Chapter 3

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Harry had been hoping that Hagrid would be waiting for him outside, proving that he hadn't just been abandoned in a world he knew nothing about and had no way to return from, but the half giant was nowhere to be seen. This didn't go unnoticed by Draco, who saw the way Harry seemed to get even smaller.

"Come on, Harry, let's go meet my parents. Warning, my mother will probably hug you." Draco said, taking Harry's hand and leading the way to Flourish and Blotts where he was sure his father still was.

Harry followed Draco, glad the other boy seemed to carry an air about him that made other people leave him alone. Harry had never been good with crowds, and it had become worse after Dudley and his gang had decided to pick on him. As far as Harry was concerned, crowds meant trouble.

Reaching the book shop, Draco ducked inside, pulling Harry with him. They worked their way through the precariously stacked books to the back where the booked were somewhat dusty due to lack of care. They were almost all outdated, so nobody would bother to even look at them, except Lucius Malfoy.

"Father, I've finished getting my robes." Draco said, Lucius seeming entirely disinterested, engrossed in one of the old tomes he was reading. "And I've made a new friend, this is Harry Potter."

This made Lucius look up. He had told Draco to befriend Harry if he could, but he hadn't actually expected him to succeed. While he had been the Dark Lord's right hand man, he had never been  a fan of the whole 'killing a child to save him' idea, so if his son managed to befriend Harry, they might be able to convince both to work together, or at least to not attack each other.

"Mr Potter, it's a pleasure. I'm Lucius Malfoy." The taller blond said, his long hair adding to the aristocratic vibe he was giving off.

'Nice to meet you, sir.' Harry signed, causing Lucius to look confused. This was the boy who had defeated the Dark Lord, and yet he was so small and didn't even speak. How was this possible? Probably Dumbledore's meddling, he had been kept in the muggle world, he could even be an Obscurial in an attempt to be normal. If that was the case, it was a wonder he was even alive.

"He's mute, father. He was also left by the person who was supposed to be taking him around while he got his things. Would it be alright for him to come with us?" Draco asked, looking up at his father with pleading eyes, although his face was the same as it always was in public.

"Of course, we couldn't leave someone as important as him to fend for himself." Lucius said, a slight drawl audible, earning him a glare from Draco. Harry hadn't seemed to notice either the drawl or the glare, he was just glad that he wasn't being abandoned. "How much of your school things do you have already?"

'Only the robes.' Harry signed, pulling at the baggy t-shirt he was wearing when he was only faced with blank looks.

"I really need to learn sign language." Draco muttered. "So you have your robes, and we need to get everything else?" Harry nodded, neither boy noticing as Lucius summoned the extra books they needed from the shelves.

"Well, lets get these paid for and meet up with your mother for a break before we get everything else." Lucius said, already marching to pay for the double set of books, Harry and Draco hurrying after him.

Harry was confused when he wasn't told to pay for his books, but instead Lucius paid and handed them to him without even mentioning how much Harry owed him. He had never been bought anything he didn't have to pay back in some way, whatever he could. He was even more confused when Lucius bought him and Draco ice creams while they waited for Narcissa to show up.

"Eat it, Harry, otherwise it'll melt." Draco said, noticing it was starting to drip down the edge of the cone and Harry still hadn't had any. "Do you not like vanilla?"

Harry shrugged, never having had anything sweet other than the melted remains of Dudley Knickerbocker glory at the zoo, but whatever he thought of that was shut away by the memory of the snake he had accidentally freed. Harry copied Draco, who was smiling at him, but not in the kind of way he was used to, people suppressing their laughter at his failures, Draco's smile was genuine. Harry found that he rather liked vanilla.

"Lucius, Draco, how has your shopping been?" A woman with long blond hair asked, a few black streaks visible. "And who're you?"

'H-A-R-R-Y  P-O-T-T-E-R' Harry signed again, Mme Malkin having taken the quill and parchment back after he had gotten his robes. He was starting to think that nobody knew sign language, he would have to improve his writing so that he could communicate more easily with others.

"Well, Harry, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry, but my sign language is a little rusty, so I might not understand everything you say." Narcissa said, taking a seat, her dress robes billowing around her in the slight breeze, making her look almost ethereal.

Harry nodded, just glad there was someone could at least slightly understand him. They stayed outside the ice cream parlour for long enough for Harry to eat his ice cream before they went to get Harry and Draco their wands while Lucius went to get the potions equipment for both boys.

Draco got his wand fairly quickly, it being only the third he had tried, and not causing too much damage by the incorrect wands. He was very proud of his wand, that typically stood by powerful and strong wizard who have fixed loyalties.

Harry, on the other hand, was far more difficult to get the right wand for, out right exploding one of them. After going through every wand in the shop, some of which would roll out of the box before he even had the chance to touch them. Harry was embarrassed by the amount of time it took, eventually making Ollivander get one from the back, but the others in the room seemed to be excited (Except for the exploding wand which thoroughly terrified Draco for a moment.)

Eventually Harry left with his wand; 11", holly, with a phoenix feather core. The phoenix that supplied the core of none other than Voldemort's wand.

"Took you long enough." Lucius said n a tone that anyone who didn't know the Malfoys would thing was reproachful, but Draco and Narcissa knew was amused.

"Apologies, Lucius, Harry took a while to find the right wand." Narcissa said, holding herself tall as she did naturally.

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