Chapter 2

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Harry awoke the next morning feeling warmer than he remembered feeling before, especially after a storm, he also didn't feel the usual hungry discomfort in his stomach from lack of food. Even with all of these signs, however, Harry wasn't sure that the night prior had been real, and he didn't want to decide it was, only to be disappointed.

He had his mind made up by a knocking sound he could hear from somewhere not too far away. It was surely Mrs Petunia waking him up in order to cook breakfast for the rest of the Dursleys. Even on his birthday, he would be forced to simply look at the range of breakfast foods he made, without being allowed to eat any of it.

Finally ready to let go of the dream, Harry opened his eyes, only to find himself, not in his cupboard, but in the shack, with Hagrid on the floor beside him while he was wrapped in the giant man's coat. The tapping was coming from the window, where Harry saw an owl, tapping relentlessly on the glass he was amazed hadn't broken.

He carefully made his way over and opened the window, the bird flying in, dropping the paper it was carrying onto Hagrid, and promptly started attacking the coat.

Panicked, Harry tried to get the owl to leave the coat alone, afraid of the punishment he would receive if it was destroyed. When that didn't work Harry started to panic; he would surely be punished if he let Hagrid's coat get destroyed by the owl he let in, but on the other hand, he would also be punished for waking the man up.

Harry didn't know what to do, the owl wasn't letting him shoo it away, and if he woke Hagrid up he'd get in trouble, but if he did nothing, he would also be in trouble. Harry did the only thing that seemed logical to him, and spread out on the coat so that the owl who was viciously attacking it could no longer get at the cloth.

The owl looked at him in a way he could only describe as shocked and annoyed. Harry was glad that it wasn't pecking at him, although it wasn't leaving, instead circling him and the coat, letting out a cry that woke Hagrid.

"'Arry?" Hagrid asked, still half asleep, but awake enough to be confused seeing the small boy covering his coat while an owl circled. That's when he noticed the paper beside him. "The owl wants payin'. There's money in one o' the pockets."

Harry got off the coat and let Hagrid pay the owl, which then flew back out of the window, clipping the back of Harry's head with its feet as it flew off. Harry stood back as Hagrid used his umbrella to light the fire again, pulling out a squashed packet of sausages and a pan to cook them in. He knew he was hovering, but he hadn't been given anything to do and he wasn't sure what Hagrid expected of him.

"'Ere ya go. Eat up, they're good, and we'll be needing to go to London to get your things." Hagrid said, passing Harry a plate of the sausages. Harry was hungry, not starving as he was in previous years, but hungry.

He waited for Hagrid to start eating, unsure if he was going to get the food taken away from him again. It was only when Hagrid was half finished that he noticed Harry's full plate, chivying him to eat up, that Harry ate.


Getting to London wasn't easy. Harry had never been there before, he had hardly been out of the house before, and Hagrid didn't exactly fit in the same space as a non-half giant. Harry was confused about where they were supposed to buy wizarding things, surely it would be secret. He had been shocked to enter the Leaky Cauldron, instantly being recognised and crowded by people he didn't know, although he had vaguely remembered some.

Gringotts had been amazing, from what he had seen, it was like a roller coaster and Harry kinda enjoyed it. He wasn't too keen on walking around this magical place on his own while Hagrid went out drinking, but he was afraid of making the man angry, so agreed and went in the direction he was pointed.

He was immensely glad when the woman in the shop didn't ask him what he wanted, and instead assumed he was going to Hogwarts, he wasn't confidant spelling that word yet, and he didn't know if she even knew sign language. Harry followed her to the back to be fitted, where there was another boy, this one blond. He was handsome, the kind of person who would grow up into one of Mrs Petunia's celebrity crushes.

"Hello, Hogwarts?" The boy asked, sounding bored more than anything. Harry only nodded, staying very still, not wanting to get in trouble for moving, even though being pricked by the pins the woman was using wouldn't hurt him that much. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy, and you are?"

'H-A-R-R-Y P-O-T-T-E-R' Harry spelled out using sign language. It was a shame that, unlike when speaking, names had to be spelled out when signing. Harry was pretty sure that the other boy had no idea what he had just said, but he didn't have anything to write with so he couldn't do anything else.

"Are you deaf or something?" Draco asked, making Harry shake his head. He repeated the symbol he had used with Hagrid, making a cross with his fingers in front of his mouth. "Mute?" Harry nodded.

"You're a skinny one." Mme Malkin commented to Harry. She sounded like her normal upbeat self, but she was worried; this wasn't just fast metabolism skinny, this was hardly eats skinny. "Do you want some parchment so you two can become acquainted?" of course she had heard what Draco was saying, she was literally as close to Draco as Harry.

"Yes, he would." Draco answered for Harry, used to making commands for others, not that Harry was really complaining. "So what's your name?"

'卄卂尺尺ㄚ 卩ㄖㄒㄒ乇尺'  was written messily on the parchment Harry held up towards Draco, who gasped, his eyes wide. He looked almost as if he had seen a ghost, this thin, tiny boy in front of him, who barely looked old enough to be going to Hogwarts, was the Harry Potter?

"Y-you're Harry Potter?" Draco asked with a slight gulp. "Can I see your scar?"

Harry nodded and moved his fringe to show the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. Draco gasped, he knew that Harry had been given a scar when the Dark Lord was defeated, but he hadn't expected the pale lines that seemed to cover Harry's forehead, reaching a point where they all started that must be where the curse had hit him.

"Why are you here alone? I would have thought you would have had someone come with you, news is you were in the muggle world after all." Draco said, knowing he would have to be patient while waiting for Harry's answer, but it was hard. He wanted to know everything about the boy in front of him, and he also felt the overwhelming need to protect him.

'丨'爪   卄乇尺乇   山丨ㄒ卄   卄卂Ꮆ尺丨ᗪ(?)   乃ㄩㄒ   卄乇   千乇ㄥㄒ   丂丨匚Ҝ    卂千ㄒ乇尺   Ꮆ尺丨几Ꮆㄖㄒㄒ丂 卂几ᗪ ㄥ乇千ㄒ 爪乇 ㄒㄖ Ꮆ乇ㄒ 爪ㄚ 尺ㄖ乃乇丂 ㄖ几 爪ㄚ ㄖ山几.' Harry wrote as fast as he could, holding up the blotchy parchment for Draco to read, hoping it was legible.

"So, just to make sure I understood this right, the Hogwarts gate keeper, the one who sets his hut on fire on an almost regular basis is taking you around. And he left you on your own, a mute child who knows nothing about the wizarding world, because he couldn't handle Gringotts?" Draco asked, trying not to get too angry lest Harry thing the anger was aimed at him.

Harry nodded timidly, afraid he had done something wrong. He really didn't know anything about the wizarding world, and he only really had passing knowledge on the muggle world. He had only recently finished year 6, and he had only left the house for school or to weed the garden.

"How about you go around with me? Mother and father will be fine with it, I'm sure. Mother especially loved doting on new people." Draco suggested as he gracefully got off the stool he had been on, his fitting finished.

Harry nodded, hopping down himself, however far less gracefully as Draco had to catch him to stop him from falling flat on his face, and following the taller, more confidant blond.

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