Chapter 10: Mutant Ninja Showcase and Meeting Mane-Iac

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Principal Celestia and Vice Principal setup an event for the whole school, it's called the Mutant Ninja Showcase it's an event where you and Riki show the whole school what kind of powers you and Riki have along with the Mutanimals. Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity see the poster of the event.

Sunset: Wow, a Mutant Ninja Showcase tomorrow in the field.

Rarity: My goodness, (Y/N) and Riki should be happy for this.

Applejack: Ah can't wait for tomorrow.

Rainbow: It's gonna be awesome!

Fluttershy: I hope he doesn't go overboard with his powers and destroy the school.

Pinkie: The planning committee decorated the whole field for tomorrow, and we worked very hard it too.

One day later, today is the Mutant Ninja Showcase, and you and Riki were ready doned in your first outfits. Everyone is on the field in the bleachers, while Celestia and Luna are on the field itself holding a microphone for each other.

Celestia: Welcome to the first ever Mutant Ninja Showcase.

Luna: Where (Y/N) Zeeth, Riki Rouge, and the Mutanimals will perform his abilities for everybody in the school.

Celestia: And here are the mutants of the hour, (Y/N) Zeeth, Riki Rouge and the Mighty Mutanimals!

she said directing everyone's attention to you Riki and the Mutanimals

You and Riki run to the middle of the field as Celestia as Luna head to their VIP seats, you and Riki had a matching headsets with a microphone on it, along with Rockwell and Slash and Leatherhead and Mondo in the sidelines

(Y/N) and Riki: Are you ready to have all of your minds blown?!

Everyone: YEAH!

(Y/N): Alright, what's the first power Ms. C?

Celestia blushed from the nickname.

Celestia: Okay then, before we start, (Y/N), Mr.Rockwell and Riki have a variety of powers it take awhile to go over all of them.

Luna: So, we wrote down all of the names of the  forms (Y/N) and Riki have on slips of paper in this raffle drum, as you can see here next to me.

as she said cranking the lever.

When she stopped cranking the lever, she took a slip out of it and hand it to her sister.

When she stop cranking the lever, she took a slip out of it and hand it to her sister.

Celestia: Your first forms are: Your t-rex.

Later in the bleachers.

Sunset: Oh no.

Applejack: What's wrong?

Back to you.

(Y/N): Are you sure about that one?

Riki: Yeah I'm with (Y/N) on this one some of our forms can be scary.

Celestia: Of course, please, show us.

Luna: Can you demonstrate what you two do.

(Y/N): Well okay.

You and Riki then glowed purple then grew giant and turned into t-rexes and you two let out a powerful roar which scared the daylights out of everyone except for Maud, Slash, Leatherhead and Mondo.

Maud Pie: That's scary, I'm freaking out hard.

as she said without emotion.

Pinkie: Maud, how are not scared about this?!

Maud: I don't find it scary.

Slash: And we seen scarier

Sunset: So why are you three in the sidelines?

Mondo: We don't really have special powers like those three but it's cool.

Leatherhead: Yes we understand.

Rainbow: So what kind of powers do you have?

Slash: Me and Leatherhead have super strength while Mondo here can stick to any surface and lick his eyes.

Fluttershy: Really?

Mondo: Yeah check it *licks his eyes* geckos need to lick their eyes since they can't blink.

Sunset: That is both cool a little gross.

Back to you.

(Y/N): Tried to warn you

Riki: Yeah.

Soon everyone got their colors back and put their clothes back on. You and Riki then turn back to normal. Luna then crank the raffle drum, she then stop the cranking and pull out a slip of paper and hand it to Celestia.

Celestia: The next one is Black Cobra

Riki: Alright one Cobra coming up.

You and Riki then glowed purple and turned into giant sized black cobras with purple shards on you and Riki


Rainbow: Woah.

(Y/N): *in your black Cobra form* *hises* Sssurprised?

Riki: *in her Black Cobra form and giggles* Really?

(Y/N): Sorry couldn't help it.

Riki: *giggles* Your lucky I love you *hises*sweety

Celestia: So what can this form do?

Riki: Well we can do this.

Riki then demonstrated by spitting a shard at a target set up by Rockwell which exploded on impact.

Pinkie: Awesome!

(Y/N): And this.

You them spat acid at a dummy Kraang droid which was also set up Rockwell which melted the dummy on the spot.

Rainbow: Woah so cool!

???(Kraang Droid): Krang it is the ones known as the Mighty Mutanimals and the Cheetahs

You and Riki then turn to see a group of Kraang Droids armed with blasters

Slash: Kraang Droids

Riki: How did they find us?

(Y/N): Now is not the time, *to Rockwell and Mondo* Rockwell, Mondo get the students to safety, we'll handle this.

Mondo: We're on it dude.

Rockwell: I'm on it, *to the students*  Everyone to the school.

We then see Rockwell and the students getting to safety while you Slash, Leatherhead, And Riki fight off the Kraang droids

(Y/N): *after destroying a Krang droid* how many of these things are there?

Slash: *after destroying a Krang droid* Just keep smashing them!

You and others were fighting off the Kraang Droids meanwhile two of the caught Celestia and Luna

Celestia: *struggles* Let us go!

Luna: *struggles* Yes Let us go!

Kraang: It only be easier if you two do what is known as surrender and be mutated.

Just as they were about to escape a green tendril grabs them freeing the two principals/sisters. There they see a girl with crazy green hair, and a purple and black outfit.

???(Mane-iac): *while holding the Krang droids*  You ruffians aren't going anywhere.

She then crushes the Krang droids and helps you and the others with the Krang droids and then you and Riki in you black tiger forms take care of the last Krang droids and the girl taking care of the Krang. Once they were taken care of you and Riki turn back to normal and then see the girl with the green hair.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Riki: And are you a dangerous mutant? *Gets ready to pounce*

Mane-iac: Woah woah hold on now Rockwell called me I'm his friend you must be (Y/N) and Riki I'm Mane-iac, former Villain nice to meet you. *In her head* Especially you (Y/N)

(Y/N): Well it's to meet you too Mane.

Riki: Yeah Nice to meet you. So how did you do that thing with your hair, that was so cool!

Mane-iac: Well, I used to be the owner of a hair care product company until I fell into radioactive liquid and got electrocuted as well, I also went bonkers after that.

(Y/N): Well you seem to be sane now.

Mane-iac: Yeah after awhile I met Rockwell and the Mutanimals, Rockwell helped with my sanity so now I help people when I'm needed or not.

(Y/N): So you like an Anti-hero?

Mane-iac: *blushes and giggles* In a way, yes I am.

(Y/N): Well we hope to see you again.

Riki: Yeah.

You and Riki then see it was the end of the day and went home  with the Mutanimals going to their homes too leaving Mane-iac alone.

Mane-iac: *in her head* Anti-hero, oh, I really want to see him everyday.

She then came with an idea.

It's Monday and you and Riki were in science class at 2:00 PM of school.

Celestia: "Everyone, we have a new teacher, her name is Dr. Capillum."

Dr. Capillum then enter the room, she has her green hair all into a bun with a scrunchy, a pair of glasses, and a standard lab coat. You and Riki then recognizes her as Mane-iac Mayhem, but then you and Riki along with the Mutanimals, realize she's trying to be an anti-hero.

Dr. Capillum: Now, let's go over the states of matter everyone.

Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner Café, There was a guy who was jealous of you getting all of the girls. His name was MacGuffin, he is a jock from CHS and he had all the girls before you arrived and he has magic powers and connections to the kraang.

MacGuffin: I hate (Y/N), he's stealing all of the girls in the school, and I hired the right girls for the job cause to those dumb tin cans failed to to destroy them.

Then three girls with mystic pendants appeared behind MacGuffin.

???(Adagio Dazzle): First things first, we enroll into this school.

Next: Chapter 11: New Threat Arises

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