Chapter 11: New Threat Rises

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6 moons earlier                     

Everyone is screaming in anger at each while green mystic dust is being absorbed by 3 girls in the restaurant singing and causing the arguments in the first place. The pendants around their necks allows them to absorb the dust in the first place. 

???(Aria Blaze): That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal.

Adagio: The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here.                     

???(Aria Blaze): Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!                    

Adagio: *sarcastically*  Really? I love it here!

???(Sonata Dusk): For realsies? Because I think this place is the worst.                     

???(Aria Blaze): I think you're the worst, Sonata.                    

Sonata: Oh, yeah? Well, I think you're—                     

Adagio: Ergh! I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more bearable.                     

Adagio then spot beams of black and blue lights appeared at a distance. She then spot a giant oven with being carried by demons, then a small person came out of it and launch energy blasts at it. Then a giant appeared punching a third demon. She then sees a humanoid Cheetahs with blade arms . Then she spots rainbow lasers of equestrian magic. She felt the energy through her pendant.                      

Adagio: Did you feel that?! Do you know what that is?                   

Sonata and ???: I 'unno.

Adagio: It's Equestrian magic, Aria!                   

Aria: But this world doesn't have Equestrian magic.                

Adagio: It does now. And we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!                      

Sonata: Sounds fun, but the humanoid Cheetahs with blade arms are not equestrian magic.                

???(MacGuffin): There mutants.

The three girls turn to the guy who said that.                    

Adagio: You know about this?                     

???(MacGuffin): "Yep, there's a kid name (Y/N) Zeeth, he's the most popular student in CHS, he's a mutant cheetah with all sorts of powers ranging from strong to powerful along with his girlfriend Riki who's also a Mutant cheetah with the same powers as him.

Adagio: They must be really powerful.                     

Aria: What's your name anyways?                

???(MacGuffin): Names MacGuffin, and you're going to use your powers to take the world for yourselves and kill (Y/N) and Riki in the process.                    

Adagio: Well, we can hypnotize people into slaves, but murder is not in our resume.                     

Aria: Hey come on, it will be one less guy in the way.                   

Adagio: All right then, it's a deal. * holding out her hand for a handshake.*

MacGuffin then shakes her hand and they laugh maniacally. Sonata was uncomfortable for the fact they have to kill someone.                   

MacGuffin: Pleasure doing business with you.                 

Sonata: I don't want to kill anybody Adagio.                    

Adagio: I know Sonata, that's why we're gonna know him before we kill him.              

Sonata: Okay, I feel sorta better.                     

Six moons later, today                     

Everyone is at the gym was working on their banners, posters, etc. for the upcoming musical showcase.

(Y/N): *in your head* Man, this place has some great events!

One group called the CMC, who is Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. The siblings of Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. They were enjoying themselves until Sunset Shimmer took a paint brush from them. They got a look of fear from her.

Sunset: Want some help?

Apple Bloom: Uh, no thanks. We're good.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded.

Sunset: Oh. Okay. *putting the brush back into the paint can*

You, Riki and the Mutanimals then walk to her and gently rub her back.

(Y/N): Don't be so down Double S, everyone will change their minds about you someday.

Sunset: Thanks.

Pinkie: Sunset Shimmer! (Y/N)! Riki! Mutanimals! Over here!

Your friends smile at you, Riki, Mutanimals and Sunset which she couldn't help. but smile back. You two decide to walk toward them but as you were students were saying awful things about her behind her back which made Sunset uncomfortable as she sighed sadly. This makes you and Riki mad.

(Y/N): Sunset, head to the girls I'll catch up.

Sunset: "Okay."*heading to the girls*

You then turn around and you glare at the students.

(Y/N): Listen up, all of you must know this, the Sunset Shimmer before the Fall Formal is not the Sunset Shimmer of now!

Riki: Yeah she changed!

Random Guy: Screw you!

You and Riki then turned into your Black Cobra forms and shot shards and acid near him scaring him and then you two turn back to normal. You and the others turn to the girls and head to them. Sunset was staring at you.

Sunset: Thanks for standing up for me, but you two don't have to.

(Y/N): A great hero protects everyone, no matter what they have done and besides, nobody bully my friends.

Riki: Yeah we stick together.

Sunset then hugs you.

Sunset: Thanks.

You then return the hug.

(Y/N): You're welcome double S.

Sunset then blushed from the nickname which she hides it before anybody noticed except Riki who smirked.

Rarity: What do you think of the poster? Quite the eye-catching advertisement, if I do say so myself.

Pinkie: And it smells like cake!

Fluttershy: It does? *sniffs the poster*

Pinkie then shove the poster into Fluttershy's face, leaving behind frosting on her nose and a little glitter.

Pinkie: I used frosting instead of paste!

(Y/N): Creative as always Pinkie.

Riki: I think her creativity is on the same level as Mikey.

Pinkie: Aww, thanks Riki.

Applejack: Uh, Fluttershy, you've got a little somethin', uh...

Fluttershy then cleans her face, but fails.

Fluttershy: Did I get it?

Applejack: Heh, not exactly.

(Y/N): Here, let me, you said it was frosting right?

Pinkie: Yeah why do you...

She pauses along with the other girls, while you lick the frosting off of her nose, which make Fluttershy blushed. The girls feel nothing but envy for a moment.

(Y/N): There you go.

Fluttershy: *whisper tone* Thank you.

(Y/N): Sorry if it's weird, Riki does that whenever we drink cream.

Riki: It's true.

Fluttershy: Oh no, I actually kind of like it.

Then Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna enter the gym and grab everyone's attention.

Celestia: Good afternoon, students. I just wanted to tell you all how pleased I am that so many of you are going to participate in the first ever Canterlot High School Musical Showcase! This is a wonderful opportunity to raise money for all our after-school programs here at CHS. So keep working on those signs and posters. I think it's going to be one of the most exciting events we've had at CHS since the Fall Formal.

Everyone glared at Sunset, who lightly blushes and tucks her head in her knees. You and Riki then kneel down to her level and give her a hug. You and Riki then shot an angry glare and turn into your chimera forms and growl at them

(Y/N): *in chimera form* Say it, we dare you.

Riki: *growls angrily* 

Everyone was in fear of you and Riki in your Chimera forma

Later in the music room, you and the Rainbooms are practicing their musical instruments, while Sunset is sitting on a piano that you brought in your Gorila form.

Sunset: Ugh! I am never gonna live that down.

Fluttershy: You were pretty bad at the Fall Formal.

Sunset: A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.

(Y/N): Hey, they're afraid of what they don't understand. We can come up with a way to prove them wrong about you. You've changed, that's all it matters. Everybody can change, even Mane-iac.

Slash: Yeah I was like you when I was first mutated and now look at me, leader of a group of heros.

Rarity: Oh, darling, you have us, and we've forgiven you for your past... ahem... booboos.

(Y/N): That's one way to make it sound not so bad.

Applejack: To be honest, I'd say the whole experience brought everyone at Canterlot High closer than ever before!

(Y/N): Thanks to Twilight.

Sunset: True.

(Y/N): If there's a problem that is magic related, you'll be the one to save the day Sunset.

Riki: Yeah you're an expert on magic related problems.

Sunset: Thanks.

Rainbow: Can we practice now?

(Y/N) and Riki: Alright, hit it!

Pinkie: One, two, three!

Sunset and the Mutanimals  were clapping for you and as the girls transformations disappear

Rarity: I still can't believe that happens when we play! Ooh! I've got to look into some new accessories! Something that looks good in a longer ponytail. Ooh! Maybe some clip-on earrings for when I get those adorable pony ears.

(Y/N): Those pony ears are cute, so cute I might kiss you.

All the girls blushed as they look at you. You noticed that.

(Y/N): Why are you all looking at me like that, have you been eating tomatoes?

Riki: Or sick?

Sunset: No why?

(Y/N): Cause your heads are red, so I assume that you ate too many tomatoes.

Riki: Or Cherries.

Applejack: Anyways, Ah'm just wonder why it happens. Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. Shouldn't that mean she took all the magic back with her?

Riki: Not all the Magic from your changes.

(Y/N): Maybe the crown been around long enough to leave behind some lingering magic.

Rainbow: Who cares why it happens? It makes my band totally awesome!

Rarity: Oh! Your band?

Rainbow: Duh! It was my idea to start the Rainbooms so we could be in the showcase. Plus I'm the lead singer and guitarist.

Then Flash Sentry came into the room, you and Riki notice him.

(Y/N) and Riki: Hey Flash

Flash: Hey guys, I heard you outside. You guys are sounding really tight.

Rainbow: Uh, we're getting there. Rarity's still coming in a little late on the second verse, and Applejack's bass solo could use a little work. They'll get it together in time for the showcase.

Then Applejack and Rarity glared at Rainbow.

Riki: Rainbow it's a battle of the bands.

(Y/N): Yeah what Riki said, it's a showcase, not a battle of the bands, if you ask me, I think they're okay, *winks at them*

Which made Applejack and Rarity blush.

Flash: Uh, I don't suppose any of our friends from, uh... out of town might come? Uh, it being a special charity event and all.

(Y/N): The portal hasn't opened yet, but when there's an emergency that requires her, we'll be the first ones to know.

Riki: Yeah she'll tell us.

Flash: Darn it, I wish she was here so she can tell me how magic works and how there are other worlds.

(Y/N): She'll be here, Rockwell did the probability calculations.

Flash: Okay then, I'll see you on stage at the showcase, see ya. *heads out the room*

(Y/N) and Riki:  See ya Flash.

Rarity remembered something.

Rarity: Didn't you date Flash?

Sunset: It's okay. Flash is a great guy and all, but I never really liked-him liked him. I was just using him to become more popular. Ugh! The old me really was just awful, wasn't she?

The girls nodded.

(Y/N): You're different now, that's all it matters and we got your back.

Riki: Yeah you changed

Sunset: "Thanks, (Y/N) and Riki, but I'm not sure everyone else at CHS feels the same way."

(Y/N): Don't worry, the whole Fall Formal fiasco will be old news soon once you find a way to prove you've changed.

Sunset: Thanks. *Hugs you* 

You then hug back and the girls smiled at your heartwarming moment with Sunset, but the inside of them was jealous of Sunset hugging. Then Vice Principal Luna makes an announcement.

Luna: Sunset Shimmer and (Y/N) Zeeth and Riki Rouge, please report to the main foyer.

Sunset: Gotta run. We volunteered to show some new students around the school. Thought it'd be good for them to get to know the new me before they heard all the stuff about the old me, come on you two.

(Y/N) and Riki: Right behind you.

You Riki and Sunset head to the office.

Rainbow: We've still got a few minutes before lunch starts. What do you say we do "Awesome As I Wanna Be"?

Fluttershy: Um, Rainbow Dash? I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote?

Rainbow: We'll get to it.

Fluttershy: Oh. Okay.

Later in the halls, You Riki and Sunset arrive to where the new students are. You notice them.

(Y/N): They must be the new students.

Riki: From the looks of it yeah that must be them

Sunset: It's them alright, let's go to them.

You Riki and Sunset walk to the students.

Sunset: Hi. Are you the girls I'm supposed to show around?

Adagio: We are.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) Zeeth, my girlfriend Riki Rouge, and this is Sunset Shimmer, what are your names?

Adagio: *in her head* So that's (Y/N), let's see if we can get to know him better, I think he's kinda cute. Maybe his girlfriend can share him.

Adagio: Adagio Dazzle, and these two are Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

Sunset: Canterlot High is a great school. You're really gonna love it.

Adagio: Oh, yes, we really sense there's something... magical about this place.

Mondo: Sup Dudets!

Adagio, Aria and Sonata scream from surprise.

Adagio: Who are you?

Mondo: name's Mondo Geko, at your service.

The new girls regain their composure as you Riki and Sunset walk down the halls.

Sunset: That's the science lab. Computer lab is in there. Oh! We're having a big musical showcase this weekend! The whole school is pretty much rallying around it.

(Y/N): It's pretty much on of the weird events that school like to host.

Riki: Like really weird

The 3 girls giggled at your and Riki's comment.

Aria: Good one!

Sonata: You're really funny, I like you.

Adagio: If you ask me, you don't look half bad, wanna grab a frosty drink later?

(Y/N): I get brain freeze real easy.

Adagio: How so?

(Y/N): On the 3rd sip.

Aria: Hmm not bad I guess.

Adagio: About that musical showcase?

(Y/N): You can sign up, everyone's doing it.

Riki: Yeah it's real fun

Sunset: I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia would let you sign up if you're interested.

Aria: We have been known to sing from time to time.

Sonata: Hello? We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want.

(Y/N): Like Taylor Swift?

Riki: Or Justin Beiber?

Sunset tried to hold back the laughter while Adagio made a gesture across her neck.

Sonata: Wha-What did I say?

Adagio: What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students.

Sonata: Ohhhh, yeah. Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say.

Aria scoffs.

Aria: And what you would have said if you weren't the worst.

Sonata: You are!

Adagio: You'll have to excuse them. They're idiots.

(Y/N): Do they take a medication to look stupid?

Riki: Yeah. Or syrup to look dumb?

Adagio then starts laughing really hard and fell to the ground. Aria and Sonata glare at Adagio.

Aria: Would you shut up!

Adagio: Okay, I'm done.

You then help Adagio up. You Riki and Sunset then notice the their pendents.

Sunset: Those are pretty. Where did you get them?

(Y/N): Those are awesome, right Riki?

Riki: I do like the color they look pretty cool.

Then the three girls blushed from the comment from you.

Adagio: Thanks, they're really important to us.

(Y/N): I'll bet they're not as important as you are.

You then pull Adagio's hair back with a smirk on your face. Adagio's face started to grow more red as Sunset and the other girls were getting jealous.

Adagio: Ahem, we better go, gonna go to the principal's office to sign the papers to enroll here.

Sonata: And the papers to the showcase.

Adagio: That to, thanks for the reminder.

(Y/N): Have a good day. *winking at them*

The girls then blush.

Aria: Y-Yep.

Sonata: See ya.

Adagio: G-Goodbye.

They walk away, but then they bump into a wall before continuing walking down the hall. Sunset then gives you a confused look.

Sunset: Were you flirting with them?

(Y/N): Heck no, I was just giving an extended compliment.

Sunset: Yeah right. *rolling her eyes.*

Riki: You were totally flirting with them were you?

(Y/N): Yep totally did.

Riki: You are a girl magnet but then again I can't keep you all to myself, it wouldn't be right to not share the wealth.

As you and Riki walk down the halls, Dr. Capillum aka Mane-iac Mayhem waves at you to come over here.

(Y/N): Someone needs us Sunset, see you at lunch?

Sunset: Sure, just don't be late.

(Y/N): Okay then. *walking to Dr. Capillum*

Riki: See ya. *also walking along* 

When you and Riki got to your science teacher, she grabs the both of you and pull you two into the classroom and lock up all the doors and windows.

(Y/N): Mane-iac, what are you  doing?

Mane-iac: Shhhhhh, those new girls have special powers, here, have these siren canceling earbuds on at all times, me and Rockwell made them.*holding a earbuds*

(Y/N): Why?

Riki: Yeah they don't seem dangerous

Mane-iac: Well I'm still as crazy as those people in tinfoil hats, speaking of those hats, I put a metallic plate around my head to protect myself from anything thats gonna control me and not to make me look stupid.

(Y/N): Well, I think those people are actually right about the things they say, also you have a metal plate in your head?

Riki: That can't be true.

Mane-iac then knocks on her head, then the knocking makes a sound of metal being knocked on.

(Y/N): Ouch.

Riki: Man that's gotta be difficult for airport security.

Mane-iac: But don't worry, the plate is inferior compared to the ear buds.

(Y/N): Okay then, I'll be heading to lunch, see you in science. *puts on the earbuds along with Riki who also puts them on*

You and Riki then head to lunch, while Mane-iac continues with her work.

Next: Chapter 12: Meet the Dazzlings

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