

(Y/N): Hey Trixie.

You and Riki see her in Math everyday, she's been sitting next to you since day one. Trixie then hug you and you hug you back, which made Twilight a bit jealous and Riki smirk. You then break the hug.

(Y/N): Having peanut butter crackers?

Riki: Again?

Trixie blushed from your question.

Trixie: Trixie likes them very much.

(Y/N): Well anyways, this is Twilight Sparkle, she's running for Fall Formal Princess.

Trixie then turn to Twilight.

Trixie: It's nice to meet you, Twilight Sparkle, it's about time that someone else compete for the Fall Formal crown, which means you'll have Trixie's vote.

You then gave Trixie a tight hug.

Trixie: *in her head* Trixie feels the love from you (Y/N).

Trixie then break the hug and then begin her composure.

Trixie: Any friend of (Y/N)'s is a friend of mine.

Trixie then turn to the vending machine.

Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie! ...Needs some peanut butter crackers.

Trixie then put her coins in and type in the code for the Peanut Butter Crackers. Trixie then pull out the crackers.

Trixie: Voilà!

(Y/N): Trixie, why didn't you run against Sunset?

Trixie: Trixie is a performer, not some snob.

(Y/N): Huh, guess you're more of a magician than a princess.

Trixie: Trixie has to tell you something.

(Y/N): What is it?

Trixie: Rumor has it that all the girls in the school has a crush on you, be on your guard.

(Y/N): Right, hey, I should tell you that I signed up to be the Fall Formal Prince.

Trixie was in shock from the news.

Trixie:*in her head* Trixie now regrets not signing up for Fall Formal Princess.

You then head into the library as Trixie talks to Twilight.

Trixie: Is he your boyfriend? And are you sharing him with Riki?

Twilight blushed.

Twilight: No.

Trixie: You're in a position to tell him your feelings and sharing him and Trixie has feelings for him as well.

Twilight: I will tell him, but not right now. 

Trixie: Well, Trixie has a few things to say: It's your choice to tell hi and Trixie hopes you get more votes than that bacon haired bully.

Twilight: Alright.

Twilight then head into the library, you then head to Trixie.

(Y/N): Hey Trixie.

Trixie: Yes?

(Y/N): Here's my thanks for vote for Twilight.

You hand Trixie a spare pack of Peanut Butter Crackers from your pocket.

Trixie: For me?

(Y/N): Yep.

Trixie then hugs you and shed tears of joy.

Trixie: This is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever given me, thank you!

You then patted her on the head as Trixie gives you a peck on the cheek, she then broke the hug and wave goodbye, you then goodbye as well and you head into the library, only to see Twilight feeling sad.

(Y/N): Twilight?

Twilight: Sunset Shimmer is right. I don't know the first thing about this place. If I'm gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research.

Spike: Research?

Twilight: This place has a school. I have to believe it's got a... library!

(Y/N): Just avoid the human anatomy books, you do not want to know that stuff.

Riki: Yeah those books are gross.

Twilight: Okay then.

Twilight then look though the bookshelves as you and Riki sensed something.

You and Riki then turn to Snips and Snails at the entrance of the library.

You and Riki: *in your heads* Oh great, the idiots, what are we  going to do with those two?

You then look at the 2nd floor and come up with a plan.

Your thoughts: Got it.

You then head to the second floor of the library and write on a piece of paper. You then crumble up the paper and throw it to Snails. Snails then unscramble it and read the message.

The Paper: If you want us, come and get us on the 2nd floor of the library, from (Y/N) and Ruki

Snails: Hey Snips, I know where (Y/N) and Riki are.

Snips: Where?

Snails: They're on the second floor of the library.

Snips: Jackpot!

Snips and Snails head to your location and they can't find you anywhere.

Snips: I don't see them?

You and Riki were standing behind Snips and Snails invisible. You and Riki then poke their pressure points knocking them out.

(Y/N): Sweet dreams.

Riki: Idiots.

You and Riki then spot a yearbook and take a look into it and some evidence that can help, then you see a woman with a flowery skirt, a brown shirt, pink skin, and purple hair. She is about to fall off the later and you use your speed to catch her and hold in a bridal position.

(Y/N): You okay Miss Cheerilee?

Miss Cheerilee blushed from the sight of you.

Cheerilee: Oh my, thank you for the save.

(Y/N): You should really be careful on ladders.

Riki: Yeah you could have been hurt 

Cheerilee: Oh, I need to keep my balance next time.

You then get her back on her feet again.

Cheerilee: So, what brings you to the library?

(Y/N): I'm helping the new girl out with some research.

Cheerilee: How sweet of you, just be sure to stay clear from the Dark Web.

(Y/N) and Riki: We will.

You and Riki then head back to Twilight as Cheerilee is having a fantasy about you.

Fantasy Sequence.

Cheerilee and Riki in a house taking care of your 2 children. Then you came home from work.

Fantasy (Y/N): "Honeys, I'm home!"

Fantasy Cheerilee and Riki: "Welcome home honey bunny!"

You Riki and Cheerilee are kissing each other on the lips.

???(Screwball): Hey Miss Cheerilee?

Fantasy sequence ended.

Cheerilee is snapped back into reality and realized that she was kissing a book. She then turned to a girl with swirly pupils, a pink hoodie, purple hair, black pants, and a propeller hat.

???(Screwball): Why are you kissing a book?

Cheerilee then blushed and put the book behind her back.

Cheerilee: Uhhhh, I was daydreaming Screwball.

ScrewBall: You know, usually it's the student that daydreams and the teacher has to snap them out.

Cheerilee: Can you promise me not to let this out of the library?

ScrewBall: Hey don't worry, I've seen weirder, plus every girl here has a crush on the guy.

Cheerilee blushed in embarrassment.

Meanwhile with you and Twilight.

Twilight: So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?

(Y/N): Yep, just use your fingers.

You then press the A button on the keyboard and the letter appeared on the document.

Twilight: Maybe this place does have magic.

(Y/N) and Riki: *in head* Reminds me of Mikey

You then hear music from the other side of the library and head to it, you then found Apple Bloom and her friends. One of them had purple hair, a black jacket, green shorts, and black boots is Scootaloo. The other has a pink and purple waterfall hair, pink boots, a yellow skirt, and a pink jacket.

You then turn off the volume.

(Y/N): What are you three doing?

Sweetie Belle: We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.

Apple Bloom then turn on the volume and Riki turns it off again.

(Y/N): Well, let's see what the people say.

You look over the comments with the crusaders.

Apple Bloom: *reading*  It's just as well, y'all. Some of the comments about our song were really awful. Epic fail"... Funniest thing I've ever seen?!

Sweetie Belle: Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?

The crusaders smiled and run off.

(Y/N): That's not what you should take from it.

Riki: And there gone.

You then head back to Twilight.

(Y/N): Now where were we?

Later, Vice Principal Luna talk into the PA system in the library.

Luna: The library will be closing in five minutes.

(Y/N): Twilight?

Riki: I think she's tired.

You and Riki see her yawn and gasp and turn to you.

Twilight: I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!

(Y/N): Maybe you can come over at our house, you can sleep in me and Riki's room and our house is in walking distance from here.

Twilight: Really, thanks!

Later, you Riki and Twilight are at your doorstep of your house and you open the door and you see your foster Sister  on the couch.

(Y/N): Hey Sis!

Sarah then turns to see you.

Sarah: Hey little bro!

Sarah: And who is this lovely lady?

Twilight: Twilight Sparkle sir.

An explanation and a dinner later.

Sarah: You know, I've been analyzing that statue for years, and it has a portal between worlds, but now something very powerful is in this world and it will be in the wrong hands if you aren't the winner of a prom.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Twilight: You know about the portal?

Sarah: It's the only one we know, there could be more, in theory.

Twilight: Well it's nice meeting you Ms.Zeeth

Sarah: Call me Sarah, we're friends now.

Later, you and Riki  got into your PJs and Twilight was in bed reading the yearbook.

Twilight: Look Spike, It's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school. Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity.

Spike then take the book and look into it.

Spike: There's a Rarity here!? Uh, I mean, uh... interesting photo.

Spike then hand the book to you.

(Y/N): Guess you have a crush on Rarity, no offense, but she's out of your league.

Riki: Plus your a dog and I'm pretty sure humans don't date dogs. No offense

Spike: non taken.

You then turn to Twilight.

(Y/N): What makes the picture so interesting Twilight?

Riki: Yeah what's so special about it?

Twilight: It's interesting because they look like they're friends.

(Y/N) and Riki: What do you mean?

Twilight: They look like they're friends with each other. But it doesn't seem like they're friends now.

Spike: Not so much.

(Y/N): We have to find a way to get them back together as friends.

Riki: Yeah one way or another they're friends and nothing can separate them.

You and Riki  then lay next to her on your side of the bed in a way that cats lay down 

Twilight: You're right (Y/N), but I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it.

Spike: I wouldn't put it past her. But she wanted your crown 'cause she's planning on doing something even worse! If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore. Even if they do remind you of your Ponyville friends.

Spike then sleep on a dog bed that Sarah provided for Spike.

Twilight: You're right, Spike. *sigh* Eye on the prize.

Riki: Don't worry Twilight they'll be friends again.

(Y/N):  Yeah we'll get them back together one way or another.

Next: Chapter 3:  Restoration Of Friends

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