Chapter 7: Cats hanging out with humans

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It's been a few days since the fall formal incident at first the students were skeptical about Sunset being back at CHS but when Sunset showed everyone one her good side some of the accepted her while others were still skeptical. Since Sunset didn't have a place to sleep you and Riki offered her to stay at your house and she accepted it and so did your parents too.

Today we see you Riki and the humane 7 at Sugarcube corner.

(Y/N): Soo how are you feeling Sunset?

Sunset: I’m pretty much an outcast, nobody trusts me, people giving the stink eye cause I nearly destroy the school and then nobody trusts me, what do you think?

Riki: Well we trust you.

(Y/N): Yeah we all know that wasn't really you doing all that bad stuff.

Applejack: Yeah don't worry sunset were here for you.

(Y/N): And besides they can't stay mad at you forever.

Riki: Yeah they have to forgive you at some point.

Sunset: Thanks guys.

Pinkie: Soo any plans for the weekend?

Rarity: Why don’t we have (Y/N) and Riki meet our parents?

(Y/N): That’s a great idea.

Riki: Where do we start?

(Y/N): Hmm, how about Applejack's parents. What do you think?

Applejack: Sounds good to me.

Later, you and Riki head to Applejack’s farm and then knock on the door as Applejack answer the door.

Applejack: Glad that you’re all here.

Riki: Glad to be here.

(Y/N): Can we come in?

Applejack: Surething.

We then see you and Riki in Applejack's house.

Riki: Woah it's very rustic.

(Y/N): Yeah, I feel like I’m in the 1920s just by being here.

Applejack: Haha yeah we're not a very up to date family.

???(Applebloom): *sees you and Riki* Ahh! Monsters!

Applejack: Easy Applebloom, they’re the new kids I've been talking about.

Applebloom: You mean those kids that have a rare condition that makes them look like cheetahs and it only affects two people on the planet and it’s not contagious?

Big Mac walks by with a basket of laundry.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Then he went into the laundry room to do laundry.

Riki: Yeah don't worry kid we don't bite.

(Y/N): Unless you’re an Impala then we will bite you.

Applebloom: *runs behind Applejack* Don't eat me I'm not tasty! 

(Y/N): Oh don’t worry that is just a cheetah joke.

Riki: Yeah we don't eat humans, were mostly on a cream and seafood diet.

Applebloom: *appears again* Oh phew that's a relief, I'm Applebloom.

Riki: *shakes her hand with her tail* Well nice to meet you Applebloom I'm Riki and this my boyfriend (Y/N) Zeeth.

(Y/N): Hi.

???(Aunt applesauce): What's with all the commotion?

You and Riki then see a girl with green skin a blue dress an apron, purple hair, and a white bow in her hair.

Applejack and Applebloom: Hi Auntie Applesauce.

(Y/N): Applejack who's that?

Applejack: That’s our Aunt Applesauce.

(Y/N): That's your aunt?! But-but she's so young.

Applesauce: *blushes a little* Hehe aww thanks sugarcube, now Applejack who you're friends and why do they look like leopards? *In her head* And you’re quite the looker too.

Riki: Were cheetahs Ms.Sauce 

(Y/N): Yeah I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this my girlfriend Riki Rouge.

Riki: And as to why we look like this it's a condition that only affects two people in the whole world.

Applesauce: Aw that must be awful.

(Y/N): Eh, we got used to it.

???(Pear Butter): What’s going on over here?

You and Riki turn to see a woman with blond hair blue eyes, yellowish skin and she was wearing old-fashioned clothing.

AppleJack and Applebloom: Hi Mom.

(Y/N): You must be Mrs. Apple.

???(Pear Butter): *giggles* Uh no it's Ms. Butter, Pear Butter.

(Y/N): Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Butter.

Riki: So your family grows apples and pears?

AppleJack: No just apples.

(Y/N): So your family provides the school with apples and apple based stuff?

Pear Butter: We sure do boy. *in her head* Wow for shirtless highschooler he's not that bad.

???(Winona): arf arf!

You and Riki then see a dog looking at the two of you.

Riki: Aw and who's this little cutie?

Applejack: This here is Winona, our pet dog.

(Y/N): Well nice to meet you Winona *holds out his hand* shake?

Winona then puts her paw on your hand and shakes it. You and Riki spent your time at Applejack's house with picking apples and eating some apple based food. We then you and Riki taking your leave. 

You and Riki: Bye Apple family thanks for the food.

Applejack: See ya. *Realizes* oh wait before you two go I have to give something to (Y/N).

(Y/N): What is it?

Applejack: This.

Applejack then kisses your cheek making you slightly bush while Riki smirks and Applesauce and Pear Butter were jealous.

(Y/N): *blushes a little* Woah.

Applejack: Haha bye you two.

You and Riki: Bye.

You two take your leave. Meanwhile with the apple family, Pear Butter and Applesauce talk about you.

Pear Butter: Man that boy sure is something.

Applesauce: Yeah. *Realizes* Wait Buttercup do you have a crush on him?

Pear Butter: *blushes red* Wah uh well...

Applesauce: You do, you totally do.

Pear Butter: Well you have a crush on him too.

Applesauce: *Blushes red* Uh well alright fine I do have a crush on him but can ya blame me? He's so gol darn handsome.

Applejack: Are you talking about (Y/N)?

Pear Butter and Applesauce: *blushes red* Uh Well…

Applejack: Oh my gosh you two have a crush on (Y/N)?

Pear Butter: Okay but can you blame us? He's so cute.

Applesauce: Yeah those cheetah ears make'em so darn cute.

Applejack: But how can you love, your-

Pear Butter: Old yeah, but I'm not that old.

Applesauce: Neither Am I.

Both apples and Pear butter: Maybe Riki can share'em.

The next house is Rarity’s house.

Rarity: Oh hello Riki and (Y/N) pleasure to see you again darlings *in her head* especially you (Y/N)

You and Riki: Hey Rarity.

We then see you Riki in Rarity's house.

(Y/N): Woah.

Riki: It's so big here.

Rarity: It is a one of a kind house darlings. 

???(Sweetie Belle): Ahh! Giant cat people!

You and Riki then see girl with pink and purple hair wearing a fancy outfit and armed with a wooden spoon and a wearing a cauldron as a helmet.

Riki: Um Rarity who's that?

(Y/N): And why is she armed?

Rarity: Oh that's my little sister Sweetie Belle *to Sweetie Belle* Oh Sweetie Belle I told you they are not cat people, they just look like cats.

Sweetie Belle then take the cauldron off and put the spoon and helmet on the table.

Sweetie Belle: Well okay I'm Sweetie Belle.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you too I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this is my girlfriend, Riki Rouge.

Riki: Nice to meet you.

Sweetie Belle: So your not eat us right?

Riki: Uh no we don't eat people were mostly on a seafood and dairy diet.

(Y/N): Mosty fish and cream.

Sweetie Belle: Oh phew that's a relief.

Rarity: Anyways I wanted to you some outfits that I made and maybe you two can model some.

You and Riki: Sure.

We then see you and Riki modeling different outfits with rarity blushing at you and when rarity showed you two a cheetah print outfit you and Riki kindly declined and explained that you two are cheetahs but you two complement her outfits.

Riki: Well that was fun.

(Y/N): Yeah it was.

???(Cookie Crumble): What's going on here?

You and Riki then see a woman with purple hair, pink skin, wearing an orange shirt, earrings and white capri pants.

Riki: Hi.

(Y/N): Are you Rarity’s mother?

Cookie Crumble: Yep my name's Cookie Crumble and why do you two look like cheetahs?

You and Riki: It's a condition.

Rarity: Hello mother these are my friends from school (Y/N) Zeeth and Riki Rouge.

Riki: Hi.

(Y/N): Hello.

Cookie Crumble: Well it's nice to meet you two. *in her head* Especially you (Y/N).

(Y/N): *sniffs the air* Hey is something burning?

Sweetie Belle: Oh that must be dinner you gotta try some.

Riki: Oh sure 

We then see you and Riki along with Rarity, Sweetie and Cookie Crumble at the table.

Riki: So Rarity, what got you into the clothing biz?

Rarity: I was a costume designer from my middle school days and over time I sorta got into it.

Cookie Crumble: Haha that's my Rarity, always the creative one in the family.

Sweetie Belle: Dinners Ready!

Sweetie Belle then placed burnt food on the table as  Rarity were a bit worried from Sweetie’s cooking.

Rarity: Oh boy you two better be prepared.

Riki: Why?

Rarity: Sweetie’s cooking is not top notch.

(Y/N): How bad can it be?

We then see the dinner although it didn't look like dinner much more like burnt food shaped like dinner.

(Y/N): Oh.

Rarity: Looks like she burnt the fries.

Riki: She burnt some eggs.

You drank what it’s supposed to be a milkshake.

(Y/N): She burnt the shake.

Riki: Wait a minute, how are you supposed to burn a milkshake, that’s not physically possible.

(Y/N): Tell that to Jimmy the pizza guy when he delivered the pizza to the wrong location by accident got beaten to death with his own skull.

Flashback sequence.

Jimmy head to the wrong location to deliver the pizza, which is a Kraang hideout.

Jimmy: Pizza delivery for (Y/N) Zeeth and Riki Rouge.

Then a Kraang robot appeared and then rip Jimmy’s skull out and beat him to death with it.

Jimmy: Ow, this is not physically possible!

Riki: Score free pizza.

End of Flashback.

Sweetie Belle: Sorry I'm not that good of a cook, but I'm learning to.

(Y/N): That's okay kid not of us are perfect.

Riki: Yeah it's pretty good.

Sweetie Belle: Aw thanks.

(Y/N): Well this has been fun but me and Riki gotta get going.

Riki: Yeah bye.

Rarity: Oh wait before you go I have to (Y/N) something

(Y/N): What is it?

Rarity: This.

Rarity then kisses you on the cheek which made Riki smirk and Cookie Crumble a little jelous.

(Y/N): *blushes red* Woah thanks rares 

Rarity: *giggles* Anytime darling.

You and Riki take your leave and with the Rarity and her family.

Sweetie Belle: Ooh Rarity has a crush.

Rarity: Oh it's true I do love that cat boy and I hope that Riki can share.

Cookie Crumble: Yeah I hope so too.

Rarity: Wah mother you have a crush on (Y/N)?

Cookie Crumble: Can you blame me, he’s like an olympic athlete with those legs.

Rarity: Well I suppose not *in her head* I just hope that Riki is willing to share (Y/N).

The next house was Fluttershy’s house.

Riki and (Y/N): Hey Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Oh hi Riki and (Y/N) it's nice of you to come here.

(Y/N): Well it's nice to be here.

We then see you and Riki in Fluttershy's house where there were a lot of animals.

Riki: Woah that's a lot of animals.

(Y/N): Yeah, Fluttershy is it always packed in here?

Fluttershy: Oh yes, all the animals are welcome in my house.

You and Riki then see a cat that looked somewhat fancy.

Riki: Uh Fluttershy, who's cat is that?

Fluttershy: Oh that’s Rarity’s cat, Opal.

(Y/N): Oh hey there little kitty *tries to pet her but gets scratched* Ow! What the heck?

Riki: Honey are you okay?

(Y/N): I'm good, but what is up with that cat?

Fluttershy: I think all cats look down at humans.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I read about that in Egyption mythology back in the library.

Riki: And this is why me and (Y/N) are not cat people. And yes Fluttershy  we're well aware of the irony.

Fluttershy: Okay.

???(Zephyr Breeze): Hey Shy what's going on..

There was a guy with green skin, blonde hair with a bun on it, and a hippy themed outfit.

(Y/N): Uh who's that?

Fluttershy: That’s my younger brother, Zephyr Breeze.

Riki: If he’s younger than you, then why is he taller than you?

(Y/N):  And he looks older too.

Fluttershy: Yeah most people think Zephyr is the older sibling but he's younger.

Zephyr: *sees Riki* Well who might you be~

Riki: I'm Riki Rouge and before you start anything I have a boyfriend.

(Y/N): And that's me. 

Zephyr: Oh well, maybe next time.

Riki: Flutters is he always like this?

Fluttershy: Sometimes.

???(Felicityshy): Oh my what's going on here?

You and Riki then turn to see a woman with red hair, yellow skin, green glasses, sunflower earrings, a blue vest, and a matching white outfit.

Riki: Oh hi there and who are you?

???(Felicityshy): *shy tone* Um it’s Felicityshy.

(Y/N): Well it's nice to meet you Felicityshy.

Felicityshy: You heard that?

Riki: We have good ears.

Felicityshy: Oh that does explain why you two look like cheetahs *in her head* and how handsome (Y/N) is.

Riki: Yeah it's a condition we have but don't worry it's not contagious and it only affects two people and that's us.

Flelicityshy: Oh my that's horrible.

(Y/N): Meh, you get used to it.

Riki: Well anyways It was nice to meet your family Flutters but we gotta head out.

Fluttershy: Oh okay. Oh wait before you go (Y/N) can I give you something.

(Y/N): What is it?

Fluttershy: This.

Fluttershy then kisses your cheek which made you and Fluttershy blush, Riki smirk and Felicity a little jealous.

(Y/N): *blushes* Woah thanks flutters.

Fluttershy: *Blushes* O-oh no problem bye.

You and Riki: See ya.

With the shys.

Felicityshy: So you love him don't you?

Fluttershy: *blushes* u-uh well you love him too right?

Felicityshy: *Blushes* U-um well I guess we both love him. I just hope that his girlfriend can share him

Fluttershy: Yeah.

Fluttershy and Felicityshy: *in their heads* I hope Riki can share him with us.

The next house was PInkie’s house, you and Riki knock on the door and then there was a girl with grey skin, blue dress, purple eyeshadow, and purple hair.

???(Maud Pie): Hello.

Riki: Hi is this Pinkie Pie's house?

Maud: Yes.

(Y/N): So what's your name?

Maud: My name's Maud Pie I'm one of Pinkie's sisters. it's nice to meet you

Riki: Nice to meet you too, is Pinkie here?

???(Pinkie Pie): Hi (Y/N) and Riki!

Pinkie appeared in the doorway and pull you and Riki into the house and place them in chairs. She then pushes them to a table filled with tons of sweets and desserts

Riki: Woah that's a lot of sweets.

(Y/N): Yeah, but then again it is Pinkie Pie.

???(Limestone Pie): What's going on here?

You and Riki turn to see two girls one with grey hair and yellow eyes dressed In punk theme and the other one darker grey hair  light grey skin, purple eyes wearing a purple sweater with a black top under it, and grey boots who was hiding behind the punk girl.

Pinkie: Hi Limestone! Hi Marble.

Limestone: Don't 'hi' me, Pinkie who are these leopards?

Riki: Were not Leopards were cheetahs.

(Y/N): And who are you two?

Limestone: We’re Pinkie’s sisters you walking rugs!

In response Riki then spat a flaming hair ball at Limestone which she dodged.

Limestone: What the? Since when they can do that?!

Riki: Since we were mutated you normal!

Limestone: Mutated?

Pinkie explained everything about you and your girlfriend to Limestone, Marble, and Maud.

Limestone: Oh geez that must have been awful.

Marble: Mm-hm.

Riki: Yeah it is but we managed to pull through.

Limestone: *sees yours and Riki's Hamoto tattoos* Hey nice tattoos.

Riki:  Thanks, we got them from our old friends from New York.

???(Cloudy Quartz): *sees you and Riki* Pinkaminia Diane Pie, who are these Leopards?

You and Riki see a woman with grey skin, green hair, glasses that has a chain around the neck, a black and white plaid skirt, and black shoes.

Riki: Were Cheetahs not Leopards Ma'am I'm Riki and this is my boyfriend (Y/N) Zeeth.

(Y/N): And you are?

???(Cloudy Quartz): My name is Cloudy Quartz, mother of Limestone, Marble, Pinkamina, and Maud Pie.

Riki: Um nice to meet you Ms.Quartz.

Cloudy Quartz: And it is nice to meet you too young lady, now what is this about a tattoo I hear?

(Y/N): Oh you mean this *shows her the Hamato insignia* 

Cloudy Quartz: *adjusts her glasses**gasps* You two are part of the Hamato clan?

Riki: Y-you know Master Splinter?

Cloudy Quartz: I run a museum, it has a vast collection of priceless artifacts from dinosaur bones, ancient minerals, and even artifacts from ancient times from foreign countries like Norway, China, India, Egypt, Mongolia, and even Japan.

(Y/N): So that means you know about the Hamato clan?

Cloudy Quartz: Yes I do but I did not think that Hamato Yoshi was still alive.

Riki: He is and we were trained by him in the ways of Ninjutsu.

Cloudy Quartz: So where is he now?

(Y/N): We’re not telling you, it’s a secret.

Cloudy Quartz: Of course, I would not want Saki finding him.

Riki: Yeah that could lead to trouble, well we're gonna go now.

Pinkie pie: Oh wait before you go can I give (Y/N) something

(Y/N): Uh sure what is it?

Pinkie pie: This.

Pinkie then kisses you on the cheek which made you blush, Riki smirk and the pie sisters and their Mom a bit Jealous.

(Y/N): *blushes* woah thanks.

Pinkie: *giggles* Your welcome

Meanwhile with the pie family.

Limestone:*jealous* I still can't believe you kissed him on the cheek!

Pinkie: So you all love (Y/N) right?

All the pies and Cloudy blushed at this

Cloudy: *blushes red* That's highly absurd! I have no idea what you’re talking about Pinkamina.

Limestone: *blushes red* Yeah, I mean, I wasn't staring at him or anything!

Pinkie pie: Ah ha so you do like him! 

Cloudy: Okay I amited! I love (Y/N) Zeeth I couldn't stop staring at his shirtless appearance! 

Limestone: Yeah same here. And Marble too.

Marble: Mm-hmm

Maud: *blushes slightly* He is pretty cute.

Pie Sisters and Cloudy: *in their heads* I hope Riki can share him.

Later, you and Riki head to Rainbow’s house and you were knocking on the door. Rainbow then answer the door and she sees you and Riki.

Rainbow: Whats up guys!

You and Riki: Hey Rainbow Dash.

We then see you in Rainbow’s house and she is reading a Daring Do book on the couch.

Riki: Whatcha reading?

Rainbow: Daring Do and the Swamp Monster.

You and Riki: What's Daring Do?

Rainbow: Only the best book series of all time, Daring Do is an explorer who collects artifacts and save the world from Dr. Caballeron.

(Y/N): Sounds Interesting.

Riki: Well not as the stuff we did back in New York.

Rainbow: What kind of stuff did you do?

(Y/N): Eh the usual taking down plant monsters, spider Monsters, ninjas, alien robots, evil mutants you name it.

Riki: Yeah Manhattan is just one big mutant city *sees a lava lamp * Hey nice lava lamp.

Rainbow: Thanks, it look pretty cool doesn't?

You then uncovered it and it revealed to be a vile of mutagen you then take a step back.

(Y/N): *sees it's Mutagen* Uh Riki look.

Riki: Mutagen, Rainbow why do you have a vile of Mutagen?

Rainbow: Wait that's not a lava lamp.

(Y/N): Okay, okay, you didn't know about this so it's okay, but why do you have this and who gave this to you?!

Rainbow: Woah, woah, hang on okay and I didn't know this was Mutagen the guy who gave me this said was a lava lamp.

Riki: What guy?

(Y/N): And what did he look like?

Rainbow: He looked this *pulls out her phone and shows a picture of a human kraang droid*

Riki: A Kraang Droid.

(Y/N): I thought those guys were back in New York. Oh man, okay Rainbow whatever you do if see a guy that looks like that do not talk to him. 

Riki: And don't touch that Mutagen that stuff is bad news like really bad news.

Rainbow: Okay got it.

Then you and Riki super speeded into the forest, took the Mutagen and buried it deep in the ground were now one can find it and super speeded back to Rainbow's house.

(Y/N): Well that takes care of that.

Riki: Done and done.

Rainbow: So what does that Mutagen stuff do?

Riki: well you could turn out beautiful and hot like me or you could become a pile of goo on the sidewalk.

(Y/N): Yeah Mutagen is very dangerous and take from us we had experience at what it does to other people.

Rainbow: Okay good to know.

???(Scootaloo): What's good to know?

You and Riki see a small girl with orange skin, purple hair, black jacket, green shorts and black boots.

Rainbow: Hey squirt.

Riki: Rainbow who's this?

Rainbow: That’s Scootaloo, she’s like a sister to me.

Scootaloo: *sees you and Riki* *gasps* Oh my gosh! Your the mutant cheetahs Rainbow told me about.

(Y/N): Yep that's us.

Riki: Yeah.

???(Windy Whistles): What mutant cheetahs?

A woman with orange hair, blue skin, yellow long sleeve shirt, and blue pants appeared in the room with a meal on a plate that can put you in a carboload.

(Y/N): Hi there who are you? Also what is this?

???(Windy Whistles): My name is Windy Whistles and this is a pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough.

(Y/N): Seems carby.

Riki: And big.

Windy then hands the sandwich over to Rainbow as Rainbow takes a bite out of it.

Rainbow: *while eating the sandwich* Best sandwich ever!

Riki: How can you eat that? 

(Y/N): This is Rainbow Dash were talking about, she might ride a school bus to a 10,000 ft high jump over 500 of the worst cars in the world like Gremlins, Hugos, Vegas, and Pintos.

Windy Whistles: Oh you must Rainbow's friends from school.

(Y/N): Yep that's us I'm (Y/N) Zeeth and this my girlfriend Riki.

Riki: Nice to meet you. Now did you know about Rainbow's 'lava lamp'?

Windy: Oh yeah a nice man gave to me and I gave it to Rainbow as a birthday gift.

Riki: *sighs* Okay Ms.Whistle that wasn't a lava lamp, that was a very dangerous chemical called Mutagen.

(Y/N): Wanna know what happens when that stuff is in you.*points to yourself and Riki*picture this.

Windy: *gaps* Oh my goodness, that's awful being turned into cheetahs.

Riki: Actually we started out at cheetahs.

(Y/N): And if you started out as a human, you might feel weird at first but then you get used to it. 

Scootaloo: Woah, so that stuff really is dangerous.

(Y/N): You have no idea, at all.

Windy: Well I'm sorry for not knowing. I don't know what I'd do if I accidentally got my Dashie and Scootaloo mutated.

(Y/N): Yeah, you know what I’m hungry can you make another of that sandwich.

Riki: It does look pretty good.

Windy: Oh sure thing. *In her head* anything for the person that I love.

We then see you and Riki eating the carb sandwich along with Rainbow dash, Scootaloo and Windy Whistles.

Riki: *while eating* hmm this is pretty good, Ms. Whistle how did you come up with this sandwich?

Windy: Well I noticed that my Dashie was looking a bit tired after soccer practice so I decided to whip up something that could give her a boost so I used some sour dough bread and some leftover pasta as a filling making a carbo sandwich for my Dashie.

Rainbow: Oh mom please don't call me that?

(Y/N): That’s adorable.

Rainbow: *blushes a little* R-Really?

(Y/N): Yeah it's a pretty cute nickname Dashie.

Rainbow: Hehe thanks.

(Y/N): No problem.

Riki: *finishes eating* Well this has been fun, but me and (Y/N) gotta head out.

Rainbow: Oh wait before you can I give (Y/N) Somethin.

(Y/N): What is it?

Rainbow: This.

Rainbow then peck you on your cheek as Riki smirk and Windy Whistles feel jealous.

(Y/N): *blushes slightly* Woah uh thanks Dashie.

Rainbow: Haha your welcome.

You and Riki take your leave. Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash and Windy Whistles.

Windy: Ooh I can't believe it my Dashie has a crush on someone!

Rainbow: Mom!

Windy: Oh come on I saw how you were staring at him.

Rainbow: Well, what about you!?

Windy: *blushes red* Wah uh well…

Rainbow: You were staring at him as much as me.

Windy: Alright, I admit it, he is very good looking and he does look pretty cute.

Rainbow: Yeah. Hey how about we share him?

Windy: Sure, if Riki agrees that she can share him too.

Meanwhile back at your house with you, Riki, and Sunset.

Riki: Well that was fun. 

(Y/N): Yeah, but I'm ready for that cat nap we were waiting for.

Riki: Yeah you're right I'm tired.

Sunset: So how was your day?

You and Riki: Pretty good.

Sunset: You think anybody would trust me after what I did?

Riki: Dude we trust you and besides that wasn't really you it was cause of your parents and that demon that possessed you

(Y/N): Yeah and besides we forgave you Sunset your a nice person.

Riki: Yeah, even though your folks are a bit mean, but I hope we meet them soon.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Sunset: Aw thanks you two *in her head* Especially you (Y/N).

We then see you and the girls asleep wonder what awaits you and Riki next time.

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Rise of the Rainbooms.

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