Chapter 1

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When Harry was little, he had never been quiet, his nonsensical rambling always bringing a smile to his parents' faces. That all changed after the Halloween night that had seen the deaths of Lily and James Potter and Voldemort.

The Dursleys had taken Harry in after his parents died, but they hadn't loved him, they hadn't cared for him, and they had shut him down every time he tried to learn anything. He had learnt long before he went to school that he shouldn't ask questions. He had learnt only shortly after that that he shouldn't talk to Petunia or Vernon either.

After he went into year 2, he realised that talking to Dudley also only brought anger and pain, so he stopped talking all together. Of course, the Dursleys would never admit that there was anything wrong with him, so in order to communicate, Harry had to teach himself. 

It was easy while they were little, TV shows often being shown with a person to the side signing along, which was useful when Harry was in the room, cleaning or serving food/drinks. This did not continue, however, when the two grew up, Dudley no longer watched the shows that had sign language to the side of, so Harry couldn't learn anymore. Whenever he could, he would borrow books from the school library to try to learn, but it took him a long time.

It was almost Harry's 11th birthday, just 10 more seconds. Harry was colder than normal, having to sleep on the floor of a falling apart shack while there was a storm outside, however it was the first time he wasn't starving at this time of the year, Vernon having to make it look like he took care of Harry in front of the others at the run down hotel the day before. Maybe this year would be better?

Just a few more seconds and he would be 11, maybe the person sending the letter would try again. The Dursleys definitely hadn't remembered his birthday, and if they did, all he would have gotten this year would be a beating for the letters. 3... 2... 1.


Harry jumped back, almost entirely fading into the shadows as he pressed himself into the corner of the room. Dudley had awoken with a yelp, and cry of "Where's the cannon?" in response to the loud crash of the door being broken in.

Silhouetted by a sudden burst of lightning a gargantuan person, easily larger than Vernon. After the lightning, the figure stepped into the room, almost touching the ceiling as Vernon and Petunia came downstairs, Vernon holding a rifle that Harry was sure he wasn't allowed to have.

"You're not Harry." The stranger said, his voice deep and slightly rough, almost like the stranger had a sore throat. He was looking at Dudley, nobody seeming to notice Harry who had successfully blended into the wall.

"N-no." Dudley stuttered, even someone as stupid as the blond lump could understand when he wasn't the biggest fish anymore, literally this time.

"Where is 'e then?" The stranger asked, looking around. Harry was trembling, covering himself in the almost black, thin, moth eaten blanket he had been trying to stay warm under only moments before.

"You're breaking and entering!" Vernon yelled, rifle pointed at the stranger, Dudley taking the distraction to run behind his parents.

"Oh, shut it Dursley!" The stranger said, raising a battered pink umbrella and pointing it at the family. "Where's Harry Potter?"

Harry was trying to slowly edge his way closer to the Dursleys, as much as they abused and hated him, it would be safest for him to be close to them. What if Vernon shot at the stranger and hit Harry instead? He may be used to pain, but he doubted the Dursleys would do anything to make sure he was alright.

Unfortunately for the terrified Harry, the stranger noticed him as he was crawling towards the Dursleys. He had been planning to hide under the stairs, somewhere he would surely be safe.

"Are ya Harry?" The stranger asked, his tone kind, seeming to contradict his enormous size and scruffy appearance. Harry only gave a small nod in response. "Why aren't ya speakin' to me? I won't bite." The stranger said with a laugh.

Harry was used to people thinking that the only reason he didn't speak was that he was shy, but over years of not using his voice, he couldn't anymore. In an attempt to show this to the stranger, Harry pointed to his mouth and then made an X with his arms, pretty sure the stranger didn't know sign language. It should be a mandatory thing to learn, people can't help that they need it.

"Ye can't speak?" The stranger asked, sounding both shocked and angry, making Harry flinch back in on himself as he nodded. "Dursley!" The stranger yelled, rounding on the Dursleys who were slowly trying to make their way upstairs.

"Get out! You are not welcome here." Vernon yelled, the rifle no longer stable as he was shaking with both anger and fear. Petunia and Dudley were hiding behind him.

"What did you do? How little does he know about everything?" The stranger yelled at them, umbrella raised again.

'I know maths, and school subjects.' Harry signed, although given that nobody was looking at him, it wasn't noticed.

"What does he know about our world!?" The stranger bellowed, although Vernon seemed to have gained more confidence.

"He will not be going to that school! We swore when we took him in that we would stomp that nonsense out of him. While we seem to have not gotten there yet, it's nothing a good beating can't rid him of." Vernon said, his own voice trembling with anger.

"Bear it out of him?" The stranger asked, his voice quiet with shock. "You abused him? No wonder he can't speak!"

Sparks came from the end of the umbrella, making the Dursleys yelp. Harry was already backing into the shadows again, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the two men's anger. He was used to being the scapegoat for the Dursleys, but it never turned out well for him. The stranger glared at the Dursleys, taking a seat on the old, worn sofa Dudley had just been sleeping on.

"C'm 'ere 'arry." The stranger said, gesturing for Harry to come towards him. While his eyes were kind, Harry was scared, Vernon and Petunia had looked like that before he got beaten as a child. "I won't hurt ye, I promise. Ma name's Hagrid, the gate keeper at 'ogwarts, but of course, ye don' know about that." Hagrid sent another glare towards the Dursleys, pointing his umbrella at the empty fire place and causing a burst of flames to erupt.

Harry slowly made his way over to Hagrid, who gave him his first real present in his memory, a birthday cake. Harry sat next to Hagrid, slowly eating his cake as Hagrid explained as much of the wizarding world as he could. Harry wasn't sure when he had drifted off, neither was Hagrid, but the half giant looked down at the tiny sleeping boy with a fond smile, covering the tiny child with his giant coat of mostly pockets.

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