Chapter 6: Fall Formal

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You head to the gym with the girls and Flash, Sunset and her lackeys are watching from a corner of the school.

Snails: What are we gonna do?

Sunset: Lure them out in the front lawn.

Snips: By grabbing the dog?

Sunset: No, I want you to grab (Y/N).

The two dummies salute to Sunset.

Snips and Snails: You got it ma'am!

They then ran into the building to look around for you. You're currently in the restroom fixing your tie on your shirt under your tuxedo, you then head to the party and dance with the others as Flash's band play their song. Then Twilight asks a question.

Twilight: Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?

Rainbow: Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!

Twilight: Maybe...

Then Principal Celestia walks on stage as MicroChips turns off the lights and the disco as students turn to the stage.

Celestia: First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is... Twilight Sparkle!

Everyone in the crowd cheered as Sunset's lackey's entered the gym with stealth, Twilight then walk up on stage. When Celestia placed the crown on Twilight's head, it glowed and sparkles from the dim moonlight.

Luna: And now for her date, the Prince of the Fall Formal is the most popular newcomer student at our school, who is quite a charmer around here...

All the girls then blushed from knowing who it is.

Luna: ...(Y/N) Zeeth!

Everyone went wild as Twilight blushed from the thought of giving you a kiss, then the crowd went into silence and crickets chipper.

Random girl: Where I he?

Random girl 2: He should be here!

Random girl 3:  We're doomed!

(Y/N): Twilight! Help!

All the girls then heard your voice and turn to the source, they see you're being carried by Snips and Snails to Sunset. Twilight and Riki gasps and their faces went into pure anger. She then jump off the stage and went after them along with Riki.

Twilight: They've got (Y/N)!

All the girls in the room gasp as the rest of the Humane 6 follow Twilight from behind. You had a bandana on your mouth so that you can't speak.

Later, outside at the statue and Sunset steps out with a sledgehammer. She then turned to the Humane 6 and readied the hammer to hit the portal. 

Sunset: That's close enough!

(Y/N): *Muffled noises*

Twilight: Don't hurt him!

Riki: That's my boyfriend! 

Sunset: Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight. Let him go.

Snips and Snails were confused for a moment and drop you on the ground as Rainbow and Applejack head to you and carried you back to Twilight. They then untie you.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Riki: Are you okay babe?

(Y/N): I'm good sweetie.

Sunset: You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.

Twilight: *gasp*

Sunset: Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?

Twilight: No.

Sunset:  What!? Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!

Twilight: Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!

Twilight then place the crown on her head.

(Y/N): She won't destroy the portal.

Sunset: What do you mean?

Before she you even react you super speed which made everything except Riki go in slow motion and slash the hammer multiple times to the point where it was dust you then go back to the girls and Sunset was shocked to see she was holding nothing but a stub of wood.

Sunset: Impossible, was that magic?!

(Y/N): Nah, I’m just quick like that.

Riki: Yep.

Sunset: You and your girlfriend have this kind of power this whole time and it you two didn't use it for yourselves?!

(Y/N): Power isn't enough for us, we got a set of great friends and a great family and we use these powers to protect people.

Twilight: Unlike you Sunset, (Y/N) and Riki don't care about having power, they care about their family and friends, and they would do anything to help us through any situation.

Sunset: Fine. You win.

Rainbow and the others approach Twilight with joy.

Rainbow: You... are... so awesome!

Riki: That's my boyfriend!

Applejack: I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!

Rarity: It's no wonder you're a real live princess!

Sunset then freaks out.

Sunset: Oh, yes, she's so very special!

Sunset then charge into Twilight and hold her down, the crown then roll away. Sunset climb over Twilight to get the crown, but Twilight grab Sunset by the foot pull her down. You then grab the crown as Sunset turn to her lackeys.

Sunset: Grab him, you fools!

Sunset and her lackeys chased after you and got cornered by Sunset. You then see Rainbow opened to catch the crown.

Rainbow: (Y/N), over here!

You then throw the crown to Rainbow and she caught it. Snips and Snails fight over Rainbow for the crown, she then spot Fluttershy and throw the crown to her.

Rainbow: Fluttershy!

Fluttershy then catch the crown and she stood in fear as Sunset and her lackeys run to her. You then turn to Riki

Riki: I think now's a good time for my new invention.

(Y/N): Yeah like now.

Riki then activates the Kraang Droid out of the trapdoor in your backyard and to Fluttershy's location and grab her, she then drop the crown by accident and Snips caught it. Pinkie then grab it and pass it to Applejack, she then pass it to Rarity then to Twilight. Twilight then throw it up in the air and Sunset caught it.

Sunset: *Maniacal laugh* At last! More power than I could ever imagine!

Then black and blue lights appear as she tightly hold on the crown as a giant laser of same color shoots around her as a storm appeared, she then float 30 ft in the air as everyone gasp. You then see tears coming out of her eyes.

(Y/N): What the?

Sunset: *telepathically* Someone help me!

(Y/N): Riki are you hearing this?

Riki: Yeah it sounds like-

(Y/N): Sunset!

Sunset: *telepathically* (Y/N)?! Riki?! please Help me! this isn't what I wanted!

(Y/N): *telepathically* What are you talking about?

Sunset: *telepathically* When I went through the mirror something possessed me all those bad things I did wasn't me, it was this...this demon that possessed me and made me do those things.

(Y/N): Sounds like she's telling the truth.

Riki: Yeah.

Rainbow: What are two talking about?

(Y/N): Okay long story short that's not Sunset, she's possessed by a demon and she made her do all those bad things.

Twilight: How did this happen?

Riki: It must have happened when she went through the portal.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Sunset's transformation was completed and then she cackle. She then turns to her lackeys and turn them into demons as well.

Snips: This is gonna be so cool!

Demon: You have a choice (Y/N), join me and I'll spare your friends, or you die with them!?

Twilight and the others gasp as you turn to them.

(Y/N): Get to safety, we'll hold them off!

Demon: Well then, DIE!

Demon Shimmer shoot a laser at you and cause an explosion. When the smoke cleared, the Humane 6 see you and Riki along with four other mutants, a giant blue snapping turtle with a black bandana, a giant alligator with a scar running down his right eye, a monkey with a helmet, and a gecko dressed as a skater.

(Y/N): Another turtle?

???(Slash): Hey there (Y/N) and Riki.

Riki: How do you know who we are?

You then look at him closer and your eyes went wide.

(Y/N): Wait...Spike?!

Spike: Yeah?

Riki: Not you dog spike, Turtle Spike *to Spike* what happened to you? Your-

Slash: Yeah, mutated and it's Slash now.

(Y/N): Woah how did this even happen?

Slash: Raph left some mutagen in his room and you can guess the rest.

Riki: Wow.

Rockwell: Clearly she has an inner demon that controlled her since she saw a reflection of herself in a magic mirror from another world, now since she's wearing a crown, which looks very good by the way, her inner demon has full control of her.

Mondo: Really?

Rockwell: I've studied enough magic to know what's happening right now.

Leatherhead: Enough talk! let's crush them

Riki: Yeah let's get them!

You and Riki along with the Mighty mutanimals charge at the demons talking them down with Leatherhead chucking you at demon snails and knocking him out and Slash knocking snails off balance and Riki and Mondo knocking him out with Riki slashing him and Mondo hitting him with his skateboard.

Mondo: That's what you get demon dude!

Slash: Let's take this hothead down!

(Y/N): Yeah!

You and Slash try to punch Demon Shimmer, but she blocks it and grab Slash and throw her into the Mutanimals and Riki defeating them instantly. Demon Shimmer then turn to you.

Demon: It's just you and me now!

(Y/N): Alright!

You the shot a lighting blast at Demon Shimmer but Demon Shimmer block it. You then throw a fireball in the air and use boulder as a bat and launch it at Demon Shimmer. You then charge at Demon Shimmer and she did the same as you began slashing at her while she tried blasting you but you dodged it and it hit the Humane 6

(Y/N) and Riki: No!

When the smoke cleared you and Rikisee the girls are alive and glowing in a purple aura.

(Y/N): Girls, you're alive!

Riki: And you have magic?!

Twilight: The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!

The Humane 6 gain pony ears, tails, and wings.

Twilight: Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic! Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!

The girls then fire a rainbow beam at the She-Demon as the Mighty Mutanimals watch in awe from the sight of the rainbow.

Mondo: That's the most awesome thing that I'm seeing right now!

(Y/N): Yeah.

Slash: Looks colourful.

Letherhead: Truly they have a strong bond when they are together.

Rockwell: Indeed.

(Y/N): I guess the horizons are really broad in these parts.

Demon: What is happening?!"

Twilight: Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!

The magic has undo everything Demon Shimmer has done, Snips and Snails are reverted back to human form. You see Sunset in a crater and the Humane 6 are laying down on the ground. You help the Superhero girls up and you help the Humane 6 back on their feet as they look over at Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight: You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.

You then turn to Mutanimals as they had confused looks on their faces, except for Rockwell

(Y/N): We'll explain later

Sunset: *Crying*I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way.

Twilight: The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.

Sunset then hangs from the side of the crater.

Sunset: But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.

(Y/N): We can teach you.

Sunset then got out of the crater and run to you give you a hug.

Sunset: Thank you (Y/N), thank you.

(Y/N): You're welcome.

Spike: Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!

Random guy: Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird.

Spike: Seriously? The talking dog is a weird thing about all this?

Rarity then pick up Spike.

Rarity: I, for one, think you're adorable.

Rarity then scratch Spike behind the ears, and he's enjoying it a bit too much.

Spike: Oh, yeah.

Celestia: I believe this belongs to you.

Twilight then turn to Principal Celestia, who is holding the crown.

Celestia: A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.

Twilight: I do.

All the students turned you and the others as Rockwell place a hand on her shoulder. Twilight then turn to her.

Rockwell:  you have the greatest honor from our world as much as from yours, you have my respect.

Twilight then turn to you.

Twilight: Hey (Y/N), this would be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?

You then turn to Sunset.

(Y/N): You should head tot he party, I'll catch up.

All the students head back to the party as you and the team turn to Sunset.

Rockwell: I have to ask this, what brought you to the side of evil?

Sunset: Well, it all started with my parents back in Equestria.

Riki: Your parents, what did they do to you?

Sunset: When Princess Celestia chose me as her student, my family expect me to succeed.

(Y/N): What happened?

Sunset: As I grow up, I discovered that I have a natural talents for magic, my folks become high-class ponies after they discovered I was Celestia's student, I thought things get better but...

Riki: So let me guess, your folks use you get rich and famous right?

Sunset: "Yes, but that just makes things worst, some ponies were jealous of me being Celestia's student, so no pony ever talked to me or do anything with me, I never had any friends and my parents never cared."

Rockwell: Oh you poor girl.

Slash: That's awful.

Sunset: My parents made me a stuck-up as well, and the only thing missing is friendship with others, then one day I looked into the Crystal Mirror-

Mondo: Called it!

Mondo interrupted Sunset as everyone turned to him

(Y/N): Not the time.

Mondo: Right, my bad.

Sunset: When I say my reflection, I was an alicorn.

Mondo: What's an alicorn?

Rockwell: It's a unicorn with wings.

Mondo: Oh.

Sunset: I was excited at first that I'll become an alicorn soon and join the royal family, which would make my folks proud and finally see who I was, so I told my parents about what I saw in the mirror, they were proud, but now I think they wanted to be in the royal family just to have anything they want.

(Y/N): Even if had everything I want, I still would use my abilities to help others, not to impress people.

Rockwell: That is great wisdom Mr.Zeeth.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Jessica: What happened next?

Sunset: When I confronted Celestia, she refuses to turn me into an alicorn, I told my parents what happened.

Rockwell: What did they do to you.

Sunset: "They pressure me to become an alicorn, so I kept asking Celestia, but she kept refusing until I heard a voice form the mirror."

(Y/N): And it told you to look into it?

Sunset: She told me that there's a dark spell that turns me into an alicorn, I went through the library behind the princess' back and I was caught by her and the royal guard, I kept demanding her to turn me into an alicorn, she was furious and she expelled and banished me out of the castle.

Mondo: Yikes.

Slash: Did you take it well?

Sunset: I didn't, I went into the human world and live a new life, I quickly gotten enough info about this world and gotten used to being a human, I head back into Equestria every 30 moons to catch up on thing when I was away, when Twilight showed up and becomes Celestia's new student, she made friends and they become the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and then she became an alicorn, all of this happened because of my rage and anger.

(Y/N): You know master Splinter once said that rage is a fuel but it burns quickly.

Slash: Yeah before the Mutanimals I wasn't really right in the head but after sorting myself out I managed to get through it.

Rockwell: What happened tonight is passed us now Sunset.

You, Riki and the Mutanimals hug Sunset as Sunset smiles. You all break the hug.

(Y/N): Now who's up for a party?!

Mutanimals: We are!

Sunset: What about the crater?

(Y/N): No worries me and Rockwell got it.

Rockwell: Indeed we do.

Riki: With a little help from your cheetah girlfriend.

You Riki and Rockwell then use your telekenetic and earth manipulation to close the crater.

(Y/N): There we go.

Sunset feels jealous about your, Riki's and Rockwell's powers.

Sunset: I wish I had magic like that.

Rockwell: Not magic my dear it's my power.

(Y/N): And you will someday, now let's party!

You, Sunset, and the Superhero girls head into the party.

Later, you, the Humane 6 and the Mighty mutanimals head to the statue.

Mondo: That was awesome!

Slash: That was the best party I've ever been to! And that was my first party.

Rockwell: It's a pleasure to meet new friends and as well as seeing an old friend as well.

Riki: Who knew Flash is a great musician.

(Y/N): I did, cause he's my friend.

Twilight: You'll look out for her, won't you?

(Y/N): We will.

Riki: Yeah we got this

Rarity: Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle.

Riki: What happened?

Rarity then whispers into Riki's ear, then the cheetah girl gasp from what happened in the Spring Fling.

Riki: She did what to your dress!?

Rarity: And it took me weeks to make that dress.

Riki: She committed a crime against fashion!

(Y/N): I thought we agree we forgive her bab

Rarity: She has done terrible things to my dress, you weren't there to see it.

Riki: I would feel the same way if that happened to me.

(Y/N): You have a good point.

Spike: We better get going.

Twilight: I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much, including you (Y/N).

Rockwell: Have a safe travel home Twilight of Equestria.

Mondo: See ya in a month dude.

Twilight then walk up to you.

Twilight: Here's something to remember me by.

Twilight then kiss you on the cheek and you blushed from it. The girls had gotten a bit jealous from that except Riki who was okay with it. Twilight then head to the portal and turn to Spike.

Spike: That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight.

Twilight: You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it.

Spike: And the wings?

Twilight: I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these! Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!

Twilight and Spike then head into the portal as the moon glow and the girls lost their wings, long hair, and ears. Pinkie then runs towards the portal and slam into it.

Pinkie: Oh, bummer!

Riki: I know, I was really gonna figure out some fashion choices with the hair and, the ears.

Rarity: Me too.

(Y/N): Don't worry guys, when the portal opens again, we'll have Twilight helping us in another problem in the future.

Rockwell: It is true, only time will tell.

Next: Chapter 7: Hanging out with the cats.

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